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WANT COLUMN Get What You Want-You'll Find it Here fti t] * V* I * » ♦ • • n ''For an earlier break fast," take two "Amer ica" Alarms, one for the cook and one for yourself. Every one I sell has been run, regulated, and three-times tested. All you have to do Is to keep it wound, NEW LOT JUST IN Price $1 Guaranteed for one year; good for ten. J v H. S. LIL1US Jewelry Store FOR 8AIE. FOR SaLE—O ne of the best modern homes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front If Interested ad dress A 41, care Dally News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-lnch Pow er paper cutter at a bargain. Also stapling fffachine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of type. Address the Hattiesburg 9 b tf News. FOR SALE—55,000 feet of air-dried boards 1x6 to 12; 15,000 feet log run poplar lumber nicely dried. Also saw mill of 30,000 feet capacity, with timber for two years, and two teams with Lindsey wagons, at a bargain. Lock box 75, Mer rill, Miss. OX All FOR HOLLY, MISTLETOE AND Christmas Evergreen ring Cumber D-15-5t land phone 254. 8TOLEN. STRAYED OR STOLEN—From stable at Petal, one small Indian yed roane in color. Reward for in formation or return. Address A. G. Pool, Hattiesburg, Miss., or E. E. Butler at Petal. pony, SITUATIONS WANTED. ANY girl in need of friendship, help, advice, etc., would find ready and willing assistance by applying tji tne matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd St. and Avenue E, Birmingham, Ala. 10 10 tf FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RENT—If you want to rent a house .of any kind, tail 66fc over either 'phone. 9 4 tl FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at 1200 Main street. 10 6 tl FOR RENT—Good 5-room house and <8 acres land, close in. Address, A-45, care News. THE PALACE CAFE D. C. BEAUCAMP, i i Proprietor Bring us your Appetite; we have what it calls for. Best Merchants' Lunch in the City Beat Dinner for 35c; best service and most convenient location. Under New Management You are cordially invited to make this Restaurant your regular eating place. You will always receive the best possible service and the choicest food the markets afford. ' FORREXT—House five rooms, hall, city water, close in. $10.00. Home phone 280, Blue, or write Mrs. Le Ellison, 314 Bay street Dec 17-3t MISCELLANEOUS. CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to trult and vege table growing. If you want to buy. Address A42, care Hattiesburg News. 9 4 tt IF you have a 10, 15 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, care Daily News. <10 7 tf (F you have for rent a good five-room house with modern conveniences. Address A-45, care News. 10 7 tf BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—Roomers and table board ers, 203 Buschman street. lwk WANTED TO BUT—If you have a small cottage, 75 ft. front lot, or lot only, close in at a bargain, for cash, adlress, Box 357. 10-31-tf. WANTED—FURNISHED ROOM. FURNISHED ROOM—For two gentle men, close in, modern convelneces. Address, T. W., care News. dl8-tf. LOST— A string of gold and jet beads between J. W. Montague's residence and town. Finder will be rewarded by returning some to Mr. Mon tague's residence. f ROOMERS and Table Boarders. Best meals in city, 412 Bay street. Home D-15-6t phone 638. GET FRUIT CAKE AT THE CITY m «J§ i & First Class 40c lb. Second U 25c lb. Ask the Driver jor the others. CITY BAKERY E. S. Scott, Prop. Home Phone 165 Call on .. . Donavan & Mallory Next duor to Donavan Grocery on FrancU Street For High Class Fresh Meats at right prices. Everything new except our ex perience. We want your orders and will do our best to please you. QUICK DELIVERY Both Phones 313. FULL LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES. Hattiembi jrg /■* •Special Summer Rates for 60 Days Stenography, Bookkeepi collateral branches taught. Our system and methods have been tried by thousands and have prov en to be satisfactory. Endorsed by professional and business everywhere. No charges for se curing position. Students may ter any time. Address J. J. FERGUSON, Principal Hattjpsburg, Mississippi and all men en ' -V 't 5*rf*£*I cause it irritates and sweats them, like poking finger in your eye. The best Bowel Medicine it Catcarett. Every Salts and Castor Oil user should get a box of CASCARETS and try them just once. You'll see. w Cascare<«—10c box—week's treatment. All drargiftta. Biggest teller in the world—million a month. SUPERIORITY OF THE FEMALE Same in All Agee as Shown by the Nature of Chivalry. tt The old toast was right—women are file superiors of men, but not In Intel lect. nor In those brawny qualities which are necessary for a tussle with the world, says a writer In Appleton's They are superior by right of gentle ness, purity, faith and the old ^weet instinct to serve and to bless. Men haven t time In these crowded modem days for the fairer aspects of exist ence, just as in the days of Aucassln and Nicolette they were too much oc cupied with fighting and hunting to do more than place their hopes of nobler, holier things in the white hands ol some woman whose heart would cher ish for them what they could not cherish for themselves. This, then, was and is the real nature of chivalry, despite on throned ladies and guarded pages and madrigals and tf tf a sonnets and the splen dor falling on eas.le walls and all the rest of it!—this recognition of heaver Been in the eve;i face of a beloved woman; this need 0 be prayed for and forgiven; this rc— mbranee of some diviner world of a fair lady—tai courts or tending r ow brooks*; this re beauty because a and her eyes bl ,e terious things because t out, of vision and was l.un and when seen again brought all heav en with hep. "And I saw a damose! me'.hought, all in white with a vessel in both her bands, and forwithal, 1 was w hole." real by the sen! :■ whether in king ■ * - by the sicrd it)',' out toward m 'r wa-- gold 'iiis b'. do" u £))' l't ; . as Glove Fastenings for Drosses. The patent fasteners from wornout and discarded gloves may be utilized by cutting them from the gloves, leav ing enough of th* kid attached to be fasteneupon skirt bands and plackets. These can be sewed on by machine under a fly flap and they will last long er than buttons or hooks and These make ideal fasteners for belts eyes. FOR choice fresh meats of all kinds call on Donovan & Mallory, both phones 313. RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeastein Hattiesburg -Central Time" North bound, Arrives No. Departs 6.10:20 a. m.10:30 a. m 4 -..12:55 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 8. 9:20 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 2.11:05 p. m.11:10 p. m. South Bound. Arrives t I No. Departs 4:00 a. m. 1. 5:15 a. m. 5:20 a. m. 5.11:00 a. m.11:45 a. m. 3 .. 4:58 p. m. 5:03 p. m. 3ULF A SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. 9 Passenger Service. No. 6 No. 3. Lv. Jackson .4:30 am 3:25 pm 7:05 pm Lv. Hattiesburg ..8:18 am 4r. Gulfport ..,.11:00 am 10:00 pm No. 4 No. 6. Lv. Gulfport .... 7:2u am Lv. Hattlesbnrg 10:37 am Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:15 pm Columbia Division (Via 8llver Creek and Columbia.) 4:15 pm 7:33 pm No. 101 No. 102 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 p.m 2:65 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m No. 109. No. no. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:05 a.m 4:80 p.m Vr. Columbia Lv. 6:00 a.m Connections at JackBon, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RUN DAILY. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD Passenger Service. Effective November 8, 1908. No. 1 Lv. Hattiesburg ,. 6:00 a.m 2:30 p.m Lv. Silver Creek.. 8:04 a.m 4:31 p.m Ar. Brookhaven '.. 9:10 a.m 5:36 p.m Lv. Brookhaven .. 9:14 a.m 5:65 p.m Lv. Roxle.11:10 a.m 7:55 p.m Ar. Natchez.12:10 p.m 8:55 p.m No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Lv. Natches.6:30 p.m 1:30 p.m Lv. Roxle.7:30 a.m 2:30 p.m Ar. Brookhaven .. 9:30 a.m 4:30 p.m Uv. Brookhaven .. 9:34 a.m 4:60 p.m Lv. Stiver Creek ..10:40 a.m 5:57 p.m Ar. Hattiesburg .. 12:40 p.m 8:00 p.m Trains run dally. % R. D. REEVES, O. P. A. Hattiesburg, Mias. General Passenger Agent. a Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:53 a. m. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leave* 6:15 a. m. No. 15 leave* 2:48 p. m. n d< ENGLAND TRUST CASE TO COME UP Thomas D, Taylor,jWho Tried To Steal $350,000 is Still in Providenee Jail. Providence, R. I., Dec. 18.—The case of Willian R. Dunham against the New England Trust Company, a petition for the appointment of ceiver, is on the calendar of the a re supe rior court for a hearing tomorrow. Much interest has been manifested in the hearing, as it was in connection with this matter that Thomas D. Tay lio was formerly identified with the New England Trust Company, was taken into custody on a charge of spiracy brought by John P. Beagan, the receiver of the New England Trust Company, and being unable to secure bail in the amount of $350,000, been the Providence lor. con has county jail since the first of April. Taylor, following . his being taken into custody, undertook, through ha beaaGSorpua proceedings, t c lease. secure his He had a hearing before th. t'pieme court on April 29. He made he contention that hi3 Imprisonment and detention wes brought .short b, unlawfully ' ntlcing hin •elicit of the vithin the Rhode Island juri tu and then effecting his which, he alleges, void and subsequent confinement il legal. He claimed too, that Mr. Bea gan, the receiver, was the one who, personally or through agents, enticed hint to this city by representation that a mere friendly conference as to the bank's affairs was wished, claimed further that such coil arrest, therefore. was. and representa tion was false and that It was the sole object, of bringing about his arrest. The supreme court after the hear ing returned its findings, denying the writ of habeas corpus and declaring that the service of the writ upon Tay lor was not procured by fraud of Mr. Beagan or his agenta. At the hearing there was consid erable testimony presented to show that Taylor came to this city March 25 on invitation of certain menhrd 25 on the invitation of' certain Who had been connected with the New Engladn Trust Company as directors and who had given Taylor to under stand that the receiver desired to dis men cuss some matters with him relative t > the bank's affairs. There was als» testimony presented to show that Mr. Beagan was not aware of this invita tion and knew nothing of Mr. Tay I >r's being in this city Marcl^ 25 until a third party told him. VISITOR WAS SHERLOCK HOLMES Marvelous Powers of Cejic. cr. Th.-.. Astoniahed Strrekcc; er. Though it had happened a lung ti ne before, the honest storekeeper * spoke of the occurrence with awe. mu "It was this way," he said, i was standing behind the counter a r:y store, thinking of nothing i lar, when walked paructi a ha .vk-eged gentleman n. followed by a quiet, turns suming chap "The hawk-eyed gentleman, after looking all about, turned to me, " Do you—er—perhaps—sell cot fee?' he asked. " 'Yes, sir.' " 'And—sugar r '"Yes, sir.' " 'Nice raisins, too, I take It.' '"Yes, sir; we have a very superior line of raisins.' "He paused a while. Then, turning to me again: " 'Cheese?' " 'Yes, sir—good cheese.' "At that he beckoned to the quiet, unassuming chap and whispered In his ear: " 'What do you make of It?' " 'Not a thing.' '"Watson—it's—a grocery store!' "'No!' " T'm sure of it, Watson.' " 'Marvelous!' "And signing to his companion to follow, the hawk-eyed gentleman stole away, with catlike tread, looking wari ly about him on all sides. "Not until after he had gone did I realize who my distinguished visitor was." Bee Marmalade. The analvsls of a remarkable Jap anese confection Is reported In a re cent bulletin of the College of Agrl culturU^Tokyo. This la no less than a "be of yot soy. de," said to be made tees and seasoned with Is of the analysis show pd composition of th* lilte correct. The mar to be exported In alr Kna. A French commentator sarcastically that It will I be welcomed at tables I serve grilled locusts, as In fe>e Chinese dainty made of t.'to tit n d< At sill ms. IWANTS BIDS ON PANAMA NEW BONDS Cortelyou is Sending Out No tices That $50,000,000 Is sue is Now For Sale. ROOSEVELT IS ALSO CONSIDERING PLANS '.Vill Probably Send a Special Mes ge to Congress Recommending Appropriation of $100,000,000 to Carry on Canal Work. ■a an Hearst News Sor.'i Washington, Decemtjr ee. 19.—Secre tary Cot lelyou'has in vied bids for $30,900.-'m, Panama there Always lufficultieg r.bc : Linking a satisfactory bond sale and no doubt Mr. Cortely •• v. I have been glad lo ■ i'is successor. Tile reimburse the treasury . ° mnup" it has pr -,'d leave this nun; proceeds will out for the !! rake the i a: This noni l td bettr-i and will deficit, at help overcome the present which would not exist if it for fhe canal. were not With the bond sale it vill not .be needful for Mr. Cortelyou to call In anyqnoney from the national bank de positories, which now have 000 , 000 . ver $119, It is also expected that President Roosevelt will ask Congress at the short session to authorize another is sue of Panama bonds amounting to $100,000,000. It has become apparent that the first issue authorized is not going to be adequate to pay for the canal. Congress has already authorized issue of $130,000,000, which were is sued in August, 1906, and $24,631,960 in December, 1907. This leav( $75,000,000, which the treasury is thorized to issue under the original Panama canal bond act. The treasury will not be able to is sue $45,000,000 more, a narrow margin when it is considered at what a rapid rate canl construction is going for ward, and consequently how heavy the expenditures incurred. In this situa tion, Congress cannot well get away from authorization bonds. an over au of more canal * It is, perhaps, not generally appre ciated that the canal has already cost more than the amount of the bond is sue authorized by Congress, however, is the fact. The French fran chise cost $40,000,000. plain that (he drain on die treasury has been heavy, since the bonds is sued have, as already noted, amounted to little more than $54,000,000, sale of Panama bonds is made, these bonds will doubt. be taken up by the banks and used as a basis for hank circulation and also to replace state, city and rail road bonds that'are now In the treas ury as security for public moneys. It will he the policy of Secretary Cortel you to encourage their use in that fashion and to get rid of the state, municipal and railroad bonds entirely. Something like $46,000,000 of the government bonds nre now held In the treasury. Such From this it 'is When the next le non Grapenut Jelly. One quart of grape juice, one pound of sugar, one pound of seedless rais ins, and one-half pound English wal nuts. 20 minutes, adding raisins and wal nuts and boil five minutes. Boll juice and sugar together Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds Is now at hand and too much care can not be used to protect the children. A child is much more likely to con tract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is the Bole re liance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried It are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never used anything other than Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, for my chil dren and It has always given good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a child sb to an adult. For sale by Haya & Field and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. rk r W . A. PARSONS. W, B. DICKERSON. W. A. BENNETT ENTERPRISE BOILER & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER STS. HOME 324. TELEPHONES; Htittiesburg, l CUMB. 626; iLw Mississippi.== Boilers Engines, Mill Supplies Repairs of all kinds, Locomotive and Saw Mill Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired. Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. AT L WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Enterprise Boiler Works HATTIESBURG, MISS. WRITE US ^FOR PRICES j STOP THAT Reul Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near in, $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1300 5 room house one block Hardy st. School, 2200 cash, $29 per month 1200 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $600 cash, bal. $40 month.. 6 room house, large barn, near MainSt. School, 2 lots, terms. 8 room house and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash, $30 month ..2500 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash payment, bal monthly . Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, in any part of the City. WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE PRICES AND EASY TERMS. 2400 1500 $1500 E. P. DAUGHDRILL & CO. HOME PHONE Office 60. Residence 304 OFFICE Suite 214 Carter Building HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY 9 - CJIPITJIL, $150,000.00 - A General Banking Business Transacted. Careful and courteous attention to all entrusted to us. Separate Savings Department. Our Trust Department well equipped and properly prepared to care for investment funds or matters pertaining to estates. Authorized by law to serve as Guardian, Administrator, Executor, Trustee or Receiver. matters ACCOUNTS INVITED The small depositor or borrower assured the same courteous treatment given the larger Our desire and purpose is to treat all justly, and to show them every consideration sistent with safe banking. .' /. one. con 4°Io Interest on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates : : : • ; -officers-- H. A. CAMP, President JOE SHELBY, Vice-Pres. JOHN KAMPER, Vice-Pres. K. L. BENNETT. Active Vice- Pres. J. S, LOVE, Cashier 190.. To the Contest Manager, Enclosed please find the sum of $ News for . My name Is Address . ftl pay lor the Hattiesburg months. Please credit tin due oil some to M. votes District No. .. Please slate whether old or new subscribe IK. Not Good After December 25, 1908 The Hattiesburg News This ballot Is good for one vote: For M. Address . District No. .. Good for one vote when neatly trim med and the Contest Department of The News by mail, Ailed out If sent to or otherwise, before the expiration date. No ballot will be altered In any way or trans ferred after being received by The News.