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EXTERNAL REMEDY FOR E( MA Why Salves Fail While a Simple Liquid Has Accompanied Thou sands of Cures. ! It Is r.ow thoroughly established among the best medical authorities that eczema is purely a skin disease, due to a germ and curable only through the skin. It is not a blood disease at all; in (act, thousands of people suffer with skin diseases and are perfectly healthy otherwise and therefore prove they have no diseased blood. Smeary salves cannot reach the germs because they do not penetrate the skin. The only way to reach the germs is by means of a penetrating liquid. Such a liquid can be obtained by simply mixing ordinary oil of winter green with thymol, glycerine and other healing abents. This compound known as D. D. D. Prescription stops the itch instantly—and the cures all appear permanent. In fact, it took thousands of cures, case after case, before the best scientific authorities were convin ced of the absolute merit of this rem edy. The effect of D. D. D. Prescrip tion in numbing the itching eczema germs is seen within one minute after the first application. We especially recommend D. D. D. Soap in connec tion with this treatment. Store and Century Drug Store Owl Drug Impossible to Please Everybody. Seems as though it's impossible to please everybody. Just about the time we are getting accustomed to and sat isfied with the plan of having the "lid" put on all kind of business and em ployment on Sunday along comes the Seventh Day Adventists with a pro test against any legal or official recog nition of Sunday.—Mayersville Spec j I i tai< .TO-NIGHT SEE IOcT ■ Me Dnggists STOP THAT Reut Waste-—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 5 room house one block Hardy st. School, $200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $500 cash, bal. $40 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near Main St. School, 2 lots, terms, 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month' ..2500 6 room house ou East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly . Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, in any part of the City. WE CAN. SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND EASY TERMS. 1500 .... $1500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 OFFICS Suite 214 Carter Building !r WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? We make over and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone us for prices. Mattresses called for and delivered Both Thon 623 DIXIE MATTRESS CO. The American Box Ball Alley EAST PINE STREET FERGI'SON-ALLlN building E. D. CAMPBELL, Prop. The most beautiful and interest ing game in America, developing muscle and quicKness of hand and eye. : : s : : s s s s s 30 Balls for 5c See This Great Game. - '_ -±-L— - —' BIG MUNICIPAL CONGRESS OPENED IN PITTSBURG TOD A Y Hearst News Service. Pittsburg. Pa., November 17.—Meet ing in joint session, the National Mu nicipal League and the American Civic Association today commenced what promises to rank among the most important conferences on muni cipal matters ever held in the United States. Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte is president of the muni cipal league. The delegates Include prominent publicists, municipal and other pubile officers and workers In the cause of good government from every state of the Union. Of the subjects with which the Na tional Municipal League deals especi ally will be charter and electoral re WATERWAYS CONVENTION IS ASSEMBLED IN BOSTON Plans Gigantic Canal to Connect Tide water at Boston With Key West, Florida. Hearst News Service. Baltimore, Md., November 17.—Del egations from all the states along the Atlantic seaboard gathered today in Baltimore of the opening of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Conven tion. Congressman J. Hampton Moore of Pennsylvania, is president of the association, and the delegates in clude many distinguished men. One of the most gigantic waterways projects ever broached is recommend ed by the association, which was or ganized for the purpose of impress forms, taxation, instruction in muni cipal government In educational in stitutions, the bureau of municipal re search, municipal accounting and mil tant citizenship. Among the many questions for dis cussion to which the American Civic Association is devoted will be school extension and rural improvement, mu nicipal sanitation, the smoke ance, billboards and Niagara. Attorney General Bonaparte will de liver the league's yearly address and Secretary Clinton Rodgers Woodruff will present his review of the year's municipal and civic events. One of the most interesting and important questions to be discussed nuls ing upon the government the neces sity for an inland waterway from Bos ton to Key West. 1'he association's plans provide for the opening of ship canals and deepening of intervening rivers and approaches from Norfolk, Va., southward to Key West, Fla., from Chesapeake bay to Delaware bay, and from the Delaware river to the Raritan river, and across Cape Cod. The purpose of the convention intensify interest in the objects pressed in the resolutions adopted at I the Philadelphia conference last No vember; to report progress in the movement for a continuous chain of I canals from Boston to Key West, and ! to impress upon the Federal Congress ; the appeal of representation of 30,- 1 000,000 people for a government ap propriation making possible the near accomplishment \of the project. The convention is the first one of the association, as the meeting held last year in Philadelphia was more of an organizing conference. It is prob able that next year the convention will be held in Norfolk. izations there are said to be enthusi astic over the movement. Congressman Moore explained that the purpose of the association is not to interfere with the efforts of any I one section in getting appropriations for the betterment of its harbors and waterways, but that it is to promote co-operation of all districts to further uniform 'development. It is planned to secure the ultimate construction of an inland waterway along the entire Atlantic coast. Mr. Moore told of the lives that are lost, the ships that are wrecked and the time lost because of the rough seas and dangerous coasts and pointed out the strategic value of an inland waterway in time of war. Thousands of dollars will be ex pended by Baltimore business men in entertaining the delegates during the three days of the convention, the pro I gram including an excursion that will take in all the local waterways and their approaches. to ex I . The trade organ a colonial policy with its jpf| t v. * 6 .I • M i. ■M • W. WM •• k 1 # * ■ A L./V < '. ',v ■ ■ as * . IH I rmi -"s ^ --- v | The woman In the picture is Minnie Marquette, who the New York police, charge Is an expert burglar and spfe robber. Her husband, Jos# ph Marquette is shown to the right snd her brother Samuel Peaky, Is shown to the left The three aro o barged with a safe robbery on Broad way, which netted tl y $3200 rash. is the relation of the liquor problem to municipal affairs. With the liquor interests active in varying degree in municipal as well as state politics, the National Munici pal League has begun an extensive In quiry as to the actual conditions as affected by the liquor problem. The quesetions cover every phase of the problem. Although the league is not the ex ponent of absolute prohibition, or of local option, or of high license, its inquiry covering every community in the United States touches upon all these practical measures with the purpose of learning their actual prac tical results. - " - I ■ i y * y m i r t ; ■ I | ! I jfc ; 1 ! i ; S' | I . * K . 4, N The engagement is announced of Miss Blanche Plamondon (top) of Chi cago to J. Henry Smith, son of form er U. S. Senator Smith of New Jer *«y How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment reduces in ftamation and soreness so that a sprain may be cured in about one third the time required by the usual treatment. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. Castor ia V SSNU: The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, ettres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt CENTAUR COMPANY, MURRAY •TRCtT. HI BRYAN SAYS THE DEMOCRACY WILL YET COME INTO ITS OWN i Hearst News Service. Lincoln, Neb., November 17.—De claring the Democratic party caunoi die ana has accomplished more out of office in the last twelve years than the Republican party has in office, W. J. Bryan bids his supporters not despair. In the coming issue of his Commoner, he speaks of the election results and discusses the future. He says: "The election of 1908 is over and the returns disclose a signal victory for our opponents, but the principles for which our party stands, the poli cies for which our party contends, these are not dead. "Does any one believe the American people will permanently permit secre cy as to campaign contributions? Does any one believe the American people will permanently permit the win of the voters to be thwarted as It is now by the election of senators through legislatures? Does any one believe the trusts will be permitted permanently to exploit the masses? Does any one believe the consumer will permanently permit the tariff to be yritten by the beneficiaries of that tariff? Does any one believe the pub lic will permanently toloratc an es trangement between labor and capi tal? Does any one believe 15,000,000 of depositors will forever permit their savings to be jeopardized as at pres ent? Does any one believe the ex travagance of government will go on forever unchecked? Does any one be lieve our Republic will permanently consent to a colonial policy with its humiliations and its financial bur dens? "During the last twelve years the Democratic party has accomplished more out of office than the Republi can party has accomplished in office, and this is a sufficient reward for those who fight for the righteous cause. It would have been pleasant to have been able to reward worthy Democrats with official positions. They are looking for good government, and they labor unselfishly for the pro motion of good government. "As for myself, let no one worry about my future. The holding of of fice Is a mere Incident in the life of those who are devoted to reforms. The reform fs the essential thing. If one can advance reforms by holding office, then holding office is justifi able; if one cai) best advance reforms as a private citizen, then holding' of fice is undesirable. ' The world owes me nothing. I have been abundantly compensated for what I have been able to do. My life win not be long enough to repay the people for their support and for the fconfldence they have expressed. "With an abiding faith in the triumph of truth and an unfaltering confidence in the righteousness of our cause, I speak this word of encour agement to those who call themselves friends. I shall keep step with them and march on. If we are right, as I believe we are, it will vindicate us; if we contribute, as I believe we are contributing, to a cause that is found ed on justice our efforts will weigh in final victory.". , MEET ME AT HOTEL HATTIESBURG BARBER SHOP .Where we can nestle among; the, palms and not have to wait so' tong for our workA :: :: :: :: Quick Service, Experienced Workmen, Comodious Bath Rooms PRENTISS HANNA. Manager I AUDITORIUM Thursday Nov. 19. Jos. M. Gaites Offers Those Famous punmakers LITTLE CHIP AN D MARY MARBLE In the Musical Comedy Sensation 44 HIS HONOR THE MAYOR J » Company carries special orches tra—60 People—Big Beauty Chorus—7 weeks at Wallack's Theatre New York. ADMISSION; 50C-75C-$1.00-S1.50 RAMSEY & CO. UNDERTAKERS A MILLION ARTICLES AT THE Sc fi 10c Store Crockery, Granite, Tin and Glass Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Todet Articles, Cutlery, Tools, Hardware and a fine line of Fruits and Candies. Headquarters for Postcards. C. K. RUSS, Prop. » 207 West Pine St. GOOD pKEp&OKE %WwfrWEMAKE -/tv; K So let us do Your BAKING We made the best French, Rye, Graham, Crimp, and Domestic Bread; Rolls and all kinds of Pies. Courteous drivers to wait on you at your door twice daily. Give our goods a trial and be convinced. City Bakery E. S. Scott, Prop. Home Phone 165 HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine 8treet. Phones—Day, Homo, 46, Cumb Ml. Night, Residence, Home, 762. WARREN UPTON, Attorney-at-Law. Hattiesburg, Miss 504 Carter Building, E. F. HUDDLESTON Public 8tencgraph<r. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. 'Phone 445. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Kayes Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. ' Pine St. THE POLE-STOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. DOCTORS DIRECTORY FERN CHAMPENOIS, M. D., Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Blount Building, Main St; / Spectacle* Fitted. Eyes Tested Free. Iraduate—New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Officeat H. 8. Llllus Jewelry 8tora, 106 Front Street. • E. J. MITCHELL, [DENTIST •ud Fellows Building, ' : Front Street. All Work Guaranteed. . BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS Jiflce Suite 214-216-219 Ross Bailding Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600.