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The Mississippi enterprise. (Jackson, Miss.) 1938-current, December 04, 1943, Image 4

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Editor-in-Chief - Dorothy Sanders
Assistant Editor ...Johnie M. Thomas
Ceneral News Editor Evelyn Adams
Styles Editor .__ Bessena Cook
Secretary.. ..Trma Pearl Alexander
Business Manager Frances Ann Bowman
General News
The report cards for this six
weeks will be sent out Wednes
day. We all hope that every stu
dent will make marks that will be
satisfactory, both to him and to
his parents.
Club News
All the classes met in their reg
ular club meeting Wednesday.
The seventh and eighth grade
classes met in a joint meeting* on
Wednesday in the school auditor
ium. The i 'sident. Jimmie Wil
son, presided. They had an inter
esting Thanksgiving Program.
We all lii. ^ Miss Thompson's pink
Sloppy Joe .weater. We also ad
mi; • Inez Peavey for not wearing
. er nair like that because it doesn’t
teem: ■> her. Bessena Cook and
Daisy atkirs' bows are rather
becoming in thi ir hair. Ann Cook's
red sweater aim red skirt looked
ery nice when she wore them
Than'mgiving. We think Cather
ine Davis' hairdo is very becom
What’s the matter with Joe L.
Caint and Myrtle Boraden? It
that they don’t talk so much
these days.
What’s the matter with the
Teachers Training Girls this year
—'they don’t seem to be so. hot!
!I» seems that Claudia Culvington
is really over-1* ^els at >ut John
Hem/ Sims. Her sister, f'ussie is
wild .’or Clarence Johnson. An
other si;ter. Ivy C. will die a nat
ure death if Johnny Gilmore
doesn’t i_ n.ee Aier.
Marie Brown ve think you had
better cool down.
Tessie Gearing and Richard Bul
lock are getting on some times but
what about Ma *y Newton.
We wonder who Om<* Lee R‘ch
ar dson is in love with.
Trances Brown, better known as
SI 'er>y, we think a lot of you to
tell you ' \ Shnmie Jones doesn’t
care anytm. about you, so don’t
dream of him so much.
Ir na Pearl Alexander is getting
on oome tirn^s with Herbert Por
ter, the new sophomore.
Alean Batiest a.id James Wil
liams are strictly on the beam.
Clarence Johnson why dream of
Mildred Washington. She doesn’t
ever notice you.
Catherine Davis savs even thnnph
her boyfriend did get mad with her
for being out of town Thanksgiv
ing, she played the game.
There wasn’t anything cooking
in Brookhaven Thanksgiving, says
Johnny Gilmore, so he went to
McComb and did his jumping.
J. D. Green sure hates to leave
Brookhaven, doesn’t he Grace?
It's no use in your singing,
“Don’t cry baby,” to Gay anymore '
James, because she’s spining fast.
Sarah Dow heard from C. L. last
week and every since she has been
showing all 32 of her teeth.
Bertha Batiest seems to be go
ing wild over Herman Diggs, but
he seems tc have his mind on Lil
lian Robinson.
Crystal Springs
H. J Wolfe, Reporter
F. -v. M. J. Jones, the pastor of
Mourn ■’•alvery C. M. E. Church,
Rev. E. .. Washington, Presiding
Elder of the Jacv<?on District, and
Mrs. Jenet Brown of Jackson, en
joyed a delicious dinner Sunday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamp
A veiy pleasant isitor in town
is Mr. Lynch Watt* of Chicago,
who is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs Chari e Watts. Mr. Watts
is having a delightful time meeting
his many old frien n.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Morris are
pleased t announce th arrival of a
fine . aby boy born November 29.
Puh:lentty o°mPh) that’s Judy Carol, the new singing star with Lucky
Ii lindei s Orchestra. Miss Carol—that last name is spelled with one “r" and one “1”. if you please—
is a product of Los Angeles, California. J
Th.0Mirn!ndierh n°minate he^.asihe Pin-Up Girl ,for of the Army. Navy. Marines and Air Force.1
e lillinder band really is in there and ‘solid’ with dance-lovers now. Interviewed by an IPS re
""rt'’o“IS«« M°L vit„' „^.a.t,,0r 1116 present her career comes »rst- And why not give the nation a
At this writing both mother and
baby are doing nicely.
The following letter was sent
to your reported with the request
that it be printed in the column of
Crystal Springs news:
‘•To My Friends of Crystal
Springs, Miss.—Hello everybody. I
know you are surprised to hear
from me in this way, but I can’t
write to all of you so I thought {
this would be the best way to
send my message.
“I will be glad to hear from all
of my friends. This is a lone
some place over here and it akes
mail a long time to get here, but
ive aer mighty proud to get it when
it does come. It is nice here how
ever and I hope some of you will
get to see it. I would like to re
ceive mail from any of my friends.
My address is: Cpl. Frankie L.
Bailey, 858 Engr. Amv. Bn. H. S.
Co., APO 4826, %Postmaster, New
York, N. Y.”
Say, Mary L. Ivory, this isn't
leap year, so why not let John
Price come to see you instead of
you going to see him? Is it true
that Eddie L. Jackson is in love
with Rosie Lee Gynes? Is it true
that Primrose Morgan and Iris V.
are going to New Orleans, Christ
mas, don’t be disappointed girls?
Is it true that Mattie M. is en
gaged to John P? Wonder what
will Mary L. I. have to say about
that? The happy look on Prim
rose's face is due to the fact that
Pvt. Johnie S. is coming home.
Since Willie Lee left town it seems
as though Junior Price is taking
his place with Sarah Ivory.
Robert C. now sings, “Wonder
if my Baby ever thinks of me,”
could he be singing to Mary M,
Jones or Gladys Ford? Ida M.
Wheeler make up your mind be
tween Percy A., or Joe N. Pow
ell. R. H. Jackson who gave you
that black eye or did you acci
dently run into a door? Eddie L.
Jackson and Rosie Lee Gynes are
really that way about each other.
Are the two boys in Orginville
dodging their girl friends because
this month is Christmas? Joe
Powell and Ida M. Wheeler are re
ally in the groove.
Announcing the Opening of
West Jackson’s Most Exclusive Cafe
Fine Food and Excellent Service
839 Rose St. Near Drummond’s Corner



Buy War Bonds and Stamps now!
w w •> *# «W# «>«»«>«»« «* «• V* «•«> »V4W«
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Your Own Choosing”
$ A |
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Dial 3-2377 |
|j 415 N. Farish St. Jackson, Miss, i!
s _ I
No man has enough hats—so you can bo sure
that giving him a ResistolffSelf-Conforming”
Hat is sure to please him. But there's a double
thrill to this gift—when you give him the cute
miniature hat and box with the gift certificate
—then, when he enjoys the comfort and smart
looks of his Resistol "Self-Conforming” Hat.
E. Capitol St. Jackson, Miss.
*• •
Account of
War Prisoners
Is Given
Negroes of American and other
nationalities are among the pris
oners incarcerated in Germany and
Japan. There were approximately
6,000 American prisoners alone in
Germany in June. It is estimated
that thousands of colonial Negroes
captured in. North Africa and
France are also behind barbed
wires there.
Prsioners are divided into three
groups; civilians, interned when we
engaged in hostilities; fliers, brought
down over enemy territory; and the
infantrymen captured in Tunisia.
Negroes are housed indiscrimi
nately with other prisoners in Ger
many, it was learned from Dr.
Tracy Strong, world director of
War Prisoners Aid, YMCA, one of
the participating services included
in th eover-all National War Fund,
which began its nation-wide drive
for funds in October.
There is at least one method of
treatment accorded Negro and
Jewish prisoners in Germany that
differ from that of white prisoners
it was learned; that is; they are
not farmed out for agricultural
work, as are white infantry pris
oners: but are housed in the prison
camps at all times.
This is doen apparently to keep
them from mixing with the Aryan
population, which Hitler holds out
a sthe master race. Prisoners who
work on farms are frequently
housed on the farms where they
Under terms of the Geneva Con
ference, fliers and internes (civil
ian prisoners) are not permitted to
work on the land.
Prison camps are already well or
ganized, according to international
regulations, with Red Cross par
cels, clothing and supplies from the
YMCA already filtering in regul
arly through neutral channels.
Dr. Benjamin Mays, president of
Morehouse College, is a member
of the board of directors of the
War Prisoners Aid, YMCA. This
agency is one of the participating
services in the National War Fund.
It conducts recreational, education
al and religious activities for the
men behind the barbed wire, who,
although comparatively comforta
ble, live bleak and barren lives at
The War Prisoners Aid cooper
ates with the Red Cross, which
supplies material relief, informa
tion to families and works fo rthe
improvement of prison camp life.
The service is extended to prison
ers without regard to color or race.
Observers from neutral countries
make regular visits to the Axis
camps, talking with prisoners and
commandants, looking into their
needs and treatment.
Wherever possible the War Pris
oners Aid provides the prisoners
with games played in their home
lands, handicraft equipment, hobby
material, books, music and musical
instruments, and other things.
One big reason for food price
control is that the American peo
ple as a whole have much more
to spend than there are things to
At Every Meal We Have Just
What You Want—
Prepared By A Chef Cook.
Sandwiches - Cold Drinks
W. J. SUMMERS, Prop.
Located Downtown
Phone 4-9364
Lincoln Addition
Mrs. Eugene Davis, Reporter
i Mr. and Mrs. Oatis of Georgeto\ n
spent Monday evening in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finch of this
Mr. Roscie Campbell, stationed
at Fort Clarke, Texas, is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Campbell of Crystal Street.
Mr. Ora Day formerly of Camp
McCain, passed through to see his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Day of
Crystal Street. He enjoyed a iarief
visit wit hthem.
Pvt. Flozell Holly of Camp Hood.
Texas, was guest Tuesday in the
home of his sister, Mrs. Eugene
The Mt. Zion Church of this com
munity, Rev. Jenkins of East Jack
son, pastor, is rendering good ser
vice. The church has led and op
ened the door for the Public School
in this community.
Send your news to the Reporter
before Tuesday of each week and
she will gladly see that it gets
into the paper.
Betty Hutton rose to fame as a
madcap comedienne, but plays a
dramatic heroine who gets no
laughs in “The Miracle of Mor
gan’s Creek,” in which she co
stars with Eddie Bracken.
Why kid yourself
any longer about
Be Smart...Start Coloring It Today...This Easy Way
If you want to bring a
new, rich color (black,
brown, blonde) to
your hair—start using
Godefroy’s Larieuse
Hair Coloring now. It
acts quickly and direc
tions in the red box
make it simple to apply.
You'll love the natural
looking, rich color
Larieuse brings to
your hair, and be
amazed at how evenly
and easily it goes on.
Won’t rub off or wash
out. Heat will not affect
Larieuse applications.
Now you can have the
permanents and stylish
hairdos that make you
look years younger. In
sist on Larieuse, known
and used for 45 years.
Your dealer will refund
money if you're not
100% satisfied.
Use Only as w
on Label
If your dealer doesn’t have Larieuse (LARRY-USE) send $1.2$
direct to ... Codejroy MJg. Co., 35/0 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.
- i
December will rival June
this war year of 1943.
These rings, among others "
equally lovely, are for the
consideration of Christ
mas-tide grooms.
Convenient Terms at no ex
tra cost. Illustrations en
larged to show detail.
Charge it. Pay cash. Lay
away, or open a Budget
Account. Up to a year to
Lovdy 4-Diamond Gracefully Carved
Twosome Duette
n > * 7 *7 Two stones sup- $ t P A®0
SW IJ" *2 port the brilliant li)U
tartt cold settinf. Win- solitaire. There are two
"®“*. in*tton of «*- in the s m a r t wedding
aesisn. band.
Man? imar •> «r out or
styles In ston he *erL,c* *
rinrs tha >an w#ll »p
ntake Idea ' r * c * a * • •
sifts for la father bill
lies. H An Attractive Threesome BS old
Sjj The wide cold wed
$OA?5 H di»r band for the $0*50
/U H froom matches the fX/
■v ^^B encasement rlnc and wl
-veddinc band.
Down Payments According to Federal Regulations
ii __
Registered Jeweler—American Gem Society
218 East Capitol St. Jackson, Miss.

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