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[ i p] . * xVrG Ml I MUST VACATE BUILDING JAN. 1 All Stock on hand will he sold at Factory prices. Best Anxminster Rugs now $1.50 HAISFIELD FURNITURE STORE 128 FRONT STREET. HOME PHONE 743 WHITE Miss Cecilia Crowe Public Stenographer Office cvitH City Attorney Ellis Room 208 Ross Building. Home Phone 97. / \ Notice ol Removal. I DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST | Has removed from the Blount Building to Suite >07, Carter Building. \ _/ CHEER YOURSELF 1 *° u ■TL have found you can dejiend on ti turn fr. re >, ar your j ■ .vo i lotlies, and in a good you r* if The f ] ALWAYS ai reliable, I been to?. In you did not hear about it. THAT IS WHY WE ADVERTISE We want you lo : II 'o know that mi - temper and <: ■ bes will m>f be damaged. If you deal with us. We use bona X washers and bleachers and do j ■ t allow any rough handling i of fine materials n M PHOENIX LAUNDRY Both Phones 36 200-206 Main Sts Steam and Dry Cleaning and Pressing, j f You Want the Best. Try Us' No. 12 Is the lucky number for the Webster's International Dictionary and Stand, given as a prize to our Christmas Book patrons. According to terms this number must be presented before January 1st, and if this number has been lost or fails to be one presented. So if save the ones near it, as as one of presented the prize will go to the nearest you haven't the exact number them may yet be the winner. 1 hanking our friends heartily for their very liberal patronage during the holiday season and the past year, wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. : ; we HAYS & FIELD L. J wo Meridian Home Mixture Golden Rod Cotton Seed Meal Manufactured by ME8IBIAN FERTILIZER FUTRRl Meridian Hattiesburg Shreveport BOXING DAY Trade is Suspended in English Metroplis and Ihroughout the United Kingdom. I London, 26.—"Boxing Day" | was celebrated in the usual manner United Kingdom to The city itself was almost de nt irely stis With Christmas and "Box-! coming at the end of the »• * k. London will have an entire sits the mi scM h (I and business was iii'4 Day" ;; if trade for three days. Kv-i don is out tl.v who could get away 1 of fn ihe triple holiday. 'or |thoso imniurod in London, there were and. spectacular panto i vo I man dines, especially devised for tin* oc ion. at the theatres this afternoon. j It Is a Wonder. Chamberlain's Liniment is one of ] tlie most remarkable preparations yet produced for the relief of rheumatic pains, and for lame back, sprains and bruises. The quick relief from pain which it affords in case of rheuma tism is alone worth many times its cost. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. For sale by Hays & Field, and Yellow Pine Pharmacy. I !. j i / ^ Miss Alta Rowan TEACHER OF VOICE and DEEP BREATHING. TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS Home Phone 311 501 Walnut St j \ / ■Mam : A; &V' " : i # ■ 11 :;I / ii S5> • :• 'm-f, j . 1 ii * ■ .,' i y; : 1C: ' y.. J *«% m ■ w;. * - •" - Snapshot of the German stea steamer was floated and proceeded un der her own steam to New York. er Harburg, as she lay on the * ind o ff Delfpot-t, L. I. .After miirh elTorl the IS UNIQUE SOCIETY Girls Who Have Never Been Squeezed Are Admitted to Membership. Muskogee, Okla.. r otnan, have you ever bee Dec. 20.—Young n squeezed? If you have not. you are eligible for membership in the Ancient ami Accepted Order of Lemons, which V \o? Illl! iusl been organized in this city with the establishment of Crate So. 1. The head officer of t lie new society, called tlie Main Squeeze, is said to be a popular young woman in Muskogee STATES LEAGUE TO HAVE BRAN NEW TEAM' Daily News Special. . Miss.. Dec. I*. S. Merrill of the League, has received a check for $100 i from ihe Zanesville association of the i I 20.—President j ! ( antral L< ague, being the draft money j for Roy Montgomery and Robert ! Blackburn, two meml Cotton States' i ho , lilack I burn will doubtless be used at his old j 'position on third base. *r« of Jackson's I pennant-winning team of I&U8, I will report for duty with Zam j during the approaching season. | Montgomery will take the* nianage ment of tlie Zanesville team. The drafting , players leaves Jackson j j with but a small reserve list for the i of these t\v j I i , Jackson Stores Open Their Doors ■ Jackson, Doc. 20.— While the state house and. most of the other public i uildmgs iuid business houses In Jack son opened up for business promptly on time tills morning for business. there has been very little actual busi ness done today. Much of the time hi spent instraightening up the confusion resultant from a rush of business on Christmas eve. During the afternoon have general the stores j done a fair business, owing to the fact that almost the usual her of country people, time-honored habit, have come to town and some of them are trading in a desultory fashion. num following a Ail the officials are at their places in the capitol, but the holiday spirit stfi! pervade/ everywhere and there has been little for them to do. Only ew e erai are in the mail, indi ra ing that those who usually write wffh' a <Vr erS 7 3180 bee " bU% ' with Christmas and Santa Claus. I Governor Noel, who was among the j I society, although the identity of both officers and members is kept a pro llowever, it is known found secret. that all ctf the "lemons" .voting things, and not the sour old maids 1 hat might be expected from the It Is likely that the new order are sweet name. will spread over the entire country and that 'crates'* will be organized in every city and town. i i I approaching season. Danny Claire, j shortstop, has been drafted by the St. Louis Nationals; Pitcher Veasey goes Birmingham; Pitcher Miller to Mo bile. First Baseman Saillard and Oul ! fielder Taylor are not under contract. j This levaes as a nucleus for the team ! Catcher Frank Ott, Second Basemt i t ' Pickens and Pitchers Blakeney and , Barber. Ii is doubtful whether Barber and Ott can he held under existing contracts unli-ss they care to return. This moans that Jackson will have virtually a new team for the approach ing se a.'iin, and as no stops have been misting the services taken toward of s not i manager, the 1909 prospects do appear panieularly rosy. I | | first to reach Ids office In the state ! house, spent a quiet Christmas with | his family at the mansion and hardly fp R the building during the day. A fp w friends formally, but had were entertained there in no egg nog offered In fact, the governor is them. averse 'o anything even suggestive of nog He always takes his eggs straight and his nog not at all. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. In the matter of The Bougue Homa Lumber Company vs. The McEI reath Lumber Company: State of Mississippi, Forrest County, n the Chancery Court, No 860 By virtue of a certain decree rend ered by the honorable chancery court of Forrest county, Mississippi, at the December term, 1908, in the above 8tyle<f matter ' '• tbe undersigned ceiver in said matter re will offer for sale and sell to the highest and best i bidder for cash ai the front door of I 'he Hattiesburg Trust & Hanking j Company in the City of Hattiesburg, Miss., on the third Monday and the I eighteenth day of January, 1909. dur ing legal hours, the following property : and claims belonging to the said Mc I'llreatli Hum ben Company, to wit: All the books, notes, accounts and cYioses i Id action, except a claim against Pace which is pending in the | chancery and circuit courts in Jones j county. Mississippi. The above hooks, i notes, accounts, etc., are claims for j lumber sold t i charges and etc., against railroad com panies. Said sale lo be confirmed and rati fied by said chancery court after the same is made by me. Witness my signature this the 19th day of December, 190ft. 1 & purchasers and over ( It. 13. McLEOD. Receiver. 12-21-3wks mon RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeaster Hattiesburg "Centra.' Time'' Nortn bound, Arrives 10:20 a. m.10:30 a. m n Xo. Departs 6 55 p. m. 1:00 p.m. 9:20 p. m. 9:25 p.m. 11:05 p. m.11:10 p. m. South Bound. Arrives No. Departs .... 4:00 a. m. \ . 5:15 a. m. 5:20 a. m. 3 . 12:00 a. m.11;45 a. m. 3 . 4:5S p. m.;. 6:03 p. m. GULF & SHIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. 9 Passenger Service. No. 6 4:30 am No. 3. 3:25 pm 7:06 pm j ,jy ' • Iacltson i Lv ' Hattleabur g ..8:18 am I * r ' Gulf P° rt -12:00 am 19:00 pm No. 4 j Lv. Gulfport .... 7:30 am j Lv. Hattiesburg 10:37 I Ar ' ' ,aokson -2:10 pm 11:15 pm : ' Columbia Division (Via Silver Creek | and Columbia.) No. 6. | 4:15 pm ] 7:33 pm j am i [ No. 101 6:50 a. 2:55 No. 102 m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 p.m p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m No. 109. No. 110. j 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar..10:05 a.m I 8:30 p.m \r. Columbia Lv. 6:00 i Conne g'ons at Jackson, Hattlesbin * , and Gu'fport with all lines ALL TRAINS RUN a.r DAILY. I MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD Passenger Service. | Effective November 8, 1908. No. 1 Lv. Hattiesburg ..6:00a.m 2:30 p.m ■ Lv. Silver Creek.. 8:04 a.m 4:31 p.m j Ar. Brookhaven ..9:10 a.m 5:36 p.m Lv. Brookhaven ..9:14 a.m 5:55 p.m | Lv.Roxie .. ..... 11:10a.m 7:56p.m I Ar. Natchez $. No. 3 .. .12:10 p.m 8:55 p.m No. 2 Lv. Natches.6:30 p.m 1:30 p.m j Lv.Roxie.. 7:30 a.m 2:30 p.m Ar. Brookhaven .. 9:30 a.m 4:30 p.m Lv. Brookhaven .. 9:34 a.m 4:50 p.m Lv. Silver Creek. .10:40 a.m 6:57 p.m Ar. Hattiesburg .. 12:40 p.m 8:00 p.m Trains run dally. No. 4 I R. D. REEVES, G. P. A. Hattiesburg, Miss. General Passenger Agent. Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:53 a. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves 6:15 a. No. 15 leaves 2:48 p. m. m. m. . LOVERS of physical exercise, recreation and inno cent sport can spend their off hours and evenings pleasantly at our BOWLING ALLEY •J. E. MYERS Opposite Hotel Hattiesburg Mobile Street Hattiesburg Foundry Co. Manufacturers of Gray Iron and Brass Castings Pattern MaKing' a Specialty. j j j Engines, Tank Frames, Pilots and Cabs made on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial order fog anything needed for your saw mill. Hattiesburg Foundry COMPANY. Cumb. Phone 626. Home 324. A. BUZZELL J. P. HACKNEY CAPERT0N BROS. The Coal Dealers and Heavy Haulers. Best Grades of COAL at the very lowest prices. Also Dealers in Sand and Gravel. Do all kinds of heavy hauling. Big floats for moving Household Goods. Phone us any time. Home Phones 367 and 236 A Cure For Rental Worries— This p&n gives you the profit but saves you ail the trouble. Renqn% houses is a part of my business I have a constant demand for houses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, Insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this sei Tice. They are small. M. J. EPLEY, PHONE 665 Violin Lessons Prof. Al Moore Headquarters atNew Gem Theatre. Guarantees to teach beginners in six months. If RAMSEYDUO. MIKItktR Sibyl Ai McDonald Teacher of Piano STUDIO J14 BAY STREET Home Phone 451 WANTED tfTT Everybody burg (nit), just will do, to call Home Phone No. 530 and get J.T. Parker, the well known builder, to fix your grates, flues and all other repair work of description. .* ,• .* Prompt Attention Given All Orders. in Hatties few a any HAtTIESBURG DIRECTORY. For Surveying and Mapping See O. A. BENNETT. Hattiesburg, Miss. Subdivision and townsites a ■t Specialty. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hospital. 318 East Pine Street. .Phones—Day, R Night, Residence, Home, 762. P. O. Box 208. ome, 45, Cumb 911. WARREN UPTON, Atto'rne/-at-Law. Hattiesburg, Miss ' 504 Carter Building, C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Keyes Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. Pine St. THE POLESTOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. DOCTORS DIRECTORY FERN CHAMPENOIS, M. D., Specialist. Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Blount Building, Main St. Spectacles Fitted. Eyes Tested Free. Iraduat New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Scientific and Practical Optician. Office in Carter Building, Room 303. V E. J. MITCHELL, [DENTIST ,<ud Fellows Building, Front Street. All Work Guaranteed. The Regent $3.50 SHOE I Has always proved to be the best sh in the world for the money. You can gei them at Nathan's Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street. oe / also ta^e measure and make shoes lo fit your feet. your I Sew on Half Soles for 75c. . Call and see Nathan; save your Money and save your Feet. NATHAN'S Shpe Factory. !20 East Pine Street