J' .1 CHAR ACT little things do it CLOTHES will -sret the rio-ht kind the on your Eczema Here is aaother case showing that there are few remedies wuicu cureuK1r .:.ted Mood diseases. Eczema is one world will set a higher estimate abilities. Good Clothing Rightly cut, well tailored, are the first ere- of the iSfyS,& dentials, no matter what your vocation, be you banker or merchant, doctor, clerk or mechan ic, lawyer orjlaborer clothes are the outward expression of your taste and judgment, and form the first, (and therefore) the mqst lasting impression. Our line ease, as wen as an ouici w. impure blood whether ODsunaic ui There are few men better known ai DfKalh eountv than Mr. E. D. Jen Vine rcidp& at Lithonia Georgia h- c tiii owner of a quarry of the celebrated Lithonia granite, which ic en MtensivelV USCU in several States, and is acknowledged to have no superior as a paving sionc. ma familv has lived in DeKalb for forty years and everybody knows them. "ever since sue was yw ia in a mftit interview, "my A kr i)hti. Ida. has suffered from Ec- UCSlUCU dim Ut3ii;uv.u uy """Ji j have never heard of a worse n of this dreadful disease, ror uur the celebrated hrmot' QPTTT OQQ Anc 's l'lorouKJy complete in every detail in ijljilljUuU addition to our line of Novelties and New Designs lTr fr if we have a large assortment of neat tailoring effects! ' made in custom style equal to custom work. THE ftllw'ool Suits guaranteed tor $8.50- W. B. POTTS CO. S. ABRA HAM &C0 o Capes Capes Capes- IDA. JENKINS, en year she has been badly broken it all over her body, causing her un- teen out told suffering, and frequently rendering her unable to Hlttntl school. lier arms and limbs would crack open and bleed, SPECIAL DEIVE In all wool Henriettas 44 inches wide, only yard, regular price 60 cents. Fancy worsted worth 35 cents, our price now, Still they are coming Fifth order of plush Capes just received. Elegant plush Capes trimmed with then drv up and scale off by Ti-u t tr Jful, andat one time an awl 25 cents a I cents. Ladies Union Suits bis: Bargains at 62 1-2 Cents. awful sore sp eared on her ear, which became severe ly The disease also broke out on her head and her hair was a continuous mass of scales. Her condition was truly pitia ble, Of course we have done all we conld to relieve her, and have given her al most every known treatment. She has taken potash mixtures and various salves t i r m i i r . r 11 , 1 1 f taken poiasn mixtures ana various saives A New lot ot Children s buits from o years old up at unheard ot and external applications by the whoie- . 1 sale, and almost every so-called blood Low r rices. Blankets Blankets Blankets S. Abraham & Company, We join the people in welcom ing the coming of prosperity and 8-eent cot:o:, In a short while the wave passed s of deyresyion will have rl the hearts of us Wlii be made 6" A. T have rnovpd my entire stock of groceries to H. W. Jackson's old stand on the West Side, and with increased stock will lie able to meet the k emantis of my p .lairons. My Stock is Entirely Fresh and being vonns; in the business and expecting to constantly in crease my patronage, I cannot si fiord to do otherwise but frive the beet goods at the lowest prices. Special Brand of Flour, The Bet C offee, heapcr grade Coffee, Pure Leal Lard, .ew Crop Rice. Tobacco by phi(? or box. ' Give us a trial, we wantyour trade 0. E. Smvthe. Goods Your Wife- notice. The books for the collection of taxes are now ready. The law provides t.'iat ev'-ry Well bought are Half sold.'. Our facilities for buying can not be surpassed. Our etock of drues, patent medicine?, etc are pure, fresh aud the best to be had. When you pay more than we ask, you pay too much- That is all ther is in it. We save our customers money and they talk it to their ueiphbors, and it pay, us. Our line f 6ta tionery is the nicest to be eeen in the market Our perfumes are big values. We lead in oils trv us. We will con vince you. Buttermilk soap oc a cake, worth 10c. W. E. Brumby. Two More Homeneekera' Kxeumlotn. & Will like it. Q So will the Cook: TP vonr better half does the cookinsr, tht 1 in &n additional reason why there should be a CHARTER OAK RANGE OR 8TOVH in your kitchen. The use of them prevent! worry ana disappointment. M&$Zi$&f' Always Si L0AK)rx ... irniiattift N. O. THOMPSON, AGENT, KOSCIUSKO, - - MI8SI KILL-GERM CURES ITCH IN 30 MINUTES, Cures Mange on Dogs. Cures Scratches quicker thtJ .11 1 M any omer Known remedy. turcb an siun Qiseases. For sale by CHO'VDER & EDMUNDS. N SEASON rd Out of Season We have just what the people want in the ff ARU vv ARE . J 1 I. ...LINK It will goon be time to make molasses and the eane mills will poon be in demand. You want the beet. We Have the BLUE GRASS MIH Which everybody knows is the best and cheapest. Then you want an evaporai We Have the Superior Hand-Madi that will out last the man. ufactured two to one. iVe have also a new lot of Library Lamp. Their beauty and cheapness bus never been seen in Kosciusko. Come to us for vour Goldcnoi Black machine oil, or any thing elst in the hardware line. 9. L BWI A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, and all throat and Lungdiseaees are cured by Shiloh's Cure Money to Loan. We are prepared to make loam now and request partie who wish to borrow to call on w o rotte or Jtio. M. Fletcher. Merchants Farmers Bunk. Karl's Clever Root Tea e a sure cure for heaUcne and ner- remedy, all without the slightest benefit, and vear by year we could not feel the slightest encouragement that she would ever be well. I was advised several times to send her to Hot Springs and also to a celebrated spring in Michi gan, ana was 101a mat mis was me oniy chance on earth of her ever being cured, as the disease was too aggravated to be checked by medicines. "A lew months ago, someone recom mended S. S. S., and as soon as her sys tem had taken on the effects of this medicine, an improvement was noticed hue grew better all the while and con tinued to improve in every way V were delighted to see her so much bet ter and for the first time felt that she would cet well. The medicine was con tinued a while longer, aud now she is cured sound and well, her skin is clear and pure, and sue has been saved from what threatened to blight her lile lor ever. The cure is all the more remark able because she inherited the disease, which has been in our family for several generations, and I am happy to find in S. S. S. a cure for a diseas which all the specialists in the world fail to cure. I consider S. S. S. a most wonder ful remedy, and it certainly has no equal for deep-seated blood diseases which all other remedies do not seem to touch." This experience is like that of all others who seek relief from the many so-called blood purifiers, only to be discouraged. It is but folly to expect a care from this dreadful disease by the se of salves, lotions, or any external application. The disease is in the blood, and only a blood remedy can eliminate it. S. . S. ia a real blood remedy, guaran teed purely vegetable, and for real deep- seated blood diseases, has no equal. It cures permanently Scrofula, Tetter, Rheumatism, and all of the many Mood diseae. .It has made some truly re markable cures of Cancer, full accounts of which can be had on application; our valuable books oa blood and skin dis eases will also be sent free to any ad- 'dress. Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, ucorgia. The Live aud Ltf Live S or. THE BEST COUGH UUUE s Skiloh's uurp. A neclected com danceroua. Stop it at once with Shif lob's Cure. For sale by Harvey fc Roby. Finest line of clothing in Kosd usko ai W. B. Potts Co. SERVES ON EDGE. I was nervous, tired, irritate c crops. Karl's Clover Root Tea M made me well ami haprv. . Mrs. E. B. WnrJen. For sale by Harvey A IIoLy. With two little children subject i croup we do not rest casv without bottle of Chamberlain's Con:li Iieme- in tlin hmiKP. tor the most aevere ai t!ii'k rmirklv fiiii-rtimh to a feft' dosti of it. Morrison. Colo.. 15ml. For sa at 25 and oO cents per bottle by Harvd Robv. bf-fnre govern av h: taxes on ur the loth il.iy of I)t':e;i:l.er, Plea-; take notice ami youj'el ves according! v. 1). F. LOVE, Sheriff ami Tax Coikvtor veliiiwrf lie preparation for hair and scalp that njnals Ha!!, f;eueer. On October 8th and 22nd the Cotton Belt Route will sell round trip tickets from Memphis to Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana at rate of one fare pins tA O dollars for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return paKHUjre on fol.owini; lites: October 11, la, IS, '2-, 1'"), 2!', Nov. l.o, 8, and 12. inin transit limit will be 1.", davs from date of pale, and stop-overs will he allowed within that limit. Return ing tickets will be limited to continu ous passage. For further information .All IIM fir aitil-UbU t!ie J.7. C. DAVIS, Traveling Freight and Hair Act. C. P. RKCTOR, Comiuer. I cial Agt. o03, Main .St. Memphis, Ter.u. o usdiseases. Nothing relieve so quick Harvest Excursion. Via Iron Mountain Route to Arkan- gas, Texas, Indian Ter. Oklahoma. On Oct. 8th and 22nd the lrcn Mountain Route will sell tickets to the above points at one fare for the round trip plus (2. Tickets will be pood-20 davs to return ith stopovers at pleasure, jioinir. Two trains daily to Texas, eumppeii with Pullman sleepers and free reclining ehaircars. For advertis ing .natter and books in Texas, address J. h, Rehlamler,' II. I). Wilson T. r. A. P. and T. A GO!) Main St., Memphis, Teuu. A Natural Beautifler Kan's Clover Root Tea purifies the vouu ami tjives a clear unit beautiful complexion. Beware of Oiutments for Ca tarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole 'system when entering it through the mucuous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as tae damage they will do is tenfold to the goo I you can possibly derive, from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo, O, contains no merruy, and is takrti in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken inter, nalty, and made in Toled.., Ohio, by F. J. Chtaey & Co. Testiiiio'iisU fr.-e. I CMSold by Druggist.?, price 75.: bottle. A BABY'jj LIFE SAVED. "M baliv Viml ernnn anil W3R fv hv Shiloh's Cure," writeB Mrs.J BM tin, of Huntsville, Ala. For eale hy Harvey A RoW OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medicine 1 Hnd kidheyn t find thn tni remedv in Eiectric Bittei This medicine does uot utimuhite ' containes no whiBkev nor other lotos cant, but acts as a tonic ane tt't',ra" , It acts mildly on the stomach ami do els, adding strength and giving tone the ortrans thereby aiding Nature in iunfnrinan,.a of tli". t'llllCtiOllS. M" Bitters is an excellent appetwej ").! VMnnlt" lilldlt ovuMlv'u'hat. th(v need. trllff . ceuts per bottle at Harvy & Drug Store. K)bJ TWO LIVES SAVED Tlmmna. of Junction C 111. was told bv her doctors she .i i ti,t tliere was ..I,.., Ill- V 1 hope for tier, but two noun-n New Dicoverv comnletely, !1'r'Tj; and she says it saved her Hie- -ir' ,. Eggers, 2159 Florida St. San '. .tr-l f'l CHlil. l tr n; Wlimno. -i .. . it o ie. ing (lon.-umption tvery thing else tlien i(in" , . d of Dr. King's New ti-,ft.n"'uj weeks waciired.IIi.snattra.lv ful. It is siv.'h results, ot vvl'u',' , are samples, that prove thi l" ' rtu t iir nrnv ' ' l"v" l. . .... ... flW trail arv "i . . ,-.r.t rtoby's Drugstord. Regu ar size w- i .ob. - r: J ft