MONEY PLANTED NOW IN Hattiesburg Real Estate Will bear good fruit quickly and abund antly . favorable for buying and l have a fine list of desirable prop erty, improved and unimproved : : : : I Prices are Business and Residence Property For Rent. • • • • Fire, Tornado, Health, Liability, Accident And Plate Glass INSURANCE • • • • • • M. J. EPLEY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BONDS Phone 666 Ross Building = _ ~~ Independent Telephone Systems Are Preparing Gigantic Merger With Long-Distance Connections At Concerning this subject the Mobile It is stated in some of the leading papers of the country that the In dependent and Home Telephone com panies is planning to arrange traffic connections with each other and thus cover a greater mileage of long dis tance phones than any non-independ ent systems in the country. While the officials of the Home systems in this section have given out nothing of their intentions in the matter, It is reason able to supose that they will affiliate with other independent systems and that by the plans contemplated they will hare a much greater long dis tance system than the Cumberland or any other company. The Home company expects to make its way from here to Jackson and Gulfport; it is already arranging to connect the Meridian exchange with Mobile and this will be done in a very short time. It Is reasonable to suppose at these places it will connect with other independent long distance lines. Mobile the Home Company is grow ing and expects soon to be connect ed with Birmingham, having secured the right of way. The immense prop osition will be considered at a meet ing of the International Independent Telephone Association which will con vene in Chicago on December 1, 2, and 3. \ ; State of Mississippi. To H. O. Rodgers and S. O. Rodgers: You are commanded to appear be fore the Chancery Court of the County of Forrest, in said state on the first Monday of December, A. D. 1908, to defend the suit in said court of C. L. Woodward, wherein you are defend ant. This 16th day of October, A. D. 1908. T. E. BATSON, Chancery Clerk. 10 17 ,t Sat State of Mississippi. To Louis Werner Saw Mill Company, ■ of St. Louis, Mo. You are commanded to appear be fore the chancery court of Forrest i County, in said state on the first Mon day of December, A. D. 1908, to de fend the suit in said court of the Hon- | orable Wirt Adams, State Revenue Agent, wherein you are defendant. This 17th day of October, A. D. 1908. T. E. BATSON,' Chancery Clerk. 10 17 3t Sat NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, J. E. Davis, Substituted trustee under the provisions of and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in a deed of trust made by Billie Howe on the 8th day of January, 1907 to secure a certain indebtedness to the Citizens Bank, and which said deed of trust is recorded in Book 6 at pages 267-8, Record of Chattel Deeds in the Chancery Clerk's office at Hattiesburg, Miss., and which said deed of trust was duly assigned to Paul B. Johnson on the 9th day of August, 1907; default having been made in the payment of said indebted ness, and having been there unfo re quested, I will on the First day of December, 1908, offer for sale, and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at the east door of the court house in the City of Hattiesburg, Miss., during legal hours, the follow ing described property mentioned in the said deed of trust, to-wit: All of the household furniture, fixtures, at tachments and appliances used In the business of the Palace Restaurant and Pool room business, and said Items specifically described as follows, to wit: One lunch counter, 1 refrigerator, 1 range, all cooking utensils, all dishes steam heat apparatus, 1 cashier desk, all cigar cases, all desks, all chairs, 'fie ft 'Jr . . / ('■ * ■*' ' m . ' ■}. IT J > A ' I' > r-few** ..... m i '7 '«• ;V v?, ■ •a • - ■ m 0 I ■on to the right ahd Lytle to the and second place In the Vanderbilt Cup Auto it Register of yesterday contains the following, which shows the greatness of the proposition: The long-rumored merger of the in dependent telephone lines appears to be near a consumation. It Is be lieved that the convention of the In ternational Independent Telephone Association at Chicago next December will bring the proposition to a focus, but the so-called merger will be In .the nature of a traffic arrangement with a gigantic Independent long dis tance telephone corporation. When this undertaking is'a completed fact it is said, It will be possible to talk, to any point in the United States over lines of an Independent telephone cor poration. According to rumor the proposed creation of an Independent long dis tance telephone company will extend further and bring about direct com petition with the telegraph lines, It. being suggested that the new company will cater to both the long distance telephone calls of the independent companies and the public at large as a telegraph company, the long distance telephone connec tions complete have been installed as far south as Bessemer, Ala., and that it is possible at the present time to talk over the long distance telephone wires from that point to any given point It is said that all tables (diningl, safe, hall tree, side board, cash register, display refriger ator, pictures, coffee urn, milk cooler, steaming table, light fixtures, water cooler, linolium, glass ware, stock; broiler, en; 8 pool tables, register and desk, el.o ilaaall e,sis brhw lrgs.rel d87d This Howe & Orr; and all the property situated in the said building, all of the said articles and items being situ ated in a certain building on Lot 9. in Block 161 of the Crittenden survey and situated on Front street in the building owned by John Burkett, In the City of Hattiesburg, Miss. \ Witness my signature, this the 23rd ; day of October, 1908. all stools, all all lin property formerly owned by ■ Oct-24-6t. J. E. DAVIS, Substituted Trustee. i !•>•><• ❖ •> ♦> NEWS FORECAST FOR 4 THE COMING WEEK. ❖ ;..;..;..;..> * * * * •> | •> <• ❖ ❖ ❖ •> 4 •> •> •> •> ❖ ❖ •> Hearst News Service. Sew York. October 31.—Among the important news events scheduled for the coming week are the following: Sunday. All-hallows or All .Saints' day will be celebrated In all Christian coun tries. First Turkish parliament under re stored constitution will convene in Constantinople. Eugene W. Chafin, Prohibition can didate for president, will observe his 56th birthday. Monday. Quadrennial general election will be held In British colony of New found land. William H. Taft will close campaign in Yqungstown, O., and William J. Bryan in, Omaha, Neb. State Fair opens at Louisania Shreveport. Tuesday. General presidential election will be held throughout tfle United States, with Congressional, State and minor elections in a majority of the states. Fifty-sixth birthday of Mutsuhlto north or east, Mr. W. H. Bryant, vice president and general manager of the Mobile Home Telephone Company, yesterday afternoon declined to discusB the re cent developments in the proposition from an authorlatlve standpoint. He said that there are in the United States at present more than 10,000 home, or independent, telephone com panies, operating about 4,200,000 sep erate and distinct telephone instru ments in more than 20,000 cities. Ac cording to Mr. Bryant this total of telephons in operation by the inde pendent companies is something like 700,000 more instruments, or tele phones, than any and all non-inde pendent telephone companies in the country. All, or practically all, of the inde pendent companies in the country are affiliated members of the Internation al Independent Telephone Association, the next convention of which meets in the Auditorium hotel at Chicago on December 1, 2, and 3, next. It is un derstood that urgent requests have been sent out to the independent tel ephone companies to be represented at this convention as matters of vast importance ;.re to be considered. While it is not so stated, it is believed these matters of vast importance deal with the proposed affiliation with the independent long distance telephone corporation mentioned by Mr. Hubbell. Mikado of Japan, will he celebrated by his subjects everywhere. Anniversary of the ascension to the throne of Czar Nicholas will be ob served by Russians. Seventy-fourth birthday of Tsi An, Dowager Empress of China, will be marked by great festivities in China. Papal document effecting great changes in government of Catholic Church becomes effective. Independence Day will be celebrat ed by the people of the Republic of Panama. Free-for-all dirigible balloon race will be held by the New York Aeron autic Society-at Morris Park. Wednesday. General Committee of Freedmen's Aid Society meets in Indianapolis. Annual autumn open golf tourna ment at Atlantic City Country Club. Thursday. Goy Fawkes day, "England's Fourth of July," will be celebrated in Great Britain. American Millinery Jobbers Associa tions convenes in Buffalo. Friday, M. Clement A. Fallieres, president of France, will celebrate his 67th birthday. National Flower Show opens in Chi cago. Methodist General Committee for Foreign Missions meets in St. Louis. / Notice of Removal. i i DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST Has removed from the Blount Building to Suite 307, Carter Building. \ For Chronlo Diarrhoea. "While. In the army In 1863 1 was taken with Chronic dlarrhoet," says George 1£. Felton, of South Olbson, Pa. "I have since tried many remedies but without any permanent relief, until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuad ■d me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped It at once." For sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. oct r READY NOW To Fill Your Plumbing Wants 7 HE Season is here when Good . Plumbing is needed, and we are ready to do the Good v kind of Plumbing for you. Complete lines of plumbing supplies and the best facilities for turn ing out the best Work on short notice are here. Let us keep you out of your Plumbing Troubles. V "* THE SANITARY PLUMBING COMPANY rlNCOH PORTED: ^PEOPLE'S PHONE 201 W. R. WILLIAMS, MGR^f W. FRONT ST. It ft A. PARSONS. r=\ W, B. DICKERSON. ,W. A. BENNETT ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS. CUMB. 626; TELEPHONES; - Hcittiesburg, HOME 324. Mississippi/ Boilers Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw Mill Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. . , AI.LWORH DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. WRITE US FOR PRICES Enterprise^ Boiler Works, [HATTIESBURG, MISS' Mississippi Central Railroad Company . SPECIAL FY PI IRSIflNTRAIN Prentiss to Natchez And Return Saturday, October 31st. Schedule and Rates Fare for Round Trip $2.76 Stations Prentiss Whitesand Lucas (flag) Silver Creek Hookef (flag) Smith's Ferry Sontag Farmer (flag) Rafn (flag) Heucks (flag) Carlos (flag) Brookhaven Brookhaven Zetus Cobbs Lucien McCalls Eddiceton Monroe (flag) Meadville Kirby (flag) Roxie Turner (flag) Washington ( flag) Natchez Cranfleld (flag) Time Leave 6:30 A. M. " 6:38 A. M. " 6:44 A. M. " 6:52 A.M. " 7:02 A. M. " 7:12 A. M. " 7:22 A. M. " 7:30 A.M. " 7:39 A. M. " 7:46 A. M. " 7:51A.M. Arrive 8:05 A. M. Leave 8:10 A. M. " 8:33 A.M. '' 8:41 A. M. " 8:58 A. M. " 9:03 A. M. " 9:16 A.M. " 9:24 A. M. " 9:37 A.M. " 951 A. M. '' 0.05 A. M. " 10:25 A. M. " 10:32 A. M. Arrive 10:49 A. M. " 11:10 A. M. 2.75 2.75 2.76 2.60 2.60 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.20 2.16 2.00 1.80 1.80 1.55 1.45 1.30 ■i 1.20 1.05 .90 .70 .65 { / .46 .25 Returning Train will leave Natchez I will also be' good returning on regular. date. Tickets of Nov. 1st. \ p« jp. same train morning THE FAMOUS Ml /ranch wild west show at 2 ai white and Coll 1.101 will give performances Separate < 8 p. iri. this date. itchez. tches \ the R. D. REEVES, Hat\ LOOKI LOOK1I I have Just received a fresh car of the Justly celebrated "White Heath .Flour" which I am selling at $6.00, spot cash. There Is no better Flour on the market. Why pay others $6.50 and $6.76 for no better goods. Call on me and save money. Every barrel guaranteed. Very respectfully, »0 20 'mo W. M. CONNER. Use Dally News Want Ads for all Your Wants.