OCR Interpretation

Southern banner. (Holly Springs, Miss.) 1841-1841, October 15, 1841, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065204/1841-10-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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i. after I.- done. Ge... ?ra "
Lp'l I vM.ov.rhenr.l ;J rno.e able effort;
i1 Av, i ! ink 'oewrv man ih,l not
e Vrow.M .Link, o ' d ti,etate
ttcrniir.ed to In-conii-? 1
ueI , . i ff,r the iVnK 1 he ncxl
'."e'lv 'h "f ,'hf le?islat'J-
, - r.fr, vi.h wjuTi-ouIcI have sen the
Cof - he reminded me of a sore bricked horse
under the saddle; he screwed and twisted
and would nearly lie down; but in vain, the
?add!e wa3 on and he had to bear it. 1 think
if tl eCen. do not gel off the LoL soon, he
will have to ride another horse, or rest the
Co!., for he cannot stand it much longer.
In conclusion, the bond payers feel proud
of their candidates, and feel confident that
their caue is just, and that th- great seal of
Mississippi will never be broken. v e have
lost nothing in this question; but gained some
of the other side. We have nothing to fear;
tell our Iriends up about the "cresent city,"
he of good cheer, and remember the ever
glorious 1340. A BYSTANDER.
To the Voters or the 8 th Judicial
Frr.L-j w -CiTir.:;?:
I j v :lu: din clion of the
Governor of this State, an election will bo
i.eki on the 1st Monday and dav following,
in next Month, for a Jude of this District.
In the opinion of the present incurn! ent of
the oli'scp, the approaching election is uncon
stitutional and void, and he deems that he is
entitled to hold the office, until Xo vernier
1 S 14: I n 'he opinion of Col. Howrv, (his
f HMu-nf,) the election is a legal on-, raid
wii! give the person elected a rLrht to t,.e
6i t. For the opinions of both of these gen
tlemen, 1 entertain biuceie re?pect, but I h;tvc'
i.oi the power to decide between th-m. That
province belongs to the Supreme Judicial tii
hiifirti of the Slate, upon a question properlv
.made. In tins stale cf things, it will be for
on to select from the candidates, who may
he leloie you, the person whom you prefer
lor the office, in the event it should ho decided
by the Supreme Court, that the term of the
present incuinbeut, lasts no longer th.ni Ko"
vemUr ncxl. 1 have heretofore been solici
ted by a number of gentlemen to become a
Candidate for the office; latterly 1 have been
called on by a large portion of the Bar of
Holly Springs and many citizens of Marshall
county, in such a way tnal 1 have concluded
to do so. My name is respect fully .ubmitted
to you as one of the number f'oni which .n
selection is to be made. Should you think
proper to confer the office upon me, mid
should your devision bo ratified by the Su
preme Court, when the question shall come
before it, I shall be grateful for the distinction,
and as the only suitable return in my power,'
I will discharge its duties promptly and faith
fully, to the best of my ability.
1 have lesided in this district for nearly
four years past. In that time I have had a
largo intercourse with my ft liow-citizen,
and have thus become known to many of
vou. This mnv tn some meagre overcome
the disadvr.ntsae under w hich I labor from
the late peiiod at which I have been brought
out. The short time between this and the
election and some degree of delicacy oj
health make it impossible for me to see ma
ny of yoi ; I mnt therefore remain content
with informing you by this circular that 1
rim a Candidate, and h ave the result to your
dispasMonate consideration.
To such of you, Fellow-Citizens, as may
honor me with your support, 1 shall always
leel erateful; whilst those, who lrom anv
cause may think proper to withhold it, I trust
ui!l at all times he willing to extend to me
the right hand f fellowship.
Very respectfully, youis,
From the Memphis Enquirer.
Below we give the address of the whig
candidates to the voters of Marshall county.
His a frank and manly exposition of their
views upon the various topics if state and
national policy which now ngitateand divide
the feople of M;ssissippi, and will, we doubt
not, receive the candid and respectful con
sideration to which it is entitled. .
The gentlemen whose names art attached
to it, were some time since selected hy a con
e:.lion of whig delegates appointed at pii
rnny meetings of the citizens in the several
t-'ivifdistricts. They are "good men ami
true" steadfast whigs in politics, and gen
tlemen of sterling worth in private life.
With one of them Gen. A. B. Bradeord
we have enjoyed a long and intimate acquam
lance: and we trust we may, without the ap
pearance of making any invidious distinction
hero all are so worthy of confidence, take
J his occasion to bear our testimony to his
abilities as a politician and his virtues as a
citizen. -An intercourse with Gen. Bradford
in hoth these cauacitie?. for several years.
enable3 us to sneak with some degree of con
fidence. In the memorable struggle which
preceded the presidential election oi '36, Gen.
D . e i t ... . nf
war a prominent inena ana supponei
Judge Whit.'; and although hbent at the
time the vote was cast, (being in ;he sr-rvice
of his country as Colonel Commandant of
the first regiment Tennessee Volunteers, then
m 1 londa,) contributed in no small decree
to the success of the movement which gave
the eleelora1 vote of thi-s State to that lamen
ted patriot, in spite of the overwhelming pop
ularity of the then Chief Magistrate of the
Nation. On his return home, he was chosen
a member of ihe State Senate, the duties of
whict station he discharged with much credit
to himself anitho satisfaction .of his constitu
ents. His removal to Mississippi was regretted
no less by his political associates than hy his
private friends. Asa politician he is strait for
ward, manly and sincere. Ardently attached to
the principles of the whig party, he seeks to
maintain their supremacy by no means an hon
orable man may not use without a blush, as a
representative of the people, be is scrupulously
faithful in the discharge of the duties of his trust.
In private life no man possesses higher quali
ties to command regard and confidence, or win
the friendship of those who know him well.
That the whig majority in Marshall will return
him and his associates to the legislature, we
cannot doubt.
NOTICE. WM. ARTHUR, candidate
for the House of Representatives, will address
the perp!e at Bctlkk s Mill, on rnday the 22d
Octobe .
OCT The candidates for t lie Legislature will
address the citizens of Marshall county at the
court louse in I lolly Springs on Monday the ISth
in-?. '
Mriif.d In this place, on Wednesday t e
KVh wist., Mr. J. F. Jo in;) ; :o Miss Mar 11.
Ccrtis. i.U of this place.
DIM!) In Mobile on the i3d of Septem
ber, Major iln.NRV Ward, formerly of Ra-h-ig::,
?. C. a member of the typographical
f niterniiy, aed about forty years.
Triit Sale.
I shall proceed to sell the following property atllie court
h'ue dooHu the town of Holly Spiings, on the SOlh day
of April, 1842, hy virtue of a deed of Irusi exeeuted to me
hy I. D. Henderson mid M. K. his wife, for certain
jhiDI'S tri -rein expi-es.'d. t wit: Ont lot No. 300,
as lepresenteil in the plan of said towu of Holly Springs,
coi:taiiiing f.mr acres, it being the late residence of said
I lenders .n; the south w est quarter of section 31, township
4, range 3 west. 4i0 acres off the west end of section 7,
township 4 run;;': 2 west, set-lion 26, township 4, '2 west:
north half sec' ion 17, township 5, range 3 west; north east
quarter rf section 12, township 5, rane 2 west; south east
quarter of section 3 ) township 4. range 1 w est; south w est
quarter of section 29, township 5, range 1 west; south west
quarter of section 2S, town.ship 5, range 1 west; north half
of section 3G, township 5. range,l west; south east quarter
of section 56, township 5, ranire 1 west; north east quarter
of section 15, township fi, range 1 west; all the ahoveland
except the four hundred and forty acres, and south west
quarter of section 31, and subject to a mortgage to the Her
nando Hail Itoad and Banking Company, bale at usual
hours for cash aciieg as trustee; I shall convey such ti'les
only as vest in me by sid deed of trust w hit h is of record
in the probate court clerk's office, in Marshall county, book
G. pagei 585,5S6,5S7, and SSS.
Oci. 12, 1341. Cm. Truster.
(jr Some important errors having occurred
in the following advertisement last week, we re
puLhdi it corrected.
frr" I have een in the nolly Sorins Gazette,
that Ihe Holly Spring Lodge No. 35, have pu-
iivheu me to the tvorld for unmasonic conduct, l
deem it necessary to make known the facts which
caused my expulsion from the Lodge. Nrne time
since, I preferred charges against E- n. Whitfield,
a member; the lodffe acted on the case, and he was
acquitted; at the same time, he preferred charges
aoaint me, it became necessary, as is usual in
sui h eases, for the accused to retire in order for
the lodge to act upon the case, and contrary to a
settled piinciple. I was not invited back. 1 was
acquitted of the charges, but understood the lodge
closed in confusion, and the master of the lodge
npplied for a "demit." Several of the Members,
together with myself, came to the solemn deter
mination never to enter the lode again upon re
ctivitig such treatment as I have from the said
lodge, I fee! it a duty, without wishing to dispar
age the ancient order of Fre.. and Accepted Ma
soniy, to caution all honorable men from having
anv thing whatever to do with it.
nolly Springs, Oct. 5 IS 11.
rl Y virtue of a deed of trust executed hy John F. Ford,
o secure the payment of a certain sum of money therein
mentioned, I will expose at Hernando, on the 4th day of
-April next, a Printing Press and all the materials there
unto belonging, at public sale to the highest bidder for cash.
Acting as trustee, I shall convey such tilleas is vested in
me by said deed. JOHN 1. .MUStLtY.
Oct. 1. 184U-26-6m. Trustee.
Marshall iVuntt.
FJzira Garrison, ) CIRCUIT C0UHT.
vs, V vAV Term, 1341
Mitchell Garrison. 3 In Chancerv.
Came the complainant, by 'her solicitor, and it
appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by affi
davit filed, that the defeudent, Mitchell Garrison,
is not a resident citizen of the State of Mississip
pi, bin resides beyond the limits thereof. It is
ther-'fire ordered, by the Court, that publication !e
made fur two months suecetvel v ia the Southern
Banner, a newspaper puMis'iei in the town of
Hollv Springs, Miss. Unless the aid Mitchell
Garrison appear and piea:, answer or demur to
said complainant s but oa or beture the arst Mon
day alter the fourth Monday in November next.th'?
snid bill will be taken tor confessed as to him and
-,et for hearing ex parte.
A copy from the minutes.
'Jest A. T.CARUT1IERS, Clerk.
IIollv Siirinsr. July 10. no!5 Sw
Baker, Johnson &, Co- l
ts. Returnable to No
IL F. Samuel, j vember Term 1S11
n H!ed-oe. securitv.
v virtue of the above recited writ, ilirectea
- . - . . . .,
from the Honorable Circuit Court of the
United States, fur the Southern Uistric. ot Missis
sippi, I will sell at the Court House of Marshal
County, on Monday tho 13th day of September
1341, all the right title and interest that II. F.
Samuel has in and to lh" West halt' of section 11,
Township 6; Range 1, We-t. Levied on to satis
fv the above named execution, and all costs.
' A. K. McCLUNG,
Marshall Northern Dist Mi.
By Jno. P. Carutiiers Dep. m
HolW Springs, August 2020.
ClRCClT COURT Aran. Tj km. lb 11.
Alex M. Msyo, ) v..
vs. V A tch. for 92? 40.
John II. Lawson, )
Amount .;92S 40. Ordered by the Court, that
publication be made tor six successive weeks, in
the Southern Banner, a News Paper printed at
Holly Springs, in said State, netifying the Defend-
ant of the pending of this suit; and that unless he
enters his appearance at the next term of thi
Court, nnd plead answer or demur, that Judgment
unai wuioe nau,ana me property so auacneu win,
sold to satisfy the Plaintiff's demand.
Aberdeen, June, 2-Jd, JS4I.
I, S. II. Buckingham. Clerk of the Circuit Court,
of said County, do hereby certify that the forego-
,ng is a true copy of the order, as entered oa the
rmnutes of said Court on the 29th day of April, j
13U- . , ... . ,ua M., r !
vjriven unuer my iiaiiu u.hu.hg j
said County at mv Oce.
J U'l'lCE. All persons in any manner interest,
L 1 ed in the lands, tenements and hereditaments
of John B. More, dee'd, will take notice that I
."hall apply to the Probate court of Marshall coun
ty, un the first day of the October term, 1341, of
said court, for an order to sell the following tracts
and parcels of lands, of which said MooYe died
seized: to wit: Section 29, section 32, and the
south half of section ll, except two acres sold to
a. n. Mayer, in t-nvn.-hip 4, rango 2, of the Chick
asaw cession, west of basis maredian, and then
and there show cause, if they have any, why said
lands shall not be sold in order to a division.
L. It. GUY, Ex'r. of
August G-lS-Gt. J. B. Moore, dee'd.
flHE undersigned, administrator of the estate
X of Freeman J. Matthews, dee'd, in obedience
to an ord.r of tne Honorable Probate Court of
Marshall county, State of .Mississippi, passed at
the June Term of said Court, 1811, will oiler for
sale in the town of Hudsonville, in said county,
on the lth day of September lr-41, at public vendue
to the highest bidder on a creJit of twelve months,
all the right, title and interest which the said
Freeman J. Matthews in his lifetime liad.or which
his heirs since his death have in and to the follow
ing lands and tenements, to wit: Lot No. "il and
part of Lot No. 40 in the town ot Hudsc nville
foresaid ond with satisfactory security will
be required of the purchaser or purchasers. Sale
to commence at 12 o'clock of said day.
July, tds.
Fall McLtiug, 1811, will commence on the
4th Monday in October next,
A Sweepstake for two year olds, one inile
out. S 150 Entrance, $50 forfeit ; tor.ameand
close hy the first day of October.
A Sweepstake for two year olds, mi'e heats,
$"00 Entrance. $100 foileit; to name and
el jse as above.
SAMK DAY Sweepstake for three year
olds, two mile heats, $200 Entrance, 50 forfeit;
to' name and close as above.
A Sweepstake (or three year olds, mile heats,
$150 entrance, 830 forfeit; to name and close
as above. In each and every stake three or
more entries necessary to make a race.
SAME DAY Jockey-club Parse, two mile
Jockey Club Piirse, three mile heas.
Jockey Club Purse, "four mile heats.
Proprietor's Purse, best three in fivo mile,
As we have had no Meeting of the Jockey
Club Members, during the present summer, the
amount for the several Purses cannot be cer
tainly stated but will all he highly respectable,
and hung up on each day at the stand in good
Holly Springs July 25th 1841 . lG-tdr.
T the Jalv term of theProbate court of
Marshall countv. State of Mississippi,
the. underpinned, qualified as the executrix
of the last will and testament of Andrew K.
Govan, deceased, all creditor;? of the said Go-
van are hereby notified to come forward and
present their claim legally authenticated
within the time prescribed nv law, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their recovery.
MARY P. GOVAN, Executrix
of A. R. Govan, dee'd.
Marshal) Countv,
Sent. 19, 1SU".
Fresh Arrival.
Drugs, Medicines, &c.
A Quinine, 200 lbs epsom salts
t:" 2fi lbs calomel 25 do spirits nitre
5 lbs rhubarb root 2-" do spirits ammonia
14 do pulverized 100 do polish starch
10 do jalap WO do flor. sulphur
30 t'o epicac - 50 do sp. indigo
5 do tartar emetic 50 do litharge
AT a special term of the Probate Cour, held in
and for the Countv ot Marshall, the State of Mis
sissippi, n the fourth day of Jane, 1911, letters of
Administration on the estate ot Wiomas jones,
df'cd.. late of said County, was duly granted by
said Court to the undersigned. All persons hav
ing claims against tha estate of the deceased are
required to exhibit the same to the undersigned
within the ti!e limited by law, or the same will
So forever barred. Those indebted to said estate
are requested to make prompt payment.
Administrator cTnos. Jones, dee'd
Holly Springs, June, 23, 1841. 13 6w Prs.
rX.tfh4X BOXES of the celebrated Columbian
Tonic or Specific Pill?, on effectual
cure for Fever and Ague, just received and for
sale at CAGE CO'S Drug store, where many
certificates of its worth may be examined.
Holly Springs, june 25
AT a Probate Court held for the County of Mar-
shall, and State of Mississippi, on the 23th day of
June, 1S41, Letters of Administration on the ts-
tate of Wm. Craft, dee'd., late of said county,
were duly granted by said court to the undersign-
ed. Ali persons having claims against the estate
of said decAh, are required to exhibit the same to
the undersigned within t:.e time limited by law,
or otherwise thev will be barred. Those indebted
to said estate are requested to make proniDt pay-
MARIA A. CRAFT. Administratrix
Kolly'Springs, July, 1st 1841.
ISerkshire Stock lor sale.
I n , . .t- (n , . e r
f & appiicatin is madef Vt twenty dollars per
a singjQ p.,; OILU
Marshall County Miss. Aug. 27,-3m
JULY. 1841.
The Great increase in the subscription list of
ths highly popular Magazine (the edition having
more than doubled in less than six months) induces
the proprietor, to commence a new volume, -with
the July number. It will be issued in the most
attractive style, with the first of a new series, of
up in a manner, that shall surpass any used,
in any other American Magazine. In addition to
the fact, that we employ the talent of the very best
American artists, in the engraving of the plates for
this work, it must be remembered, that most of
the subjects selected, are
Original American Pictures,
which have never been before engraved, and are
consequently, the newest. that can be brought be
fore the public.
It must be remembered, that the Fashion plates
of this Magazine, are the best in coloring and de
sign that can be found in any work published, in
this country or in Europe. They are engraved and
colored for this Magazine, by the best artists that
the country can produce, and are drawn, always,
from the latest designs from Paris and London,
and consequently may always be relied upon as
the prevailing fashions of the United S ates, for
the month in which they are issued. We pay
more for coloring than any other publication, and
always have the best. -
In addition, to the unusual fine array of original
contributors, which the Magazine has thus far
boasted, arrangements have been made with a
numoer more, or the best writers or the day, so
that spice and variety may be looked lor in
the literary department of the new volume.
Sports and Pasti'.nes.
This interesting feature of the Magazine shall
still be preserved as important to young sportsmen
and in fact to all, joungor old, who delight in the
sports of the rod and gun. Articles in this depart
ment shall be from acknowledged pens, and of "the
very best authority.
The volume will be opened with a new and beau
tiful type, cast expressly for the work, the mech
anical execution shall be of surpassing neatness,
and the printing shall be done upon the finest
white peper.
The chocest pieces of new and popular music
for the Pianoforte and Guitar shall be selected for
its pages, and two or more pages shall appear reg
ularly each month. In this way subscribers in re
mote coantry, can always have tho latest music at
low rates, almost as soon as it is published.
Terms Cash.
The terms are $3 for a single subscription, and
in no case will the price be abated, or two copies
for j;5 free of postage and discount, always in
advance. No subscriber received in any case with
out the money. This rule is imperious and will
not be departed from.
Address post-paid, GEORGE It. GRAHAM.
S. W. Corner 3d and ' hestnut sts. Phila.
fiXECUTOR'S NoTiCtf, Notice is hereby
-"- given, that on the 23d day of November,
1841, th Trobate court of Marshall county, State
of Mississippi, granted letters testimentery to the
undersigned as executor of the last will and testa-
ment of James D. Marr, dee'd. and he was then by
i sa:d court duly qualified as such executor. All
- -1" . .1 13
j ersons liavir-g claims against iiie sui'e ui saiu
James D. Marr, are hereby required to exhibit the
same to the undersigned within the time limited
by law, or the same will be barred.
Aug. 6. 1841-19-Gt.
'1 rust aie.
. NOTICE is hereby jnven that on Monday
the 29th day of November 1841 the undersigned
will by virtue of a deed of trust executed to
him Ly Wihlam Kerr tor the beneht of Henry
Anderson, proceed to sell at the Court House
in the Town of Holly Springs, in Marshall
countv. Miss, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the to lowing tract ot Land,
viz. sec. 18, in town. 2, of range 2 west of the
basis meridian, Chickasaw Surveys. Sale to
take place at 12 o'clock, noon ol said day; said
Deed is recorded in the omce ot the frooaie
Court cf Mat shall county, and is dated 6th day
ot July, 1839.
Aug. 27-21 tds.
xvouen o. m t m in chancery in the
T..l O I 1
. . . , . ' j . circuit sourt of said
Jn - , , f county.
Daniel M. Alexander. ( 3
ID Y the order judgment and decree of the honor-
able the Gircuit court of said county, sitting
in chancerv at the March term, I34t, I shall, on
4 1 fVuiOtVi xP SanlDmlu. nn
onuruaj mc m uj v.vvi., vu
premises in said county, expose to puouc sale ror
cash, the following piece of land, to wit. the south
east quarter of section one, in to-.vnsI.ip f ur, of
range one east, for the purpose of satisfy icg the
couipio-iiiauu mv uiijiuw puauaw inuitcjr uuc in
from said aereuaam as se om in complainant
bill and decree, and also all costs in said case.
This first day of September, 1341.
Clerk Sf Master of said court.
Sept. 3, 1841. pr's fee $5.1
ply of the celebrated Dr. Dorsey's Eye
water just received and for sale by
aug. 20. L. CAGE & Co,
The cheapest .lAagazitic
in Chriscudotn.
Gmet'e rj Current American Vic - -eign
Lit-rat urn, Music, thr Art Fashiyt
and Novelty.
Edited by N. P. Will s & II. Hastings Wru.
Every number isrmbelishfi tci'Jt several beautiful
In the contents of this Magazine, the ain nC
the editors is to select the choicest current .u-
odical Literature which falls from the European
and Amci ican press Tales, Poems. Noveiliot-
tes, Essays, Anecdote, lc, a rich and pleasing
variety and Original talcs, written bysonwol
the most celebrated American Pens, anJ tllustrt
ted with
on Wood by the first American artists. Iu tho
erof Engravings the Publishers are deter
mined to continue, as they have now, the reputa
tion of having otfered the best ever presented to
the public in a magazine. The most elaborate.
work on W cod, superior in finish to most of tho
ordinary mental plates, are presented in every
Every number alsocontainsoneor more Gems of
Itis principally such as will reach our subscri
bers sooner through this Magazine than in any
other mode. For this purpose a competent per
son in London has been employed to select and
and transmit to us tho earlest copiesof such new
and fashionable Songs and other Music as ap
pears in that city; and selections arc also made
of the most popular music from Operas presented
in New-iork.
Reported and Engraved expressly for this Mag
azine, will be given four times in every volume.
The Dollar Magazine is printed in a beautiful
style, on one immense mammouth sheet, consis
ting of thirty-six largo octavo pages, thereby
reducing the postage to a single sheet. It is
published on the First of every Month, noatly
stitched and covered, and forwarded, to mail
subscribers, for
We do not hesitate to pronounce it the cheapest,
as we are determined it shall be the best, Maga
zine ever offered to American readers and its
circulation already exceed that of any other
magaztne in the Union.
VT POST-MASTERS, (or others,) who will
send us a Five Dallar Bill free of postage, shall
receive a Sixth copy gratis, and if the money
so sen is current in Eew-York or Boston, u Se
venth copy will be added or. Four copies for
Three Dollars. The extra copies will be sent
as the P. M. may direct. Letters should either
be franked by the P. M. or post paid, (otherwise
they are not taken from the office,) and t3 ad-
d ressed to W I LSON & COM rA IV r
Publisher, 162 Nassau street, New-York.
Commission Merchant.
ff IBERAL advances will be made on Cotton,
-Li Cotton received and forwarded at 25 cents
per hale.
OCT There will be no charge lor urayage m
any instance.
Col. J. C. McLemore, )
Fort Pickering.
Eastin Morris. Esq
Col. J. li. Mahon,
H.Van Pelt, Esq.
Col. J. II. Ball,
L. II. Coe, Esq.
E. T. Collins, Esq., La Grange
Ij. II. Foster, Esq.
E. II. & A. Ewtng,
R. C. Fostor, Esq"
John Marshall, Esq.
Lemuel Smith. )
Jude iluliii', )
Holly Spring, Mi.
Gabriel Ragsdale, Pontotoc, Miss.
Green Hill, Esq.
Col. A. A. Kincannon, j
Capt. C. H. Abcrt, y Oxumbus, Mi.
R. Barry, Esq. 1
B. Toomer & Co. J
John. R. Uurk, New York.
Henry Ewing, Esq., Philadelphia.
June, 1841. no. 12 3m
The Favc'te Republican will pleaio
copy the above three months, and forward
the account to me at Fort Pickering. D. .
WOULD inform the public that they have re
moved to the Siore adjoining the Unior
House, (Craft's.) That they have received, am
will keep constantly on hand. & largo and cotuplet
supply oi Drug-. Medicines, Faints, Oils, Dve
lKalC4..ff. Tl t n IT
i oiuus, rcriumery, surgical innrumcnt, etc. etc
All of which they intend to sell for CASH,
prices lower than can be purchased at any othe
house in the South. Particular attention mid'i
th preparing and putting up of Physicians order
in i ano rescripuons
Holly Springs. April. H41.
BOXES Dr. Champions celebraf
Vegetable Ague Pills, a certain ca
for the Fever and Ague, just received and I
sale at L. CAGE & GO'S Dru store.
iIo.lA Spring, jun0 25
npilus Hay
u;. -..-ivtid -a targe and frtM s
l' ' VcgrtaW Tills
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