OCR Interpretation

The Durant news. (Durant, Miss.) 1882-1985, December 09, 1948, Image 7

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065228/1948-12-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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(Doctor Felix J. Underwood.
State Health Officer, has just re
turned from the National meet
ing of the American Cancer So
ciety in New York- He says that
while no new cures for cancer
have come to light, “a good deal
of progress evidently is being
made in detection and -diagnosis,
and many lives are being saved
with early treatment by surgery
and dariation.”
Doctor Underwood said that
new rat cancer apparently virus
caused. This report gave new im
petus to the virus theory and to
its implications that cancer some
day may be controlled by mea
sures that have stamped out
smallpox and other virus-caused
Dr. Charles S Cameron, the j
Society’s medical and scientific |
director, called cancer “a disease
of civilization.” He pointed out
that cancer strikes most com-;
DR. SIDNEY J. WATSON, Optometrist
Morgan-Lindsey Building
Office Hours 8:00 until 5:00 daily
Closed Thurday Afternoon !
—- /
atraftfr me me mem
Dr. John R. Heller, director of
the National Cancer institute,
told the meeting that new studies \
are being made to identify and!
eliminate cancer hazards in in-1
Doctor Underwood snid that
several evperts discussed the use
of chemicals made radioactive in
cyclotrons and atomic ovens in
the treatment o fcancer and to
trace the body chemistry.
“Progress is being made against
cancer,” said Doctor Underwood.
“There is a long way to go be
fore all cancers wil be cured
Under the American Cancer So
ciety a great deal of research is
being pressed and results are be
ing obtained in scores of the na
tion's finest laboratories. With the
present knowledge of the treat
Right Now While You Are Full Of
The Christmas Spirit Is The Time To
Take Care Of Needed Home Repairs.
It Will Repay You In Dividends Of
Happy Living Throughout The En
tire New Year And Years To Come!
S We Have EVERYTHING You Need ' 3
0J To Repair Your Home. See Us For— &
Elaterite Root Coating ft
Martin Senour Paints
*4 Doors and Windows |J
Plywood, Masonite, v.
S Beaver Board and Tile Board J
S? All kinds and sizes of (iln )ried ^
§f. Lumber *
Asohalt Roofing and Brick I>
2L Siding ^
Durant —:— Phone 328 j*
Men’s Suits
We Have An Outstanding Selection Of
All Wopl Suits In The New Fall Patterns.
These Suits Are Expertly Tailored To Give
You Afferfect Fit. We H ive Such Out
stondlg Lines As Curlee, Griffon, Style- j
mart, Clothcraft, And Manchester. We
Have All Sizes In Shorts, Stouts, And
i i
Longs. Priced From
, $2g.75 TO $55.00
You Will Find The Following Famous Lines Of
Men's Wear At Our Store.
* Florsheim Shoes * Wing Shirts
• Jarman Shoes * Enro Shirts
* * Fortune Shoes j
* Stetson Hats 1
* Champ Hats
• Intervoven Soch !
• Hickok Belts
Durant Dry Goods Co.
Quality Men's Wear
Durant, Miss.
^ - 1
by Joyce Williams.
Home Demonstration Agent
An unusual fruit confection to
make at home for Christmas is
candied cranberries, cookery
scientists of the U, S- Department
of Agriculture suggest. Cran
berries are plentiful this year
and there is no scarcity ot sugar.
The candied berries are Christ
mas red. bright, plump and semi
transparent so that they may be
used either as a sweetmeat or
garnish. They are easy to make
l but take time because the secret
I of their success is long slow heat
| ing and overnight standing in
i syrup.
The recipe calls for: 1 quart
(pound) of large cranberries; 3
cups sugar; 2 cups water. To
make: Pick over and wash the
berries. Slit each berry in several
places with the point of a sharp
knife. Use a large shallow sauce
pan—wide enough so that all the
berries can float on top of the
svrup. Heat sugar and water in
the pan until the sugar is dis
solved Then cool and aud the
berries Bring slowly just up tc
the boiling point, then remove
immediately from the heat and let
j stand oversight. Do not let the
berries boil because this breaki
I the skin.
| The next day remove the ber
j ries and boil the syrup five tc
10 minutes to concentrate anc
make it thicker. (If you have s
candy thermometer, boil thi
sy.up to l-o 1■’.) Cool tne syrup
put m berries again, heat slowlj
and. cook gently three or fou
j minutes. Remove from the hea
aim allow un berries to stand n
the syrup two hour or more. Thci
heat slowly tor tne tnird tim
1 ju t five minutes. Remove fron
1 ’it her.t and let ihc berries stais
'jin 'he cvrup overnight again.
On the tnird day warm syru
| ana oerrws unnl tne syrup wii
; pour easily. Duo, bj.up fror
, Lei iits opi\au bellies io dry o
, j a . covered wnh chetsecloti
[( W: ii c’.-y they mr.y be si-, red i
, ’ a tigluly covered jar. If desirec
, ’ they rr>ay be rolled in sugar. Th
i1 leftover syrup makes a good des
I sen. sauce or may be used l
j nonoay punch
For success in making holida;
cakes and cookies, take time foi
accurate measuring, cookerj
scientists of the U S Departmem
' i Agncu*.u»e suggest. Hurried
' homemakers cooking for festive
'meals often are tempted toward
r iugh estimates rather than level
even measures. Too often baking
failures result. Too much floui
can make a cake heavy and
cracks, for example, and too
little can cause it to fall.
For measuring dry ingredients a
! graduated set of metal measuring
I cups, ranging from one cup down
to one-fourth cup. is recommend
ed because these cups are easy
to level off without packing down
the ingredients.
A set of metal measuring
spoons—from 1 tablespoon to ‘4
teaspoon—also should be part of
home kitchen measuring equip
For accuracy in measuring dry
ingredients—flour, baking pow
der. salt apd such—fill the cup or
spoon to overflowing without
packing or shaking down Then
pass a knife or spatula over the
top for even leveling
For liquids, a glass cup mark
ed with measurements on the
side aids accuracy because it is
easy to see the level of the liquid
through the glass. If the cup ex
tends ia little higher than the
one-cup line, a full cup can be
measured without spilling*
A cup of fat mav be measured
bv packing the fat closely and
then leveling off the excess with
a knife. But an easy, accurate
way to measure part of a cup
is with water. For example, to
ment of cancer at our disposal
the Dresent death rate will be
greatly reduced If people will
only heed the early warning
symptoms bv consulting their
physicians immediately, and act
| promptly on the Doctor’s advice
Brand Naw
And Up — Easy Terms!
Write or Phone Us At Once!
Also New and Used
Ellis Piano Company
505 E. Pearl. Barnett-Madder.
Mississippi's Largest Piano Hems*
pushed under the \
Many accidents occunng in the |
kitchen can be avoided, accord
ing to National bais. iy council
A place for everything and
| everything in its place,” is an
' indication oi good iousc keeping
| and a prime requisite in the kit- i
I ehen, safety experts say.
I Falls are the cause of most kit 1
tm.a accidents, the National Safe
ty council reports.
Many falls result from using
makeshift devices such as chairs,
stools and boxes for climbing A ;
, safe step stool is an essential |
; piece of eqipment in any modern
! kitchen.
j Grease and water should al
ways be mopped up to eliminate
the danger of slipping and fall
Scalds and burns also rank high
i among kitchen accidents.
I Turning pan handles away from
the front of the stove is a good
precaution to avoid burns from
hot liquid. Also use a cover when
carrying scalding liquids.
Before opening a steaming
kettle or roaster, cover the pan
with a cloth and lift the far side
of the cover first. Follow direct
, ions when using a pressure cook
' er, making sure that the safety
valve is working.
Knives and other sharp tool..
I are involved in 14 per cent of ail
home accidents Sharp knives
should be kept in a safe rack oi
j special drawer
II Other kitchen precautions sug
gested by the National Safety
council include keeping matches
“! out of children’s reach, nc vei
i: using gasoline or kerosene to
’ | start fires keeping all dryclean
' j ing operations out cf the kitchen,
i checking stovepipes and flues
i regularly and storing medicines
1 and drugs away from the k tchen
- -nd where children canr.ot reach
1 them.
I _ _
i' '* R°*» f_ ,^e,Pr’Dmpf(vKe< ,
> rJ'^dZi'^S
. fB&s&J&vt
mm\ g$Sl
A.u' what be:t<y gift could there
be on r V'body’s Christmas list than
ptxxl. s» ord restful sleep a 'd re
taking good k.aith! What better
gift for the whole family — both
young r.ti'* c'd. I c-ltMul living
reouires plenty of restful sleep . . .
vi**" ,.pe .d jv *be many annoy
ances caused i,y chr. ’"intt tempera
turc* pad b*dky bed covers.
An automatic e'erric blanket or i
comforter puts an end to waking
uo fuoibUng around for
cover aujUsuuft it.a v t .da S.
You rc'eet die warm h you li**e
best vatb t>*e little temperature
i iontro) bov just uke you wouid se
ect vour favorite staiion on your
rad: . *rh-a; vr.u- If in bed to enjoy the 1 ncT of $1 epmg
omfo... you* " P 'ver known befr,“".
The perfect pft far friends and fer ycucself . - - f >r better sleep,
rettcr health.
S.-3 Vorr metrical A^Ua^.c Dealer
F *" * f — ? «— <r'* a? **l -
a. A **
<sft LigfcS <L'r,m>pany’
{ For A REALLY Jolly I
| Christmas In'49 |
| Join TODAY The |
Peoples Bank's I
| The Plan .s Ve.y SmipL-—Fui In A Little This Week And |
I Every Week, Ami Z, The Time The Next Holiday Rolls |
| Around You'll Ifeve A Substantial Check. 1
'i' ® In
1 Pay 25c Each Week For 50 Weeks, Receive Next Dec. $12.50
Pay 50c Each Week For 50 Weeks, Receive Next Dec. $25.00 I
| Pay $1.00 Each Week For 50 Weeks, Receive Next Dec. $50.00
Pay 2 00 Each Week For 50 Weeks, Receive Next Dec. $100.00 1
Pay 5 00 Each Week For 50 Weeks, Receive Next Dec. $250.00
1 * I
1 Durant, Miss.
1 - S

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