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J h If it's Machinery or Mill Supplies you need call On i: :: j: •• Union Mtg. & Supply Co. HATTIESBURG, MISS The New Windsor Cafe Pine and Mobile Sts. Merchants Lunch SHORT ORDERS JIT JILL HOURS 25c 25c Oysters on Half Shell. Graham Construction Co. Special Attention to All Kinds of Construction in South Mississippi. If you need quick service either wire or write for our representative to call For Heavy Hauling inside city call Home Phone 22 The Williams Electric Co. Is now located on Front Street, in the same building with Sanit Plumbing Company, and is pre pared to do all kinds of .* .* .* Electrical Work, Repair Motors, Dynamos and Overhaul Your Plant ' ry Estimates on all work cherfully gh l t >! Call or ring Home Phone 201 B. E. WILLIAMS, Manager LOGGING RAILROADS CONSTRUCTED BY WM. D. CASSONE, Contractor, Allentown, Pennsylvania If the money market is dull with you I will build the road and furnish the labor Keep this address for future reference. money, c* ••• »j» *C* *8* ****&$ $ $ The Martin Printing Co. CO Printers and BooK Binders CO P 121 Front Street Hattiesburg. Miss. RECIPE FOR VIENNA BREAD. A Little Trouble to Make, But De licious When Finished. Four pounds of flour, three pints milk and water, one-half ounce of salt, 1% ounces fresh compressed yeast. Place the flour in the bread bowl and in it put the milk, water and salt. Mix with the liquid enough of the flour to make it a thin batter, next rub the yeast to powder between the hands and mix into batter. Cover the bowl closely and let it stand three-quarters of an hour. At the end of that time mix in the rest of the floor smoothly and let the dough thus made stand again closely covered 2^6 hours until it is light and elastic. Then cut into pound pieces and each pound into 12 parts. Flatten these small pieces of dough in squares three-quarters of an inch thick, fold their corners to the center, pinch them to hold down and turn the little rolls thus made over on a board covered with a cloth. Let them stand ten minutes, turn up again on a baking sheet and put them into a hot oven to bake quickly for about 15 minutes. When half done brush them with milk, return to the oven and finish baking them. It is a little trouble but they are delicious when done. Z Z3 The Home. z z Cold cereals can he fried the same as mush; serve with gravy. Nickel may be kept bright by being rubbed with wool saturated in am monia. Kid shoes may be kept soft and free from cracks by rubbing them once a week with a little pure glycerin or castor oil. When brushing a room sweep to ward the fireplace, otherwise the draft from the chimney draws the dust in that direction. Table or any other linen that is stained with raw egg should be well soaked in cold water first, as the hot jvater would set the egg. It is said that syrup or cream will not drop from a pitcher on the table cloth if the nose of the pitcher is rubbed with butter. Pickled Red Cabbage. Take off the outside leaves of a nice red cabbage, cut in quarters, re move the stalks and cut It across in very thin slices. Lay these on a dish, strew them plentifully with salt and cover with another dish. Let them re main 24 hours, turn into a colander to drain, and If necessary wipe lightly with a cloth. Put them In a jar and boil up the vinegar and spices, and when cold pour over the cabbage. Tie down with bladder and keep in a dry, cool place. It will be fit for use in a week or two. For one head of cab bage I take one quart vinegar, one-half ounce ginger root, one ounce whole black pepper and, if you like, a dash of cayenne. The pickle will be much more crisp if the frost has touched the leaves. Almond Delight Pie. Make a rich pastry and fill with the following mixture: Blanch and chor fine one cupful of almonds. Put one cupful of granulated sugar moistened with one teaspoonful of water into a frying pan. Place over a slow fire un til melted, then add the chopped al monds stirring briskly until the mix ture turns a golden brown. Turn this out on the crust in the pan and spread quickly before it cools. Beat three eggs, add two tablespoonfuls of pow dered sugar and one and one-half cup fuls of milk, pour over the almonds and bake in a hot oven at first. Cover with a meringue of the white of egg and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. a Chestnuts with Apples in Salad. The chestnuts in market now make a delicious salad with apples and cel ery. The domestic kind will do, but •re more work than the large im ported ones. Score shells of the nuts and scald them so that the shell and skin will come off easily. Then boil In salted water until they are tender If the large chestnuts are employed cut them In three pieces; use the small ones whole. Mix the nuts with an equal quantity of diced apples and celery and dress with mayonnaise The chestnuts and apples are tasty without the celery. Either the apples or nuts are delicious alone, as a salad French Soup. To one quart of milk add. when boil ing, about five boiled Irish potatoes, rubbed through a sieve, by which a paste is made, when the milk and po tatoes have boiled up once add three well beaten eggs and a piece of butter the size of an egg. If it boils after the eggs are added it Is apt to curdle; stir it round till it is well mixed, and serve it up. Apples and Onions. There is a new luncheon dish which calls for fried apples and onions served with bacon. The apples are sliced round, without peeling, and the peeled onion is added, thinly sliced. These are fried together. The bacon is fried to a crisp brown and served with the others. Smooth Jelly. To prevent the gritty substance forming in grape Jelly, preserves, etc., to one gallon of the fruit when hot add one teaspoonful of soda when a green scum arises which you skim •ff and it does away with all grit. Tripe a la Lyons. Cut Into strips a pound of boiled tripe. Fry in butter with two large onions sliced, pepper, salt and minced parsley to season. When brown add a tablespoonful of vinegar. Serve with lyonnaise potatoes. OLD FIDDLERS' CONTEST TO TAKE PLACE TONIGHT SECURE YOUR SEATS EARLY Tonight occurs the old fiddlers' con test at the Auditorium and tThe Daily News wauls to impress upon the peo ple of Hattiesburg the fact that a rare entertainment is in store for them. It should also be remembered that this entertainment is for the children of the city. The entire pro ceeds will be turned over to the Kings' Daughters to be used in purchasing presents for the poor children of the city. It ijj the purpose of this splen did organization to give a Christmas tree to the poor children of Hatties burg Christmas night, and every per son in the city ought to desire to contribute something for this purpose. There will be no better way of contri poor MEN WANTED. No Man Over 45 Years of Age Need Apply. There's the sign that's getting to be icommon thing in America. Corporations are retiring men at 40. They are not hiring anyone over 40. A baldheaded man often loo'ks 10 years older than he is. A man with gray hair always does. It is important nowadays that a man look as young as he is; it is vastly important that a man having a family dependent upon hint should take care of his hair. If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop it. apy time. There is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. Parslan Sage, the grand and effi cient hair restorer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or your druggist will give you your money back. Parsian Sage stops falling hair—it prevents the hair from fading. It is the best beautifler for ladies' hair as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful, and is not sticky or greasy. Parisan Sag.' is sold and rigidly guaranteed by Hays & Field. Price 50 cents a bottle, or by express, all charges prepaid, by Grioux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. SUPREME COURT TAKESiRECESS Jackson, Miss., Dec. 18.—The Missis sippi supreme court' yesterday took an adjournment until Monday, when the criminal docket will he taken up and the case which are to be sub mitted on briefs will be taken to the consultation room, those set for argu ment being held until after the holi lays. After the reading of the decisions cf the week and the calling of the docket a recess will be taken and there will he no more court until the first Monday in January. The criminal docket is a rather light one, and can easily be disposed of in a week, if not sooner, when the few cases left over from the northern dis trict civil docket will be resumed. The next docket will be the civil cases from the southern district, and this will be called on the third Monday in January. It is too early to estimate the size of this docket, only a few of the cases having been sent up. BUILDING UP WORLD'S CITIES. Growth of Centers of Population In Past Century. The century Just passed has wit nessed an enormous multiplication of large cities and their rapid growth. In 1801 there were in all Europe but 22 cities of more than 100,000 inhab itants, of which only London and Paria had more than 500,000 and none reached 1,006,000. At present there are 160 cities of more than 100,000 in habitants, 55 above 600,000 and seven of more than 1,040.000. In the entlra world there are 13 dtlee of 1,004,000 or more inhabitants, including thn Eu ropean seven. M. Be Pontile, a French student of comparative statis tics, attributes this unprecedented in crease te the (act that the combined efforts ef Science, industry and inven tion have actually changed the face of the world. Ohemintry, steam and electricity, railways and steamers, gold and credit have all appeared dun log this period aad have given hath to men and to affairs an "impulse like the stroke of a magic wand. No man needs our pity more than he who Is indifferent to the sorrows of others. buting than by attending the old fid dlers' contest tonight, because every cent received will go to the Kings' Daughters and will be used by them for the Christmas tree. In addition to helping in a good cause, those who attend the entertainment tonight will get full value for their money. The old-time fiddlers will be worth hear ing and in addition a splendid pro gram of modern musical numbers has been arranged. Those who enjoy music can hardly afford to miss the treat that is in store tonight. The price of admission to the old •fiddlers' contest is 50 cents for grown people and 25 cents for children. Let the people of Hattiesburg turn out in full force tonight. OYSTERS GO TO WASTE IN Thousands ol Bushels ol Lus cious Bivalves RofOn the Hands ol the Dealers Baltimore, oys:er Dec. 18.—Since the season opened, thousands of h'.rlcls of 51 Chesapeake Bay iv*{ cts havfi f one tc waste, he (leaie'p being unable to find a market which would net a reasonable profit. For the first time since the Confed erate war, probably, a dozen eggs will buy a bushel of oysters and that bushel will open a gallon, of opening—twenty cents—is almost the price of the oysters. This is the best season for oysters in a good many years, but for the oyst er packer and shipper it is the est in many seasons. The oysters are large, fine and plen tiful, but there is no market for them. The stringent times is largely respon sible. The cost poor it is thought that the arrival of the holiday season will result in an in crease demand for the bivalves, but in the meantime the concerns ed in the osyster business have suffer ed heavy loss through their inability to market their product. engag THE NEW SHOE SHOP. In Sims' corner buildings. Come to me and get first-class repairing, well and quickly done at reasonable prices. I also take your measure and make shoes to fit your feet. Nothing is more comfortable to the foot than a neat hand-made shoe. Give me a trial. A. L. O'NEAL, Shoemaker. No. 508 East Seventh street, Hat tiesburg, Miss, lm. Many a man's success in life Is due to his failure to inherit money. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the authority conferred upon me as original Trustee In a deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to W. E. Neil, trustee on the-day of June, 1907, !o secure a certain indebtedness to Hawkins & Company, which said deed of trust is recorded in record book 1, pages 339-340 In the office Chancery Clerk at Hattiesburg, For rest County, Mississippi; an# by vir tue of the authority vestedpn me as substituted trustee in a afrtaln deed of trust made by GeorgerHays and C. H. Hays, bis wife, tg/QrE. Edmunson trustee, on February #th, 1966 to se cure a certain ins & Company! wMcb deed of trust Is recorded in record book W, page the Chancery Clerk the ehjbdness to Hawk 256 in the office in Hattiesburg,!#'orrest County, Mis sissippi; and by virtue of the authori ty vested in in a certain deed of trust made by George Haya and C. H. Haya, his wife, to G. E. Edmunson trustee, on the 6th day of September 1905 to se cure a certain indebtedness to Hawk ins & Company, which deed of trust Is recorded in record book V pages 336-337, in the office of the Chancery Clerk at Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mississippi; and by virtue of author ity vested in me as substituted trus tee in a certain deed of trust made by George Hays and C. H. Hays, his wife, to G. E. Edmunson, trustee, on as substituted trustee - the 26lli day of May, 1906, to secure a certain indebtedness to Hawkins & Company, which deed of corded in record book in the office of th at Hattiesburg, sissippl; all having been Assigned by Hawkins & Company in writing to M. J. Epley, I will i as such substituted trustee, on Monday the 4th day of January, 1909 offer for sale and will sell, at public auction for cash, to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Hatties burg, during legal hours the following is re ages 237-238 hancery Clerk rest County, Mis said deeds of trust Good Plumbing O t 4? T I l/jfh'FuLi ■ ,1 !\ V 1? nT Sj, % jA r.>. 'V IZ* W/jm N° room in the home deserves more attention than the bath room, because your health may depend upon the quality of the fixtures and the plumbing. De fective plumbing creates sewer gas and sewer gas brings typhoid fever and malaria. Sanitary plumbing and "AStaudarKT Porcelain Enameled fixtures make your bath room modem, beautiful and healthy. We sell these fixtures, do this class of work and charge no more than you pay for the other kind, i^et us estimate for you and prove the truth of this. Prompt and reasonable repair service. Sanitary PlumbingCo. The 'j Charm of> Beauty m WSSB depends in erect measure upon good toilet preparations. The fairer and more delicate your complexion the greater care it requires to pre serve i:. If your ekin is'naturally rou h and red, a good toilet prep aration, u cd faithfully, will re markably improve it. You cr.n depend upon the effect iveness of all toilet helps'you get here. Rexall Cream of Almonds is a delightful preparation, excellent for whitening, softening, soothing, healing and preserving the skin. Free from grease and oil. Abso lutely pure. Insure* a freah, fair complexion, free from blemishes. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. In fancy bottles, 35c. each. id ; & m / Uit m M a L: V v I The Owl 1 !* Drug Store 113 FRONT STREET DOLLS DOLLS We have a com - co H > O plete line of Toys and Holiday Pres ents, Suitiable fo r o H in Everybody. co H > o SEE OUR LINE O *5 H in BEFORE YOU BUY HATTIESBURG HARDWARE CO 612 MAIN 4 STREET Z-; £2 described real estate, to-wit: Lota 13, 14, 15, and 16 in block 1 of the B. C. Hemphill survey of the City of HaUIesburg, Mississippi; said land be in/ PartoJ.. the NW % of section 11 nT 13 W., Forrest county, Mis sissippi in the city of Hattiesburg, Forrest county, and State of Missis sippi, and to be sold under the said several trust 1 deeds above mentioned for the purpose of paying and satis fying the indebtedness secured there t p : in. This the 9th day of December, 1908. W. E. NEIL. Substituted Trustee. Dec 9-16-23-30.