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\ AL. FIELD'S MINSTRELS, AUDITORIUM OCT. 21. 1 — .... V Vy* ■ " ■ - ~ mm — — — j.' 5 ! » / it - Vt. •gg FV ■ m V. m w/-> iXy Sf, • a Nijp-'W KJSr -F ; : «?»•• mmi 1 ■ i ■s ^ m C U ■ ; .. «■ ? ~f 4 > : Z/■ >: '3T -I * iS ■ % ■Wlm / 1/ Ær« n >k:-\ z r.m\T s •* 8trl $ . . ' ... . m ffy: * ' t. 4 «# » / ••■ I • 5» ■ i t 4 LTJ: r mM** ■ ' ■ AmmsSm ... mbt' I A 4*> ;,v k AT r; w 'vj , ; M U tf> '*;■**? Hi ■JIM ft Ls 17, PW v M it ' . -*'••■ .. . of* ps AM ; 7 ¥i* m Q j.. ! u y t p 4 * ie a U7% • ■ i s . V 1 ft; [ i f- Li *•< H ■ r If j £ $ m . ,ws 3*-* i % V Ü a X\\ . ! « I 4« a I I j. >. . fr Ml Liâ MM i i Private Greatest Collection Noi/v ii Hands Held by New York k Financiers. I I I London. Oct. 2.—Art lovers, anti quarians, and seekers after romance | owe to J. Pierpont Morgan, the great American financier,a debt of gratitude for the opportunity he has given them to see his marvelous collection of jew els and gems, which have been on ex the Victoria and Albert hibition at museum. To say that this is one of the great est collections ever in private hands is but stating the truth, liamson, authority on Dr. G. C. Wil perhaps the greatest English such matters, has pre of this collection ! pared a catalogue which is worthy of the subject. More» Hardly a jewel In the collection but has its story of romance and tragedy. could hardly be said. To writers having in view prépara >f historical novels I would com-1 mend this catalogue as furnishing ma ferial to keep them busy for a long ti I mu*. * RIVERSIDE BRICK Telephones: 290 OFFICE YARD . 726 One Fare Plus 25c Round Trip Mississippi-Alabama I JiE BIG BI-STATE EXPOSITION — AT- MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI Octobsr 16,17, 18,19, 20 and 21,1911 : More money paid in cash premiums j BEST EQUIPPED FAIR GROUNDS Our build than any fair in th? State. 1 dings are new, large and commodius. IN MISSISSIPPI One building Alone Will Cost $10,000 RAILROAD RATES, ONE FARE PLUS 25c To Meridian and return All Agricultural, Horticultural Woman's Work and Live Stock Exhibits except Race Horses, will be returned to oriemal shipping point tree ot charge " „ niannimr to alce..o a STATE FAIR this fa!., make it the Miss ?sippi - Ala jama Fair at Meridian, and you wnl se the BIGGE il EXHIBtl in Live Stock, '-V - man s Work, Apiculture and HorticuK-rc than at any oih r Fair in Mississippi. A premium for e.ery grown on the farm or made in tne home. Wri'e for catalogue. I IV r of these are told in the ca n i Many logue. romantic lo the Bold ■ I Perhaps the story is told in n hith most r of Christian II of Sax of th rty pi. work decointed wit v i This chain passed inti enamels. . >f Henry of r.untherod iwho died in 16141 and was buried with him in Sophien church in Dres den. In 1840 the grave was ope the chain taken and deposited in the I possession I Green vaults in Dresden.the treasures j I of which in 1896 were removed to pro-j I vent their falling into the hands of I | Napoleon, the j was over most ol ; returned but this j f° r j It turned out at When the danger treasures chain was "lost." and remained s nearly a century. ven a public sale in Dresden on June 27, 1898. and, by some amazing miracle, it was not confiscated by the author! ties. Herr Cuttman of lierlin bought it. and some years since sold it, with the present *ork other objects f art. t It is believed to he the of Michael Botza. the celebrated Dres vner. ! den goldsmith, and dates from 1600. 1 Another little ronimce is enshrined in the pendant jewel composed of two blocks of rock c rystal mounted in in the It was the prop-1 of this family ! when it was deposited in the convent j of San Pablo, at Valladolid, where it » remained for many years, and whence enamelled gold > 1 reign by Phillip III. j city of the in ein member va s claimed by an heiress of me it carried it off to Germany. family who Vet another little levt one. probably, if tin* actual fact« -concern iron In ight and enamelled gold el of rv je 1 ( V. and A. No. 1. 104». iruditiouall said to le the work of tîhiberti and le Medici. ns stolen from the latter's son one . night by Lorenzo, the Magnitioient in November, 1469, shortly I (iosimo made for j died. I The numerous badges of various or- j ders include one of the Order of the j Annunnunzita in enamelled gold, the j ; Knights of this order took a solemn j vow that they would not wear its in j signia with that of any other order of j ; g t . Michael. Of the many beautiful | j notable is that composed of j gold, enamel, and ambergris, hitherto I | thought to he "Pendant Jewels" one of the most •fought ax. The value of a j I large piece of ambergris such as this j I j n t| )e ißth century would have been | I very great, and the jewel could onlv been for a person of great I wealth: its peculiar perfume j have iever|tion j seems to leave the material: the cen-j tre piece of this jewel is a small j i group of a woman and three children. ' It originally belonged to the Weneke collection at Hamburg und was ac-1 j qulred at the famous Spitzer sale in I Paris in 1892. r t i s understood that Mr. Morgan ex- 1 p ec ts soon to take this collection to the United States where it will be placed on exhibition in the Metropoli tan Museum of Art in New York. West Point. Annapolis, University of Chicago, University of Michigan. Illinois, Nebraska and Wisconsin are among the big universities which open the football season tomorrow. I r.ieet best "get ed \ , ' \ ^ '• |]|jV ÛN 4'APilA .' j Gi'i Y You self t'ough aratlon and cures I pended for cient Arabic Order, Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine Gather In Jackson. Jackson Miss., Oct. 7— Jackson is ith wear filled to overflowing today ers of the Red Fez, the occasion being the installation of Wahabi Temple, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the [drug. given Mystic Shrine. I fares The city is in gala attire in honor j f the visitors, the principal thorough-1 being lavishly decorated with I j patriotic colors mingled with the col-1 j ors of the fraternity. The decorative I | effects on Capital street are especia'ly j striking, I The dispensation for the installa of Wahabi Temple was granted a t the last j shrine, held at Rochester, and is the ' second temple established in the state, Hantaan Temple, at Meridian, having i Jee ,, | n existence or general years, I Many of the foremost members of the Masonic fraternity in the common 1 wealth have bem enrolled as members and fully 500 Shriuers were present when the formal institution an d organization took place at the Century Theatre this afternoon, con- j ducted by Illustrious Potentate Thom as W. Fritts, of Alhambra Temple, Chattanooga, Tenn. The Arab Patrol and Band from Al Chymia Temple, at Memphis, arrived this morning, bringing paraphernalia J for the event, and is taking a promi -1 nent part in tile exercises. Many of the visitors are accom panied by their wives and lady friends, f and several notable social functions , in honor of the feminine visitors take place during the afternoon. The Elks Club and the Mississippi Club are keeping open house, and this after noon a general reception will be held j in the parlors of The Edwards at ! I four p. m. meeting of the Imperial charter Ir From four to six p. tn. the Shriners | , parade will be in progress, passing I I through the principal streets of the | I city, and promises to be a most im- j ' I posing pageant. j During the early forenoon hours all j t I incoming tfains were met by deputa ! tions from the Wahabi Patrol and es- j * corted to the hostelries, where they will he entertained during their stay in the city The registration officers I were kept busy, and by ten o'clock I tlie red fez was everywhere apparent jj on the principal streets. The installation of Wahabi Temple means the launching of a movement for the building in Jackson of one of the handsomest Masonic temples ever erected in the South, and many of the prominent visitors who are In the city today have pledged their support lo tlie enterprise. uæSÜTtil : I The best plädier. A^plece of flan I uel dampened with Chamber'tin's j Uniment and hound os over,the af 1 ected parts is superior tc afflilaster IV i dX..' K X_ a r md costs onl: c> -ten h asrinit# " i When Pennsylvania and l'rslnus ! r.ieet on the Franklin Field gridiron j tomororw. the Quakers will do their j to roll up a big score in order to "get even" for the defeat administer- j by Ursinus last year. if You arc not experimenting on your self when you take Chamberlain's j la t'ough Remedy for a cold as that prep- jM aratlon has won its great reputation , W and extensive sale by its remarkable IB cures of colds, and can always be de- 1 Ig pended upon. It is equally valuable jig adults and children and may be Ig [drug. given to young children with implicit it contains no harmful confidence Sold by All Dealers. PRIZES . FREE ! ' \ For Neatest Correct Solutions to the Great f , HISTORICAL ; - u 1 HE FUI. BEAI TIIIL, !'l • > rie i I RF. I'RIZFS AND 2.000 FOUN TAIN PEN'S FREE K«*U a Fountain Pm ali*«*lutrly free wh<*lhi to puzzle Is correct or fall t it no F\< not. Don't thlfc puzzle. Do / List of Prizes \ S, t k f ¥' 1—DIAMOND RING. («OFD WATCH. 8—CHEST OF SIFTER. 4— WATCH CHAIN. 5— FANCY SCARF PIN « —PAIR Cl'FF FINKS. 7—( AIR PET SW EEFER. S—TOY WAGON. «—PAIR HOI.FER SKATES. 10—CATCHER'S MASK AND MIT. /I V . si err' • I * \ V' #i Ir /•S • V -5-' I X V « / > ? / * Directions V / { WtiHblngto this pic find i are 10 fa of them Can y< < Mit 1 ilit* •ii or pc ' •h V thii if paper lib , ' t * jj p ^ r?>v -, W' . V-: nd si u sei ê T<> the i will bo h 1 m - v i ;i bsoliUely fr* lie 10 Iv I ill*« I* IT* h( le rime thi>4 nil oth V % ' * 7 1 **. V :dll IK Ü1 til fr« ft ides ' tl. ' Ii leatnesj \n i ,'«i Is. ion nkiiig the i \vi|i itg. |i.«*tifi«Mi ^ I im "? L i M ■V. h"7, JL jßfk. Pk. m Wit , f :•*•«• i lie s,-, ill «I he ¥ ell:i I» i)L •dll Di'il neeumble i «•ash bv >te<I the ■ •h urds s ii, «Mir sto I Ills i* let (ire «f YY isliingloi letnles. find ■ hase of MAIL OR BRING VOIR ANSYYERN TO l'i: : SMITH PIANO COMPANY WRITE II AIM, Y. All an6werf. iust be in not later than Monday noon, Oct. 16th, 1911. N i,i i«1 Number. 124 EAST PINE ST. Hattiesburg, Miss. t'lly THE CHIVALROU8 EARL. Representative Henry of Texas, at a luncheon in Washington, inveighed | eloquently and wittily against the American heiress who marries the for eign nobleman for his title. 'Tînt she gets the small end of it," said Representative Henry grimly. "Here is an example: "There was a Texas girl with twen ty millions call him Lord Laciands. earl was notorious for speeding his motor cars. ; ho married an earl—we'll Well, this 1 _ , .... So they changed the law , Afterward a man said I j I ! to fit hi» case, to him: " 'Well, Laclands, what are going to <lo. now that in all speeding ottenses the owner of the car, and not the j I chauffeur, is to he arrested?' 1 Do?' said Lord Laclands. j •"lit ' I held fur! . s I ' I «Puhl I •nine in for I •Why. •ig to put every motor r own in ! ; ni> wife's name." in * At the recent meeting in N< Vo of a hundred fo mci purpose of interpreting the ru so that no rnisundi •standing« ! arise, the forward pass the most consideration. The chief ■ amendment is io the effect lien 1 that a forward pass crosse« the* goal line j or strikes the uprights must be considered a touchdown. It | was also agreed that when a penalty j would carry the ball over the line it must be brought back to the one-yard line. ■ crossbar it j Common BRICK RI VERSIDE BRICK & MFG. CO. if la jM W IB Ig jig Ig smmmk THE COLUMBIAN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office, Boston, Massachusetts. LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE R. C. HAUENSTEIN, Agrent. Office 601 Carter Bid*». Cumberland Phone 843. SUPPLIED HER FRIEND8 WITH WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM. )t is positively Guaranteed to Remove | Freckles. The following letter will prove of great interesi to everyone In quest of a fair complexion: Dnke's Island, Me., September 19, 1910. "Dear Dr. Wilson: "Enclosed please find two dollars ; ($2.001. for which kindly mail me four jars of your Freckle Cream to post office box No. 14. Halifax, N. C., as 1 we are starting home tomorrow. As usual, we brought a number of jars , 0 j y 0ur cre am, but our friends here at the beach are so charmed with it I and so anxious for it that I have given j it all away. The druggist here says I that he will have it on sale next sea ! son. Cordially yours, "NANCY HOWERTON GOWANV Wilson's Freckle Cream will remove j j freckles, pimples, sunburn and chaps, •"lit is a toile* salve and a mild and One jar of Wil ' son's Freckle Cream «'ill cause your freckles to perceptibly fade, and the second jar them. will refund every cent of your money without argument. If he cannot sup ply you. send 50 cents to the Wilson pickle Cream Company, Charleston, S. C., and you will receive at once a full size jar. Sold by Century Drug ! harmless face bleach. completely If it does not your druggist i" remove Store. The case of McNamara is scheduled for hearing in Los Angeles next week, and labor leaders are lamenting the fact that industrial conditions through out the country are so disturbed that the space given to them by the news papers will necessarily limit space for the McNamara trial.