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I ! New Gem Always a Good Show at the New Gem Theatre. Always 5 Cents special Ladies' and Children's Matinee Saturday. Extra attraction on ac count cf Trade's Day. Don't fail to visit the New Gem Theatre, next door to Postoffice. EXTRA! EXTRA!! Grand Theatre STATEMENT SHOWING THE CONDITION OF THE HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY Of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on Nov. 7th, 1908. t Published by direction of Chapter 14th of Mississippi Code of 1906 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts on personal endorsements, real estate or col lateral securities Overdrafts Stocks and bonds Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate Due from other Banks Cash on hand $185,035 66 4,189 00 . 10,073 26 31,886 00 28,322 35 $21,310 26 14,125 33 35,43f 51 Total $294,041 78 LIABILITIES Capital Paid in . Undivided Profits. Less Expense and Taxes Deposits Bills Payable and Rediscounts $150,000 00 16,048 06 109,664 04 19,229 68 Total $294,941 68 Of the above of Loans and Discounts To Officers of the Bank To Directors of the Bank $ 250.00 14,810 11 I. R. L. Bennett, active president, of Hattiesburg Trust & Banking Com pany, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a tru e, full and exact statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said Bank on the day and date named therein, as shown by the books of same. R. L. Bennett, Active Vice President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public in and for the county of Forrest, Mississippi, this, the 5th day of December, 1908. A. N. Sexton, Notary Public. Examined and found correct. This December 7th, 1908. E. J. Smith, Auditor. Miss Mary Lillie Taylor , Hamits Taylor s Daughter , JVillfVed Dr. Retd Hunt Hearst News Service. December •„ Washington, marriage of Miss Mary Lillie Taylor, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ilannis Tay 10.—The Hattiesburg Mr . Special Summer Rates for GO Days j Stenography, Bookkeeping and all collateral branches taught. Our! system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov-1 , , r , I to be satisfactory. Iindorsecl by professional and business men everywhere. No charges for se- j curing position. Students may en- i ter any time. Address en J. J. FERGUSON, Principal^ Hattiesburg, Mississippi The Regent $3.50 SHOE Has always proved to be the best shoe in the world for the money. You can get them at Nathan's Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street. .'. .' I also take your measure and make shoes to fit your feet. I Sew on Half Soles for 75c. Call and see Nathan; save your Money and save your Feet. NATHAN'S Shoe Factory. 120 y East Pine Street Ior to Dr. Reid Hunt, of the United 1 States public health and marine-hos pital service, w-ill it is announced, I tike place about the middle of thH month. Miss Taylor is the older of the two daughttrs of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and with her sister, Miss Iianna Taylor, was a social leader and a belle at I Capon Springs during the past sum mer. i Tn Washington where they have Ilf* j ed for the past five years, Mr. and Mrs - Taylor aild t**!* daughters have T" promlnently identlflfe ' 3 '' spe< f aIly Spa "' Dr Hunt who t<mV his degiw^in ' I ur - tlUDl wno lo0K ms aegree ln i medicine at Johns Hopkins University, received his earlier education ln Ger- j j i research ' and took part in the International Tuberculosis Congress in this city. with the many. He is interested in scientific NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred on me by deed of trust executed by T. Y. Hill to me on June 8, 1907, to secure the indebtedness therein described, due by the said T. Y. Hill to J. W. Harper, said deed of trust recorded in book 1 at page 358 of the records of mortagages and deeds of trust of Forrect formerly sec ond judicial district of Perry) county, Mississippi, which said deed of trust I snd the indebtedness secured thereby was for value sold and assigned ln writing to the First National Bank of The Auditorium Friday Night December 11 th DAINTY f I FLORENCE GEAR IN THE'SMART'MUSICAL PLAY MARRYING MARY C# OlRtCnON Of JULES MURRY dmi ssion: 50, 75, 1.00 and 1.50j Seats Now on Sale. I Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on the 20th day of January, 1908, which assign- | ment is recorded in book 1 at page 28 of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust in said county (the said T. Y. Hill having made default in the payment of the said indebtedness to the amount of $1,411.49 and interest, and the said present owner and holder demanding the foreclosure thereof to satisfy said indebtedness) I, as such trustee, will on Monday, January 4, 1909, within lawful hours, at the front of Main street door of the court bouse in the city of Hattiesburg, Coun ty of Forrest, State of Mississippi, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate embraced in said deed of trust as such security, to wit: Lots numbered six, seven, thirteen and fourteen in block No. 11 of the Mayflower Park Survey of the said city of Hattiesburg, together with the improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging. Witness my signature this the )tn dav of December, A. D„ 1908. S. E. TRAVIS, Trustee. 12-10-41. ity 25 a TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue or the authority conferred on me as substituted trus- | tee in a certain deed of trust from Wm. Moffett, Jr., to S. E. Travis, J trustee to secure an indebtedness of three hundred and eleven and no-100 dollars and interest therein described due by the said Wm. Moffett, Jr., to G. L. Hawkins, the said deed of trust dated August 31, 1908,, and recorded in Chattel Record 1 at pages 176 and 177 of the records of Forrest County, Mississippi, my substitution as trustee being recorded in said record in book 1, page 187, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, j principal and interest, and the present owner and holder of the said debt | and security demanding the foreclos- j ure of said deed of Trust), I will, as such substituted trustee, with in lawful hours, at the front or Main street door of the court house in the said county of Forrest, State of Mississippi, on Monday, January 4, 1909, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, the following described person al property embraced in the said deed of trust, as such security, to-wit: Six rolls of 35-lnch news print pa 1 I I i per. Seven rolls of 52 3-4 inch news print paper, and Six rolls of 70 Inch news print pa per, as stored in the rear of P. Oliver s Cigar Store, cs. Front street, In the aid City of Hattiesburg, Forrest Coun ty, Mississippi, on the date of the ex ecution of the said deed of trust. ' * Witness ray signature thls 3rd i day of November, A. D. 1908. j A. B. HOBBS, Substitute Trustee, 12-3-4t. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. | I, O. B. Overstreet, under the pro visions of and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust made and executed by Maggie Patterson and J. H. Patter son to Over street and Griffis on the 25 th day of May A. D. 1906, to secure a certain indebtedness to the said Overstreet & Griffis and which said deed of trust is recorded on pages 41-42 of Book No. 3, of the Deeds of Trust, in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Forrest County, Mississippi. I will on the 4th day of January 1909, it being the First Monday of said month, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the high est and beat bidder, at the front door of the. court house, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, dulrng legal hours, the LX | J j | j M m vw. ■ * ttf /// Jt/j m. '//< • l I/O, . ,JpF * if. ■"S. *u /> V PS •v rf.SW) ll % j ''The Traitor" Saturday Night. First-National Bank of Commerce OF HATTIESBURG CONDENSED REPORT Made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business November 27, 1908 % * RESOURCES I T IS the desire of the officers and employes of this Bank to cultivate the acquaintance of its deposi tors, in order to be fully informed concering the ways in which it can best serve their interests; and should apparent fault exist in handling your business, it will be considered a favor if you will call our officers' attention to the matter, as it is our desire to serve our customers satisfactorily and courteously. q Moreover, if you feel that our methods and treatment of your affairs merit your good will, we will appreciate it if you will mention [to any friends or acquaintances the fact that we have every banking facility and welcome de positors, extending every courtesy and consideration, without regard to the size of the account. Loans Banking House, Fixtures and other Real Estate....... U. S. Bonds and Premiums_ Other Bonds.... Advances on Cotton and Lumber Shipments.... Cash Due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer. $1,299,144 28 f 84,959 00 ...... 370,461 34 . ' 13,627 36 any -.$142,667 75 . . 211,055,25—353,723 00 Total. $2,121,914 98 LIABILITIES Capital Stock. Undivided Profits. Circulation. Deposits .... Other Liabilities_ .$ 426,000 00 . 18,326 41 . 280,000 00 .'1,186,516 96 . 212,07161 I # SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Safety Deposit [Boxes For Rent Protected By Steel Burglar Proof Vault. 1 Total. .$2,121,914 98 P Depositary f or United States, State of Mississippi, County of Forrest City of Hattiesburg r 9 I 7 , 4 % 1 ■i'l Jgyj following described lands, to-wlt: Lot No. (6) six. In block No. (1) | one, of the S. S. Patrick survey of the village of McLaurin, Miss., and is a part of the S. E. quarter of the N. E. quarter of Section (5) five, Township (2) two, North, Range Twelve (12) West, said parcel of land fronts on Park street, one hundred and fifty feet, and is triangular in shape and contains one half acre, more or less. , O. B. OVERSTREET, Trustee. D9-3t.-Wed. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon me as original Trustee in a deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to W. E. Neel, trustee on the day of June, 1907, to secure a certain indebtedness to Hawkins & Company, which said deed of trust is recorded in record book 1, pages 339-340 in the office of the Chancery Clerk at Hattiesburg, For rest County, Mississippi; and by vir tue of the authority vested in me as substituted trustee in a certain deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to G. E. Edmunson trustee, on February 8th, 1906 to se cure a certain indebtedness to Hawk Ins ft Company, which deed of trust | is recorded In record book W, page 256 in the office of the Chancery Clerk in Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mis sissippi;, and by virtue of the authori ty vested in me as substituted trustee In a certain deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to G. E. Edmunson trustee, on j 6.h day of September 1905 to se cure a certain indebtedness to Hawk ins & Company, which deed of trust is recorded in record book V pages 336-337, in the office of the Chancery Clerk at Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mississippi; and by virtue of author ity vested in me as substituted trus tee in a certain deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to G. E. Edmunson. trustee, on the 26th day of May, 1905, to secure a certain indebtedness to Hawkins & Company, which deed of trust is re corded in record book V pages 237-238 in the office of the Chancery Clerk at Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mis sissippi; all of said deeds of trust having been assigned by Hawkins & Company in writing to M. J. Epley, I will, as stfch substituted trustee, on Monday the 4th day of January, 1909 offer for sale and will sell, at public auction for cash, to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Hatties burg, during legal hours the following described real estate, to-wlt: 13, 14, 15, and 16 in block 1 of the B. C. Hemphill survey of the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi; said land be ing part of the NW y 4 of section 11 Tp. 4 N. R. 13 W., Forrest county, Mis sissippi, in the city of Hattiesburg, Forrest county, and State of Missis sippi, and to be sold under the said several trust deeds above mentioned Lots Very Serious It If a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLack-draughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 for the purpose of paying and satis fying the indebtedness secured there in. Dec 9-16-23-30. j This the 9th day of December, IMS. W. E. NEEL, Substituted Trustee. 619 Main Street The new and con venient place for Photo Post Card Pictures The nicest and the best. Drop in and see us. Yours truly, R. W. Carleton. Corns on the cob are all right,but corns tainly out of place. For corns on your feet we have the only guaran teed cure to be had any- , where at any price. It is : the feet are cer CORN SOLVENT and It nevei fall* to promptly re painlessly by simply — Hard Soft Corns this magic corn banisher, under any conditlcns. Get this If you want of the pul til I all alike get rid CORNS on your feet. 1 i The Owl Drug Store 113 Front Street.