Newspaper Page Text
r -s' S RATES OF ADVERTISING, isstssijipiOnifs, 18 DEVOTKD TO Til INIEKKST OF THE AMERICAN PARTY, tub Dim f Qekai Xnt4li.ioknci wm A. tui Ochbskt New. er th IUt, - FOLITIOU. AMD MwCILLANlCC. ArtBl WLTaBI. ATB, UUUNOEX, LtTER- t viu, Education and Kkiiuion. PUTSHEDEVm I'llUR? DAY , . in UU Spring, Marskdl Co., Miss, by 'MYRON R. IIOLLJSTER, I Two Dollar and n hull in tflvaticr.or Throw Dollars if payment l tl'lnvcd. KJTOfBceon IUbnando street, in tho rc:r of J. V. M. LiTCiiniLD'i Drug Store. l-t! .'no square 100 wordior Inns io? on lb seriion, t ; eaali additional Insertion 0cot"M 1 Sc. Utuo S Bio's 4 00, 8 mu'a.f 5 6. 4 nio't $630 i " " , i! 60,.- " 00, " V 60.' 1 " " '' HO, -9 711, " 11 It. , " " ' WW,' II at.. " )JC HALF YFAM,T S YEARLY. - 1 Sipiartj 6 MODtlm JT 0'J. V . 1 year V-W. " " 10 0, - 16 00 m "j, ' 12 50. 18 00. 4 15 00, ' 2100..' l Column ' i!0 00, .1 ' . . SO 00. ' " " 30 00, " 45 00. . l " " 43 0, ' 70 00. Jr A.-lrrt!immnui Vylnrpo typ, and ler.d'j.1 BO'.k'cn, chargod f-..r the fpa; tbcy pc cupy. . . i .. . an,' r7" Art!-k f a ftnmul character vill b in wnnd only im B'lvoi tit.oment, for which doable"" ilio i.,nul rnt.- will b.iclirii(l. MYRON R. HOLLISTER, "MENS mi OpJsCIA.. 11ECTI." EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. 18, 1850. NUMBEJi SS-" VOLUME IV. HOLLY SPlOTGS; THURSDAY ilOlJSJ- El'TEMBi-lK ,'f J W)V : a. . ; . &b 1 1 it v w -v , ....... fc ! , , , 1L' u uu.': : , ... '-vt ' . , I ' 1 t ' J Business Cards. J. M. Bnker, I N. Farm. BAKER & F ARRIS, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mokev & limit's new liio.-k, FEONT ROW- MF.MrillS, TENS. 1 AT. ?oTby insure 'uels j All ordrrs for Otocenes, tinuging, . . . . ,.tl I... nr.ii.nll u llll..1. ! Kape, l wine, oe., ... i u .mi JAH. BIMPtON II. FIT7.1IERAI.D. , .: ' 1 -.nn-cct rT'':', Wi.vwMivw, m' w'-.w.i .... AND ' COTTON t-UlUrt5, ! YiARTir.ri.An attention Kiven'.o selling and I storing Cotton. . . : Awnts f.r tnesale of .rp.niaTM.acc.,. Cot-! ton tarns, ran, i . "t - brated flunpo'Uer. ! S. H. Oi ncomb, i V. B. Uosotto. ! Ann. 30, 1855. .1. T. Stm atton - McDavitt, VTKATTllV Ml'ilWITi' k CO. (Iroccrs k Commission Mcrclianie, o. 70 Front Bon, MEMPHIS. TKNN. .11 Coi'B",,',lt'' Jniireil nu less other Wise instructed. A$nt fcrGiiis-oi.i)'sC'eU-lTe J Cotton Gin. TVe continue to Slure and teli Coil, n at .".0 cents per Dale. XrOil lund Uirce Stock of Power loetn met India BafSjiinf, Machnn! and Hand K're, in Ketherwiiha lieavv Stock nf fimcertes, anil other Plantation Supplies, wloeh r.e wi.l lut niali to out customers ut the lowest nnnkel pries. S., Mel). & t'n. Aui-ust lllli, vi nS'l-'.'m r. J. DAVICSQN, J. B. I 1.1.15, t.m. DAVIDSON, ELLIS & ,, , , c p 1 cccivin?., F6nvardin & Gout iXlClltlliSt rUlWttl UIII&IV ' uum COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' So. VI riont Row. I x , MEMPHIS, TV.'N.V. I . Baaciiig wtd I"tutu.Uut Siipplioit A'",:- I - . lf-nd. b , J'tue lV-l-S5-5m U, W. WAXTEK, M' B"".'S WALTER & SCRUGGS. AT'l OUXKYS AT I.AW, Holly Springs, Miss. 1111.1. nratieoio the Ciruuit Court of 1'iiiito V? too. La Fayette, I'wtola, Ue Koto and .lar shall counrtes: in the Cliioe'eiy ' ' it nt .. r tiando and Holly Sprints; in tue K-ikiu. Court at Voutotoc, una in the Uijil' Ouurt of rarers ui'.u Appeals t Jucksou. J'fonipt uttentii'ti to lliu eolleetii'O of till eleitoH e''nd to their care, tliroiijrliout North Missis-lpni. Jan. 1, 1850. v4-ltl-ly. j. ii. r.oorii.F.t'T. a. ii. oKitiiri r. a. n. va'tiis. cToowle tt, ..u:s:st, & o. Cotton Factors, Grocers and fiQ'5S222il023 22SE,M151'3. o. t7 I'iimii l;iic. MEMl'HIla, TENN. Jan. Ii, lS5b. n-4 Hut. Opposite (he iilliolie Cliurt h, MEM?H18, 'MZll. , J. F. ROBEliTSON rropiietor, rHJIlS Houkc is situated on tho iiodn street, icad- X iuefi'om the Huoiness imrt nf llie eit.v. to the ; M.mnhU and I'luti-lcston 1 ailruad i'ciKit. and is oni vt the beat ittid quietest locutions iu the city, TERMS. Board and Lniltfug por day, $1 23 Flipper, LftdjrhiK uutl liieiikfust, 1 00 tjf"t)ur table will sponk for itself. Junes, lsss 4-ss-ly ! EVERSON'S 3P extent Pump, j Depot oil Adams St., Knst if 1'liti tl, MEMPHIS, MENN. fllHE undersiened keens constantly on hand', , . . .,.,,, .... n .",iV.:..Ad , , , iiMCDinTtrivj r... i brated niftster-move, by which the Abolition . jl. i Ui.u or I'l'iHHIU ii.i.j "'l Vella and cisterns. I warrant mv Metallic nud TBlmw Tube Chain Piimn to bu thti bet R'.i'l m.-st dumlile I'ump now in use in Ameriea. J hitvo '-TuTJIn the last twelve mouths, about loo to the ' 'TCitinof Muinphw ; they have (riven tiiversl,j taUsfaet.on. I will state that thev u?o mv Mntuhc Chain l'timps in the deepest w,dl in the M.-m- iiliht Nvv Yitrd. after the bost numna that could I , . ... , b procured tast, tailed. , All rumps aow oy me win no wamnte.1 ns rep. roaemea. - j. r.vttwoix. tif Chain -WlieolB, Motnlie and Wood rump Tubes for Bale in lots to unit purchasers. 1). D. JONES, Aifent, Holly Springs. ' ir Win. Mills & U. 11. lioss, Holly Springs. June 5, 1856 -4-88-6m. H. N. BALLARD k, CO. Wholesale and ifclail (iroccrs, North West Corner ol'the Public Squure, . Next door to the l'osi Olliee, .. HOLLY SPRINGS, Miss. . . W 11 ERR any thing in Heir line may be hail CHEAP.for CASH. "Come one, come all" and examine stock, price, &c, before buying elsewhere. March 13, 1850 i 11 6m MR HVLl. r. ckvp j. JOHN HULL & CO. - OB O CEB S AND .: ... Cdmmissioii Mercliaufsr. t MASONIC BUILDING, ' : T i . . Hoiif SPBinos, Miss. January l&th 11:66. ; - v4-n3-tr' : i ' J. C. WALKER, .. . , . AGENT FOR 'JETNA 'INSURANCE COMPANY, . Located at HaRrroao, Connecticut. ' .Holly Springs, Min., Jan. 24. 1868.v4-Hnt-6tn i ; T11UKSUAY MOIININ'G. SKPT. IS, a hi- thrill" with tlic ! 111 iii'l! II Hiubtir ills" KliH-k Ilultidns. I At a ratilientum iiisjIiii in Uiutimona iu i . , , . . , " ' " " . . " ' .' he expressed certain opinions relative to th I effect which wnnlJ ha've proceeded from the j ,), ,1,,,, nr ir- t,,, lf) ' 'ianan a pvopoaition exleI)J tho Missouri Lestriclion lino U) ,ie !,, ,a( , ,.! ,, in l,.l ,1,1!, nfll.o tho vole. Ireesoiicm nr.d l;uci; la i iioueaim are , . . , .. , ...... -isoimui oy - ine party,- a tr. iac muta . Ti,ji,, v y ,. i 1,;,,, ln, on tho snb'ect. Mr. V. ri Hpondc.l, in a bit Hhiimono. Vt , Jn'v 2-v lC.'O. Isaac Hvtm. Etii. Tear Sir : In ie.1v . , 2;.j ,.,,.,, Pe.,.i:..' la me sav tint I r.nxioii-lv pvi..,v th'rc with your k-; iininti f. clif". ' The ditl'erence bi'twe.-n th- North nriil Son'li, touehin hlavevy, onl.t to'iMin iioti c.t (lit-! ference. 1' ii wt, I am e ! t.l.tiil, u'n'.t trim j nail iota and deinoeiaik. 1 m-mie vn.i that 1 , Rk i. nun on i-ai.b l- i'i..-sUcty nnii. in teiitiment or action. I il nil' on In 111 ;i, I'l tiiiulliii,; y viuir ov. n State. ly to your ow n tn'O ieli coud net m a eliia u of am content that vrtt sb id.' far vouisc'i in d your State, be m :.nti 'lavci v man and vo ter. And 1 am siue tliat ..ii will honostly le.lVU 111 IIM fll'lli, III II V V IL I H ' II, f I " I b'aveiv; aialliiat vmi will not al li-mpt to deprive me ol my lil.tsoi law lal pin- petty in tne I t. ion ol .Stas. We aurcu lu ilhiiigrec, and louve ii;tf t v. beie the run Ktiiutinii fii.ii.. 1 it and i' ' '; :a li.e aihi'ra- : in c i it ol' ihe federal ef:i h". J!it tjitatbut distr.rl tho compact it-"It; and i: is tin;! 1111(1111- wh'.'h ih.'..' h. : t i o ! !i I hirif and hit- I tenioss. V.ei and 1 sav, h't tl snnj i r nha e 1 i simply let the laws roiiiu. Tun aitatms i say, there is a higher !..w ; ai 1 this niakeii i , the nibcbinf," j t i Now, as to layadi, the IIm'.aIA Triln.w i and Times have suiJ m'ist rnel'.bif'nly, that 1 "I spoke as to the b.fliicnee of tho file of I Kansas on the value of slave pop. rtv. " 1 never uttefi; ! a vor.l on that topic in the ' speeeli to winch they atinlniie II. reniar.i. i To pruvo it, I send you sever . 1 conies of the jtpeoen. .oy opinion was, ana is, tinlt .the ad- initsiun oi ivuiisiis, wiui or wipiioiit . live, v, will not iitltet Ihe pnee ol slaves m Virjf .j'.tt i ul all. What I said i'm. that the cxte. of the Missouri 'ine to the i'sc fie. i"l Hie allow of n.'roe shivery in I. nltf.'ri'ni, , er.ns t it was the means ol 1 . -oitenir, n.ta would I.uve atfeeted the price of sJitves in 1 ij,,,,., His whole eoiir while rrtsident V ir..n..a. I,v ...crea-.i." tl v . ......g ....... 1 have said more t that it would h iTa 11, iull the liri'iid-stuti growin,: slave States : have left, slavery only to the !ai', cotlou l growinj; luid su;;ar joow inj; ion! llteol 1 tnin ! in- Sitt'es, and have lints diuiinish".! thu !- pov.rr of ihe s' States ; and fnither, j it liave etn'.l.l' d the i-bive ow ners lo free their slaves c.l a larger profit than th",v , can now- sell them. ' . ' UKNilY A. WISE. . This U a remarkable letter!:, tanrc ic-pcets Ihau one we find this pjva' Sn'tt!nrn liijJitu I Democrat, "of the I'm banaisclim, .' not only I expbiiiiiiio; his bii'guao., i:i a luantier which, whilo it may remove the objections io the North nmoiiK bis freesoil fiiet.ds, cannot fail to cottvince t'ne Soulb ihat he ia ,,ot that defender of her r;;h.s Unit lie is represented to be. o know that j Governor Wise is nil! tried with n eriodi'-al ' mania for writing Utters, aid several years residence in Viiiuia has convinced us Unit tho general sentiment in regard to bis pro ; diictiotis is. tJuit they are mere ' fuss ami fojtheis," without any material point and scarcely deserving the amount of ink expen ded by this remarkable politician in spinning ' ennsions out io an icngin. This last production, however, this revelation from Hccbcstcr will not fail to attract 'he nt tetilion of Southern men not on account of any merit which it possesses or which could commend it to the attention of the people, but for the sentiments it breathes to the fice soilers and abolitionists, and which ;iwv them more aid and comfort than perhaps anything which has transpired, since the re- I now.icd Tomiet-see Smith Deformed his cel- i . . L'aliks was elected .ieuker. 1 ho rours L :.. e v...., a .... Tho course of .'. " array me tsoulli against the .Norlli, its the $onh u anayi:i naMt ,he. South, has been . j a s i chuckled over by the Black Kepuldicalis, aud ...:. r.i.'r, .-. r e v' tins letter oi tue ueiauciuiic uoveinor oi v tr- ...... . . . , gima win give immense amount oi eoruiori ! , il,a Van llnran tit Hi.. Ih du-hraiimi . , and other freesoil Democrats, who have re - ccr.tly rushed to the support of their dear ffiend Buchanan. ' . j" The Gov error in answer, to Ilio letter of this freesoiler from New York, says in tho - . 1 . 1. ....... . 1 very nrs, paragrapu 0. . icitcr . tuai no anxionslv svrnuathises with b s "ent menu anxiously sjinpaiinses wun uis ,iuumeuu, and leel.ngs." Is it postnbie Cm tt be true that the Governorof a Soutbarn State "ante- '"' !Mthir th the feelings and .en. timents" of a Northern Abolitionist ? Yet ettch is the degrading fact. ' ."J am content that yon should be for Yourself and State, an ontl slaverv man and voter." This is bu definition of an honest dif- r i.u.-.. n -TO, ii. .ii '. . ,.; i..,.,..,,,.,...,,,..,-,," ut,au,n.i-..vrrn,iiiiavotor,.m..isoin Jle is content to allow bim to hold whatever opinions he chooses, (f he will only vote for Buchanan. In other Words he does not care how" much' fanaticism is encoiiragsd, how rnuchjfalsehoocl is propagated, how the South m traduced arid the spirit of secfianal hostili ty stimulated, provided tdiesa .things' are done .within the" State, j' a license " which w-ould the Constitution but still every one will ad exculpato the. craziest fauatics amoDg them ? i nit that alavery is recognised i in, aud pro But what .mates us rnos in thieleMet ia, (as I W.d by, Ihe Constitution a dktirTclly and !, tlio xvustivillo I'utnot romarkit) tlnit Mr. u iw luiiilil I'onceJo thut tha Kiilijoct yf slavoiT ii "ihiiatLUtumeiit if the i'Mt'rttl cmjnd!" Vli;it dues lie n-fan ? What tiro lio muitli ? 1 1'.. ii i. 1 1.. i... l... i :n:.... ... l slavory In all or bh v of itH rulutiotis the ilo- cl,ion and action of the focl,ral government? ,,.,,.,;,, ,,. : .i - iiu ircipiu oi uie .nuii. o nro oi);ijeil t(i conclude from this lapi.ago either thai Mr. " of iciliating tho North, bu williii;;, fortlio tmio, Ito have it ihonjb bo bcJjovM. Fur! her, art! wu to thit.k of Mr. Win', speaking ! ftpirovin!y of a mo;!iure which "uUllv J1'1' y'uh'' hp"! wave Mat f jfi; Virtim'ii nvc I K',tf.t . D..OJ iic-desi 5 to Fi'e Ma"vhmd, N . 1 ,v arul.l.a, J ennc.viee, Kenturuv at; 1 M : -.-.nri 0 added to tl o c'.an ot free State ? la h.! w'.li- iiy to sue tbc'.r de.tiny dibCi.neotd from , Missouri Comprond V"cn:i'rt .'.cl. re t. r. of the olb-ir slave bt.tWii to which they ; lion wouhj b in (l.r.t'c.ti Iliet w!lli tl..; v.- l'8 by so iiiiiny of iiit ere.. I. and af- 1 attached to that ul' the Ner'.heni v fb bavo Hcrvtiri'it uIino.t Lie last l.'finii'iit of hrntb-rhnftl ? Fmni his'ar. !'tn,;n to the Northern twrivrwn.J'.'rii v'o are c i'.n foil in believe eitner that hois wilii.i.; t s 'e this lini.e, i r thai, to fcrve a pnrn.v, b w ; iii. to have tl .Wail lor ine I Ulna., iu e.tier, no laareo.e- In i tu , jsji.utheitciiliiii.'tits ol'iho people of V;i,;.ni,o 1 II u s II I II' i.i . , Ml lllilb iiir. in u ii.iiiihi a. .1 . ' I. , 1 to lu.' Is iiith, and altacbod to lu.r, by no h'.'!t' r eoiisidi.'i'.i'i'in th in Ue maiiet va,!H;i ' r i .. . r ... i . no :.. . i j. aves, a . ...'.inn . j ue.'.- is inn mane le u-f.fM ' to lev oat' YirTva'., h the slave-bnldi'v; Slates. Timir tno'i 'h ii i.'ie.iliiy w ith tin: Cani; is lii-r caa- tli:ii' I'..'.' v ;!1 I." her f.'u;.. If ,i;,y',i.ii j eiaan..:'. traoniinarv einiiaeler wlioin ; iiuni ti.u e;. untoward eir- ciim'.at.ri' iisve p'.a'.'ed i inai.s'on at liiehmon 1 eo. tl.e Lxecut.vo . UhLouirll lis. it ! .vr .dd he 1,M...I. at I ... nl time. 1 1 ini'ht 1 cr to Hii-hmond ; 1 e from bichnior.d te ! ve cenio ire;,) i; it never K, eh ! ' '8'hr ,''. t!ir ."tliss'irii'i 4,:iii.!i'iis. ,, ... . , c .1 . ! j n j IStichatiau jo.trna.s, ft r the want of a mole sultftai.tial ol jr . , .. n to Mr. i il in aie. ; iti'C.l ll'lj to UluiC i nt Mr. F'llliuou- i, in f,'- fttf tho restoration,, uf tl.e Missorri lino. Now. a!iu. jet'lm. re, it is well known, was op.rc to tho pe.pci.1 of that line, W , .,.,, ... a'ttn.. .1 upon.-'. I ' i very ; itli'iples o !i;'-tat" vexed qn '.-lion i f be iu f.ivor of the i !) is known t f the Cnmpi'nm- .' liieiiMires of lH.'O. ine'plea of the t'oit- v hieit wen! I lie U ii,' iltition in le'aiien to MiS.oiui. line beii; the 'I'cnio i'ics. iu now rcp-iiili !, lo woiui, oppose ds re.-tora- t.e:; oi), lirotn:': I'm rata" .troiiud ti c.', lot opposed its and b,'i-,me the iiiie.-'ioii is now lo i hp prtnei; l.-s of tho Cum irs of 1S30 Ti.".(',ii'.','nlir,i .'it. '. Mr. Fdlninr" d'chire l their Mi-,'...ii man .' ia i the !. - : il: n. of the U e Ilia! li i 1 1 f, ,'. !,,u :, . : ,. t'o. 1 1, . Con vi. i ! tiie i'.-il ov. i ri. ; o't,. , ,:, . v .. Cutmcil no au.bority to Ii'l'lo i: 1 i lln'i . ins hi' 1 or. : on M lit i but we will i.i'!o for Preside! I .u.d Vi, Pr.wh'iit no in. m who is i:o in favor, f ii lie'ln;;- the intrn lni'tic:i of slaverv into S.,iitb-ni man, and it would have Iktii lintl O'lii.ore north of M MO. " ed by litis time Lei end all hope of future re- , rT," ,''W l"rK , ''"''" trim,,, ul Mi. I, i : ,.i.-.r, i,.n, I,, .... , resolution on the h,h': Carried A v 1 11 .... ll... ...1.' I...! A ..." , St. t l'o-s 00. Thus was this freesoil resolution , these Northern faeiionis's utterly en ihio lo wrong, or fail lo do right but tlio fact ' 'be S-mles, way embroil this country with .justice of bis chiim. Mr. Fillmore sug killed, whereat Ihn Ireesoilcis iiidi-inaiitlv breath anv eiilhii.sinsni into their broken cannot be so. unless made so bv men's all the world. Buchanan is pledged to I nested that the subject be referred to the uoiieu irom me c-nveution. ranks, by any appeals of their own. Their We have many other , proofs which show i only hope now is to offer the tesliinoney of that Mr. l'illmoro w ouid ..j .ose ils restora- f Southern LV.uociats that they (the Noiib) lion. In (bo first place, the .seventh section can succeed, with the hope that such cii of the platform of February, lf,G the pint- deuce will induce them to place themselves form which Mr. Fillmore approved in his in ho.ilile array against the South, letter of necepliiiice contains n full and com- : L"t the Southern iJemonacy, a.,d tbcira! -" p'etc repv.liatioii of tiie ptinciples of I he Missouri Com promise. It is as follows; 7. Tho recognition of the right Of the native-born and i,al.iali.',ed eiti.etm.of the -U. States, permanently ni.-ddiug in any Ternto rv thereof, lo fi.oiio their constitution and '""s, atui to rei'iiotte tltt-tr il uiHst'c and so- to : .. V . . . " . . ' . . 1 eno n tnlrsiii ( i 1 1- n.-ti nui, n en n,.f m, i- ' 10 'be provisionn of the federal constitution ,vit, rj,t of admission it.trt the Union whenever IheV have Ihe requisite population i .,' , i lr" ",e rrpl'i sentativo in Congress: Provided, ! alwavs, none but those who lira citizens of the ,. . , , , , r Lulled btates, under tho constitution ntid luws Uiero),r ,, w,,0 have a fixed residence !.. ..... 1'..r-; t. i... n';' i"'....'oi.iid 1 the formation of the consiiluiion, or iu the enact incut of laws for said Territory or State. Hera is the doctrine of the Compromroe of i 1850, set forth as explicitly as language cotilj ' "" "mo doctrine, mat citizens o! the ' TT..ii...l, fl...i. ,,1 :i;., : -. , , ... ., .-'.: terrttotv, have the right to rogn ate heir do .. n , . . ; , m-ue ant m.c.iu ana.,. . tne.r own, ...;,i, .t. vi..i., .f a,!i rt..i.. ...... ... o. s.s,.. i,., ,., .".M, whenever they have the requisite population forgone representative li. C.uigicss. tjiibjcct on- jly to .the provisions of the Federal Consti.u- j "on, anu proviuoumai. nojue lui . native or ! naturalized cilizens.who.hava a fixed rest- j dcee in s.,el, territory, ought to participate 1 fomntioa of ah ooiwtiii.tion. or in thn - i, 0 f .. . .......-.-,.- ..... .... ...... , cs la tne uemocralic parly onject that the word slavery is not used in tho platform, but every man of ordinary intelligence must know, and every candid man will admit, that the section above quoted does refer to slave ry as distinctly as if the precise terra had been jUSed. ,,Tbe word slawy does not occur Ip mi liuuiriil. , Su it is llii.- IViilitli ft-i.ii II Tl ,f tl.a r'ls t" li:il':itu their domi'stL- and ..: i.: . ... ,i. . ... l I restrictions inmio.l.l-t u in.'nn i mmu in.rlws ! than Iho to . -i ,!..verv ,,d, r ..!! I,;...; ., X'i v.' . ,,.!. , ,.; .......ui,..,.. ...... ... . ,,o : ciple is unvclly nut-. .lo'iifdc o il.n iloiliiiie of the MivBou.i Ctjo , Wbi'di l.-. ,; ti'.ze.-, ana is Uiisilj, ?' the doetiine tl.-it CVm- tiris u. l!;u rijl.t t i i-';iil:it.j ibo , tlv-m. inud noein! ti!T:ii-- 1" . ry ; that C : '. ,.'. t tO 1 '.!.-'' li.v .:. '. ,ve,y a , ; milled to c .ii' I ' llioi'i' ,'' s eoi,.iii.iio.l to i! 1 that Mr, ii. ! i) il' ! tl) 1 1 I ii'.'. Da ..i, ale l o! b..'h ia tile if 1 1 I - Mr. iv; !t more W eotnmlt ,! S'jan si a re-iorai ion to il.a I i scctii.i. of ibe ,!atfi m vt i,b n.'f 1 . ! nj j'i jve.i ! y h 'in. " 1 Aiiain : Wit have seOn that thn t'olll ;'il ti.ill '.vbieb lai'ilin if-d 'iin'.fi- v " y an ovwl.;:ir.i:,' iii.i!-:iv, u i!ir-vl I 0; u-1 1 .nil pi ed i ii;i lb o C-un tat : i on to a tvs- ioration i f lint MirNotiri .C'on)pnim:e. 'i'he ii.irtb'iibii.. of :!ii. ...a'!io:i i f the Convention . We:e ir'vee in a nr-ci-liur i uni'ier. Vhis tli- , ,uct ,r.,. i(;., Wus vo:e.t.u'own. aul tho im- 'ine.'.iaie eli'ee; of that v. u Was, to dii Trii i,iip ij.iivi u ion mid from ino ;a,r'V, "li He s favor i,f the r.loiaiinn nl'lh is.ioiin re st. 'ii lsi)i', and ih y are now found in the l'r -moot ran'.s. b.titlinf v.itii .!', (he'.r c. err;. is ly.t'.l..-! Mr. I'.iillHIl'a. i ll',- OMll.if J ililll lv- "h? C !-.. t.lina thv,- the mp"s'!;i :ri C.mj 1 hi. a li t'1,1 i Mi.. h 'I;-.' I.e, ill aceep'i'i ; thn ; ted llie plail'i mi wlii' il '.in ; tlo'V i p"vs! bin). ..en "I"1' li.,'"! ! ;,.' :. 'Hi.l in;ainst the re-lortll-f. ija. . H it t fitilh;r : Mr. Fliimorti is ,b.'i! ed a- j gainst all measures c!t.t.1a'flft-., renew the a;::l:ilion of the slavery o'i".s!. :.. 'lie is for l lie restoration ol peaco-iiml 'liarniony ly a i.. .1... ... .1... . : la.. - i...:..: I'.iiiin iu mi.- nviii 1 1 1 a i e . . if., n .'iiuitin , ., , . , ,, .,, . , ii mi ion wane no oocupiv.t it.- rmnneuuai ! chair. This foi'ins sav i'I'j,it't at, the ros- oftho Ui-n..reva'-t Tl... , .tist.Ier.ilioiTa tlit.rN.iM'havg r.Wed ,i ! tiiiittlou i is'lrna cr , him to n "Ise Ih'S fTM.'l 11 opncvutx j lijiou nis ni'.tat to oitpi? a iestoraltnii es ( cinlly as no j rail leal result would b; ore., j pli. bed by such an . PvitouH only Ic i lo rnoilucc new cstaltuiatit to tncreiiso ai- ') ' ... .... 1 1 .i 1 1 hi . AjjaitisS tins bu stands pnsl.;cd, and lo his pled.'') Ac Kill rimnin ti M. s !'! RliM-k HepubUr-.-iu Hrejij;lh. Did it never occur i tlno Southern mm w ho are sboiiiina mil a! the. top of iheir voices that tho rivi.t l't evidential C"iit''.-.t is to bo b' twe li tho J t. nincracy (so called) and tin, I'.hich I'.optiWicns, at. 1 Mr. Fill more stands no cltanro whafever in the r:.. that lltcy are doin:, more to b !d up ihe Ah- , i;ti,,i, ran-..', than all the efforts of th,. Or..'"- i...... ,i, v. ,., i . . '!... o 3 coiniiiftely ill .ne tcnu i!;. iiicDrpurnU'J it) thJ h -ih- ,,f t',,. - 1 .1 j l I' . 'I 11 ''I I. V, 1 I I It I I,,'. IJ.'ItU J, I 1 1,1 I , . , u:u , i n,: A gentle- Yet si. .'it is the fact. Tlio .nthein g I'esoiio.uu: ; scviioi, nl p.uty which eighteen nan ihs a.;u mid Anuniiaii ibreatened to ii'esi-nt acont,lele and com piea:i 1 1 , a a ' ,.iH or, n.i.ation a. tail st tbc jSoi.tli, is now but a type nf its former self. It is now too fonble to c.m.-e ahirui lo ll.e it) '.-', iterv.oiK " lL'' I ".it find, if Southern SutNichtisn. hd ' - . mumng ll w mi so mueil care. U lies of win. tot cr name, say what liny wi! the courso of the fiiends of Fil'inou; and DotieUon iu the North has dune nwre to break down this spiiit of Noiiheru fanaii cism, than all olher causes coitibin.'d. Tiie whole of this sectional biaaa would have been extinguished mg ago, had tint the Son! hern Democracy re-kindled the dyittg embers and added fiCs-fi fuel. They sen th"t their only hope- of success is to keep the P.hick Pi.'publiciins in tho fiidd,' so lln.y can , i il, , c , il, I ,. 1..I ,, , meke capital ul tli 0 booth, by delu big Na- 1 tional Americans into the belief that the on- i ly bope ot the Ueleilt ut the jjliiclt Kcpiildi - " . . ... -. r f , ,:,,:,,,,,, ... cans is in their voting for the Cincin.iali lion.-, ! iuee. If the Pluck Ileptiblieaim present Sat an array of strength, why is it thut their ; 1C(,,S are constanllv filled with appeals to - 'I i 1 . inm in inn,i 111 n. 11 di'n 1 ! I ' 1 n 1.1 ara ? They see plainly thut their - , -, ., , ., array meets with no sympathy from the 111- array meets with no sympathy from the in- li.ll! o.t.t ,111,1 bi-ill,.1 in:ls;.. . . T I Ti ." Vnill, mid , . ..fllte Noilh. and ' , , ll.,,. Inl.!,l o,!,l,w. of SoutUcru Duroocrii:!! M evidence (hat of u,0 &mh ,,.' dieadlullv of tbe ai t)t ,,, N()rlhi wUU u,; . , . . , i ' .u.:. ...t .....i ,..,('" ,-. i.M Itllio iu-i,lit mnv .A 1 :m. nf ,.,. " ,1(,nt ! - . .. . . J)iuu outnerii men oi tiaMonni Mmmieni ; stand firm to the standard or l'-ill.nore, their i Jes. w.,lbe defuat.di The sentiment of! . nf .,, vrt1l . . ,. rr. nion, as our fathers gave it to us: dishonest lauauc. tuiauesigmng poiiuciaus may m- nmph for., while, but the sober second e f e.. . .l,,.l,. r il,. .....i. -.m tV,. o...,l.. - , cy, aud the Irue Union feeling of the North, respond to the same feeling from their friends at tbo South. When tho Compromise meas- ores of leaO gave peace to tbe conntry, tan tir'. both Korto and South, ycllfd rHt their : r:i'"H'alPS lull !?iVO ttJO country, una tit! -atiMifil ih !;. I i ili-.'ruy thu f.iir faliriq ; , , u tucii lint! in-i;i li;uiiit-a lUivvn lo us by oui',iii"n nun rii-moi , fiitlii'.ii1. Wunl su-1 thu injoidij tn tlion ' . .... v c . ) im . . v . i Imd tlu-ir mv, and it wus the tiinu for th ' ' , ... .pi-aU .ben, ;,J ,,lly. ,,, ,,l!, I ,,,,.;, .,... .,.,,. ...... ,.! ....... . ., a.u ,,.. i: u i'.ai'it.on oi ( iieir t --t:, nr "ino Union , il snu.-tai.d c'.odl be .!.-.-.-rved eh a ta..v"us ci.'iorsemei.t uM th" veu:-n peo- he vuieo of i l"iv toM.' .e liiJ.'..-'ireM, ih'it ine von iiu p'.'u'.i'. iiio h ;:i a ind to brea'h ii : .1.,1 li.ei.j. xi'' 1. wnrti V..' ii.U' : !'' t :i'i.f 1 '"'' heir se: jjle I'I't! .-I"1!!;!!, I ,ll, iO.V I'liC Oulll't it i mo::! a iu e in direct a:,l..o.i! -m i.f thlVf b'.C'ioiiii uelllaou -s. il .t wv'.l. Win;1! lli'' jii.'pi, j Is to t ham in I ha ll'in..e i.f iii'p- ! thai tit!, 1 'Ii .ey n . :.i.:i n iet 'i' l.' i': i;ii and n b i' i j ' e l 1 ei ' 't I tu' :il or m'I..1 .'.ii'. I; I1! 1; Ii.:".' tli'".' l:..ey t!i ,t to a ili'i!'ii''; V'MiM n :.4:: li 'in ;,'''U". a h i , ji ye! suak a r 1: : .k,.'.;v (1 1' ih.o.t. ' S ':tV .;i iinni, i.i'riv to tie; h'an.l .id of . . a iii, 'a, i,inv to tie; .1 f.u hare trie 1 him to 1 Fillmore on have trie 1 him and yoa 1 mnv ! him Von will I i i"1 at tho Nor.b with a : gallant I ami who 'i ;ht rU." imi bt.iir ' and who- In t) lj, y.oi:'.'. be it lr 'the wlmie I'fiion oi d its prose v:'.jio!:--,V, "it ! who I;t-ov t:o n.',1 noi, but. ivbi Co rate with v-.n in rei .s'.-,' !u that ;d,'rioiis ad ;,.. ii ol F.!!in.)ri', which at iu ch,-.'. , left our n lade cininli'v in a s'.,:c of euh-t si d l.aniinny, .i i. ii it Ian not so, a since. We :i;.i'.',d to mi i i ail ...i a S )i'..h.!: u in i'l no'.'.' a'tnii it'll the S nlit h eaiise to he proud ol Miliar 1 Fil''nore o'.rapoet! is to Union ' lil-'ll, li ""It tt .III I'll'; ti.O wiltitr 1'l.ii'tl, wh 1 world !ik k vit'i ci.temnt op, it I iie I ruitor ho ',. viil.i il l" . . d'.', . :-,r ., y p i : , I' il. , I 11 .Ih : i the; ..f Hi" io; ; w I. i .... von love Mm v. lu I,- Union, and ib.t' no' !'. -a .'..''i '. - i f 1 - r ilKb.ntir v.d' h..",t n Vn,,.,- ' iifii: you a Wile is to bo fought and a io tuiv won, ati.l coil' ?,i ', ic'S at e ),"(,(. 'o , Ihn ii" ech! W ' l-iii.'ve that tln'app. I o;i! not he in vaai. Then '.U'Oil.s'.'! the victory b om.;l Strike' And si A.i.M'.t! ti, (he Sonllj. f iHowin f ,';r,peal to the conservn- UhiotV .ov;., , c:.iZ lis of tbc S,,h'. wliicb t? t.,ke from ihe New Ymk Ex r ti press, via trust will fidt be without its e.Tect. jeiper, The 'I:viircsi is a national news; uid represents those national im-n ' at ::.e :oviii Novlb who have s!oo 1 bv ihe Con- slitiiiion nnd the w eti as throujjli gooU report. It jc:tk ! i for the thousands who met tit ( 'nstle (Jar-1 .J,.n ia 1850, and repulse ! ihe bauds of 1 . M,,,i;.i,m f....-.t;,. i , il id,,ii..,i ., ' in id I iie peace of th e uuien. The senior , .Kr oi ue i.ryreis, i:.e iJoii. James ...Its i tin "11 I' hi l(7,o, v.! i has mv b; en nttylbi .rr .b-c; the i'lnior editor, m. Fi',is!tis Brook', is a natlottul Amer- the;u:: neii in " 3 1 it '-. i in i ,e , i ..(! bu - as ti'iie to the Con'.i:uii'.n, as the pule. Re.;.l the 'article in e lie lo here ll i; 'JVom thcN.V. To tliir Sou; lii' i ii bni .'-s. . c:.'i.. !, .'tii, ' .;,e;uln-.---. tuerieai;'. ) ol l!n' S.Mlt'.i. Al'.ili'ion 'rv ..o:',!i tii'lf t, " J'iltiiiorc ,'ian no chunee' and the line! niiaii cry Ninth 'itnl, belioving these two cries, in an v lione-t pafrio ic men lire duped. Now, if tin; fact were ns slated, thut is no reason why men : should do bcing made the dupes of false cries. This canvass presents many il points of coUstdi i'iilio.l, nil worthy of the Ihe more thought; bom 'be very noveiiv of men's j o.iilions. i Fieiuonl, a South-eni-borii', is brought upn.sflit Soitih ci ii ciii'li-oit' ; uiiobaiiiiu, a Noi'ila rn born man. if tu-oiigh' up jis U.i tn.i .oi:hcrii cuiiili.bite thn; is, . a eaii.lidaiti lo carry out. ti e Pierre piojicy in Kansas, and tho ,'uiuex Lion ol Cub i, kc Tin; is-uu to it tlu-sr two men piatcni is ;t fatal one. lo the peace Hill of the Union, b.' came it is sectional feuds and fight;. If ,'iitniiiiniui is elected, there is nothing' aet i'cd becau-e, iu .every Northern .State. ti. ere wt.t lie ini gc m ijoi ities against him, -hxu.the Killinorc a:i.! Fremont vo.e is COiTi',:ii.;d. These m tjori'ics will not be vaui'-heu w hen I5.icl.anan ntteiurjts to car- rv out the Cincinnati policy that elects ; bim nut on lite comrarv, will be in i ... n i ' ' . ... . "';l'eo '-1 it, nimgmiieu nnu prnioiige.W"" v- .. "" "". .'.' i.w..u..v. . Tl 3 Jorti is hot to be subdued umj more I N"w, '.lie Express istiot a jiuriial that thuit the South. Lucliainiu must i ulu-r betray llie Southern ulicy thalelccls bin., ,, L ',, ' ,, . ' , , 9 '"' . t' " N.I I I,- I-I- SUM li'V UK,','!.,!:, . ..... ... n no OKI wio- 1 t., .,11, f,..,l .1 it 1 .i- .- ., L in er this tiallitlion, Colli .fill llistilu. 10ns . c n 1 11I0 1 prosp. r or thi ive, for they W! I '-"uul 1 " I' '. ul ,UI U'K) , , ! .,d their policy is peace, mid they ; pence, mid their poll I loii b,.st 1)1 lM-n, o- . hri've best in ce-vvbureas ablation is i ' i .. . the lialui'.il abolition element. . It is very for us b throw every Norlliei n vote, we think, in i,'e;y Northern State sisotinst Pmc hiiniin. lie have but A) coalesce with Abolition, and di. ..... ... fu,c the J-.le.tond ticket and the thing is ' ".' -""J - ' T uw oww, can ie eu.neii aga.usi, uuen- i lin:iu by 30,000 niaiority. But we, fight Uiia battle unoti nrinciole and cuisider- J in.r FP(.m,,ni t in net-son. and tivaehL erous lo tbe Union in political . ... position (. Jtitinrf mwl u-i i ni tr.i-n K.m ili.titd 1 , . mi n . - 7 g huo even apparent strength merely to ensure a nomical victory, i "-ieiy i Northern ,.. ,,,.. ,.-or f ,t,. !;,- (policy, which even the Sonth disowned j throwing Pierce over, snd in taking up Buchanan nd it is very easy to defeat htm. InourownSiat of JNew ork, he' ,ls Hot oven a uraoiica Cilldr in I ipnrv. Tile batllu Ilea U realty kttilwevn Kill - i .i i- . ...j i ., . -.iiiil we sliow tliatl y dia-ctiii.' our I wt' l''m'i II r UDOn r leniotll. mill l"t!finn" i-vrn lln X'-!''--Cuchiin'in' H.-nce, if Bucli-jif givi-u to American ' principles. Tim "? 11 . en,.,,,iey of the IV.h lOWevcr. ,xi,U V 1,1U l'v'-'"" of tb '..ppoMiMD. and; on liny, breathes on - its foreL'n . vote. . w (,.,!.,.,.,.,! tjokels I.e wms, Hill .Jim-lmja ,iin to .,. in ih,. uji.nH-ii v What, then, is iln- loliey of ilio Soulb? .North rSticlianii.-i? j lociiini .lowmi.oii lit.; Aor'li linclmniinT . To t h-ct, llui-hi.tiHii by tb souibern with uilh anv ti.n Nor Wl, b Not . ',;" ni voles as aecidi'iit I '(I.'jTT!. if fill ld?b llli.'.i'i ial ive.s ii :i 1 11 iat';,l!k '. jo!' Hanoi) . iniiieil I he i;.oii by tJ.i.-i prolonged ier institutions nitii'ioii? What lo what lo her pubiie inleivalv tosnvtiotb- i;i'' oi tlio pern to ti.o union Union? It is r):,l ri tendeil in Ine Souili tbnt Bnchnivm i.s 1 i tmtr mm to ihe Union than Kill more ' and Vet it'is Kline, li and h it, thei l c-' inoioi r loiiio.'e win p.icity n.u wiioie Cniiil try and li.irnn.iiy n.s in ICit) by settl.iio- all di.-,!,;. , upon ju-.l and ! patriotic basi, iiititist, wliteii i.o aoatttl complain' ran ooimi from either ae-etion. It is i. 't lb triumph of either section t!.a' a j i-t tin 1 t 'lai'.lio Amoii-'in cm -l'.tf jir;v,cc to ail an um . lieSf. Uitt f.;:,1!'.1. toll, nil I, t. as no enmity, n e Fro- I'Liol U, h"IWU u tool, l ti ima i.!u:i,ai.a.i, we lane Jju.ii'i:,:in. il, r. ply til ' I tl '. THKIlt H NO DANOhll or Fremont's i.i.i;(Ti"" Tin' tbinr i noill eiii'.ti' idl',' imnos-. lie Marts ;t'i I'.ftfrl! Sot'l . in Sl-t'-es no'i.V'n t an.l iu the ;-'.'f ii .'..r'!.ern Sia.cs b" n.ti d e o i y i'j ,;,!. ;,'! , !' (!,i in, cer'.uii.Iy I eili, 1 H 1j '.;'.; v. b'..:!., is Let plYl.' J y- I Ven, that b.t. a ehat.' e .l' can y in 4 a,,iinhl the o n nii-, of FeiioOi'e there. Dispel ilieu litis illusion, tinlt It, c ennti',1 is between I ren. jut and Buehmnoi. lor the jinieii-j c i! e in'.'-t, where 'I t' is apDroticlie'l is u.i'v bet'.vein Fillnioii. and liuchiiniin. (); cr !',." t.'ls. r mttst Certainly be Pit . ul. ii'.: Pi .'iiio:. I in l U . Now w 1, it iil.t Las anybody iS.iu.h to say Fillmore bus no chance in the Nori li? Illaie we not, will, in the two past years, twice carried ibis fctatc for bis Iricnds? Is ' i popular now man tiiote inen.'.s: lias he n. il ever been ihe favorite of this '.State? Was In .n.'t even fed to be i put on a ticlttt to cany this State? AVlien ,t. on. I .,i .or was run, toe pror-imtiie i i ... -- ... a l.i., t :,i.- it... but was not Fillmore taken in his steaj on I purpose to save lliK Sanlti. Ato l.i b'iemls iimctiveV . Did the .South ever see ! ,uu c"ass as we. are now omy uo- j ginning to make; Were ever such pub- j I ic meetiiios lieara ol betore. e, as we are ,.,viuo? Did il viit:.;. JJ:d lite Jaoor and industry ol the workshops ever pour out; as they are now ponrintj out for Jlillurd I- il. nion-? Was there ever a party so well, so (! 1 ,1-gauiZ' il. as the Amci'ieu.i party Stale of .New York, so lutielj of : ; . ;?. i n in i in i a unit, or marching so well in harmony toward nlni st certain victory? lltiiB is j TiiK lisii'.-itE MAiE is tiie dattle GROUND, i in 1 we know it. and if we oo for Fill- I P3 more, we l.n.dvi e, so ones the prize in the en Men, liinnair, ought not gamble, as il were in polities, especially win n parties i , become iieogrnpincal; but without -regard W bile, of Louisiana, stated that it was the l.i results y ri'jht. Is it right to t led i law and the practice, in the city ol Wash Filiinom over Buchanan? Or, ra.ber, is , ington. lo bold a man to bail, or in do it not wrontr, wi-nhui to elect him? 1 fault thereof, to imprison bim, without 1 What Fillmore's policy is, or is to be, , any other evidence of debt than the mere wc I ii(jw fioni the records of 1 850 nnd on, j allegation of'the plaintiff. To cure this out w tiiil buohairui s is to be we know - not, because bis pari', fur tiie tir-it time, have intcrpobileJ a luieigi. plank in tlnir jdaMbrm, which uudef the inspiration of i mat ti:cv. 1 am no moub James Dffii- ' Clomiuil tee on the District. Thu Chair be ti lls us, but Ihe Cincinnati Plat- 'I man of that committee, Mr. Thompson of Thus, v. iir nb.oad and continued Indiana ihouoht the reference unnecessa- .'-"'"' discord at homo tire the promised funis uf ; iy bcc the committeo bad already re such an t-le.'tion! Is ii not. w rong, then, I ported a bill to abolish iuiprison'ment for thus io vote? Nay, is it not a crime, and j debt in the Dis'.iict. The .ole as order without any regard to Fillmore's ehi.;.ct.s ! J,. itoiviver, on the bill of Mr. Wliilo, ought not every man to do right, know -; nUd it wa? jiased, Mr. Fillmore voting' ing that lio.l, in ihe end, will m tiiiiaiu ! against it. This is the record, as may bo the rtgbi? I seen by reference to the Congressional It is a ciiinc too, to mill tb's electian I Globe (if 1042, pages 650-1. .' sM'ti'innl, gegiiiphic:;!, as I'm; Fremont ninl Was thi- a proposition to abolish im-' Jturbanan nu n are maliing it. Millard nrismimcitt for debt in the District of Co- J illttii'i,; alone removes the canvass from 'this nanger of tcotionalii v. Fremont's! Mireiigiii is all North. B uehanan's prao - i. l'illmoro a - ' u-'" r""11.-.1'1 13 i... somn. ami.iiioio u- buie the conservatism o! the , u bo.e Liuoii. 1 iduioie alone has. the nmias ana nrnns in me consei vain e men in all parts of tbeJLJiion. It is lolly U.rti to iriuni'i over the North with Pttfhan- i...., . n vj.,,i, ,;,.. r.-, i i prophesies or pi i .j.tti- as $oiii(i - other ; Joui utds tiften .jo. lhjiyhtmthout re aula Lil ) IJljlLS. its ever been our 11111x1111, I .,,") ,',,,, ,...r.,.v 1 .I.IU OU1 rOl.CV . Iciice we have 110 pre 1 ...... 1. .. 1 . .. . ... .. 1. . , oieuon oj iiimku out e nut e 11 . ion. 10 sav. the canvass on the part of Fillmore , ,, - .1 , ' , , ! lnrty in llie Nortn, has scarcely begun. i The history of Fremont. real comoaiants Here is not yet Known to our i bi liners. They have heard of bim only j s geographer, but they lmve not beard j of him tt, as a Statesman, u soldier, or lis to bis principles. The first oorojr" is al- , . , ready uDout ooxk off. 1 lie Norihern i " "ZTj ., " . " I" : ""l'". '"V -'! i "m the dupery. lery. The more lime given 1 on the steps of the S:ate-hoilse door in Mont c we increase our strength, j g(),nerv , Al., that "the a'titwlverY prejudice giand ..Mates we baye in.t, as , uf llU tfarly eJl.0iUi,n hft,i been oblitiirl-.tod b, nnriVKili'i.l tia nri..r.!.i oni-tmii. 1 us, the more the New ilneif .I r..;..i.. 1... 1.1 . f J puiu.u :...tu toe people, eet .am- I.. . 1 ,1 . o. . i . . IV llt)L Uf V 111 Lit i"l,;lli 111 1 -i iii IPff. t'.Il i .', Q "' , - ,, 7- : puf s vve come before be public, we rap ""y "ispri ine t reinoni ueiusion.. i ue , whole r remont sham Is daily coming out, I and dailv emaucinntin.r men from- it. j when the people are reached on the stump , le friend of the Fremont t Press will ' on vih betore free discussion. . inemst Hiarming elements oi titm imuvhh. rm.,.i,,ll.. i Sn.l, I. ibHliiluriirn - iit of ihn l)t-mruriV hv tb . . -J r-" O.nriHiit. and to some -extent by th Irish. T,,- Americans ' do no not court : l,rm !. ai t ai nlof..!!.. Take away its foreign, nnd it is no where i in in jionn, on an election aay. cape. (eiiilly in tlv villages Now ihe (M-tnian vol towns nntl cities. Now (be tier nun vole, to a great extent, ; U now to Krcniont. ftnd ibis abandonment ; U cor.u to Fremont, ft .,1 ihis portion of the Noubfcia ptinOcVa itun v.. IV.. a ea.iv iiiiee on mo iioiuieiu jemu- icratie Party. In the very first sectional 'onset, ihe Foreign Democracy of the Dem- i,er:i:if: Party enlists in a sectional war- i fare ii-tJust thu FonfliJ Tho "Red" 0r- mans and tin, "Black' Rcpublicnna are in close iilbiuice against the South, aud nil t ino equally the enenib'S ; of Fillinol,0 j V l, tin; duly ol tlie KouUiern WOn, , then, in such c.iii as tbi? to beep up ' . im alliance with sujIi Noriliern Deraoera-,? cvV Certainlv not, but, on lla" Contrary, ! i, it pot its dmy ,to aily itself will. r the I coi'.'.'ituiioiiiil conservatism of the North, 1 t'nnl 'Meat American Parly which Millard Wl I'i.lioore beads, mi,! which be illustrated j 111 111? II'! i'tnt'.ioll of Ihe Ojvernment, I n 1 i'csiucnt. I Filln.: i; e' is no Nortbcru man with' t Southern prhiciples, but a sound, national ' cotiiervti'tv? inun, of the fcbool of Va6h''" iir'lon and Madison. Equity to- the: U" nion is it grem characteristic, to the North'.' as wi-U :i-i loil.e fciouib. V do not offer , i ii.i to the ,t;uuili as a .Southern man, but as a Northern man, tried mid true to al! part.s .'"f the Uiiio.i, aud saiisfyinr nnd p-ieifvin ; a!l ports of thai Union, lie whs I'r.-si Iriitiioiof 15 lave States and 16 free ' M,.t' i, hut of 31 Umikd Slater, and' be unili d ns in 1 Col), and made all happy and a nil content, bled him once and peace once more is teturned to ibe country, and in less thtiii six months the Kansas will be hu. l.ed iu tltitt equity, ' which will satisfy ' all but extremes, North and .South, ' and Peace will once more be restored to tlio , distracted States. But keep up this sec- iionalisru of candidates or of men, pledged as Buchanan is, to re open old wounds. and to make new ui'.", and there will be peace no more-, notiiinij but that prolong ed bitter war of worn Is wlush ever fads iu the clash of arms. . 'i'Sie ltt'coi'd the. Record. 11, u Pucbl t.oelioovl we have seen published fur the purpose of casting odium upon me enarneier oi air. t'llimore, is the charge that he voted against a bill to a- ibolisb imprisonment fur debt, in the Dis- tiicLot Columtna. t he taut that the first act of bis public life was lo give ull bis influence, ir. 1 89, to a bill to abolish imprisonment for debt in the State of. .New link, otwU., ol Itselt. to give the lie tills cbargr; but fo: tunately, we arc uot forced to r. ly upon inference for a com- pl.-te vindication uf Mr. Fillmore against this lutauious li'ji.l, the record is before us nnd whenever il has been appealed to la defense of ibis pure patriot ajiaiust the at- lacks of the niei cenary guenill party its response have ever been, not guilty. On Saturday, June 1 8th, 1842, Mr. evil, lie begged leave to introduce a bill,- providing that thereafter r.n person should ' ' be held to bail, or imprisonment for debt, 1 unless the plaintiff make affidavit ' to the On the contrary, it was a direct I'eCOeniUOU o ftbc justice of that baiba, 1 ruus practice, and the bill was merely 1 me.idatory, asking additional security to j niemlatory, asking additional security I the debtor agaiust the utalioe of the real j ,r lictiiious creditor, and in not voting for . tt.c bill, Jlr. h U more voted arninst the rccdgiihion' of the practice 'and gainst a were amendment of the 'existing law, vi ben a bill was reported for llieabs solute repeal of that law. Tbesi; are thej facts, and we defy the aocuers of Fill mote to point tu any vote of bis against abolishing imp. isonment '(or. debt ny here.- Clarksville Ckrmikk: ' t Thus one by one tbe foulslandcrs ieap ed up against Mr. Fillmore are being dis proved, and lie stands forth to the" coun try as a pure and enlightened statesman, with tbc shafts of his enemies falPHiarm- less at bis feet. : ' ' '. ' : ' . .... ' ,v j Itlr. I'illiuore's Slavery Vicv, , Ld theiKople remember, that Mr.' Fillnwrii', in VooZ, while on bis tour through the Snith era and 8otith-wetern slave Stati, d'eclarct i"--- .,. ,.., ., :.., ,.,,, e. " ..v. -- v-L.i ... iuv wuiim vi iiiti iiai'ity cond tiou of tho s Uvea of the South." - , - , ' 1 I j ' ' ''7 icw. i Let it be remembertct, that Mr. Buchanan ile- ! dared in Confess, fri 1S23. thr h..-w.,... 1 ed slavery to be a great political end a great moral evil, and he thanked his Oct,! iW hb )ol M he em in Su,t mhtltt j M i jst . . ,., ., ..,, .. A A. csal1-" UiwithK l . "... " ' -