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ATTAJLA MEG.; n -rrf KOSCIUSKO, MISSISSIPPI, FRIDAY JHORNING, APRIL 33, 1843. IVC51DEIX 1 11 ViRT MUDAT MORNING weekly at $2 per anni ??fio at the edofthe ctf " ! published at 75 cer annum in year i .ictmentS pUDiisueu III w f IEi"""- . nanrt!nn and 374 cents for the nrok i'"""" - POETRY. Jropolitan Magazine for August THIS wirjt fo her Hutband in Advenity. Br MRS. EDWARD THOMAS. L I, in bridal ecstacy .1,. wrm heart waa prest, th cliild-like fond dependency nestled to my j-iprt. vet a doating thing, every thought intent, Chinese o'er thy path to fling, Stiff lovisg and content; . . ... conscious of the inward strength 0d had bestowed on me, bile in prosperity and health trusted all to thee. now, that sorrow's clouded o er riiy sunny hour of pride, earless stand upon the shore rositni its 'whelming tide; ie hurricane cannot appal, Though Death appears in view; in my turn, will show, thee all That woman's love can do! , fancied dangers now dismay, shapeless horrors scare; jpv're phantoms of joy's nicer day Which llee before Despair. )W sickness too hath lent its blast To wither up its charms, nd show thy prime of beauty past, Thou'rt dearer to these arms, ainly contagion threats my life, 'Mid poverty ana pain : tower above the awful strife, And courage seem to gain. !oro closely are our souls entwined, We knew not love before; lor when afiiction's fetters bind, Thev teach us to adore! jorev'ry groan thou utt'rest now. 5Iy bosom inward bleed, nd when I kiss thy death-dw'd brow, Large drops my own imbeds. khushof night, when all repose, I breathe my lonely prayer, !ut ever smile, nor weep my woes, Save, when thou can st not snare Sh! then I weep 0! the a !. prav - With such intensity, . 4 ' -hi JleavVs band must 8weep.Hway Thy cloud of misery f or if Affection 'h prayer is heard By meek eyed Mercy there, line dearest! mine must be preferr'd Which wins thee from despair! fr.if to prove thy virtue still, Thou art ordain'd to bear, Cf ev'ry agonizing ill tie mine the mutual ehare. bur all thy sorrows in my breast, My tears are all fpr thee; sin those hours by Fortune blest, Thv'imie were all for me. As then, oi:r joys were only one. i cui now, our woes the same; pith all of earth, save thee. I've done; . I'm wii'e in more than name! i athkr Miller. The Rev. Dr, eeks, of Newark. tf. J., a d , -7 . ... tneologian, has recently delivered a I , fjrseoi Lectures m that town on the Pctrmcs advanced' by Father Miller It U . I II . iiis jonowers. The lieverend gen- ff as very ably hand ed the snh K and proves beyond the shadow o mat M er is entirely wrnnor in f calculations, and that ho bases his . pyonialse and' preverted date. quotei from the most 'celebrated "lers upon sacred historv. and stnte fat most of them were verv ciutinii fc ... - j r a subiect iv . ph ii i 1 'ble for the mind of man to comore 2 According to the lerned Docotr, ""i as mnrta tn. u .u" U. " uiuii iiiiriy nns- toll v'MJiU,ai uues, preveris au henticated facts, and founds U lu; 118 calculations on mere'eonjet fl. hat.. Potion of Dr. Weeks Cr vvh,c.h we have read, display H , tc;h ,' and extensive know LI hf Hol-v Sc"ptures, as also the L "gS J anc,er,t and celebrated theol- L ;...alher.. Stiller, we think, has leer h 7 Up' "we -may apply a "ger, but comnrPUn.:., :L.T' thai... r-vwioiio CAUicoaiuu, cornrn earned ctor, and any person J mmon sense, who will reaJ his lee ehvl i TV0 thesame conclusion. UrwTk .ni as more "nave than g? vhorn h.s false and oernicions twhentM6 l6d astray We 'are fa!srfi T: -im,U8U- vn,!iiL '.""i inosi assureaiv L7 l.oe'??d the glorious sun will od n..L ... "nfc11" as ever, th;,ll.r?yolyingupon itj lcome t;Vu -na h,s lowers will with ? he,r e1nses and be satis io her,3r7rld' .and not be 80 m' Phil Daily ChroL From the Religious Herald. THE PIOUS DWARF. This remarkable character is now liv- lug in Culpepper county. Remarkable indeed she is, on account of her size, her sunenngs, her intelligence,and her piety. She weighs only 30 pounds, 37 vears old, is 3 1-2 feet high, and has not walked for 26 years. She enjoyed common health till eleveu years of age, she was then affected with rheumatic pains. Her hands audfeet are drawn into deformity; she is not able to bring her hands to her mouth. With all liquid food she is fed as a child; solid lood she eats with long fork. She uses a little stick, about twelve inches in lenght, with a comb at tached to the end, in dressing heir hair, with which she also uses her handker chief. Besides her suffering from rheu matic pains, she is much aril iced by other diseases. Her physicians say they have never known a human being suffer so much, aud yet live. She told me, that when she found herself cutoff from all the amusemnets and pleas ures of children, she was led to turn her attention to religion, and seek for hap pmess in its holy consolation. She ight not in vain as gone ever did. She is almost entirely self-taught. Though her hands are closed affliction, she writes fast and well, of which she is very fond, and writes much. In con versation, she is lluentand eloquent. She sings well, her voice is both strong aud musical. In this hcavenlv I .1 ..111. TT ' exercise she greatly aengnis. ner Viety is of no ordinary character. She seems to bask in the smiles and presence of her her adored God nd Saviour. 1 had the pleasure and profit of visting her three times last month, preaching each time in her room. have never seen aiw person enjoy the gospel so much. She appeared in raptures of holy love and heavly jov. She followed mv sermon, each time. with such exhortations as to move the learts of all who heard her. She takes great delight in prayer. No professor who visits her, is permitted to depaniwitb her in addressing the marc v seat. Som who never prayed in pulic, have com menced, for the first time, in her room No unconverted person visits her, without receiving the most solemn and pathetic warning to flee from the wrath to come, and take shelter in the atone ment and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some seem afraid to venture near her. A number date their first serious impressions from her exortations. I have never heard any person express so deep and tender concern for ost and dying sinners as I have heard from her. Her common expression is "my soul is in agony fo? Door ruined sinners." After continu ingone night in her, room, till 12 o'clok when wc were about to retire, she said to me, had I vour health and strength, I would not sleep to-night, but would go from house to house to warn sinners to flee from the wrath to come. From the periodicals of the day, she has made herself acquainted with the states of the heathen, and feels a deep interest inmis- lons andevrey ueneveolentinstintion oi the' acre. The success of missions is much, in her conversation and pray ers. Ohc addresses monitrv notes and letters throughout her neighbour hood, admonishing Christaians to duty, and warning others. The Saviour seem to dwell under her roof. It is noticed by many that meet ings are more livlclv and solemn there than in any other place. During eight days, in the neighborhood, I delivered 22 sermons, 3 of which were m the rooms, and I must sav, the Lord our Saviour, was sweetly and powerfully present in each meeting, lhe entire amilv, a widowd mother abrother, and three sisters, all seem to have imbibed larg measure of her heavenly zeal and joy. They all excel in singing; and in being with" them, one cannot help eeling, he is in a family, that will com pose apart of heavn. How blessed is every family where Jesus design to dwell! Nothing but ."fyNove, isworthy no name to nappinessai I have never heard 4 one lament he deep depravity ofoufc nature more han she does, or male more frequent kah'humi!ating confessions of being the chief of sinners. Her views ot the wav of acceptance with a just, holy. and offended Creator, appear to be clear; relying wholly on the blood and righteousness of the bon ot bod received by faith, produced by the operations of the spirit of God attending lout ot'its ranks tud men, and the Whigs the writtien word bringing truth with have no supernatural powers to search i I . u t. . . i . i ia KiiiigiiicMiiiu uiiu icuuv.uing power i men s ueaus. ii n;is ueen ineir neavy to bear upon the heart of the blind and dead sinner. Reflections such as the following engaged my heart and mind while present with the little and afflcted heir of glory. How great is the goodness of God. How blessed the religion of Jesus. ' How happy those who rightly enjoy the divine presence. How far are most Christians living below their privileges. How certanly true is the gospel. I should think an infidel must be clad in full armor of steel and be influenced by the verv devil himself, if he could see and hear the pious and intelligent little dwarf speaking of her joys and talking of her Saviour, without feeling liis unbelief give way, and his guilty soul to tremble. 1 must think it impossible for any one to visit her without singular benefit. It has been good for me, that I was permitted to form on acquaintance with one so ripe for glory. This brief and imperfect sketch, has been given to the public with her consent. She at lirst host tated a little, from delicacy of being known through lhe press; but said if vou think you can say any thing about me that will do any good you are at liberty to do so." VM. Y. HITER. From Oregon. Elijah White, who went out as U. S. Agent to Oregon and took with him a large party of erne- grants, writes under date of August 17, that his party increased to 118 altho ugh they had lost two, one bv sickness and the other bv an accident. Ihey started with 19 wagons, and their jour ney had been slow ; and. tedious; but thev had passed twothirds of the way, and were in excellent health and good spirits. A favorable ' opportunity for emegation will occure in April through the aid of Mr. Fitzpatrick, at Independ ence, lie oilers to pilot a party over he mountains from that place. Mr. White advises those who intend to go, to Dreoare isht. strong wagons, and to misfortune to lose oil the fruits of the great blossoming ot 1840, by a biting frost of deadly treachery. But how should this persude rational men that a National Bank, if fairly tried, will not give us a better currency ! . How should this pesuade men that the Whig finan cial policy, by which they firmly believe a restoration of the former prosperity of the country my be had, if fairly stated, is all wrong? Let it not be for gotton that that policy has not been tried since 1840 that it has been de feated by the extraordinary alliance of adverse factions whoar now upbraiding Whigs for their ill-fortunes and all ihat the Whigs ask is a fair trial of their proposed public measure. Measures which have indeed been amply tasted in fortv years of fair trial prior to 18.16. and which secured, to the country for the time, a steam engine force of on ward increase and prosperty. ReroRTEri of tak Supreme Court. Richard Peters, Esq., has been removed from the office of Reporter, and Genl. Benjamin C. Howard of Maryland ap pointed in his stead. We congratulate the country, and especially the legal profession, "upon the change, as they have been heavily taxed, with his vol uminous costly, and unmethodical re ports and digests. We see he proposes assuming the duties of the tjfficial re porter, and at an early day after the rdjournment of the Court, will publish the opinions of the Court in all the cases decided at January term. 1843. ' Free Trader, The. Western Voters. We are a fraid that the Mississippi will be as high or higher this spring than it has ever been known. -There is groat commotion among all the Western Rivers. Of the Missouri, the Lexington (Mo.) Express of the 21st says: "During the week just ended, the weather has been mild the snow completely gone the frost out ot the gt'Oirfr ,jaid from thIcWnoln-,din(TPTr.PntrookinriitenSials i'um Barter CJ m I? 5. ; f : -WSU . . .i J mopes, deep. jrter of 2taQ3Lstera av?ds-!or !OurmohiiViR'MQre-,UiTui:" t:r of :.r r it. t -r t are preierauie to Horses, lie says no doubt .exists as to the ultimate success of the colony. Phil, Daily Chron. Communicated Weare now realizing the better con sequences of "Democratic financiering,' from 1833 to 1837. An unbroken chain of disasters, from the close of that period to the present time, has continued to scourge a sunennir people. J I the Whigs are guilty of any sin it is the sin ot omission, rather than commissin of not relieving the country from the scourges inflicted by locoloco misrule prior to 1840, and which have continued to this day. But in this, even, they have not given "relief," but whv! and witn wnai grace can their opponents upbraid them for it. Thev promised relief, with a Whig President, and with Whig measures in operation. Thev did all in their power to secure these results, but were defeated. They did not promise relief with locofoco measu i . I t" r res, anu with a worse than locoioc President in power. These cirruimt auces havo been forced upon them by accidents unforeseen and unparalleled in the historv of the country. Jt is not the fault of Whig principles that their chosen President died it is not the ault of Whig principles that the ccci dental President has turned upon hi: own friends and de fated their prominent measures it is not the fault of Whig principles that an extraordinatv and unlooked for alliance has been ; formed between one into whos hands the Whigs unfortunately confided their strength. and their old opponents who have al ways warred upon them opcnlv: winch alliance has signalled itself in a system atic defeat of Whig measures it is not he fault of Whig principles that through such means that great financial policy bv which thev pledged themselves re- iei wouia oe given to me country, iias been utterly barred from the operation Of a fair trial. No these things do not argue a fault in Whig principles, for by hem Whig principles have been set aside, and locofocoism has been still left to fester in the heart of the:ountrv. Such extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances have never before over taken any political party in the world. The Whigs have been 'as powerless to prevent them as was Gen. Washington o prevent the treachery of Arnold. The purest party on earth cannot keep fairs arc mightlv deranged. "flie ice in the Mississippi gave way ,. last Wednesday night, and is still runnig . very thick. The river has risen about four feet, and is still rising." The Boonville (Mo.) Register of the 24th ult., says: During the past week there has been an extraordinary rise in the Missouri. Those who have lived on its banks upwards of twenty-five ' years, say they have never before" seen such a tremendous flood in January. On last Thursday night and Friday : morning, it rose upwards of 3 feet, and is quite as high as it was during the last v year, To all appearance, therefore, navigation on the Missouri is open for the coming year.. K N. O. Tropic, enlistment of A liens. A Marine named Thos. Kimbcrlin, a native of England, was brought up on a writ of habeas corpus, in New York, a day or two since, and his discharge from the Marine corps demanded, on the ground of his being an alien. The ground being established, he was accordingly discharged. The recruiting officers ut our military and naval rendezvous will have to be more cautious in future who they enlist. It will save trouble, and " prevent vagabonds from entering the service. Phil, Daily Chron, - Test of ill Breemnr. The.swagerer is invariably an imposter; the man who calls loudest for the wiater, who treats him worst, and who finds more fault than anv one Ise in the room, when the company is mixed, will always turn out , to be the man of all others the least eh- titiled, either by rank or intelligence, t6 , give himseit airs, reople who are con scious of what is due to them, never display irritability or impetuosity; their manners insure civilitv their civility . insures respect: but blockhead or. the coxcomb, fully aware that something . more than ordinary is necessary to pro-, s duce effect, is sure, whether in clubs . ; or coffee-rooms, to he the most fastidi- U ous and captious of the community, the most restless and irritable amongst his 1 . . L - . ....... , equais, me mosi cringing ana suoserv ient before his superiors. A letter from London stats that in one davin the earlv part of February no less than sixteen ships, laden with, cotton, arrived at Liverpool from the " United Stats, " - V V V . V