Newspaper Page Text
Typewriters and Phonographs Repaired Picture Mouldings—The Very Latest Styles By a SKilled Mechanic at prices less than yon can pay express charges to have the same worK done elsewhere and be deprived of your machine Preserve the liKeness of your friends for a small price, assortment of Moulding in the South. The largest t; s: :: :: :: :: st :: s: COTTEN & WOODRUFF FURNITURE STORE ik \ WANTED Five Good Solicitors to go on road. Guarantee salary of $3.00 and expenses per day. Address Box 420, Hattiesburg, Miss. ./ Gulf & Ship Island Railroad ON 1908 OCT. 27—NOV. 7 |Q08 ACCOUNT MISSISSIPPI STATE FAIR Round Trip Tickets will be sold to Jackson, Miss., at the following low fares, good on all regular passenger trains, tickets on sale October 27th-November 7th, 1908, good to return up to midnight of Nov. 9, 1908: MAIN LINE. Mendenhall D'Lo. Braxton ... Star . Florence .. $1.35 Gulfport ... Lyman _ Saucier ... Howison . McHenry .. Ten Mile .. Perkinston Inda . Wiggins ... Bond. Maxie. Brooklyn .. Epps. McLaurin . Hattiesburg Lux. Sanford ... Seminary . Gandsi Collins .... Ora. Mish. Arbo . Mt. Olive .. Saratoga .. Magee .... Weathersby $5.10 1.25 5.00 1.10 4.75 4.70 ' 65 4.60 4.45 COLUMBIA DIVISION. 4.40 Lumberton . Baxterville . Pin Bur_ Hub . Columbia ... Goss ... Hathorn .... Oakvale .... Arm . Silver Creek Grange . New Hebron Shivers . Pinola . $3.95 4.30 3.95 4.20 3.8u 4.10 3.70 3.90 3.35 3.70 8.10 3.50 3,00 3.40 8.80 2.95 2.65 2.90 2.40 2.85 2.20 2.65 2.05 2.65 1.90 2.40 1.65 2.35 LOUREL BRANCH. 2.20 2.20 Mize . Taylorsville Summerland Soso. Laurel . ,$2.35 2.05 2.65 1.95 2.80 1.70 3.05 1.46 3.40 These Fares will not apply from Flag Stations. For further in formation, call on Agents of the Gulf & Ship Island Railroad, or wnte t0 S - D. BOYLSTON, G. P. A., Gulfport, Miss. HAYS & FIELD 7-A&— Will sell you a PARKER Pen HOME POLKS LIKE YOUR LETTERS '•so write them A £ With a A 1 _ _* - fit and guarantee its service. : : K Id) [dj (A Remember we are headquarters for ► BLANK BOOKS Once Supplies * and Stationery | V Sell Because They; Excel •T.HD Tho Parker of •uperi6H tr nu.iN« found la other arm. Cm yo« t«ord not to tayply null ty tHtjn^arlw^anf A 18 CAUGHT Officers Mack and B. 0. Doherty Succeed in Landing John Nolan Behind the Bars TRIED TO SHOOT TWO WHITE MEN WITH RIFLE Was Sentenced to Thirty Days on the Streets, But Jumped the Town and Went to Texas, Where He Has Been For Past Two Years. Officers Mack Doherty and B. O. Doherty caught a negro Sunday night who has been wanted in Hattiesburg for about two years. The negro, John Nolan, formerly worked on a section of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad and about two years ago he had a fuss with the Simmons brothers and came up town and secured a Winchester rifle and went back to settle the score, though it is said the negro had no cause for complaint. Officer B. O. Doherty then notified of the negro's actions and he arrested him and a charge was made against him in the police court. The negro was fined $25 and sen tenced to thirty days on the streets. He appealed the case and gave bond for his appearance. Almost immediately after he was released, he made a trip to Texas and was so well pleased with the state that he forgot to come back and stand trial. He concluded a few days ago that he wanted to pay Hattiesburg a visit and as soon as he got off the train he found that he had not been forgotten during his absence. He was recog nized by the Messrs. Doherty and was taken into custody and now he is working out his old sentence and line on the streets. Nolan expected to receive a more cordial welcome than him. men had settled the matter and that there was no danger to his personal liberty in re-visiting his old home. was accorded He said he thought his bonds POPULAR AGENT TO LEAVE CITV We take this means to express our regret at the departure from midst of Mr. R.'C. Curry, for six years agent of the Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Company of our city, who en deared himself through his courteous and business-like treatment to all with whom he came in contact. He is a gentleman of unquestioned integrity and moral character, and our loss is Amarillo's gain. Wishing him all suc cess and prosperity in his future home, we sign, a few amongst many: John A. McLeod Co., T. S. Jackson, Merchants Grocery Co. wholesale), W. M. Conner, merchant, N. B. Blount, J. "S. Turner & Co., Hays & Field, Drug gists, Moore-Hagerty Lumber Co., O'Ferrall Bros., merchants, Robt. Field, M. D„ R. L. Bennett, V. P. Hattiesburg Trust and Banking Co., Central Hardware Co., Bufkin & Co., Druggists, J. W. Hopkins, J. D. Don ald, M. D., Mayor, W. J. Fowler, F. H. Powe, Druggist, R. C. Hauenstein, Cashier First-National Bank of Com merce, W. W. Crawford, M. D., E. J. Mitchell, Dentist, Citizens Bank, G. M. .Kennedy, H. E. Welch, S. & H. Katz, Joe Shelby, T. A. Hightower, the Pole Stock Lumber Co., F. F. Phillips W. C. Bennett, M. J. Epley, A. A. Mon tague, J. B. Merkel, F. S. Senton, I. P. Trotter, First Baptist Church, W. F. Cook, Stevens, Stevens & Cook, Attor neys, Hawkins & Co., The Davidson Co.,'The Hattiesburg News. our Fop Chronic Diarrhoea. "While in the ar^iy in 1863 X taken with Chronic diarrhoet," Bays George M. Felton, of South Gibson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies hut without any permanent relief, until Mr. A, W. Miles, of this place, persuad ed me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once." For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine ■Pharmacy. was oct Sibyl M. McDonald Teacher of Piano STUDIO 314 BAY STREET Home Phone 451 F We LI Buy Sell Repair) J Store and Pack R N T TJ R E We have the only thoroughly equipped Re ty, and make a specialty d Jardinere Stands. If we pair Shop in the ci of Flower, Fern an ... haven't got what you want, we'll make it for you. THE HOME SUPPLY COMPANY 209 W. Pine St. HOME PHONE 551 Good Photos Every Day There are no We make good pictures every day except Sunday, and when you have paid for what you get here you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have not only gotten the best work, but that have it for the least off-days here. you money. Henley's Studio 120 Railroad St. Casino Theatre Under New Management High Class Motion Picture Beautiful Illustrated Songs Every Night. an< 5 Cents 1 5 Cents A Cool, Delightful Place and Fine Programs, Changed Daily To-Nighi Great Program of New Pictures and Special Illustrated 8ong by Mite Howell. Come to the Casino for Pleasure RAMSEY & CO. mm by M 1 * Popular W-A-N-T-S ' THE ONE-CENT-A-WORD CLEARING HOUSE. ( r ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need capital to develop your holdings? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably get you what you want. We can forward the replies to your address. more You needn't sign your name to the ad. ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per. cent, of the mills of the district every What a Want Ad in the News will do: It will find you a servant. It will rent your cottage. It will find yoa a purchaser for what you have to sell. It will find a tenant for your vacant property. It will find lost articles of value. It will find you a job. HELP WANTED. WANTED—An engineer and fireman for out of town, married man with family preferred. One who can burn sawdust and handle a Corliss engine. A steady job and good wages to a first class man. apply at office of Watkins Foundry and Machine Co., after 10 o'clock Sunday morning, October 25. oct-21-4t. WANTED—Twenty-five laborers for saw mill planer and yard. Good wages, regular pay day. Good town to live in. Pearl Land and Lumber Co., Picayune, Miss. 10 17 lOt WANTED—Men for saw mill and rail road work, either white or black. Mason Lumber Co., Gandai, Miss. 9 19 lmo WANTED—For large Louisiana lum ber company bookkeeper, $150; sistant, $90; invoice clerk, $75; give age and experience. Apply Ameri can Opportunity Co., Houston, Tex. 10 10 tf as FEMALE HELP WANTED. ANY girl In need of friendship, help, advice, etc., would find ready and willing assistance by applying to tne matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd St. and Avenue E, Birmingham, Ala. 10 10 tf FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and loL will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance In cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Dally News. tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. WANTED—Information regarding pat ent which would be money maker. Only Inventor who wishes to sell di rect to manufacturer need answer, give price and brief description. L Darbyshire, Box 1912, N. Y*. Rochester, 10 10 tf FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 Main street. 10 5 tf FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE—Logging teams. Apply R. B. B., care Daily News. 10 16 6t FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Ad dress A-42, care Daily News. 9 19 tf Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the small of the hack, and is quickly cured by applying Chamberlain's Liniment two or three times a day and massag ing the parts at each application. For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine j FOR SALE—First-class small grocery business, doing good business now. For particulars address E. R., Daily News office. care 10 16 tf LOGGING MULES FOR SALE—Ten big logging mules for sale, cheap. Apply to John Seward, Woodville, Miss. 10 15 6t FOR SALE—Fifteen million feet long leaf virgin pine at $3 per thousand. Address A-44, care News. 10 7 tf FOR SALE—One of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. If interested ad dress A 41, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—A good fox typewriter will sell cheap for cash or exchange for first-class bicycle. Apply to T. B. Geiger at Daily News office. FOR SALE—E0 acres land and im provements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $1,000. A-l, care News. 9 30 tf FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles cost care from city; $1,250; price $1,500. Improvements A-41, News. tf FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four ard a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres in cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price $16 per acre. M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tt 666 . FOR SALE—Almost new 33-lnch pow Also er paper cutter at a bargain, stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf News. JOB OFFICE—The Daily News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete Job printing office; cutter, stapler, round cornering chine, brass rule, type and material prac power paper ma —everything except presses; tically new. tf FOR SALE—Some good bank stoik; good Investment; Investigate. A. J. Harris. 10 17 3t FOR SALE—Rebuilt Remington type writer, as good as new, cheap for cash. Oliver Cigar Store, Front street. io 19 3 t AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS—We want a live local agent In every town and village in South Mississippi. Liberal commission ant attractive proposition. Address A B., care of Hattiesburg News. WANTED—Five good solicitors to ^ on road, guarantee salary of $3 and expenses per day. Address Box 420 Hattiesburg, Miss. 10 20 5t SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—Permanent position by c_ purlenced lady stenographer; refer ences furnished. Address Miss M R., care News. i 0 20 3t ex WANTED—By first-class planing mill man, position as foreman or assist ant foreman or general man; best of references furnished. Write W. A. Simpson, 400 Front avenue, Anniston, Ala. machine 10 12 tf WANTED—By young lady stenogra pher of four years experience and good reference l a position by Nov. 1; employed at present, but desires to make change. Address Stenog rapher, care this paper. 10 20 3t WANTED—Position as circular saw flier, foreman or both combined-" best of references. Address "Mer rill," P. O. Box 104, Merrill, Miss. 10 13 12t -v ) WANTED—Position as office assist ant by wide-dwake young man; can furnish references. Address X. Y. Z., care News. 10 20 3t MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To purchase house con taining 4 or 5 rooms with large yard, close in; state terms t etc. Address "W.," care D^ily News. 10 19 3t WANTED—To buy ten to thirty acres cut over or improved farm land, • close In. Address P. O. Box 301. 10 20 6t WANTED TO calves and yearlings. Hattiesburg, Miss, BUY—Some heifer L. E. Hall, 10 14 6t L IF you have a 10, 15 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, care Daily News. 10 7 tt JL- . WANTED—To exchange 30 shares of Hattiesburg Traction stock for Hat tiesburg real estate. Address I. X. L., sare News. 10 7 tf WANTED—A good genera] purpose horse or mule; weight between 900 and 1,000 pounds, care News. Address Horse, 10 12 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and table growing. If you want to buy, Address News. vege A42, care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Commodious room with all conveniences. 613 Bay street. Cumberland phone 569. 0114 tf IF you have for rent a good five-room house with modern Address A-45, care News. conveniences. 10 7 tf FOR RENT—One of the best two-story residences, furnished, on North Malt street. Address A-42, care Dally News. y t \ All modern conveniences tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 over either 'phone. 9 4 tf FOR RENT—A houses from $5.0,; month. 'Phone 666. few good 6 room to $10.00 per M. J. Epley, RETAIL Lumber Shingles Brick Lime Paint Hardware Everything n;eded for house. same day ordered. .• your We deliver material CL1NE-H0LMES LUMBER CO. ? Both Phones Front and Ryan Sts. 23 7