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CASTORIA we T For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature a.. ft ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. /'Vegetable PrcpafationTorAs similaiing the FoodandRefiula lingUie Stomadts andBowlsof ai prpB ill FTA..i,.„mn Promotes DigestionjCheerfuF ness anti ResiContains ncitlw Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. of ■a 0 <1 Ketipe of 0/d DcSMTELPfRbEtk Raapkin Sted m ALk. Satan * RxMUSaDi AiasiSetd*■ r W In r c o? a*. K CA 0 hint Seed Use Clartfird Sugar • Wtofuyraititntr. Aperfert Remedy forCtmsfipa lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Coitvulswns.Fevrrish ness andLoss of Sleep. ' For Over Thirty Years = U I Tit Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ! ■ T | i 'U Guaranteed under the re Exact Copy of Wrapper. fr --^ ^Letters to Santa Claus.=j SCanta Clause y the boys and girls of Hattiesburg with a great deal of interest. Some of these letters are nicely written and others are not quite so carefully prepared. Santa Claus has been reading the letters written to him by It would be well for the children to remember that their letters should be plainly written with ink, if possible, and on only one side of the paper. If they are not written this way the editor has to copy all of them on the type writer before the printer will handle them. Stanta Claus is getting in a big stock of nice flings for the children and he is sure to visit the good little boys and girls and nearly all of them are promising to be mighty good "jes' about Christmas time:" Dear Santa Claus:—I am most seven years old. 1 go to school to Miss Kate Williams. I want you to bring me a little train on a track, a drum, and a little horse pulling a bell, a little mill that v candy. 'ill run and some apples and Your little boy, LAURI GREER. P. S. Also bring me a little fiddle and automobile. Hattiesburg, Miss.. Dec. 11. 'OS. Dear Santa Claus: girl 8 years old. like my teacher. I want you to bring me a doll and some doll clothes and please bring me some fruits and candy. Your friend, •I am a I go to school. little 1 LOIS GILMORE. Hattiesburg. Miss., Dee. 14, '08. Dear Santa Claus:—I ant to ask ; LOGGING RAILROADS CONSTRUCTED HY WM. D. CASSONE, Contractor, Allentown, Pennsylvania If the money market is dull with you I will build the road and furnish the labor money. C» 'S' «> •> •> •> •> •> •> *5* •> <• •> ^ Keep this address for future reference. The Martin Printing Co. CO CO Printers and Book Binders CO CO UA 121 Front Street Hattiesburg, Miss. you to please bring me for Christmas a doll with hair and teeth and | go to sleep and a blonde, please. Also , a little donkey, a little automobile, a | little doll chair, a little table and rat some chewing gum, and, Santa, please j bring my little sister a nice little doll, I a little chair, a little monkey, some nice candy and anything else you think nice for a baby girl not quite two years old. From Your lovink little girl, DAISY LUCILE HATTAWAY, (Aged 3) Cor. Williams and James street. Mv Dear Santa Claus:—Will you please be so kind as to remember me when Christmas comes, and bring me an air rifle and a boy some toys that you can spare and some fruit and candy, Yours, OTHO GRAHAM. Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a muff and fur and some kid gloves and fruit and candy. Your little friend, BERTHA MAY THOMPSON. Hattiesburg. Miss., Dec. 14, '08. Dear Santa Claus:—-Bring me a doll and a doll buggy and a workbox and other things that you will, ing to school and I love my teacher. Please think of my two little sisters, Rowene and Annie L. Bring both a doilie so they won't take mine, Lovingly your friend, ADA LEE EVANS. I am go Dear Santa Claus:—I can imagine I hear you now creeping around ring m i 'M ■hA"" ii i M • J ) \ • i'l •'■SSKRtfr •• i -: TV; L Germany has taken all possible methods of raising funds for carrying out her naval program. Picture shows a model of a German gunboat which is used as a collection box In German schools by the German Women's Navy League to raise money for the navy. ing your sleigh bells. Mama telss me that you are poor this year, but you certainly have lots of beautiful things, especially at some of the stores and cheap, but you have a lot of little ones to see so I will not ask for much, I want a doll, bed. swing and a set of combs all for my doll and some nice candy, Your little girl, IRENE BURKE. Dear Santa Claus:—Please bring me two dolls! one large doll and one baby doll, a doll buggy and a little tea set and a set of furs for myself. Your loving little girl, WILLIEBELLE GRAHAM. Dear Santa:—I am a little girl six years old. I go to school. My teach er is Miss Fannie Welch. I love her very much. Now, Santa, I will tell you what to bring me; a doll bed, swing and a set of combs for my doll. Santa you must be sure to go to see Miss Fannie, too. Your little girl, EDNA BURKE. Hattiesburg, Miss., Dec. 14, '08. Dear Santa Claus: you a letter. I yant for Christmas. I want a big, big jointed doll, a cap and a small sewing machine and a work-box. That's all vant. Good-bye. dear Santa Claus; I will write again next Christmas. From -I am writing I am writing you what I Your little friend, Jimmie Belle Mason. Hattiesburg, Miss., Dec. 14, '08. Dear Santa Claus:—I hope you are I have a question to ask you. 1 want a bicycle and a work-box and a little lamp I want a little watch, that's all I want, deal of sweet things. Good-bye, dear Santa Claus. well. But I want a good Your little friend, POEM MASON. Dear Santa—As I have a large doll, Ionly want a box of stationery and set of furs for myself. I would also like to have a large doll buggy. Please don't forget to bring me a bracelet, and a doll trunk. I think that will be all for this Christmas, just so you don't forget to bring me plenty of nuts, fruits and candy. Your little girl, OERIE MILLER. Dec. 14, 1908. Only a Dream. Yenst—And did he awake to find himself famous? Crimson beak—No; he dreamt he was famous and then he woke up.—Yonk ers Statesman. Cotton States League Will Continue to Live; Chance For Hattiesburg | Some fear has been expressed in j certain quarters that the Cotton States League might go dead, but the latest information is to the effect that it will be held intact. There is still a chance for Hattiesburg to get In the league and it ought to be done, but there seems to be very little interest manifested in the matter. If, how ever, the fans of Hattiesburg want to get in the game, some steps to that effect should be taken at once. Speaking of the prospects of the Cot ton States League, the Jackson News says: The first best bet is that when the board of directors of (he Cotton States League meets here next Thursday it will be decided by an unanimous vote to preserve the organization. This prediction is made despite ru mors generally current to the effect that the league is about to disband. There is no likelihood whatever that the organization will go out of exist ence, but there Is a very large likeli hood that It will be enlarged to eight-team circuit. Advices received here last night state that Natchez will he In readi an J NEW INDUSTRIES BEING LAUNCHED Daily News Special. Jackson, Dec., 14.—The following new industries have been organized in the state during the past few day and will shortly submit their chart ers to the governor for approval: Plattsburg Telephone Company. Platsburg, Winston county, capitaliz ed at $5,000; J. L. Yarbrough, J. C. Hobby, and others. Vicksburg City Cemetery Preseva and Improvement Association, Vicksburg, Warren county; no capital stock; Mrs. H. C. McCabe, Miss Kate Muivilhill and others. Smith-Williams Company, cello, Lawrence county, capitalized at $10,000; C. T. Downer, Monroe Smith and others. Garmon Brothers Company, Verona, Lee county, capitalized at $10,000; T. T. Garmon, A. J. Filge and others. Park City Sand and Gravel Com pany, Vicksburg. Warren county, capit alized at $20,000; George Clifton, G. Hartweg and others. I tion Monti > N j ' ' A of f'M W - V ! i|§ be to ... . ■ ( .... 'f/M § Queen Victoria of Spain, formerly Princess Ena of Battenberg, who has opened a crusade to stop the sport of bull fighting in Spain. Few of us have the courage to point out our own mistakes. ness next Thursday to submit appli cation of franchise, and that the base ball promoters of that city will settle the question of Sunday ball themselves. In other words, the con troversy over the question of whether Sunday ball shall be played will not be made a contingency. It Natchez is admitted, which is very probable, she will be given Monroe' place in the circuit, that town being dropped on account of Inaccessibility and poor patrtonage last season. It is expected, of course, that the Monroe association will raise a loud holler, but It will he of no avail. It will he recalled that the board of directors had a similar protest from Baton Rouge but It amounted to nothing. There have been no developments In regard to the presidency to be cated by the resignation of President A. C. Crowder, nor is it likely that there will be until the board of di rectors meet here, have the honor, but none of them have engaged In an active The Capital City Baseball Associa tion will entertain the directors at a banquet at The Edwards at 6:30 o'clock Thursday evening. among 8 Yci Several persons canvass. CROUP, 'I WhoopingCffligh This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drag and may be given a> confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. FOR SALE BY HAYS & FIELD AND YELLOW PINE PHARMACY. TO INSTALL NEW BISHOP Rockford, 111., December 15.—Bishop Muldoon was formerly enthroned as head of the Rockford diocese today, scores of distinguished Catholic cler gymen from all over the middle West coming here for the ceremony. Archbishop Quigley, of Chicago, form ally transferred the episcopate. In view of the fact that the bishop is beginning work in a diocese where many works of charity are necessary and the clergy presented him with a purse for this purpose and to express the love and esteem. which they en tertain for the new prelate. A public demonstration of greeting in which both Protestant and Catholic citizens of Rockford participated, marked the installation of Bishop Muldoon. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care can not be used to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to con tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the sole re liance of many mothers, gnd few of those who have tried it are willing to use any other, of Ripley, W. Va., says: Mrs. F. F. Starcher, "I have never used anything other than Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, for my chil dren and it has always given good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by Hays & j Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. The Cosmopolite. Breadth of view for his. Intolerance — narrowness — all that I drove him absolutely wild. Little, pet- | ty, local prejudices—Oh, Lord! used to boil positively with rage at all [ that sort of thing. And the man who j made him really boll over was Snig- | gles. Sniggles was a New Yorker, and to j Sniggles Manhattan Island was Alpha ] and Omega Hence the rage of the ! aforementioned advocate breadth of view. "Why, Sniggles!'' he roared, pound- j tng the table with his fist. "Sniggles is I the kind of man who would label a j map of the universe 'New York and Vicinity'!" He of the P Let Us Protect Your Private Papers Against v '''"'(Mania Ii ■ / 1 Fir e> Water, Burglary, Moths, in our Indes J tructible Safe Deposit Vaults. Let us bring to you the comfort of knowing that your Will Insurance Policies, Deeds, Stocks, Bonds and other papers of value are in an absolutely safe place where only you have access to them. We can do all this at the nominal cost of * ONE DOLLAR A YEAR * qBy our new system of Safe Deposit by Registered Mail you receive all the HvingtnNewOHe^S 10 " this matter that could possibly be given anyone WRITE, RIGHT NOW Commercial-Germania Trufl & Savings Bank 311-315 Camp Street ) New Orleans if*' f (f&. A. PARSONS. W. B. DICKERSON. W. A. BENNETT ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. ! CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS TELEPHONES; CUMB. 626; HOME 324. —■-Hattiesburg, Mississippi. — Boilers Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw MiIl_Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. . . AI.LWORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. WRITE US FOR PRICES Enterprise Boiler Works, HATTIESBURG, MISS. K J The I Charm of. Beauty ms fm iM depends in great measure upon good toilet preparations. The fairer and more delicate your complexion the greater care it requires to pre serve it. If your ckin is'naturally rough and red, a good toilet prep aration, u ;ed faithfully, will re markably improve it. You can depend upon the effect iveness of all toilet helps'you get here. Rexall Cream of JHmonds is a delightful preparation, excellent for whitening, softening, soothing, healing and preserving the skin. Free from grease and oil. Abso lutely pure. Insures a fresh, fair complexion, free from blemishes. 8old with the Rexall guarantee. In fancy bottles, 35c. each. 1 if X V/k a« Hi I V yi, A ii »/ : ■ m ' 9 ( cm * V VYJ, I The Owl Drug Store 113 FRONT STREET Meridian Home Mixture Golden Rod Cotton Seed Meal Manufactured by MERIDIAN FERTILIZER FACTORY Meridian Hattiesburg Shreveport