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THE HATTIESBURG NEWS Sr. Published Every Afternoon (Except Buaday > «. e. LANDnR Butin«« Manager Entered ai second, i.m matter iid May 2D 1*07. at the poatoffice at Hal •Usburg, Miss under tne Act of Congreae of March 1. 1871. ». a. FARRELL. OFFICIAL paper city of hattiebsuro and county OF FORREST. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oat Tear.. HU months . Three months .. By the Month. Bj the Month (By Carrier.). I AS» I-SO L60 to «Mts MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. LARGE8T CIRCULATION OF ANY SOUTH MISSISSIPPI PAPER. MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1911. TELEPHONES: Editorial and Nowa Rooms ... Busins«« and Job Department 36 133 TRUCK FARMING Truck farming is a paying industry in this county, and, there is of it than one would think; and it is on the increase. A suggestion has been made, and be organized a Truck Growers' Association. "co-ope ration.'' take to ''fix prices;" but it could undertake to see that all members of that association received for their home grown stuff the highest price fixed by the markets of the world. Quite a good deal of "truck" is grown here by people who are not reg ularly in the business; and quite a good deal more is grown by small gar deners; and both of these classes sell to the local market and for what ever price may be offered. In so doing they not infrequently sell at about half the price they could get elsewhere. Tomatoes that sold on the local market here last week at 60 cents, were selling in the cities at a dollar. The growers, by not knowing the market; by not having any agent to know the market for them; by not raising in quantities large enough to ship, lost 50 per cent of the real value of their tomatoes. more 'e think it a good one, that there The benefit of this would be, The association would not undertake, or should not under This would all be overcome by organization and co-operation. local market would be made to pay what the foreign market called for, less freight; the small growers would combine and ship in car load lots, gardening would then become a systematized, organized, regulated business, and much more profitable than it is now. The Truck That would not only redound to the good of those now in the business, but by dignifying the business and showing the profit to be derived therefrom, others would he encouraged to engage in it, and the stranger hearing of our shipments and prices and profits, would want to come and share that prosperity with us. And there Is room enough for all; for the world is our market, and the people of the cities, rich and poor alike, are hungry and begging all the year round for the ''truck'' that is grown in the country. "What is everybody's business is nobody's business;" so let some one who is in the truck garden business call a meeting of all others who are in that business, and organize. It will help not only their business, but It will help the town and county by increasing that business and bringing "new money" out of the cities in exchange for "truck" that may be grown upon what are now waste places. <y NOT WORTH THE PRICE. We knew him when, as we term It. he "started in life," and up to a cer tain point there was nothing In or about his life experiences which marked him as outside the ordinary or commonplace. His father died when he was a mere lad, leaving to the widow and the son nothing except a more or lass pleasant memory and a number of unpaid bills. Then came peddling pa pers, running errands for the grocer on Saturdays, and finally equipped with a working knowledge of the multiplication table and the names of a few stale capitals safely filed away in his head for future reference, he started on life's well worn road, the old, old road we are all traveling and very much, too, In the same way as did our fathers before Some men out grow the biting, scarring sting of early poverty and privation, but he did. us. never As a young man, after his mother had laid away his little bag of hies and he had taken up and entered Into the real grind and push of things, he would clench his hands and grit his teeth every time he thought of what he and mother did not have of worldly goods and comforts, and then he would say to himself, 'Til have it, at any cost I'll have money." Did he get It? He surely did, and so will any man of ordinary ability if he dedlcat his life to that one purpose and does not stop to count the cost. mar cs The years have come and the years have gone. Recovering from a long and severe Illness, this millionaire sat In our office yesterday, the tears which In his manhood he did not try to conceal, dropped on his folded hands, and he said: "My God, If T could only go ha -k and undo some things, he said, "will ever know how pitifully small are the things which he thought big and how really big are th : little things of life until he has taken a peek at that larger world and then oraes back to this. The balance of my life," he continued, "will be devote 1 to doing something for others; hut oh, how I wish I had looked at things twenty years ago as I do today."_ Will Brownell of Kalamazoo. No man," ■* The Shelby county delegation to the Tennessee legislature, of which so many "The Shel Memphis is the big part, has been traded with and swapped off ■times and oft, that the Commercial Ap >eal is moved to remark: by delegation once swore to stand as a unit for certain Now they are against these things they swore for. They were elected as Demo crats—regular Democrats. They stood with the regulars for a short ses sion. They were for the Nashville charter bill. measures. They were for holding out against the fusionist boitera. Now they are for killing the Nashville charter. They are for the present election law. They are not trusted long er by regulars and they are not looked on with enthusiasm by bolters. They do not know today what they may do tomorrow, change his mind and 'deliver' them to some other force or order them home or 'can' them. When a man surrenders his right of action Into the hands of another man there is not much of him left that will command respect." The chickens have come home to roost. The Commercial Appeal, so loud now In its lamentations, has done more than any other one agency all these years to foster and encourage that rotten political dvnasty which will not permit good men to go to the legislature from Shelby county. for Crump may It la reported that enemies of Theodore Bilbo, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, have invaded the sacred city of the dead and with ghoulish hands photographed a long neglected grave of his first wife. If that be true, and all the mean things they say of Bilbo be true, it would yet nearly a man for voting for him, to rebuke so malicious and mendacious an act. excuse » When a man goes wrong his wife, as a rule, will hunt around and man ufacture an excuse for him. When a woman goes wrong she would have no pity shown her were It not for God and her mother. There seems to be a tie up on the work the N. O. £ N. E. R. R. Co. has promised to have done on the crossings of Main and Mobile streets, porations have such winning ways to make people dislike them. Cor Pouring vinegar Into an open wound will sooth and heal it Just ag quick ly and effectually as "I told you so," will correct s mistake. Personal Attention To Your Account An officer is in charge of each department of this bank, and to that department he gives his full and most careful attention. This means to the customer that a specialist at tends to each phase of his business. The result of this policy is that exactness and ac curacy are obtained by the customer in every trans action; delay is avoided; and by this division of labor, it is possible for individual, personal attention to be given the customer by an officer who is in charge of that particular department. The satisfaction with which we are serving others leads us to believe that you will be pleased with our service. a The cashier would be glad to talk with you if you are interested. Citizens Bank . Around The State ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. Meridian, Miss., June 26.—Ruth Har well, aged 9, was accidentally shot and instantly killed by Lola Harwell, her 14-year-old sister, in this city Sat urday afternoon. The two children were in the store of W. J. Harwell, their father. They took a pistol from a shelf and Lola pulled the trigger, not knowing the weapon was self-act ing. The bullet struck the younger child just behind the left ear, and she fell dead. APPLE HELD FOR MURDER. Columbus, Miss., June 26.—Will Kilgore, the negro who was shot by C. E. Apple on his plantation about 10 miles west of this city June 17, is dead, and Mr. Apple has been bound over in the sum of $500 to await the action of the grand jury. The negro, after having been shot, was brought to the McKinley sanato rium in this city, and died Wednesday night. Mr. Apple appeared before Jus tice of the Peace Beverly Matthews Thursday and waived examination. BILOXI CAMP GROUNDS. Biloxi. Miss., June 26.—The preach ers for the coming Seashore camp meeting have just been announced, and are as follows: Rev. W. R. Hen drix, D. D., of the Temple, Louisville, Ky.; Rev. G. T. Rowe, D. D., of the Tryon Street Methodist church, Char lotte, N. C., and Rev. A. P. McFerrin, D. D., of 9t. Francis Street Methodist church. Mobile, Ala. The outlook for Selected The Town Tightwad. The tightwad has a pile of wealth . .. , , . . in .he scads of stealth from every end of town. He's loaded down in safety salted down; he's gathered with bonds and stocks, and mortgages and deeds; and when he takes his daily walks, some victim's bosom bleeds. The man who gets within his mesh, no mercy need implore; he'll always have his pound of flesh, and look around for more. To add a dol head he'd m head, hed turn the widow from her lar to his stack; shack, the sick man from his bed. I'd rather gnaw at husks and stones, or grovel in a den, than have a pile of shining bones that's wrung from needy men. When you have lost your wad of dough, and all your plans are wrecked, you then may to the poor house go, and keep your self-respeet. But If you torture folks in debt, through all your grinding years, and rake in dollars moist with sweat, and blood, and women's tears, you'll learn to hate yourself some day, when death Is drawing night; and when they file your bones away, no soul will heave a sigh.—Walt Mason. Town Happenings—Mlnu* the Varnish. This morning our friend^ the shoe man came along: in his auto as we were trudging the hot and dusty way down to our office. He yelled "Jump In, Bill," and we jumped. We drove out into the country. The back seat was empty, but not for very long. Four lit tle barefooted boy* and girl* who were paddling In the dust for the schoolhouse In the distance, were In vited to "Jump In" and they also with grinning faces, proceeded to Jump. When the *choothou*e wa* reached a successful meeting this year Is good, and the new tabernacle will be com pleted for occupancy. ENCAMPMENT JULY 6. Vicksburg, Miss., June 26.—The for mal opening of the annual encamp ment of the Mississippi National Guard hag been deferred from July 6 to July 6. This was the statement of Adjutant General Arthur Fridge Sat urday. He explained that immediate service could not be given by the rail roads on July 5 for the transporta tion of the troops, owing to the special train service that would be used on July 4. CATCH 1,50t TROUT. Pascagoula, Miss., June 26.—A re markable catch of white trout was made Saturday by the Water brothers, of Horn Island. There are four of the boys. They went out in a small boat, fished four hours with hook and line, and caught 1,500 white trout, which weighed 650 pounds. PLOT TO BREAK JAIL. Gulfport, Miss., June 26.—J. S. King, Harrison county Jailer, received a let ter from one of the inmates of the prison, Will Coleman, a negro, under life sentence for murder, stating that a plan was in progress by the prison ers to break jail. Upon investigation, one of the iron bars In the "bull ring" half sawed through. The jailer in closes the prisoners In the steel cages every night. was found they tumbled out, each one yelled "Thank you, mister," and on we went Into the quiet of things as God had j planned it. On the way home we met I up with a farmer, overalls on legs, hat i in one hand and a big red handker I chief in the other, with which he was j wiping away the sweat which trickled [ liown his face—It was a boiling hot | day __ and Joh alowed * ; faI]ed .. Jump brotber> give you a lift." Somehow it oe more now | P „ rred I to us that If there were "Johns" driving automobiles right there would also be fewer farmers j dropping nalls and throwing glass in I the roadway after dark; fewer of them j who wo »'d stand in their fields and ^ tMr at th * "aristocrats" I as they drovp by; more of tbem wbo i I would say, "Well, they're taking their fun in one way, we're taking ours in another, but we all belong to the big family and we're glad to see them enjoy themselves.''—Will Brownell of Kalamazoo. same Dad's Boy. When dad come down to breakfast this morning he looked as chipper and pleased as a man what's just been elected alderman. He kissed ma on her curl papers and said: "Lizzie, It's great to be alive a mornln' like this. The sun'shines so bright, the birds sing so gay and the old world smells so sweet and fresh, let's take the boy and go out and spend a day at the lake. T feel as though T would like to take a little vacation. T haven't had one in 30 years and T know It would <1o you a lot of good, too." Ma Ju*t gave dad one of them parboiled looks and said: "Henry. T think sometimes It would be money well expended to have whatever'* on the ln*lde of your head taken out and examined by an expert. How do yon suppose the Iron In's goln' to get done and me siftin' on the shore of a lake throwln' pebbles in the water? Goodness knows I need a change bad enough and if I was like some women I'd shirk my duty and have It, but thank the Lord, I ain't." l)ad didn't say nothin'—that's a way he has of talkin' back and It aggra vates ma like the dickens.—Will Brownell of Kalamazoo. CHARGED WITH INCENDIARISM. Forest, Miss., June 26.—Frank Len ton, a white man, aged about 40 years, was brought here Saturday night and lodged in jail. Lenton, who Is a ten ant on the Ely plantation, had a pre liminary hearing Saturday before Magistrate Sherman, at Cash, a ham let sixteen miles northwest of here, on a charge of burning a barn and Is con tents, owned by W. L. Ely, a merchant and farmer, near Beach, on the night of the 15th Inst. The cause of the conflagration was thought to have originated in the oats, due to spon taneous combustion, and no person wö8 suspected of the crime. Last Thursday Mr. Ely was summoned here before the Circuit Court on a special venire In a murder case, and Lenton thought that It had something to do with him, and confessed his crime to a son of Mr. Ely, but denied it in his preliminary trial. LIKES PRISON AND SHIES AT PAROLE Houston, Tex., June 26.—There Is one convict in the Texas penitentiary who likes the prison life so well that he doesn't want to leave It. Recently when the board of pardon advisors met In regular session a communication was read from a convict for whom efforts were being made to secure a pardon. The convict asked that ef forts to secure his freedom be Ignored. It is believed the governor and board will act favorably on the man's request. knew It was the daughter of an uncle who was seeking his freedom, but he says "please don't pay any attention to their efforts for a parole or a par non." He says he is well pleased with The convict declared he AAILROAD TIME TABLES. GULF & SHIP ISLAND Main Lira -Southbound. Train No. 3 ioavea at. 7:13 p m Train No. 5 leaves at.10:36 a. m North Hovnd. Train No. 4 leaves at. Train No 6 leaves at.7:53 p. m. Columbia Division—Southbound. No. 101 Lv. Mendenhall Ar. Maxie . 10:30 a. m 7:10 a. m 11:39 a. m Ar. Gulfport. 1:21 p. m. (No. 5.1 No. 109 Lv. Jackson . Ar. Columbia .2:39 p. m 6:00 p. m Columbia Division—Northbound. Ar. Mendenhall Lv. Maxie .... Lv. Gulfport ... Ar. Jackson ... Lv. Columbia . Laurel 10:33 p. m. 6:05 p. m . 4:10 p. m .10:02 a. m . 6:25 a. m Branch—North ana South Bound. Lv. Laurel .. Ar. Saratoga Ar. Jackson . .3:06 p. ni . 5:00 p. cu ,11:60 p. m. (No. 61 Ar. Gulfport.10:00 p. m. (No. 3) Lv. Jackson (No. 5) Lv. Saratoga (No. 201) .. 8:00 a. in Ar. Laurel 6.00 a. m 10:00 a. m MISSISSIPPI CENTRAL RAILROAD East Bound. No. 2 No. 4. 6:30 a. m_Lv. Natchez... .1:60 p. m. 7:18 a. m.Lv. Roxie.2:38 p. m. 8:53 a. m..Ar. Brookhaven..4:13 p. m. 8:56 a. m..Lv. Brookhaven..4:16 p. m. 9:41 a. m.... Ar. Wanilia_5:02 p.m. 9:41 a. m... .Lv. Wanilia.. ..5:02 p. m. 10:01 a. m.. Ar. Silver Creek..6:21 p. m. 10:12 p. m. .Ar. Hattiesburg..7:20 p. m. West Bound. No. 1. No. 3. 6:30 a. m.. Lv. Hattiesburg.. 2:40 p. m. 8:32 a. ra..Lv. Silver Creek..4:40 p. m. 8:64 a. m_Ar. Wanilia... .6:02 p. m. 9:01a. m_Lv. Wanilia... .5:02 p. m. 9:46 a. m.. Ar. Brookhaven.. 5:50 p. m. 9:49 a. m.. Lv. Brookhaven.. 5:65 p. m. 11:24 a. m.Roxie 12:15 p. ra.... Ar. Natchez.... 8:20 p. m. Effective May 25th, 1911. 7:30 p. m. NEW ORLEANS & NORTHEA8TERN North Bound. Arrive* .10:25 a.m. .11:20 a.m. . 9:>* p.m. .11:05 p.m. South Bound. Arrive*. . 5:20 a.m. .10:25 a.m. . 4:58 p.m. . 9:00 p.m. Depart* 10:30 a.m 11:26 a.m 9:20 p.m 11:08 p.m 8 4 8 .... No. Departs. 5:25 a.m 12:15 p.m R:08 pm 1 I I * 4:10 s m N. O. M. A C. No. 13 departs . 7:17 a. m. No. 15 depart* . 3:40 p. m. No. 14 arrives . 17:17 a. No. 18 arrives . T:18 p. À BLOOD MEDICINE . FOB YOUNG OB OLD blood, The majority of human ailments are f if jts necessary because weak, polluted blood deprives ( , 0 n0( develop per strength and disease-resisting powers. Ch wrc e am j feclly, nor are they strong and robust «Jess *U ^ strong, while old people are afflicted w i. " 5 5. cur es every chronic troubles because cf a weakened Cl J- ' it t0 nes up and ailment which comes from impure or t!i■ ■ abundant supply of regulates every por'ion of the system and ere * b | ood 5.5. V is nourishing proper les wilh which to bml P ' an d barks, abso made entirely of healing, strengthening 100 'S ^ . ' js ( |ierefore the lutely free from harmful drugs and mint a-, S. S. S. cures purest and safest blood medicine for young n iseaS es Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, • " , Book or. the Malaria, Blood Poison, and all other blood d«ordes. 00m » blood and any medical advice free. 5.5. 5. is sold a > R SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, G A. /fner THE life in prison, that he gets all he wants to eat and gets a chance to go church. to CONDUCTOR KILLS HIMSELF. Louisville and Nashville Trainman Ends Life After Completing Run. H. Flomatlon, Ala., June 26.—W. Grant, a Louisville & Nashville con ductor on one of the local freight trains between Montgomery and Flo mation, committed suicide at 7 o'clock last night by shooting himself just above the right temple with a 38-cali ber pistol, dying a few minutes later. WANTS WANTED—Salesman to carry as a side line up-to-date line of trunks and bags. The Petersburg Baggage Co., Petersburg, Va. 26-6t. -'. H. DBLMAS. PASCAGOULA,MISS. • holeeale nah and oysters. Long in business. Good facilities for get ling stock. Orders solicited Nov. 22. WANTED—Situation by young lady j Can furnish refer- ] stenographer. ' ence; also typewriter. Lumber bus iness preferred. Address X. Y. Z., care of News. ■ 16-6t FOR SALE—A real bargain and easy ! ..terms on a dwelling with conven-J iences and some residence lots, botli best Hattiesburg location. Must sell at once. "C'' care Daily News. 19-4t. I WANTED—Paperhanging and Paint ing. Home Phone 224 Blue. 24-lm X<\ Mississippi Central R. R"i Fourth of July ROUND TRIP Excursion Far s ] » : The Mississippi Central Railroad round trip tickets at will sell and one-third first class one way fare plus 25 cents from tions on its line one all sta TO '»«a, Georgia; KenH tucky, Louisiana (hast of Mississippi Hive, Mississippi, North Carolina, South C; Tennessee and Virginia Certain destinations in Alain irolinii, And to Cairo, III., Evansville, Cincinnati, Ohio, Washington, I), c. I ntl., Eouisvilie, Ky., For further information, address R. D. MOORE, General Passenger Agent, Hatties! ""IÏ. Miss. OUP JA y/A,os WNghwg, IHTEBEST paid on BALANCE»' . A '■. zgmnm- * r „^gommemp> \£"HESBURG. Miss. 2 ß uc dfpositarY mn&iirr .--^« . lagoon '-*«^" ew ® , 2HIU1Y.J»e50.000 v I \ P • \ Xf . V v I to Succeed take a court« f you want book-keeplug, penmanship, short l, a iul. o pen rltlng or telegraphy in the of m 4 Meridian, Miss. Hattiesburg, Miss. Kennedy Building. Suttle Building. lldt FURNITURE MAN PRACTICAL wants to retlntsh and repair your furniture. Will guarantee all work. Home Phone 171, Me Cafe 201 W 24-ltn. Pine street WANTED—Farmer, good habits, small family, to take charge grain and Fine place, right man. lialtleehurg. stock farm. Thos. Miss. M Ferguson, 23-Bt WANTED—To rent cottage"' with modern conveniences, on or near 'Home 24-2t. car line, give description, care News. WANTED—You lo ring Cumnerland then you wish Hat 603 or Home 265. furniture packed or stored, tiesburg Packing & Bto uge Co. -tf. -- FOR RENT—Nice front room, close 401 Forrest street, land phone 244. in. Cumber 19-tf. FOR RENT—One furnished room 201 21-3t. WANTED—An Buschman. experienced. good vages. 24-2t. cook; white Call Cumberland phone 87. black; good FOR RENT—Two furnished for light house keeping. Plum street. rooms Apply 61ft 14-41.