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The Columbus dispatch. (Columbus, Miss.) 1???-19??, November 23, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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VOL. XIX-NO. 04.
Th G Dispatch.
r4 3. v mac it rrvprivi j
line C f M i rr
P. W. MAtR Editor anl Baifneii Maoajcr
Kntprtvl at the 0)lunil.u pmUtmc for trnn
miwiuni through tb malls u aH-ooml-cliMs mailer.
run MAYOR.
1 mi uino mrwlf u a ranililate !r Mayor,
suhjert In the action of the Keraooratlc party.
We are authorized to auuounre Mr. B. A.
WKAVKH aa a candidate lor Councilman from
Ward No. 1, subject to the -otlon o( the Ptrao
cratlc party.
We are authorised to announce Mr. J. H.
8TEVEN14 as a candiilnte (or Councilman from
Ward No. 3, mhja-t to t'.ie action o( the Demo
cratic party.
We are authorized to announce Mr. J. L.
WALKER aa a candidate for Councilman from
Ward No. 8, subject to the action o( the Demo
cratic party.
We ara authorised lo announce Mr. I). 8.
tftCLANAHAN as a candidate for Councilman
ora Ward No. 4, subject to the action of the
Democratic patty.
We are authorised to announce Mr. E. C.
CHAPMAN aa a candidate for Councilman from
Ward No. 8, aubject to the action of the Demo
cratic party.
We are authorized to announce Mr. PAT
OALV1N a a candidate for Councilman from
Ward No. 0, subject to the action of the Demo
cratic party.
We are authorized to announce Capt. W. B.
HARRIS as a candidate lor School Trustee for
the city of Coin in bin, aubject to the action of
the Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce Capt. D. P.
DAVI8 as a candidate for School Trustee fo
the city of Columbm, subject to the action of
the Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce Mr. WILLIAM
KILPATRICKaa a candidate for School Trustee
for the city ol Columbus, aubject to the action of
the Democratic party.
We are authorized to announce Dr. R. 8.
CURRY a candidate for School Trustee for
the city of Columbus, subject to the action of
the Democratic party.
The Mobile & Ohio Railroad
Co. has closed a contract with the
Cudahy Packing Co. for the erec
tion of a mammoth cold storage
plant at Montgomery,, Ala. The
central location of Columbus, al
most at the junction of the three
lines of this system, commends it as
a desirable location for such an en
terprise here. This city could be
made the distributing point for all
this territory. This is a little sug
gestion that it might pay the
Board of Trade to take up and look
into inasmuch as that organization
is not engaged in any work just
The pe ce negotiations at Paris
have been abruptly terminated by
the Spanish commissioners who
have withdrawn from the confer
ence and announced that they
would no longer continue it. Their
withdrawal followed the ultimatum
presented by the Americans which
demanded that the Spaniards cede
to this government the Philippines
upon the payment of a treaty cession
of twenty million dollars. The ter
mination of the negotiations will
in no way affect the result as the
Philippines will become an Ameri
can possession by force. Further
hostilities are not looked for as
Spain has not the means to contin
ue thewar and no power is backing
her in her stand against the United
Attorney-General Nash has just
rendered another one of his re
markable decisions. Speaking of
it the Clarion-Ledger says:
"The board of Supervisors of
Yazoo County have asked whether
or not the board of supervisors can
have the public roads in that coun
ty worked by contract by beats. The
attorney-general's response is to
the effect that the law does not give
boards of supervisors power lo have
public roads worked by contract by
beats. The Yazoo Board also
wished to know whether they have
a right to levy a special tax for this
purpose. As the law does not
give them the right to have the
roads worked in the manner above
specified, it goes without saying
that they would not have the right
to levy any tax. When a board
determines to work the public
roads, they must follow the direc
tions of the statutes. If the legis
lature had intended to give the
boards of supervisors the power to
single out any particular beat in
the county and work the road by
contract in that particular beat it
would have been very easy to have
raid so."
The Quarantine Convention.
The Memphis Quarantine Con
vention has met and adjourned, but
it is extremely doubtful if it has
succeeded in accomplishing the pur
pose for which it was called. The
Memphis convention was intended
to bring together those whose
views upon the quarantine differed
in the hope that these differences
would be harmonized and as an
outcome of their deliberations a
measure would be evolved that
would deal with this important
question in a manner satisfactory
to all. It is extremely doubtful if
this result has been accomplished.
A recommendation will go to Con
gress and although it was adopted
by the necessary majority vote it is
well known that it is not what the
delegates wanted or desired. It is
a sort of compromise measure. The
truth is the advocates and oppon
ents of national quarantine are so
pronounced in their views that it
is impossible to bring them togeth
er upon this issue.-
The work of the quarantine con
vention is summarized in the fol
lowing resolutions:
"i. That there be established
on a broad and comprehensive ba
sis a national bureau of public
health in the Department of the
Treasury of the United States; that
the administration of all the pub
lic health functions now exercised
by authority of the United States
be placed in charge of this bureau-
"2. That the sanitary authori
ties and commercial interests of the
several States of the Union be
brought into immediate relations
with the bureau and be given a
due share in the power and respon
sibilities of the central board
through the agency of an advisory
council consisting of one member
from each State to be appointed by
the authorities of the several
A national bureau of public
health may be a most excellent
thing but what the people of the
South want is a quarantine that
will prevent the introduction and
spread of yellow fever here. It is
only in the South that this ques
tion is now being discussed and it
is the South that is to be most af
fected by it. We have not heard
of any gfeat demand for the estab-
ment of such a bureau in the great
North or West. These sections
seem equal to the task of dealing
effectually with the epidemics pe
culiar to them. Then why bring
them into a question that affects
only a few Southern States? What
interest has Maine in a quarantine
intended to benefit Mississippi ?
Why divide the responsibilities
and powers of such a commission
unto forty-five states, thus giving
the great majority of power to
Northern and Western States who
have no sympathy or interest in
the sections affected ?
It is only in the South that it has
been demonstrated that the most
stringent measures and precautions
taken by State organizations to pre
vent the introduction and spread
of yellow fever are ineffective and
it is in the South that the opinion
is general that a strong and firm
quarantine 'maintained and oper
ated by the general government is
the only remedy.
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter -
Telia all about Her Troubles whan
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
"At tbo age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The aores spread all over one
side of his face. Wo consulted a physi
cian snd tried his medicine, and In a week
the soro was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing aoro appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Barsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the aores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cored by
Hood's Barsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
, and smooth, fair skin to this great med
lcine." Mbs. 8. 8. Wrotkn, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
a. ji r-hif are prompt, efficient and
I lOOU S HlIlS easy In effect. 25 rents.
Nothing more delightful for the
toilet than Pansy Fragrant Cream.
I Mayo & Weaver.
Bc-cing Powder
lMaie from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
cgabst ilium
m aBjBjjsjss
Alum tutting powiVfi m the grefca
oicaaccn to Wahh of the pracut dy
(VMkl ftMIM pern OA , MPW WW.
Settle The Demagogue.
The Jackson News sounds the
death knell of the demagogue and
pot-hunting politician in this State
in the following editorial. If there
ever was a time in the history of
the State when good men were
needed to guide and control its
destinies it is the present. The
News says:
The time has come in the histo
ry of this proud commonwealth
the home of Davis, Lamar, George
and Walthall for the people to
call a halt on the tttne serving,
pot-hunting politician. The dem
agogues whose sails are set to
catch every veering breeze that
will waft him into an official port,
the man that has well nigh ruined
the State, aiust be called down,
and the people must rebuke his in
solence and incompetence in such
a manner as to be a warning to his
fellow demagogues, such as will
make them hang their diminished
Next year there will be a gov
ernor to elect, and a legislature
chosen which m January, 1900,
will elect two United States sena
tors In filling these great trusts,
Mississippians should see to it that
no more white chips are played;
Mississippi has men and statesmen
the peers of any state in the union,
morally, intellectually and other
wise, and she should call such men
out of retirement and place them
in her posts of honor.
The demagogic cry that the gold
bugs are doing this and that, and
the other, is a cowardly effort to
divert attention from records that
smell to heaven, and deceives no
one. Nine-tenths of the free silver
press of the state has reprobated
official obliquity and malignant in
competency and protest that a
higher official standard shall be
set for governor and senator; that
next time blue chips shall be
The State needs more capital.
It needs more railroads, factories,
mills and people. The howl of
the demagogue for repudiation and
his cry against capital must be
checked. The way to do this is
for the press to continue to speak
out, and for the people to invite
the best and bravest Mississippians
to meet them and speak to them
on the issues of the State. For in
stance Jackson, Meridian, Vicks
burg, Greenville, Grenada, Natch
ez, Aberdeen, Brookhaven, West
Point and Columbus, and other
towns in the State, should invite
such Mississippians as Lowry,
Shands, Jones, Chrisman, Allen,
Sexton, Fox, Bowers, Williams,
Mayers, Powers, McLean, Cal
hoon and hundreds of others for
the State is full of such patriots,
to come to their towns and speak
to them on State issues.
The State canuot stand another
dose of demagogery. As McCool
says it is worse than yellow fever.
So pronounced is the opposition
to the annexation of the Philip
pines that the Anti-Imperialist So
ciety has been founded in which are
numered such men as Edward At
kinson and Andrew Carnegie. Pe
titions are being circulated for sig
natures against the movement and
these petitions will go to Congress.
A good play, well acted, is sure
to secure public favor in this city.
Hence, "A Texas Steer" will meet
with success at the new theatre
next Saturday night, for Chas. II.
Hoyt never disappoints. Aside
from its fun making qualities, the
farce comedy contains an immense
amount of satire on the political
world. The company is one of the
best and merriment will hold sway,
during the run of this, the best of
the Hoyt series:
The announcement this week
that on next Tuesday n;orning Mr.
S. R. Sneed and Miss Lena Moody
were to be married came much in
the order of a surprise to everyone.
The wedding will take place at St.
Mary's Episcopal c'.iurch at 6
o'clock Tuesday morniig, Novem
bzr 22, after which tht couple will
take the Southern traiu for an ex
tended bridal trip tiirough the
Sjuth. The ceremony be per
formed by Rev. II. II. Sneed, fath
er of the groom. Mr. oeed is the
junior member of the f rm of S. R.
Sneed & Co , and is one of the
best known and most popular
young men of the city. Miss Moody
is the daughter of Dr. Moody, de
ceased, and is from ret:islg,Va.
She has only been iu the city a
short time, being the r;uest of her
cousin, Mrs. F. M. Gordon, and
has made a large circle of friends
during her stay. She is very hand
some, attractive and tr-lented, and
"Sam" is to be congralulated. The
young couple will go forth together
with the blessings of all that their
journey through life will be one of
sublime happiness. Middlesbor
ough (Ky.) News.
The monster hippopotamus ex
hibited by Ringling Bros, is one of
the many zoological features of
their enormous menag.'rie, and is
the largest specimen of the behem
oth in captivity. Students of natural
nistory never tire of w itching this
enormous and historic least.
The good people of the Wood
lawn neighborhood will observe
Thanksgiving and services will be
held at the Woodlawn church to
morrow morning. I.ev. S. L.
O'Bannon will conduct the ser
vices which will be union in char
acter and will be largely atteuded.
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin. Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per
haps she has a little hacking
cough also. Her head aches
and she cannot study. Give her
Cofpc Fi
The oil will feed her wasting:
body 1 the glycerine w ill soothe
her cough, and the hypophos
phites will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and brain.
Never say you "cannot
take cod-liver oil " mtil you
have tried Scott's imulslon.
You will be obliged lo change
your opinion at once. Children
especially become very fond
of it and infants do not know
when it is added to the-r food.
Joe and Si. 00 ; all drll.;giits
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmisia N.w York.
West Hiuse.
I wish to announce to my friends
that I have had my ho lse on Main
street, formerly known as the Gun
ter House, entirely re.cdelled and
renovated and I am no.v betters
pared than ever to accommodate
the public with first-class board
and lodging at the low rates ot 25
cents per meal or Jsi.co per day.
Rates for monthly boarders furn
ished on application. Thanking
my friends and customers for past
favors, I solicit your patronage in
the future. Transient and com
mercial custom especially solicited.
Mrs. L. S. Whst.
Prof. Lockhart, the trainer of the
great Lockhart comedy elephants,
which are a great - feature with
Ringling Bros.' famous and popu
lar circus, spent twelve years edu
cating his wonderful family of ele
phant comedians be'ore giving
a public performance. -
Fire Works.
A lull and complete p njpnt
of fresh and new good-, ( 1
a call. I can save you
n2o-im O. I
Unbounded enthusia
aroused all over the co
remarkable acrobatic 1
of the wonderful Foy
of the latest import
Ringling Bros.' famo;
Large stock of wind
e ceived at Mayo & V
Appreciating the stringency of the times, low price of cotton, etc., we have determined to take THE
BULL BY THE HORNS by meeting the times and your pocket book by a GENEHAL REDUCTI ON
MprM'C (2 (TH I IV rj Suits which heretofore sold for $15, now $12.50; from $12.20
'1L,n VL-V 1 1 1 KJ down to $to; from $10 down to $9 or less, according to quality,
until we leach the bottom 56 for an all wool suit, worh $10.
Ovprrnnt; 5inH nnrkintn;lip; all cut proportionately. Not
lyvcrioaib anu i .acKiniOMies Jeritlg from wet or coldi when we KXl you a
intosh at $1.50 tor men or boys, wonh $2.50 and $3.
ILJVf 1 J WI.V I I IllVJ bought to be sold. Our stock
Cflirkftl From ages five to sixteen. The Jane Hopkins Suits, sold elsewhere at $6, we
aJlUUUl aJUIta. sell at f4-50. and $$.5o, $2.50 and $1.50 for suits worth $1 to $2 more than we
ask you. We carry the most complete stock of School Suits in the city.
Iipi Pnrifc From 20 cents a pair to 75 cents. Ages, five to sixteen years. These prices are
rVUC rttula' less than the value of the material.
I Iflfferweir MEN'S- WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S. Union Suits, in both cotton and wool,
mmwl VVcll from 2 cents Up t0 Ji.oo, all worth a great deal more.
Shoes ! Shoes ! ! Shoes ! ! !
Our stock in this line is too well known to need comment. All we can say ts that we sell only honest,
durable and well made shoes. We handle NO TRASH, which is high at any price. Why, then, do you
invest your money in trash, when we sell you school shoes, warranted to wear, from 75 cents a pair up?
Buy shoes from us and save yourself from worry and vexation. There is economy in buying good shoes.
Sweeping Reductions
etc., and, in lact, in all lines we carry. Give us a call before buying elsew'iere.
fctf-TALK IS CHEAP, BUT WE MEAN BUSINESS. Yours Respectfully,
Simon Loeb & Bro.
H. Hirshman's
Bargain Store.
The extraordinary advantage of
this Great Sale of Ceaseless Bar
gains. Each of our departments
will contribute its newest and best
offers, which make this an UN
The Uncommon Display of caps
of varied descriptions. We are dis
playing manufacturer's stock and
the price is astonishing.
The largest display of new crea
tion all lace curtains and drapery
goods ever offered. Ten pieces
Silkaline, elegant designs, value
12JC Our Price 8c.
Examine our elegant value in
Lace Curtains at 65c. Double face
cotton plush Drapery goods reduced
to 14c. Curtain Poles with fixtures,
New arrival of Children's Cloth
ing, with large braid collar. Now
40 yds Remnant Calico 90c.
10yds Heavy S. I. Domestic 40c.
Best Standard Calico, Your
Choice 4$c-
Fleeced lined Ladies' Vests 20c.
Ladies and Children's Unions.
Underwear for the small boy,
ages 8 to 16 at 40c per suit.
JtESlEMHEU! This Sale is
an Unrivaled Triumph of Bargains.
We Are Headquarters For
Low Prices.
Bargain Store.
For Sale.
The following furniture, pict
ures, etc. , wul be sold at a sacrifice:
I t 5 .r !-., l.irge wa'.ntit
3 i rcr, sit ol furniture, 3
v t t.USiit n u.uipn
a! t s '.e 1 it 1,
i - a;; 1 wnV.r.g u k, 2
' - . , 1 .
- 1 M to . j
U ; an'
Fine Horses.
A Carloafl ofFineBrefl Horses
Fine Saddle and Harness Working. The prettiest line
of Horses ever brought to this city.
Eel ipse Livery ami Feed Stable, Main Street.
OolUtUlSUSl, IVXlSBaBlSBSSllppla
Capital, $75,000.
Transacts a Banking Business Only.
Buys and Sells Exchange on the Principal Cities.
Buys and Sells Bonds, Stocks and Warrants.
Interest paid on deposits left for a specified time.
Five times yearly must a sworn statement of ita condition be published in tha
city papers.
roof Building; Fire and Burglar-proof Vault; the latest style of aafa
with the best locks.
Small Safes in the vault to rent at
for valuables. None rented to strangers.
W. C. StiCBABDS, Joan D. afoBQAir, D. F. Bobiktson. B. T. Williams, C. A. Jobkitob
& A. Jobkstos, Frsa,
Insurance and Banking Co.
Feb. 14, 185a
: : Capital,
Oldest Bank in the State With the Largest Banking Capital.-
M'tlntaiimt It. w).t dm in? the wir an-1 rwiemnivl ItsHrmilatlnn after ar. H. han.e on
in. I 1 . ..it . 1 . i , I rw Vu a-.H M'-l I
-, 1 , ,. ' . 1 - , . h I 1 " '' "' " " ' '
ion ps Mi ur 1 1
, , , l- 1 l ! 1 1 1
4 I r I" If 1
-r.. ;-: ! i. ' - - - A
use suf-
is large and they must move.
18 a Tear, irivinff customers a aecura nlaea
J. D. afoBOAif, Vlcs-Pras. It, T. Wiixiahs, Cashier.
- - - $231,500
1 i-"!i" 1 -.1
' ' -- "' 1 - 1
" - ' - 1
.. i k u . t- t. 1

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