TODAY: 2. How to Eun a Police Force. Comic. 1. On the Field of Battle with trained dogs. 8. New Songs. Extra Monday : Mary Stuart. Extra Tuesday : Ji nthony and Cleopatra. Theatre New Gem .■Hts Royal Highness In all his glory, will arrive at The New Gem Theatre Mon day at 1 p. tn. and will remain in His Palace in the lobby of the New Gem Theatre till after XMAS. Theatre will receive a toy from Santa Claus free. Santa Cl Every child attending the show at the New Gem r Boy den's Fine Shoes lor Gentlemen lTell Dressed.. There is nothing so essential to the well dressed man as a shoe with a character distinctly its own. The BO\ DEN' has no equal in work manship, style and fit. Let US fit you for Christmas. 111 vV The Social Side. PH OWES: Cumberland A T o. 429, Home No. 264 MONEY. toe MONEY. Just about this time of year, with the Christmas drawing near. 1 begin to yearn for money as I never did before: never Mon< as, I guess, my one 8 source of happiness. For I never had a yearning to poss ess a golden store. As a poor man 1 could smile and could whistle all the while W ith my hands deep in the pockets where the wasn't any money; But today my heart is sad. and I wish I had A fortune just to make tbe lives of little children sunuv. Just about this time of year, with the Christmas drawing near, I begin to wish I could be rich for just a week or two; For the curse of being poor is that I must shut my door On the chance of making merry every little tot I view, Oh. I w-ouldn't hoard It up, like a miser, in a cup, And I wouldn't reinvest it in those solid copper stocks; But I'd take a shopping trip and I'd let the greenbacks slip For trumphets and tin soldiers and those letered building blocks. There's an orphan girl I know, I would set her heart aglow; There's a cottage where a mother sits and cries, For her little children play, all except ing Christmas day, For they cannot read the sadness in her eyes. Oh, it's there that I would go, when the lights are burning low, And their empty stockings I would fill: Tltis is just the time of year w*hen I'm envious, I fear, Of the man who has a hundred-dol lar bill. What is poverty to me? and fancy free. And the blue skies bend above as I sing upon my way; But at just this time of year, with the Chrismtas drawing near, I d like to be a millionaire for just about a day. O. it s not that now I sigh for the pleasures gold would buy— For all forms of disappointments I have known. And to Aee some little tot, who per haps will be forgot. Makes me wish I had a fortune of my own. I am heart me —Louisville Times ❖ ❖ •> Complimentary to B. Y. P. U. Prominent among the season's en tertainments, w tiie elaborate re ceptlon ghen last evening compli mentary to tbe B. Y. P. U. of Im munuel Baptist church by the pastor and his lovely wife, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. O Bryant, at. the pastorium, their beautiful new borne. The reception hall, library, parlor and dining were ail thrown into one, and were beautifully decorated with garlands of Ivy, interspersed with numerous pretty Christmas bells, the throughout containing an air of holi day restivlty. The decorations in the hall were especially artistic and were ver y suggestive of the coming Yule Tide. room, decorations Oraceful festoons of red and green pap. r extended from the four corners, meeting in the center, and from this was suspended a large Christmas beli, and holiy and mistle rywhere in evidence, the entire color-scheme, appropriate to the Christmas O'Bryant w< toe were evi Rev. and Mrs. season. e assisted in their pleas ant duties by Prof. Gains Dobbins, the j popular president of this splendid ! gauization. I or j Prof, I-tobbins* interest In j the Union for its enlargement, j of work and spiritual vane through ; out. is worthy of highest prise. The most welcome guest present i Santa Claus, dressed in a complete | Santa Claus outfit, in the —, Collins, role well. j scope person of He certainly played the The refreshments were served by him also, and the idea I j. j | I way ] so unique, as a dainty pretty stocking, well filled with fruit and candy, presented to each guest by Santa Claus. An interesting musical was well carried out by the following splendid musicians, Misses Bertha and Ruby Batson. Lela W Cora Golden, Messrs. Tbad Batson, McNair and others. Miss Flora Byrd gave a splendid reading, which was very much appreciated. There a'>out sixty guests present, and all pro gram are, were were entertained wfcth that dainty charm which marks all of the enter tainments given by Rev. O'Bryant, every detail of which was quite perfect, and the whole a delight to each and Mrs. guest, as they are both gifted with unusual hospitality, and possesing, to a rare degree, the tact and ease of manner so necessary to social success. * ❖ Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Holloman will leave Monday for their new home at Edwards, where Dr. Halloman will be pastor next year, causes genuine regret, not only by the people of his own congregation, but by ail who know them, gain saying the fact, however, that "to know them is to love them." No pastor who has ever before been here was more beloved or more highly ap preciated than was Dr. Holloman. The best wishes of innumerable friends will follow them wherever the 9 9 9 Miss Annie Cora Gillian very charm ingly entertained a few friends at a chafing dish party last evening at her lovely home on Mabel street. The evening was a great delight to all who participated therein, freshments were served. An interest ing feature was a vocal solo, beautiful ly rendered by Miss Ruth Dauglidrill. Those present were Miss Ruth Dattgh drill, and Mr. Curry, Miss Hattie Hill and Curtis Ferrell, Miss Ruth Daugh drill and Chester Jones. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have sympathy of the community in the loss of their eight-year-old son. which sad even occurred in the Irene chapel neighborhood Thursday. The remains were shipped to McCailum yesterday, when the interment took place. A. O'Bryant accompanied the remains and conducted the funeral service. 9 9 * Dr. J. E. Jones, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Meridan, will occupy tlie pulpit at the Bay Street Presbyterian church tomorrow at both the morning and evening hours. Rev. R. L. Campbell will fill his pulpit in Merdian. so for tomorrow they change pulpits. Their removal There is no y go. Dainty re he Rev. The children of the Main Street M E. church, who are taking part In j* the entertainment, they are going to Mve at the church Wednesday even Ing, December 23. are requested to ex ❖ •> ❖ ' meet at the church tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. ❖ ❖ •> The bazaar and lunqfreon given by ! the Ladies' Aid of the First Presby | terian church yesterday in the Hart ; field building was quite a success. I -Many beautiful fancy articles display and sold rapidly, luncheon was fine and altogether the affair was a success, both financially and socially. were The oil ❖ ❖ There will he a called meeting or the Home Missionary Society of the Main Street Methodist church Tues day morning at 10 o'clock at the pars onage. to he present. All members are requested l The Lydia Circle held a bazaar yes terday in the First National Bank building. They had a beautiful "dis play of fancy work and especially the Mexican drawn work, which was tht j most elaborate that has ever been seen here. They were very successful in every particular. ❖ * ❖ Mrs. R. C. Wilson of Brookhaven will arrive tomorrow to be the guest | of her father, Mr. L. D. Smith, until Wednesday, when she will be joined I by Mr. Wilson and they will j | go on to Pensacola to spend the holidays with relatives. <• «• •> There will be a called meeting of the Home Mission Society of Court Street M. E. church Monday arternoon at the church, at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to be present as there*is busi ness of importance. 9 9 9 There will be a called meeting of the Sowania Club. Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Miss Leila May Smith, urged to be present. * <• <. Mrs. Bryan Lackey Kelthley of Clin- | ton, arrived last evening to be the j guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Jackson, on Main street during I tbe holidays. All the members are i 9 9 9 The Ladles' Aid of the First Bap tist church will hold the regular weekly meeting at the church Monday afternoon at 3:30. 9 9 9 Miss Beulah McHenry of Waverly, Tenn., is the attractive guest of Judge and Mrs. J. E. Davis on West Pine street and Miss Betting Young. 9 9 9 There will be no meeting of the Westminster Aid have disbanded until after the holi days. Monday, as they 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Shaver of Ne braska. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Keys on West Pine street. 9 9 9 , Mrs. Anna Mills has just returned from Laurel where she has been professional business. 9 9 9 Mrs. D. B. Griffin Is spending the day In Maxey. on 9 9 9 Mrs. Edgar G. Haris, wife of the editor in chief of the Hattiesburg News, is the guest of her grandfather, Col. W. W. Robeson.—Brandon News. r. * WHERE HATTIESBURGANS WORSHIP TOMORROW. « 44444444469994444 NOTICE—Ministers are requested to furnish a notice of their church vices not later than 10:30 o'clock each Saturday morning. •> * ser First Presbyterian Church. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. All persons who desire to do so are cordially Invited to attend all the services. Court Street Methodist. There will be regular services to morrow. morning and evening. Preaching at usual hours, Main Street Methodist. Usual services. Preaching by Rev. T. B. Holloman at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Columbia Street Baptist Church. J. N. McMillin, Pastor. Peraching every Sunday, 11 a. m., 7, p. m Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sunday school teachers' meeting ery Sunday 9 a. m. B. Y. P. U. every Sunday 3: Woman's Missionary Society, every 'Monday 3:30 p. m. j* Congregational prayer meeting Wed nesda.v 7 p. m. Song service, Friday 7pm Tomorrow. December 29. at 11 ev p. m. a. m. the pastor will preach on the sub ject, "The Everlasting of the Ages." A Christinas senuou text, "What Think Ye of Christ?" At 7 p. m. the subject will be, "A Personal Ques tion Which You Must Answer." Text, "What Then Shall I do with Jesus Who Is Called Christ?" Bay Street Presbyterian. Rev. J. E. Jones, of the First Presby terian church, Meridian, Miss., will preach at Bay Street Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and even ing. The Pastor R. L. Campbell will preach for Dr. Jones in the First Presbyterian pulpit of Meridian, Miss. R. L. CAMPBELL. Trinity Episcopal Church. Holy communion at 9 a. m. Sunday school, C. F. Larson superin- 1 tendent at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 ; p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 i p. m. Persons who are disposed are cor-! dially Invited to attend the services. I GEO. S. GIBBS. First Baptist Church. Sunday School, 9:45. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. %. The night sermon will be a continu ation of tbe series on the ten mandments. This will be the eigthth "Stealing." The Young Peoples' Meeting, 6:15 p. m. We invite the richest and j the well dressed and the poorly dress | ed. It does not matter who you are if you wish to worship God. Come. I P. TROTTER. com poorest. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services at 11 a. m. Subject for Sunday, "Is the Universe Including Man by Atomic Force." Wednesday evening meeting 7:30 p. m. The public is Invited. building, Hartfleld Fifth Avenue Baptist. Regular services at Fifth Avenue Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. L. E. Hall, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. m. Immanuel Baptist Church. Tbe usual services will be held to morrow. 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Preaching at 11 a. m. and Christian Endeavor. The Christian Endeavor Society of Bay St. Presbyterian Church meets every Sunday evening at 6:45 at Bay Street church. Everybody cordially invited, especially the young folks. Catholic Church. Services Sunday night at 7:30. Christmas Services, high midnight, with sermon. Second mass at 5:00 a. mass at m. SANTA CLAUS NEXT WEEK. As has been announced in their advertisement. The New Gem Theatre, next to the postoffice, will have Santa Claus present every day next week til after Christmas, and will give present to every child attending the show. Santa Claus will take his stand in the New Gem lobby and will that no child is slighted. The price of admission will remain the same—fc. mi a set Y- Old■ Fashioned Kind PURE H0REH0UND DROPS 20c Pound IF YOUR Cold is so severe or your cough so tight Hore hound Drops won't relieve you, buy a bottle of our Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup We guarantee one dose to stop any Cough and _ bottle to cure it—cc refund the purchase prie*~,J8 cents. Only at our store. one The Owl Drug Store M It makes some girls tired to do any thing but go visiting. Made to Eat Not to Keep World Famed I I mi indies Bottom layer Brings forHi as many delicious morsels a surprises as top layers Place your Xmas order early. HAYS & FIELD CHEER YOURSELF if at last you have found laundry ybu can depend on to re turn you your r a APVt.ij 4 ltd'll 'V'* It.. yj own clothes, and In a good clean condition. Phoenix laundry ALWAYS been !7j >1 The * .h. has reliable, but y(tu did not .*• hear about it. THAT IS WHY WE ADVERTISE We want you to all to know that your temper and your clothes will not be damaged. If you deal with i us. We use bona fide washers and bleachers and do not allow any rough handling of fine materials a > i t <%£T~ PHOENIX LAUNDRY 200-206 Mam Sts Both Phones 36 Steam and Dry Cleaning and Pressing. f You Want the Best. Try Us. Suitable Christmas Presents Tor Tadtes and Gentlemen For Gentlemen For Ladies * * Diomond Rings. Solid Gold Cuff Buttons. Diamond Set Cuff Buttons, odd de signs . Solid Gold Fobs ... John Holland Fountain Pens.....'. Solid Gold Tie Clasps .... Gold Filled Watch Chains. Combination Pearl Handle Pocket Knives ... Fine Line Gentlemen's Umbrellas.. Handsome Shaving Mirrors. Sterling Silver Clothes Brushes ... Solid Gold Rings, 1, 2 and 3 stones.. Diamond Shirt Studs . Solid Gold Shirt Studs 3 to set .... Solid Gold Initial Emblem Rings... Diamond Set Lockets . Solid Gold Watches, open or double case . Emblem Pins, Lockets and Buttons, all secret orders. Krementz Solid Gold Collar Buttons! Silver and Ivory Letter Openers.. Gold Filled Fobs. Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Lockets .... Sterling and German Silver Military Brushes .„ Gold Filled Watches, open or bunt ing case. Solid Silver Match Boxes. Smoking Sets. Sterling Silver Satchel Tags !!!!!! The Celebrated Suredge Razors ... Sterling Sliver Napkin Rings. Diamond Set Cuff Buttons_ Solid Gold and Diamond Scarf Pins. Shaving Cups and Brushes. Silver Handle Whisk Brooms .... Solid Gold Watch Chains. Sterling Silver Key Rings. Leather Pocket Cigar Cases. Diamond Studs . J 3.00 to 3350.00 2.00 to 10.00 Diamond Rings . Gold Filled Elgin, Waltham or Hampden Watches, open or hunt ing case. Diamond Set Gold Lockets_!.!! Solid Gold Lace Pins .. Sterling Silver Manicule Sets ..." Ladies' Gold Cuff Pins .... 3 5.00 to 300.00 3.50 to 35.00 4.50 to 20.00 2.00 to 15.00 1.50 to' 7.50 1.25 to 7.50 .25 to* 2.00 to 15.00 3.50 to 10.00 3.50 to 5.50 1.50 to. 12.50 12.50 to' 300.00 2.00 to 15.00 8.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 100.00 10.00 to 75.00 6.00 to 100.00 .50 to 5.00 1.50 to 15.00 1.00 to 5.00 a pair 2.00 to 12.00 1.25 to 4.00 7.50 to 75.00 2.25 to 4.00 1.25 to 10.00 2.00 to 15.00 Solid Gold Neckcliaius . Solid Gold Ear Screws. Diamond Brooch Pins Sterling Silver Garters. Gold and Gold Filled Crosses Solid Gold Breast Pins __ Combination Gold Brooch and Chat telaine Pins . Pearl, Sterling Silver Pen Holders!! Solid Gold Bracelets . Gold Handle Umbrellas. . Diamond Set Bracelets . Two, three and four stone Solid Gold Rings . Gold Filled Bracelets.!.! Diamond Ear Screws. Gold Mounted Back Combs ...!!!!! Silver Handle Umbrellas.!.. ] Solid Silver Jewel Oases.!!!!! Ladies' Gold Filed Watch Chains, all lengths . Ladies' Solid Gold Watch Chains.!! Solid Gold Watches, open or hunt ing case .. Solid Silver Comb, Brush and Mir ror Sets. John Holland Fountain Pens.! Solid Silver Book Marks . Gold Filled Back and Side Combs!! Composition Jewel Cases silver gold effect ..'. Mantle and Desk Clocks . Silver Pin Trays. Sterling Silver Hat Brushes !!!!.'!! Solid Gold Shirtwaist Sets. Gold Filled Shirtwaist Sets .. Sterling Silver Thimbles ...... Solid Gold Lockets, plain and bossed . Sterling Silver Skirt Brooms'! .' Mirrors in all shapes and sizes Folding Dressing Mirrors . Nall Files . Scissors . \ Cuticles.!.!!!!'! Shoe Horns, Hair Curlers, etc.. 1.60 V i. 2.25 to 175.00 1.26 to 2.50 6.00 to 20.00 4.50 to 25.00 17.50 to 125.00 4 i 18.00 to 125.00 ( .75 to 25.00 1.00 to 1.50 .25 to 1.50 1.50 to 4.00 1.00 to 30.00 3.00 to 100.00 1.50 to 15.00 1.25 to 10.00 25.00 to 100.00 2.00 to 15.00' 2.50 to 10.00 1.00 to 5.00 4.00 to 10.00 2.25 to 8.00-to 27.00 18.00 to 125.00 9.00 7.50 to .75 to 2.50 .to 1.25 to 1.00 to .75 to 2.50 to 1.00 to 3.00 to .75 to 7.50 to .75 to 1.00 to 12.00 to 351*00 40.00 6 5.00 7.50 i* 2.00 4.60 to 2.00 to ,50 4o 1.50 to 1.00 to 45.00 5.00 6 00 2.20 1.78 75.00 75.00 12 00 or 5.00 5.00 a set 4.00 2.00 to •754o 1.25 to 4.00 to 1.25 to .25 to 30.00 30.00 3.00 1.00 Vi 1.60 2.50 6.0Q 3.50 Cut Glass Department LM era 2.60 to 1.26 to 2.00 to 3.50 to .36 to .76 to .35 to ,364o 17.60 Cut-glass Water Sets. Cut-glass Bowls. Cut-glass Sugar and Cream Sets..., Cut-glass Ice Cream Sets. Cut-glass Electroliers . 6.75 to 3.50 to 4.50 to 15.00 to 10.00 to 50.00 20.00 15.00 75.00 50.00 4.00 17.50 7.50 > L» 1.50 t 60 1.50 Fair dealing. One price to all. Every thing is marked in plain figures. ' • # 9# H. S. LILIUS, The Jeweler. 105 Front Street. Hattiesburg, Miss. = I v ' Even a thorr. ip easy to break when it la young—and It Is so with bad habits. STOLEN—One Recycle, model 135. Return to City Barber Shop and get $5 reward. No questions asked. D19-3t. NOTICE! A nice farm for rent; fine chance for right A four room house near Newman mill for $400.00 all cash. A splendid six room house, lot 123 ft by 210 ft. all modem conveniences, 200.00 cash, balance 50.00 per month, or will rent for 25.00 month. * Your choice of fifty houses at right prices on the monthly payment plan. Twenty-five choice building lots either cash credit where you want to build a nome. Lot FREE to a good man wanting to build a home and not able to pay for a house and lot. Yours, THOS. M. FERGUSON. man. or re j a Christmas Sermon to i .By. i REV. J. N. McMILLAN. Pastor Columbia Street 4 BAPTIST CHURCH Tomorrow December 20th> 11 A. M. SUBJECT: The Question of the Ages ii >» CONGRESS ADJOURNS. Washington, D. C., Dec. 19.—The senate and housethis afternoon ad journed for the Christmas holidays; session to reconvene .fanury 4. The man who would rather be presi dent than be right stands the better