THE SAFEST INVESTMENT IN THE SOUTH LAKE VIEW THE COMING RESIDENCE DISTRICT OF NEW ORLEANS. «nq«n«n«i«n€!)«ii«i]«!«i!«[if]«irfiic[]«ii What Lakeoiew Is. It is a Significant Fact That the Majority of Lakeview Lots Has Been Sold to Residents of New Orleans. And more, the majority of thi s Is composed of the most successful business men of the city. Can you not read between the lines of that message? Is It nof~the highest recommendation that Lakeview should be most appreciated by those who know It best, and who have already proved their abaillty to make profitable investments? We think so. We are therefore the more eager to urge all—the man of the family, the young salaried who has a sum for Investment but who doesn't want to take any chances, her own livelihood—we unhesitatingly urge all to buy Lakeview lots. Why, it is a simple case of supply and demand. Lakeview Is land that people must have in the course of a few years. There is no other av enue open for them and J>ou may re st assured they will have to pay for It when the time comes. And mind you those who buy now will be the ones to profit.. Will you be one of those? At least look Into It further, cut out the coupon below and let us write you full particulars of the safest and best investment in the whole South. ' The New Orleans is growing—growi ng faster than any other city in the South. With the Panama Canal now a certainty and all these Northern people locating here, it's future could hardly be overestimated New Orleans must spread out-the demand for more homes is urgent now, It will be tremendous a few years hence. Opportunity New Orleans is very peculiarly situated. It can't go south or east for the river; it could hardly go farth ei west ' must go north, it must envelop Lakeview, that splendid new section lying to the north of the city between City Park and beautiful Lake Pontchartrain. A more ideal loca tlon for residence could hardly be imagined. It is just 18 minutes trolley ride from the heart of the city; a quarter of a million dollars has recently given it an almost perfect drainage system; it already has six miles of macadamized streets- it enjoy boating, bathing, fishing as no other suburb of the city does. man, the lady the lady who is earning of a Lifetime s This is Lakeview, where these lots are for sale. Terms: $300 for Corners; $250 for Inside Lots. CASTELL & TREFNY COUPON I T CASTELL & TREFNY, 633 Grader St., New Orleans. Please send me information and data regarding the possibilities of * 'La\coiew ' ' 10 per cent, cash down, $10 per month every pair of lots. 6 per cent, interest per annum on deferred payments. Name. on 633 Gravier Street. Slrtel NEW ORLEANS • • C«y To read the want ads. is to put yourself in touch, anew, with the life of the city. The Regent $3.50 SHOE Has always proved to be the best shoe in the world for the money. You can get them at Nathan's Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street. .'. .'. I also take your measure and make shoes lo fit your feet. I Sew on Half Soles for 75c. Call and see Nathan; save your Money and save your Feet. A NATHAN'S Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street STOP THAT Rent Waste-—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, 3260 cash bal. $20 per month...$1300 6 room house one block Hardy st. School, $200 cash, $20 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW. $500 cash, bal. $40 month.. 2400 6 room house, large barn, near MainSt. School, 2 lots, terms 8 room house and barn. Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month ..2500 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal montbly ... Houses from $50 to $600 down, bal monthly, lu any part of the City. WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND EASY TERMS. 1500 61500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 OFFICE Suite 214 Carter Building WHY SLEEP ON KNOTS When you can have your old Mattress renovated and made same as new? We make over and renovate all kinds of Mat tresses. Phone us for prices. Mattresses called for and delivered Both Phon 623 DIXIE MATTRESS CO. Piano and Guitar Lessons 917 River Jlvenue Cumberland phone 176 Violin Lessons Prof. Al Moore Headquarters New Gem Theatre Guarantees to teach beginners in six months. IIATTIESBURG Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business everywhere. No charges for curing position. Students may en ter any time. Address J. J. FERGUSON, Principal Hattiesburg,. Mississippi men se Ragmuffin Day in New York City U Hearst News Service. New York, November 24.—Day after tomorrow will be "Ragamuffin Day" in the metropolis. Umpty thousand little children are preparing to band themselves into a fantastically ar rayed army of beggars and celebrate Thanksgiving by asking alms from adult pedestrians. The man who fails to provide himself with a plentiful supply of pennies and nickels with which to placate the beggars, before venturing on the streets, is likely to fare ill at the hands of the little angels. Zow! A stocking full whacks you over the head. Zoom! A fish horn disrupts your eardrums. But what's the use of getting mad? It's only a bunch of Thanksgiving Day "Ragamuffins," out for their car nival. Give them a nickel and they'll let you alone. There are thousands of them all over New York on Thanksgiving Day. Kids of all shapes, sorts and sizes, ar rayed in the funniest, weirdest motley you can imagine. They make the day of flour PAPKE-KETCHEL BATTLE IS GREAT SPORTING EVENT Hearst News service. San Francisco, November 24.—Jack Gleason's fight club will come in to the limelight to-morrow evening when a great mob of eager fight fans will gather to witness what promises to be one of the best batttles ever pulled off with the middleweight championship title as the stake. Stanley Ketchell, ♦ THANKSGIVING CATECHI8M. ♦ *<«*❖❖<• «• ❖ * * * * * * -> Where were Thanksgiving services first held? lii England, during the time of Cromwell thanksgiving days common occurrences. The discovery of the "gunpowder plot," in 1605 was followed by a thanksgiving in England and that na tion observed such a day on many like occasions, the last probably being a national thanksgiving when the Prince of Wales, now Edward VII., re covered from a serious Ulnew. Where and when was the first Thanksgiving observance In the New World? The first thanksgiving held, in Amer ica was not held within the bounds of the United States, but on the shore of Newfoundland, May 27, 1678, at the time services were held by the Rev. Mr. Wolfall, an English minister. He had accompanied an early colony from England. It is claimed that It was the first Christian sermon preached In the were hideous, and raise the deuce gener ally. But where on earth did the custom originate? People from out of town who visit New York on Thanksgiving Day look in astonishment at the raga muffins parading the street and say, "What a strange custom. We don't have this at home." No more do they. The Thanksgiving Ragamuffin is New York, all through. Where did the custom originate? People who like to dig these things out have tried to trace the matter back to its origin but In vain. Some declare that the carnival is a survival of the old English "Harvest Home." But there are no proofs of this, and besides Harvest Home doesn't come at this time of year; furthermore, the English don't celebrate it with maud lin costumes. Nor is the custom a sur vival of the Christmas "Waltz." We have those at their own real time. No, nobody seems able to trace the Thanksgiving Ragamuffin back. So we'll imagine that they are real New York Institutions and treat them ac cordingly. of Grand Rapids, Mich., and "Bill" Papke, the Illinois thunderbolt, will bo the contestants. Each man holds a decision over the other and the Thanksgiving eve mill will be looked upon as decisive. Both Papke and Ketchell are out for blood and one of them will likely get it where the Thanksgiving turkey will get the axe. new world. When was the first Thanksgiving proclamation in this country? November 19, 1621; made by Gov ernor Bradford to the Pilgrim Fathers. He announced that since they had just gathered abundant harvests of grain and the cold weather had sent plenty of game to their forests, December 13, 1621, would be observed throughout the Plymouth colony as a day of thanksgiving. Who signed the first Thanksgiving proclamation ever Issued by a Presi dent? George Washington, in 1782. Who originated the modern Thanks giving Day, as it Is observed in the United States? The Thanksgiving as it occurs to day, dates from 1864, when President Lincoln Issued a proclamation for set ting apart the last Thursday In No vember of that year, as a day of na tional thanksgiving. Each succeeding president has an nually proclaimed a thanksgiving day, which is generally followed by simi lar proclamations by the governors of the various states. Who makes the Thanksgiving proc lamation? The president of the United States. How is it dona? The president writes it out with his own hand, trying to put in as much of the spirit of the day as possible. This is not an easy task. He must avoid repeating expressions that have been used by preceding presidents, and yet he must cover the same ground that they cover. When he has finished writing it out, it is copied and this copy is sent to the state department. One of the clerks who is a good pen man writes the proclamation artistic ally on parchment. The parchment Is then sent back to the White House, and the President signs it; after that it is taken back to the state depart ment, where the secretary of state adds his name; then the great seal of the state department is affixed. In der to put the great s.eal on the procla mation a note from the president is necessary, in which he ays: "I here by authorize and direct the secretary of state to cause the seal of the United States to be affixed - to my Thanksgiv ing proclamation, dated this day and signed by me, and for so doing this shall be his warrant." What is done with the proclama tion when it has been thus written and signed? A great many clerkB in the state de partment are then ordered to make many copies of the proclamation there are governors of states and ter ritories. These copies are written by hand on long sheets of blue The state department never uses the typewriter or any other means except artistic handwriting for making copies of official correspondence. What do the different governors of the states do when they have received their copies of the president's procla mation? They then write special proclama tions of their own, announcing to the people of their states the fact that the president has fixed on such and such a day for the observance of thanks giving worship and festivities. or as Ml paper. MESSES LAWYERS President of American Bar Asso ciation Principal Speaker at Annual January Meet. Hearst News Service. Oklahoma City, Okla., November 24. —Hon. F. W. Lehmann, of St. Louis, president of the American Bar Asso ciation, will deliver his principal ad dress at the meeting of the Oklahoma lawyers In this city early In January. HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine 8treet. .Phones—Day, Home, 45, Cumb 911. Night, Residence, Home, 762. WARREN UPTON, Attorney-at-Law. Hattiesburg, Miss 504 Carter Building, E. F. HUDDLESTON Public Stenographer. Room 304 Carter Building. Cumb. 'Phone 446. C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Snite 102 Keyea Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. • Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. Pine St. THE POLE-STOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. DOCTORS DIRECTORY FERN CHAMPENOI8, M. D., Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Blount Building, Main at. Spectacles Fitted. Eyes Tested Free. Iraduatt -New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Office in Carter Building, Room 303. E. J. MITCHELL, [DENTIST .•cid Fellows Building,*jf|Front Street All Work Guaranteed. BUSBY & McMULLAN, DENTISTS hflee Suite 216-215-219 Ross Building Cumberland Phone 909. Home 600. New Shoe Store Next to Posteffiee Exclusive Agency for The Society King - Shoe THE SHOE OF HIGH QUALITY UNION MADE. Expert Repairing Well and Quickly Dona at Reasonable Prices at the Store and also at 215 Front 8treet Repair Shops. CHAS. JORDAN Soolety King Shoe Store. N Notice of Remova. DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST Has removed from the Blount Building to Suite 307, Carter Building. RAMSEY&CO. ilium A MILLION ARTICLES AT THE 5c t 10c Store Crockery, Qranite, Tin and Glass Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Toilet Articles, Cutlery, Tools, Hardware and a fine line of Fruits and Candies. Headquarters for Postcards. C. K. RUSS, Prop. 207 West Pine St. The Best is the Cheapest. Get the Best. * The City m Has been the acknowledged leader for the past year, and our double service cannot be ourself en we daily delivery s excelled. Wh over a hot stove Baking deliver nice fresh Bread ■11;; your door twice each day? We also carry a fresh assortment of Cakes in our wagons. Ask the driver for them, Give us a trial and be convinced of the Quality, Reliabili ty, Consistency and Result. City Bakery Home Phoee 165 E. S. Scott, Prop.