Newspaper Page Text
The Clearing House For All Wants ^ "-" 111 ^ want "-" WANTED—An engineer and fireman for out of town, married man with family preferred. One who can hurn sawdust and handle a Corliss engine. A steady job and good wages to a first class man. apply at office of Watkins Foundry and Machine Co., after 10 o'clock Sunday morning, October 25. i> oct-21-41. WANTED—Twenty-five laborers for saw mill planer and yard. Good wages, regular pay day. Good town to live In. Pearl Land and Lumber Co., Picayune, Miss. 10 17 lot FEMALE HELP WANTED. ANY girl in need of friendship, help, advice, etc., would find ready and willing assistance by applying to the matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd St. and Avenue E, Birmingham, Ala. 10 10 tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Commodious room with all conveniences. 613 Bay street. Cumberland phone 669. 0114 tf IF you have for rent a good five-room house with modern conveniences. Address A-45, care News. 10 7 tf FOR RENT—One of the best two-story residences, furnished, on North Main street. All modern conveniences. Address A-42, care Dally News. tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 9 4 tf over either 'phone. FOR RENT—A houses from $5.0 j month. 'Phone 666. few good 6 room to $10.00 per M. J. Epley I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 Main street. 10 5 tf TO LET—Rooms, furnished for liv ing of couple. Two blocks from business center. 884 Cumberland. v 10 22 6t WANTED—Two or three rooms for light housekeeping; furnished rooms preferred. Address "Rooms," Daily News office. 10 22 3t SOLICITORS WANTED. WANTED—Five good solicitors to go on road, guarantee salary of $3 and expenses per day. Address Box 420, Hattiesburg, Miss. 10 20 5t HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine Street. .Phones—Day, Home, 45, Cumb 911. Night, Residence, Home, 762. WARREN UPTON, Attorney-at-Law. Hattiesburg, Miss 604 Carter Building, E. F. HUDDLESTON Public Stenographer. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. 'Phone 445. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Keyes Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. Pine St. THE POLE-STOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. DOCTORS DIRECTORY Spectacles Fitted. Eyes Tested Free. Sraduate—New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. OfPceat H. S. Lllius Jewelry 8tore, 105 Front Street % E. J. MITCHELL, iDENTIST .kid Fellows Building, '■ All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Office Suite 214-215-219 Koss Building Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600. 111 GET WHAT YOU WANT. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. NEWS Want Ads Are Read by Thousands of People. Tell Them Y our Wants :: : : Want Ads One Cent a Word NEWS Want Ads Fill Wants. Why not let them Bill your Wants? :: :: If you don't find it here, put in a little Want Ad and it will come to you t i ; : ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? more Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need capital to develop your holdings? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably get you what you want. You needn't sign your name to the ad. We can forward the replies to your address. ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per cent, of the mills of the district every \^day. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—Permanent position by ex perienced lady stenographer; refer ences furnished. Address Miss M. R., care News. 10 20 3t WANTED—By first-class planing mill man, position as foreman or assist ant foreman or general machine man; best of references furnished. Write W. A. Simpson, 400 Front avenue, Anniston, Alp. 10 12 tf POSITION WANTED—Locomotive en gineer, with good record, wants po sition; can run any kind of engine and do the repair work. Engineer, care Daily News. 10 22 3t WANTED—Position by locomotive en gineer, capable, good record, best of references. Address J. F. S., care Daily News. WANTED—Position as circular saw filer, foreman or both combined; best of references. Address "Mer rill," P. O. Box 104, Merrill, Miss. 10 13 12t WANTED—Position by stenographer; lumber preferred; two years' expe rience; can furnish good recom mendations, also typewriter. Home phone 413. 10 23 3t New Shoe Store Next to Postoffice Exclusive Agency for The Society King - Shoe THE SHOE OF HIGH QUALITY UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Done at Reasonable Prices at the Store and also at 215 Front Street Repair Shops. CHAS. JORDAN Society King Shoe Store. THE PALACE CAFE D. C. BEAUCAMP, : : Proprietor Bring us your Appetite; we have what it calls for. Best Merchants' Lunch in the City Best Dinner for 35c; best and most convenient location. service Under New Management You are cordially invited to make this Restaurant your regular eating place. You will always receive the best possible and the choicest food the markets afford. service MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To buy ten to thirty cut over or improved farm land, close in. Address P. O. Box 301. 10 20 6t acres IF you have a 10, 15 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, care Daily News. 10 7 tf WANTED—To exchange 30 shares of Hattiesburg Traction stock for Hat tiesburg real estate. Address I. X. L. ( sare News. 10 7 tf WANTED—A good general purpose horse or mule; weight between 900 and 1,000 pounds. Address Horse, care News. 10 12 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and table growing. If you want to buy, Address News. vege A42, care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and lot. will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance In cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Dally News. tf. Sibyl M. McDonald Teacher of Piano STUDIO 314 HAY STREET Home Phone 451 js . Special Attention to Hat Cleaning. SANITARY PRESSING WITH THE HOFFMAN STEAM CLEANING MACHINE UNION CLEANING & PRESSING CLUB 120 Mobile St. Both Phones 377 'Phone Orders Receive Prompt Attention Jl THE: Depot Cafe Will be Opened to the Public after Wednesday, Oct. 21 si. Short Orders a Specialty 121 Railroad Street Next to Century Drug Store tary to tide C. C. CLARK, Prop. r— FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Ad dress A-42, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—First-class small grocery business, doing good business now. For particulars address E. R., Daily News office. care 10 16 tf FOR SALE—Fifteen million feet long leaf virgin pine at $3 per thousand. Address A-44, care News. 10 7 tf 10-23 tf fenced; all practically level; good U FOR SALE—One of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. If interested ad dress A 41, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALp—Columbia Graphophone, in first-class condition, also ten new records for $20; Graphophone cost $40 and is as good as new; records new and good ones. Address A. J., care Daily News. FOR SALE—50 acres land and im provements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $l,0u0. A-l, care News. 9 30 tf FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles cost care from city; $1,250; price $1,500. News. improvements A-41, tf FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 acres four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acreB in cultivation and I water 4-room house and stable. Price $16 per acre. M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf 666 . FOR SALE—Almost new 33-Inch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. News. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf JOB OFFICE—The Daily News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete Job printing office; cutter, stapler, round cornering chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; tically new. power paper ma prac tf FOR SALE—Two large lots near Cath olic church, or will exchange as part payment on residence, close in. Ad dress Bargain care of News. 10-22-10 FOR SALE—3 yoke good oxen and 1 eight-wheel Lindsey log wagon at a bargain. Apply to J. D. Bennett, Hattiesburg, Miss. 10-22-4 FOR SALE—Fine-toned in organ good condition; cost $100; will take $15, half down balance $1 monthly. Call at 108 Williams street or phone 642 Cumb. io 23 't I ! I ' I 1 ! NEW BATTLESHIP NEARLY FINISHED j Hearst News Service. Boston, October 24.— Announce 'nil ni js made by the Fore River Ship Build ing Company, that the . ... , mammoth .new battleship, the North Dakota, is now practically completed. The launching will take place November Miss Mae Bent, of Fargo sponsor. 10, w-itli , N. D„ as ! ' J * 1 a jjp : i ■■K: MX y. Miss Kate A. Wilson, private secre tary of Charles M. Morse, who it said to know more about his schemes and business than any other person out tide of More himself. siman is YEARS OLD tf Republican Candidate For Vice President Celebrates His Birthday at Home. Hearst News Service. Utica, N. Y„ October 24.—James Schoolcraft Sherman, Congressman. Republican candidate for the presidency and Utica's most famous and honored citizen is today cele brating his 53rd birthday. A host of congratulatory messages were sent to the candidate by friends and admir ers all over the country. Although Mr. Sherman has been the subject of many attacks based on his record in the house, these criticisms have never had any effect upon his popularity in Utica. At the notification meeting in this city, people of all '* <>s Joined in Ihe greatest demonst tion in the history of the city. Mr. Sherman was horn in Utica and has lived here all his life, and his rise to fame is a matter of the greatest local pride. Mr. Taft's running mate fl.rst the light of day in this city on Octo ber 24, 18 U. Sherman and Mary Frances Sher-1 man. He was educated at Hamilton College, and graduated therefrom In I He subsequently studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1880. He was elected mayor of Utica in 1884 and was chairman of the Republican state convention in 1895 and in 1900. ] served as member of congress I U roni , * lp 23rd New York district in 1887-91, from the 25th district in 1893 1903. and was elected from the 27th district in 1903. vice-| par ra .I-.-. the son of Gen. Richard ! 1878. I He Ho was regarded by Speaker Reed as one of the best pre siding officers among the members of i the House. Sherman has a peculiar j voice, thin hut strong and penetrating, i cutting through all the noise of the House so as to be heard distinctly ! without any apparent effort on his j prat, and indeed at a conversational j pitch, to the remotest corner of the great gaiiaries. He never wasted any words or any time, hut carried busi ness on rapidly, skillfully and ac curately. His parliamentary decisions | were clear, crisp and correct, according to Mr. Reed's view, and were always delivered decisively and with dignity. The personal integrity, the candid manner and ihe pleasant and obliging disposition, which with his humora and good spirits made him so popular with men of all parties on the floor, helped him greatly as presiding offi- ! cer of the House, which will support a { man it likes even when it would crit- j icize a man it did not like for doing j the very same thing. As As chairman of the committee on In dian affairs Mr. Sherman has shown in the committee room and on the floor how to be suave in manner while firm in act, and to settle hot disputes with out alienating friends. Mr. Sherman is a good manager of a measure on the floor, thanks to his knowledge of the rules and practice and his skill as a debater. He is one of the orators of the House, though his oratory is of the modern, practical and business like character rather than the old fashioned flowery Columbian style. He is a business man rather than a scholar, and has no unusual literary attainments. Nor is he a wit or an epigram maker or an anecdote teller. he commands the attention of I the House, for he never speaks unless he has something to say, and then as master of the subject, and with no su perflous words of gestures. Mr. Sherman is attractive in ap pearance. He has a short, straight, sturdy figure, rather stout than thin, ami looks taller than he really is he- I cause he holds himself so well and has so much natural dignity. He has a j round, handsome face, with a clear. ! youthful complexion. real rosy I ! cheeks, keen, dark eyes behind eye ' glasses, and thick, silky black hair. I with short black whiskers. He has a very agreeable expression, a kind smile and prepossessing manners. Health, mental and physical, beams I from his countenance and grips in his handshake. j Vet ! THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD. More Alert, More Thorough and More Fearless Than Ever. A President of the United States will be elected this year. Who is he j and who is the man whom he will beat? Nobody yet knows, but the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World will tell you every step and every detail of what promises to | be a campaign of the most absorbing interest. It may not tell you what you j hope, but it will tell you what is. The Tbrice-a-Week World long ago estab- j lished a character for impartiality and ! fearlessness in the publication of news, and this it will maintain. If you want the news as it really is subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of the j New York World, which comes to you I every other day except Sunday, and Is I thus practically a daily at the price of j a weekly. The Thrlce-a-Week World's tegular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers, we offer this unequalled newspaper and The Hattiesburg News together for one year for $5.00. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $7 00. 1 \ LOGGING RAIJ.ROADS CONSTRUCTED IIY WM. D. CASSONE, Contractor, Allentown, Pennsylvania If the money market is dull with you I will build the road and furnish the labor money. <• *s» •$» *j» <* «$* «j» «$• Keep this address for future reference. c WANTED Five Good Solicitors to jro on road. per Address Box 420, Hattiesburg, Miss. Guarantee salary of S3.00 and expenses day. / ^YOUNG MEN! YOU NG LADIES!^ look: We will teach you how to Telegraph and draw a good salary. Rates Reasonable. Hattiesburg Telegraph \ Home Phone No. 315 HATTIESBURG, MISS. Office: Katz Building 1J WRITE OR CALL ON US JJ Institute WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? We make over and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone called for and delivered Both 'Phon 623 for prices. Mattresses us DIXIE MATTRESS CO. \r % HATTIESBURG PRINTING CO. Has been moved to the Ross Building, on the first floor, next to M. J. Epley, where we are better pre pared in PRINTING OF EVERY KIND with neatness. Rush work a specialty. Remember the place and send us your orders. every respect to turn out all classes of Respectfully, A. MYER :: Proprietor Stouts Mountain Coal The best steam coal mined in the United States. It excellent domestic coal and quite lumpy. I]j Mined bv the Stouts Mountain Coal and Coke Company, Cullman County, Alabama. .'. .'. .'. IJ Distributed direct from mines in car load lots by the is also an Mobile Coal Co. Mobile , Ala. Portable i Jl Saw Mills New and Second Hand SHINGLE AND LATHE MACHINERY .-. Hi g'h Grade Belting' Mill Supplies UNION MANUFAC & SUPPLY J STEVENS BLOCK r