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WITH THE MILLS OF THE HATTIESBURG DISTRICT a New Mill Launched. Waynesboro, Mis., November 16.— Among the new enterprises launched here within the past few weeks Is the O'Dom Lumber Company, with $10, 000 capital. The company is composed of J. W. and M. A. O'Dom, the latter late cashier of the Bank of Waynes boro, the former late manager under, the receiver, E. F. Ballard of the West-King Lumber Company, through the depression caused by the panic, when the prices were lowest, these gentlemen, feeling that the de pression was but temporary, went about buying stumpage, and, it is said, either bought outright or obtain ed options on enough to justify their putting in a mill, and they will now do so, an order, it is learned, having already been placed for the machin ery. All 1 While the general offices of the firm will be at Waynesboro, it is thought that, for convenience to their mill, their shipping point will be either from Graham's Switch, West-King Junction or a spur that they will have to tap the Mobil'S and Ohio Railroad two or three miles north of this place. The above is another indication of the returning confidence, arid as the mill expects to employ a number of hands and the payroll all spent here, the new industry is hailed with much pleasure. ;■> Mills Are Running. Wesson, Miss., November 16.—The saw mills located within and near this city are running full capacity. That of Captain J. N. Cook has a large batch of orders on hand, which are be ing disposed of at satisfactory prices, while Burgess & Britt are equally load ed with heavy timbers that are being shipped daily from this point. It is reported that prices for certain grades of lumber have advanced materially within the past few months. Pine and hard timber are getting to be an object in this section. W. E. Patters, a respected citizen of this place, secured a position at the Pearhaven loging camp and only work ed a few days before receiving seri ous injuries by the falling of a tree, striking him on the shoulder, inflict ing a fracture of the collarbone. Mr. Patterson is being treated at Wilson's Sanitarium, near Brookhaven. \ r EXPECTS IMPROVEMENT. Gulfport, Miss., Novemner 16.—Mr. R. L. Stewart, of the Gulfport Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturing Com pany, says: "We are looking for an early improvement in building. Or ders are coming better now." STILL CONFIDENT. Laurel, Miss., November 16.—G. D. Hitchcock, superintendent of the mill of the W. M. Carter Lumber Company, . says: "Prospects are good. I have Regular Dinner 25c NEW WINDSOR CAFE 25c at the s 11:30 to 1:30 Bellmaine 3r Lucas, Props. HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY - CAPITAL, $ / SO, OOO. OO A General Banking Business Careful and courteous attention to all matters entrusted to us. Separate Savings Department. Our Trust Department -.velj equipped and properly prepared to care for investment funds or matters pertaining to estates. .'. Authorized by law to serve as Guardian, Administrator, Executor, Trustee or'Receiver. ■I ransacted. ACCOUNTS INVITED The small depositor or borrower assured the same courteous treatment given the larger one. Our desire and purpose is to treat all justly, show them e.'ery consideration con and to sistent with safe banking. .\ . 4°fo Interest on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates : : * ; : -''OFFICERS \ t H. A. CAMP, President JOE SHELBY, Vice-Pres. JOHN KAMPER, Vice-Pres. R. L. BENNETT, Active Vice- Pres. J. S, LOVE, Cashier •s. V every confidence in the future of the lumber and building business. Laurel and surrounding territory is still in a healthy business condition and there is considerable building." LOOKS BETTER. Bay Springs, Miss., November 16.— Mr. L. L. Denson, president of the Bay Springs Lumber Company, asked regarding the business outlook, said: "It looks better to me." TENDENCY IS GOOD. Taylorsville, Miss., November 16.— Eaton & Ainsworth, of this place, are running their mill regularly now. These gentlemen are of the opinion that the general tendency is improv ing and that better business will come by the first of the new year. OPTIMISTIC AT KOLA. Kola, Miss., November 16.—The mill of the Kola Lumber Company is not running. An official of the company, when asked as to his opinion'of future prospects, said: "We look for prompt and material betterment of present conditions and anticipate an early re turn to normal conditions." PINEBUR PROSPECTS. Pinebur, Miss., November 16.— -A. representative of the Walworth & Ne ville Manufacturing Co., says: "Fu ture prospects look good to us. We are expecting an immediate improve ment since Taft's election and will start up our mill as quick as possible. NOT MUCH BETTER. Seminary, Miss., November 16.—B. F. Pearson, who operates a small mill, says: for mill-run lumber." "It doesn't look much better PROSPECTS SPLENDID. Braxton, Miss., November 16.— Messrs. Hemphill & Gray, who have been operating their mill on half time, announce that preparations are being made to put on a full force. Speaking of prospects, Mr. Gray says: "Things look much better and prospects for the future are splendid." LOOKS BETTER. Meridian, Miss., November 16.—A. C. Snow, of the Rex Planing Mill, says: "Future prospects look much better." Colds and Croup in Children. "My little girl Is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last, winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from hav ing the croup by the timely use of this syrup. This remedy Is for sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. • KA * i 7:! : V ' ' <y I' m * ■■■. !i§fg of ■v : in ■ 7 ■■ I > < V\ I . ;£■ . :*?: I'y . yS -y' : / y-.'y? If! ;7 : ' y il ■i 'k . 7 :; 77 ; V ; If iiil 11 : ipg! Adelaide Thurston, in "The Woman's Hour," at Auditorium Friday night. COUNTRY LIFE UPLIFTERS TO HOLD MEETING Hearst News Service. Washington, November 16.—Presi dent Roosevelt's project for the "up lift" of the farmers and the improve ment of country life will receive an impetus from the meeting here today and tomorrow of the members of the The "uplifters" "uplift" committee, have already spent some time investi gating rural conditions in the states south of Washington and east of the Mississippi river. Tomorrow night the committee will leave Washington for the Southwest, their itinerary including stops in Ten nessee, Texas, Arizona and California. Both the northern and southern states of the Rocky Mountain group will be visited. Returning eastward the "up BIG BOND ISSUE WILL BE PLACEO BY CHEMICAL CO. New York, November 16.—Believ ing that an era of renewed prosperity | is on the way and that increased facil- ' ities will be needed to handle the \ business of tile corporation, the stock holders of the Virginia-Carolina \ Chemical Company will hold a spe-1 sial meeting tomorrow for the pur- ! pose of ratifying the proposed new i bond issue of fifteen million dollars. Of the new bond issue three mil- 1 lion dollars is to be held in reserve for three years. The remainder will be disponed of at once. The amount i of four and a half million dollars Will I be used to retire outstanding bonds I issued October first, 1902, and the i balance, seven and a half million dol- j lars, will be utilized for working cap- | ltal and general corporate purposes. | S. T. Morgan, president of the I company, in a circular to sharehold ers, says in part: "By reason of its insufficient working capital and the desire not to borrow for this purpose more than is safe and prudent in times of finan cial depression, the company has been unable to deprive the full pene fit from its properties or to do the amount of business that is open to it in the fields now occupied and else where. "Your board <'"?!« *Hat the issu ance of the bonds will put the com pany in a strong financial position and will insure to the benefit of both classes of. the stockholders.' 1 GLYCRIN SYRUP COMPOUND WILL GIVE RELIEF IN WHOOPING COUGH. FOR SALE BY YELLOW PINE PHARMACY. 11-2-lmo lifters" will hold hearings in nearly all the states of the central West. The committee will return for a final hear ing in this city on December 18. Today the committee is meeting with the aelegates to tile thirteenth annual meeting of the American As sociation of Farmers' Institute Work ers. Some of the leading agricultural authorities of the country are in at tendance at this convention and they will probably be able to give the "up lifters" some valuable pointers The | sessions are being held at the Nation al Hotel and will extend through to morrow. The Association of Agricult ural Colleges and Experiment Stations will meet tomorrow, and the "uplift" commission will then confer with the members of that body. I t LOOK! LOOK!! I have just received a fresh car of the justly celebrated "White Heath Flour" which I am selling at $6.00. spot cash. There, is no better Flour on the market. Why pay others $6.50 and $6.75 for no better goods. Call on me and srve money. Every barrel guaranteed. Very respectfully, to 20 mo W. M. CONNER. | ' \ \ ! i 1 i I I i j | | I , fi II l| 111 > ¥ ' ^ mt-'f 1 '< ' J ) m r ■ m $/i *5 m r*is V J. Dugan and his brother Eddie, who are shown in this picture, are both well known jockeys, who re cce ly were run down and seriously rt by an automobile. V MEETS Hearst News Service Pittsburg Pa., November 16.—One of tfye biggest and most important conventions for the consideration of municipal and civic matters ever hen. to- ' in this country will be onened here morrow. The sessions will be under j the joint auspices of the American | Civic Association and the National i Municipal League and will continue through four days, guished delegates arrived in the city today and were given a courteous and hearty reception by committees the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce and other local bodies. ■ I Many distin / First-National Bank of Commerce Of Hattiesburg , Mississippi. DEPOSITARY U. S. GOVERNMENT, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, FORREST COUNTY, CITY OF HATTIESBURG. $425,000 Ca[i al stock Adnitional Liability of shareholders to | Depositors as Provided by National Bank Act 425,000 Total $850,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT This is a prominent feature of our business. Under the National Bank Act our depositors have the protection of Governmental supervision and shareholders liability of .$850,000.00, TH E American Printing Company HIGH GRADE JOB PRINTING kind that the people appreciate The 'T/e have purchased the entire stock of Stationery of the Daily News, and respectfully solicit a portion, at least, of the business formerly given then*. n We Make a Specialty of Delivering Work When Promised Building Hartfield Hattiesburg, Miss. j* m MUHICIPAIJ&*Kt» magazines, cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc. OLIVER CIGAR STORE Opposite Ross Building )J \^Front Street f The Enterprise Electric Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Supplies of All Kinds^.Kept in^Stock REPAIR WORK AiSPECIALTY agents for WEST1NGH0USE FANS 118 West Pine St. Home Phone 80 ; IV J