Newspaper Page Text
, "" - -Jfc4 T ... .Cr.'': M - 1? ? 9fMmmmamtmmfttmmfmm-' Thp Trouble at Mobile. Particulars.. Furtiirr " . . ii- ' ,- We have alreatly given rwmo particu- Itus of thu excitement at Mobile, growing r .i ... r ... Ci..:.,i. umb 01 me uiacuvc.y tiim iucsais. .-miu- land ds Upson, oook sellers mere miu .neeudmry dociu.Uj.- A letter from t Imt city to the iNew 1 ork Herald, UaleJ tlu luih inst., my: , N 3 .fhat j. gcoU Ji;iniSon. son of"; ""w bt'yu"d "1'e,",""s "" "'' ll" "A r,v. ,Dr- D0 fck, CB,U:J"1, eitho cx-l'resiJent, is supporter of Buch. I?''!;!?'" Si,i ldw co"""t bu """'I"" stoie of W illuim SLrickluiul nud til win i , - , . llBi 1,1 , , , Upson ti nil of Slrieklutid Ar Co.. on WednesJay.nuJ nfu-r consideiable searelt. in(f found the "Life nud Wiiuhlinos of Frederic Douglas," for which Mr. Upson charged the exorbitant price 52 50, which Mr. Woodcock promptly paid. A Com mittee of Viyihiucc, cotibistitw of twenty live of our leading men, soon met at the Battle House, sent for Messrs. Strickland ) pad Upson, and after giving them a f.iir hearing required them to give bonds in ! the sum of 5,000 e?ch for their appear-, ance before the committee the next day, for further examination. Meantime an 1 xaminntion of their stock and account books ixoved llio 'lUtgmctils of .SlrickUn I .iruyjjison :o have been uttetly fa!e. Io-1 tead of livese two or three copiet having ; nccideiifilly jrot in their store with a lot , of second lnunl boo, a-; stated by them, their resn letter book contained an or- 1 der, in Mr. Strickland's haniiwii'Jitin, for fifty copies ol said wmk. On Thurs day -the accused appeared Lefoie Uie coin - ' mittee, and were ordeiei '.o hettle up" and , leave town within five days, alter which time the committee would not be answer- i able for their iivef . The penalty of the , law here, in such case provided, U "death' or not less than teu yeais' imptisonmcnt ! in tlie peiiiteiitiaiy." Thursday nijht a paity started tor the residence of Mr. Suickhuid, aimed and equipped for a "tilit rope performance;" but by the prompt interposition of the more moderate portion of the Vigilance .Tien the " performance was postponed." Mr. Upson lias not been seen since 'J hurs day. Mr. Strickland was in his storo yes terday, and passed through our sueels unmolested. Though the proofs of his guilt were not then known, two of his friends, meeting him, accosted him in this wise: "Strickland, if I believed what is reported of you to be true, 1 would hang you as high as Hainan." "Yes said the other, "if half of it was true, I would 'help to lynch you on the ppot." t-entimenls like these are in every mouth, and great dissatisfaction is felt among many at the lenient course of their committee. Strick land has not been in the ci'y to-day, and it has been ascertained that he left town in a sail boat yesterday evening, soon af ter the waruiug he received from l is ft tends. It is supposed he has gone Xoi th by the underground route. "(Jreatly Enconrneil.' The Chicago correspondent of the New York Tribune thus writes in his las tlelter: We are greatly encouraged, and cur opponents are correspondingly depressed, by one feature of the elejtion news from Iowa and Missouri. The German vote, instead of going for Sham Democracy en masse, fts they confidently expected, has in large part been given for Freedom's candidates. The mere name Democracy has lost its power over intelligent and thinking men. We expect to gain large ly and steadily of this German vote until November. We Lave nil along been of the opinion that the dependence of Mr. Buchanan up on the German vote of the North and West lis the Democratic party has hitherto de pended, would prove a broken reed, and the result, we have no doubt, will fully bear out the correctness of that opinion. The importance of this vote in some of the Northwestern States is such that it will be impossible for Buchanan to carry them without it, Thus, day by day, is his chance of success diniinishin?. A Stranoe Animal. The present can vass for the 1' residential office has reveal ed a new order of animals that we do to recollect to have seen described in history, 1 tale, or song a soit of "Lawless, linsey-woolsey btother Half one order (in1 f another ; A creature of amphibious nature, , A beast on land, a fish in water." The varmint to which we allude is call ed nn "Old Line Henry Clay Buchanan iiiy and wo venture to ay that no such creature was ever oeiore ieara ol in this or nny ther country. Alluding to the biped a few days ago, we understand a friend of ours, at Cedar Hill, in Anson county, remarked that lie had heard ofj many airange animals, such as the AVoHy i Horse, the Cauzaroo, the Gysascutas, and ! the Great B jo I loo that it took two ships. to unug noiu ine i eejee iiii.iiiu.s,uui nev- er$ had the world before produced such a zoo lomcul wonder s the "Old Line Hen - rv Clav RuchaiiHii Whin- " ry Uay UunliatiHii U nifr. 1 he nearest approximation to the new order that we recollect to have heard any- ...I ! ,......! :.. .1 ,.f uiiug nuuiu, ia picauuicu in ine j.e-.sun ui one UaleO t ushmcr, now Attorney uener- ul of the United Stales, i3d an influential memberof the Tierce Cabinet. lie is de scribed by one who knows hinivv ell as dou-ble-sexed (hermnpliroditic) in politics, with a hinge in the knee that bends when thrift ia likely to follow farming. l'y Art'us. " BlCOMtNO Alakmed. The opponents! of Mr. i illmore.huuitigyiat adjectives will no longer answer tho "purpose, that gross and indecent abuse is likely to deleat its object that nn affected ynorino; of ids can didacy, which they at tiist uttetiited, will no longer do, are now trying to appeal to the generosity of bis friends to come to their rescue ! Laughable, is'nt it ? The New York Courier and Enquirer, former ly a Whig paper of character and influ ence, "earnestly beseeches the honest and misguided men who have been seduced into tho support of Mr. Fillmore to come over and support Mr. Fremont ! Perhaps they'll do it and perhaps they won't. We are slightly inclined to the latter opin ion. Tlie Courier proceeds throngii a column and a half in this persuasive, be seeching tone. Vain eJTort 1 You might as well place yourself at the foot of Nia gara and implore it lo " stop that noise." - The Boston Traveler, neutral has half a column of short notices of Fillmore meet ings and the formation of Fillmore cluls an Massacbuactt. ' Mr. Cboate's letter seems to have fallen still-born. - The fact I is The people are not in leading strings and never were. a feat which the followers of certain pr. I tie have never attemptAid. . ( . Tiirm Faibkuoods Kxposkd. No. I jTliiit Ocu. Leslie Coombs supports BuelV nnun. Gen Coombs, over signature, tie- h favor of . No. 2. That bolh the sous of Henry ; r nre Buclinnuii men. Thomas H. ; (,, - u nut . ft sUmlch FimorB biit ri.esij,flt of UlC American tSiutu ; . Kentucky. lllltlll. no Ijwva 1WJ illiiMui ti.iH iiu. ardor. We coiilJ f'ive oiler inurnment illus - iii trillions of the game sought lo be flayed bv our opponents, bill the foreuoim; will suffice fur all practical purposes. X 0. ricciune. Om oi' the Planks. The Cincinnatti platform is u remarkable structure, but it is that which the people are to vote for or i against in the contest. Here is one of the i 'planks: j ! lieioleeti. That the Administration ofj FRANKLIN PIERCE has been true to' Democratic principles, and therefore true j to the great iuteie.-l ol'lhe country; in the j face ot violent opposition he has maintain- i e;t the laws nt home, unu llieletoie we 'procl .im P-OUR I'NQUALIKIDD ADMIRATION" OF HIS MEASURED AND POLICY. ' -f"Mr. CTioale, anativo of Hog Island in M'l-sechusf'i Is Ray has jrnue to the ISag-Nicht .-ide of the ftnee. Poliiically, ; lie is "a poor Miote ( he r.'.U'.t pardon our i : adoption of the original family oilhogra-J pi.yj. tne nnght think, hoin the doh fill tones he utters, that, in.-iead of eettiio' to i one snte oi tiie, lie hail iitui'' m .it. J'n-nice. Tin re w as quite a destructive lire at Cincinnati on the uiuht of tl.e 2 TJi. The polk waiehousc of Messis. Y iisuii, Eg- I'jiesion oc ' o , was uesjove.l, lotidln-r ' with several small stores m lo-s of Messrs. Wil-i'ii, Iv: aniounteii to :2j,00!), en a full insurance?. An Ai I'l'vyrinti' (i)nmUt XeW Hampshire Hoiue of liejii e.-etitly, a member itravulv tin; following Insolation : Jt'esoln J, That the bill fixing a bounty on foxes be referred lo the following com mittee: Ciil-e, Hunt, Smrr. 1'OX. Rotirs of Ituighttiiv. The rm-lution was i injected. I J ...... . Too Mfcn Twtsnxti. The!ie of ' grown people are fre juently brought out i by children in startling proinim.iice. Two ; girls of twelve or foin teen years parsed l along L-ske street yesterday K-rioiinded by i hoops and trailing long dresses over ihe j dirty pavement. They were novices iti j the in uiiigenient of such rigging, but de- j termined to acquire the art ol di attempt. "Do! (wist too';i -' 111 ) ked one oi'lhe anxious couple a she vvi ig igled along. "Oh, no," said the oll '-r, 'dropping a little behind to observe her, ! "but if you could raise a little more on your toes as you squirm, it would throw I your dress better." ChkoyoDem. Press. New FiCuioKE Paper ix Cixitxxati. j Arrangements have- been nmJu fr the j establishment, upon a permanent basis, of ja morning daily journal iu Cincinnati, which will advocate the election of FiH- more and Douelson. E. V. Johnson, Esq. i formerly editor of the Columbian, nnd j once connected with the descent, a vig- orous writer, is to have charge of the ed itorial department, it appears uu'iues- lionable tiiat Mr. l''ilhnole is rapidly 'gaining' strength in the State of Ohio. The Cleveland Leader, of Thursday, the 21st ult., has an account of the steal iny of nine Virginia negroes, und their biing run off to Canada by the L'. G. 11. 11. The Leader rejoices ejjregiously over the matter. Well, thcives generally ex ult overtheivery. crThere is r.o man but what has hi-i faults ; let us remember that they can be 'seen in us bv those we think have nnntv. NEW CARRIAGE AND HARNESS MANUIVCTOJiY. ' TIIK undersigned have open lp.iilii CARRIAGE IIAKNESST S&VIn'ifct'ry, mi the Xorth-east sid. i ol the Public Squari!, Ifully Springs, Jiis- sissippi wheie they liiliml tu manulactiire CALT.IAGr-T,, UAliOb'eilKsi. : - IiO0KAVAS. IA Co.; lllis. and all kinds of Harness, in ,e best ami most lai.-hioiu.ble style and workmanship ; alio all kinds ol n-pairnig cone at Ine .simiusi notice and on reiisoualilu leims-, rr cash or on lour ; months redit pavatilc in 1 , M'- h- CilKISTlK will snperinteiid all tl.e ' b'li-iiiess in nt con net-led with the t-hop. l-'imr. hi.v lorn; expermnt-e ii, llieCarriaee.M-imifac-. taring b-.isii.eas, he will be able to pn pare his work in Ihe best style, as he has in his employ .nlm,l1..,n,,;n,l ,rn,Ln. ... 1 K.. 1. .! r,--- - . . i ir. ' -". " :,' , --;"-" " lore purcnaKing else vnere. , Y. II. ItOIJIIEliS eSi CO. I ISft'i 4-ll-tf. Miirch 13, M!e at rz',ivAii: s4i.f.. 'FUE unJersignedhaving dvCliiieJ sidling his J. real estate at public auction, siti4lcd one mile north of Holly f'princs, on the Li.C.rauie antl Yfemnhit rojolt. nt,ie tarer Hie fu,if. in l,,u- of any size to suit purchasers, at privete fnle. Any per son wishuifr u valuable tract nf land. either fur cultivation nr timber, would do wcil to call early and j:i-t iiist choice. He lias also corn, fodder, oats, pias and some thirty head of cattie. for sale, among, which are st vetal excellent ."lilch Cows with Young Cnlvei. All the above property will be sold on reasona ble terms by early application to V. B. TAYLOIt. Feb. 28, 1S5G -l-U-tf. , A. lilKFALOK. K. B. KAOAV. BUFF ALOE k UMLiK CAIiriCNTERS &1IOIS13 JOINERS HAVlNli ussociated themselves I 1 together for tho pnrpnso of can ini? oiithe above businesH. would respeetl'u lyiulefin tlie citizens of Holly Springs und sur rounding country thut they are prepared to exe cute all work connected w ith thpir buainean, with uoutnebs and tliripiileh. It being their intentinn to do-tvoik ou KEASONAIiLE TKIiM.S, they therefore hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. BLINDS, POORS, SASIJ, AC, AC. ; mudo to order. Prompt attentiou given to orders from the country. - . - l& Shop oho block onst of tlie public square. Holly Springs, Mian., March 18, lM--U-ly, Franklin Female College. FVllZ next Session of this Institution, will rti;n t,". 00" . Holly Springs, July 21th, 188. vl n30 ?m T I.EGAI NOTICE. The Plate of Mississippi, i ' ' Chancery Court, - -. At Rultt, Marshall Oouuly. ) August 'i'oth i860. M. U. PtTKItSuN, Na. 8 . l.'nkiimwn l.eirs of Hknsi.n Oiiovk de'd ut ul. I'poil opening Ihe mutters of this Bill of complaint, It up penring to Hie Mitit-'fselion nf Hie Court, tlmt the unknown hi irn of Hetison drove, dee'd, nre non-residents of l lie .Mute of Mississippi, mid n 19 i IHTeiure oroereu I y lilt l-Ollil Hint I unless t f n- said utikiiowd hoiis of IK nsoii drove "IT;'", lf.' -the Judge 'of the Clicuit I mill lulu; I. till in tl.e Unvn of llollv js,w (, tl.e fuur'h Mot'dav if Si p'emt.. r, s,v, nmt on 1h llnnl .ilon.lny ol 'uirn pleml, niismr or ill n.ur to I In; lhll ol n-ii:-piienl, the k-vi-mI ulu-i.'.'i' ions 1. 1 u e.nitiiiiii'.! w ill I e I; ken lor eoiili-sseO 111 l'i'i;tin mi. I n ik-eree r. iijeie'.l therein us tiiull seem just ami i i)iiil.ihli-. It in I' oiili re'l liylLc t'oiuttlii,' ii ropy of this orJir be pnblishi.-il i.i the .Mississippi 'l'ilile, a ln.-wspnp.-f pnlilUiied ill the town ol Hull) J-prine,, lor to' r ui i-ks s'.eeesfiivrlv. I.AWTil'NCE JUIl.Vsn.V, flak. N. V.'. Wm.iA An'y I r f'uinp t. liuiiv sjiiiiik-. Am:'., -i-:;.viv l.Jtt; A I, .NO')' U K. i.c .suite ui ; ippi, Chiniceiv Cni-il. ,-t( Rul, a. Marsha;! County. 5 .liixvA .I .i . I s S- li hi. 1 ,- 1 11. I, I n-; 1 l ue cr.. N im lii . ii. ) I :i oi i-pi n the in. i Hi r in thi III. I i.l L i-riijil.i.ii', it ii jruiih. f the siili.,!:ic limi i-fthe Court, 1 1 , I Ihe ileli-nOiiiit iiimiim Hi-:t-:ii is j ii--ii-km-1i. ut nl II...- ,stte of Mi-Ms sippi, nmt .s noiv ln-yoinl tl.e funis llr.-r-nl, si the oii'.niiiiy proL-i.u ul law cuuiiol hi served i p-.n In i: hy the I'o iil, llinl. I .-am ' i her in-.! , iny ! ( Ii)., on liie 1' ' . V,'. of 11 1 .vil U y 1 III. I t- i aim slock ulf r f '1 .VI i r mi. S-.- a - Tr '-t .-I I ... -lot a os n.,1 i Y M 1 '.. 1 i I .!' itlh t.,'- lltl 'V, lane .? t .1 I. r, i , . u Wi ;-. p eti, i' I ' ii'l'i 1 A it ul D S S 5 ? 1 IS 7 tl X T- t i Ail KKAT RRDL'tTMX IX THE l'lUt: hik r.Mii.n l'mucAHes. I.l'ai.N U;l) isi 'il l "i" tuj'--'lihiish the fell .It CO.. New York, coiiiinne uy ine Utitish IVriodieuls viz 1. Mil-: I.OT0. (il-A!;TK!!lA' vV.i.s.TvMiv TUB U DIN Hl'flGIl PHYIEV Wit ;t-) ;c THEXOKTII UltlTUSli KliVlKW 4. TIIH W.'IST.MIMM'I- ; iii.Aci,Ynnir$ r.''!.- HKV-IKW- Liberal.) ia , iai.;a:.m-: i' i '1 te i'eri--a.cit Ii nb.y r.-pi .S'sil Ian tnree en ut. ,-ani--- Vt hi -. 'iiuy iai . "i-ly me t'cia at e 'i nt' t li - ni-wt 1 1 u i. 'in- ,":ior.i!-I-.aiid 'i r hue stuo.i, mi l's, nciii'' eon-i.l, 1" Its .-..I pia-'n s el Irrea ami l.iuli nl.---nut pull' "f tic-ii- tin iin ter. t'uinnl u iitui.- on Seii a, e I Ueiiirii-li. lia-v stand, i. - i to r. i i-, all-'d in Ihe n or in.ltsuensaMc to th man, n l-ilu tu' th,- i le-.I si In ar and 1 1 . j i-r ., -siunal nt 1 . : t .. ' , n L and sat.-il'ia uny ri , tiiny furnish u tri"ro c-ii-i , "!' '.i.e eta lent i iieriiuue ih.' ui)d. tln-iief.n i e pe i Clael fcvuAv. -a. , tni' i; -'jt.aa. ! i.,..,u sil f"'i'i! '!'!:' n-t-lp i f A iviir ': ubli-llt'fs ;-ies .-. idriul ah',- tu cs- repnnfs. .'Stat.: of fn- ciol lleuv fe e -llt IU Sufi. ospeeially .!tu-i;.i ti e y n.-.-i ni ex'.-it . rui'-jim iitlaiis, inasiiiuca as tin ph.i'eil in the I-ul .sub.-eiiboo i.s the oiitna! cMii-i'-us. cr ii i i I'or any one of the four lien. -us -; Kof any two of Ihe lout iiu'.iev.i -' I'or any three of the funr llei lens -I'or all four of Un; He", iews - -h'or biackwood's .Majaane ,- -i-'-r Ilhickv. iind ii tttt linen llevn-w .i -For Itlackivo id and tin; four llevii-ws I'm nitails to be inaile tu all ea.n s m h Muiicy ciir'i nl in the State wh' re i.--bi; received at oar. '. im o 10 ? tm M I'O 3 I 0 i) I'll IU U i nnee. - I u ,11 ri.i'ii!i(.. A il iscou lit of 'J j pel tent limn Ihe i.h-ii ces, will he allowed to Ciubs onl.anij; f mare copies of anyone or m-ireof tlie - pn ;.r i r hole works. I h us: hour copies of Lliickwottd, nr of one ltevtew, will le .sent ta on.-add. ess hr iV ; four enpies of the four 1,'eViews and JJiackwood, for SuO ; and so un. I'O-TAC.K. 1 .. 11 tl... npl I ,.: j . . . " :. ..,'.. v.... .llll lis, UIC'X' , W)rks kM iv ti,.I,vered J-'liEi: OF I'OSTAI IE. icn sent bv mail, th e postrro to anv Pat t ol I i i .. i.... ;. . .. i e iincu .-suites, win ue inn vi cents u Mar for lilin kiv.'od, and but 14 ccfils a year for each of the Reviews. ' , THE FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AM) I'oLtTICAL AUBICfLTCHB. liy Henry Stephens, F. I!. S., ol" J'dinhuiL'. und tiie nlte.l. I'. ISorlon, I'lotessor of .Vji-utilie j Aiiiiiiilimcin Yaie Coilcye.. New IJaveu. 2 1 vols. KnynlOclnvo. JOeO pages. 11-d numerous I W nod and tiwel tarrravingt-..' , j 'J'his is, ei-nfessedly, tlin mor-t cmplete work' on Aiiciiltiire ever pnlilishc-il, and fu oid rtoi a-iie it a wider eircnlatiun.tlie publi.shers have re solved to reduce the price u $5 F0S TIIE TWO VOLUMES 1 ! i When sent by mail ( post -jiaid) to CiilifurnU ; and'C'recon the price Mill be it. To every other I part of ihe Union midto Canada ( powt-pni'd ), ii. inoreTA' us not ittc old u, r. ,j tfte tnrm." Hemittimees for any of the aiioie publications should ulivnjs be addi-eBned. post-paid, to tlie Publishers, " LKHNAKD WAl'J'T & CO., ' No. M Gold Street, New York. TO TIIK prune. I HAVE this Jay bought out the stock ofTO- j I1ACC0, ClfiAP.S. 4c, of V. O. M.Gu ti. j unv & Co., and design doing nn exclusive Cash ' business in that brau-li of trade. 1 will kn pj on hand a complete assortment of superior! brands of Virginia Tobacco, Havana Cigars, I i&o, All of which will be soid ut reduced prices from those heretofore, and for cash. All persons who use the weed ate earnestly request i ed to give matt enll-, examine my stockjrtnd ; prices and save money by purchasing ot n e. , Pi. C. BEAPD. Deo. 1, 1S55 3-49-tf ' ., We would thank the citizens of Holly Sprisgs and the vicinity for the liberal patron age extended to us while in business, and ask for our successor; R. G. Beasd. continuslion of the same. Iu him vou will Eud gentle1 f man worthy of yout patronage. , - V. G. M OAl'CHEY 4 CO. ! It is Ihealua- nnh ad l-y tl.e Co ,il, llmi, i ' i,.,i, .1,- .. ,i..i !-..,i.:n , i.. r..... a win i-i Riioii win. r. I tl.e Jin!?.- .if li.e Cm mlCu.ui , , I , ". . Id ni :!a- 1 i"'f"- .'"'" I..WH ..) UoliV t-pil!l?so, tlm f.,.-, Miilnhivi'l ;1,ll-,i!"t w. .: h IS g-.oi. I.... it.r.,- ... . .. ,-, .. a ...i .. ,....', liii'-'s w ill h.- -!d :-, - I 1 'i 1 IU.'. I , I , ,11111 I'll ,1 ,. LIU. II M " 11' Ii v 1 il iMid iitai pi. ml, iiiis-n-i-r ,. .hamr i.i tl.i-f llnl '"' l"l:' 1 I'-iinpUiMl, the s- -.. nil :ift, ,:..s n,', . t '", l"'r' 1 !, in. . I ,11 I... o.-,-i 1 1 r ,-,;!, ..,.,1 1 , ! - i : V IU u l.-ftn. eive i i.n-un lin.i ,ii ;s iu,:.; m-.-iu j-o.l nnd I , f- : ' Ol V"i)f M"!' M li;i..t;,, L.-.iJiV til ..nil k 5. It ii t ,i ... i , n' i ' i . Cwiir. :l.!!iar.,:v : "i ' i!E liit.r.t will fc paid U r I'.ountv I " - I I,,, , (.!- i r t ,- in I.-. ,i-d ill ;,. :J,M..;ipp : i iu ; ,i ins. hv l'i:i,i.. ,i p-ul,,, in lie tin ii nl' 1 ! ! A !i iV HU'OTMI.H. , tolitg. J he u,.;v. 1 A '. I'l'V- I' Un...-, . I ., C. I - ---- - glestuli A Co., .V W. V. iriMv, A'fv im C ii.u.'i. I ill hWM1 lull there W!.s Ib-H) -si'i.e.i. A int. .!. i '-V, ' -1 -:t;.-l :. CT'J'i !(!. tl.e , AV I XI) X FC Hit f' by J '','.-- ... rvri HlT ; esen, anus r.s ..a.,;,.Uiiw,-t, 4 "tf'rVr-'''V-Vi.C ; .l.eiu, ..I.. ',i 1 LKUAL NOTICE The State of Mississippi, l i:iian-M Cuiitl, At Iiulti Wiitsliall County. ) S,it,mlicr lit, IbSU, Pai.knkr A pAnKitB, ) L. Kkhnoim k, Ailm'retul. l Upon openlnir the tinnier n tins Hill, it iippiinrinu to tha sntiflnc lion of the Cmirt, Hint 'lie rW fenib'iitti, Olnil fireeii, U'uliinii (irei n, Aniionhi Simnsoti, Mary lli'ii'lnclts, Brnh tnen, Mtirlhs Gren i"l Frflncis Orem, lieirs ut Invvof sant .l.imes M., ileetavi-il, ninneil in sniil Hill of enm phiinl, re non-ri-s: len's nf the Slate of .Missis sippi, iiinl rue ii-. w l.i-yi'uil Hie limits Ihereol, so tlmt the or'lliiiiry prucf-sscf law ciinnot be serv-e-1 upon I hem: It is t Ii- r, fi-rt; urih-rul hy the Coiill thai null ss the sunl il U-ii-I.iu:.-. shnll npprar hefore II. i- fii'i I'liinl, 10 ii mleihiy, In be hi-hl lit Hie - ill - e ol;llii- Cm nit Cl.-ik ill the Unvn of llollv S-piini"', i n II e (ii Moiiihiy, of I h i i-nihi r, Iti.'iii, nnd jtesd, nnsn-i.r urilrmiir ti 1 hill ul e-mi plaint, th M.-seijI al.e- aliniit i lu-rrni ci.u. fun eel i:l b.' fiki n lor mini. us to lima n ili-curc reinli-rul theiein is s! al! seem just nnd eitii!Hlil. H is Inrthi-r nnh n il hy the Court Hint ii copy of 1 1 is order be pnhnshtil in Ihe Mississippi Tunep, 11 iijw.spiifierpuhlisln.-d in the lowll' of Holly pmn;,:( M.sio.ippi, fi r four weeks snc .f.VHF.NVE JOHNSON, Clerk. W ii.Ti i: STtU Mi'uoK, Atl'ys for Cnuipl'ts. Hi l.y hptini's, pi. -lsli, IS',;. l-;!ii -lw ii..tatio: FOU "AUi IllvINt; tit-si runs of c haiifing my l.n-aiinii, 1 i i Iter lor sal,. iny.Kiinn, lviln( live mill s j Ninth Wi ,t nl Spring, on U,e 1'igvoii lt-ii. st l,o,i,i. roii'-is'S nl two tun-is. one eoiil.iiiniu .'i'.il in us, nl wliiili nbjiii 'Jo'lneres Hid in en I' i .nl n n. 'n this t met -. eliiii !, ncero ciihiiii;, i ssiiiy hnil'ltinis-, iimi in i. thi i ti.ict eiiiiini'is I '.HI ucri s uie eb.ured, ,dli y I im!. The two i-r or m n ir-it.', n; ni.iv further purlieif :ns ( '1 iff ."Aa Cucii vl-n-.'b ViarW'Swi..- CHERRY PECTOSAL t'or Ihe in pnl Cur- of ;i! coi'tKs, loins. iioai:si:m:ss, itiiocurns, uii'Mii'i.v-roitii, ' X? ' ... : A" ' ' A w nr' ''ir.r2tiUir;y UCP'.fll lePlOllV fof the run- un-M iijii. ,J.iumlii-f', J rj n Klicini ill- -a. it, lliiiu-'is, -.-. -j- i, lt!l.,i,llii-. t'y'- . t"a '-..a iu,il l)r-it. ii.le. Hack, ;.ni I.iiihs, I-'eiiaiU .; j.nils, ,. i,., lnihicii, V.-i v f. nr.- Il, .lin .isCS 111 -hf.'l ij Piuj-'it-VO Mcli- t-i'ic is nut moio or less r'-euiii 1. IT.. n.u.-li sirk n ; and sioti unit Icieilt i'e pirveiitcl. il' a leirui-tr- s Lal deet iu.l I. .alau'ti -.m-m.- miu-.- fieilv ncil. o p-f-i-ti .-an fecl-ui-U i-'hile a m -a lie habit or bi tty n"vaiis . hi i"(!es, o fl'tnn cT-ier.iU s srriuiw. and nl'l' ll fatal dls"ii;is, nl,i.,n. haw hecu aiuidiid hy the Ln.niy'. i.d liah. luii.. use uf a ;uud pur-alive, 'iii is is .-hlv.-'ti ,.c uf C. Ii':. t ovu-,- li sy i ii pin ins, and Iliti'ais ui iaiir-caiaits. 'Ct,- all 'a-nl t- l-c.-oine or'i' e the ii'-.-n siu'.ed nlii funui.t ililc listi-niiers w'nii-h load the tif-nrMcn all the land. Jletiee a reli ihh- liuniiy pl.yei" is i f eh.i nist iiwimi laliee tu lac pllMic In allii, and tli'i- Mil lias l edi prrf.-i-U-l. wilil Ou.i.iiiain. tc siaii l-i mo. t. Unit demand. An c..Ui,.ii-,.s l.ial of its lirliics hy IMiysl.-sans, Ptofes suis. iin-.l l'alieals, has slmun re. alls surpassing any tl.iiif; hitlimto kinnvn of nny medicine. Cnn-s ha'ic- In-i-n el'etU-d hey. mil helief,' were llicy lint su b- s KtautiiUd l.y per.uns nt tseli i.ui.iuon uuu I I cliaviiotiii- iis'tn turbid Ihe su ip.'.-inn of un truth. t i j; the m.iv ciuieu.t cii'.ham-ii ivlio have . I tes'l i t hi I'l-iui- ut ihoi.o fta-. ive tr.nv meiit!on : I'rnf. J. M. I.ocur, Aiia'. ti.-.d C Iminist, of Cin. ! t-tnii -.ti, wiiosc h"'li prnfi ssio.nd eharaeter is en-dnrsi-d l.y i I Jons Mi-I.k.i v, Judge of tiie Supreme Court of .. - the I'nitt-l Stale-i,. 'I'll is. Coii".-in, -n-.tiii-y oi Ihe l reaniry. ll ai. .I. ,M. Wniu'iT, tiuvciniir of indianr.. X. I.oNow.umi, uiei-.t wi"(";rinv,'i-of the West. Also, in,. .; I'. C.iii io-,-, Practical Chemist, of New York Cilv, raidur.n1. hy Hon. W. 1..' M.vitev, Mn 'e'.i.iy of Stntc. Wst.'B. As'iou. the rlche' t uii'ip in Ainerieii. 8. Lw.vnii Ji- Co., l'rtipi'i ui the .Metropolitan il.itel, and niauv ethers. Did space iiei.nit. wo . na'.d ehe many hundred i-ci tiln ales, from idl ptu Is wnere tl)e lY.U inive licen used, , viilcni e evtn nu-re i-nnvincini,' than the r peril-lire of eniinrnt puhlie men is found iu ( their eii'crts ilium trial. '1 hoe Pill-i. tho result nf hn-sj invent; Tiilion find i study, me tufci-ed to tlie pnu.ic ai Ihe best and ln"t,t enniplete u'hieh tlie present state of inedieul 1 seiejiee Ciia ndoj d. Tney me eoniioimded not. of tJieihiurs tlipinsi-ivcri, hut of ihe medicinal virtues only of Vc-ietnUe remi die ;, r-i.trai-led by chcniiral tiro'eess iu a state of purity, and t-oinhined together In such n nnainer as tu insure II. e heal results. This s stem nf i-nuinu aliiui lor tneiln ines has been found in the CheiTv Ivctiuil and 1 nis both, to produce a more niluient rtiuii-'ly limn had hitherto liecn ob- ' tained In- unv prod '1 he reis'in is perfectly ob- . viinis. Uhlle'ny the "U mnde of iimipusiliim, every ! med'eine ii hunhned with more nr less of acri- I moiiious innl ininrictis (jiediii;-, hy this eiit-h indi- ! virtue nn'y t!:nt is duaed fur the curative e'tect is no -put. ' .'ill the inert arid nhnnxious quid- I .ties of em-it sunslrane eainio'd are left iiehind, the ........ i. .s.... . ..a : ., i ii, u.. it ia curative vutmi'S ontv Ui- allied, lieuce it j sell' cvi'JuuL ihe eaei-ts j proud, n.uii' p in ' v t'-i j more iimverii'.: ui i t"!i in i.d ni-i've, a- they have .dial, and li e l'ids a'surer, t i d--. icie than any other , un un ii- hiinie: io : in "' . i ! As il is t'ri -air.o'y esv,r-!!.t tlii.t'uy niedicine , 1 should Is- tiii.'-n uioii r the damsel of an "attending I I'hysinm!, nml ns hr t-auid ind prnrjeily judfro of a ; i reiin 'ly without lincninc; its eonipoith'n, I have j supplied the ni-'-'in ie 1 ermulai hy vhii-h lielh my l'eetnl-al slid l'ill-i la-ei - to tiie whole body of j j Practitioners mth- t'ldled SlaU sand Itrilish Amcr- ; j Iran l'roviai i-s. If, however, there shonld I any j j one nhfi hi s nut rereii.-ii tbrm, ttit-y will, be I promptly forwarded r-y lined tn his reitlcsr. j ,11 all Ihe ratoiH Me a.-aa-s ilial are onereu, cow few would he taken it iheir wiujioailion was known I Iheir life consist in their ii.vstery. I have no 1 ' m-teiies. I 1 ''I he t-iinipi sltion nf n-y la-ap-'ratiuiiH is Inltt open I I In r.ll men, and alt '. o ire nanpelelit tu inthie on the subject lufly nekiioiij. do iheir rnnvictioiis ol I Ui. ir ii.Uie.w! lin.tils. i I.i I berry- Pectoral wis I proi.ou.nn-1 ! y , n-:.ti!i in ,ii to lie a wonderful I ine-iihiaic bel'nit- its e,li ts iv .re known. Many cm I in, nt I'iiv i iias hate ilei-1: red the same thing of I in v Pi!'". 'and even more nu'i'litrnflr, and are will in''' ta eeidl'v that their in.: ii haitiiins were more U.,'li isliul- tH '1 hay ap'.,-int- rn. ! ill.u heiith)' hedv. rctt'i i in- eone.rin- !o 1 firi ileeb iiprtti tria'. ' uu ! i!i if pe V'-rad influenec on the in tu' t'o'ifv the bii.nd ami stimulate it y .fiuii remove Ihe nlisUiietioiis of ;u-id. liver, nud other oriran-i of the ig tli '.r irrepul ir tn tion to health, and -. whoi-eTer f nu- esist, sncli derange ments as ur Urn lirHt origin f tuserfse. lieiinr st'i.u-v.ii-ppi-d, liny ve pleaaont to take, ind In nig pi'ii'ty eieta!ile,no harrr can arise from their use in nfiv ipiintity. i'or liiinuie diteeLiuns. mi wrapper on the Box. 1'HKI'AKl.D UY " DlJ.JAiMES . AYEK," rr;irticnlniiil.4iia(ytir.iil Chemist, V l.OWt-I.1., MAPS. 1 Pi lee 25 Cents per Box. Tivs Soxes for $1 SOLU hv DR. P. A. WILLIS, and Drugstiats (feperally. ' . Holly Springs. Jan. S, 13M. v4-n1 -ly. Ml TaKiStrate'S It In 11 ks of all J1 kinds for al? nt thin ofllre I I ...I . ........ i y i c n ji'inil e-'inl trtali til'IEKK A NO SI IltIM I ES FRHNCtr'if autn 4 tSOI.Ii-H A ruth II JKditeil by C I'. Qunelit'iiliiii, A. 31. 1). Al'l'LLTON .Vr C O., Publishers, One large Vol. 8vo., of obout I . :UK) pp., nest type, line paper, and sironjj hinUing. Price $3 fill. TIIH fl'DLIHIIKRS CLAIM fOR TIII.1 Wlllllf, 1st. Tlmt it is a revision nnd roinhinniioii of (Si-ii'.iik')' Iheliesl defining. (Hid ol (Si-rknnh'h the most iicciirale pronouncius dictionary ex tant ad. That in this woik the numerous ertoms, Kpiers' diclionary heve been ciirefully and fnilhlully correeltil. 3d. That s-niiu Ihae thousand law Ot'liriitious have been ad'li d. 1th. Thai riiiuiiioiis tie finitions mul eonslriic linns am eliiciilnlnd hy iTinmiiiilictl remarks and illii!,tralii- clnuses i-nd seiiteiu-n-s. 5 tli. That sevi ml i huitsuii'l new phrases anil nl n nil Hie embodied. Itll. Tlh-I iipivnid.-i of tcwlvi-jiiiiudred syuony inous terms art- explained, hv poiiilnii; out t In ir ilislin'-lini. shadns of nn nilnitr. 7Hi. That nil of the irregular pHrts ot the vorl s are in-irieil ill uliiloib' tii al that one refni'. uee gins the lnood, tell e, per.on, nnd 1 1 llllllll'iT. 8th. That sunn; four thousand in-w Kn-ncli vvords, eonnoeii.'il with seieiiee, ai t, hild lile rat ii re have b. ' n lidded. Sltll. 'I hat every 1'ieiieh word is ai'enilipaliiedl.y an as exact pionii ni-iiiiion as can be a prcbi n U.d by coriespi.uidiin; iiin.Tsh sounds, nud vim- vnsn. lOth.Tliut it eonlaius a full vm.-atulury of Ihe nniiii-s of pi rsmis und p ni'e, mythological and classical, ancient und modem, lllh. That it is Iht- most enmple'e, accurate, anl reliable, dictionary of lliese languages puh lislieil. W.1SIIIS KlOIMOHIN ll.VIM., "As far as I Iiiiu- hint lime to examine ll, It appeals lo rue that .Mr. Qunckmhos, by his re- is. on, directions and m'ditinns, fas rmdeied ii- I'm is lidituin, already so, fie in st i ii'plele and valuable, le.xi'un now iu punt." I'mni W'.'i. 11. H ii i vi-ot t. "1 .1 I lie eupii. u.-.iiess of its i ' ahu hit am! i's i hull ions, am! in the gTeatvarit-ty ul KUi'inatK' mil : v ii. nvnn s, li'-h ami -:n.;ibh It lai escei ii.'- .luy iiCiuiiai v wil h w Inch ilainteil." Knurl Thkoiioki. 1 n i l nkiio i-Bits. "At the W, the t'laiis taken, the learning ciincnd unit the snl's-tniiliiil in.pioveilti.-nts, Ii in- ; 'mt yon I, in n e'Oit r l billed .to I he S! intent 1 : . c 1 1 in s iii lie siiiuy ol tfe 1- relief, f..i ivhuh )- i i 1 1 i' t vc 1 1, - it pair :taf'e ami tt.iiiiks '' Prow J "us C. ftnn. . "I .'lr' on n a i- 'py of Spu is, onblii tm.-i 111 I'.lll.i fill Bos'oll ill It :j. Y'.'l'l. !lpn.!,-s ii.oi- e uip iel. and i.-t in all aspects ei.n.'l to : III' . a In' .11 ilehliitloll lilid ptulill 1 1 ' ' , a 1 1'tl Ml -pel, i 111 ' i'a :. i ot i d.icalinii, linlei ii evi rv mi i if tu3le mas' be iiielfy hitiiiiied at Ihe ap !! -il ..:!! ll )! prints - I )'"i-r e ii ' I l-"iii I'l'oli of Ficon!) ill I.i.yu.'a Cjil-,", li.,1 mere. " I he IllilllUr i. , em bu-hed, ll till !,: 'I II c I fp: t on , en ' .(.is! IK M' Oi- )'-:, I . i:M1 in. CEOANi'S, f--.L;UiVAN AND BAKET1 i' u'-i a; : :i a i.-v..!.:;-!! m is,.;i'ii .v a:.j.-;i ; PrOK.0URCltiC PICT10WA.EIYJ lis .tr oi i .-1 ii . . . ,i i lu V'UIt. '. hv.luia' dan Lit,iaiuy Ac ' )., ':. ii-..' t :.f. i th, ,,-...,,.- J it,ti- t,U , II . e.t. u, Arru.Ti)..- CO., i'ubf-.c.i'i.- -VO. 11-or.i; IN the revision of t his w urlijmoie than . tliorsaiid wotds,idii'liis, rnd fatmlint ph lis' hi haVO 1't-ell a.IOeJ. Tho pronunciation of the Caslilian Imigua is so cb aiay sei loiih ill this Du.'lnoinry, as lo . lender ,i well ui.l, mipon.ibie lor an v poison 1 w an nan rmd l-...e;l ,s i laadily, tu lail ul i n f.' li.e tiae sounds U t im isnuuisli muds ai -:.-i;t. itai'o eunlailis in 1- itli lunguni-s tlie equiv alents and cuireKpouiliaili, ol tl.e vv-aJs in j,' ai llrf! Hi", l-y: ll ill I ill-it and nielapliui.t.!; m cuptutioris. " - - . Also, Hie terms must fi,.-.;,i, n'Jy us-'d i.l the iirlli, and ia eijennntiy, Uoluiiy, i.K i!n:ii.e and n itiiiiil hist-ay, as well as n.iu ta nl a. d in--i' Ciiutiin teiii.., lual phrasi !., most of 'vhr.-l. are net found in oiliei 1'ictuii- ; Also, m i ny .Spanish wind.; nsi d i u.y in A m.inciin eoiiiiiias which w..-ut lurmerly depeii-di-ncii' of Spain. The iro n ,, allies nl I In vei! s in Spanish am. Lliftl.Mi ai-l hilt, lul the hist. t.I.le, filial' ill fall, ia t'.-l-ir nlida.helical ta.! -r. lite work IlKeWiso contains a yiiuaiis of I'i'tli lainiiiiiiieM, ai'iaaji ,.11'J e"ull -tlliei.t U I. ifllea. I'l'.ni His l-At-ellcfcy .. Cu.: liai'.c.i, .sect -iaiy ol Fiircn Al.'.ui. ( ru ma .d I'm r : I.i and l!- 1st , .Minister i'leiiip iteii; ;aiy to li.e I. . Mau sa " It is ,i work waa-n Iris lung been inn! tn which I would utad.y have devoted lay ri'.f, hid I iio'i'sscd Ihe- iiet-i-sMiryiiiiie and lu ll ut Un sucli an undertiikini;. J tiicielin e r j"'i a to ee it its bien carrnd iuui t tl. ci by so iihle a scholia as fit nor Veutmpn.-z ; nud lioia the esiiinaii Hon I have bee-n able to laal.e of it, it appears li me he has been very successful ialiis peilotiimuce. The tleetnue uf l.'.e tip-; and biiidnn; is still moic easily uhseivabie. " 1 rnti ataiii no doubt It will he vvelcui)ie,i both in colli ties and m,mg:,l ptivnte iiidiviila-iils-. since hitherto there lias been no dictionary (alculiited to meet the wants. of those who de sire to ncrpiire a thorough kuowltdt of our laiiituagti. I trusl its success may cpialils me rits'." From His Excellency V w.kxtinb Oaneim.i, Cipiaiii-Genetiil of Cuba. " Tha Piouoiiiicing Jiicip-nary of the Spun-1 is it and Knt'lish l.ani'uui;es by Dun Mariano Vc- i azqneznc ta i.aiiena, piionsnen i.y you, l av- la been examtiieit, nut) us merit ucknowu-.!,.. i d, 1 have oi.lercit it lo be teeomiiieiKied by the i ll.iur.l ,f l.-.tio ill. ,n " ' From His Excellency JIihiaso Aiusta, 1'resi deil of Mexico. " Ilavin? hfard the-fuvotbt-le opinions w hich the- hrs ttilerali have made of the wa lk. I hav I dire-pled it to Im anii'iuneej in the " OlFieial tjazelto" anil other pupels of this capital; not doubtitie but that the intrinsic ru'-rrl of the work iek ili'caui it to be souelit after by evfrv studious person.' : Al'iHiDC.Mi-.fss.' OF ABOVE, , S17 pp. Price $1 50. . . may 10-U TKI'ST-S.-i I.r'. BY virtue of u Deed of Trust exeented to me , by Andrew Ciimpbell. cialed t he VMi day ot'i liny, is-10, and reeordud in the Probate Ci'urks 1 oiiieo ol Marshall loiuiiy, Mirsisr-ippi. in Deed itooli ti, 1'iigen 0V7 und ii"5 ; I will, ou .Vloucluyt ' the 201 1 Uny of October, lSSO, proceed to sell, ut Publie Auetiou. at the Court llouc door. in the totvu ot' iltilly Sprine,. in said i-' the highest bidder. fureiisli 111 hiind. the fnlhuving des- 1 eiibed trtct ei parcel of bind in the Comity nf! Jdiirsl-.all, State of Missiwrpid. siipoted tneoiitniii . one liiin.neil anu twentv uctos and bounile.1 folloivs: lJejrininz at the south-west rnor of r-cctjou Xo. it), in Township No. 8, of iiimsro S West, of the liiu-ca Meiidiau Chiekasaw Cession, i thence ear.r wiili tlio south boundary lino of said j ly and particularly fine. The Classification t)f section to the half mile sUike. thome north to the j Plants iu Part II., is also masterly exposition, Boutli i oast corner of a tract of lund hc.etoforecuii-j ,n0, i n mv opinion, cannot be excelled.- The vej-eU by liyid Hill and ivi.e to Ilai.mbul 1 arus, is , n , compass thcuee west Willi said Harris line to the west bonn- I . . u n t . -, , , , .,' diirv line of said Section 116, un.l tliemsi south t0 as simple as A. B, C. I cannot doubt that a the Winning, th, sale will take place within law- j woik having the merit which I think this pes ful hours, the title is believed to !e cod. but I will 1 Sossts, must soon supersede all others, convey such title onlv as is vested'in me as trustee. jj.-sfc Lew l,ljv) JrusteOjA-e. April 17, 1SM-4-H) -6ui. 1 JOHH C. STIXS0N, , , , Resident Daguerrean Artist, Vf Staiirs, over "I'arrell & ala-ion's liOLLT brRI.NOS, Miss. VISITORS invited lo callt bethet they wish V m will endeavor I ssvuw k4sia w-' - to' please. rim tf ' DOCTOR HOOFLAND'3 " CELEBRATED OcimfiR lBiltci e s frki-akkd nr Dr. C. M. JiM ksoii, l'liilud'u.Pa. WILL EFPhX'TOALLY CCBIt Liver C:.T.cla:r.t, Dyapscs.a, Jaundice, Chrmiic or Ncrvniis T'ebUily, PIiuhkch of tlia Kit'iticr. nnd all iliwaw uriidncr from a dii-cvdi-ri'd J.ivc-ror Ruunm-h; Sl'CIl us C'i-ntlpntion. Inu-utd I'ilen. Kulnciw ol 01 the Ili-ad. Ael'Mty nf the ttfiniaeli. Naui'ca. Ilciirlbiirn. Ui-r-iiMt for K"'l. Fiilncm or Weight in the Stuinii'-li. tsnnr I'lvm-tntiiiim.'Hliililiiir or Flinu-iim.' at thn Pit of the Pt'iiniu-li. ' twlm- iiiwi-l' the Ili-ad. Hurried and dillhult Ifivntll-' ins, Kltitti ring ut t lit' llenrt. Clinukluir or snffneu tine wiiHati"iiii wln-n in a lying pimtiinn Dimni-KS of Vh-ii-n. Int of WuIm bi'fini the Right. Fever und llull Tain in tic' lb-ad llJefioii-iiey of Pi-rnpi-' ration. Yellow in-Hiiofth'' pvin and Kve-. I'nln In the Side. Jhuk.t'hit. l.liiihs tiuhh-n Flush M of Heat. Ituniitiiriii the Hih. OWnvt Imii ginint'K id Kvll niidgi-it,sionn'Pplritii. Tin- i'H'1'iii-tor in caltintr r he uttcntioa of flic l-iil'lietothis I'ri'nuiiiiion. d'.cs-.n with n fiudinff ol ihe miiioiO nee in it virtues and adapt- ulU'ii to tl.edim-aws lur w hich ll Is lfci-.noiiciidpd. It is no hi w and mitHd attii I.i. hut oih- that IIW l.ll,llt tilt, tl'fct. ,.t' 1. On 1.,..I I.-I..1 I...IV..A Aiiierieiin r.'OT'lu. nnd Ph reinitutir-n nnd utile la unrivalled by any similar prcpat-ii'inm extant. Tli tivtinn-lir in its favor riven by the most nrn-miin-iit and well 1,-nnv'u physii-in'ps nnd iniliii iliuo in ul I partp of tlia country i itrmfn--e. and a i-iuuuil pcnn-nl ul'tho Attiiinittc puldishcd annual ly by the pi pi f.-tor. and to lie hud gratia from any of his Ac, nis. eaimot hut mti.-fy tho inoxt, fls. j lioii 1 thjitlhiK ictnctly Ii rtnilly deserviusf the gical eelelnitv it linn "hiiuneil. l'lim-ipa! Orliee and Manufactory, No. 90 Arch St., I'hil.-.didi.hiii, J Viiii-ylviuiiu. Test i moil y friint Alnlmnin A- .Milslppi, Teli i.y fu niDr. IT I. I cnnanl Diufiot Kinc'.'c ". If. AanJnn. IS. 1S::3. 'Peio isii--Yenr Ititu-iK hae woiideni in this sei-'imi. A vciith. h foil ct U. M. lluhhcrt. Km!-, i f this cniiniy, Innl heen for Fnveral mnntlm under the euro of our best prnotitimii-rs w ithout relief, and, the cn.-e reported dnuhtl'ul ; nnd the yi.M.t: num. till h"iit.'h eart-ely tddc to get iihnnt. et'imiii-neej with the l'.ittcrn. He louiiilVo much relit i" In in th-. tl'i si bottle, he onniimied to take, until a e'-ni nia eine wan etleeted. Iluisnow I-iKvtly v. el! l.l;d atoll t." I lttLi.i.r iiNTK.. A In., Jan. SO. 1S51. j C. A. lJoMssox said: "your medic-inn must i eviM.tioilty bio e a h.ige sale ; u'l those who used j it in the fa!! liked it very ranch. The pen.le Imea h. on it i ii --)i -If. eiii-d here, by tiif.lno oiU nt rion- tinni- I hut iitl'eet the m!e of your vnhii.hle Bittira ' nnd will, until it uee' mes kni'wn.o ANOTIIEB CI' RE OF DYSPEPSIA. ! Kn M icitA i.. Mis"., dan. 1". lSflS. j Jc C. AI. in- fcir: '-Your Geimnn i ,l;ia. Uolli . Ul e i Oct ! ivfh ! i-yH o- -ai: in t'Kat lieiliiind in tins VK'iiuty, ami I li'-tu i ii t" ship me a supply ininieiliately. f n,v in h -is obtained a bortto or two in 'll'i'ii. ivho had b'-t-ii Hiill'i iin a h i,jr tima 1 'y- ep ia. mid b!.e !,u.- been c-.aiiely cured - n-e of it.'' Truly, yi'i-n S. C. JAPt. ! CllltS-AtlA, Miss.. Jan. 2. ' Ih-ai Sir '-It i-ivirh p' I inf-nn you tlait "liouiiiiiii'l s 1,1-i nniii Jlitc-i.- giving fcii- ':.-titetii in :ui i.itn.'' li'-.-M .-tfnllv. a. it. nonv. 'A'. T. I. i-.o Co. nod Holly Sprit. "a. AtiBs. i'-i-.-. 1 0. 1 -i,j. ' Your Jliit.-is hitve sohl m-ll i,f hoc ii.this e- irut,y.Tl"-y arc i" great J-aiii.i:J. Tln-y ii ill in. ih ul t em.'iin.e m 1 e.' t M'ltinitT A- Ei in a mi I : -IW-tv!!!. Miss , Mtn- !. :-d. In'-J.-.-Y' ui' Hit !v. 'j'!,-, v me well ndapti'.l U a as- s.-l very bril; - the discuses of tin's i:m entirely e.'"ti.b!e. .e'wmss-t engt!. hen ci ii- v. r ja ui-tratniL' tin- M--'eii!. ',." ! per buttle, snihl by Dnur-.-is'ii l-cto-. ?( vs ir: eiery toun and utilize in tli,; .stn', s ynd Caniii'ni. itml oy W. 'J'. I.-jii-ami Mniuiie ,s; eo., iioiiy Siiiings. -pt. i -C 8' -l.v 3-lli AMI 13 BkOAOW.iV, NtW YoltK. CLASS-BOOKS OK BOTANY, A M w ano eom st:nil-.s u,i, '('l,'u'hi (9. ' iic :J)Mili'ti'rt S.'hfiflln ! Ll'l tlL'lvli'l tf .,1,1 c4JellfllM fJtlJvCI?. i l. Al'IT.ETOVANDtlO. IIAVK JCST Pt 1II.IS11EO 'liihlicii CJass-Dcok d Iot:ni v, ; 1 . n 1'-. ",T Tu a, ct d a. A BeaUtliully IllttStrateu4tO 2 Parts I'.IL'T .-KLEMlsN'lS OF VFOETABLE , STkf : TlT:ii AND I'Ui'alULUL! V. lit V. i 11. lima .v. r.u;i ;.--sypti-'Matic botanvavitii TfU I.I.I-MKN'I S Dl'' CLAftiSl Ki 'A'l'JON. AND A i i.'MI,I..NblorSr I.01;. Ot'' 'J II HUN AND iilDDU aXATliS. Ill CuM.lJO.N. PAltT I. beintrtht! ii lee . fi-n ts. Primary Class-iiooU. S'AltlS 1. .V II. iu One Volume' Cloth. I'n. e i 1 .-,. riMil-l ityie is simple, carcase, and inteliigi J hie; and what has femieily been consider ed dark and fi-rbiddin, is heie rendered both clear and iiiteie-tinf'. The whole life of the plant, beei no I ii(-' uith the initiation ol the lirs: c. !a it portrayed with thai vivid ana ;uiek tnaie pouir, w Inch invest:, it with the interest a! a leal bio,'iaphy. Here we find not mtrcly a .ii) assemblage of dry fuels; but the iiliml n.-i iiis lo nnioiit lt.'ieit, pail liypnrt ii-itl, n li lii.t I ividuul hie and clia'acier. The casual render is aliracted; the student becomes thru Ti.e work is illusti nted by -1011 null txeeu ud woad cuts. .Most ol those are arranged iu VJ Plate Pages, winch are designed to be used for regular exercises and recitations, the s.niaj ns maps in Geography. They tu rii'sh a recnpilu -latioti of the J. ei-.ii. i's of ihe Text in a new form, and Dtldreesed lo molber sense, tuns awikeniPS the- most lively and per;r:iueitl ini pieiisions. Part 11. is distinguished by the simplicity and 'liiecncss ol the whole slluetuie, t he clearness ol the synopsis, li.e comprehensiveness and popular character of tl.e ilescupiious, the nice distinctions observed between nearly (tltH'l species, nnd the high degree of certainty and pei'ectioii in Ihe peculiar foimol analysis. The descriptions ol the Natural Orders ore illustra ted lo riftv eleeaat wood cuts, erawn frum na- tuna Teachers who are sufficiently interested iu nils i.iiciiinr i.jr ii uitiner ttxair.liiailun, Dy sen- Ujng outers l..r tlie. work, wi.l be fiitmshed with the tdeineillury Volume, poslrge paid, at II li , i liliy cents. ' " Opii.ioiiR of l-Jminent Instrnctor. ' " l'wm Ruv- Ho'- Balloc, President of Tufts ! College, Jlcdford, Mass. I The cursory examination 1 have been nhht to give your Jlotai.y, has impressed ine quite ' favorably as to its merits, Compared with those i of ihecurrent flnss Books ol the science. It : appears to be judiciously designed, and to be t t.xeciueu uoi oiny wiui inucu perspieuiiy, 111 in a manner also to interest the Je.irner. The illustrations iu Part 1., strike me as remarka bly adapted to their purpose. From Dr. L V. Nkwton, of New York. 1 have read your Class Hook of Botany qtnle through ; and this much i am prepared to say of it, that it has afforded me the logtiest delight end is a work that must be popular. There is not, in my belief, any similar w ork that cart be compared with it ar a Common School-Book. Il ii.shorl, though clear anj eloquent.' The style never lails. It is alwa;s good, and nevel dwindles doxvn into common-plooe, and loses llle reader in a fog. Theseclio- on the "Geo- Ifraplucal Disiribulion ol Plains snd that on Ihe "Kconoinieal I'ses ol Plants,' tre extreine- , Innnd in .verv Sehnol whpre Rotsnu iy IaiiI riuui Li'wBi. uninoAt., Humeri y 1 -resiueni of Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. 1 have given your Class-Book 01 Botanv a I cursorv examination, and it aet-ms tn me an ei. I cellent treatise. The great number and accu-1 Ho deems it unuecosMiry to make any rsfer ! racy oftlie Illustrations, as well tsltae fulness -encesafU r reeidonc iu lloily prtiigo 1 j of the descriptions, commend the work to P'"?,- c1:artff H'-, ' .' t.L , J 1 Teachers , and I wish vou much succea .in L f.VS HA?W.?'? our crjort. to extei beautiful nart of the extend , knowledge of Ihit Creator's Works. n'' PROSPECTUS OF m THE MISSISSIPPI TIMES.- " . termsl.::.' 'lr Two Dnllnra nnd Kilty CtvU In Kb vnn"e Three VoUnt if 4elard. J) 4th Volume. New Xnuijgefiaatil MVnoX R. IIOIXI8TEK. rr V, ij ID1TOR A0 nitUMU, ' .... ' : " rf- " We bag lam e to annouuca to tha patron W the Mimihuppi Tmt, that wa bar tataiAtj the ' entire mi,nngomcnt, both bt the adltork) and -nitichanlcnl departmant of tba paper, tad ef all f othor miiUcre appertainliig t? tk ttiloaaa of tba oflleo. " 'v J ., In awufnlnir tha edito lal eharir of oar paper we douni it r duty hi a-ali u a privita, to oon fiirm the political department to wlat art tb honest sentiment of our own mind, and to ere Kiieh principle., and advoeat nocb maaaart aa appears to us most likely to aondaca ta lb wel fare of our country and the perpetuity of our IVm :....iii..,:..... ut- .i .... I .iiDvimuuni, fvouuem u isappropnata in tola place ta spocify renaont for our politloej aacti- I ment or minutely to define or Mwltlan - bnt I .n . . . . - I miuicieiit, simply todeelure that w are Amcbican in sentiment, and (hall devota lb political 6V partnieiit of the paper to the iotoraat of tb AMERICAN PARTY. The Tikes will, as heretofore, net b eieln aivelj devoted to politics, but embrace witbln it ' eolunnu topie of freneral intaraat, aob aa tba eu rron t newt, o tho day , new discoveries, imprc v nients, and inventions, in agriculture, arte, acl enees, liaelialiies, &e. We shall also given plao to matter of interest it literature, adooatou, tb cuiiMiof U-mperunto and religion. In abort, we shull emlouvor to make tho Tmia worthy ihe patronage of an Intelligent, moral and relieve com mniiity, beiieviig thut in ai doing wo atall not full to receive the aupport wo desire. It in our wish to adopt the casb system, aa far. possible iu the publication of our paper, a be iiif greatly better in the end both for ourselves und our patrons. Bubucribere, both new and old, arc enriie.-tly requested to avail tuemaelvo of tho ADViMcr price. STSubscriplious from a dUtanca must Java riably be aeeoiupanied by the cash. KATKS OF AI)Vi:itTISI.G. ZSTiiuo square (100 words or less) for one iiinuriiun, lil; each additional Inmrtion 60 uts. JtOSTHLr ADVIKTJSIMENT0. 1 Square 0 nio's 44 00,. s n,o'i,5 00, imo'sfa T5, i ' " fi 00, " 8 00, " 9 60. a " " 8 00, ' " ' J7S, " ' 11S.V i " " 60, " 11 !S. " , Jiov, HALF YEARLY JKD TIARLT. 1 Puuaru ! month 7 0&, 1 year til M. i " " 10 00, )5 00. 8 " " 12 5", 18 0o. i " ' lft 0' " MOP. Column " I'O 00, .' 80 0t. I ; " " so oo, 5 oo. 1 " " 40 00, ! I" 79 0U. i-3?" Advertisements displayed by Urge U and haded noticed, charged f"r the spue tmy oeCllpy. I-il?" Muriioges and Death Inserted grutuit- 1ST Ohitiurj Notices, at advertising rates. J ij Artiidis kI' a ptrtMul character will b insei u-d only ii lulveriisi incuts, for whicbdoubie .l.e n-iu.l noes w ill be eliurjjed. IU" All advertiisemi'nts from jmisons resld indent of the County, mu.-t be aeceuipsiiied by t.heeash or satislV.etory reference. ' JOB OFFICE. Connected with the establishment is a large aiiti complete assortment f not surpassed hy any ofEee in the Statar and th ""designed cau conlideutly assnr the imbue i)lut j,,. j,, pn.j.Nj-wl to cxwute al! kiads of A-iUi - iicra aii'l iuJi-Mk wntl ujn twt roiihojuiliiu t;ititiucii tt f ; , IIUOEtS, PA.MPHLET5, I1AN11 111LI.K, . CIUCULAKS, BILL I1EA1JR, s, w &: nt - mm c? LAWYKHS BRIEFS, .a AND Lawyer's Ulanks, I'tuiei-alXoticcs. I.l-ls, Deeds, WAY UILLS. 4 c., &c, Ac. l-fT Wo have also, and will keep on band a AND IYOItY-SUKFACED CAKDP, ALSO Ctxreijis, Gold & Scarlcl E:C3, for tlie printing of audi .uiey work as may b ordered. ..... !?CT,,v')!inr w "r' l"f ro""'n. e ea-!wJ' JH,j,,,w l; uMMt J.ll lIll ll' Cl .1 . , , I The .Mississippi Tiuie Job OUice a trim I. i I-s?" The attciiliuu of biisineM men in Me.n- pi da. who desire custom from the Interior, is ep i eiuf y invited to the Tiilib as a desirable adverti' l sinir niediinn. Otliee Jaftitr tTiiuaJf-J immediately in the reur ol latehlieid d Druij Isiiuo. . MYltON tt: llOLIASTEB. Spkinob, Slisri'Alurtb lStb lb6i. NEW STORE! 'EW' GOODS! LAL1KS' C.ENn'ItAL& FASHIONABLE FURMSIUXG S'lORE. LADIES' PARISIAN CLOAK, MANTIL LA, EMBUOIDHRY AND DUE83-. MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. ,T1JE PKOPRIETOSof thiscolebra-1 MVted cstnblishmci.t Jiisweil'allv invlUff the ludieu of lleinphia mid the aurroiiudinr couii- .... 11 .... i j:.r. . -...i tfLV.K-.-iV try to enll and see hi dilfercut stj les of J( AiSiCJC i i.iwL'o. for mile at tins store, a lars ana 1 ri' d assort ment of lirAibroyici nz .PJeia Vei- . vet, Cloth. Silk, tsuliu. and Aloiro Anuque Cloak and MhhuIIhi for Uidiee and Misses. Dress Silks. Ciishnierei., llerino, Do Linne and Embroidered ?'crmo . IWism,- jsrwnl veils, wreatns, lutabt Hobes, Silk fiends and Long Cloaks, Ladies' Bib bed and EHibiouieiud Underskirt, new style; H .... 1......1.....1 ..(fa ... T-I... !..- SAltC. ri...iie. Si....a r.,ur. m...i, .A wi.iT? Licoa, Jm-komts and Swiss Hands, ricb h ind Noeh IlibboiiH.ii'iiee and rfeh variety of x.iiioroiiwrva iiauaaereniurs. .a..-: ! j jj. We ha 10 nil kuilaof KichTrimmipK for Cloak and Dresses ; fjntiraideiy ; bilk of all colore, and in fuet all kinds of 'I'riiniiiinff. -' ' Our assortment of sd -Dresses and Ladiea Dross Cups are of the finest that ever cam to Memphis. Flower. Feat hurt, 4c. We have one of tba 1 largest and most legnt assoi tneiit of rich Silk, Moss Velvet, Velvet eSa'!n, and a variety of Fancy Straw Bonnets, which fur richness aDd beauty, cannot be sur passed. Ji huge and elegant ssaortuwnt of Fnr 101 Ladies and ilissos. Urdora from, th coa otry plilietuai iy utieuu ea 10. ,l reorient yon particularly toeall andentt 'V u J g M maniug-your yut bases.. You can have your dresses made at this establishment to lit to perfection. . Tou can bv ejiinroiuei nig uune Ol any uusirou paitsr'n ana I piiecs thatlvill srirprfse-you. ST1LLMAN. t 1 INo. liain atrect, Memphis, fenO Nov. 14 'o5,-8-44-ljr. . DIS. C. O'BBIAN.i - . DENTIST, , ' i Holly Springs, Miss." ' 1 !f nror-sred to perform every operation appsi M. tuiuiug to Dental Bunrery, with th beet rust- rial and in a manner surpassed b nou. . Su:"!lVu,i . m!ra"" '"A""": , t&iHic ever AT. T. ieor Oo-V IVi ;Hure. 11 Jane llaie-xt bJ-It-. i: '! if Li '