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You have a right and should be par
^ ticular in the selection of your Shoes
for dre's wear.
y ^
> m
lVickert &?' Gardiner
John Kelly Shoes
Are of the best made in Fine Foot
wear. Style always correct.
The Social Side.
PHONES: Cumberland No. 429,
Home A T o. 264
Philathea Reception.
The Philathea class of which Mrs.
Stapleton is the efficient teacher gave
a lovely reception at Hotel Hatties
burg last evening^ complimentary to
the Baracca class of the First Baptist
church. The chaperones were Mes
dames R. B. Stapleton; I. P. Trotter
and A. Polk. The young girls of the
receiving line were Misses Hattie
Hill, Ruth Daughdrill and Annie Cora
Those serving the delicious
were Misses Nannie
Waller and Fanny Thompson. The
entertainment committee was compos
sed of Misses Bessie Rawls and oth
ers, who were radiant with pleasure,
in thus so beautifully entertaining the
large number of guests who were bid
den to partake of so elegant an af
fair. The pleasures of the evening
were very much added to by the rendi
tion of two songs, very well rendered
by Misses Thompson and Daughdrill.
The music by the Philathea-Baracca
orchestra was unusually sweet and
"Home, Sweet Home," by Mr. Dantzier
charmed all who heard the soft, sweet,
strains. Those who managed this af
fair, feel especially grateful for the
beautiful courtesies extended-the-pop
ular manager and also to Miss Irma
Reaumont and Mr. Murphy for special
favors. There was music galore, and
all else that goes to the making of a
perfect evening, so that when the time
for the good nights came they were
reluctantly said. The party being a
congenial one, and the members of
it being individually brilliant and
the charming occasion proved one of
the most delightful of the season and
one of the brightest in the series of
happy affairs given by this class and
their popular leaders.
Willie and Walter Bass, of Enter
prise, are the guests of their sister,
Mrs. C. W. Hassell.
•> * ❖
Mrs. Burr Entertained Aid Society.
At the spacious home of Mrs. SteiTh
qn Burr, which has been the scene of
so many pleasant gatherings and suc
cessful entertainments, occurred on
yesterday afternoon another lovely af
fair t^hen she, assisted by Mrs. Ed.
Weaver, entertained the Ladies' Aid
Society of the First Presbyterian
church. The entertainment was a
most conspiclous success, and proved
a fitting end of the year's work that
has been accomplished by this splen
did society. There were thirty-five
members present, and five guests, and
one new member was added to the
roll. A dainty luncheon was served by
the hostesses, assisted by Mesdames
Major Cornell, Webb, Misses Lois
Currie and Allen. The home was ap
propriately decorated for the occasion
with emblems of the Yule- Tide, and
the autumn flowers.
The afternoon
was one of more than usual pleasure.
Sparkling wit, merry conversation and
flashing reparte filled the time
pleasantly, until a late hour had roll
ed round, with amazing swiftness, to
warn the guests that the day was end
ed and the pleasures of the hour must
Closed Wednesday and
Thursday taking
annual inventory. Store
open Friday, January 1..
pass into -the bright hall of remem
brance. Altogether the afternoon was
a delight to all who attended, and it
is certainly due the elegant hostess to
say that she is an adept in the art
of entertaining,
will be at the church Monday at 3
o'oclock, when the new officers for the
ensuing year will be elected.
The next meeting
Dance at Elks Hall.
The swellest dance of the
was given last evening at the Elks'
hall by the young men, complimentary
to the following visiting young ladies
and men: Misses Overstreet, Laura
Wesson and Caraway.
Thompson and Overstreet of Easta
butchie, Misses Malard Hodges and
Gaston of Meridian and Laurie Ward
of Ellisville. A delicious three-course
luncheon was faultlessly
Messrs. Don Van and .Percy Breland
assisted by Frank Leland. The chap
erones were Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Keithley, Mr. and Mrs. Mj G. Field,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh McLeod. Mr.
and Mrs. John Bolton,
were all elegantly attired in soft
shimmering even toilettes, while the
gentlemen were also in full evening
dress. The toilettes
ladies were the most elegant
here this season, and the graceful
pire style, with the modified directorie
developed in silken fabrics and cling
ing satins of shimmering beauty, made
a most impressive picture as the
ers moved gracefully about worship
ping at the shrine of terpsiehorean.
This was a most charming affair and
adds another link to the social chain
of Hattiesburg gaieties.
served by
The ladies
worn by the
Sacred Concert.
The Baracca Sacred Musical given
last Saturday evening at the First
Baptist church, was one of the most
splendid entertainments of the kind
ever given in the Magic City, and
tainly reflected great credit on those
by whom the program
fully selected.
was so care
comment espe
cially on one would be unjust to ail,
suffice it to say all numbers were most
beautifully renedered.
One feature
especially attractive to the writer, was
when the bright young boys of the
Baracca class came marching in. Their
bearing was so manly, and suggestive
of the fact that they were indeed
workers of the Lord, the noblest and
purest call that any young boy
spond to. This class with Mrs. Trot
ter as teacher, has thus far
pllshed wonderful Christmas
and they merit praise for their la
bors. *
can re
The Delta Alpha Class of Court
street M. E. church will meet with
Miss Florence Deason. Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. All members
are requested to be present as there
is business of importance.
❖ ❖ •>
Rev. Thompson and his family
now cozily located in their new home
at the. Court Street Methodist
onage. A cordial welcome is extend
ed this popular pastor and his dis
tinguished family.
•> •> *
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bailey on Busch
mann street have had as their guests.
Miss May Carter, of Ellisville, Mrs.
B. F. Gerald, of Mobile, and Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Carter, of Texas.
•> •> •>
Christmas Tree.
The Newman Chapel Sunday school
that is''under the able direction of the
Salvation Army gave a Christmas tree
last Evening at the chapel. This
Sabbath school has a membership of
fifty or forty who attend no other
Sunday school. One hundred and fif
teen presents were given, together
with' a sack of fruit and nuts to each
one, besides there were fourteen.sacks
of confections given to mothers with
little babies.
This truly benevolent order, with
loving thoughts of the Master, who
said "In as much as ye do it unto the
least of these, my brethren, ye do it
unto me." And this was demonstrated
in the way which the Christmas Child
Himself pointed out, these good people
looking after and caring for His lit
tle ones.
❖ ❖ ❖
Misses Laurie Ward, of Ellisville,
and Louise and Irma Malady, who
were the guests for the past several
days, of Misses Marie and Ruth Turn
er, have returned home.
•» * *
. Mrs. J, W. Stephens, of Sumrall, is
the attractive guest of Miss Irma
Baumont. When she returns to Sum
rall she will go on to Florida where
she expects to reside in the future.
•> •> •>
Miss Florence Deason spent Christ
mas in Laurel, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. McClure.
She returned yester
day and was accompanied by
nephew, Edwin McClure.
Mrs. E. A. Kernaglian will 'be
hostess tomorrow afternoon of the
Busy Bee Circle at her hojne on Wal
nut street, at 3 o'clock,
to be present.
All are urged
« « #
Misses Velma and Earl Craft, two
attractive young ladies of Ellisville,
left yesterday for their home after
delightful vislf to Miss Hattie Hill.
Miss Anna Weltons, a popular
her of the public school faculty, left
last week for her home in Bolivar
Tenn., for the Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lonerghan of
Birmingham are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. 'Reed,
home after New Years.
They will return
Will Selser and his little sister,
Louise, are spending the holidays in
Edwards, the guests of their grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Bush.
<• •>
Mrs. Will Hughes, of Brooklyn, and
the little boys have returned home
after a short visit to Mrs. J. H. Den
ham, on Buschman street.
❖ ❖ ❖
Mrs. Eva Jakes and the little boys,
Hugh and Grady, left yesterday for
Logtown, where they expect to spend
a while with relatives.
❖ •> •:<
Mr. I. M. Selser, who is located for
the present in Bougalosa, La., spent
the holidays at home with Mrs. Sel
ser and the little folks.
Mr. Dan Horn who is now located
at Minter City, spent the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Horn,
on Unetta street.
❖ * ❖
Miss McNeil, one of the teachers in
the public school here, has gone to
her home in Newton for the Christmas
❖ <• •>
Mr. W. H. Neville, of Gulfport, is
here on a visit to his brother, Mr.
James Neville, at Hotel Hattiesburg.
❖ •>
Miss Ina Pope one of the teachers in
the Eaton school, is in Collins, spend
ing the holdiays with home folks.
❖ * •>
Air. Jake Walton, night clerk at the
Hotel Hattiesburg, spent the holidays
with relatives in Georgie.
❖ ❖
Mr. Chas Kinard and little daughter
Dorris, are in Meridian spending the
holidays with relatives.
❖ *
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bailey, of Cross
forth, Pa., will arrive Thursday to
spend the winter here.
Earnest Moore of Kentwood, La..
but formerly of Hattiesburg, was a vis
itor here last week.
•> •> ❖
Miss Ansie Haney, left this
ing for Gulfport to visit the family of
Judge Wood.
❖ •> ❖
Mrs. C. W. Hassell will leave iu' a
few days for Enterprise to visit her
❖ ❖ ❖
Miss Olga Gough, of Meridian, is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Chay.
•> ❖ ❖
Mrs. Beye Moore of Laurel is spend
ing the week with her son, Mr. Tom
Miss Meddle Robinson is in Brandon
spending the holidays with her moth
•> *
Miss Masters, of Kentucky, is the
charming guest of Mrs. Stapleton.
■> •>
Earl Brogan spent Christmas with
his mother at Hotel Hattiesburg.
"When In need of the best coal In
town or oak and pine wood, phrone
Southern Lumber & Ice Co., Cumber
land 248, Home 180. Full weight and
prompt delivery.
Mr. M. H. Caroday of Estabutchie
and brother, Dr. E. Caroway of Mo
bile, were in Eatonville this week.
Miss Irene Bryant, who is now at
tending school at the I. I, & c. is ex
pected home today.
Dr. J. E. Baylis of New Orleans
spent a few days with home folks this
Misses Saltonstall entertained very
pleasantly one evening this week.
Several of our young people attend
ed an oyster supper last Friday night
at Lexington.
Mr. E. R. Strahan a member of the
senior class at A. & M. College is at
home for the Christmas holidays.
Mr. Willie Wright and family have
gone to Louisiana to spend Cbristma
Horseback riding seems to be the
latest fad among the young ladies of
Dr. J. A. Harper is talking of
ing to Prentiss, but the people are
not near willing to give him up and
are using their personal influence to
keep him.
Prof. Strahan.
principal of Rawls
Springs high school is spending the
holidays with his home folks here.
Mr. X. L. Phillips, principal of Eat
onville high school left Thursday
"lielid the holidays with his family at
Strahan our progressive
inipany seems I
chant here says Christmas trade is
commencing rather briskly.
Eatonville Lumber Ct
The Farmer's Friends
. Rl
Acme Harrows.
E ARE exclusive
agents for the
John Deere StalK Cutter.
above line of implements
and carry a large stock
on hand all the time. I)
you will call
showing them to
we will
great pleasure in
and explaining t li e i r
points of merit.
\\ e are also exclusive
agents for the celebrat
ed Oliver Chilled Plows
and Ellwood Ffeld fence.
^1 W e propose carrying
the largest and
complete line of Agri
cultural Implements this
season that has
been carried in this part
of the state and
vite your inspection.
We want to
John Deere Stag Turning Plow.
we lii
serve you
We want yaur business
John Deere Walkii
Hawkins Hardware Co
iesburg, Mississippi
to be doing a lively business not
withstanding the dull times.
Misses Josie and Ada Strickland,
who have been spending a few days
with their sister, Mrs. J. T. Jordan
West Fourth street, returned- to their
home last night in Bentonia, Miss.,
accompanied by their friend, Mr. L.
S. King.
Maggie Cooley, a negress, was be
fore the police court Monday morn
ing charged with selling liquor. She
pleaded notg uilty to the charge.
Tile main
witness for the city was J
a copper-colored coon who had told
Officer Tom Moore that he had gotten
a $2 bottle of whiskey from
woman, but when he was placed on
the stand his memory had gone back
on him.
He said he was drunk and
he knew that he had gottei
tie of whiskey
a $2 hot- '
some negro j
woman, but he could not say it was
Maggie Cooley. He claimed he
drunk to identify
whom in- made the
was too
being no further evidence in the
Justice Johnson discharged the
gress, but remarked that he suspect
ed she was guilty, though the evi
dence was not sufficient to
warrant a
Saetitific Stockings
We don 7 merely/ claim that * * Cadet ' *
hosiery is the best
point of superiority/ to
it comes to Drear.
k't. We
k* good when
p t
\ \
E. C. Neely Co.
00 *
a 0
^ After the Children Start
Back to School
Look out for the old trouble with Ver.
.Children c «n'l
•void it. They are compelled to daily
come m contact with those infected, aod
verm.n spread with alarming rapidity.
Anyone is liable at anytime wheo
travelling or m any strange place to be
come infected, and the only safe
to be is to have
any emergency, some
It i« the cleanest, most conve™^
practical and effective remedy for de
stroying head lice and vermin about
the body. It is a clean, clear liquid
nothing greasy nor oily about it and hai
none of the objectionable features oi
the ointments usually used. Beside,
it s safe to use on any part of the body.
A good sued bottle, sufficient fnrf.mJ.
tue, sells for 25c.
The Owl Drug Store
m n
hud, ready for
113 Front Street