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Boy's High-Grade Shoes Our slock of boys shoes is complete. We can fit any foot two lines embraces everything a boy can desire. our Slide ns and Excelsior Shoes They are made in all shapes and big variety awaits your selection. a i kV J The Social Side. PH ONES: Cumberland No. 429, Home No. 264 Cai lival of Roses.— An artistic as well as one of the most successful church entertainments j ever given in the city, was the Car- , nival of Roses, given on yesterday, in the Hartfield building, by the West minster Aid Society of Bay Street Presbyterian Church. There were six beautifully decor ated booths containing the different articles that were sold. The fancy work was very pretty. The clothing all well made, the home made candy was so unusually nice that it was soon all gone. The doll booth was decidedly the most beautiful feature of the occa sion. This was gracefully presided over by Mrs. George Komp, who easi ly found good homes for all her chil dren. Beautifully dressed dolls of all description were on sale from the elaborately dressed $10 doll down to those for 50c, which were just lovely for the price, scarcely do justiee^in attempting to describe the decorations and artistic j touches given to Mrs. Komp's booth, suffice it to say, it couldn't be sur passed. Alt of the other booths, too, were very pretty, indeed. The dinner served was excellent, and altogether the affair was a great success from both a social amt financial stand point. The writer could ❖ *> Ladies' Aid Society.— Mrs. T. S. Jackson, the popular pres ident of the Ladies' Aid Society of Columbia Street Baptist Church, beau tifully entertained the members and a few invited guests at an enlistment party yesterday afternoon at her beau tiful home on Main street. A very interesting program was admirably presented. Mrs. Akers gave a beautiful vocal selection, and Miss Ray gave a very enjoyable reading, both numbers add ing very much indeed to the pleasures of the afternoon. Five new members were enlisted, Mesdames T. E. Waugh, G. L. Russel, Runnels, Misses Welch and May Richardson. The afternoon was an unusually de lightful one, as is always the case in this ideal home, with a hostess so lovely. Delicious refreshments of sand wiches, olives, coffee and cake, were served by Mrs. Jackson, assisted by her daughter, Carrie, and Louline Col tins. ! v 8irthday Party.— One of the most enjoyable birthday parties of the season, was the one given on the afternoon of December n L 71 r* \ RING THE Bell For 1 4 \ H. H. GRAHAM 4 JEWELRY CO. \ Inswvwt 1, by Mrs. H. E. Welch, in honor of the eleventh birthday of her bright little son, Albert, The spacious home was most taste fully decorated with ferns and flow ers > the motiff of the entertainment l*?ing red and white. Eleven guests were Invited to share the delightful hospitality of the afternoon. Various games that are ever dear to the child ish heart, were indulged in, and in deed the time was very merrily spent. The birthday cake, surrounded by eleven lighted candles, made a most beautiful center piece for the table, where delicious cream, cake and dy was served by the little honoree's mother. "Cutting the birthday cake" afforded a pleasant feature for the afternoon. Edna Picket cut the ring, \\ illiam Powe the dime and Dorence Major the button. Alfred was a perfect little host, en tertaining all the guests charmingly. He was the recipient of many beau tiful gifts. When the time came to say good bye, each guest was given a lighted candle, to give Tight on their way homeward. <. Mrs. Dr. P. A. Carter and Miss Allie Camp left this morning for Laurel, where they go to attend shower given by Miss Anna Cook at the Talahoma Club rooms, compli mentary to the bride-elect, Rachel Gardener, who will be mar ried on the 9th to Mr. Charles Green of New Orleans. a HIM ♦ Miss Dozier McGowan, been for several weeks visiting friends in Memphis, is expected home tomor row evening, here who will gladly welcome her borne. who has She has many friends ♦ ♦ ♦ There will be the regular monthly meeting of the Whatsoever Circle of the King's Daughters Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock in the palm garden at Hotel Hattiesburg. A full attend ance is desired. ❖ •> * Mrs. E. R. Bolton with her little son and daughter, Gussie and Thelma, will leave tomorrow for Meridian, where they go to join Mr. Bolton, who is located near there. ❖ <• •> Miss Rebecca Lewis is the guest of her uncle, Dr. I. H. C. Cook. She is just from Manhed where she has been visiting relatives, and is en route for her home in Heidleburg. ❖ •> ❖ Mesdames J. D. Crones of Gulfport, and O. J. Spier of Furman, Ala., have returned to their homes arter a visit to Mrs. D. B. Henly on Newman street. « « « Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fairley's many friends will be glad to know that their two little ones who have been so ill with pneumonla i are convalescent. O « ❖ The Outline Club will meet with Mrs. J. C. Magrudar, on Dabbs street next Tuesday aft®noon, promptly at 3 o'clock. * « » Mrs. John D. Stockton left for her home in Natchez after an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Harper, on Bay street. ❖ * ❖ Mr. H. M. Norsworthy has been real sick at his home on Bushman street this week, but is reported better to day. ❖ * Helen the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Smith, is bet ter today after several days' illness. ♦ * ♦ Mrs. A. S. Waller's friends will re gret to learn that she is ill at her home on Fourth street. ♦ ♦ « The friends of Ernest Ellison will regret to hear that he is very ill with pneumonia. ❖ ❖ ❖ Mr. B. M. Cook is spending a few days with his father in Hot Springs. Gentlemen—Don't forget to go to Graham's Monday and ring a bell. Hear the ladies with the bells, silver bells, What a world of promise their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle In their hands of snowy white, Saying, Ah! now don't forget it Or you surely will regret It Monday afternoon and night." For on that day, day, day, In an extremely reckless way Graham's going to open with a crash and bang and roar. So be there Ladles fair. And you'll not fail to learn about the bells, bells, bells. Hear the loud alarum bells—brazen bells! What a tale of terror now their tur bulency tells. ''No one else has much to do Graham has,it all! Boo-hoo! City crowds and country, too. Oh, boo-hoo! boo-hoo! boo-hoo!" Listen Now! Without vain and fruitless begging you'll be waited on and shown The latest fads and fancies that around the world have flown, But ah, those souvenirs! Don't you dare miss them my dears, But come and hear the ringing of the bells, bells, bells. Hear the tolling of the bells—iron bells! What a world of solemn thought their monody compels! "Don't you wish you'd gone," they'll say. "See now what you'll have to pay— Somewhere else." Graham's is the place to go Things are cheapest there, you know; So come and hear the music of the ; bells, bells, bells. NOTICE TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS! If you want your Photo Book fin ished for Christmas, please come in at once. Remember it take* time to finish work properly, and we do only the best. D. B. HENLEY STUDIO. 12-3-4t Gentlemen—Don't forget to go to Graham's Monday and ring a bell. First-National Bank of Commerce OF HATTIESBURG CONDENSED REPORT Made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business November 27, 1908 I RESOURCES T IS the desire of the officers and employes of this Bank to cultivate the acquaintance of its deposi tors, in order to be fully informed concering the ways in which it can best serve their interests; and should Loans ... Banking House, Fixtures and other Real Estate ...... U. S. Bonds and Premiums...«... Other Bonds ... $1,299,144 28 84,959 00 370,461 34 13,627 36 any apparent fault exist in handling your business, it will be considered a favor if you will call our officers' attention to the matter, as it is our desire to serve our customers satisfactorily and courteously. Advances on Cotton and Lumber Shipments Cash Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer. .$142,667 75 q Moreover, if you feel that our methods and treatment of your affairs merit your good will' we will appreciate it if you wid mention to any friends or acquaintances the fact that we have every banking facility and welcome de positors, extending every courtesy and consideration, without regard to the size of the account . 211,055,25—353,723 00 Total $2,121,914 98 LIABILITIES Capital Stock. Undivided Profits Circulation. Deposits. Other Liabilities... .$ 426,000 00 . 18,326 41 . 280,000 00 .. 1,186,516 96 ........ 212,07161 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent Protected By Steel Burglar Proof Vault. Total .$2,121,914 98 Depositary for United States, State of Mississippi, County of Forrest, City of Hattiesburg J i Emory Breland, the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Breland, had what might be termed a miraculous escape from death this morning. The young lad was at the Hays & Fields' drug store and climbed the sliding step ladder which is palced next to the shelves, and when near the top, he lost his grip on the ladder and fell into a show oase, coming down on his feet. Just as he struck the LEAF RIVER CAMP ELECTS ITS OFFICERS „ „ VI „ Hattiesburg Camp, No. 449 W. O. i ...... ' . . I W., has had its annual election of officers and it is understood that the newly elected officials will enter upon a discharge of their duties with a full determination to push the Inter ests of the camp to the very best of their ability. They are the men who can do this kind of work and the Hat tlesburg camp, which is already in a flourishing condition, promises to be come one of the large camps of the state during the enaulng year. The following are the newly elected offi cers, who will serve one year from the date of their Installation: Commander — Albert Consul James. Adviser Lieutenant.—W. N. Pool. Banker—J. McDavit. Clerk—A. J. Morrison. Escort—C. H. Langford, Jr. Watchman—F. F. Hilton. Sentry—C. A. Dawson. Camp Physician—Dr. S. S. Turner. Managers—W. G. Graham, W. N. Pool, L. O. Look. Representatives to Grand Camp—A. J. Morrison, Dr. S. S. Turner. Alternates—A. F. James, J. W. Brookshire. F. 1 top, Ted Tucker grabbed him around the body and saved him from going deeper Into the show case. The quick action on the part of Mr. Tucker prob ably saved Emory's life, and though the show case was broken, the lad was fortunately uninjured. It was a very narrow escape and other boys who climb step ladders would do well to remember that they are In a dangerous place and that It is wise to be cautiouB. ANOTHER BIG FIRM HAS LOCATED HERE. The Alabama Saw Mill Company, whose head offices have heretofore been at Marbury, Ala., has removed its headquarters to Hattiesburg and now occupies room 310 Ross building. This is one of the largest wholesale I concerns in the country and is one of the Marbury interests. The fact that it has chosen Hattiesburg as the location for its 'head offices, is evi dence of the fact that Hattiesburg Is recognized as the leading lumber trade market of the South and it shows, further, that the lumbermen everywhere are looking for a great revival in the lumber trade almost im mediately following the holidays. It is .stated that the demand for lumber is very good, but there has been but little change in prices lately, Mr. J. F. Barthwick, of Scranton, <Pa., arrived several days ago to accept a position in the accountant's office of the J. J. Newman Lumber Co. ❖ * Mr. John H. Nutt, Jr., of Sumrall, is in the city today on business. WANTED—Second hand National Cash Register. State size, price and condition. S. E. McEchern, Hotel Hattiesburg. *12-4-3t. FOR RENT—Two or three rooms with all modern conveniences for light housekeeping. Apply at 204 Bushman street or call Home phone No. 534. r GET ONE! I have a few nice houses close in for rent or sale cheap. Prices light—terms easy. For anything pertaining to Real Estate i in the Magic City, call at 610 Main Street call "One Five,'' either phone. THOS. M. FERGUSON or V\\\A Will!!/////'/, An Elevated Taste .i is displayed by those who drink Soda Water of our preparation. Our hot and cold drinks alike have purity, enough sweetness and genera! qualities to mend them to all who taste and test them. • • III recom 7 •MV HAYS & FIELD Gentlemen—Don't forget to go to Graham's Monday and ring a bell. \ Notice of Removal. DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST Has removed from the Blount Building to Suite 307, Carter Building. \ / 619 Main Street The new and venient place for Photo Post Card Pictures con The nicest and the best. Drop in and see^s. Yours truly, R. W. Carletort.