OCR Interpretation

The Kosciusko star. (Kosciusko, Miss.) 18??-1898, October 25, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87065300/1895-10-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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After the longest and most successful tour on record, including 4") consecutive performances in Chicago, 12 in Boston, 12 in St. Louis, and
200 in other leading cities in the East, West and South, and everywhere pronounced the largest and best exhibition on earth.
Tlie onl3T Sliow Coming tihat lias a, Circus and. EerLag-exie!
.Beyond all Comparison the Largest, Grandest and most Complete Exhibition on Earth.
A. uaria of Marine won.lt rs. Far-Famed Horse Fair eml.ricms: 100 of the finest blooded horses in the worldV.together with the greatest aggregation of Euro
1 pean Aerialists, Gymnasts, Acrobats, Riders, ami other Arenic Celebrites of every description ever exhibited in this.or any other country.
Germany's Famous Athletes,
fiHt I-andauerTrqupe WJMr-'M
Terrific Gladiatorial Combats, Absorbing Trials of Strength and Endu
rance, grand gala day sports and spectacles.
Roman standing races, Joekey races, with lady and gentleman riders, novel
Elephant ami Camel race--, child-delighting pony races with monkey riders,
laughable donkev races with clown drivers, and other exciting racing contests,
More high-salaried performers and more novel features than any two
other shows, all exhibited under the largest tents ever constructed.
All the world's greatest horseback riders Mike Rooney, Cecile Lo
wande, Edward Shipp, Win. DeVan. Daniel Leon, Orrin Iloilis. M'lle
Elena, Julia Lowande. Marian Leslie.
Cures Mange on Dogs.
Cures Seratfthp nn?nt,i,
nxvcr man
anjr umer .nown remedy.
Cures all skin diseases.
For sale by
rTTi ni nTJTinvj i- ,.
.-- r-an pot.
Villi S ItVTliio .... . rtlt
"- M..VS()V
Buyer anil Factors Seem to ASiee
on a Very Short Crop.
Akimoto's troupe of Japanese Equilibrists.
Most Complete Zoological Collection in the War Id.
The tallest beast that breathes.
Stands full v LS feet in height.
Weighs four tans. The mightiest
Amphibian on earth.
Mammoth bi-horned Gnu, 100 dens, lairs and cages of rare, wild
beasts, shools, of educated goats and ponies, mirth-making porcine
circus, high-bred horses in astounding drills; double herds of ponder
ous, performing, dancing and clown ciephant?.
j1 irr I
1. 1
11 Til?
Two Performances Daily Afternoon at
t&TOne 50-cent ticket admits to all the combined shows.
"77"ill "be at ZEZcscruislro,
Promptly at 10 o'clock. Over a mile in lensth, scores of magnificently
carved and decorated dens of wild animals exhibited free and open upon
the streets. Ten kinds of music. The procession moves rain or shine.
Night at S Doors open one hour earlier.
Chil'dren under 12 years, half price. Excursions on all railroads.
"Wednesday, USToTremToor Stli.
Two More HomeKeekera' Kxcumions.
On October 8th and 22nd the Cotton
F.elt Route will sell round trip tickets
from Memphis to Arkansas, Texas,
Oklahoma and Louisiana at rate of one
fare plus to dollars for the round trip.
These tickets will be good for return
passage on following dates: October
11, 15, IS, 22, 25, 2!, Nov. 1, 5, 8, and
12. Going transit limit will be 15 days
from date of Bale, and stop-overs will
be allowed within that limit. Return
ing tickets will be limited to continu
ous passage. For further inlormatlon
call on or address,
J. C. DAVIS, Traveling Freight and
Pass. Agt. C. P. RECTOR, Commer
cial Agt., :;0:5 Main St. Memphis, Temi.
A KreTrlpto Atlanta Kxjionition.
We join the people in welcom
ing the coining of prosperity and
8-cent olton. In a short while
the wave of depression will have
passed and the hearts of us all
will be made glad.
I have moved my entire stock of
groceries to H". W. Jackson's old
stand on the West Side, and with
increased stock will be able to
meet the demands of my patrons.
And return (from the home of the
enderl is offered by thepuhlishers
of the Ladies Every .Saturday, of
.'It". South Seventh Street, Philadel
phia. (o the first person able to
make seventy small English words
bv using" the letters contained in
E-v'-E-U-Y .S-A-T-l'-n-D-A-Y,
and no letter to occur more times
in any one word than it is contain
ed in ' Every Saturday."
A first-class Pneumatic Tire Mi
cycle, for either boy or girl, is off
ered to the first person sending list
of sixty words as above.
A lady's elegant gold watch to
first person sending list of fifty
words as above, and one hnndrcd
other articles of value foa first lists
in order of merit us received.
Twelve two-cent stamps must
be'sent for trial subscription, tour
numbers of that beautiful . thirty
two page illustrated newspaper for
women, containing full particulars
and rules of the Leisure Hour Cir-
My Stock is Entirely
and being young in the business
and expecting to constantly in
crease my patronage, I cannot
atlord to do otherwise but give the
best goods at the lowest prices.
Beware of Ointments for Ca
tarrh that Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the
wnse of Hmell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mneiioiiH surfaces Such
articies should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians
ah tae damage they will do is tenfold to
the good you t an possibly durive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, nianufae
tared by F. .J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ),
contains no tnereuy, and is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucuoug surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be aur
70a gt t genuine. It is taken inter,
all?, and made i TototoWo uby If.
Cheney A Co. Te-ttfaSfrw.
KiBold by Drtfgitt, riw 76e bettt.
Special Kranrt of Flour,
Tlic f!r.t Coffee,
Cheaper grade Coffee,
Tiire Leaf Lard,
.eiv Crop Rice.
Tobacco by plus or box.
Give us a trial, we want your trade
O. E. Smythe.
is told in a beautifully illustrated hook
entitled "To California and Back."
Ask Ed. F. Sisson, So. P. A., Chatta
nooga, Tenn.. Santa Fe Route, for a
conv. It is free.
Personally conducted weekly uarties
leave Chicago every Saturday evening
and Kansas City every Sunday noon,
tor raeitic Coast, via Santa be Route.
Special agents and porters in attend
ance. Pullman tourist sleepers are
ued, furnished with all conveniences
for comfortable traveling. Second clans
tickets honored.
You have been planning tba
California trip for several years
vv ny not go now and take advan
tage of cheap rates? Santa Fe
Harvest Excursion.
Via Iron Mountain Route to Arkan
sas, Texas, Indian Ter. Oklahoma. On
Oct. 8th and 22nd the lrcn Mountain
Route will 'sell tickets to the above
points at one fare for the round trip
plus $2. Tickets will be good 20 days
to return with stopovers at pleasure,
going. Two trains daily to Texas,
equipped with Pullman sleepers and
free reclining chaircars. For advertis
ing matter and books in Texas, address
J. K. Rehlander, H. D. Wilson,
T. P. A. P. and T. A.
000 Main St., Memphis, Tenn.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Jackson, Miss., )
Oct 14, 1895. I
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
Ins intention to rnako final proof in
suppor t of his claim, and that said pro if
will be made before the Circuit Clerk
of Attala conntv at Kowiusko, Miss,
on Nov. 2U, IS!).), viz, William A Cur
tis of Tolerton, Miss , Homestead No.
22047 for the S 1-2 of S K 1-4 and S E
1-4 of S V 1-4 of Sec 2 T 10 North R 7
East a.'joining farm to N E 1-4 of S E
1-4 of Sec 2 T 10 North R 7 East.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his centinuons residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: 'Wil
liam Raines, Louis Hortou, T J Dun
lap, LycurgUB Gibson, all of Toierten,
AIFactWorth Know'ingr.
Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia,
and all throat and Luugdiseases are
cured by Shiloh's Cure
Catarrh Cured
health and sweet breat'i restored by
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50c.
Nasal injector free.
In Drugs and Patent merli.
cines are daily growing be
cause we guarantee every
thing we sell.)
Our Stock...
Is always fresh because ve
buy in quantities to meet
the demand and not to carry
over to advertise at cost.
We Sell You...
Buttermilk Soap at oc a
cake cheaper than our
neighbors can buy it not
to nnke room nor to close
out at cost, but to make a
profit for ourselves and save
money to you.
r,A.,: 1 1 1. -ir
mi, 1 i r . 1 ii..i: r vuuoii rauuii uuuarn iwro iiian nail
1 he books for the collection. Mlthe ilWl Hiomen. Karl's Clover Root
van ft y t-tj-ttir n rl tr
taxes are now ready. The law
provides that every person assess
ed snail pay hU taxes on or before
the 15th day of December, 1805.
Please take notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
The campaign is'o'ening up iu earn
est. Get Thk Star tbe balance of the
year for fifty t ents and a guess thrown
we know of uo preparation tor tbe
hair and scalp that equals Hall,s Hair
tage of cheap rates? Santa Fe
r Route is positively, tqs only line
with Pullman teurists and palace
-1 nu: - Bl " -,!
All Bwxxmmend It
1k yonr physician , yonr tirigriat,
Our Oil Sales
Ha actually been fabu
lous, far exceeding our
expectations simply because
we sell the best for burning
and for mills that can be
sold for the same money.
We are oil headquarters.
VV. E. Brumby.
The Illsoi Women.
Tea-w a pleasant cnrefr constipation.1
It Cured Them All.
Mr. Henry Shira, Girard, Ala., says:
"Two years axo I had a severe case of
Grippe and could not recover from its
effects. About a year ago I tried King's
Royal Geruietuer and was soon well.
It alfi.i cured ine of bowel trouble, which
I had for four years and I find it to be
a quick cure for headache. It cure !
my wife of grippe also, and she says it
is the best thing she cau get for Asth
ma and Vertigo. I heartily recommend
it as a good family medicine." New
package, large bottle. 108 doses, $1.
For sale by Harvey A Roby.
Home Seeker's Excursion.
VU Ira Mountain Koato.
On Aug 29th, Kept 10th and pt 24th
he; Iron Mountain Route will idl tick
UUto all points ia Arkansas. Louhiiajin
Land Teaaa and Indian Territory at lh
mvc vi "Mi ibtv jnufl aji.vv IV I M ITIUUa
tnp. For fartbar partknlr affly t
Cotton on yesterday reached the
highest quotation which has been
given in the American markets
thiss season. Not only waS the
day 11 record breaker for this sea
son, but not since lSS'j.tK) had the
average price per pound in Xeff
York equaled the quotation which
was given yesterday. Middlim,
was quoted there at 9 3-Sc and the
price which the committee of the
Mem phi i exchange agreed upon
was 8 15-lGc. It is believed by
the majority of the factors here
and the opinion is shared in bv
the buyers, that today will seethe
quotation reach 9c in Memphis,
Futures in New York closed up 20
Some of those who were on the
floor yesterday and discussed the
remarkable advance in the market
were inclired to the idea that its
condition was the result of manin-
ulation, but further than their be
lief they had little to say.
The facts, as they have so
far been ascertained, sup.
ported the conclusion of the other
members who insisted that the
high prices were due to the indica
tion of a 6,500,000 bale crop,
which is fast taking on the charac
ter of certainty, together with the
prospect of unusual activity in
cottcn manufactures during the
coming year. The dullness which
has existed in the cotton goods
market for the past two or three
years, now that improvement in
all other lines of business is be
coming manifest, muvt be followed
by increabed activity ani heavy
purchaaes. Knowing this fact the
consnmars are realizing, and so
are the speculators, that to meet
this coming great demand the fac
tories have probably the shortest
crop Bince 1892-93.
Up to within the past few days
the purchases of cotton have been
made chiefly by the speculative
class.' who believed the staple
would reach higher figures. The
buyers for consumption held off,
believing the quotations that were
nirrent would not be sustained by
the receipt of reliable or final in-
lormation relative to me
the American crop. Yesterday s
transactions throughout the coun-
ti-ir Lmvopor i n i i mi t n verV stfOnS
j, v v. ---y
ly that the consensus of marten
opinion, both o! buyers and sener:
is coining rapidly to the short crop
estimates. Consumers have evi-
dently entered the market, raanv
of them convinced that there u
he no decline in nrices. and fro"1
now on it. i bplievedthev will buy
A remarkably wide diversity 01
omnion as to the size ottneuui
has existed this year, and thatu
itself naturallv tended to keep W
market feverish. But when theri
is added to that diversity of opiw
ion the knowledge that, owing tj
the coming unusual demand upoj
the consumers for manutacture.
.i;nMiAr if.n n ''nuarter ol
million hales in the crop wool
have an immense effect, it can 11
readily seen how the feverish 001
dition of the maiket nas ub.j
tensified, and the tendency w
ceive and be affected by any
all cron renorts has been streng"
ened. Neill's probable stateme
of a short crop, which itr? r
mored vesterdav would couio
todav, was In a large measure r
oons'ible for the advances.--w
mercial Appeal.
One residence in good repj
and 40 acres of land in subuiMj
Kwciueko. Apply la,..TT I
5. 0.' SMITH, )
, Atton(

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