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" 1 l " ri '"" 1 " 111 ■ ■■» rr r n t HIB Ji HOLDS THE K OF SIX TEARS OF I I .Mr J. C. Smith, a blacksmith, who Mr. '■»Sides in East Hattiesburg, called at ! the Owl Drug Store, and said he had a son who was always sick and puny, and seemingly did not grow a hit. and that he had tried every remedy and j '.re&tment that he could hear oi, bu f his gradually grew worse instead j of better; he was pale and had dark | cli les under the eyes; was restless at *iigh*; would grit his teeth; also had had breath. Mr. Smith said. "I w » * ilmost give anything to get him weti igain." Health Teacher explained th<-» power of the Quaker Remedies aa l Mr Smith purchased a bottle, and of I tn two days time. hat happened? ( The E>es of Children I j I j j f)VJ _ -f? ■ - 1 o 1 fed 1 ! Vf IV ■ï S'-t-Juui rtovîr be neglected. Schcoo. I diy-s will soon be neve, the children's eyes will be called upon for excessive While neither parent nor child j cares to wear glasses fron» mere j emaiee, yet it is better to correct the it« Impaired eyesight by the use of glass es than allow a beautiful face to be come disf'tjured, or the child to become physically debilitated from eyestrain. Co— e to its for honest ard Impartial ao <ice. and prevent future regrets. F W. QUEEN, Ofh. D OPTICAL SPECIALIST i;0 Jjjast Pine St P'hii Building. *> .> * * * * CITY BREVITIES. < •> ♦ ♦ 4 > •> v •> •> •> •> •> •> •> •> •> •> • G. Hinton, of Hintonville. is here, ou i visit. C R. Witts, of Collins, is here to d iv •i tou C. McCormick, of Richtoa, driv-. ing a giant Cadillac, made connection Beihune, of the Bethuue Tur M pontine Co., of Bond, Miss , is in the efty i I I i j I x [ SS m ! JJ w _ M •'ll [ti c ■ •n * tax £ Two Pleasing Features »f that \.4a; trs Kaufman iFkö "SÜlITSÔSiiK Garments in .ure, that cm be had in no other make, are LASTING STYLE ind SHAPE PERMANENCE, sty!;./ perfectf: they "et .he lax a!Ient!y tailored cJo.î es at popular , .'. t And, betid j and j ?'TO. r *0 C -i] p» f \ r \ ; Priced from :3J> John A. McLeod Co. t ï Mr. Smith came walking to the Owl i Drug Store with a smile on his face • that (old the story. Hi unwrapped a ' fruit jar, which held thousands of those deadly hook worms, which had i been sapping ttie very life from Ms j little soil. He handed the deadly para sites to the druggist and said, "your! wonderful Quaker Remedies by their | unseen power.have removed thecausp of my little son's suffering, and pos j bly death; where all the remedies that j I have tried failed. Now I feel and . I many obligations to you; what can I | do for you?" "Nothing, only tell your I a neighbors, as this case is only one I ( with a big stump on his way here to j jihe "Prosperity Show' yesterday. He j land companion escaped injury, but the ! I car was damaged considerably. j A. J. Smith, with the Newman hum I her Co., of Sumrall, is In the city ■ j | j Rev. Joiner and family, of Wiggins, j are visiting friends here. , — - I ■ - The United States Health and Acci-jThos. 1 dent Insurance Co., formerly located ; ! in the Ross building, have moved to 1 134 1-2 Front street, where they can ; more conveniently serve their patrons. This company has had an office here I for the past two years and do a large business. W. W. Mann Is manager of the local, succeeding H. H. Hudson. j resigned. j - George Vaughn and Joseph King. days ago on a charge of stealing $30.00 from the safe of the Century Drug resigned in Judge Bob Store. tons court this morning and through vert their attorneys waived examination to await action by the grand Jury. The accused were allowed hail in the sum of $500.00 each, but so far have failed to furnish bail. D "Her Way," a splendid Rex dra matic play will be the feature attrac tion at the Gem theatre's big five cents Saturday night show. On the same program a real good comedy will be shown, besides songs and music by the Gem orchestra, and another rec ord-breaking crowd will no doubt at * •> ♦ ; tend the five cent show tonight. Mutt land Jeff Attend the Ball Game will he at the Gem one day next week. •> to I want to see how a gay hus ; hand is tamed by his wife, you can ! see how it is done at today. "By Woman's • Vi lag rap h comedy is a great house j hold remedy for many domestic trou driv-. hies and is a sugar coated and laugh able stimulant for tin* whole family. if yt he Lomo tliea Wit." this the j , ■ i among hundreds that are reported to | • me in every city, I visit." Now. my ' friends, us tlios deadly parasites dis- j appeared before Quaker, so do those I i dreaded diseases.rheumatism catarrh, j liver, kidney, stomach ami blood trou | the pal day's es last the net ed in was it to ly by CENTURY DRUG - hies disappear before Quaker as the mist before the rising sun. Owl Call at Drug Store and see the hundreds of people that call and tell j what relief and benefit that they an Remedies. j getting from tl < Quaker . I Quaker Kxinri, $i.oo a bottle. 3 for | $2.50. or «; for *vo<>; on of Balm. 25c I a bottle. >r $1.00. At the OWL I DRUG STORK. Front & Main streets. or 5 j They should j from the T< see it. Also "Saved rents," this dramatic ! bum y abounds » !. tin-ills and n dis play ot t-art which max to a heroism. The big scene | a most thrilling cii exe lient story shows tltej j destruction of a railroad trestle span | iting a swollen mountain torrent, and the saving of a fast express train from , dashing into the river. See the race I between the hand car and the train. provides Acci-jThos. E. Hates closes his engagement ith another popular ballad. ; to 1 SALE—Crystal White Oping ton's eggs and stock. Won blue ribbon at Hattiesburg sitow. It. K. Barton. 10-7 1m. ; FOR Poultry 1223 Main. of . o Dli'u;. Bleeding and Itching Pile. It absorbs iht tumors, tt'lnyn itching t ont", ils :-s a poultice, gives In Williams' Indian Pile is prepared for Piles and e parts. Drug PILES! PILES! PILES! liants' Indian Pile Ointment will relief. o'Mrient mit to •.it land. O. p or sale the nil f and $1.00. nils M:\ Co., Props, Cleve \V co. be by j. ] rec- ] a wed to at- hen under tin escort A QUIET DAY nt.lniierl from Page One.) Cr •U all strikers who desired were al enter the railroad shops of a United states marshal t;» get their tools and will clothing 1er there when the strike called. WHS i hus can trou QUIET AT HOUSTON. Houston. OH. 7.—Almost perfect or f'igned today in the Harriman lines strike here. Strikers vigorous legal fight for >f the temporary Fed this dor and are planning ; the eral injunction. tiissoUt'ioii j I ( BREAKER BADLY BEATEN. I Chicago. Oct. 7. -Edward Bloom. I forty years old. a non-union machin i ist, employed in the Illinois Central j shops at Burnside was beaten into in I sensibility today by two unidentified assailants. GEORGIA STRIKE SETTLED. Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 7.—A message re ceived from Chairman Treat of tIn board of directors of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Kngi neers, says the strike of firemen on the Georgia and Florida railroad has been settled. The men will get fifty per cent of engineer's pay. All men have returned to work. ASTHMA! ASTHMA! Popimm's Asthma Remedy givts instant relief and an absolute ! eure in ail cases of Asthma, Rronchl 11 is. and Hay Fever. Sold by dnn; i gists; mail on receipt of price. $1.00. Trial package by rtinll, 10 cents. Williams Mrf. Go,, Props., Cleve land, O. For sale onlv bv CENTURY DRUG ! STORE. I j ANOTHER !Î*M (Continued from Page One.) of the Standard Oil retu rned Com onigiit manager pany here, from the threatened town. who he town lat/* j hen he leit the main part of i f He said this afternoon I was under water, ami tile Hood : racing down Water street j of twenty miles an hoar, j stone building, a hundred feet from ater crumble like an egg shell, vas t the rate! I , He saw a the and disappear with Mi** hilt supporting it. The water undermined the hill, j He said warning was given the pen-! ï pie, who fled to the hills, from where I they could watch the work of destruc ; tion unable to do anything. :3J> 1 SLr IFALUNG OFF IN CHURCH MEMBERS I Methodists of the World Discuss the | j I Actual Loss of Members In Some Sections. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 7.—The princi pal subject of discussion of yester day's sessions of the Ecumenical Methodist conference, which delegat es from all quarters of the world are attending, was the decrease in mem bership of the church, which, it was revealed in the reports submitted, has taken place the world over during the last decade. The western section, comprising the United States, Canada and Japan reported during that period a loss in net membership increase, while the eastern setclon, covering Great Brit Ireland, France, South Africa. 1 , Australia and the mi-sion field, show-j I ed an actual loss in membership. In the wester in members in the decade ending 1S91 i was 1,261,209, while in the last decade it was only 437.562. This, according | to H. K. Carroll of New York, repre senting that section, was due to "a de crease in earnestness." Tn Great Britain, according to the Rev. Simpson Johnson of London, sec retary of the Westminster Methodist conference, the various Methodist, bodies gained about 150,000 members during the last ten years, but In the last half of the decade there was a notable decrease, attributable, he thought, to "conditions outside the church and a weakening of forces to meet changed social conditions." Bishop Hendricks of the Methodist Fpiscopal church. South, in discuss ing the "religious problem of the ne gro" and "the maintenance of a purely home In the midst of adverse condi tions." took occasion to refer to the recent Beattie murder trial. "Thank God, there is a place where women as spectators do not. attend such a trial," he said. "Thank God for a jury which sought divine gutd- ance in reaching a verdict and which has since refused to reccommend a commutation from the death sent ence." I | section the increasi j S6,000,001) SUIT I VGAINST RMLR01D! - I Monster Action Brought in Florida Against Sea Board Air Line And Others. Jacksonville, Oct. 7.—A suit for the | recovery of $6,000,000 damages was j filed today in tlie United States court j here against the Seaboard Air Lino railroad, the Knickerbocker Trust Company, of New York, Charles H. Keep, Francis Henderson, R. V. Mat thews, C. W. Lucas, and Frank Q. Brown, of Ne»' York, and H. Reiman Dttual. of New Jersey, the plaintiffs being the Florida Railway Company and G. M. Powell, a stockholder in ■ be railroad, who instituted suit by filing, praecipe, conspiracy being charged against the defendants. United States Senator LaFollette, of Wisconsin, has started an investi gation to ascertain whether the Sher man anti trust law, was violated. The Knickerbocker Trust Company was selected as trustee for the bonds of tile railroad and designated finan cial agent of the bonds which had been sold to French capitalists. The bends »ere for an extension of the road to Fernandina, and Jacksonville. Later in the proceedings, it is charged, the purchasers of the bonds demanded delivery which was delay ed by the Knickerbocker Trust Com j psny. first one excuse then another, I being made, ( The demands of the railroad offi ! ials for the return of the bonds - il is It is alleged, was also refused, claimed that the action of the Knick Company, was insti erbocker Trust I gated by two directors of that firm, j ■ ho, it is alleged, also w o: ihe Seaboard and interested in 1 rplug the Florida railway out of Jacksonville and Fernandina. ■ is held bv the directors of the ere director la railroad that the alleged it F o fit the delivery of the j ■ r *• id •' bonds, and pro vein the completion of work Atlantic I on ihe Florida railway to an Company and tin port, the Trust restrain trade I °f»'.-oartl , and commerce. conspit oil :0,00C V7AR ON CUSS-WORDS. j I tUsImr:.. Pa.. <)»-.. 7. Oct. ■ - tv thousand Catholic men are expect o march tomorrow- in the anti-pto-i faulty parade to he '• ?''1 undo) the -■ nicer of 11., Holy Name Sot. et... 1 / \ / The New Tungsten Lump ■ Is now like any other lamp—a twist of thL. v,1 '^ ' turn of the socket and at once the room is | T | :I ^ ,,ea . The new lamp is thoroughly depen - a saving in yout c ! tiful and brilliant able, absolutely guaranteed to effect light bill. Ask us to show them to you. I The Hattiesburg I radion -I ! / V V 1 , I i | V ■ Ï I Sunday Services at Hattiesburg Churches a the ing ed Court Street M. E. Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. Services at 11 a. m. conducted by J. L. Neill. Services at 7:30 p. m. conducted by Rev. Will Allsworth. m. Christian Church. Bible school meets at 9:45 a. ill. Preaching and observance of the a. Lord's Supper at 11 a. nt. Evening worship and praise servie. i. Subject. "The World's j nt 7:30 p. Need of the Christian Church." Office of "The Morning subject, .:.I ;. Membership. " Ail services held in the old M. K. Sixtv church building. Main street, minutes of reverent worship, public cordially invited. John S. Zeran, Minister. The m. Congregational M. E. Church. Services will be held at the Con gregational Methodist church on West Forth street Sunday at 11 a. m. and j 7 p. m. by W. P. Massey, Pastor, as sisted by Sing Watkins and Milton Massey. First Baptist Church. I Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Young Peoples' meeting at 6:45 p. j ! - I m. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and by Rev. Dr. J. G. Chastain night. Dr. Chastain has been a mission ary in Mexico for many years and will give much desired information about the country and our work there. Special music at both services. I. P. Trotter, Pastor. at | j j H. Q. in by had The the is offi Bay Street Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. tn. ami 7:30 1». m. The attention of the congregation is called to this fact that on 3rd Sab bath of this month our annual pro- ! J traded services begin and that the j j preaching will be done by Rev. J. B. j Hutton, of Jackson, Miss. R. L. Campbell, Pastor, j Main Street Methodist. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by G. S. Dob bins in the absence of the pastor, Dr. Watkins. - I Episcopal Church. Sunday school at 9:30. Morning prayer at 11. J. W. Hopkins, Lay Reader. First Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching service at 11 a. m. No service held at night. A cordial invitation is given to all persons who desire to do so to at tend the services. is is Rev. Neill Holds Meeting. Rev. Neil, pastor of the Broad Street Methodist church, will com mence a revival meetiug tomorrow af » OMO THEATRE ¥ i !i ! : i ' J W TODAY Saved From th° il! a" K ) t ^ > ee Torrents V ! A thrilling railroad story showing the destruction of niatic story v/ith abundant thrills and a rare di. play of her i a rai| road trestle, oism. I,, t A dra Sy 'V/oman $ *■'' Vitagraph kind that Wit }> u comedy and they you enjoy. y c are the / i ternoon at Bonhomie. Rev. Neil or ganized this church sometime ago and the little congregation has been mov- j ing steadily forward. It was n need ed organization, the people of community being several miles away from a place or worship, Mr. Neil will preach at night and a cordial invitation is extended to mem bers of other denominations. at ins CHURCH NOTICE. There will be Broad Street church tomorrow rt II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school a. tn. Epworth Lc-am- wP! hold services at the jail at 3:".0 p. nt. I Immanul Church. Sunday school at 9:30 a Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7 ". m. by the pastor. Let all the members be to revise our church roll. A. L. O'Briant. p i present. I We a Fifty Avenue. Preaching at 7:45 p. m. by G. S. Dobbins. By courtesy of the deacons, Rev. Dobbins will not fill the morning ap pointment. but will preach at the Main Street Methodist church at that SUPPOSED MÜRBERE!! ! :o'ir. KLGRfl IN JAM A negro, ho fits tile description of Attend the Big c Saturday Night Show at th e GEM THEATRE Tonight J j Mutt and Jeff Get Passes to the Ball Game" Next Week Stump Pulling Exhibition "V Hardy Street, Wednesda %/ / October 11th, at 2 o'clock --- BY THE Hercules All-Steel Triple Power Stump Puller The Public Cordially Invited Take the 2 o'clock y, - I car ,te John Fletcher, wanted for the the night of January 21st, Taylor, marshal of murder on 191!, of Andre ' Brunswick, Warren county, Miss., was arrested this morning and placed in , the city jail to await Identification by beeti notified of the c officers who have arrest. i The negro was j a spotted yesterday Bonslagel's restaurant, where he ■ked two or thre days and is fit the description of Fletcb Messrs. David Fair at had woi said to er in every way. ly and Tom Cahal worked up the case vill receive the reward of $125.00 ami offered for his arest if the negro Mr. Fairly Fletcher. as added to the police force during proves to be the prosperity celebration, and if he lets the l ight negro, lie will have doue vork, important piece of detective I while on duty. an (iisriaims any vhicn I. ■ te for the officers arc t on now ledge of the cr was arersted hit [idem they have the right man. p i r ESTABLISHED 1872. I H. & B. Beer, ■ NEW ORLEANS V ; S. MEMBERS OF New Orleans Cotton Exchange. N. 0. Future Brokers' Association. New York Stock Exchange. New York Cotton Exchange. New York Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Exchange. Chicngc Board of Trade. Ar.Sw. i.'.lw Members of the Liverpool Cotton Association. ■ : ch Offir.-. 2(7 Carondelet. Hain Phene. 415. A of