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Three Post Card Fotos of Yourself For 25 Cents At the POSTCARD DEPOT , * r NEAR POST OFFICE Special Attention to Hat Cleaning. SANITARY PRESSING WITH THE HOFFMAN STEAM CLEANING MACHINE I UNION CLEANING & PRESSING CLUB 120 Mobile St. Both Phones 377 'Phone Orders Receloe Prompt Allenllon V r The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds Kept in^Stock REPAIR WORK A|SPECIALTY ACENTS WESTINGHOUSE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone80 V Underwood Standard Typewriter The wonderful speed attained by Underwood operators is not alone due to the freedom of action and ease of manipulation of the machine. The Visibility, Tabulation, and Durability help mightily to accelerate thejspeed of the Underwood operator. The Machine You Will Eventually Buy a UnderwoodJTypewriter Company (INCORPORATED) 643 Gravier Street NEW ORLEANS, LA. p. FT First-National Bank of Commerce Of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. ■ DEPOSITARY STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, FORREST COUNTY, \ U. S. GOVERNMENT, CITY OF HATTIESBURG. Capital stock_ Adnitional Liability of shareholders to Depositors as Provided by National Bank Act Total_ $425,000 425,000 $850,000 « SAVINGS DEPARTMENT $ This is a prominent feature of our business. Under the National Bank Act our depositors nave the protection of Governmental supervision and shareholders liability of $850,000.00, t lu-iJJVT .tvis mm Aj r RAMSEY&CO. timm A Cure For Rental : Worries= This plan gives you the profit, but saves you all the trouble. Renting houses is a part of my business. I have a constant demand for bouses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, Insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 666 New Shoe Store Next to Postoffice Exclusive Agency for The Society King - Shoe THE SHOE OP HIGH QUALITY UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Done at Reasonable Prlcee at the 8tore and also at 215 Front 8treet Repair 8hops. CHAS. JORDAN 8oclety King 8hoe 8tore. BASEBALL CLUBS HOLD BIB CONFAB IN CHICAGO TODAY Hearst News Service. Chicago, November 10.—Magnates from all over the country were gath ered in the Auditorium Annex today when the eighth annual meeting of the National Association of Baseball Clubs was called to order. Only pre liminary business was transacted at the opening session, but it is under stood that many important matters will be brought up before the conven tion adjourns. RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeastern Hattiehburg "Central Time." SOUTH BOUND Aj rives No. Departs ,4:00 a. m. 6:25 a. m. 6.11:15 a. m.11:50 a. m. 6:26 a. m. S 5:25 p. m.5:30 p. m. 7 ...... 9:05 p. m. NORTH BOUNI. A-Tlves 6.10:25 a m. 10:40 a. m. 9:25 p. m.9:30 p. m. 2.11:10 p. m..11:15 p. m. No. 6 has fifty minutes dead time at Hattiesburg. No. 4 passes No. 6 at Hattiesburg. No. 6 and No. o meet at Hattiesburg. No. 5 has thirty five mlutes dead time at Hattiesburg. No Departs 11.15 a. m. 10.45 a. m. 4 S GULF A SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Passenger Service. No. 5 Lv. Jackson .4:30 am Lv. Hattiesburg ..8:18 am 4r. Gulfport_11:00 am 10:00 pm No. 4 Lv. Gulfport .... 7:30 am Lv. Hattiesburg 10:37 am Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:16 pm Columbia Division (Via Silver Creek and Columbia.) No. 3. 3:26 pm 7:05 pm No. 6. 4:15 pm 7:33 pm No. 101 No. 102 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:36 p.m. 2:55 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 No. 109. a.m No. 110. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:06 6:30 p.m \r. Columbia Lv. 6:00 Connections at Jackson, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RUN DAILY. a.m an. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD. Passenger Service. Effective November 8, 1908. No. 1 Lv. Hattiesburg .. 6:00 a.m 2:30 p.m Lv. Silver Creek.. 8:04 a.m 4:31 p.m Ar. Brookhaven .. 9:10 a.m 5:36 p.m Lv. Brookhaven .. 9:14 a.m 5:55 p.m Lv. Roxie.11:10 a.m 7:55 p.m Ar. Natchez.12:10 p.m 8:55 p.m No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Lv. Natches.6:30 p.m 1:30 p.m Lv. Roxie.7:30 a.m 2:30 p.m Ar. Brookhaven .. 9:30 a.m 4:30 p.m Lv. Bropkha ven .. 9:34 a.m 4:50p.m Lv. Silver Creek.. 10:40 a.m 5:57 p.m Ar. Hattiesburg .. 12:40 p.m 8:00 p.m Trains run dally. R. D. REEVES, G. P. A. Hattiesburg, Miss. R. D. REEVES, General Passenger Agent. Hattiesburg, Miss Mobile, Jackson & Kansas Lily NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:53 a. m. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves 6:15 a. m. No. 16 leaves 2:48 p. m. MANY COUNTY OFFICIALS GROSSLY INCOMPETENT Frequent Errors in Their Reports and Useless Questions Asked the Attorney General. Jackson, November 10.—"The igno rance, of many county officials in Mississippi is pathetic," remarked a prominent state official whose name it is not deemed necessary to give. "While they are selected, or are sup posed to be, from among the very best people in their respective counties, it seems quite probable that many of them are more popular than compe tent, as is evidenced by their reports, inquiries, etc., to the state officials." The official in question then went on to detail many of the things which gave rise to this expression of opin ion, after stating that it was by no means the rule, but the general es ception to which he referred. He is a man of some experience, and knows something of the troubles of several of the state officials besides himself. For instance, officials making re ports to the auditor, treasurer, insur ance commissioner, superintendent of education and others, where blanks are furnished with columns ruled and designated for certain items, frequent ly leave some of the columns blank, or fill in the wrong item in the wrong place. Many others fail to get in their reports within the time limits fixed by law for their filing, thus causing delays on the part of the state officials in completing their reports or in closing up their books. Still others write to the state offciials ask ing the simplest kind of questions which, in many cases are answered by simply referring to the code sec tion where the law on the subject is as plain as daylight, indicating that some of them never read the laws af Launch New Dreadnought North DakotaFirst Ship of Nevr and Improved Type <( Hearst News Service. Fore River, Mass., November 10.— Uncle Sam's new Dreadnought the North Dakota, a 20,000-ton fighting monster of the seas, was launched to day at the yards of the Fore River Shipbuilding Company. Miss Mary Benton, of Fargo, S. D., who was ap pointed by Governor John Burke, of North Dakota, broke a bottle of wine against the battleship and formally christened it. Thousands of people from Boston, and many distin guished officials of the navy were nres ent. The launching of the North Dakota, the first semi-Dreadnought type of ves sel to be built for the American navy marks a new step toward the suprem acy of Uncle Sam on the high seas Ail lecords for speed were broken in bfr con struct; on, and while much r mains to be done in fitting the le v:a!ion for active service, all indica tions point to its completion many months before the expiration of the three-year limit allowed by the gov ernment. The keel of the big vessel was laid on December 16, last, and by October last the ship was cent, completed. It is expected that the North Dakota will be in commis si, n within two years from the date of the laying of the keel, which will break all records of American ship yards. When commissioned, she will be commanded by Captain Chalres J. 54 per ■u f. J N. H. Arnold to the left and H. J. Hewitt, to the right, both of North Adame, Massachusetts, who took pert in the recent international balloon race, abr< to this tcx were rescued in the Norjth Sea. They have just returned fecting their particular official duties, although copies of the code and of the Laws of 1908 have been furnished free by the state to every county official in the state. This year the legislature passed a new act requiring county and muni cipal assessors to report the assess ment of railroad property to the Rail road Commission, but very few of them knew up to the time their atten tion was called to it by Secretary Maxwell, of the existence of such law, and hardly any of these assess ment reports reached the commission in time to be of benefit to the commis sion in its assessment of railroad property. The many inquiries which came to the attorney general's office with re quests for official opinions which are answered by merely citing the code section where the law is to be found, indicate that many officials spend very little time posting themselves upon what their official duties really are. County superintendents of educa tion, representing, theoretically at least, the intellect of their respective counties, while showing less ignorance than many other classes, are not ex empt from criticism for their lack of promptness in making their reports, and in many cases even these show a woeful lack of information along the lines of their duties. In numerous instances recently re ports have been returned from the var ious departments for correction, ac companied by a note calling attention to the law governing the particular transaction. a Badger, superintendent of the Annapo lis Naval Academy. The North Dakota is a sister ship of the Delaware, in process of building at the yards of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company at Newport News, Va. On October 1 the Delaware was 44 per cent, com* pleted, according to the official reports to the Naval Department. A fierce ri valry has marked the construction of the sister ships. GLYCRIN SYRUP COMPOUND WILL GIVE RELIEF IN WHOOPING COUGH. FOR SALE BY YELLOW PINE PHARMACY. 11-2-lmo SWEET POTATOES OF FINE VARIETY While he he doesn't talk much about what he grows, Mr. A. D. Carter, of Brooklyn, brought to Dr. Carter, yes terday morning a fine lot of sweet po tatoes of the yellow yam variety. They were large and fine, and were not picked out from the finest that he raised, but gave a general run of his crop and they show that South Mis sissippi beats the earth when it comes to growing fine sweet potatoes. RAILROAD MEN HOLD MEET IN MILWAUKEE. Hearst News Service. Milwaukee, Wis., November 10.— Railroad men from all over the coun try are in attendance at the conven tion of the Iloadmasters' and Main tenance of Way Association opened in this city today. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, E. A. Anderson, Trustee under the provisions of and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by Albert Fairley, Twiner Fairley, Campbell Fairley, Fleming Fairley and Frances Veasey to Will Rodgers on the 4th day of March > A. D. 1908, to secure a certain indebtedness to the said Will Rodgers, and which said deed of trust is record ed in deed of trust record book No. 3 at pages 3 and 4 in the Chancery Clerk's office of Forrest County, Mis sissippi, and Tor the purpose of paying and satisfying the said indebtedness mentioned in said deed of trust, I will on the 7th day of December, A. D. 1908, during legal hours at the front (Main Street) door of the Court House of said Forrest County, in the City of Hattiesburg, offer for sale, and sell at public auction for cash to the highest and best bidder, the following describ ed land, as described in said deed of trust, situated in the City of Hatties burg, Forrest County, Mississippi, to wit: Lot number six (6) in Block num ber eighteen (18) according to the Yellow Pine Park Survey, of, or addi tion to, the (jfity of HaUJ#sburg, as per office of the Chan est County, at Hat ^ksippi, together with ents and appurtenances elonging. This Sale will he made subject to a former deed of trust by the same parties hereinbefore mentioned to John Wright, Jr., which appears of record in deed of trust record No. 3 at pages 1 and 2 in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Forrest Coupnty, Mississippi. Witness my signature, this the 26th day of October, A. D. 1908. map on file/in the eery Clerk/of F tiesburg, Ali the Impr/y thereun E. A. ANDERSON, Trustee. Oct 27-4t Tues. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I, E. A. Anderson, Trustee under the provisions of and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by AlDert Fairley, Twiner Fairley, Campbell Fairley, Fleming Fairley and Frances Veasey to John Wright, Jr., on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1908, to secure a certain indebtedness therein mentioned to the said John fright, Jr and which said deed of tryst is i«orded in Trust deed record BookjPumber three (3) at page on/ (1) Clerk's offce f sissippi, i and satii mentioned in said deed of trust, I will on the 7th day of December, A. D. 1908, during legal hours at the front (Main Street) door of the Court House of said Forrest County, in the City of Hattiesburg, offer for sale, and sell at public auction for cash to the highest and best bidder, the following de scribed land, as described in said deed of trust, situated in the City of Hat tiesburg, Forrest County, Mississippi, to-wit: Lot number six (6) in Block num ber eighteen (18) according to the Yellow Pine Park Survey of, or addi tion to, the City of Hattiesburg, as per map on file in the office of the Chan cery Clerk of Forrest County, at Hat tiesburg, Mississippi, together with the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Witness my signature, this the 26th day of October, A, D. 1908. E. A. ANDERSON, Trustee. jgseq in the Chancery Forrest County, Mis kffor the purpose of paying fng the said indebtedness Oet 27-4t Tues. THE THRICE A-WEEK WORLD. More Alert, Moie Thorough and More Fearless Than Ever. A President of the United States will be elected this year. Who is he and who is the man whom he will beat? Nobody yet knows, but the Thrice-a-Week .edition of tho New York World will tell you every step and every detail of what promises to be a campaign of the most absorbing Interest. It may not tell you what you hope, but It will tell you what Is. The Thriee-a-Week World long ago estab lished a character for impartiality and fearlessness in the publication of news, and this it will maintain. If you Want the news as it really is subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World, which comes to you every other day except Sunday, and Is thus practically a dally at the price of a weekly. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only 81.00 per year, and this pays for 166 papers, we offer this unequalled newspaper and The Hattiesburg News together for one year for $6-00. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 87.00. i Miss Ethel Powe Teacher oj Piano PRIVATE OR CLASS LESSONS IN HARMONY. STUDIO: 1/7 College Street & 405 Forrest Street CUMBERLAND PHONE do IT IS ONLY A STEP so to speak from poor sight to blind ness. Perhaps it never occurred to you that a defect in the sight is not as a rule a disease of the eye, it is an ab normal condition of the eyeball that causes errors of refraction, a condition ~ which properly fitted glasses will not only relieve but entirely cure; sight is restored, eyes are mode strong, head aches disappear, the nervous strain is relieved and the eyes are saved perhaps from blindness. If you have eye trou ble a personal talk will interest you. F. W. Queen, Oph. D. Optical Specialist. Polk Bldg. 110 E Pine St. Hattiesburg Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for curing position. Students may ter any time. Address se en J. J. FERGUSON, Principal Hattiesburg, Mississippi Piano and Guitar Lessons 917 River Avenue Cumberland phone 176 The Regent 33.50 SHOE Has always proved to be the best shoe in the world for the money. You can get them at Nathan's Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street. / also lake your measure and make shoes to fit your feet. I Sew on Half Soles for 75c. Call and see Nathan; Money and save your, Feet.f save your NATHAN'S Shoe Factory. 120 East Pine Street — r