Newspaper Page Text
'he Clearing House For All W^rrsl J Bracelets! Best quality of gold-filled Brace lets, exact duplicaae of latest style solid gold Bracelets that are selling for $12.50 to $35.00. In gold-filled, $4 to 98. II. S. LILIUS Front Street HELP WANTED. WANTED—Four feeders and four graders for planing mill, don't write but come at once. Will pay to first class men that know how and will work $1.75 per day. Uearl Land ft Lumber Company, Picayune", Miss. 11-I-7L WANTED—Lumber buyer who Is thor oughly familiar with dressed stock as well_as rough. Location, Hat tiesburg. Marbury Lumber Co., Birmingham, Ala. 11-2-7L HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call 666 9 4 tf over either 'phone. FOR RENT— First—One four room house on Hall avenue two rooms papered and celled; house screened throughout; $10 per month; good water. Second—One six room house with sewerage and bath room; party can rent the whole or half of house; rent $20 per month. Apply to I. H. C. Cook, 614 Bay st., 216 Ross building. Phones 253 at residence, Home phone 235 at office 135 Cumb. 10 26 12t MALE HELP WANTED—Lumbermen, sawyers, block setters, edgemen, foremen, machinists, engineers, fil ers, graders, doggers, bookkeepers, time-keepers, stenographers, com missary managers and clerks for Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Ten nessee and Oklahoma. Apply at once. Registry fee, 60 cents. Ply mouth Co., McClelland Bldg., Lex ington, Ky. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED—By first-class planing mill man, position as foreman or assist ant foreman or general machine _ man; best of references furnished. Write W. A. Simpson, 400 Front avenue, Anniston, Ala. 10 12 tf WANTED—Position as housekeeper for boarding house by experienced woman. Phone 918, 1 ring, Cumber land. LOST AND FOUND. FOR SALE—Two good second Land boilers, eighty horse power each In good condition, equipped with good stacks, grate bars nearly as good as new, feeds and everything complete; can he seen running with one hun dred pounds pressure at Ovett, Miss, any time between now and Decem ber 1st. Price, $400 each, F. O. B. cars at our spur. Ovett Land & Lumber Co., Ovett, Miss. Oct 31 8t. STOLEN. STOLEN—From store at Picayune, night Oct 31, 60 feet 12-lnch double leather belt made by Maloney-Ben net Belt Co. $5 reward for infor mation leading to recovery of prop erty anl conviction of guilty party. Address, "Belt," care Dally News. U-2-6L ANY girl In need of friendship, help, advloe, etc., would find ready and willing assistance by applying to tne matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd SL and Avenue B, Birmingham, Ala. 10 10 tf r We Buy Sell Repair) J Store and Pack R N T U R E We have the only thoroughly equipped Re pair Shop in the city, end make a specialty of Flower, Fern and Jnrdberg Stand*. II we haven't got what you went, we'll make k lot you. THE BONE SUPPLY COMPANY 109 W.M—» HOME PHOM1 S51 GET WHAT YOU WANT. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. NEWS Want Ads Are Read by Thousands of People. Tell Them Your Wants ::: : NEWS Want Ads Fill Wants Why not let them fiill your Wants? :: :: Want Ads One Cent a Word If you don't find it here, put in a little Want Ad and it will come to you S t t ! ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. Do you need men? Do you want to buy or sell timber? Do you want to buy or sell machinery? Do you need capital to develop your holding's? If so, a little ad in these columns will probably get you what you want. You needn't sign your name to the ad. We can forward the replies to your address. ONE CENT A WORD is all that we ask. And the News reaches 90 per cent of the mills of the district every ^day. more MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—To exchange 30 shares of Hattiesburg Traction stock for Hat tiesburg real estate. Address I. X. L., Bare News. 10 7 tf CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and vege table growing. If you want to buy, Address A42, care Hattiesburg News. 9 4 tf IF you have a 10, 16 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, care Daily News. 10 7 tf FURNISHED ROOM8 FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 10 6 tf Main street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two nice rooms fur nished or unfurnished, close In, all conveniences, to rent to couple for light housekeeping. Ring Home phone 346. ll-5-3t. FOR RENT—Two large rooms for light housekeeping. Bushman St., or call Home phone ll-9-3t. Apply 204 354 Meridian Home Mixture Golden Rod Cotton Seed Meal Manufactured by MERIDIAN FERTILIZE! FACTORY Meridian Hattiesburg Shreveport THE PALACE CAFE D. C. BEAUCAMP, i i Proprietor Bring us your Appetite; we have what it calls for. Best Merchants' Lunch in the City Best Dinner for 35c; best service and most convenient location. Under New Management You are cordially invited to make this Restaurant your regular eating place. You wfll always receive the best possible and the choicest food the , markets afford. service FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A good 4-room house and loL will sell for $700.00 or will exchange for good team of mules and wagon and take balance In cash or terms. Address, A.44, care Dally News. tf. WANTED TO BUY—If you have a small cottage, 75 ft. front lot, or lot only, close in at a bargain, for cash, 10-31-tf. adlress. Box 357. LOST—REWARD. LOST-—Gold bracelet, in business sec tion. Finder return to News office and receive reward. ll-6-3t. FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE—Three show cases. Yel low Pine Pharmacy. ll-3-6t. FOR SALE—One of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. If Interested ad dress A 41, care Dally News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—Columbia Graphophone, In first-class condition, also ten new records for $20; Graphophone cost $40 and Is as good as new; records new and good ones. Address A. J., care Dally News. 10-23 tf THE STAR REPAIR SHOP B. E. MASSEY, Prop. 0 General REPAIR WORK of All Kinds Bicycles, Guns, Revolvers, Locks, Etc., a Specialty. Keys of aU kinds Made to Order TERMS CASH PRICES REASONABLE Both Phones 72. 129 Mobil# St. Behind Wlndeor Cafe. FOR SALE—A good fox typewriter will sell cheap for cash or exchange for first-class bicycle. Apply to T. B. Geiger at Daily News office. FOR SALE!—50 acres land and lm prOTements, 41-2 miles from Hat tiesburg; $1,000. A-l, care News. FOR SALE—50 acres land, 4 1-2 miles from city; Improvements cost A-41, care $1,260; price $1,600. News. tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-lnch pow er paper cucter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf type. News. JOB OFFICE]—The Daily Nowb will sell cheap on easy terms a complete job printing office; power paper cutter, stapler, round cornering ma chine, brass rule, type and material —everything except presses; prac tically new. tf FOR SALE—Two large lots near Cath olic church, or will exchange as part payment on residence, close In. Ad dress Bargain care of News. 10-22-10 FOR SALE—Fine-toned organ in good condition; cost $ 100 ; will take $15, half down balance $1 monthly. Call at 108 Williams street or phone 642 Cumb. 10 23 't FOR SALE CHEAP—Rubber tired, open buggy, nearly new. Apply at 211 W. Pine street, Cumberland phone 434. 11-7-tf. FOR SALE—One first-class L. C. Smith No. 1 typewriter, at reason able price. Address, 3L, care Hat tiesburg News. tf. IF you have for rent a good five-room house with modern conveniences. Address A-45, care News. 10 7 tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—One Lemon Fawn Cow with small strap around fore foot. Return to B. M. Davenport, 809 Laurel St., or call Home phone, 45. 11-9-Xt I Pi m I x - " .iff M WMi ~%mst i U.JB i ; ,* V i F . » I * X 'r fe* J •JJ.4 Queen Alexandra of England, who la now reported to have become pletely deaf. com RETAIL Lumber Sbing'les Brick Lime Paint Hardware Everything nieded for your We deliver matena house, same day ordered. CL1NE-HQLMES LUMBER C(L Both Phones Fr 237 R] SCHOOL FOR Aearst News Service. Philadelphia, November 10.—A farm ers' school on wheels left Philadelphia today for a tour of Eeastern Penn sylvania under the joint auspices of the State government and the State College of Agriculture, struction will be given the farmers and the project promises to be a great success. Much interest has been mani fested in all the towns where the special agricultural train will stop. Twenty-two stops will be made, at each of which a forty-five minute talk by an expert from the State College will be given on the growing of alfal fa, soil fertility, dairy products. Under the direction of Prof. Alva Agee, of the Department of Agri cul tural Extension of the State College, pamphlets have been prepared for dis tribution containing practical sugges tions to the farmers for improving both his products and the soil Prof. Agee believes that the adop tion of improved methods will greatly increase the agricultural output of Pennsylvania, and the State College experts will urge their adqption in their lectures. Practical in corn culture and STOLEN GOODS WERE RECOVERED Whoever made the first robbery of Rubensteln Bros, store about three weeks ago failed to profit thereby. Yesterday most of the amount of goods taken in the first robbery of the store was returned, having been found by the section hands of the Gulf and Ship Island a short distance south of the city concealed under a house. The goods were packed in two valises and when found were brought by the section foreman to the Rubenstein store and were promptly identified by the firm. It was stated that as far as could be told, most of the goods were in the amount returned. Just why they were deserted and left at the place of concealment is not known. There is no clew to the parties who got the goods, but the Messrs Ruben stein were very glad to get them back. The last goods taken from this firm a few days ago have not been recovered. The amount of the last steal was small. Hearst News Service. Mobile, Ala., November 10.—Scot tish Rite Masons of the Valley of Mo bile, Orient of Alabama, convened here today for their eleventh reunion. A session of four days has been arrang ed, during which all the degrees, from the fourth to the thirty-second will be conferred. CHURCH CONVOCATION OPENS IN CHARLESTON Charleston, N. C. f November 10.— Churchmen from all over this section will take part in the services and de liberations of the annual meeting of the Charleston Convocation, Protest ant Episcopal church, this enrening at St. and foreign missions will be discuss ed and many other matters relative to the growth of the church in the South are scheduled for consideration. which opens Paul's church. GLYCERIN SYRUP COMPOUND RELIEVES ALL BRONCHIAL COUGHS, CONTAINS NO OPIUM OR OTHER NARCOTICS FOR SALE BY YELLOW PINE PHARMACY. Colds and Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. H. Serlg, No. 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, W. Vft. "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of a doctor, and my little hoy has been prevented many times from hav ing the croup by the timely use of this syrup. This remedy Is for sale by Hays ft Field and YeUow Pine Pharmacy. r LOGGING RAILROADS CONSTRUCTED HY WM. D. CASSONE, Contractor, Allentown, Pennsylvania If the money market is dull with you I will build the road and furnish the labor money. C* •> •> *3* •> •> •> •> •> •> •> ^ •;* •> c« Keep this address for future reference. The Martin Printing Co. CO Printers and Book Binders =✓3 UJ (— 121 Front Street Hattiesburg, Miss. STOP THAT Re$.i Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 6 room house one block Hardy st. School, J200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $500 cash, bal. $40 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near MalnSt. School, 2 iots, terms 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month ..2500 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly .. Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, In any part of the City. WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND EASY TERMS. i BOO $1500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 0FFIC2 Suite 214 Carter Building The American Box Ball Alley EAST PINE STREET FERGUSON-ALLEN BUILDING E. D. CAMPBELL, Prop. The most beautiful and interest ing game in America, developing muscle and quickness of hand and eye. : s I 30 Balls for 5c See This Great Game. •\T. [Mr;, $ Erie City Engines and Boilers Saw Mills, Saw Mill Supplies '"rim UNION MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY CO. STEVENS BLOCK PHONES 727