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Mt. Ridge News Annie Lee Hardy, Reportei Mt. Ridge S. S. was openc Sunday at the usual hour wi1 Supt Douglass Kersh i charge. Three of the teac ers were present. The Adu class was taught by Rev. E lis Scott. The lesson was r viewed by the Supt. Scho< was dismissed by Rev. Scott. Funeral services for Mr Ardella Hardj, widow of tl late Rev. W. L. Hardy wei held Thursday, October 3 ; if, jPVinroVi Mrs Ha 4UV. ***V*ftV -- dy was a member of Mt. Zic M. B. Church on Highway 1 Rev. Frazier of Jackson, pa tor. The Eulogy was given t Rev. J. E. Marsh. Pulp guests were: Revs. S. G. Gri fin of Terry; B. D. Davis < Jackson and Mt. Ridge’s pa tor, Rev. N. L. Bender. Survivors include: five ch dren, Booker Lee, Frank, ] J. Hardy; Mrs. Myrtle Jone all of Brandon; Mrs. Arlos Byrd of Canton; 15 grandchj dren; 10 great grand childrt and a host of relatives ar friends. Interment was in M Ridge cemetery. Peoples F neral Home was in charge. CARD OF THANKS: V wish to express our thanks each of you for the kindne shown during the illness ai death of our beloved mothe Mrs. Ardelia Hardy. We wi: to thank you for the prayei visits, food, flowers and syi pathy cards. . . for everythir done to make our burdei liffhter in our dark hours sorrow. May God’s riche blessings be yours foreve Signed: Children: Booker Le Frank, L. J. Hardy, Myrt Jones, Arlosia Byrd. Friends of this communi were shocked to learn of tl short illness and deth of M N. C. Mayers, 21 year old sc of Mrs. Mandy Mayers, graduate from McCall Hig School, this past June, your Mayers died Monday mornir in the Brandon hospital. F neral services will be he] Saturday, 2: P. M., at M Ridge Church, Rev. B. D. D vis is his pastor. Peoples F neral Home will be in charg Rev. and Mrs. Ellis Scol Mr. and Mrs. Booker Lee Ha dy and daughters, Annie Cat] eryn and Clara Bell, visitc recently in the home of M and Mrs. Sidney Kersh. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kel of the Mt. Zion Communil were dinner guests Thursds SHOES For Entire Family At Prices All Can Afford— Special Values In Children Shoes MOSLEYS SHOES Masonic Temple Bldg. — Lynch St. Jackson, Miss. Mrs. J. B. Mosley, Mgr. \ * You Are Invited To Visit . . . The ZEBRARETT 3034 Brown St. Jackson, Miss. Tourist Accomodations Fine Foods Wilbert Johnson Your Host in the home of Mr. and Mrs Oscar King. They also ai tended the funeral of Mrs. Ai della Hardy. Mr. L. W. Jones and Mrs d Viola Payne of Jackson spen h *ast week with their parents n Mr. and Mrs. W. H_ Jones, h- __ lt Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Bende enjoyed a tasty dinner in th e' home of Mr. and Mrs. Frani 51 Hardy recently. Friends ar pleased to learn that Mrs. Hai dy is able to be up and ou s again, after a week’s illness e She is the 3rd Grade teache “e at Carter High School in Bran R don. It is hoped she will cor r* tinue t n imnnivo n _ Mr. Clarence Harris of Ir s- dianapolis, Ind., Mr. Alber y Harris of Jackson, visited ii it the home of their brother, Mi P. E. Harris, recently. >f _ s* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Me Donald, Jr., and sons, of Gull l1' port, Miss., and Mrs. Anni< -*• Lee Hardy visited Sunday ii s> the home of Mrs. Lizzie Me ia Donald and Fannie Pearl Mrs. Lizzie is Mr. McDonald’ n grandmother, id _ Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Graj u* Curtiss Jr. and little Penny o Fort Smitli, Arkansas wer here recently visitine in th e home of Mrs. Gray’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy am 3S also with Mr. Gray’s parent of Laurel, Miss, r, _ Mrs. Elizabeth Grace am *» daughters, Sarah Ann, Poll; n* and little Catheryn visitei lg Sunday evening in the horn 1S of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hardj Df _ st Mr. Allen Kersh and son r- Arthur Lee, Mrs. Mary A e» Alexander, Mr. and Mrs Booker Lee Hardy and chi FURNITURE >n A :h ig g ii d t. a j ft v t, r l d PREPARE FOR COMFORT JUST DIAL FL 2-5463 “YOU GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US” FOX FURNITURE COMPANY • Electric Appliances • Gas Appliances • Wide Selection In All Home Furnishings 410 N. Farish St. Easy Terms, Free Delivery . dren and L. J. Hardy visitec - Sunday evening in the home - of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones Mrs. Lela M. Gipson and i. son, Tyrome, visited recently t in the home of her mother, i, Mrs. Mandy Mayers. Misses Annie Catheryn, r Clara Belle and Mildred & Jones, visited Sunday in the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H s Randolph. t Mr. B. L. Hardy visited Sun r day in the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Douglass Kersh, Sr. _ 1 «« T*_ ivir. aiiu ivua. r 1 aim visited in the home of Mr. and t Mrs. Frank Hardy recently. i " Friends regret to learn of the illness of Miss Geneva Mayers. Also on the sick list are: Mrs. Dora Crain, Mrs. Rosia Slater, Mrs. Laura E. ; Kersh, Mrs. Myrtle Jones. 1 Prayer is offered for their speedy recovery. s There will be a Woman’s Day Program at Mt. Ridge, Sunday at 2: P. M. Mrs. Dor ’ Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mar 1 chell and Mrs. Geneva John s son were guests Sunday after L> noon in the home of the Ce ^ nior Oscar Kings. § othv Cannon will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ira Hardy is j Mistress of Ceremony. Offi cers are: Mrs. Mae Belle j King, President, Mrs. Annie a Lee Hardy, Secretary. Every one is cordially invited. Din ner will be served. Attend the Church of your i. Choice on Sunday . . . We - would be pleased if your \ choice is Mt. Ridge, where you are always welcome. Please send all your club, church, community news to Mrs. Annie Lee Hardy before Tuesday of each week for free publication in the Mississippi Enterprise. Buy your Enter prise from your agent, Mrs Mandy Mayers. Port Gibson News The Junior Class of Addison High School sponsored a “Talent Show” October 4 in the school gymnasium — dur ing the following evening a football game was held be tween the Juniors and Seniors. The Seniors won by a score of 21-12. CARD OF THANKS — I would like to express thanks and appreciation to all that was so kind to me during the death of my sister. Special thanks to Mrs. Annie H. John son, Mrs. Classie Jackson and Mrs. Thelma Crowder. May God bless each of you. Signed: Mrs. Easter Turner. Robert Tillman, 18 years old, of Patlison, Miss., was found dead, Saturday night, October 5 on Highway 547. Mrs. Charlotte Shorter, re cently took a tour of New Or leans, La., wit.i her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Lofton of Chicago, 111. Mr. Leon Claiborne of Chi HOME Furniture Co. “The House of Cheerful CREDIT” Complete Home Furnishings Trade In Your Old Furniture For New Phone FL 2-1036 212 N. Farish Jackson, Miss. FOR RENT —JACKSON APARTMENTS 1129 Maple Street Well managed and Freshly decorated modern one and two bedroom apartments—$35.00 and $40.00. Call Resident Managei—FLeetwood 3-4209 DINE and DANCE Saturdays, Sunday Nights { STEVEN'S RESTAURANT and LOUNGE -AND Steven’s Rose Room Music By The New Joe Dyson Orchestral ROOMS — BOARD At 142 and 146 W. Monument St. JACKSON, MISS. ROOMS: Clean—Comfortable By Day - By Night - By Week BOARD: Good Home Cooked Meals GROCERIES: Fancy and Staple Vegetables and Fruits Corner Mill and Monument Sts. For Information Phone FL 3-5658 or 355-9222 George Rice and Mrs. Sophonia Hall, Owners “Little Bettie”, Housekeeper cago is home visiting his pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cla borne. Mrs. Beulah Marshall hi loft to be at the bedside c her sister, Mrs. Lillie Hamli of Baton Rouge, La. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walkc of St. Paul, Minn., are visitin their relatives. Mr. Will Wall or and Mrs. Bernice Porter. Mrs. Anna Gaines of Moi roe, La., is visiting her si ters, Mrs. Pearlina Robinso and Mrs. Mettie Thornton. Mrs. Deneath Ruffin ( v lCKSDurg nas made her hom with her daughter, Mrs. Elm Rowman. Of interest to their man iriends is the announcemer of the marriage of Mr. Fran Oavis and Miss Grace Wadi the ceremony taking plac Monday, October 7 in tb home of Miss Wade. Mrs. Ollie Parker and M Rufus King are patients i r- the Mercy Hospital. Friends i. wish for them a speedy re covery. ,s Mr. Clyde Shelton of East ,f Chicago, Indiana and Mrs. n Jessie Carroll of Chicago, 111., were guests this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen r Weathers. g - c- The Junior Class of Addison High School is asking friends i- m__■ _ to contribute to their Queen Drive by buying a 25c ticket on a “Cedar Chest of Jewels” to be given away, October 23. Revival Services are being conducted at the First Tem ple Church of Christ Holiness in Sugar Hill Subdivision, be binning Sunday night, October 6. Various churches have been asked to take part, along with their congregation and pastors. Elder J. E. Burley will be the evangelist thru out the week. The Revival will close Friday night with a little Brotherhood Supper. Rev. Burley, pastor. Elder M. T. Newsome, Post Pastor, Mrs. Harriette D. Newsome, Repor ter. Send your news to Mrs. Mose Ella Carpenter, Route 1, Box 6-C or Phone 512. ryr woua i asrc - wourreous >er vice - economy and yuality n None Can Compare With .... Phones: FL 5-4707 FL 5-4708 !» Featuring STANDARD SERVICE - AMBULANCE SERVICE DeLUXE Visit Our NEW HOME 886 N. Farish Street Jackson, Miss r. it ... ^ . __ [ I 1 i I § r Insure With COLLINS For ! Service By COLLINS I Funerals since 1903 (Jackson’s Oldest and Best) Pre-Need Funerals Arranged — Monuments — Notary Fast Ambulance Service 415 N. Farish Street Dial: 353-2377 or 355-1888 Jackson, Mississippi 3-PARIS CLEANERS For Your Convenience Offering • ONE DAY SERVICE • PICK-UP AND DELIVERY No. 1—800 No. Farish—Dial FL 2-0641 No. 2—3308 Bailey Ave. Ext.—Dial EM 6-9247 No. 3—Whitfield Mill Shopping Center—Our New Pick-Up Station. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR CASH and CARRY PRICES 6 SHIRTS for $1.00 JESSE WILLIAMS, Prop. — LOANS... On Watches - Diamonds Guns — Radios — Men s Clothing, Etc. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING By Watch Maker W ith 30 Years Experience SPORTING GOODS —MEN S WEAR JEWELRY — LUGGAGE HUNT & WHITAKER, Inc. 149 N. Farish St. Dial FL 3-4901 Jackson, Miss. Come "Clean" With Us — "If You Don't Think Clothes Are Noticed,: Start Out Without Them" HATS BLOCKED ESQUIRE CLEANERS DAVID WILSON, sole owner IN NEW LOCATION 1722 DALTON (cor. Dalton and Winter Sts.) Phone 355-8652 Jackson, Miss. First Go To The BLUE FLAME NITE CLUB WILLIE MAE and LILLIAN • MUSIC • DANCING • GOOD FOOD • COLD BEVERAGES • AIR CONDITION • Beautiful Comfortable Surroundings I FANNIN ROAD East Jackson, Miss. NOTICE "O SU3ERINTENDENTS and B.T.U. PRESIDENTS I can deliver > >- -r Sunday School and B.T.U. Books and Supplies to > <>u on :.m< every quarter. I am an authoriz ed distributor of the Sunday School and B.T. U. Boards of the National Baptist Convention, Inc., located at Nashville, Tenn. Dr. C. R. Williams, Secretary and Dr. D. C. Washington, Executive Secretary. We make Ban ners with the name of your association, church Sunday School, B.T.U. lodges, usher badges, buttons, usher stars, arm bands Mother and Dr. Watt badges and general church supplies. We appreciate your friendly cooper ation and may we have the opportunity of serving you? If you need Sunday School or B.T.U. order blanks or blanks for general church supplies or other information write— REV. S. L. A. JONES 531 Yazoo Avenue Clarksdale, Miss. Notice to all Churches and Pastors You can get a! 1 t >>mr Sunday School and Training Union material at a new service in Jackson, Miss. THE BAPTIST BOOK & MUSIC CENTER, 2331 Powers Ave. Reverend L. H. Newson, distributor also for your church furnishing such as pews, pulpit sets, Bibles, communion tables as well collection tab Vs. You can also place your order fot ministers robes, choir rohes, along with every thing for your church. Our Sunday School books and B.T.U. books at< already here for this next quarter, send in your order now and avoid the last minute rush. Send in your order, we will pack them now and you can pick them up later, send all orders to: The Baptist Book & Music Center 2331 Powers Ave., Jaekson, Mississippi FL 5-8814 Distributors for Wilson Industries Incorporated Newton, Miss. Edison Wilson, Vice Pres. & Sales Mgr. Phone 4-4340 — Bay Springs, Miss. Phone 3-2731 — Newton, Miss.