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' * W The MISSISSIPPI ENTERPRISE W The Vicksburg Enterprise “Growing With Mississippi’ The Greenwood Enterprise Volume 34 Number 22 Vickihur*, Miss. Volume 26 — Number 36 Greenwood, Mix. VOLUME 34 —Number 22 JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI, SATURDAY, OCT, 5, 1663 16 CENTS PER COPY » ■■ ■% n «M _ •» • ■ I « » ^ “ “ ‘ “ Territorial Division of the United Givers Accept Goal of $5,500 GF KICKOFF The following program opened (be Kick-Off meeting for the Ter ritorial Division of the United Givers Fund September 23 at the YMCA. Presentation of colors and pledge to the Flag by Boy and Girl Scouts The National Anthem; Invocation by the Rev. R. M. Richmonds, pastor of Blair Street A. M. E. Zion Church; Pep-talks by A. P. Johnson, chairman; discussion of the kit by Melvin C. Wiggins, co chairman; A move, UGF: Serv ices, The United way, “Mrs. Mat tie Mae Marshall, agency repre sentative; “Making our Goal,” Mrs. Bettie Hunt; Remarks by Henry Hederman, general cham paign chairman. Other remarks were made by H. E. Briggs, Obie Graves, Dr. Robert Smith, Mrs. Ora D. Robinson. Kits were pass ed out by Clarence Thompson and secretaries. The Territorial Division has accepted a goal of $5,500. A ban quet followed the meeting. The Bettie Marino Branch Y. W. C. A. located on North Farish Street, will celebrate its 18th an niversary as a national m o v e ment, Sunday. The Branch YWCA became a part of the National YWCA in 1945. Due to good plan ning it has served the community well for these past years. Friends and members are invited to share this grand occasion. This will be a Home-coming for all persons who donated to the Building Fund and all of those who have ever been members of the “Y”. All classes and other activities will start Monday, September 30 on scheduled time for the week. Call or come by the YWCA for a Program of activities. Miss Tensia Jackson, a grad uate of Dillard University, joined the Branch YWCA Staff on Mon Woman s Day Speaker At Vicksburg Church iii, i|i mil h IH 'h . . ^w-_ Mrs. Doris Tharpe Hall, outstanding club, civic and fraternal worker of the state, was guest speaker, Sunday, September 29, at Bethel A. M. E. Church in Vicksburg, when Woman’s Day was observed. Speaking to an appreciative audience, Mrs. Hall’s mes sage was not only interesting, informative and inspiring, but challenging. She was introduced by Mrs. O. W. Howard. Other participants on this program were: Mrs. Barbara Banks who read the scripture; Mrs. Ernestine Smith who offered prayer; Mrs. E. E. Grimmett of Wesley Methodist Church who sang a solo; Miss Shirley Coleman of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, an instrumental selection and remarks by pastor. Rev. L. G. Clarke. Sponsors of this program were: Mesdames Rebecca Vaughn and Charlene Shelton. . ■ ■ . Danlorth Grants Now Available to October 15 Inquiries about Danfort Graduate Fellowships for ca reers in college teaching are invited, Associate Professor James Wiley Brown of Jack son State College, announced today. The fellowships, offered by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Missouri, are open to male college seniors or re cent graduates preparing for a career of teaching, counsel ing, or administrative work at the college level. Applicants may be planning to major in any field of study common to the undergraduate liberal arts and sciences curriculum, at the American graduate school of their choice, but may not have already undertaken graduate work. Nominations close Octo ncr la, iyoj. Approximately one hundred fellowships will be awarded to outstanding candidates nomi nated by Liaison Officers of accredited colleges and univer sities in the United States this year. Nominees will be judg ed on intellectual promise and personality, integrity, genuine interest in religion, and high potential for effective college teaching. Winners will be eligible for up to four years of financial assistance, with an annual maximum of $1500 for single men and $2,000 for married men plus dependency allow ances for up to three children and tuition and fees. Stu dents without financial need are also invited to apply. Danforth Fellows and lead ing scholars are guests of the Foundation at an annual con ference on teaching. Students may hold a Dan forth Fellowship concurrently with other appointments, such as Ford, Fulbright, National Science, Rhodes, Woodrow Wilson. Winners will become Danforth Fellows without stipend until these other a wards lapse. The Foundation’s primary aim is to strengthen hig.ier education through programs of fellowships and workshops, and through grants to col leges, universities and other educational agencies. WORK OKAYED The board of trustees has okay ed new construction projects to take care of enrollment require ments for Rowan Junior High on Ash Street Lanier High on Maple Street, Johnson Element ary School and a new school in the Morrison-Smith-Walton area. The largest project currently underway is the new 30 teaching ctatinn at Rmuan luninr Uierh Lanier High is slated for a major addition, which will in clude the addition of 12 class rooms, a new gymnasium and alterations to the administrative area. A 12 classroom addition and an enlarged lunchroom, as well as a new auditorium is due at John son Elementary School. A new site for a 12 classroom elementary school in the Morris Smith-Walton areas is in prog ress. This new school, die Lanier and Johnson school projects are expected to be completed by September 1964. The Rowan proj ect is expected to be ready by next January. day September 22. Miss Jackson comes with a lot of experience in working with teenagers during her High School and College days. All teen-agers and advisers are invited to meet Miss Jackson dur ing the isth Anniversary Ceia bratiota on Sunday, September M from 4: to 6: p. m. A very good program is being planned for teenagers this fall Mias Mary Hffl and Mias Jut stille, National YWCA Staff mem bers will visit the Brandi YWCA on Monday, October 7 and work _ru.ff — -e-*_ _a jv_ WIUI OMUi, FUIUUWI a AIM WAIT raittee on Administration mam bers. The mein emphasis wQl he on World Fellowship. Persona who have not renewed their Membership lor INI please do so today. Teenage ton, recreation, Com munity Seorvice and FtQowahip are the rewards every number the Y-Tssn can enjoy throughout the year. If yon are 9-17, Job the YWCA daring the National Y-Tsm Roll Cafl Week, October li-lii Get to kaow the joys el belonging to a greet ergmbation with other Y-Teens. Teenagers b 71 asan tries belong tome YWCA. WASHINGTON, D. C. — President James M. Nabrit, Jr. suggested that Howard University may act shortly to train, candidates for work in the foreign service areas of government. In an address inaugurating the 96th year of instruction at Howard, Dr. Nabrit blamed racial discrimination for the shortage of qualified Nagroes to fill certain government jobs, and announced that the fed eral government has requested the university to “undertake a specialized program design ed to prepare persons forposti as foreign service officers.” On hand at Cramion Audi torium to hear the annual Formal Opening address. Dr. Nabril's third such talk since he became president of the univesrity in 1960, were some 1,200 students and teachers. The1 Howard president said only five Negroes had passed the Foreign Service Examina tion in the past tWo years, compared with 395' whites during the same period. He added that there were only 39 Negro foreign service officers out of some 3,700 such govern ment workers. “One of the lingering and harmful effects of the dual system of education is evident in the relatively small num ber of Negroes who are un able to pass the examinations required for certain positions in government,” he said, add "Of 150 applicants from pre dominantly Negro colleges who have taken the written examination in the last three yeara, only one has pawed, and that candidate failed the oral examination., “It is my hope that How ard University will shortly be able tp undertake a special ized program designed . spe cifically to prepare persons for work in the foreign service areas of government.” Commenting on the increase in faculty resources at Howard, Dr. Nabrit said that 100 new teachers have been added to the university’s complement of educators for the 1963-64 school year. Last year Howard had a full time equivalent of 576 teach trs serving some 7.200 stu dents. The faculty this year served more than 8,200 stu dents in the University's 10 schools and colleges. . Of the building program, the president said a new Col lege of Liberal Arts facility is currently under construction MVC Host to Medical Group ITTA BENA, Miss. — Mis sissippi Vocational College en near the new home economics building. V Its construction, he explain ed, has already required the razing ofSpaulding Hali and will spell a similar fate for the Student Activities Center. The old home economies building is being renovated as a Stu dent Center. Additionally, Dr. Nabrit pointed out, the new physical education building lor men, currently under ’construction, is expected to be completed next semester. Vice President Johnson Announces Nov. 14th Conference WASHINGTON, D. C. — Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson announced today there will be an Equal Em ployment Opportunity Region al Conference November 14th in Los Augeles, California. The conference will be con ducted under the auspices of the President’s Committee on Equal Opportunity, of which Vice President Johnson is chairman. The President’s Committee is charged with insuring equal employment opportunity in the federal government, by government contractors, and in federally assisted construc tion projects. Participating in the confer ence will be Hobart Taylor, Jr., Executive Vice Chairman of the President’s Committee, other federal officers from uie netu5 ui euucauon, inaus try, labor and religion. The Vice President said community leaders from sev eral Southwestern states also will be asked to participate. The conference is an out growth of Vice President Johnson’s appearance before the Mexican American Educa tion Conference in Los An geles, August 9th. “At that time I told the leaders of the Mexican Amer ican community that I would arrange a conference that would enable them to sit down with officials of the Fed eral government in workshops and work out effective steps to open up equal opportunity for all Americans,” the Vice President said. The conference will cover the problems of all minority groups, according to Mr. Tay lor. “California has a booming economy and a great educa . tion system,” Mr. Taylor no ted. “Yet, it has a growing unemployment problem and the majority of the unemploy ed are minority group mem bers. It is these Americans we are concerned about and will deal with in this conference.” ' ■ A McDowell Found Guilty; Appeal Is Indicated CLEVELAND, Miss. (AP) - A defense attorney plans to appeal the traffic violation conviction of Cleve McDowell, a Negro from Drew who was expelled from the University of Mississippi last week. City Judge Cannon Valentine found McDowell guilty Monday night of driving <0 miles an hour in a 35-mile zone without tights, and fined him a total of $35. The maximum penalty was $16$ oa I each charged Police Capt Davis Harkins and a patrolman testified it took 1$ minutes to overtake McDowell’s small foreign car last Sunday. Jess Brown, McDowell’s attor ney, said tiie defendant was driv ing in third sear, and it was not feasible to go 61 miles an hour in third. Brown said he would appeal to Bolivar County Comt ia October. The University of Mississippi expelled McDowell last Tuesday for carrying arms on cawipns. Lost Saturday a Justice of the Peace fined hkn $10t for carrying a concealed weapon. Both the ex pulsion and civil conviction have been appealed. GARDEN CLUB COUNCIL The Garden Club Council .ield its first meeting of the season with Mrs. Vera Thomp son, who has been selected to carry out the unexpired term of Mrs. Beaulah Jones, pres ent president, who is unable to serve due to ill health. Everything got off to a good start. Plans were made for a fall flower show featuring Chrysanthemums. Winners of the “Lawn of the Month” were Mrs. Roberta Adams and Mrs. Serena Walton. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 10, 4: P. M. at College Park Clubhouse. Members are urged to be present. LES FEMME8 Members of the Les Femmes des Professional .Club met Satur day evening in the home of Mrs. Jether Brown. This was the first meeting since the club recessed in July. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Eunice Nelson. rennye Jeon Johnson, Jomes Yotes Wed *; * V;*'(.%'r-*i «■** Wte> In a double ring ceremony Her attendants wore aqua in New Bethel Baptist Church, brocade satin over peau de Pontiac, Michigan, Miss Fan- soie with matching headdress nye Jean Johnson, daughter es and the maid of honor’s of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. John- color was gold, son of Jackson, Mississippi be- The bridegroom was attend came the bride of James ed by Mr. C. Elrie Christe of Yates, foster son of Mr. and Ann Arbor, Mich., as best Mrs. Curtis Little of Ann Ar- man. Ushers were Arthur bor, Michigan. Johnson, brother of the bride, The ceremony was perform- Fred and Adams and Theodis ed by the Rev. Amos G. Askew of Ann Arbor. Mich., Johnson, uncle of the bride and Roland Thompson of Chi and pastor of the said c’hurch. cago, 111. Music was presented so Immediately following the beautifully by Mr. Albert ceremony, the bride’s parents Rhodes of Pontiac, Mich., or- entertaine-d with a reception in ganist, and Mrs. Marjorie the church parlor. The bride’s Johnson, Aunt of the bride, as table was overlaid with lace SOlOlSr I <tnn nonfrt rnH urif Vi n iiiA/iHiMft Vows were recited before an cake. Decorations of aqua and altar of flowers and palms. gold carried out tie bridal Entering on the arm of her theme, father, who gave her in mar- Miss Mary E. Jones of riage, the bride wore an orig- of Youngstown, Ohio presid inal wedding gown of white ed over the guest register. Al chantilly lace over peau de so assisting at the reception soie. She carried a beautiful were Mrs. Fannie B. Hawkins orchid over her prayer book, of Niles, Michigan, and Mrs. The bride chose as her maid Ida Mae White of Yandalia, of 'honor, her sister, Miss Lil- Michigan both aunts of the lian Johnson, Senior at Wayne bride State University, Detroit, Following the reception the Mich. Misses Bettye Jean couPle left on a wedding trip Perry of Ann Arbor, Mich., 10 Canada. Margaret Delores Johnson of ^r- and ^rs- Yates will Detroit, Mich., Sheridan John- ma^e their home in Detroit, son of Jackson, Miss., and Michigan. Darlandez Johnson of Inkster, Mich, were bridesmaids. Rita Had ManV Visitors Johnson of Pontiac, Mich., TJPTniC*7 - cousin of the bride was the ,, .... . , More than 1,300,000 persons visi flower girl. Junior ushers of- racehorse O’War at Fhfr* ficiating were Amos Charles twty Flnn Mar && Johnson and Norwood John- his retirement on 1981 vtfl his son. . death in 1M7. tertamed the North Missis sippi Dental, Pharmaceutical and Nurses Society Septem ber 25, 1963. The medical group met in the amphitheatre and heard a scientific report on case find ings by an eminent member of tie group. Dr. E. P. Burton, president of the medical society, ad dressed the faculty and stu dents, paying tribute to the growth and development pf Mississippi Vocational College and the energy and dynamic strength of President White, founder of “The College With a Million Friends.” Dr. White gave the institu tional response; Dean O. P. Lowe was in charge of the program. In his address, President White made clear the desire of the MVC family to build a better college—an institution as good as the best in the nation. a sji a ■ lh y ourg negro ooy Admits Moil Thefts VICKSBURG, Miss. (Social) — A lS-year-old Nape bey has baas turned over to the Warren Goody Youth Court here to an swer charges of stealing mall from readme boxes la the Bovi na area. Officers said much of the misa tng null including two checks, cm for IMS, has been recovered. Ifce boy reportedly admitted the thefts and said be burned sane of the mail. He told officers the only money he got was one dollar for some man order mew nhmtioo he aold. Business un parade—we salute rne Modern Accessories Sewing Shop, School Attoetina tn f-'-iof I — * 1 r *- lL- - —* —J * ’ .... a business or profession, ope rated or conducted in a ‘first class’ manner, will draw and attract a ‘first class’ clientele —a clientele of all races — is the MODERN ACCESSORY SEWING SHOP AND SCHOOL . . . located on North Farish Street in the- PARIS CLEANERS BUILDING, own ed by MISS LAURA BELL SINGLETON . . . For this small, but flourish ing establishment has for its beginning attracted people from all walks of life, includ ing some of the city’s most wealthy citizens. . . JfTCP OTWAT OTIAiT_T A TT AfAAk/WI UA11VJJUJU1 Vll V/A AJX1U' HA BELLE as she is called by old and young, is a native of Copiah County, Mississippi, but has lived in Jackson most of her life . . . She received her education in the schools of this city and Jackson Col lege ... for a short time taught in the public schools in the Delta section of this state. According to Miss Singleton, from early youth, she was in terested and capitivated by the art and ability to take a needle and thread and with any or all kinds of materials, fashion, design and create a VO0) aui V VI WHV V A AC* V VTUUAU place its wearer in the class with some of the nation’s best dressed. . . . This interest and desire to sew, soon took her out of the classrooms and into a career of SEWING. . . Training for this type of business was received from special courses taken in Oak land, California and New York City ... but in our inter view, Miss Singleton confessed that although the lady may not have ever been aware of it. . . her real inspiration and most of her fundamental knowledge or SEWING came through a brief association with another outstanding seamstress of this ritv MRS MARY BELLE LAWS . . . Before opening her own business, this talented young woman did tailoring for the Navy, on a government job in our nation's capitol. . . Over 12 years ago, Miss Singleton made her first ven ture into the business field. . . Her sewing, alterations and the teaching of a class of some 20 students in her Sewing School, soon made it neces sary to enlarge her staff, so her sister, then Miss EULA MAE SINGLETON came in as assort of partner . . . taking tdir ui muvii ui uic anci auuii . . . Later this sister was mar ried and moved to Chicago. The sewing customers, mem bers of the sewing classes and the community as a whole, soon convinced Miss Single ton of the need to add to her service a line of moderately priced Ready-To-Wear, a fine line of Cosmetics, Costume Jewelry, Millinery, Hosiery, Lingerie and Accessories . . . At Christmastime, a full line of toyr# and gifts for all ages. . . . and because this expan sion and her sewing was too much to handle, she turned the merchandise part of the business over to a cousin. . . MRS. MATTIE SINGLETON BUNDLES, one of Lie city’s prominent registered nurses. fyow, while Miss Singleton devotes all of her time to cus tomer-sewing and her sewing classes that are now being conducted at the Branch Y. M. C. A., Mrs. Bundles with the help of a full time sales lady and several part time workers, manage the store. . . Like many other business people, Miss Singleton has a vailed herself of the students who take a part in the Diver sified Occupation Program jponsored by the High Schools unu naa uscu several siuuems who desire to “learn and earn” . . . During the years, LAURA BELLE’ CREATIONS have taken their places along with those of other nationally known designers. The school has successfully turned out a large number of girls and women who are now gainfully employed. A special feature of the merchandist department is the personal assistance given male customers especially dur ing the holiday seasons in the* selection of suitable gifts for: the ‘favorite women’ in their: lives Again, because MODERN1 ACCESSORY SEWING SHOP; AND SCHOOL 'lias made ac very worthwhile and continu ous contribution to the eco nomic growth and well-being of Jackson’s Negro citizens in their continuous effort to gain tor themselves a niche in the overall economic picture of our city and state. . . WE SALUTE THE MODERN AC CESSORY SEWING SHOP AND SCHOOL and on behalf of its owners, invite you to* patronage this first class busi ness.