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Extra! Extra! An Hour of Amusement for 5c at the New Gem Theatre T n»Day t ! I Gem | 2n,° Vi , n8 , P L Ct t UreSenS " ti0 "? : 0) "T^e Pardon of a Woman" Highly Dramatic. (2) "Brrgain Day; and a Windstorm" Comic. prl| ^ f UuS *'' ated When J ack Come * Sallln g Home." [Patriotic.] Sung by Mr. Hirsch. (2) "Always Me" [Chas. K, Harris' W (|FM THFATRF Always latest Illustrated Ch.Id s Song] Sung by Baby Naomi. Special Notice Mondays Show will be a Corker. Don't miss it! e ^a! n.hirsch, pJop^d *r ,")C > V. 1 ^== J ■\ (* Korrect Shape yy Patent Leather Shoes Guaranteed Not to Break Its a broad guarantee, but its a mighty big reason why you should wear Korrect Shape Shoes. It's a proof of satisfaction in advance—you need to have no doubt of their reliability. V A oONNfy ^jhoe ctr. J The Social Side. CUMBERLAND PHONE No. 429 Elaborate Reception— The most elaborate affair of -the season was the reception given by Mrs. Isaac Champenois, at her beau tiful and hospitable home yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 , which so grace fully complimented her friend, Mrs. King, of Meridian. To this popular hostess, it is certainly no small mat ter to entertain her friends, so many are included in this magic circle. The reception hours were restricted to those of the late afternoon and early twilight, the most beautiful hours of the day. With the rare good taste for which Mrs. Champenois is famed, the W air was as enjoyable as it was ex naive. The lovely home was trans xormed into a bower of beauty and bloom. The entire interior was a S mass of lovely flowers against a glossy back ground of autumn leaves and ivy. Southern smilax was fes tooned over doors and windows, and | bowls of exquisite flowers filled every nook and corner. In the parlor white cosmos were In profusion, lending just the needed touch to the handsome room, while banked on the mantels, tables and cab inets were beautiful bride's roses which were beautiful and effective. In the dining room the decorations were marvelously beautiful. The table was spread with a splendid cluney lace cover, and upon this rested a jardi neer which held a beautiful ostrich plume fern, while scattered here and there were large clusters of grapes mingled with feathery smilax. The punch bowl over which Miss Leila Belle Oakley so gracefully presided had for a splendid back ground mas sive ferns, over the howl large clus ters of luscious grapes hung, while all around the table some tempting fruit mingled with marone colored dahlias, harmonizing with the autumn leaves. Each guest was given a smiling wel come at the door by Mrs. C. W. Rich, who conducted them to the receiving line, here they were introduced to Mrs. Chapenois, the lovely young •hostess, Mrs. King, the guest of honor, and Mrs. George Gibbs Mrs. Cham penois's ftir and girlish beauty was enhanced by a dress of lovely white French ciffon with red lace trim- j mings, made over white taffeta, carry ing an armful of white cosmos which matched in tint the exquisite dress made princess. The honoree looked very handsome and distinguished In a gown of Rus sian violet vetvet trimmed with baby Irish trimmings, with diamond orna ments. Mrs. Gibbs was gowned in an exquis ite black and white silk, with beau » THE LOVE DRUG C0. Pfin Dainty Toilet Articles, r 111| Perfumes, Soaps, Combs IUI1 and Brushes. Writing Materials, Sta tionery, in boxes and tablets, Inks, Pencils, etc. FOR FOR School Supplies of all kinds for the little folk. l FOR Medicines when you need them COME OR PHONE THE . LOVE DRUG CO. PHONES 277 ROSS BUILDING tiful black lace trimmings. Mrs. W. L. Kent ney ushered guests in the dining room, where they were served delicious violet tinted cream with lovely white block cake by Misses Gibbs and Nehls. scene so beautiful and hostess charming. Following is a list of the invited guests: Mesdames Kennan, E. L. Robbins, Harper, John Stock i° n , J- W. and Hugh Bolton, Welch Oakley, Morford, Willis, Strother, Dan Mclnnis, Mackey, W. R. Hardy, A. A. Montague, W. J. York, L. L. Major, R. L. Breland, Burr, Hale, .1. M. McLeod, O. A. Fairex, of New Orleans, Hud dleston. Massengale, Nestli, Walter G. Mitchell, Mrs. Patton, of Texas, W. W. Crawford, Follansbee, Mlllner. Ed Lilias, Mathews, Cline, Phil Toomer, Rush, Bane, Derriekson, Davidson, F. W. Foot, Seymour, Queen, Cotton, Christian, Thompson, R. F. Smith, Meadow-, G. L. Hawkins, J. H. Turner, Ross, Mathews, Misses Ligon Smith, Margaret Hawkins, Maggie Lee Fra zier and Anna Allen. the Purple and white was the color scheme stressed throughout. Altogether the reception was a success from the firfst moment of the afternoon until the last rustle of the beautiful silken toilettes heard as the guests reluctantly turned homeward, leaving behind the were ma o | j 444 Catholic Ladies' Aid Society— Sixteen ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. M. Rowan Wednesday afternoon for the usual weekly meet ing of the Catholic Ladies' Aid. The interest of the members in the work preparatory for the annual ba zaar and dinner is very .gratifying. At the conclusion of the business an hour was spent in a social Intercourse and delicious sandwiches, wafers and coffee was served by the hostess. The Aid will meet next Thursday afternoon instead of Wednesday with Mrs. B. D. Moore, at 520 Southern avenue. *J| •*« Mrs. Derriekson Entertains— Mrs. George Derriekson entertained the Married Ladles' Card Club yester day afternoon informally, hut very delightfully. Five Hundred was very enthusiastically played. The club is playing five hundred this season instead Of euchre. The af ternoon was very charmingly spent with the genial hostess. The mem bers present were Mesdames Webb, W. W. Brogan, W. C. Rodgers, Bolton, Welch, Dreyfus, Derriekson, Fohey, Oakley and the substitutes, Thompson Moffett and Habicli. The next meet ing will be Friday afternoon with Mrs. Dreyfus. 4 4 4 Last evening at the Casino Theato rium was benefit night for the Re bekah Lodge. The special program presented was splendid and the at tendance good The ladies having re alized a very nice sum they wish to ex tend thanks to the management for courtesies, and also to all who so gen erously patronized them. O her 3 they will have another benefit night. n Novem 4 4 4 Rev. W. IT. Vanhook. of Biloxi, will fill the Court Street M. E. pulpit io morrow at both the morning and even ing hours Rev. J. R. Jones is yet un able to resume his duties. Rev. Van hook is one of the leading minist -rs in the conference and all are cordially Invited to come out and hear him. While here he is the guest of Cap f . and Mrs. J. P. Carter. •> ❖ •> Tho Woman's Missionary Society of Columbia Street Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon at the church at 4 o'clock. This will be home mission day and each member is requested to come and bring their con tribution. 4 4 4 Mrs. .T. E. Graham, with her three attractive children left this morning for Gulfport, where they will visit' today and Sunday, returning tomor row night. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffin and thei* bright little boys', William and Jessie, returned last evening from a throe week's stay In Texas. On their way home they stopped over at Dallas to the state fair, which they report to be splendid. Altogether they had « delightful trip. very •> ❖ ❖ Services as usual tomorrow morning and evening at Immanuel Baptist Church by Rev. ,T. Preston Harring ton. Baptizing just after the evening service. ❖ ❖ * Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mclnnis left today for Stafford Springs, where they go to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swhook, of New Orleans. * A ■> The Ladies' Aid of the First Bap tist Church will hold weekly meeting at the church Monday afternoon at 3:30. the regular o <• « There will be a meeting of the West minster Aid Society of the Bay Street Presbyterian Church Monday after noon at 3:30. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Mclnnis and lit tle daughter Sara Louise, left last night for Canton to visit Mrs. Mclnnis' mother. ❖ * * Mrs. Morford is entertaining the Rridge Whist Club this afternoon it her home on Walnut street. Immanuel Missionary Union will meet Monday afternoon at the church at 3:30. 9^4 RAWLS SPRINGS. Raws Springs, October 24.—The school at this place is progressing nicely under the management of Mr. Strahan and his assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill are at their home for a few days. Mrs. Davis is visiting her mother. Mrs. Bertrand and friends were vis itors at the Springs Sunday. Mrs. L. Ellison is in Hattiesburg today. The survival of the fittest, the fit test contrive the longest survive. 'Tis a fact made known by all classes. So if you want the fittingest fit call on Dr. W. A. Charping, at H. S. Lilius' Jewelry Store for your glasses. « .j ❖ •> •.» •> •> •> WHERE HATTIESBURGANS •> WORSHIP TOMORROW. •> .} .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. NOTICE—Ministers are requested to lurnish a notice of their church ser vices not later than 10:30 o'clock each Saturday morning. First Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All persons who desire to do so are cordially invited to attend all the services. Catholic Church. First mass at 7 a. m. High mass at 10 a. m. Court Street Methodist Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. nt. Junior League at 3:30 p. m. Senior League at 4:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. H. W. Van Hook, of Biloxi. Bay Street Presbyterian Church. Regular services tomorrow. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Young people's meeting 6:45 p. m. The public and especially strangers re invited. R. L. CAMPBELL. Trinity Episcopal Church. Holy communion at 9 a. m. Sunday school, C. F. Larson superin tendent at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 p. m. Evening prayer and serman at 7:30 p. m. Persons who are disposed are cor dially Invited to attend the services. GEO. S. GIBBS. Main Street Methodist Church. Sunday school 9:45 sharp. Preaching by pastor 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. T. B. HOLLOMAN, Pastor. First Baptist Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects: "Doing Your Best" and "Playing the Fool." Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Columbia Street Baptist Church. Teachers' meeting at 9 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. Subject: "Home Missions." The ser mon will be followed by the offering to Home Missions. Junior Union meets at 3 p. m. B. Y. P. U. will give a public meet ing at 4 p. m. to which everybody Is invited. Preaching at 7:15 p. m. by the pas The church has had prayer meeting tor. every evening through the week. These services may be continued next week. Announcements will be made Sunday. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services at 11 a. m. Subject for Sunday, "Probation Af ter Death." Wednesday evening meeting 7:30 p. m. The public is invited. Hartfleld building. Fifth Avenue Baptist. Regular services at Fifth Avenue Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. L. | E. Hall, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, Sunday school at 10 o'clock m. a. m. Broad Street Methodist Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:15 Epworth League at 0:30 p. m. The pastor, Rev. E. W. Lipscomb, has returned and will fill his pulpit usual. p. m. as Immanuel Baptist Church. Regular services Sunday. Preaching by Rev. J. Preston Har Ordinance of even rington, of Vicksburg, baptism will be administered at ing service. COLLINS FIXES ITS TAX LEW Daily News Special. Collins, Miss., Octobr 24.—At meeting of the town council, held last night, the municipal tax levy fixed at. 12 1-2 mills. The Jones County board of supervis ors spent yesterday here looking at the furniture in the new court house with a view of duplicating it for ICIlis ville and Laurel. The Sanford Mercantile Company has been organized here to do eral merchandise business. ;i was a gen Announce ^ OneWeeki Exploit ation m . V 1 to. f/> r ■ v ■)/ y 0 ■MW the: f: / 5 ■ I U # \ v# coj^j&7zr Ir^JJFront ;7 I ft | | \\ V in. ivy.:/. ,m\ > > Y OU have heard of these famous corsets which have created a. furor in France and America—the new idea in corset-building. Next week you will have the pleasure of seeing them, of trying them on, of learning, first-hand, from an expert corsetiere, all about them. She will explain the J'O 7T> u cxi a ) \ i Vji/Vi. a New Art of Figure-Building 9f Beginning Monday, Oct. 26 th And Lasting One Week. 9 - / \ HATTIESBURG, MSS. I | -J * Ns $ ■M IV / f lira | i ™ J ii: J 1 V*- - • ■ y mm : '-m. ■ • •-> m: i Hi I ap§ S' li . V ! * v I m i vl ,Jy, DJI rVl-vp ■W , .V r • V, i m on % N I - A * ji .A j iga ; : J UV Mrs. Felix Isman, wife of the m illionaire real estate man, whose band thrashed a man who she sai d had insulted her on the streets of Philadelphia. hus Good Advic*. Father (solemnly)—This thrashing !» going to hurt me more than you, Napo loon. Napoleon (sympathetically)—Well,! don't be too rough on yourself, dad. V ain't worth it.—London Scraps. ~ / \ Miss Alta Rowan j ~tACHER OF VOICE and DEEP BREATHING. l'UESDA r S and FRIDAYf Home Phone 311 501 Walnut St J \ Miss Grace F. Fitts Art Studio Sixth Moor, Carter Building. Less, - Given Mondays and Saturdays in ail branches of Painting. : : : : iberland Phone 908 C» / \ Notice of Removal. * DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST 1 las removed from tlie Blount Building to Suite 307, Carter Building. \ /