Newspaper Page Text
The Clea ring House For All Wants HELP WANTED. WANTED—Band saw flier, $176; sta tionary engineer $1,200; commis sary clerk, $60; assistant superin tendent saw mill, $1,800; assistant bookkeeper, $76; give age and ex perience. Apply American Oppor tunity Company, Houston, Texas. 10 26 6t WANTED—Twenty-five laborers for saw mill planer and yard. Good wages, regular pay day. Good town to live in. Pearl Land and Lumber Co., Picayune, Miss.. 10 17 lOt FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 Main street. 10 6 tf HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 over either 'phone. 9 4 tl ?OR RENT— First—One four room house on Hall avenue, two rooms papered and ceiled; house screened throughout; $10 per month; good water. Second—One six room house with sewerage and bath room; party can rent the whole or half of house; rent $20 per month. Apply to I. H. C. Cook, 614 Bay st., 216 Ross building. Phones 263 at residence. Home phone 235 at office 135 Cumb. 10 26 12t FOR RENT—A few good houses from $5.0 j mouth. 'Phone 666. 6 room to $10.00 per M. J. Epley IF you have for rent a good five-room house with modern conveniences. Address A-45, care News. 10 7 tf FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in pri vate family, for light housekeeping Good neighborhood, care News Desireable, 10-28-3t. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—By first-class planing mill man, position as foreman or assist ant foreman or general machine man; best of references furnished. Write W. A. Simpson, 400 avenue, Anniston, Ala. Front 10 12 tf WANTED—Position by locomotive en gineer, capable, good record, best of references. Address J. F. S., care Daily News. WANTED—Position as housekeeper for boarding house by experienced woman. Phone 918, 1 ring, Cumber land. WANTED—Middle aged white woman to do house and dining room work. Apply Box 1, 29-2t. | Boarding house. Lumberton, Miss. LOIK OUT for S. F. McNair's spec ial fruit sale Saturday. Something good; come. W est Pine St. Oc, 30 2t. BOARD WANTED. A traveling Salesman desires a pri vate boarding house, with respect able people for his wife, by next Monday. Address C. E. Newhouse, Hotel Hattiesburg. 10-28-4t LOST AND FOUND. FOR SALE—Two good second hand boilers, eighty horse power each, In good condition, equipped with good stacks, grate bars nearly as good as new, feeds and everything complete; can he seen running with one hun dred pounds pressure at Ovett, Miss, any time between now and Decem ber 1st. Price, $400 each, F. O. B. cars at our spur. Ovett Land & Lumber Co., Ovett, Miss. Oct 31 8t. F We TJ Buy Sell Repair \ Store R N iid We h.v pair She of I, liav you.1 il F GET WHAT YOU WANT. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want Ads One Cent a Word NEWS Want Ads NEWS Want Ads Fill Wants Why not lei them fiill your Wants? :: :: Are Read by Thousands of People. Tell Them Your Wants : :: : If you don't find it here, put in a little Want Ad and it will come to you : s » s ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need capital to develop your holdings? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably get what you want. You needn't sign your name to the ad. We can forward the replies to your address. more you ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per cent, of the mills of the district every \^day. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To exchange 30 shares of Hattiesburg Traction stock for Hat tiesburg real estate. Address I. X. L., sare News. 10 7 tf WANTED—A good general purpose horse or mule; weight between 900 and 1,000 pounds. Address Horse, care News. 10 12 If CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and vege table growing. If you want to buy. Address News. A42, care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf STRAYED OR STOLEN—One dark bay horse; about tne years old. One hind foot white; weight about 800 or 900 pounds. Left on Monday about 12 o'clock; reward. A. A. Sumrall, about 1 mile north of Hat tiesburg. R. F. D. No. 1. let 30 3t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and lot. will sell for $700.00 or will, exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance in cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Dally News. tf. IF you have a 10, 16 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, care Dally News. 10 7 tf New Shoe Store Next to Postoffice Exclusive Agency for The Society King - Shoe THE SHOE OE HIGH QUALITY UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Done at Reasonable Prlcea at the 8tore and also at 216 Front 8treet Repair Shops. CHAS. JORDAN 8oclety King 8hoe Store. THE PALACE CAFE D. C. BEAUCAMP, » : Proprietor Bring us your Appetite; we have what it calls for. Best Merchants , Lunch in the City tinner for 35c; best service ■a^fMkiient FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Chrysathemums, all col ors and flowers of all kinds. King, St. Peter and St. Paul streets back of cemetery. I. 10-27-3t. FOR SALE—Good piano cheap. Ad dress A-42, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—Fifteen million feet long leaf virgin pine at $3 per thousand. Address A-44, care News. ID 7 tf FOR SaLE—O ne of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. If Interested ad dress A 41, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—Columbia Graphophone, in first-class condition, also ten records for $20; Graphophone cost $40 and is as good as new; records new and good ones. Address A. J., care Daily News. n- ■ 10-23 tf LOIK OUT for S. F. McNair's spec ial fruit sale Saturday. Something good; come. W est Pine St. Oct. 30 2t. | | I FOR SALE—GOOD FARM—96 a-"res four and a half miles from city, good road, 35 acres In cultivation and fenced; all practically level; good water 4-room house and stable. Price $15 per acre. 666 . * M. J. Epley, Phone 9 4 tf Special Attention to Hat Cleaning. i SANITARY PRESSING WITH THE HOFFMAN STEAM CLEANING MACHINE UNION CLEANING & PRESSING CLUB 120 Mobile St. Both Phones 377 'Phone Oiden Receipt Prompt Allenllon THE STAR REPAIR SHOP B. E. MASSEY, Prop. General REPAIR WORK of A1 ids. ~ ~ ^ FOR SALE—A good fox typewriter will sell cheap for cash or exchange for first-class bicycle. Apply to T. B. Geiger at Daily News office. 1 OR SALE—Gasoline launch, at your own price, for quick sale. J. T. Williams, 302 Miller St. Oct. 30 2t FOR SALE!—60 acres land and im provements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $l,0o0. A-l, care News. 9 30 tf FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles cost care from city; $1,250; price $1,600. News. improvements A-41, tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-inch pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf News. JOB OFFICE — The Daily News will sell cheap on easy terms a complete Job printing office; cutter, stapler, round cornering chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; tically new. power paper ma prac tf FOR SALE—Two large lots near Cath olic church, or will exchange as part payment on residence, close in. Ad dress Bargain care of News. 10-22-10 FOR SALE—Fine-toned , organ in good condition; cost $100; will take > half down balance $1 monthly. Call at 10S Williams street or phone i 642 Cumb. -jo 23 't I $15, FOR SALE—HOTEL and RESTAU- | RANT—Bellmaine and Lucas, de- J sire to sell their interest either in i Hattiesburg or Laurel, Wnidsor Cafe or M. .1. Epley, Hat tiesburg, Miss, terms given. apply at Very reasonable : 10-31-tf. I I - I FOR SALE—Three yoke oxen and one Lindsey Eight-Wheel Wagon. Address "Team" care News 101283 POSITION WANTED—By mill man of twenty years experience, holding 1 positions such as foreman, filer sawyer, desires situation as fler, | (Band preferred) with going con- j eern. Good references. A. B. care I 10-27-2 i or | News. FOR SALE—14,000 acres of land, sit- | uated in Tensas parish, La.; 5000 acres in cultivation, with all neces sary buildings, such as tenants' houses, ginhouses, barns, etc.; bal ance woodland. The timber on this land has been carefully inspected and estimated at 50.000,000 feet, con sisting of gum, oak, cottonwood, cy prus etc.,; convlent to shipping by river and rail. For futher informa tion apply to P. M. Harding, Agt., Vicksburg, Miss. 10-27-6t. j FOR SALE—A' good grocery business. Conn Grocery Co., near G. &. S. I. Hospital. 10-29-3. LOIK OUT for S. F. McNair's spec ial fruit sale Saturday. Something good; come. W est Pine St. Oct. 30 2t. ANY girl In need of friendship, help, advice, etc., would find ready and willing assistance by applying to tne matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd St. and Avenue E, Birmingham, Ala. 10 10 tf RETAIL Lumber Shingles Brick Lime Paint Hardware i id for your tver material ed. TkKLv Hearst News Service. Ottawa, Ont., October 31.—A duty of 50 cents per gallon on beer, ales and porter imported into Yukon Territory will become effective after today and will result in depriving the brewers of the United States of that trade terri tory. The tax does not apply to Can adian or British products. SHIP TONNAGE Hearst News Service. Washington, October 31.—The port of the Bureau of Navigation shows the total gross tonnage, built and numbered in the last quarter 20,887 as compared with 133,092 for the corresponding quarter of 1907. The number of vessels constructed was 319, as compared with 330 for the quarter last year, steel vessels is over one hundred thousand tons. re as The decrease in BICYCLE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. BEST WORK GUARANTEED j AT LOWEST PRICES AT S. PARK ! ER S SHOP, EAST PINE STREET, tf. | THE CONN GROCERY CO. Wishes to anncuncc to its customers that it will discontinue the Grocery Business at its stand at the end of Bay Street, near the G. & S. I. Hospital, after Saturday, Oc tober 31 st. The Stock now on hand, including the Fixtures, is offered for sale at a sac * price. .'. .'. .'. .'. This is a good oppor tunity for anyone wishing to engage in the grocery business. Prospective buyers can get price and terms at store. THE CONN GROCERY CO. A. L. CONN, Manager. j Casino Theatre Under New Management High Cl ass Motion Pictures and Beautiful Illustrated Songs Every Night. .\ <5 Cents «5 Cents A Delightful Place and Fine Programs, Changed Daily To-NIGH'I Great Program of New Pictures and Special Illustrated Song by Miss Howell. Come to the Casino for Pleasu IC ICE CREAM AND MUSIC. There will be an ice cream supper . given at Greene's Creek school house next Saturday night, October 31, for the purpose of raising money to finish i he school building. There will be a musical program furnished by the school . Everybody is cordially invtt ed. A SUGGESTION ON ECZEMA. suggested that eczema sufferers ■druggist at the Owl Drugstore fcentury Drug Store of this city ■ports he is getting from the V who have used the oil of H^n liquid compound, D. D. D. LOGGING RAILROADS CONSTRUCTED uv. WM. D. CASSONE, Contractor, Allentown, Pennsylvania If the money market is dull with you I will build the road and furnish the labor money. <• •> <• •> <• •> .;. .j. .j ^ Keep this address for future reference. The Martin Printing Co. CO s/o a UfcJ [A oo i CO Exclusive Job Printers Hattiesburg', 121 Front Street Miss. STOP THAT Rent Waste---Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near In, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 5 room house one block Hardy st. School. C200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $560 cash, bal. $40 6 room house, large barn, near MainSt. School, 2 lots, terms. 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month 6 room house monthly .. Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, iu any part of the City. WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND month.. 2400 1500 .2500 on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bcl $1500 EASY TERMS. E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Residence 304 OFFIC't Suite 214 Carter Building Office 60. The American Box Ball Alley 112 MOBILE STREET OPPOSITE HOTEL HATTIESBURG E. D. CAMPBELL, Prop. The most beautiful and interest* g'ame in America, developing muscle and quickness of hand and eye. : 30 Balls for 5c See This Great Game. ■ •Ji Erie City Engines and Boilers Saw Mills, Saw Mill Supplies UNION MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY CO. STEVENS BLOCK Ml PHONES 727