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Santa Claus Has Arrived at the New New Gem Theatre. Free Toys. Gem Mary Stuart 7 oday Theatre r T\. Boy den's Fine Shoes For Gentlemen U r ell Dressed.. There is nothing so essential to the well dressed man as a shoe with a character distinctly its own. equal in work £ The BOYDEN has manship, style and fit. Let us fit you for Christmas. no m f/j J The Social Side. PHONES: Cumberland No. 429, Home No. 264 By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX.) r of sweet and loving love. Masti Give us the open mind To know religion means no more. No less, than being kind. Give us the comprehensive sight That sees another's need; And let our aims to set things right Prove God inspired our creed. Give us the soul to know our kin That dwell in flock and herd. The voice to fight man's shameful sin Against the beast and bird. Give us a heart with love so fraught For all created things That even our least unspoken thought Bears healing on its wings. / Give us religion that will cope With life's colossal woes, And turn a radiant face of hope On troops of pigmy foes. y Give us the mastery of our fate In thoughts so warm and white They stamp upon the brows of hate Love's glorious seal of light. Give ns the strong, courageous faith That makes of pain a friend, And calls the secret word of death "Beginning." and not "end." —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. * » « Garland-Smith. Mr. Charles Garland and Mrs. Grace Smith were quietly married last eve ning at the home of the bride's broth er. Dr. H. L. McKinnon, on Walnut street. Their marriage was quite a surprise to their friends, as it has been kept a secret all the while, even from the family. It was just a quiet home affair, only tile relatives being present. Rev. I. P. Trotter, very im pressively pronounced the words that made them man and wife. The bride is a charming young woman, having resided here for the past several years and has a host of friends. She was handsomely gowned in a rich navy blue satin, elaborately trimmed in point lace. Her going away dress was a lovely gray suit with, hat in harmony. The groom is a popular business man of Laurel. After the ceremony a del,emus two-course luncheou was served in the dining room, which was beautifully decor ated with the Yule Tide decorations. After the luncheon they left for their future home in Laurel, where they carry with them the best wishes of innumerable friends. * •> ❖ Mr. J. C. Stevens, of Hattiesburg, was a Sunday visitor to his relatives here.—Little Misses Josephine and Jennie Myer were guests of their rela tives in Hattiesburg this week.—A party of young ladies and gentlemen went down tq Hattiesburg Saturday afternoon to see "The Traitor" at the opera house that evening. Among the party were Misses Rebecca Brooke, Lizzie Parker, Bessie Moody, Annie Lewis and Messrs Maurice Myer Henry White. Earnest Pettis, Forrest Taylor and James Ward,.—Ellisville correspondent, Times-Democrat. « ■» * New Pastor Preaches. Rev. G. H. Thompson, the new pas tor of Court Street M. E. church, cupied the pulpit of that church at both the morning and evening hours Sunday He delivered two of the most eloquent sermons that has ever been presented from this pulpit. He is a man of fine rendition and certainly oc # has a most splendid delivery. The house was well filled and the entire congregation seemed wonderfully im pressed and highly delighted. Since the conference saw best to make a change, the Court Street congregation should always count themselves ceedingly fortunate in having secured the service of one who is endowed with such wonderful power, and w'ho is considered a leading light in the Methodist denomination. While there are many sad hearts over the re moval of Brother Jones, who has been a faithful pastor, still a most cordial welcome is extended Brother Thomp son and his excellent family. .;. ex Johnson.Brannan. A very quiet, but pretty home wed ding took place yesterday at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bride's sister, -Mrs. A. F. Waller. The con tracting parties were Miss Willie Johnson and Mr. M. Brannan.' Rev. J. N. McMillian said the impressive ce re The bride is *a lovely young mon.v, lady of Hattiesburg, and the groom is a splendid business man of Luce dale. The bride was beautifully at tired in a handsome blue tailored suit with harmonious accessories. After congratulations they left immediately for different points in North Missis sippi, where they will spend a while before returning to their Lucedale. Best wishes for a happy wedded life is extended them by their many friends. home at Rev. J. R. Jones and family will leave tomorrow for their new home at Jackson. Brother Jones has made a faithful and devoted pastor and greatly beloved by his people, who feel loath to see him leave, tend our best wishes to them, and hope the hand Devine will ever guide them. was We ex •> Misses Lucile and Katie Hightower, two of Hattiesburg's most attractive koung ladies, who are students this year at .Iudson College, arrived Satur day evening to spend the Yule-Tide with their parents. This is delight ful news to their many friends. ❖ j The following boys who are student, >t Castle Helght Lebanon Tenn have arrived and will spend Christmas with * home folks: Stephens, Gabe and George Hawkins, and Willie Jim Greer. Barksdals, ❖ The Sowania Club will meet with Miss Lelia May Smith tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock for the purpose of packing a Christmas box Thompson children at Moselle, the members are urged to be present. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. George Rathbone, of Springfield, Michigan, have arrived here and very pleasantly located with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller at their lovely home on Buschman. for the All Mo„ but formerly of are new * * * Misses Ligon Smith and Rodgers are in Hattiesburg to spend the holi days with Miss Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Smith avenue. on Hail ❖ ❖ * Mrs. B. T. Hollinger left today for St. Louis to spend the holidays with her parents. & ++ «5» Mrs. M. L. Burton, of Purvis visitor here Friday. ❖ ❖ * Miss Hattie Watkins, who has been was a His Royal Highness Santa Claus, In all his glory, will arrive at The New Gem Theatre Mon day at 1 p. m. and will remain in His Palace in the lobby of the New Gem Theatre till after XMAS. Every child attending the show 7 at the New Gem Theatre will receive a toy from Santa Claus free. REV. J. R. JONES WRITES PARTING WORD \ In closing a ministry of two years in Hattiesburg, my thoughts go back over that short time and suggest ques tions and answers which are very sacred to me. Looking back I have sought to find some language with which to express my appreciation of the kindness we have received from the hearts and hands of so many of Hattiesburg's best people; but my use of language falls to measure up to the gratitude of my heart. I have never lived among a more courteous people, whoe kindness is not circumscribed by denominational distinctions. All have been univers ally kind to us. My association with the pastors of other churches has been most cordial. We have dwelt together in the unity of the spirit. Church loyalty is a beautiful principal, and yet Christian ity is bigger and" broader than any attending school at the University of Mississippi, is expected home on the 24th to spend Xmas with her mother. ❖ ♦ •> Miss Lulie Watkins one of the teach ers in the Ellisville High School will arrive on the 24th to spend the holi days with her mother on Fourthstreet. Mrs. S. E. Longre and Master Tom will leave Wednesday for Louisiana, where they go to join Mr. Longre for the happy Yule-Tide. a ❖ ❖ •> Richard Langford and Joe L. Mc Mellin came home Saturday from Clinton College to spend Christmas with the home folks. « « ❖ Miss Norma Powe has arrived home to spend the Yule-Tide. She is attend ing school at Breaunean College, Gainesville, Ga. ❖ ❖ •> Mrs, Jim Daly of Eastabutchie, was in Hattiesburg Friday, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Moore, on East Pine street. •> •> <• Mrs. E. O. Bufkln was called Satur day to the bed side of her sister who is very ill at her home in Sandford. ❖ * •> Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Harris re turned yesterday from a visit to rela tives and friends at Brandon. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. Gaines Hightower, who is taking a minsterial course at Louisville, Ky., is home for the holidays. ❖ * ❖ ❖ * ❖ Alex Powe who is a student this ses sion at the University of Mississippi, is home for the holidays. ♦ ♦ ♦ Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Burton have gone to Purvis where they will make their home in the future. ❖ ❖ ❖ Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Shelby were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelby in Hattiesburg Sunday. * ❖ ❖ Mrs. S. S. Wright and little daugh ters have returned from a visit to rela tives in Jackson, Tenn. •> ❖ «• Mr. Wm. Moffett, Jr., is decidedly better today, to the delight of his many friends. Messrs. Clyde Kingsbury and M. L. Wagoner, of Lyman, spent Sunday in Hattiesburg. ❖ * * During the holidays, beginning Thursday evening at 6 o'clock one half of all receipts at the Box Ball Alley, 128 Pine street, will be given to the local camp, U. C. V. tf EATONVILLE. Miss Bessie Kennedy, who has been visiting relatives in Franklin, Tex., for the past six months, arrived home Friday, December 11. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Baylis made a business trip to Hattiesburg Monday. Mr. A. L. Ttrahan is making addition to his residence. Rev. R. Campbell delivered an In teresting sermon Sunday p. m. There were several additions to the church. Messrs. A. Lott, of Hattiesburg, and Charlie Hamilton were in Eatonvllle Sunday. Mr. Andrew Graham, who is at Sun. rall, is spending a few days with home folks. The girls are progressing rapidly with basketball. an LOST—A string of gold and jet beads between J. W. Montague's residence and town. Finder will be rewarded by returning some to Mr. Mon tague's residence. creed. It w'otdd teach us to be serv ants of all. and this has been my desire and shall be until I can serve no more. I have tried to keep time to the key note of pur Lord's gospel, but In this I have perhaps often failed, and yet you have borne with my failures. 1 have not heard the disparaging critic's voice, but words of confidence and encouragement, which armed me with new strength. I plead with my friends and breth ern, members of Court Street to con tinue their loyalty and love for their own dear church. Stand by the man of God who comes to preach the ev eralsting word, and help my friend Brother Thompson, your pastor, as you have helped me. I trust this year may be one with out a ruffle, but one of great spiritual blessing to my many friends, who have been so thoughtful and kind to me. If I dared do it, I would urge you, my own friends, to always fill your place in the sanctuary on the Sabbath day. You cannot keep hold of Christ unless you grip him and ever renew that grip. Only ns we clease to Him is he the life-giving energy to us. By this we stand, and must be saved. I shall watch with Interest the con tinued growth and prosperity of Court Street church. She falls • into good hands, and should be congratulated on the coming of a man so cempetent as my good friend, Brother Thompson. May the blessings of heaven keep your hearts and minds in the love of God though Jesus Christ our Lord. J. R. JONES. WANTED BOARD—Refined couple desires board ana room in private family. Want first-floor room, well furnished with convenient bath. Must be close in. State location, price and conveniences and address "Garrard," care Daily News. tf 2 STOLEN—One Racycle, model 135. Return to City Barber Shop and get $5 reward. No questions asked. D19-3t. Made to Eat Not to keep 9 . eWorld Famed PJs m Candies 7 i Bottom layer Brings fortti as many delicious morsels h surprises as top layer-* Place your Xmas order early. HAYS & FIELD Y' OIL Fashioned Kind PURE H0REH0UND DROPS 20c Pound IF YOUR Cold is your cough so tight Hore hound Drops won't relieve you, buy a bottle of our so severe or Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup We guarantee one dose to stop any Cough and one bottle to cure it—or refund the purchase price—25 cents. Only at our store. The Owl Drug Store ' HOLIDAY JAG HAS ARRIVED The first Indication that the holi days are approaching, was manifested in the police court, was shown this morning when three cases of plain durnk and one of drunk and fighting, were up before his honor, Justice John son. The plain drunks were let off with a fine of $1 each, and the drunk and fighting case brought $2.50. It has been some time since there were as many as four cases of drunk enness before the police court on any one morning, and the fact that there were four this morning shows that the Christmas business has opened up. In this conection, it has been observed that there are very few cases of drunkenness before the police court at any time. This is not taken to indicate that the police are any less active than they have been In the past, but it is a clear indication that there is less drunkenness in Hatties burg now than at any time in the past. It is seldom that a drunken man is seen on the streets of the city and when one makes his appearance he is almost certain to be nabbed by the police. It is believed that there is less drunkenness in Hattiesburg than in any other place of similar size in the state. There will probably be an increase in the number of arrests for drunken ness this week, but it is not believed the number will be considerable, as compared with other years, during the holidays. On Wednesday afternon, December 23, after 2 o'clock, we will sell 100 fancy large bowls 75c and $1.00 kind at 25c; 75 fancy large cake plates 75c kind at 20c; pitcher and six glasess cut glass patters, 75c at 70«. Numerous useful articles in hand painted Japanese at a sacrifice. One to a customer. Drop in our store and be convinced that it wlj| be worth your while to come back Wednesday, while to come back Wednesday. D21-2t. ABNEY FURNITURE CO. People are always asking you to fol low their advice, but they are seldom willing to tell you ' which way it went. Suitable Christmas Presents * For Ladies and Gentlemen For Gentlemen For Ladies % Diomond Rings . Solid Gold Cuff Buttons. Diamond Set Cuff Buttons, odd de signs .. Solid Gold Fobs . John Holland Fountain Pens...... Solid Gold Tie Clasps .. Gold Filled Watch Chains ... Combination Pearl Handle Pocket k Knives . Fine Line Gentlemen's Umbrellas.. Handsome Shaving Mirrors. Sterling Silver Clothes Brushes ... Solid Gold Rings, 1, 2 and 3 stones.. Diamond Shirt Studs ... Solid Gold Shirt Studs, 3 to set .... Solid Gold Initial Emblem Rings... Diamond Set Lockets . Solid Gold Watches, open or double case . Emblem Pins, Lockets and Buttons, all secret orders . Krementz Solid Gold Collar Buttons. Silver and Ivory Letter Openers.... Gold Filled Fobs. Solid Gold Signet Rings . Solid Gold Lockets . Sterling and German Silver Military Brushes .. Gold Filled Watches, open or hunt ing case . Solid Silver Match Boxes . Smoking Sets. Sterling Silver Satchel Tags . The Celebrated Suredge Razors .., Sterling Silver Napkin Rings ...... Diamond Set Cuff Buttons. Solid Gold and Diamond Scarf Pins. Shaving Cups and Brushes. Silver Handle Whisk Brooms .... Solid Gold Watch Chains. Sterling Silver Key Rings. Leather Pocket Cigar Cases . . Diamond Studs . $ 3.00 to $350.00 2.00 to, 10.00 Diamond Rings . Gold Filled Elgin, Waltham Hampden Watches, open or hunt ing case. Diamond Set Gold Lockets. Solid Gold Lace Pins. Sterling Silver Manicure Sets. Ladies' Gold Cuff Pins. $ 5.00 to 300.00 01 3.50 to 4.50 to 2.00 to 1.50 to' 1.25 to 35.00 10.00 to 75.00 6.00 to 100.00 -50 to 5.00 1.60 to 16.00 1.00 to 5.00 ' a pair 2.00 to 12.00 1.25 to 4.00 7.50 to 75.00 2.25 to 4.00 1.26 to 10.00 2.00 to 15.00 20.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 .25 to 1.50 2.00 to 15.00 3.50 to 10.00 8.50 to 5.50 1.50 to 12.50 12.50 to' 300.00 2.00 to 15.00 8.00 to 10.00 6.00 to 100.00 Solid Gold Neckchains. Solid Gold Ear Screws .. Diamond Brooch Pins. Sterling Silver Garters. Gold and Gold Filled Crosses. Solid Gold Breast Pins . Combination Gold Brooch and Chat telaine Pins . Pearl, Sterling Sliver Pen Holders!! Solid Gold Bracelets. Gold Handle Umbrellas. Diamond Set Bracelets... Two, three and four stone Solid Gold Rings . Gold Filled Bracelets.. Diamond Ear Screws. Gold Mounted Back Combs. Silver Handle Umbrellas. Solid Silver Jewel Cases. Ladies' Gold Filed Watch Chaina, all lengths . Ladies' Solid Gold Watch Chains!!! Solid Gold. Watches, open or hunt ing case .. Solid Silver Comb, Brush and Mir ror Sets. John Holland Fountain Pens ,,.,!! Solid Silver Book Marks .. Gold Filled Back and Side Combs.. Composition Jewel Cases silver gold effect .'. Mantle and Desk Clocks . Silver Pin Trays.. Sterling Silver Hat Brushes !!!!!! Soijd Gold Shirtwaist Sets .... Gold Filled Shirtwaist Sets .... Sterling Silver Thimbles. Solid Gold Lockets, plain and bossed . Sterling Silver Skirt Brooms ...... Mirrors in all shapes and sizes .. Folding Dressing Mirrors . Nall Files .. Scissors.;;; Cuticles.;;;;;;;;; Shoe Horns, Hair Curlera, etc. 2.25 to 175.00 1.25 to 6.00 to 20.00 4.60 to 26.00 17.60 to 125.00 2 r.n 18.00 to 125.00 r .75 to 25.00 1.00 to 1.50 .25 to 1.50 1.60 to 4.00 1.00 to 30.00 3.00 to 100.00 1.50 to 15.00 1.25 to 10.00 25.00 to 100.00 2.00 to 15.00 2.50 to 10.00 1.00 to 5.00 4.00 to 10.00 2.25 to 8.00 to 27.00 18.00 to 125.00 9.00 7.50 to 40.00 .75 to 5.00 2.50 to 7.50 1.25 to 2.00 1.00 to 5.00 .76 to 2.20 2.50 to 75.00 1.00 to 75.00 3.00 to 6.00 .75 to 4.00 7.50 to 30.00 •75 to 1.00 1.00 to 12.00 to 350.00 v 4.50 to 2.00 to .60 to 1.50 to 1.00 to 45.00 5.00 1.75 12.00 I 6.00 or A set 2.00 to .75 to 1.25 to 4.00 to 1.26 to .25 to 30.00 -C 3.00 1.50 2.50 5.00 8 50 Cut Glass Department 1.50 em 2.60 to 1.25 to 2.00 to 5.60 to .85 to .75 to .35 to .35 to 17.60 Cut-glass Water Sets. Cut-glass Bowls. Cut-glass Sugar and Cream Sets.... Cut-glass Ice Cream Sets. Cut-glass Electroliers . 6.76 to 50.00 3.60 to 20.00 4.50 to 15.00 15.00 to 75.00 10.00 to 60.00 4.00 17.50 7.50 Y 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 1.50 i Fair dealing. One price to all. Every thing is marked in plain figures. • • • • 1 i ♦ ■ H. S. LILIUS, The Jeweler. 105 Front Street. Hattiesburg, Miss. ' ,7 ML Christmas Presents THAT PLEASE Will be found in our well selected stock of Christmas and Holiday Articles Nunn ally's Candies China and Cut Glass Don't fail to visit your Christmas purchases. -THE Century Drug Store BOTH PHONES 64 store before making our J r NOTICE! A nice farm for rent; fine chance for right A four room house near Newman mill for $400.00 all cash. A splendid six room house, lot 123 ft by 210 ft. all modem conveniences, 200.00 cash, balance 50.00 per month, or will rent for 25.00 month. Your choice of fifty houses at right prices on the monthly payment plan. Twenty-five choice building lots either cash credit where you want to build a nome. Lot FREE to a good man wanting to build a home and not able to pay for a house and lot. Yours, THOS. M. FERGUSON. man. or ft A J NEWS'ADVERTISEMENT ■ BEST RESULTS