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THE AUDITORIUM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 The Irresistable Comedienne FLORENCE DAVIS And Her Splendid Company, Including ELLIOTT DEXTER In H. V. Esmonds' Charming Woodland Comedy Under The Greenwood Tree. With the Lavish New York and London Production of Picturesque Scenery id Effects "As light, frolicsome and clever a play as one could wish." —Alan Dale in New York American. A genuine triumph. Miss Davis and her play are alike charming. "— New Orleans Item. "The unbounded hit made by Miss Florence Davis and her Company at the Tulane is little short of marvelous."—New Orleans Picayune. Prices 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50. Seats Now oh Sale. The American Box Ball Alley 112 MOBILE STREET OPPOSITE HOTEL HATTIESBURG | j | E. D. CAMPBELL, Prop. The most beautiful and interest* ing f^ame in America, developing' muscle and quicKness of hand and eye. : 30 Balls for 5c See This Great Game. Moving! After Today We Will Moved. New Location: Be West Front Street Just Below The Daily News In our new location we will Eiave more room, better facilities, larger stock and a nearer stand for doing business. For your Plumbing, call or phone us. (HOME PHONE) nitary Plumbing Co. DU INCORPORATED General Manager. W. R. Williams, IS UNVElLtD BY WEE TOTS Interesting Ceremonies in North Carolina Capital Today COMMEMORATES THE EDENTON TEA PARTY Memorial Stands in the Rotunda of the state Capitol at Raleigh and j Was Erected Through the Efforts of the D. A. R, I Raleigh. N. C., Oct. 24.—Thirteen little boys and girls descendants of Revolutionary families, today unveil ed a handsome statue commemorating the famous Edenton Tea Party. Cere monies of an imposing marked the dedication. The memorial is placed In the rotunda of the eapitol, and bears the following inscription at the top: "Erected by the North Carolina So ciety of the Daughters of the Revolu tion to the 51 ladies of Edenton who, by their patriotism, zeal and earnest protesting against Britishauthoritv as sisted our forefathers in the mak ing of this republic and our common wealth." character Below this inscription is a tea urn of very large size, upon this being the house in whieh the tea party was held; under this house be ing the words: "The Tea Party House Edenton, N. C." Under this in scription is a hand holding an invert ed tea paddy, and pouring tea from the latter. Yet below this is the in scription: "Edenton Tea Party, Oc tober 25, 1773." Below all the inscrip tions, etc., is the year, 1908. The bor | der of this very hpndsome tablet is a j wreath of pine, including the burrs and the fascicles or leaves, mingled | with these being tea loaves and blos soms. yesterday | LEFT FOR TEXAS. Mr. S. C.'Tucker left for Brownsville, Tex. He was ac- I companied by his mother and Mr. To<! j Tucker, who will remain a mouth. This is the first vacation that Mr. Ted Tucker has taken in six years. He is the oldest and the youngest employe of tlie Hays & Field drug store and its predecessors. | mi READY FOR BAPTIST r | j Meeting Will Convene in Hatties burg Wednesday, October 28, at Immanuel Church. PROMINENT VISITORS EXPECTED TO ATTEND More Than 100 Delegates Will Be Hand and the Sessions Will Be In. Instructive—New I on teresting Church Edifice Ready. and The Lebanon Baptist Association will convene with Immanuel Baptist Church, of this city next Wednesday, October 28, and will remain in session until Saturday. This association is composed some 25 churches located in Forrest and adjoining counties and it is peeted that two or more delegates will come from each church, larger church, (here larger delegation, and it is possible that some few of the churches may send letters instead of delegates as this sometimes happens, but the hope is indulged that all of the churches will he represented by delegates. The moderator of the association j | is Rev. T. P. Trotter and the clerk is'"' [ of ex From the ill be a I j | Rev. A. L. O'Briant, both-of this city. Several prominent visitors are peeted, among them Rev. A. V. Rowe, board. Winona, and Rev. T. ,T. Bailey, editor of the Baptist, of Jackson. A year ago when the ox soentary of the convont i Jmmanuel church invited the association to meet here, the congregation was worship ing under a tent and the association feared that suitable provision for the sessions could not be made, but they were assured that everything would be all right, the association assemble in Immanuel Church building next Wednesday they will see one of the handsomest frame church structures in Mississippi. The interior has not been finished and some other work needs to be done, but the delegatees and visitors can form some idea of wlmt the interior will be when they take a look inside. The auditorium is one of the largest in the city and has two galleries. In addi tion to this there are a number of large windows and the ceiling is very high, the building being practically two stories, but with no second floor. It is expected that there will he more than visitors. When the members of > hundred delegates and J m - 'mimm y. W * m v :• . PR g§|»S fP I . ' V. > y f Here are shown pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Chu Foch, whp have sailed for China to engage in missionary work. Mrs. Chu Foci: was formerly Miss Kathryn O'Brien, of New York. CASTORIA bo. T nil jaLp! : For Infants and Children. ft flfr ill MOW ill tfa* iw The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegetable Preparation forAs similaiing iheFbocfandRediila f »mnaMni,tiii'i . ■ Promotes Digeslionf herrfuT ncss and Rest.Contains neitfttr Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. I of a, iba | il ssS 9 18®! i Hecipe of Old Dr£\ML'ELPnUlEfl ftmtfJrin Seed" jUxSama* BbcMUSdtx 4niseSetd V xDu I cry fe 1 In i TaZ / Mr* 'wO 111 Warm Seed Use c Aperfect Remedy for Consflpa Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrtioea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. * For Over Thirty Years S0PK 00' u fish HE! S«1 Hi Facsimile Signature of I NEW YORK. CASTORIA ini I *, jBjEo Guaranteed under the Fo ■ ™ i Exact Copy of Wrapper. CIVIL TERM OF CIRCUIT COURT j wil * convene in this city Monday is'"' 111 continue for two weeks. [ docket is a large one and Judge W. H Cook will do well to clear the < in the time allotted. In fact, it will hardly be possible to do this, as there are about fifteen cases set for each day of the term, personal injury suits able importance. Immediately following the civil term the criminal term will begin and will continue two weeks and after the cir cuit court adjourns the court will come on, so that there will be court in session for several weeks. There will be no grand jury until the criminal term begins, but the fol lowing have been summoned to as petit jurors at the civil term be ginning Monday: First Week—W. J. Woods, .1, A. Cameron, II. S Campbell, W. S. Per kins, J. B. Coursey, J. D, Wedgeworth, M. C. Vanderford, J. I. New, .1. W. Gray, M. M. Moote, S Nall, W. M. The civil term of the circuit court ami The Z. .1. D. A. J. B. A. L There are several of con side r chancery serve LOOK! LOOK!! I have just received a fresh car of the justly celebrated "White Heath Flour" which I am selling at $6.00, spot cash, on the market, and $6.75 for no better goods. Call on mo and save money. Every barrel guaranteed. There is no better Flour Why pay others $6.50 Very respectfully, 10 20 mo W. M. CONNER. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, J. E. Davis, Substituted trustee under the provisions of and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in a deed of trust made by Billie Howe on the 8th day of January, 1907 to secure a certain indebtedness to the Citizens Hank, and which said deed of trust is recorded in Book 6 at pages 267-8, Record of Chattel Deeds in the Chancery Clerk's office at Hattiesburg. Miss,, and which said deed of trust was duly assigned to Paul B. Johnson on the 9th day of August, 1907; default having been made in the payment of said indebted ness, and having been there unto quested, I will on the First day of December, 1908, offer for sale, and will -ell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at the east door of the court house in the City of Hattiesburg, Miss., during legal hours, the follow ing described property mentioned in the said deed of trust, to-wit: Ali of the household furniture, fixtures, at tachments and appliances used in ihe business of the Palace Restaurant and Pool room business, and said items snecifieallv described as follows, to wit: One lunch counter, 1 refrigerator, 1 range, all cooking utensils, all dishes steam heat apparatus, 1 cashier desk, ail'cigar cases, all desks, all chairs, all tables fdining), safe, hall tree, side board, cash register, display refriger ator, pictures. cofTee urn, milk cooler, steaming table, light fixtures, water cooler, llnoltum, glass ware, stock, broiler, all lin en; 8 pool tables, register and desk, el.o ilaaall e,sis brhw lrgs.rel d87d This all stools, all property formerly owned by Howe & Orr; and all the property situated in the said building, all of the said articles and items being situ ated in a certain building on Lot 9. In Block 161 of the Crittenden survey and situated on Front street in the building owned by John Burkett, in the City of Hattiesburg, Miss. Witness my signature, this the 23rd day of October, 1908. J. E. DAVIS, Substituted Trustee. Oct-2 4-6t. Conner, J. A. Long, W. A. Robinsori, N. R. McCollougb, J. S. Black, R. D. Davis, W. R. Baxter, W. P. Bush, C. Z. Stevens, L. M. Bunnells, H. E. Bryce, J. B. Essary, A. G. Anderson S. Cotton, D. McGiivray, S. P. Carter, .1. C. Adams, W. L. Trotter. Second Week—W. K. Stubblefield, D. J. Lee, E. N. Pack, L. J.. Jones, E. L. Yates, F. H. Harlzog, W. F. Aimes, A. Polk, F, W. Milling, Geo. Gibson, A. F. Parker, J. J. Steel, H. D. Pool. Nath Rayburn, G. I,. Gillts, J F. Ben nett, P. H. Montague, W. ].. Kathorn, J. S. Byrd, A. Fillingame, T. E. Crow, B. B. Taylor, W. L. Pack, C. P. Bubose, A. M. Conn, H. A. Camp, W. P. Keriou, L D. Smith, A. R. Anderson, R. Hud son. r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in Stock REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY AGENTS FOR WESTINGH0USE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 V J r Mississippi Central Railroad. Reduced Rates to Jackson. Account the Mississippi State Fair to be held Jackson, Miss., October 25th to November 7, 1908, this Company will sell tickets to Jackson and return at one fare, plus 25c, for the round trip. .*. Tickets will be on sale October 23rd to Nov. 7th, inclusive, and will be good to leave Jackson not later than midnight, Nov. 9th. For further information call on Ticket Agent, or address. at R. D. REEVES, Gen'l Pass. Agent , HATTIESBURG. MISS. =J STOP THAT Rent Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $260 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 6 room house one block Hardy st. School, $200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close In NEW, $600 cash, bal. $40 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near MalnSt. School, 2 lots, terms 8 room house and bam, Bable near Broad, $600 cash, $30 month ..2600 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly. Houses from $60 to $600 down, bal monthly, In any part of the City. WE CAN 8UIT ANYBODY ON CL08E PRICE8 AND EA8Y TERMS. 1500 $1600 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 OFFICS Suite 214 Carter Building OCTOBER Is the Month For House Cleaning, AND WE CAN MAKE IT EASY FOB YOU HOW? By sending us all your hand some Lace Curtains. Cost? Yes, it costs just a little but it pays in two ways If your fine blankets are not fresh and nice, better send them also. We handle both like new. Have your Feather Beds and Pillows thoroughly steam renovated and you will not be troubled with moths. Phone us for any In formation you ivan/. more Phoenix Laundry j Three Post Card Fotos of Yourself For 25 Cents At the POSTCARD DEPOT NEAR POST OFFICE