souths inn PATEioa1- (' a r r i a n r Mtiop The Carriage Shop, heretofore managrd by Wtn. 11 KING will in future be conducted in the name of "MTIOATO.Y V JIYLKN' who hate employed raid King (o con duct the fame lie will therefore be found, at the eaid ahop, it all timea, ready to erectile all job in that line, 1 hat may be vent to the Shop t ine shortest notice possible. SIMONTON & MVKUS IIotMton, .Vi. June 1.I84D. 2 tf icoyal i:iinirnu. SIMONTON' & MYl-.RS are in receipt and will continue to receive j - very -fresh and well selected atock of Have associated themselves in the goods, Mr. Simonton havtng just re-! practice of Lajv, and will regularly turned from Philadelphia, New York j nuend the Kverftl Courts of Cliickn nnd HoMon who gave his personal at- j snwcounly, the Chancery Court At tention in the selection of every article ' Fulton, the Federal Coinvat l'onto Ihey offer m rnaiket. They are old loe ad ,,e HiBh Couit of Errori and t.tizens of the if their ex-j ArrenU B,jftckl,on. penence, effor-a flatter themselves that Seplember 6 ms. J56 he buyin.-r portion of the commnnityj r ' will not only be pleased with the arti-j cles, but with the prices and facilities ; J. III'.ItlllltT, they offer. Ihint eye to those I ATTONEY AND COUNSELLOR thu arc irmuicij bciucu aiiu who nsve flUI iiciiii-iiu ucru uppnru III ineir uttphborhood with fresh articles at fair prices, they have purchased a very handsom stock of foods for ki:as nitim;r, at which place they will have attentive Clerks, and give some portion of their personal attention to the good people of that vicinity. FOR THE LADIES THEY HAVE Prints, Muslins and Ginghams, of very variety: mack aril printed I Lawns; Bishop and Victory do Ging ham wVuslen, Linen Muslins, Linen and Silk Tissue, Plaid, Black and Embroidered dress silks; Plaid .9nai talian Lusters, Poplin Franciea. Al paccus, Silk Warp do, Bombazines Icarean Lusters; A LAKGi: LOT of Swiss, Jack, Mill and Nansook Muslins; Cambrics Rich Berage ai.d in addition to which they offer the most handsome end cheap BONNETS, Bonnet Ribbons, Laces, Braids Silk and cotton fringe and every variety of dress trimings, and would most arnestly request them to CALL and xamine their I.r French flowers, JinVIXKY, Worked Collars, Cuff's, Irimed, "Stand jp" habits, Elizabetheana &.C Ladies do cail. e.tli:hi:.' While we confess that we spent more time in making selections for the Li dies for which every gentleman will accord to us the credit due.; ihure. fore we have not passed with indifer ence their claimes. and are now in receipt of some of the finest CLOTHS, various rolors American and French Drap'd Eli, Ermine, Cadet Casemore, Codringtnn. French Casemcres Doe akin merino Casimeres, Summei Tweeds, Monterey Casimcres Cioton, Camlilel, Grass, Irish plaid and check Linens, A Large Lot of : iti:Ai)Y tiaih:c roriii.; Hats Boots and Shoes Hardware and Cutlery, Saddlery, (some very fine Saddles) GROCERIES, and in short every article that may be expected in market, all of which they oiler on the most liberal terms Mr. .Wyers would here tender to the peo ple of Chickasaw his most sincere and devoted thanks for the liberal patron age he has heretofore received at their I . " ... . ! hands and would say, that he will be in the Cotton niatket this fall. Houston May 9ih 1849. 17 6m 50 Hales Tuscaloosa and Orot rille Osnaburgs for sale at manufac tory prices with cost of transporta tion added. G McFARLANE ck Co. Aberden.June 5, 1849. ewva'kdaTm i:)ELi.r, Commission Merchant, MEMPHIS-TEN. .Mruart's yriip An excellent article for tablo use, in quantities to suit purchasers, for sale by G. McFAltLANE &Co. Aberdeen Junel8I9 0 tl V. K A S T V , Denial Surgeon. Ilespectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Houston and Chickasaw generally. Office Houston Hotel. l.ndim drt'!i pooti. .Niks, l is M)ues, Linen Lustres, Darregcs. French Muslins, Ginghams and Mourning Goods in great variety and etjles, lately received bv G. Mc FAR LANE &. CO. Aberdeen, June 5, 1819. One nburg. 24 Bales Heavy Os mburpsjust received and for sale by G.'McFARLANE Co. Aberdeen, June 5th, Marriage Lictnce fur sale at (he Pat riot oflice. IMtOM.MO.X A I I It IN. t. n., Attorney and t'oiincellnr .1TL.1IV. AM) 8.MCinK IN ( IUMTRY. Office in the Court House, South went comer Basement Story. Housio Mi., 10th Aug , '48. 42m. J. A. O It IE Allot ney and Counsellor at Law, HOUSTON MISS. WILL practice in the several courta of thia county, the c rcuil court of Monroe, Choctaw, Oktibbeha, Yalla bushy, I'ontotoc, the Federal Court ' I'untotoc.ond the High Court of Er- 1 rort ana Appeals, at Jackson. July 28th Ib49. 7 ly. LTwIvotTckT M W. I.INDSAV, I). II. MNPSAY Alierdeen, Houston, m LAW, I will attend the Ciicuit Courts Houston. Oflice and residence Aherdeen, Mies. September 13, 1849. I5-I2m. LA W NO T1CE. JOHX A. AYIIXOY, Having relumed fiom Mexico, to i Aberdeen his fuimer leeiileiice: Mid having resumed the practice of law, respecuuiiy lenueis ins services lo his fiiends, and 1 tie public generally. Office ot Aberdeen Mississippi. September 13th 1818. 15 12m. I Dr. AV. T. K pa I din?, I 7I5M VING permanently located a' Jill PALO ALTO, Mississippi, offers hia professional services in the I practice of Medicine, Surgery, and Obatilricks, and solicits a share of pub j c patronage. Pricea moderate to lisit the times. l'alo Alto, May 22 1813. n8 I2m Jlcdicnl .olico RS. BLACKWELL &. MAR TIN, having formed a partners ship in the practice of Medicine, would respectfully tender their professional services to their friends and the public generally. By (hia arrangement they will secure, at any time, to their pat rons, the benefit of consultation with out additional expense. July, 21, 1847. 9 10m. mi. man oiia. AY1NG resigned his Profes sorship in the B. M. Collcga. of Memphis, with a view of devoting his time to practical professional servi ce, offers bis services to the citizens of his region, and will promptly res pond to all calls near or remote, and will constantly keep on hand an ample supply of the usual Botanic Medicines, lor salo. Hia oflice is at his residence near Palo Alto, Mis. NI.OIl AL, NOTICE. I)r. Srott & Jloiitsoinory, EPI espectfully informs the citizens ol (aVchickaiaw county, that they hnve associated togi-tlicr for the purpose of practicing medicine in all its branches. hJ lhl "".ngeinent to be ahlfl In ntlitrri nrnninl anil mat tat !M nr V satisfactory attendance to all of their friends and patrons. They will give (heir joint or sep arale attention to all patients placed ander their care as may be equired Olhxe aouth side of puUt ; Square. Houston Nov. 1848. int. av. a. .Tici4i:i:, THANKFUL for past favors, will co ninue the practice of medicine when favored wiiha call. Being permanent ly located in the town of Houston he will in all cases make his charges in accordance with the timea; oflice third door east of the Hotel; his residenre in the aouth east aorner of the Town opposite the residence of J. I . A r ilti n at which place he may generally be found when not professionally engaged Those who are laboring under atllic lions of a chronic character may if they wish enter into special contract, if a1 cure he e fleeted pay so much if no cut e so much or nothing s the agreement may bo. He would also remind his friends that he is compeled to pay his debts, and as he has once called upon them to call and settle, and they have failed to do so, he now proposes if they will settle any ot his debts, it will bo a favor kindly received, as he ia deter mined that suing shall be the last re ort; yet his debts must te paid. Will those who are indebted lo him call and see thnt those tilings are promptly at tended to; the eschange of paper is a course sometimes puisued,to keep on the good fide of the people, this he wishes to to avoid if possible, if not he will be compeled lo comply with' the rulss and usages of the-country. July :th 1819. 1-ly. jon ; akomk, I'.OOT k SHOE MAKEIt. Houston Miss iss i ;i . -! RESPECTFULLY VI M informs the public generally, that he is pre-s-. pared to execute all jobs, in his line of business. He has on hand the best of materials, for making fine work. All work warrenled, done in the most fashionable manner, and at the lowest ralea for emu. August 8th I84J. 8 6m. 1 Acw VruR Store. Aberdeen Mis. S now well furnished with every thing wanted in that line. Am ong which aie an excellent quality of Acids, Charcoal, Alcohol. Cinnamon ,iloes, Clovea. .fllum, Cobalt, Antimonv, Cologne water, Annette. Cnlunibo, Antimonial wine, Cor. eublimate. Aqua forlis, Cough drops, Acrrow root, Court plaster, Arsenic, Congress water Assafcc'ida, CreamMarter, Books, Cubeba pul, Balsrm capaiva. Corks. Balsam fir, Combs Bayberry pul. Crucibles, Bears oil, Dycslufla, Blood Root, Dovera powders Biller root, Elix ginger. Balm giliard, .Emory, lack pepper, Epsom salt., Blacking, Ergot lack lead, Essences "lew mass. Extracts, Blue viternl, Garden seed Borax refined Gentian, Ilrimstone, Gjma, Burg, pitch, India bureie', Brandy, Inks, Bow strings, Indigo, Brushes, Iodine, Calomel, Isinglass, Camphor, Instruments, Carmine, Kreosote, Castori ol Kreosotes, Cay'ne pepper. Kermes mine'l Camomiel fl'rs. Lamp wicks, Chalks, Laudanum, Choloride lime, Lemon syrup. Liquoric, Nutmegs, Lobelia, Nux. vomica, Lunar caustic, Oils, Lancets, Ointments, Magnesia, Otto of rose, Mace, Pencils, Matches, Paints, Morphine, Peruv. bark. Musk, Percussion caps, Mustard, Pill,s Mortars. Pat. medicines Nitre. Pink root, Nitre silver, Plasters, l'rusian blue, Sarsaparilla, Quick silver, Sand Paper, Quinine, Seales, Quills, Scidleitz Pow'rs, Rhcubarb, Senna, Rosin, Smalts, Solu gun cotton. Soaps, all kinds. Saffron, Snuffs, Spices, Soda. Sage, Scilicine, Salaeratus, Sponge, and sugar Lend. Syrups, (various kinds,) Syringe, do. Tinctures, do. Trnses, do. Tw tc zers, do. Vials, do. Yinegar, Wal ers, window Glass, Wines, ic. Which will be sold very low for Cash or to punctual customers. J. STREET dc Co. P. S. Family medicines pros criptions put up with espeicial care. Aberdeen, Mi. July 25 1819 C ly 71 ak km: facto ky Col ii tubus Mississippi The subscriber has now on hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF AMERICAN & ITALIAN and ia ready, at his yard in Colum bus Mi., to execute all work in his line of business, such as MOWMRXTs. T0MI1S, IlKAD STOXtiS c. and work warranted equal to any in the country. He will fill all orders forwarded by mail or otherwise, and de liver the work promptly tt any point within sixty mile of the factory free of extra charges. B. F. MOORE, Gni'l. A?n't. fur R. MILLER. Columbus, Mi. June 25, 1849. 3 tf JnckMin Ilook-ltiiidrj. and blank rook manufactory SLAN K BOOKS for courts, pub lic offices, &.c, made to order, in the best and most durable style. Book binding in all its branches, al so, done and warranted in atyle, and workmanship. Also on hand and for sale a number of articles consisting of Stationary. The patronage of the pub fic ia respectfully solicited. M. L. Jui.icnnk, Sucessor to Rich'd Elward &. Co. Cery over Ellis & McAllister's. June C3, 1847 6 if. A. It. Ill IX Alt D, yllornnj and Counsellor at Law . FULTON MISS. Alwdcr n AdrrtUmnl. 11 r p ii la r I a c k r I , STEAM Jy'OAT A BE RDEEN . GEORGE W. CLOUDIS Mathr. 'I IMS nrw and splendid, light draught, double engine, A I, passen ger Steamer, will commence running regularly on the Bigbee river, in the Aberdeen tirade, on the first rise o the river. Tha A. was built thia summer, ex pressly for the trade, under the super intendence of one of the mimt skillful mechanics. No pains or expense has been spared lo nile her one of the best and most comfortable I'obH. fXCapt. C. returi.s his thank ta his numerous friends rn the a'.ove namediRiver, who have honored him for several seasons past with their patronage, and hope by strict appli cation and attention to merit a contin uance of their confidence the ensuing season. September 13, 1848. 13 ly Storage rf- Commishion Murchanls. 7" ILL continue to store and ship Cotton, roceive and forward up freight as formerly. The rates of storage on'cotton will be In ware houae, above high water mark of last winter, 20cla pr bale Inahed ldcta " " Of the O.YL Y TWO WARE HOUSES above the freshet of last winter, ours was one; yet those who Inra Mfilh iia milot itn an atitK ibf, llfl. derstanding that wa take no risk or responsibility for uaaroidabfe oecurren ( ret, meaning thereby, fires, freshets, I or other causes, which in their nature, ! are beyond our control, i .NT OK A UK.' I The undersigned having rented the I lartre Framed HARE HOUSE, from I J. R. Eckford, offers hi service to his friends and the planters generally. I am raising the W are house entire j ly above the high warier mark of De I cember 1847. And will atore nil cot 1 ton intrusted to mv care at the follow ing ratea: in ware house Insured above high- warter Mark 20 ccnla per bale T. D. HOBSON. Aberdeen September I4lh 1848. NTOKAI.K. flHE undersigned would respect H fully inform the citizens of Chickasaw and adjoining counties, that thev still have that large WA TERPROOF WARE HOUSE which kept cotton dry, during the freshet last November. Al persona therefore storing cot ton in Aberdeen, who wish thair cot ton kept above highteater mark can do so by storing with u We promise to give it our strict attention, una no exertion on our part will pe spared to 1 promote the interest of the planter obeying instructions in all case when ! given. e will have on hand a good stock of full and winter goods, also Grocer ies, Bagging, Rope tec, K.k D. CLRK. 1 1: ii a i, v n i:n i a it v. JtfRS. D. E. 7'URMAN, THANKFUL, for ihe liberal pat ronage ahe has received, announ ces to her friends and the public, that the oth session of her school will com mence on Monday the lGth of J uly , 1849. Mrs- T.'a school house is a commodious and o'igible building North East cf her residence instructions in the higher branches of at English education will be given, together with Drawing, Painting and Instrumental Music. Particular a( lention will be paid to the Elementary principals, and Reading, Writing and Spelling, with a daily exercise in Defi nition. .Vis Turmah , has been long known both in Alabama and Mississippi as a faithful and successful Teacher and it is her object to make this institu lion useful peimanent. A few young Ladies who wish to take lessons on the PIANO can be accommodated with board in the house of the principal. Terms o Xuiionprjion"o monjft 1st Cass Urlhography, Heading, Writing and Arilhmatic, $8 00 2d Class-The above, with En glish (iremnier, AGeographf 10 00 3d Class Ancient and Jtodern History, Natural Philosophy, Che mistry, Rhetoric, Logic, Astronom Jolany, .Voral and Intellectual, Philosophy, and Composition, 12 00 Drawing aad Painting, 6 00 Music, 20 00 Houston, Mi, July 16th 18495 5 in PATRICK, IRWIN Si Co. Coiiiiniioii irirrcliitiits), MOBILE, ALA. Jutnes Patrick, 1 .Mobile. James P. Irwin, JVorfn Carolina, Robt. D. Moffat, ) South Carolina. 5,000 lbs of Bacon just received and for sale, by SIMONTON & MYERS- Table JInttard. A superior ar ticle especially for table use, for sale by G. McFARLANG & Co Abenkrn June 5, 1819. w'c'it day Packet fur Aberdein CLAKA. . M. HUMS MID, MasUr. . Tfliis splendid double Ji. engine class, A No 1, p.ssenger Steamer will commence run nine reeulailv to Aberdeen on the first rise of ilie river. Her accomodations tre of the most superior order, and no pains or esper will be spare! to m.Kr. ner one oi pre...... - eomfortnb'e boms in the trade. Ahe will carry cotton from Aberdeen at 1 $1 per bale, and up freight at 50 cenl ; per barrel, during the caon. ' R. J. COCKE, Clerk una 11. 1849. tf 1-' I AINTEK. I Having located in the town of IIo'i-1 ton offer his seivice to the citizens of Chickasaw and th adjoining Counhes, and will attend to any hi line. ; llis charges will be moderate, suiIn able to the time. : He professes to be able to do any kind of House and fancy painting, any j for proof ef hia skill and proficiency salisfactory specimens a nd referene will be given when the call is madci Houston, 28lh June 1849. ; II O I N T O ! hot i: i-. I THE subscriber having taken this1 well known establishment lately occupied by PETER TITTLE, Esq.! offers its accommodations to the boar-i ding and traveling community. ' The npartment already spacious and commodious, are undergoing re-i pair and will be considerably enlarged. I Ilia table will be furnished with the j best the country afford; polite and at sltntive servsni. alwsvs in attenrlfinr ' and no pains will be spared to render it the most desirable stopping place i the Slate. Hislaree and roomy stable will be roomy 'supplied with provender, and attended , . - by faithful ostlers. j .1 lew horses and buggys allwavson 1 hand for hire. R. G. STEELE. I Hsusoton Mi-, Jan. ieth 1S48. 28 tf MX FACTORY. D. K. WOODALL, manufacturer ofCotton Gins, is still pursuing bis business in Houston Mi. He ha now on hand aeveral Gins of the best quality which he will war rant lo perform well. He will also make to order, on the shortest notice, ' any quantity, size or quality of Gins, and deliver them any where in Chh ka 'saw or any of the adjoining connlies narranled good as be. ore mentioned, low for cash, nr on time to solvent und punctual planters. He also repairs, without delay, old Gin whenever brought to his shop, at reasonable charges. Satisfactory references will begiv- en of the qualify and performance of his Gins, to any who may w ish to pur chase. Houston, Chickasaw Co. Mi. May 29th. 1849. 10-tf l j HOUSTON I fiiali: ACAii:.nY. I THE present term of this Institu tion has commenced under favorable ! auspieces, and from the very general j and full satisfaction with the results I of our labors of the last session, we 1 indulge the hope thnt most of our ; citizens are now convinced that it is the interest of those who have daugh ters to educate to patronize the A cademy Pupils will be received at ! any period.of the session, and charg- ; ed only from the time they enter; ! but the sooner they come in the bet terforall concerned. The charts for board & tuition, compared with similar institutions, are very moder ate. Those interested will please call and judge for themselves. J. N. CAEOT1JEKS, Prin. July 27th 1849. 7 4m. UrugsV.l Just received a fresh lot Lemon's, Sulp. Quinine, Hasings Syrup Nap tha, Soap, perfumery. Gun Cotton so- nti0n an article that no Physician or Family mould be without an imme dials cure for wounds or burns of all kinds. We are in dayly expectation of of a large quantity of S P Towns sends oassulanlla, tha only enuine article manufactured. Also Christies Galvanic Beds, Bracelets and fluid; ano a few of the electro magnetic Bat ery or .Machines, and many other arti cles til of which wii be sod for cash or to punctual creditors lower for alike quality of articles than can be purched in tin market. Call at the NEW DRUG STORE next door to Cozart & Clarks. J. STREET, eVco, Aberdeen Mi. Aug. 8, 1819 I J.KOBI S, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, rTLTON MIS. j GciKh in, ii'a Pniiaiii.1 Hal. .' with several varieties of Leghorn! anu i aimeio nais, just received and for sale by G. McFARLANE Co. Aberdeen June 5, 1819. Tloiic) to Iwanal C pr. cent. .711 persons wishing to make a profi table investment will pleane call and lift their note and accounts, and the-ehy save cost and trouble. Those wishing cheap goods can be supplied at the store ol the undersigned east side of the public square in Houston, privately at all times, or at nnhlii. Biil-tinn fln ihft firal Salnr! tnd Mondty jn Mli tni on ,i bfm m0day. in every moo'h thereafter', du- . me w,n ,liem A A: A MATTHEWS. Houston 11, Apr. 1819. tf . N. W. SMITH, Aberdeen. NUM. Mi. Vhickatau, Mobile Alabama. Would respectfully announce to the planter generally, that tliey liava made arrangements for conducting a genera Commission Business in Mo bile Alabama, where tliey will be pleased to wait on those who may fa vor tliem with their patronage. To gnard against misfortunes (which they consider only a nickname for imprudence) they will unequivo cally decline nccepting or endorsing bills unrle. any pretence whatever, by which means the planting interest will be sife in their bands. . October 11th 1848. 19 tf. SOUTHERN PATRIOT. BY M AIM l & hl NDKK K. TERMS. The Souther Patriot,! publish- weekly, at i OU a year, II paid in advance, or within two months from ' the time t of subscribing; $1 if oot paid till the end of the year Club in ' lhe Country or distant Post Offices, i i . ir . j j who may mane up anu inrwara in aa vance, the sum ofj 10 shall be entitled to receive five copies. This' eduction will not be made however, in any ease, where the payment is not mado in ad vance. No paper will be discontinued until all dues have been paid, except at the option of the publisher. iQfADVF.RTisKMaNTs inserted at tl per square, often line or less for the first insertion, and fifty cenl per square for each subsequent Insertion. Tha number of insertion required must be kmared on tho advertisements, or they , w ill be inserted until ordered out, and charged for accordingly. IC7 Professional or business cards, of one square, inserted at $10 per an. num, for every additional square $ 10. Articles of a personal nature, will be charged double price. Political cir culars or public addresses, for ihe ben efit of individuals or companies, will be charged -as advertisements, and at Ihe same rates, payable in advance. ICTJob Printing, in all its various branches, executed with neatness and dispatch. Payments for advertising and job work, will be required in advance Subscribers who have not an opportunity of paying otherwise, may remit by mail, in bills nf solvent banks, postage paid, at our risk; provided it shall appear, by a postmaster's certi. Rente, that such remittance ha been duly mailed. .1011 OriTC'K. K3C23 fltHE Proprietor has recentijr ii made very extensive additions of new and beautiful type, to their Print ing Office, which enables them to ex ecute, equal to any office in the South, every description of Plain and Fancy Printing. We have received a splendid assort ment of blank cards, for tho benefit of professional and business men. The following is a part of the various description of Printing which we are prepared to exccuie at (his office S'wvi Bills Bill Headings, Hand Hills, Horse Bills, Steamboat Bills Business Cards, llsiting Cards, Circulars, Checkt, Notes, Ball Tickets, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Funeral Notices, blanks of all kino. The following blanks are always, kept on hand: Magistrate's Subiuo&s Attachments, Executions. Stay Bonds-. Appeal Bonds, Delivery Bonds, &uar. dian's Bond, Letters of Guardianship Jury Tickels, Witness Ticket Coun-v ty Treasury Warrants, Manage Lir censes and Bonds, SliMijTa & Consta-a ble Notice of sale of properly, Siiei ids Fourthcnming Roads. Executions oa Forfeited Forthcoming Bonds, Exe cutions in Assumpset, Circuit Clerks ' Subpoenas, Capia Ad-respondendumk fxc. J. l. McCLK.VboST, " Co mm iss io n Me rchant. MOB1LE-.JL.2. f nUANKFULL for past favor, he LL continue the above buainess qJ respectfully solicits a continuenoe. ol" the patronage ofhia friends. Aug, j 1849. ft 6m. LaditMi Uoo7of allth7"VaTioTs styles and qualities, recently re- ceived and now offered for ale by G. McFAULANEvfc Co. June 5, 1319.