Newspaper Page Text
THE HATTIESBURG NEWS I Published Every Afternoon (Except Sunday.) r. D. LANDER *• R. earrell .Editor. Butine*« Manager. tered as aecond-ciasa matter on May 22, 1907, at the postoffice at Hat twÉ bu rg. Ml*., under the Act of Congress OFFICIAL PARER CITY OF HATTIESBURG ___» EMBE R OF THE ASSOCIATED PRE8S. LART5E8T CIRCULATION OF ANY SOUTh^ MISSISSIPPI PAPER. of March 2, 1879. AND COUNTY OF FORREST. 'n;q > pF SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1911. TELEPHONES: lElailtl and News Room* 35 1 *•*!"••« and Job Department .133 %- - << BE YE ALSO DOERS " An auto ride of twenty or thirty raijes out into the country, brings : forth these remarks. ■ This is a beautiful country. We sit around town and talk about thefje cut-over lands, and these old cut-over lands, until we come to think that there is nothing round about us but c it over land, and more cut-over land, End ugly cutover lands: and that It is more or less a speculation as to the .good or bad of these cut-over lands. w • That is the biggest sort of a mistake. There are some beautiful farms In this county; and the roads are not nearly so bad as you might think; and the best possible advertisement this county and land can get, is to show It. It speaks in more eloquent and convincing language for itself than any words can picture it. Where the lan! has been denuded of its trees and shade, and there remains only stumps and dead and fallen trees, it is un kempt and ugly; but where nature has been let alone, where the mighty pine trees still live, or where civilization has come along and finished the work begun by the woodsmen by cleaning out the stumps and tickling mother Nature back to producing ag'in, this Is a beautiful landscape we have around and about us, and the pity of it Is we do not appreciate It more. Some people, and not a few of them, speak of "the plney woods" like they would a razor-back hog; or as they would a mule, which "has neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity." They ought to go out into the country and stand upon some vantage ground and "view the landscape o'er." They would never again speak half contemptuously of "the plney woods." They would look the stranger and the world in the face and say, "heat It If you k ran." Farming in this section, because it has been engaged in by poor people and crudely done, is looked down upon "sorter like" the "piney woods" are. It is not regarded as a paying occupation, and does not take high rank. That Is another mistake and another misfortune. There is no more hon orable occupation than the tilling of the soil, and in many places it is the most favored calling of the rich and the high born. i A man went from the Shenandoah valley of Virginia out into the world He made it, and went hack to the old home to live ' to make his fortune. and look upon the beauty of the country, away from the noise and the grind ; and grime of the city. Back to Nature: back to where the Great Artist had drawn a picture such as He only can. A boy went from central Kentucky, the famous "blue grass" region out into the world to make his fortune. He was given a place in a bank and "made good." In the course of time his father wrote hlm, "I am grown old in years and am dividing up my estate. I own fifty thousand dollars of the stock of the bank you are working in; will you take that or the 'old home place?' " And the man that had seen much of the world wrote back, "give me the old home place: I want to lay me down and wallow In the blue grass once more." i w That is how those who appreciate their country look upon it. And the only thing that keeps the "piney woods" country poor in the estimation of the world, is the poor estimate some of its own children put upon it. This is a goodly land of ours, and we ought to occupy it. Instead of i F putting the boy in business in the town, where there will always be strife und competition great and hazardous, start him iu business in the country; let him feel the thrill of owning his own farm; and there will come to him, or should come to him, the ambition to add to his acres, to lengthen his fence line, to widen his domain until he becomes the monarch of all he surveys. There is so mach competition in the wage L 1 forld, (women workers have made it so Itbat it is the exception rather than the rule, if the wage-earner gets more than a living out of his job. And competition in business is so great that it is the exception rather than the rulé if a man in the mercan tile business goes through life without making a failure. He may do well for a season, but If a panic hits the country it hits him hard; if close times come they pinch him tight; and unless he has kept close to shore, he goes I I* _ under. ■ Failure upon the farm, is rare; there are lean years and fat years; but God sends the rain and the suushtne. and the earth will bring forth its increase, and iv t* the fault of the man If he makes ft failure upon the And statistics show that there are fewer failures and less want upon ... , . . ... .. So again we say, this is a goodly land and we ought to occupy It. We inviting and urging strangers to come and take possession ; and that is well enough. But why not show our faith by our works? Why not _take possession ourselves? JVhy not organ ze ai m .an vestment companies, and clean up some o 18 ' ( _. or employ men as other corporations do, to manage it? The SJÎÏ the young man In this section is on the farm. He hag ho opportunity tor me y g better opportunity here to clerk or to engage In one of the professions^ than he has elsewhere. But here, if he gets interested In the farm and invests In farm lands, the occupation Itself will be profitable, and the land he can now buy at a very cheap price will enhance in value each and every I year; and the enhanced value of his land will be a better profit to him than the money he can save in the city. Whr wait for others to come and take possession of this couniry and develop it? Why not, while we are waiting, begin to stump it, clean It up. ,_-— ' and develop It ourselves? Figures sometimes speak louder than words It is all well enough to say that the soil in this section will produce: it is all well enough to say -it will produce large crops; and still there may be doubting Thomases, after all that is said. But when a man "delivers the goods." when he "allows you ''then what are you going to think about It? Mr. Alex Quick, Is nractlcal farmer living five or six miles from this city, out on the Eaton emfSd He own ai farms some five hundred acres of land. He fancy farmer, or an experiment., farmer, or a "demonstrator:" just industrious, plain, common sense farmer. He uses enough fertilizer produce results; no more, no less. Last year he raised on a somewhat Inrae acreage of corn, an average of 80 bushels to the acre. That is not -hat real estate agents will tell yon can he done, or may be done; that ZlH «r Quick did And he railed on a considerable number of acres e oer acre of 490 gallons of cane molasses, which he sold, every dML at BO centsper gallon. And Mr. Quick says his land Is no bet n the average land In this county. And the average land can bought and stumped at from fifteen to twenty dollars per acre, ready for the riiow And the farming season lasts from the first of February to the érst of December with about half of December and January thrown In for farm the farm, than In any other occupation. aro r* not a . an F" I M ■* VF Ï /: Forum of the People || V !\ Cans should be flat SIMPLE REMEDIES. Editor News: The two much discussed nuisances, empty cans and cattle ticks, can easily be mitigated, tened and bottles broken as soon as Sunday Services at Hattiesburg Churches a Trinity Episcopal. No services. Immanuel Church. Sunday school at 9:30 . ra. Subject "An Preaching at 11 a. m. j 4 j ea ] Church." All the members are especially in V |led. Fifth Avenue Church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. lit. Preaching at 8 p. in. by the pastor. A. L. O'Briant. I I I I First Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching service Subbath morning | at \ \ o'clock. No service held Sabbath [night, a cordial invitation is given l0 a n vices, vho desire to attend the ser i I Main Street Methodist Church. day school at 9:15 a. m. vice concluding with session of the Monthly Church Conference. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to attend. A. F. Watkins, Pastor. Council of Superintendent and Sun chool opens at 9:30 a. m. Sunday Morning service at 11 o'clock, ser Tent Revival Services. Rev. F. M. Turner, the evangelist of Alabama, will conduct a two weeks' meeting in Hattiesburg, commencing Sunday at 3:30, with a special sermon Every man in town to men only. - Gulf Coast Life Ins. Co. Latest Mississippi Success ■ A little giant located on the Gulf 'Coast. At last the fabulous Life In ^ isnrance profits, heretofore going into I * the pockets of Eastern Companies' * Stockholders, are to remain at home. v in the pockets of residents of the . grpat progregsive Gulf Coast country, j Mr D Hardy Cox conceived the idea, ! the most practical business men of Qpifpprt, a re interested in the new j enterprise. Mr. Cox comes from the Pacific coast with years of experience I and unquestionable reputation for | past successes In establishing local companies, Gulfport, Miss. There is no promoters' stock, to anyone, a square deal from j the start to all Investors In "Gulf Coast Life" stock. The home office Is at So enormous has been the sale of stock at Gulfport, that the world's rec old is held for the size of the town, as to n-tr.ber of home town stockholders, Which Is, of course, the best and most Impressive expression of confidence that could be offered the "Gulf Coast n8r _ ' " aafp caref „, , nveRtor wI1) j ^ ^ ^ jf ^ r]1 , ntprpstp( , , n the proposition of the "Gulf Coast Lift," Stock Is non-assessah'.fe so j . , *"» what yo " ' "" d ! ' at présent rate of purchasing it will ^ ^ s(opl< wfl , not a8ab]p at ary prtrB . , t , ^ ^ ^ our Life Insurance Rf homp herf , 9 a mie proof pagt ,, lstory stockholder of a New Jersey Life In gm . ancp Complny )n vested <* 2 . 20 n.nni )p orlglnal flr8t issue stock, and has already received ($329,363.601 In 27 years. on the investment, and still to |owns his stock and draws more divi dends each year. That is a drem, but actually sworn racl8 > he ' by one of the company's h, * haat or ' a flclals, to a public statement, which Is necessary according to law. If the is above, with details and any proof de sired, wfl. -ot -v - - .of^the to profits to be saved o ' ^ ; resident, well, we are not able, or interested in Life Insuran , is This Is a rare opportunity, practically an . chance of a life time, as Life Tnsnr ance companies do not start every year, to get. really, truly and honest y be in on_the '^LJ^tT'Sur* Gulf for wonderful propoaitlon to out Gulf, the Goast residents to keep their Life In for surance money at home by purchasing of facts: A emptied which is not much trouble if there is an ax handy. Grease will kill ticks, and unless those that are now causing trouble are different to the ones that I have had to deal with in the past, lard will clean them all off of cattle. should bear him. He has conducted some great revivals all over the coun- I try. Three years ago be conducted a meeting in Meridian with an average attendance of 3,000 people every 1 night for two weeks. All ministers of ^ the Gospel are cordially invited to at ! tend and make this a great revival. : The tent will be located on Hemphill street, near Pine street. Church of Christ. Sunday school at 9:45, conducted by Mr. Netz, assistant superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. on the subject "Go Forward." Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m., sub Iject. "Mv Denomination." Sermon at 8 p. m.. "Salvation by Gracn." A welcome awaits all. Wm. Jasper Montgomery. „ I Columbia Street Baptist Church. 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school, M. P. L. Love, Supt. 11 a. m.—"God Sending His Son." 4 p. m—B. Y. P. U. 7:30 p. m.—Song and preaching ser vice. All are welcome. E. D. Solomon. Court Street Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The morning Bible study will he the first three chapters of Revelation. The evening Bible study will be the fourth and fifth chapters of Revela Geo. H. Thompson, Pastor. tion. ■ ^ I * * v V ! ; . * ... ^ * .;. .;. ,y q -P * in CITY BREVITIES. J. H. Brittlan, of Purvis, is in the \ city. Prof. J. C. Guy, of Brookhaven, is \ in the city. C. M. Cowan, of Leakesville, is in the city. T. E. Dixon, of Seminary, is here on business. M. E. Cooper, of McHenry, was in ,vn yesterday. j of tc as . E. H. Hinebough, of the Advertising and Stock department of the Gull Coast j ife the new southern insur j aIICe company, of Gulfport, 1 8 régis- , n - ! so j , d ! ' not In of sufferin' 7 and danger has Wompl j w: , se Mother's Friond*are I 27 gave d much discomfort and sufferinp;, j still a „d their systems, being thoroughly divi- "cindaTon to'mecl the a j tim ' e ^ Ul e least possible suffering > | ftnd danircr . Mother's Friend is or ' recomme Sded only for the relief and Is com f or t of expectant mothers ; it is in the j no stnst a remedy for various ills, de- , t p s many = ^ are a uay amee of the benefit tobe ; d eri~* ir-m .s use. This remedy , dotSlatl s.i wonders but stm , ^ ^ tUiC to perle ct its work. Tnsnr- Ctnc . V.iend allays nausea, pre every . vents ca* y I the taM and Gulf contribute:- to Gulf, r ^ fceafciy In motherlloc Mother's Friend is aold ; at drug Meres. Vrite for our free Mrs. Price, of Pinebur, is visiting | friends here. . I I -9, s ■ Jr o : ^ : ^ I Every woman's heart rc ponds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's I SSÄ5T ÏTÂ S 1 nature of a mother shrinks from the A such a time is regard B °> «fiend STATEMENT OF THE CITIZENS BANK *1 HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI As Rendered .to the State Auditor Under date ol Sep tomber 2nd, 1911. Resources *358,368.90 4,945.91 20 , 000.00 21,673.92 Cash in Vault and With Other Banks... 130,554.44 Loans and Discounts Overdrafts... Banking House_ Other Real Estate d $535,543.17 TOTAL Liabilities $100.000.00 35,104.71 400,438.46 Capital Stock .... Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits .... $535,543.17 TOTAL I, J. C. Ballard, Cashier of the Citizens Bank, of Hattiosburg, Mississippi, do hereby certify that the and exact statement of the Assets and Liabilities of said Bank on the day and date J. C. BALLARD. Cashier. foregoing is a true, full named therein, as shown by the books of same. Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Forrest, Mississippi, this, the 7th day of September, 1911. LUTHER A. SMITH. Notary Public. Examined and found correct. E. J. SMITH. Auditor. This, the 8th day of September, 1911. The prosperity of a commodity is reflected In the condition of its banks. This statement shows an increase of $124,000 over the deposits, and $82,000 incre.--; The community's increasing business activity and renewed p-otperity are clear cash, as shown on the same date last year, ly evidenced by this fact. While this Bank handles every form of commercial business, from the largest accounts to the small est, we desire from time to time to lay special emphasis on the subject of Savings, tion of the above Increase represents savings accounts, and we believe that there is no surer indication of sound economic conditions than that the masses of our people should practice the habit of saving and of de positing their savings in a bank where special provision Is made for caring for them, as is the case with our Bank. A coneiderable propor We solicit the accounts of business men, offering them every advantage of a well We urge upon all the duty of saving, and solicit such accounts, tanaged. safe Sank. rhether large or small. s: vr .^J Mr. tered at the Hotel Hattiesburg. Hinebough will be pleased to explain in detail the prospects of his company to any one desiring information. M. M. Hull, of Ovett, was here on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams,of Mc Lain, are here on a visit. E. C. Reddock, of EllisviUe, is in town today. ! ] M. F. Johnson, of Birmingham, is here for a few days on business. j J. W. Hopkins left today for Knox ville for a ten days rest. . , I — j . |-f le Gloved Hand," a modern Re Uance deteetIve p i ay , i n which the cut Is caught by the great Bertillon | system of identification is prints, will be shown at the Gem — | Mrs. E. N. Blount, of Bassfield, is here on a visit. I V. W. Magee, of Columbia, was a I visitor in Hattiesburg today. J. O. Fagan, a well known business I man of Bassfield, was in town yester-, day. s : W. S. Davenport of Hattiesburg is a : champion gourd raiser and has turned I over to the Commercial Club some gourdg w ;th handles 4 1-2 feet long, I ___ 1 ,j— ÎZrZ Ink. is visiting his brother-in-law, Rt . E. D. Solomon, en route to bumran where he will conduct a meeting. by finger : First -National Bank of Commerce • HATTIEbbURG, MISS. Is better equipped to render the highest grade of [[service than at any time throughout its long and successful) experience, and its record of achievement and good faith, cordially solicits business Safîty Deposit Boxes upon * * Savings Department. For Rent. it, JL Ml theater tonight. Part second will consist of a sensational drama called "Fate." Mr. Billy Van Allen, the Gem's popular Biuger, will render a j new song called "Baby Grand," while. the Gem orchestra has a splendid pro gram of new music. On Monday mati- 1 nee and night Mutt and Jeff and "The j Bad Half Dollar," talk on the curtain 1 pictures will be shown, while a great j Imp drama of life at sea called "The \ Storm," will be the dramatic part of j the program. i ! "The Modern Dianas," a party of J ] young girls camping on an island. ' think they are attacked by Indian- , j who turn out to be their best young At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for 99 I I HORLIGK'S ü I The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaura , hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigoratinr - d sustaining. Keep it on your aid Don't travel without it. d at home. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORLK'K : " Hot,nAny " nkTrust ^. L. Gasten '• <•>/ agent 4gp tu — men will lie shown today at Hie Lomu Full of the spirit of youth and played amid beautiful scenery it is a edy that everybody can enjoy. 'The Rose of Kentucky." a romance of the fields of tobacco, showing beautiful views of the tobacco fields and a raid by night riders on the tobacco barns Produced by rom hi Biograph company and that means it L a good one. Miss Miles will . lose lo r engagement to ttlght. singing "Cl Atvay Little Girl." The violin solo '"■h'.'eii bv nil who heard It, ha Mr. Cox 1 s " re every tin rlpeclal Messenge ■e ad alsewhero (or description. nds "The WANTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE eggs $2.Oft for 12 . Indian Runner Duck Plymouth Rock eggs, white $1.59. Barred $1.00 for Mrs. H. C. Greer 14. 9-2w. room or 4 nice ■otmectlng s. for light housekeeping. Mod ern conveniences. Call 536 Cumb 9-7t. W A c harping V Atlaai n'ïd Hon Reeni SO.