WANT COLUMN Get What You Want-You*!! Find it Here !< I li 'l M • • For an earlier break fast,'' take two "Amer ica" Alarms, one for the cook and one for yourself. Every one I sell has been run, regulated, and three-times tested. All you have to do ib to keep it wound. NEW LOT JUS1 Price $1 Guaranteed for one year; good i for ten. I . k * H. S. LIL1US Jewelry Store FOR SALE. FOR SALE—One of the best modern fiomes on Bay street, corner lot, size 75x150, east front. It Interested ad dress A 41, care Daily News. 9 19 tf FOR SALE—Almost new 33-lnch pow er paper cuiter at a bargain. Also stapling machine, round-cornering machine and a large assortment of Address the Hattiesburg I 9 b tf I type. News. FOR SALE—55,000 feet of air-dried boards <1x6 to 12; 15,000 feet log run poplar lumber nicely dried. Also • saw mill of 30,000 feet capacity, with timber for two years, and two ox teams with Lindsey wagons. All at a bargain. Lock box 75, Mer rill, Miss. A FOX TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. A good machine in good condition. See machine at this office. FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN—Forty five-hourse, portable boiler and en gine, \vifh shingle mill; new; will sell separate. Good terms. Address, 433- care Daily News. D22-4t-eod SITUATIONS WANTED. ANY girl in need oi friendship, help, advice, etc., would find -ready and willing assistance by applying to tue matrons of the Salvation Army Res cue Home, 33rd St. and Avenue E, 10 10 tt Birmingham, Ala. i HELP WANTED. WANTED—Saw Mill Men. Men for j machine floor in mill and lumber handlers. Good wages. Good ac comodations. Ingram-Day Lumber Company, Lyman, Miss. j l)ec23-4t WHITE MEN WANTING EMPLOY MENT—Several ^good sober white men that I can recommend, wishes employment for the winter. Any kind of honorable work Address by letter, W. I. Swain, box 203, Hat tiesburg, Miss. ti THE PALACE CAFE I D. C. BE A UC AMP, : Proprietor • Bring us your Appetite; we have what it calls for. Best Merchants' Lunch in the City Best Dinner for 35c; best service and most convenient location. Under New Management You are cordially invited to make this Restaurant your regular eating place. You will always receive the best possible service and the choicest food the markets afford. FOR RENT. HOUSES FOR RI?NT—If you want to rent a house of any kind, call G66 over either 'phone. 9 4 tt FOR RENT—Good 5-room house and 18 acres land, close in. Address, A-45, care News. FOR RENT—One 0-room house and 20 acres of land, of which 12 acres is Address, A. 45, care D24-tf in cultivation. News. i WANTED—Couple for nice, large I room on first floor, with modern FOR RENT—One 5-room house, 10 acres of land, of which 6 acres are in cultivation. Address A 45. care of News. D24-tf FOR RENT—One 10-acre farm, close in. Address A 45, care of News. D23-tf ROOMS and Table Hoarders; class meals and rooms; close in, 121 Buschman street. Cumberland 815. D26-6t. first conveniences, 121 Buschman, Phone 815 Cumberland. I)26-6t MISCELLANEOUS. CUTOVER LANDS—Close to Hatties burg and adapted to fruit and table growing. If you want to buy, Address News. vege A42, care Hattiesburg 9 4 tf IF you have a 10, 15 or 20 acre farm for sale cheap. Address A-41, Dally News. care 10 7 tf IF you have for rent a good five-room house with modern Address A-45, care News. conveniences 10 7 tf WANTED TO BUY—If you have a small cottage, 75 ft. front lot, or lot only, close in at a bargain, for cash, 10-31-tf! adlress, Box 357. SALESMAN WANTED to represent us, experience unnecessary, $75 to $150 per month and expenses or commission. Yale Cigar Co., Indian apolis, Ind. D26-lt. STOLEN. STRAYED OR STOLEN—From stable at Petal, one small Indian pony, red roane in color, formation or return. Pool, Hattiesburg, Miss., Hutler at Petal. Reward for in Address A. G. or E. E. LOST—Plain gold star and crescent pin with letters M. H. on back on Main street in business sec-lion. Re ward of returned to News office 2l WANTED—TWo or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, sonably close in. care of News. rea Address, M. M„ D2 l-2f WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. D23-2I suitable Home telephone 375 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT— One block from town. Modern im provements. Apply, E. B. 202 Busch man street or Phone 156 C I124-3t GET FRUIT CAKE AT THE jCITY Hj jup mm S v r Be First Class 40c lb. Second u 25c lb. Ask the Driver for the others. CITY BAKERY E. S. Scott, Prop. Home Phone 165 . 0 □ ;D POISON Bone Pains, Can cer 1 " 1 i We Will Send Sample Showing How B. B. B. Cures Above Trobles, also Eczema and Rheumatism. For twenty-five years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) has been curing year-1 ly thousands of sufferers fromPrimary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison sndcu n t^° rmS 0t B } 00 ^ I - Ilsease - We solicit the most obstinate cases, for B. B. B. cures where all else fails. If you have exhausted the old meth ods of treatment and still have aches! and pains in the bones, back or joints, Rheumatism, Mucus Patches In mouth Sore Throat, ed Spots, Ulcers free Pimples, Coper-Color -1 on any part or the body. Eating Sores, are run down or nervous. Hair or Eyeorows falling out. take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, healing e sore and completely changing the en-, tire body into a clean, healthy condl-1 tion. Itching, watery ollsters or open', itching humors. Risings or pimples or Eczema all leave after killing the poi *>n and purifying the blood with B B "• j n this way a flood of pure, rich blood is sent direct to the skin surface the Itching stops forever and every hu mor or sore is healed and cured. ery BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.), Is pleasant anu safe to take; composed of pure Botanic ingredients. It purifies and enriches the blood. DRUGGISTS, $1 PER BOTTLE directions for home with cure. FREE BLOOD CURE COUPON This coupon cut from The Daily New, Hattiesburg, Miss, is good fot one large sample of Botanic Blood Balm mailed free in plain package. Simply fill in your name and address on the dotted fines below and mall tr BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga., State name of trouble if you know. j — I Mien in need of the best coal in | town or oak and pine wood, phrone Southern Lumber & lee Co., Cumber- j land 248, Home 180. prompt delivery. Full weight and j i YEBOEB RETURNS HOME AFTER LONG ABSENCE Left Jackson Twenty Years Ago and Had Been Mourned For Dead. Hearat News Service. Jacks. . Dec. 2ti.—After an absence I i of twenty years, spent in the West and lately in Texas, Alex Yei itlk- | rger cd into the home of his aged mother. 1 Mrs. Malvina II. Verger, on North ! President si reel on Christmas eve, | without notice f any kind, this twenty years the mother, eently celebrated her ninetieth birth day. had not I During ; rho re- i -ard from her son and did not know whether he was living j or dead, or where he is about forty years old was. Hr* himself ml is said to NEGRO WILL APPEA! BECAUSE JURORS HAD IMBIBED LIQUID JOY Daily News Specia 1 Jackson, Dec. 26.—Notice of appeal ' to the supreme court has been re ed in the cast* of State \ ! Wat30ii. from t lie circuit court of Warren conn ty, in which some tie ing legal points are involved. and interest- I I Watson is a negro and was recently - given a life sentence for the killing j of Tom C. Miller, a white ma. The ; ttagedy occurred in a Vicksburg ! saloon on Oct., 7, 1907, and the trial lasted for more than a week. Miller Was a former citizen of Jackson, and his relatives retained attorneys to aid in the* prosecution. The assignment of errors will set forth, among other things, that mem bets of the trial jury were allowed the j use of intoxicating liquors while the i trial was in progress, and that sev era I whiskey and beer bottles, all en ply, were found in the Jury room after the body had returned its ve diet. It is ul.m alleged that a , ,py of Collier's Weekly containing pn . Sde severely criticising the laxity' i. ad ministering the law in America, fu several able [Ml* BRAGG WANTS A PARDON | Jackson, Dec. 'will shortly he asked to grant a pardon —Governor Xoel | to Luther Bragg a Scon county negro :e in the ; i |,ellitPllllar >' for Imrglarly, 1. serving n seven-year scntei than one year of which sentence has been It it set forth in the petition , lie prisoner had been working for a farmer named 7.. V.. Oswalt, and Glint his crime consisted in (-limbing in Oswalt's house through a window and ! stealing something j hungry, and that on account of ids , . | 1,111011 a ' 4 a laborer •»' Unit to eat when he was re did not know it lie vas committing a crime. ! ! ! i V i' 'M % , irwt-. ti *• % U » ): i i f I i ■' 1 in p / ) X / N. - ' is a Pitiful appeal has come to Mrs. Keniah Whaley, grandmother of Flar etta Whaley, who eloped with Rev. Jere Knode, —. rector of St. George's Church in Hempstead, L. |„ stating that she and her two children are in need, The grandmother refuses to give her any assistance, unless she leaves Knode. have prospered in Texas. I Flie meeting was and affecting scene, i old mother recogniz* realized that he a most pal when tin ie xl id er | was 1 like the prodlm-1 del, i. i. - ■ in. ! The Christmas | hern a ni ; litis family which is one i prominent ■ -d i>e-t h Mr. Yen at:. ;■ il mnsi the state, e holidays. rt j not again. „ -turn to ' . -| home, hitt will - . lose si tin of his mother, ei.ri-ni o in the f tilings. nature o more years. live ; tan found in the jury r »m; that a copy revolting ' o1 ' Collier's containing a story was a Is discovered in ! I he room. j, Ma ty other nlh .dons are contain one of which is that get a fail- trial be were no negroes on tin d In the appeal, I Watson did not I cause there - Jury, although liter j in Warren county eligible to jury ; Ice, and the failure ! gtoes on the special venire re many negroes sen to summon m was a vlo anundnumi lation of the fourteenth to tlie federal constitution. GOOD while you're eating it j XMAS TIME—bad —awful bad in 'OUR MOUTH the dav citer ti ' ou lo l a k e ® OASCARET a: X d time . to nature '' ;e 0''*"--drinking and eating load * e ** ect *° Cascaret *** ** * the New VV- • X "'W help DP* e *^A^Tiu*Te .oe a a llniigeRt'spntr ■ world .viilhou boxib a mouth. . .. ....... . . -.^4... Fowl Taste tcnu'vr SECRETS OF THE TOILET. Altogether Unnecessary to Allow "Hubby" to See Mysteries. "It is a great mistake t let one's husband into toilet secrets,'' sighed a woman who has been brought face to ith the certain knowledge of race her spouse's admiration for pretty Ife is pretty—much Tin women. prettier. In fact, thaii has forced upon her—and site is swi tempered. She 3 Imre of ianlts. but the man she ried is any rival lie probably has her uiar to de ■xist, so llteyt cannot be Yet the fact remains hold the be devoted to her. I sufficiently gallant hey do not say tint clare that it is safe t serious ones. that, she has not been able man who used I am inclined t believe that she | has struck the keynote of her domes-1 the trouble. Tile intimacy of family life discloses many hopiel.v facts, the brother of the bachelor girl said I as hen he found her bcau» Hying be fort Hi mirror of her dressing table, the door of her liedr She I nm wide | had let open, and called n her bl ot her as he tglt the hall. She had j tucked her hair into a rubb kind used for -1 cap, the a bathing, and was smearing her face with cold cream to i the broad band of rubber which hid I the hair line, and every bit of pret tiness had been taken from her face. Tin* brother was a married man. but Imd vet- seen anything like tlie spec His wife was much clever to allow him to that her charms owed anything t so Ills sister smiled a bit said, emphatically: "If my wife ever looked like you in your present plight, sis, I would divorce her." taeie before hint. ti suspect art: lien he He took a i deal of pride in his wife's fresh fare I and general air of smartness, and had i not the smallest idea of the unceasing ^ care they required. How should when all beautifying was done while I he toiled for the family bread and ! butter, and bis wife he. vas rpiite as pretty in the morning as at midday? TO HOLD THE WATCH. Contrivance of Great Utility for Hours of Night. the Tills novel little holder for t is ititended for hanging upon the wall ! by llie side of a lied, and ini a watch may he slipped and lie easily seen A piere of stout cardboard watch which j t night-time hell required. t the snupc shown should be used for tee ' if; *s 52 •C xfi a / . X xV .#^5-; : A ■'///■! : /. v. 1 j foundation, and in the circu it is in rd can In comer tt fit the rut t. ! " re rrlli tit any pretty , rhich has l> some pretty little floral design, entirely edged with cord, and (here Is ay he he hack of ir brocade on worked It is a loop at the top by which it hung upon the wall. At the circular space, is sewn a small pocket of hicli the watch may be placed: the lower sketclt of tlie back view explains tide. in tlu* r* *er. ash leath er. Into Fancy Work for Nerves. There is an epidemic of fancy work re r Uie land, they chet are doing both. Every one does fancy omen knit ling U'oiWn it Id lever embroider or cro work. You | vats on the j see train, and at in fori done between time. T coffee I courses r at The doctors say that fancy work, j quietly done, is an excellent reined' i for nervousness. daim that the j busy woman who is rushed through j J the day hours should learn to pick up {j fancy work at night and keep at it j while site is talking. f it || The slow, definite preciseness oi is soothing. It keeps the mind front thinking and the thoughts from run ning around in a distracted circle. Two Smart Ties. Smart and easily made ties an formed from strips of Irish crochet In sertion about three inches wide, iong enough to tie in a four-in-hand or small bow with long ends. The ends of these ties are finished In tiny ball fringe. Sometimes the en tire length of the tie is bound in a bias strip of white or colored silk a quarter of an inch wide. Hill More serviceable, but qrite as eas ily made, are long ties of black any desired color of satin finished soft taffeta, about two inches wide or silk ami finished with pointed ends. These ties hang below the bust Jine, and are fastened at the throat with knit slides of embroidery silk the same color. STOP THAT Rent Waste—Read This and Consider. 5 room house on Hardy St., near In. $250 cash bal. $20 per month.. .$1306 .. room house one block Hardy st. School, $200 cash, $29 per month 1209 8 room house Hardy St. close in NEW, $500 cash, bal. $40 month. 6 room house, large barn, near Main St. School, 2 lots, terms 8 room bouse and barn, Bable near Broad, $500 cash' $30 month 6 room house on East end 2nd St. bargain, small cash monthly . Houses from $50 to $500 down, bal monthly, In any part of the City. PRICES AND EASY TERMS. 2400 . 1500 ..2500 payment, btl J1500 WE CAN SUIT ANYBODY ON CLOSE E. P. DAUGHDRILL &. CO. HOME PHONE Residence 304 OFFICE .-mite 214 Carter Building Office 60. HATTIESBURG TRUST & BANKING COMPANY CAPITAL, $150,000.00 ^ : ^ enera i .Banking Business Transacted. Careful and courteous attention to all matters entrusted to us. Separate Savings Department. Uur I rust Department well equtpped and properly prepared to care for investment tunds or matters perlaining to estates. Authonzed by law to serve as Guardian, Administrator, Executor, Trustee or R eceiver. VCCOrNTK? IXVI i'EU I he small depositor or borrower assured the same courteous treatment given the larger one. Uur desire and purpose is to treat all justly, and to show them every consideratio sistent with safe banking. ,* n con 4% , ty. ere i* on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates : OFFICERS — H. A. CAMP, President JOE SHELBY, Vice-Pres. JOHN KAMPER, Vice-Pres. R. L. BENNETT, Active Vic ; Pm J. S, LOVE, Cashi - \fn Ml • A. PARSONS. W, B. DICKERSON. . . W. A. BENNETT enterprise boiler & MACHINE WORKS. CORNER FRONT and KAMPER TELEPHONES; ■ -- -— Hattiesburg, STS. CUMB. 626: HOME 324. Missis si ippi. • 1 Engines, Mill Suppli ? epa ^,Kv? H i K ' nc ^ s ' Locomotive and Daw Mi)! Work a Specialty. Gas and Gasoline Engines Installed and Repaired Brass and Grey Iron Castings and Gen eral Foundry and Machine Work. AT,L WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY WRITE US FOR PRICES trs ies Enterprise Boiler Works, HATTIESBURG, MISS. *ni 1! To the Contes Managi El closed jdease find tht* su; Df Hie Hattiesburg months. My niiin is Address Please credit the M. votes District No. Please state whether dd Not Good After December 30, 1908 Tiie Hattiesburg News This ballot is good for For M. Address . one vote: District No. Good for one vote When ncativ trimmed and filled out if sent to the Contest Department of The News by mail, or otherwise, before the expiration' date. No ballot will be altered in any way or trans ferred after being received by The News. —