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Image provided by: Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Newspaper Page Text
1 r FASHION LETTER What Women of Taste and Fashion Should Wear. Directoire Girdles and Sashes made of soft Satin. All colors, for. Lillian Russel Hand Bags in crushed leather, for . . . French Psyche Hair Combs and Barrettes in Shell and Amber. 98c 59c 49c and Combs for Bartettes for . . 19c, 49c and 98c Ladies Fancy Elastic Belts with Cameo set buckles, $1.00 values for .... 75c French Suitings with border for trimming in soft satin effects, for ... . Checked Linens for the new tailored waists, 7 5c value . 49c . 25c The Newest Novelties Can Always Be Found at OTERRALL'S HAYS & FIELD 7 7 > —» i Will sell PARKER Pen you a HOME FOLKS UKE YOUR LETTERS so write them l with a >3 and guarantee its service, K o) El 0 Remember we are headquarters for BLANK BOOKS Sell Because They Excel Office Supplies and Stationery The Parker hw three vital point* OI superiority not foun Can you afford no a Parker Pen t supply yourtcll i*; •}. R. D. MOORE Mr. B. D. Moore and family re I turned last night from Lookout moun I tain, where they have spent the sum j nier. The trip was made for the ben efit of Mr. Moore's health and his | many friends will be glad to learn that he has greatly improved. Mr. Moore is the senior member of the Moore Haggarty Lumber Company and is one of the best business men of the city and his friends were glad to see him at his office in the Ross building this I morning. I NEW COTTON FIRM HAS LOCATED HERE Hattiesburg lias a new cotton firm. The new firm is located in the Fer guson building and the style-name is C. H. Mange & Co., who come here from New Orleans, and who are thor oughly prepared to help handle the cotton crop. Hattiesburg extends the new firm a hearty welcome and hopes it will be come an important factor in the city's development. With a number of good cotton buy ers, Hattiesburg is destined to play an important part in the handling of the fleecy staple in this section of the state. RELIEF TRAIN IS SENT NORTH OVER G. & S. I. Jp- I'm* j',tle»bur«- uVsuict to have been severest just a few mil<( north of Mammoth Springs. The wires of the railroad and the Western Union are down there and a relief and repair train left the city about 2:30 o'clock to look into the situation and to der any needed relief, licted that much damage has been done. ren It is not be # ": w. Willie Fitzergald, the Brooklyn box er, who is known as the "Fighting Harp," who has been fighting orisk , batt'es in the East and making good. r. A Young Men! Young Ladies! LOOK! We will draw a teach you how to Telegraph and good salary. Rates Reasonable. HATTIESBURG TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE Home Phone 360 HATTIESBURG, MISS. Office in Katz Building. Write or Call on Us. J ™ .*J CALLED HOME Miss Virginia Wall, who boards with Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Mathews, on Main and Eighth streets, and who is attending school in this city, thi§ morning received information that her father, Mr. Jack Wall, who lives at Newton, had been sho* and seriously wounded by a negro, the shot taking effect in the face. •' The cause of the shooting, which occurred this morning, was not learned. Miss Wall left for Newton in response to the telephone mes sage. AMUSEMENTS. Attractions Tonight. New Gem—Moving pictures: "The Great Yellowstone Park Hold-up," a thrilling series depicting a sensational campaign by a stage robber in the National Park, during which eleven stage coaches were held up and the passengers robbed by one lone high wayman with a good gun. In addition there will be new songs and new music. New Empire—Moving pictures: "A" Bad Cold But Hard to Cure," and "Crazy Loveletters," two fine comics that will drive away the worst case of blues. Illustrated song for tonight: "When Comes the Sad Awakening." — an songs and iri* the Casino th* of an evening's tf pictures for to ^knd the new \ COMING EVENTS. Monday,_£kwer 12—Sun Bros.' big shows. - *'' Tk .et. [this [that Liverpool—at 4 p. Ii., October-No December-January vember 10 l-2d, 4.51d. New Orleans Market. New Orleans—Opened, January 8.34c, December 8.36c; at 2 p. m., Jan uarv 8.35c, December 8.40c. CHANCERY SUMMONS. State of Mississippi. No. 122. To Robert L. Crawford, if living, and In case he is dead to his heirs at law or devisees, and to any and all persons having or claiming any right, title interest, either at law or in equity, in the following described land situ ated in the County of Forrest and State of Mississippi, to-wit: E. 1-2 of S. E. 1-4 of N. W. 1-4 of section 33, tow f nshlp 5, north range 13 west. or You are commanded to appear be fore the chancery court of Forrest County, Mississippi, at the regular term therof, on the 1st Monday of December, 1908, to defend the suit in said court of F. F. Phillips, whereiD you are defendants. Witness my hand this the 2nd day of October, 1908. T. E. BATSON, Clerk. 10 2 3tFri Come to tt\e NEW EMPIRE THEATER TONIGHT Great Special Program For Tonight New Illustrated Song: Change of Program Evety Night and Only o Cents Casino Theatre Under New Management High Class Motion Pictures Beautiful Illustrated Songs Every Night. .*. ant 5Cents 5 Cents A Cool, Delightful Place and Fine Programs, Changed Daily i To-Nighi New Moving Picture and Special Illustrated Song by Miss Howell. Come to the Casino for Pleasure ! You- lace on three Post Cards for 25 cen's r.t Port Card Depot. 9 29 tf I j i • kjgP | HI Jj fig ill ■ , g ■' M | t "V L '*i w '■ •W** \ ' ■' U' ■w | W. K. Vanderbilt, who will return j from abroad on October 25. Mr. Van derbilt had planned to remain in Eu- ] rope for two years, but has abandoned this intention. WANTS I Do you want to buy. fell or exchange anything? It doesn't matter what for. By turning to the Daily News want columns any day. vou will be sure to find a buyer seller, or some one with whom you can make a trade. Advertisements placed under this heading lor ONE CENT A WORD. Count the words and send the cash. \ r ■\ ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need capital to develop your holdings? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably get you what you want. You needn't sign your name to the ad. We can forward the replies to your address. more ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per cent, of the mills of the district every \^day. FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE—Fifteen million feet long leaf virgin pine at $3 per thousand. Address A-44, care News. 10 7 tf FOR SA homos' 75x160, east front. If Interested ad dress A 41, care Dally News. 9 19 tf Feet, corner lot. size FOR SALE—A good fox typewriter will sell cheap for cash or exchange for first-class bicycle. Apply to T. B. Geiger at Daily News office. i FOR SALE—One second-hand motoi cycle at a bargain. Apply 123 First avenue. Cumb. phone 755. 10 6 2t - FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Ad dress A-42, care Dally News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—50 acres land and Im provements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $1,000. A-l, care News. 9 30 tf ! FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles Improvements A-41, from city; $1,250; price $1,600. News. cost care tf I j JOB OFFICE—The Dally News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete job printing office; power paper cutter, stapler, round cornering ma chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; prac tically new. tf | FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres in cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price $15 per acre. 666 - | M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-inch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. News. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf HELP WANTED. WANTED—Young man stenographer, with experience in lumber office, who can make himself useful wher | ever needed. Address H. A. S., care j ] WANTED—Men for saw mill and rall road work, either white or black. Mason Lumber Co., Gandsi, Miss. 9 19 lmo j WANTED—Saw mill labor at Sumrali | Miss., also planing mill feeders. Ap-1 ply in person. 10 6 2t j | FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 ■ Main street. 10 5 tf NICE rooms to rent to gentlemen or couple. Mrs. O. J. Bowen, 109 Bay street, Cumberland phone 329. 10 6 3t WANTED—Woman to do housework and cooking for a plain country home; good home and fair wages. Address J. C. Ladner, Purvis, Miss. 10 6 St AGENT8 WANTED. AGENTS—We want a live local agent In every town and village In South Mississippi. Liberal commission and attractive proposition. Address A B., care of Hattiesburg News. Subscribe for the News. FOR RENT. IF you have for rent a good five-room house with Address gj ?rn conveniences. Ii News. 10 7 tf >oms at 109 Bay Cumberland. streW FOR RENT—One of the best two-story residences, furnished, on North Main street. Address A-42, care Dally News. All modern conveniences. u HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 over either 'phone. FOR RENT—A houses from $5.0v month, - 9 4 tf few good 5 room to $10.00 per 'Phone 666. M. J. Epley. & FOR RENT—Five acre truck farm one and a half miles from house, new four-room house. Ad dress C. H. Colmer, West Fourth street. cour ( for sale or exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and lot. will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance In cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Daily News. tL MISCELLANEOUS. IF you have a 10, 15 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, Dally News. care 10 7 tf WANTED—To exchange 30 shares of Hattiesburg Traction stock for Hat tiesburg real estate. Address I. X. L., sare News. 10 7 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and vege table growing. If you want to buy, Address A42, care Hattlesbur, 9 4 tf % News. WANTED—To buy a good horsts^ cheap; must be a bargain. Address office 210 Carter building. 10 6 3t SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—Half day position by petent stenographer; salary able. 10 7 3t corn reason Address "C," care News. WANTED—Sewing at home; suits a specialty. Hall, 314 Bay street, Home phone 280 Blue. ladies' Miss I. Annette 10 7 3t WANTE er or salesman, export and interior grade, on salary or commission, 12 years successful experience hand ling 25 to 100 million yearly; gilt edge references, ness," care News office. Position as lumber buy Address "Busl 10 1 tf WANTED—Position as office boy clerk by young man 18 years; neat and accurate; will work for small salary at start. 288, city. or Address T., Box 10 6 3t POSITION WANTED—As bookkeeper either permenant position or special work, auditing any kind of books W. R. Cochran, address 501 Cc street, either phone 179 , ■■*1 9-26 \ LOOT AND FOUND. LOST Tuesday night between the Casino and Gem theaters one gold bar breastpin. Finder will please return to 313 Bay street.