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According to announcement I have moved my Furniture business trom the building at 128 Front Street to 129 Mobile Street. 1 extend a special invitation to my patrons to visit me at my new quarters. M. S. HAISFIELD, The Furniture Man, 129 Mobile Street Miss Cecilia Crowe Public Stenographer Office with City Attorney Ellis Room 208 Ross Building. Home Phone 97. \jtion ; I / Notice of Removal. ; | DR. LILLIAN McCORMICK, DENTIST ! j ! ■ I. Has removed from the Blount Building to Suite vO' 7 , Carter Building. / _ FRESH AND i ,i__ ! is the voung I i i J j ] lady who sends her linens and lingerie to us to launder. V e| give the Correct V DAINTY <4 ft ;c * Domestic Finish to all shirts and shirtwaists. We do not fade, or tear, or shrink the clothes sent to us. careful attention t o details a t - tracts the partic u 1 a r customer, j Your patronage solicited. PHOENIX LAUNDRY 1 Both Phones 36 Steam and Dry Cleaning and Pressing. f You Want the Best Try Us ■A ■jBl LZ o u r tA«, 200-200 Main Sts No. 12 I Is the lucky number for the Webster's International Dictionary and Stand, given as a prize to our Christmas Book patrons. According to terms this number must be presented before January I st, and if this number has been lost or fails to be presented the prize will go to the nearest one presented. So if you haven't the exact number save the ones near it, as as one of them may yet be the winner. 4-' » 1 ' Thanking our friends very heartily for their liberal patronage during the holiday season and the past year, we wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. : : ' HAYS & FIELD i i Meridian Home Mixture Golden Rod Cotton Seed Meal * . ' Manufactured by MERIDIAN FERTILIZER FACTORY Hattiesburg Shreveport Meridian idk: ■ 'At PENSION SYSTEM FOR ITS EMPLOYES Hearst News Service. Chicago, December 40.—The pack ing concern of Morris & Co., will put into effect for its 10,000 employes on (.Ian. 1st . a plan which is a combina \jtion of a pension system, an employes' ; co-operative bank and industrial profit I sharing scheme. ; COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND, j | \V. R Thames, et al. No. C7. ! S. Edeleman, et al. j By virtue of the provisions of a de ! cree of the chancery court of Forrest count, Mississippi, rendered by said court on the 17th day of December, 3908, the undersigned as special com mossioner of the said court, ip the said cause, will on Monday, the first i day of February. A. D.. 1909, at Hat 11iesbui'g, within legal hours in front M for ! sale and sell to the highest bidder for ] cash the following described real estate Bituate( j j n Forrest county, Mis sissippi, to wit: Lots 9 10 n 12 , 13, 14, 43, ic, 17. 18 and 19 of block No. 9. and lots 20, 7, 28, 29, 30, 31 34. 35, 3fi, 37 and 38 of block 8; !0. 21 31 jail of,the Arlington Heights addition ,0 ,he Cit - V of Hattiesburg. Miss. This the 28th day of December, 1908. j 1 ''N._ T. E. BATSON, Special Commissioner. Dec30-4t \ Miss Alta Rewan, TEACHER OF VOICE and DEEP BREATHING. TUESDAY S and FRIDAY* Home Phone 311 501 Walnut St / 7 if * i ■ •TV Jvr ft • L. i & Snapshot showing Major Hains, watching the test made on behalf of t he state of the rapidity Fro m the'left to right are Major Hains, James Dayton, Bernard Glaser, the with which ar automatic pistol can be emptied, state's pistol expert; Herbert H. L. Funke and Cary 8. Fish. — ■ I II II GUN IN HIS POCKET Constable C. E. Tucker turned a neat trick on a white man yester day whom he arrested for carrying concealed weapon on the day before Christmas. Tucker found that the man was still carrying a 38 S. & W., but when he arrested the man on the old charge this morning he said noth ing of the pistol that he knew was still on the man until he got him in Justice Bolton's court, when he re quested Constable Riley to see if the ALL READY Great Automobile Exhibition is Attraction at Madison Square Garden. Hearst News Service. New York, December The automobile show is com 30.—Honk! Honk! j ing to town. The chickens and cats which are now displaying their charms at Madison Square Garden will have | competition when the Grand Central Palace doors swing open tomorrow night for the ninth annual exhibit of the American Motor Car Manufact urers' Associalion. Automobile Salon will be an extra at traction, making this a show truly in ternational in extent and surpassing in interest any previous display of motor ears and accessories ever Held The Importers' f , * -1 * • • ii! i c Ui o «7 Ernest Seigfried, the German "Oak" who it now on hit way to America to j show what he can do on the wrestling map. He has a brilliant record on the other aide. *• v. A*! ' had hia pistol concealed about his person. Mr. Riley searched the man and drew forth the same pistol that he had been previously carrying. The man was in the presence of the court when the pistol was taken from his pocket, where Mr. Tucker knew it was. The man gave his name as Wilbur Hixon, and Hillsboro, O., as his. home. He was fined 350 and sentenced to sixty days in jail in one case, and $25 and thirty days in the other. man on this side of the A/lautic. Already the motoring clans are gathering for th> show, and all the big hotels are today entertaining scores of enthusiasts from all over the United States, here to see for themselves the progress that has been made in motor car building during the last year.. If any radical changes were expected, the motorists are due to be disappointed, since the scores of American and European cars now being put in place in the palace show little marked improvement, except in a more artistic finish and greater beauty of design. The program of the show was final ly decided upon today. The private view will be held tomorow afternoon, and the doors will open to the public at 8 in the evening. Friday will be Army and navy night, Saturday stu dents' night, Monday engineers' night Tuesday society night, merchants' night, and Thursday muni cipal night. Wednesday NEW YEAR SERMON AT AUDITORIUM. Next Sunday afternoon, January 3, at 3 o'clock, J. N. McMillin will preach at the Auditorium. Subject will be announced later. Seats free to every body and everybody Invited. MEN WANTED. No Man Over 45 Years of Age Need Apply. There's the sign that's getting to be icommon thing in America. Corporations are retiring men at 40. They are not hiring anyone over 40. A baldheaded man often lopks 10 years older than he is. A man with gray hair always does. It is important nowadays that a man look as young as he is; it is vastly important that a man having a family dependent upon him should take care of his hair. If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop It. any time. There is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. Parsian Sage, the' grand and effi cient hair restorer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or your druggist will givo you your money back. Parsian Sage stops falling hair—it prevents the hair from fading. , It is the best beautlfler for ladies' hair as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful, and is not sticky or greasy. Parisan Sage is sold and rigidly guaranteed by Hays & Field. Price 50 cents a bottle, pr by express, all charges prepaid, by Grloux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ;* * * t. PRESIDENT PLANS NEW DEPARTMENT Hearst News service. Washington, December 30.—The President is said to have under con sideration a plan to establish a new Department of Ci'Uuinal Investigation, to consolidate all the detective bu reaus of the Government under one management, and to do away with the present Secret Service. It is claimed such a scheme would greatly simplify the Government's po lice work, and result in a big financial saving. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of RAILROAD TIME TABLES New Orleans & Northeastern Hattiehburg "Central Time'' Nortn Bound, Arrives No. Departs (g.10:20 a. m .. 10-30 a m 4.12:55 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 8. 9:20 p. m. 9:25 p. m. 2.11:05 p. m.11:10 p. m. South Bound. Arrives No. Departs .... 4:00 a. m. 1. 5:15 a. m. 5:20 a. m. 5 .11:00 a. m.11:45 a. m. 3. 4:58 p. m. 5:03 p. m. GULF A 3HIP ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. 9 Passenger Service. No. 6 Lv. Jackson .4:30 am Lv. HatUesburg ..8:18 am At. Gulfport ....11:00 am 10:00*pm No. 4 Lv. Gulfport_7:30 am 4:16 pm Lv. HattieBburg 10:87 am 7:33 pm Ar. Jackson .... 2:10 pm 11:16 pm Columbia Division (Via Silver Crook and Columbia.) No. 3. 3:26 pm 7:06 pm No. 6. No. 101 No. 102 6:50 a. m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 7:35 2:55 p.m. Ar. Gulfport Lv. 11:30 a.m No. 109. p.m No. 110. 2:30 p.m. Lv. Jackson Ar. 10:05 a.m 6:80 p.m \r. Columbia Lv. 6:00 a.u. Connections at Jackson, Hattiesburg and Gulfport with all lines. ALL TRAINS RON DAILY. MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD. Passenger Service. Effective November 8, 1908. No. 1 Lv. Hattiesburg .. 6:00 a.m 2:30 p.m Lv. Silver Creek.. 8:04 a.m 4:31 p.m Ar. Brookhaven .. 9:10 a.m 6:36 p.m Lv. Brookhaven .. 9:14 a.m 6:55 p.m Lv. Roxle.11:10 a.m 7:55 p.m Ar. Natchez.12:10 p.m 8:55p.m No. 2 Lv. Natches.6:30 p.m 1:30 p.m Lv. Roxle .. 7:30 a.m 2:30 p.m Ar.Brookhaven ..9:30a.m 4:30p.m Lv. Brookhaven .. 9:34 a.m 4:50 p.m Lv. Silver Creek. .10:40 a.m 5:57 p.m Ar. Hattiesburg .. 12:40 p.m 8:00 p.m Trains run daily. R. D. REEVES, O. P. A. HattieBburg, Miss. General Passenger Agent Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City NORTHBOUND. No. 14 arrives 11:63 a. m. No. 16 arrives 7:28 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 13 leaves 6:15 a. m. No. 16 leaves 2:48 p- m. No. 3 No. 4 r LOVERS of physical exercise, recreation and inno cent sport can spend their off hours and evenings pleasantly at our BOWLING ALLEY J. E. MYERS Opposite Hotel Hattiesburg Mobile Street Hattiesburg Foundry Co. Manufacturers of Gray Iron and Brass Castings Pattern MaKing a Specialty. Engines, Tank Frames, Pilots and Cabs made on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial order for anything needed for your saw mill. v Hattiesburg Foundry COMPANY. Cumb. Phone 626. Home 324. J. P. HACKNEY A. BUZZELL CAPERT0N BROS. The Coal Dealers and Heavy Haulers. Best Grades of COAL at the very lowest prices. Also Dealers in Sand and Gravel. Do all kinds of heavy hauling. Big floats for moving Household Goods. Phone us any time. Home Phones 367 and 236 A Cure For Rental —W orries This pdm gives you the profit, but saves you ail the trouble. Renting bouses is a part of my business I have a constant demand for houses. I secure you prompt collec tions, prompt settlements and Incidentally relieve you of all the details of taxes, insurance, repairs, etc. Get my figures on this ser vice. They are small. M. J. |EPLEY, PHONE 666 Violin Lessons ProJ. Al Moore Headquarters atNew Gem Theatre. Guarantees to teach beginners in six months. RAMSEY SCO. I MILIUMS Sibyl M. McDonald Vi Teacher of Piano STUDIO i 14 BAY STREET Home Phone 451 WANTED V ftTT Everybody in Hatties •** burg (nit), just a few will do, to call Home Phone No. 530 and get J.T. Parker, the well known builder, to fix your grates, .flues and all other repair work of any description. .* ,* / ,* / Prompt Attention Given Jill Orders. l HATTIESBURG DIRECTORY. For Surveying and Mapping See O. A. BENNETT. Hattiesburg, Miss. Sub-division and townsltes a Specialty. B. M. DEAVENPORT, Veterinary Hoipttal. 318 East Pine Street. • Phones—Day, Home, 46, Cumb 911. Night, Residence, Home, 762. P. O. Box 208. / WARREN UPTON, Attorney-at-Law. Hattiesburg, Miss 604 Carter Building, C. F. REDDOCH, Attorney-at-Law. Suite 102 Keyes Building. J. C. JOHNSON Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver, Repairing a Specialty. Moore Bros Grocery. Pine St. THE POLE-8TOCK LNMBER. CO. Yellow Pine Lumber. Ross Building. Rooms 304-305 Cumberland Phone 11. DOCTORS DIRECTORY FERN CHAMPENOI8, M. D., Specialist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Blount Building, Main St. Spectacles Fitted. Eyes Teeted Free. Sraduat New York, Chicago, Atlan ta, Boston. DR. W. A. CHARPING, Solon tide and Practical Optlolan. Office in Carter Building, Room 303. E. J. MITCHELL, (DENTIST Aid Fellows Building,' All Work Guaranteed. Front Street. The Regent $3.50 SHOE Has always proved to be the best shoe in the world (or the money. You can get them at Nathan's Shoe Factory, 120 East Pine Street .'. * •vV /, also take your measure and make shoes to fit your feet. I Sew on Half Soles for 75c. Call and see Nathan; save yo Money and save your Feet ut NATHAN'S Shoe Factory. 120 East Pine Street