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T ERMAN'S RIVAL Always 5c NEW GEM THEATRE Special Notice fjl The New Gem Theatre will be jj open all day Thursday ( Thanks giving Day) with the best Five Cents A Magnificent Ronl Beautiful new illustrl Fisherman? Come entirely new and never before shown in Hattiesburg, losa Pellman and Mr. Hirsch. Are You a Lucky t. You may catch an equarium containing Gold Fish. show on earth. Love's Success Efforts to Enlarge Bus iness Have Proven Successful. PUBLIC OPINION WITH THE NEWFIRM Buyers Are Especially Pleased With the Addition of Com plete Line New Books, Japan ese Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Toilet Sets, Etc. It is always gratifying to one in terested in the welfare and growth of our city to see the efforts of her business men to increase their bus iness, along legitimate line s, sue ceed. Even those who are not regular customers of the LOVE DRUG CO. are extending con gratulations to this piogressive firm because of the signal success that has attended their.' sale of all the and popular Hooke. of Japan ese hand painted China, cut glass, toilet sets, etc., all of which stock n.w was put in entirely new November 1st. New goods are arriving al most daily, and it is the purpose of the LOVE DRUG CO. to make the remaining Thirty Days Ffoni Now Until Christmas the best from every standpoint in their history. The people of Hattiesburg Wl!! do well to call on this firm and look over the stocks menticned. New Books Just Arrived The Trail of the Lonesome Pine By Jno. Fox, Jr. The Red City By S. Weir Mitchell. A Spirit in Prison By Robt. Hichens. Christmas Number of Ladies' Home Journal Love Drug COMPANY. > Ross Building Phones 277 Hattiesburg vs. Meridian Medicos Great Athletic Event For Tomorrow SHAFT Hearst News Service. Andersonville, Ga., November 25.— Indiana's monument in the Anderson viile national cemetery will be dedi cated tomorrow. The memorial will be formally presented to Governor Hanly of Indiana, which will present the monument to the United States on behalf of the citizens of Indiana. How to Treat a Sprain. Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment reduces In flamation and soreness so that a sprain may be cured in about one third the time required by the usual treatment. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Hays & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. NOTICE. I want to let the public kn^ttatl am still going to Plumbing busi appreciale any patronage, large or small. Cl n< Mrs. J. L. Kearney Ring Cumb. Phone 87 WANTED Everybody in Hatties burg (nit), just a few will do, to call Home Phone No. 530 and get J.T. Parkef, the well known builder, to fix your grates, flues and all other repair work of any description. Prompt Attention Given All Orders . <1 Hattiesburg Foundry Co. Manufacturers of Gray Iron and Brass Castings Pattern MaKing a Specialty. Engines, Tank Frames, Pilots and Cabs made on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial order for anything needed for your saw mill. Hattiesburg Foundry COMPANY. Cumb. Phone 626. Home 324. J. P. HACKNEY A. BUZZELL Game Takes Place On Old Baseball Grounds Near the City Cem etery in Afternoon HATTIESBLRG TEAM IN EXCELLENT TRIM Visiting Eleven One of the Strongest In the State and the Game Will Be Fast and Furious—Automobiles to the Grounds. The biggest athletic event ever wit nessed in Hattiesburg is scheduled for Thanksgiving afternoon, when the South Mississippi College football team plays the team of the Mississippi Medical College of Meridian. The game will be played on the old base ball grounds, near the cemetery. Ar rangements have been made for the automobiles to run from the corner of Hays & Field's Drug Store at a fare of five cents each way, and a large crowd is expected. This is the first game to be played this season on the home grounds, al though a number of games have been played in other cities by the local college eleven. Of these games only one has thus far resulted in defeat, notwithstanding that the teams played have been some of the best in the state. The college is fast establish ing an enviable record in the athletic world, and it is hoped that each year n better team will be turned out. The players have been wen coached by a veteran player, and are capable of put ting up a good game against any Op ponent. The Mississippi Medicals are likewise a strong team, thus assuring a hard fought, interesting contest. The game will be called at 3:30 p. m. An admission of fifty cents for men and twenty-five cents for ladies and children will be charged. The line-up is as follows: Breland, D. A., left end; Batson, left tackle; Graham, left guard; Hemp hill, center; Howell, right guard; Dob. bins, right tackle; Breland, J. J., right end; Landrum, quarterback; Graham right halfback; Mason, fullback; Moss left halfback, Hearst News Service. New York, November 25.—A mas sive edifice, with classic facades of solid granite, will mark the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln at Hodgenvllle, Ky., according to the plans Just com pleted by the National Lincoln Me morial Association. The cornerstone of the magnificent memorial will be laid on February 12 of next year, the centennial anniversary of Lincoln's birth. NOTICE. We the undersigned agents will close our respective depots tomorrow on account of Thanksgiving. C. W. HASSILL, R. F. BARTON, ' R. A. FOWLER, W. H. ASKEW. ' Colds and Croup in Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," says Mrs. Wm. H. Serlg, No. 41 Fifth St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of a doctor, and my litUe boy has been prevented many times from hav ing the croup by the timely use of this syrup. This remedy is for sale by Hays ft Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. ❖ WHAT I AM THANKFUL FOR •> 4 ❖ ❖ TEDDY—"That I will soon 4 ❖ have a long rest, with nothing to 4 ❖ do but run the United States 4 ❖ Senate and Harvard University 4 ❖ edit the Outlook, write books and 4 ❖ magazine articles at a dollar a 4 4 word, travel in Europe and kill 4 ❖ all the big game in Africa. 4 4 4 4 TAFT—"That the White House 4 4 has a big bath tub, and wide 4 4 doors.' 4 4 4 ❖ BRYAN—"For the Chautau- <* ❖ qua circuit." 4 4 4 SHERMAN, of Taft & Sher- 4 4 man—"That I am by nature re- 4 4 tiring and unobtrusive, anyway, 4 4 and don't mind it." 4 4 T. Gobbler—"Nothing-—I 4 all cut up about it." am 4 4 4 WU TING FANG—"That I am 4 4 a vegetarian—considering the 4 4 price of turkeys." 4 4 4 'GENE DEBS—"Better luck 4 4 next time." 4 4 EDWARD VII—"That the king 4 4 business is still good in England, 4 4 even if Neighbor Bill does have 4 4 his troubles." 4 4 4 4 ABDUL THE DAMNED—"For 4 4 the biggest crop of Young Turks 4 4 that any country ever had." 4 4 • 4 4 BATTLING 4 bo, didn't I knock the stuffing out 4 4 Joe and get away with all the 4 4 dark meat in the platter?" NELSON—"Hey, 4 4 4 4 ALL THE FISHES—"That 4 4 Thanksgiving Day doesn't fall on «. 4 Friday.' 4 4 _ „ 4 v HEARST—"That there are still 4 4 a few letters in existence and 4 4 another campaign is coming." * 4 —•>— KERN, formerly of Bryan & 4 4 Kern—"Well, just see what r 4 have escaped/ > 4 4 THAW—"That I am becoming ♦ accustomed to being crazy." UNCLE JOE—"That I can still <► ❖ Stand Pat/* ❖ ; ❖ 4 4 4 JIM JEFFERIES—"That the 4 ❖ Prohibition ❖ California." wave hasn't struck ❖ ❖ ❖ 4 KYAN—"That I have always 4 4 preserved my honesty and in- 4 4 tegrity—just look at poor Morse." 4 4 JOHN D.—"That justice is still 4 4 meted out in the 4 Ia nd and that twenty-nine mil- 4 4 lions are yet ours." courts of the 4 4 4 4 HUGHES—"Of I'm 4 4 thankful—but who is this person 4 4 Chanler, anyway?" i out Bl 4 4 FORAKER—"That the public 4 4 hasn't a long memory." 44444444444444444 HO WTO CURE A COLD. Bt as careful as you can you will occasionally take cold, and when do, get a medicine of known bllity, one that has an established reputation and that is certain to ef fect a quick cure. Such a medicine is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide reputation by its remarkable cures of this most mon ailment, and can always be de pended upon. It acts on nature's plan relieves the lungs, aids expectoration' opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. During the many years in which it has been in general have yet to learn of a single case of oold or attack of the grip having suited in pneumonia when this remedy was used, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Oongh Remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given • confidently to a baby aa to an adult. For sale by Hays ft Field and Yellow you rella com use we re Chamberlain's Pharmacy. LOOK! LOOK!! I have Just received a fresh car of the Justly celebrated "White Heath Flour" which I am selling at' $6.00, spot cash. There is no better Fiona on the market. Why pay others $ and $6.75 for no better goods. Call ol me and save money. Every barrj guaranteed. W 20 mo Very respectfully, •> W. M. CONNER. ❖ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :w VD Ah ' 4 4 i j 4 4 fd I) 4 m ^1 Wy, EVERY ONE WITH POOR EYESIGi and good sense and judgment their eyes examined by a specia of known reputation, and glas, fitted to their particular defei The risk is too great to ti chances. You can't buy eye glaa you would buy a new hat if >| want to be able to read ■ i m your eyes in comfort and prese your eyesight. Come to us a have your eyes examined scienti; ally as they should be and gl properly adjusted. F. W. Queen, Oph. Optical Speciali Polk Bldg. a 110 E Pine r AU IUM T: 4 Matinee & Night / H0RTENSE NIELSON America's Greatest Emotional Actress, in Henrick Ibsen's Great Play :: :: :: « A DOLL'S HOUSE" Matinee 0 AND HEDDA GABLEE," Night u The Management has seen fit to mafe the prices the same for both entertainments by reducing the prices of admission to i 25c - 50c - 75c - $1.00 MEET ME AT HOTEL HATTIESBURG SHOP of ol B, Sibyl M. McDonald Teacher of Piano STUDIO 314 BAY STREET Home Phone 451 Dinner 25c 'SOR CAFE [he 8 ellmaine Ar Lucas, Props. 5c Straight ar Havana Cigar. IS. CIGARS. [Pipes, Etc. AR STORE Opposite Jioss BuildingJ) DS CONSTRUCTED CASSONE, [•actor, Pennsylvania l you 1 will build the road and 1*4444444444444 4 lor future reference.