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mn IToo o I Yards Matting MATTING SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 14 i 1,000 We have 1,000 yards of Japanese Matting that we will sell at ISc P er yard. Yards Matting SALE SATURDAY Remember this price is only good for this day. Will not sell over 25 yards to each customer. at 12c M. S. HAISFIELB, 128 FRONT STREET HONE PHONE 743 at 12c NOVEMBER 14th. -L. i First Actual Battle of Ballots Will Take Place in That Country Tomorrow. JOSE MIGUEL GOMEZ I nflKC I IKF WIMMFR LullIIU LlilL if IIiIiLH j I I s Candidate of Both Wings of the Liberal Party For President and | November 13.—A general j Seems to Stand the Best Show— Trouble May Follow the Election. Hearst News Service. Havana, election for president, vice president. I lepiesentativis and senatorial electors will be held in Cuba tomorrow, is believed that ibe balloting will pass j off quietly and that there will be no 1 Jose Miguel Gomez I th candidate of both the Mtguelists i end Zayista wings of the Liberal par ty, will probably be elected. The | It serious trouble. STOP THAT Reut Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 5 room house one block Hardy sL School, $200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $500 cash, bal. $49 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near MainSt. School, 2 lots, terms 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month ..2500 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly .. Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, in any part of the City. WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND EASY TERMS. 1500 $1500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. OFFICE Suite 214 Carter Building HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 r WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? We make over and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone us for prices. Mattresses called for and delivered Both Phon 623 DIXIE MATTRESS CO. The American Box Ball Alley FERGUSON-ALLEN BUILDING EAST PINE STREET E. D. CAMPBELL, Prop. The most beautiful and interest ing game in America, developing muscle and quicKness of band and eye. i i ::::::::::: 30 Balls for 5c i & See This Great Game. fusion of the Liberals has made that party distinctly more powerful than the Conservative party, which Is led by General Mario Menocal for presi dent The latter represents what wa3 formerly known as the Moderate par ty, which elected former President j Palma. The terms of the president and vice president to be elected to ,il " * n 0,1 Jnnuar y 28. 1909, and with j th< inauguration of the new pr< si cent, the protectorate of th« United Slates will cease and Cuba will again I become a republic in fact as well as I 1. name. The Iliberal candidate* I'ni president land vic" president. General Gomez and E.\ Alfredo Zayas, were brought to gether on a single ticket by the dem onstration that harmony was essen tial to a patty victory. At the pro vincial and municipal elections last | August, a large majority of the Con j servative candidates were successful, I although the combined Liberal vote greatly exceeded that of the Conserr j .-supporters of Gomez to whom at that 1 time the presidential nomination had I leen refused and the followers of i Zayas, upon whom it had been con ferred, were fighting among tbem | selves. Since then the warring fac This happened because the stives. lions have made peace. Gomez was named for the presidency, with the understanding that Zayas fs to have the nomination next time. The Conservatives, composed for the most part of members of the old Moderate party, the organization by which the Palma administration primarily supported, selected as their standard bearer M. Mario Menocal, a man of good standing and consider able ability, who made a record dur irig the conflict with Spain which will be of assistance to him at the polls and who as a large property bolder has a stake in the community which commends him to the acceptance of the conservatively inclined. He has a was reputation for energy and and has given notice that if elected to the presidency he will maintain cider and suppress any attempt si insurrection with an iron hand, in which case he w'ill present a strong contrast to his first and only prede cessor. His associate on the ticket is Rafael Montoro, who enjoys the easy popularity of a somewhat shifty demagogue. Supporters of Menocal declare that he is another Diaz and that if elected, he would rule Cuba in much the same manner as the famous president of the Mexicans rules his prosperous na tion. courage The municipal elections last August showed that the country cared not for the revolution of 1906, or at least for the leaders of that revolution. Dr. Zayas was the man who did the brain work for the insurrection. Gen eral Gomez came close to doing some of the fighting. Dr. Zayaz, as he likes to be called, even rather than senator, gained everything from Sec retary Taft when the latter settled the Cuban problem by bringing on the intervention. The necessity for a temporary fu sion of the followers of Zayas and Gomez was showm In the August con test. Now that such an agreement has been made, the Liberals will probably succeed, although many Cu bans are still anxious to express their displeasure that the country was turned over to the Liberals by Mr. Taft, for that is practically what was done. Not that Mr. Taft made mistakes in 1906. In ten days he straightened out a nasty tangle. The Liberals would have burned the island, per haps, o rat least they had everyone scared. The late President Palma was haps or at least they had everyone | tion came in and the Liberals helped Governor Magoon run things. The Moderates, afteiward the' Conserva tives, refused to see Governor Ma 1 goon or have anything to do with the j running ef the government. The gov trnor tried to get them to come to the | palace, but they would not. The presidential and vice preslden j tlal electors are distributed as fol ilows: Pillar del Rio, 14; Havana, 25; Matanzas, 14; Santa Clara, 22; Cania guey, 9; Oriente, 22. Besides these there will be a number of substitutes from each province. There will bo sixteen senatorial electors for each province. The representatives will be appor tioned as follows: Pinar del Rio, 10; Havana, 22; Matanzas, 10; Santa Clara, IS; Camaguey, 5; Oriente, IS. The Conservatives are offering odds that General Menocal will carry the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Matanzas end Camaguey. The electoral vote of these prov inces is not sufficient to elect Menocal.. The Conservatives must also carry Santiago. There the fire is hottest. The fact that Menocal represents Die monied interests and the aristoc J racy had a bad effect on his candi j clacv in the country districts. Gomez the Liberal candidate, made the most | of Menocal's connection with the sugar trust, he being the manager of one of its largest plantations in Cuba HONOR PRINCE OF MONTE CARLO Monte Carlo, November 13.—In l onor of the 60th birthday anniversary of the Prince of Monaco, tie gambling king of the world, whose little princi pality is supported by revenues from Monte Carlo's famous games of chance public fetes were commenced here to day and will be continued tomorrow. Thousands of visitors are here and tbe fete marks the opening of the sea son at this famous resort. Tbe town is brilliantly decorated and there will be a njarvalous fireworks display to night , I GERMS IN HER SYSTEM Every Woman Should Read This. The number of diseases peculiar to woman is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these diseases are of a catarrhal nature. A woman can not be well if there is a trace of the catarrhal germs in her system. Some women think there is no help for them. We positively declare this tc be a mistaken idea. We are so sure of this that we offer to supply medicine absolutely free of all cost in every instance where it fails to give entire satisfaction or does not substantiate oui claims. With this un derstanding, no woman should hest tale to believe our honc3ty of purpose or hesitate to put our claims to a test. There is only one w'ay to cure ca tarrh. That way is through the blood. You may use all the snuffs, douches or like remedies for years without get ting more than temporary relief at best. Catarrh is caused by a germ. That germ is carried by the blood to the innermost part of the system until the mucous membrane is broken, irrl taiion and inflammation produced, and s flow of mucous results, and you can probably realize how silly it is to at tempt to cure such an aliment unless you take a medicine that follows the same course as the germ or parasite. Rexall Muen-Tone Is scientifically prepared from the prescription of an eminent physician who for thirty years made his specialty Catarrh, and with this medicine he averaged 98 per s^nt of cures where It was em ployed. No other remedy is so prop trly designed for the ailments of wo man. It will purify and enrich the blood, stop mucous discharge, destroy all germ matter, remove all impurities fiom the system, soothe, heal and strengthen the mucous tissues, artd bring about a good feeling of health and strength. We want you to try Rexall Mucu Tone on our guarantee. If you are not benefltted, or for any reason not satisfied, simply tell us and we will hand back your money. Rexall Mucu Tone comes in two sizes, 50c and $1. The Owl Drug Store, 113 Front ST. J i New Jersey Women Discuss the Welfare of Children in An* nual Convention. Hearst News Service. Atlantic City, N. J., November 13.— A representative gathering of TTew Jersey women tissembled today at the Chalfonte Hotel to annual meeting of the State Congress of Mothers. The welfare of children on the civic as well as the home and school side will be considered by the congress. monds will speak on "Teaching Tor Citizenship," and Miss Grace W. Pit man, of Passaic, will talk on "How, When and Where Children Should Be Taught the Ethics of Expenditure." Mrs. Edwin Ci Grice, of Riverton, will preside over the Bection devoted to "Socializing Our Schools," and tomor row morning a business session will take place with an election of officers and conference of workers. open tbe eighth Franklin Spencer Ed NEGRO FAIR IN AUGUSTA Hearst News Service Augusta, Ga., November 13.—Col ored people from all-oven this section are pouring into Augusta today to visit the negro fair opened here this morn ing. "The Devil" having lost Its novelty In this country, Henry W. Savage will probably return to Vienna and look I for some other sulphurous output 0 □ ;b POISON Bone Pains, Can cer i Pmrlcs. f. ,Wa Will Send Sample Showing How B. B. B. Cures Above Trebles, slso Eczema and Rheumatism. FREE For twenty-live years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) has been curing vear ly thousands of 3uffereraTnjm77 unary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all forms of Blood Disease. We Boliclt the most obstinate cases, for B. B. B. cures where all else falls. If you have exhausted I he old meth ods of treatment and still have aches and pains In the bones, back or joints, Rheumatism, Mucus Patchos in mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Coper-Color ed Spots. Ulcers on any part of the body. Eating Sores, are run down of nervous. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. take B. B. B. It kills the poison. makeB the blood pure and rich, healing every sore and completely changing the en tire body Into a clean, healthy condi tion. Itching, watery ollsterg or open Itching humors. Risings or pimples or Eczema all leave after killing the pol and purifying the blood with B. B. B. In this way a flood of pure, rich blood Is sent direct to the skin surface, the Itching stops forever and every hu mor or sore is healed and cured. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (E B. B.), is pleasant and safe to take; composed of pure Botanic Ingredients.. It purifies and enriches the blood. DRUGGISTS, $1 PER BOTTLE with directions for home cure. FREE BLOOD CURE COUPON This coupon cut from The Daily New, Hattiesburg, Miss, is good foi one large sample of Botanic Blood Balm mailed free in plain package. Simply fill in your name and address on the dotted lines below and mail tc BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga., State name of trouble if you know. CROSS COUNTRY RUN HELD IN CELTIC PARK New York, November 13.—Cross country championships of the Amateur Athletic Union, both junior and sen ior, individual and team, will be de cided tomorrow at Celtic Park. A MILLION ARTICLES i AT THE 5c s 10c Store Crockery, Qranite, Tin and Glass Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Todet Articles, Cutlery, Tools, Hardware and a fine line of Fruits and Candies. Headquarters for Postcards. C. K. RUSS, Prop. 207 West Pine St. Casino Theatre Under New Management The Very Latest High Class Moving Pictures and Beautiful Illustrated Songs. Program Changed Daily. 5c 5c 5c \ *i i..r HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine 8treet. .Phones—Day, Home, 46, Cumb 911. Night, Residence, Home, 762. WARREN UPTON, Attorney-at-Law.* Hattiesburg, Miss 604 Carter Building, E. F. HUDDLESTON Public Stenographer. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. 'Phone 446. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Keyes Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. Pine St. THE POLE-STOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. Smoke Oliver's 5c Straight -Absolute ly Clear Havana Cigar. MAGAZINES, CIGARS, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. OLIVER CIGAR STORE m Buildin g)j Street Opposite Ross Tbe only Big Circus to visit tbis section and _All That's Good in tbe Circus World JOHN ROBINSON'S BIG FOUR-RINGED CIRCUS Double Menagerie, Hippodrome and Wild West HATTIESBURG, FRIDAY, NOV. 13 Presenting under TEN ACRES of WATER PROOF Tents 1500 Rare and Costly Wild Animals DOUBLE HERO OF ELEPHANTS Ponderous, Performing, Pachyderms, senting a Program Comique of Perfection. pre Wir'J)@G0C'| 4f*!MG crmcux mm 3 M£MACEmeSK>tSlt, 4 4 7 ii Y dP In I mjl //MOST SIMA' e m \M**arM*r*\ i \cs»eu*m mrl HOPEAN / 3 BIG REALISTIC WILD WEST Introducing 500 INDIANS, COWBOYS, SCOUTS, and Soldiers In a spectacular exhibition of dare-devil riding, fancy roping and bolo-throwing Including Troop op u. s. cavalry in exhibitions of riding, monkey drills, etc. and a band of Sioux Indians in scene of the far West. WONDERFUL TRAINED SEA LIONS Finest group of educated seals in the world, including the Riding Seal Alaska ROBINSON'S School of wonderfully trained Menage i ..■■ — _Horses twelve in number. SO- MALE AND FEMALE* RIDERS -20 300 DARING GYMNASTS FORTY MERRY OLD CLOWNS GRAND $300,000 STREET PARADE 3 Miles of Gold-Bixiecked Wagon, and Chariots, Prancing Horses, Dens of Rare and Costly Yviid Animals, and including the aeason's newest novelties. g THE GRAND MUSICAL BALLET, 500 WEN, WOMEN ARID CHILDREN IN THE ROBINSON'S CELEBRATED BAND One hour's Musical Program before each 50 no performance TWO SHOWS DAILY, MAIN OK MH1NK _ Excursion Rates on All Railroads Piano and Guitar Lessons 9/7 River Mvenue Cumberland phone 176 DOCTORS DIRECTORY FERN CHAMPENOI8, M. D., Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Blount Building, Main St. Spectacles Fitted. Eyes Tested Free. Iraduati -New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Officeat H. 8. LI Hue Jewelry 8tora, 105 Front Street. E. J. MITCHELL, [DENTIST A»d Fellows Building, All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS •hHce Suite 214-216-219 Boss Building Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600.