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Figu rc Every Way You can, you can't get better value for less money than by buying your Furniture from us. Handling these goods only in car load lots and dealing only with the best and most reliable lactones, you are as sured the best value for the least money. Our many years of experience in our line of goods have taught us where to buy, how to buy, what to buy and when to buy. In short, we buy right and, therefore, sell right. Don't be blinded by ads of shoddy, inferior stuff, with which the market is crowded and which is high at any price. For Good. Honest and Reliable Furni ture Come and Pat ronize Leopold Loeb. AROUND THE CITY. Circuit Court. The fall term of Circuit Court convened in the Court House in this city Monday afternoon at two o'clock, with Judge E. O. Syites presiding. The afternoon was spent in the preliminary work of the court and the various juries were drawn and the grand jury was charged. Judge Sykes' charge was not unlike the usual counsel given to grand juries. Itwascom prehensive in its scope and covered every infraction of the law that will likely engage the attention of that body. The present week will not wit ness the trial of many important cases. It will be devoted to the civil docket and it it is not intend ed to take up the criminal docket until next week. District Atty. Barron is on hand to guard the State's interests. The following is a list of the ju ries drawn on Monday: GRAND JURY. J. T. Renter, Foreman, W. E. Frazef, R. W. Kevin, f. 11 Hlielton, W. T. Wheeler, Thou. lrrinon, K. B. Egger, T. B. Bpckwith, J. h. Fer, S. I.. Cain, L. A. Vaughan, C. H. Blackwell. V. W. Sharp, Jno. W. Chandler, O. P. Eireer, W. Li. J1I9, jr., t II. Jacob, 8. K. Hale, J. D. Burgin, Mr. Bowls Clopton, court stenog rapher, is in the city. A full line of Munyon Remedies carried In stock by Chapman. Cotton was quoted yesterday from 4 i-2 to 5 cents. Mr. M. A. Franklin is home from the quarantine convention. Gunter Bros, carry a full line of metallic caskets, from the smallest to the largest. Mrs. Chas. L. Steele is home from a visit to North Carolina. The best remedy for chapped hands and lips is Chapman's Fra grant Cream. Messrs. G. P. Waller and R. W. Krvin, two of Crawford's best men, spent Monday in the city. The finest Buckwheat and deli cious Maple Syrup for sale by Morgan, Walker & Co. Mr. Geo. P. Pelot, Editor of the Reform Progress, spent Sunday and Monday in the city on business. Everyone will enjoy a glass of Kolo Pbate, cooling and refresh ing, at C. B. Drake's. Mrs. Joe Brookshire, of Merid ian, is in the city on an' extended visit to relatives. Prevent colds and keep warm by repairing your windows. Win dow glass of all sizes for sale by Mayo & Weaver. De Molay Commandery, No. 8, Knights Templar, enrolled four new members Monday night and continued the degree work last night. I have just received the best and cheapest line of handkerchief ex tracts and colognes ever offered in Columbus. E. C. Chapman. Prof. Chas. Baskerville, of Chap el Hill, South Carolina, arrived in the city yesterday. He is here to attend the bedside of Mrs. Harri son Johnston in her critical illness. Victor Corn and Oats, mixed and chopped, is an excellent food for all stock. It is for sale by Morgan. Walker & Co. A burning and threatening chim ney at the home of Mrs. Ann Franklin on Sunday night called out the fire department. No dam age was done and the soot soon burned out and the fire subsided. Success comes to those who per severe. If you take Hood's Sarsa parilla faithfully, and persistently, you will surely be benefitted. PETIT JURY, FIRST WEEK. R . Harris, Jag. L. Smith, (4. P. McCown, Perry Verner, J. A. Thompson, A. J. Puqua, J. M. Cockerhaiu, W. W. Egger, It. K Leech, L. P. Taggart O. A. Pullen, Martin Well. PETIT J TRY, SECOND WEEK. Jno. A. Brown, R. M. Dave, J. H. Kinnetirew, J. R. Lary, A. P. Perkin, 8. W. Ktanley, J. M. Wells, A. 8. Pavne, W. 11. Davis, Jos. J. Ellis, II. M. Wood, 8. P. McClary. The following are the cases dis posed of yesterday and Monday: Morgan. Robertson & Co. vi. T. G. Blewett; ejectment. Case coutinued. First National Bank of Aberdeen vs. George W. Sherman; assumpsit, continued. Warren Electrical Manufacturing Co. vs. Columbus Gsslight Co.; as sumpsit, continued in Chancery. Wagner Electrical Manufacturing Co. vs. Columbus Gaslight Co; as sumpsit, continued in Chancery. W.J. Wilkinson vs Western Unioii Telegraph Co.; verdict for plaint i ft Mr. Fred W. Thomas spent Mon day in the city. He was introducing the Cleveland '99 wheel to the com munity, and he did it in good shape and left a most pleasant impres sion behind him. The '99 Cleve land's all right. It is lighter, trim mer, prettier than ever before and has a number of improvements to commend it to the public. Its cased bearings, which lesseu friction and add to its running power, are an improvement, the merit of which will be recognized by every man who has ever pushed a pedal. The Cleveland's home for the ensuing year will be with Mr. J.C. Broyles and he expects to run his sales be yond the 100 mark. Your Order (or Groceries will be filled accu .ately at our store, and - promptly delivered. A slice of cheese is a delicate and delicious relish for supper. The kind we sell is Full Cream New York State Cheese, and is alwavs boueht at the same house in New York city. There is a cer tain exquisite flavor about it that makes it simply indispensable to those who know it. We have many other table deli cacies that alwavs add ereatly to the menu of any meal. J. II. Stevens & Son, The Mais Srkf.t Grocers. One of the latest improvements, noted is the tremendous large ele vator recently put in by Banks Sherrod Hardware Co., in order to facilitate handling their large stock of Buggies, Surries, Phaetons and Hacks. Their business in this line has increased so rapidly, it has been forced upon them to make this addition. A complete, well assorted stock of vehicles can al ways be found at their up stairs buggy room and will be sold at cent cotton rates. Call and see them before buying elsewhere, tf Southern Wreck. Engineer Graham Jones and his fireman, Otis, a negro, had another narrow call Sunday and so did the passengers that he had with him. His train, the west bound passen ger on the Southern out of Birming ham for Columbus, got into it bad a mile this side of Coalburg and a horrible catastrophe almost ensued. That section is a country of moun tains and valleys, of deep cuts and high trestles and fills. No. 35 was on time, slipping overlhe rails at a fine clip, when Engineer Jones saw two cows ahead. The first was hit lull force and pitched a hundred feet. The engine was re versed and the air crowded on, but not in time to arrest the momentum of the train before the second cow was struck. Instead ot clearing her off the track, she was ground beneath the engine, which left the rails, broke from the tender and plunged down the 20 foot embank ment. Mr. Jones was thrown out on his head and sustained painful injuries. The tender and passen ger coaches ran off the track, but balanced almost on the edge of the embankment, thus saving the lives of many passengers. A wrecking crew was put to work and the wreck was oon cleared, and the train reached this city about five hours later. On the train were Mrs. C. L. Steele, Mrs. Steele's mother in-law, Dr. A. N. Steele's mother, Mr. M. A. Franklin and other Columbus people. Wherever They Go. "My wife was run down in health and my little daughter had scrofu la. They began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it cured them both. The girl has no more scrofula trouble and my wile will not have any other medicine since taking Hood's We recommend it wher-1 ever we go." 8. W. Wallace, I Marcus, Alabama. .0. ,.,V ' v ..''.....v"- VaV--x$V-' . y y ' 'K ' V 'r' '' V i- " c ;ci; :c; u xc u V, X o X o- X A o- X o- X o V A 2 0 X I n r- rs ki li 4 0 ft 0 OS HioDilAPS Tie are overstocked very largely in Imuortcd and Domestic Dress Goods, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and Capes, latest designs, and must sell to make room for HOLIDAY GOODS. Beginning MONDAY MORNING, and holding good every day this week, . V --: ; V - y t i I We Give Ten Per Cent. Off Cash prices marked on Dress Goods (tmlJVraps, '-"m,!, wiMh,, M7vvh Hood's Pills cure nausea, head ache. The Vienna Arrives and Departs. The Steamer "Vienna" arrived Monday at noon from river points below bringing 180 bales of cotton and a few passengers. She made the trip when the river was 2.2 feet below zero, the navigation line, thus proving the claim of hei" pro moters that she is a light draught boat. The Vienna left yesterday for Ringold, below Pickensville, to get a cargo of cotton and will re turn to-night, after which she will make a long trip to Demopolis. coin awcro. We would be glad to coin a new word or phrase to use in place of "BARGAIN," because it has become hackneyed by being misused. Yet on thw occasion wc can find nothing so ex pressive to character our offerings to morrow of Silks, Dress Goods, Wraps and Household Goods. As a matter of fact, our sales of Household Goods, Carpets, Blankets and Table Linens, so far this fall have exceeded all previous sales for some time. Why? Come and you can plainly see. Haw Arrivals Evening Silks. Elegant collection of Pekin Striped Taffetas; beautiful styles, new colorings; correct for shirt waists, on sale Monday at only 79c. Extra quality of Plaid Taf feta, 25 different colored combinations, only 1 1 . Phenomenal offerings in Black Goods. Bargains of unusual interest will be displayed on Monday morning and during the week. Some proof prices: All-wont. .Kt-lnch Black Imperial Sero; no better value ever onereu by us. worth 4c, at..... All wool. 4)-lnch Black Henrietta Cloth, ue; worth 50c, at ...2: superior vnl- ...eae Warm Underwear. For Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. Special bargain In ladles' high necK and Ion? sleeve, Mlk trimmed Wool Vets, fit each; uit, 1.11. Ano:hor frond bargain In ladies' fine quality Wool f aula and Vests, to clcse out, at Too each, UNIONS. We are headquarters for all styles in ladies' and children's Union Suits. I.adiea' Onelta Cotton Suit., all sites, OOcsuit, C hildren'! silver gray Cotton Kuita,, UO to 50c. BuloriKgau Union Huits, all sizes, a2.Kaiitt. Odds-and-Ends of children's all-wool Vests and Pants, beautiful goods, full regular; best to be had; we close the re mainder of the lot AT COST. Unshrinkable Wool Blankets. Our contract was nude last season for these goods, before the new tariff be came a law. This is the last lot at these low prices: 10- 4 white wool Blanket., lured, pluk or blue border, made from the best California wool, only 1 7-V 11- 4 white wool Blanket., made from bei California wool, otily $4. Ait 11-4 while and ncarlet Oolden Oate Blanket), w hite and Beecy, all wool, only fiO, Cotton Comfort, cretonne covered. In chrysanthemum pattern!, l, fl.-iA, l.fto, 1. 7ft each. Down Comfortaj satin covering, lare, guaranteed not to ihed, only !..'(). 10-4 all-wool red or gray Blankets, only $.'1.50. lt-4 gray or white cotton Blanket., only 4-m. lmanu' Crib Blanks la, embroidered, all colore, tl up. Our stock of Lap Robes is by far the largest and cheapest in the city. They range in price from $ i to $7.50 for the most elegant carriage robe. Where Do You Buy Your Shoes? We want to sell you SHOES, and to do so we make special efforts to please, not only in style and quality, but in price also. Fine hand turned, thin soles, coin tool, rioth and kid lout ; other! ask t-t ; our price to you, t-l. I.adieV flaxiblc aole, lace and button shoe., coin and common sense toos; you will pity i(V2,.o for thcui elsewhere ; we sell them at f 1. mi The world knows at least the world of Columbus and vicinity that our men's $2.50 Hamilton & Brown high land calf and our Etntnerson's box calf shoes, in black and brown, are unrivalled for wear and appearance. One thousand men in and around Columbus attest the fact. Two complaints in a year. We made them good of course our custom from time immemorial. Our goods are our bond. Agents for Godman's Iron Clad School Shoes, for boys, misses' and children. CORDETTE. The perfection of a shape-giving fabric; superior to Hair cloth or Canvas. Dressmakers prefer it. We are sole agents for Columbus. Fine Carpets are the Cheapest. Special inducements for Monday and every day during the week: Beversll.le Smyrna Art piarvs and Rugs, all alies. from lHxMU In .tAK, to Hull feet, at i..VJ: late I coloriUK-. Estra qnality of Wilton Velvet and Moquette r,rpp,. large variety of designs bir.lerntomai. il, a eom plcu at hoc .MAl'K. I.AIIland 1.INKI). Klght wire HniMclli car.t, l.t made and latest de signs, only c per yd. complete, made, laid, lintL It is no secret that we killed high prices for Carpets, Mattings. Rugs, Window Shades, Lace and Portier Cur tains in Columbus. Men's Furnishing Department. Newest things in Stanly Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, and Adler's Gloves. Newest things in Neckwear and Under wear. Nobby Hats, Natty Hats, Catchy Hats, for men, boys and children. Skirts Ready to Wear. We have Crepon Skirts, all the new patterns and bayadere effects, percaline and silk lined, all length. All wool Ve netian Cloth Skirts, percaline lined; new shapes, well tailored. New Paquin Ruffle Skirts, in all wool cheviot, black and navy. Prices about same as material. Ladies' Shirt Waists, 60c, 75c, $1. SILK PETTICOATS. An assort ment of -chaugeable silk Petticoats, cord ed ruffle, well made, full size, in newest colors, at only $6.00. Black Satin Skirts, lined throughout, trimmed with mohair braid, ruffled, $1. Immense stock Ladies' Muslin Under wear for less than you can buy the material. GRAND SALE of INFANTS WEAR. Iufants' long Cashmere Cloaks, white and colored, silk Caps. A choice lot of Bonnets at Half Price. Supply your wants at a big saving Monday, and every day this week. These prices were made specially to induce early buyers. IMIall Ord.ors ttzcQlvo Immediate -Attention. "W CL BEARD & SOHSTThe Corner. 'O- o- o 9 r ' If ! V 1 V p. o I 1 h f o t X o X f o ; : I V r X o X o X O X -o X V f x -o Hoyt's "A Texas Steer" appears to have been aptly designated the author's most clever piece of work. It is charmingly funny, piquanlly entertaining and genially satirical in its touching up of the Washing ton experiences of Maverick Brander." '"Vn entire scene equip ment has been furnished by Arthur Voegtlin of tlryt's Madison Square Theatre, New York. The date for "A Texas Steer" at the sew thea tre is next Saturday night. Tne nnnagement of the Gilmer Hotel will spread a most elegant Thanksgiving dinner for their guests to-morrow evening at six o'clock. Elaborate preparations have been made for this occasion and their menu is complete, com prising all the substantials and delicacies that the most ardent epi cure could desire. The dinner will be served in magnificent style and an elegant and delightful repast is pro-uiied all who attend. Last night's dispatches stated that the peace negotiations at Paris had not been broken off, the re port sent out by the Associated Press to that effect being the work of stock manipulators who wanted to profit by it. Gunter Bros, carry a full line of coffins, from the cheapest to the most expensive. Chas. It. Hoyt's Political Comedy. Hoyt's "A Texas Steer," the best comedy that has come from the pen of the well known author, will be presented at the new theatre next Saturday night. It is a most laughable satire on present day politics. The compa ny is the best that has ever been seen in the comedy, and the en gagement is to be the laughing event of the season. The company is large and efficient, including Katie Putnam, specially engaged for "Bossy," Will H. Bray, in his original part, "The Minister to Dahomey," Herbert E. Sears as "Maverick Brander," The Bison City Quartette, and a star cast from Hoyt's Madison Square Theatre, New York. The management of the local house recommends and endorses this play as the best that has ever been to Columbus. Seats at Mayo & Weaver's. THE MODEKX MOTHER Has found that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effects of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. You Want Clean, Fresh linn Cheap, We Can Supply You. HEINZ'S PICKLES SWEET MANGOES STUFFED CUCUMBERS CHOW CHOW MINCE MEAT PRESERVES OLIVES And all the Delicacies that go to make a good dinner, and all Staple Groceries, first class. . ' WCall and try us. MIF.YM. QILHER HOTEL. THANKSGIVING DINNER. Tmasiuv, Nov. 21, ISiW-UTn 8 TB1.E D'HOTK. Biloxi Counts. Celery. Puree of Tomato. Consomme Lady Morgan. Baked Hwlda Trout, a la Genols. Potatoes (eri'i'i,1 Salted Almondi. Queen (dives. Roast Prime Chicajo Beef, lieml Glace. Roast Young Turkey, Muffed ; Cranberry Sauce. Candled Yami I'arlslenne Potatoes. Hugar Com. Roman Punch, Roast Brant Pommls, a la Rlz. Orange Salnd. Fried Hominy. Bon inn Short Cake, Whipped Cream. Rhine Wine Jelly. Assorted cakes. Confections. Fruits. Cheese. Crackers", Cafe Noir. FREE THUG DINNER. Send Your Orders Early for g IK His friends in this city will be pained to learn of the misfortune of Mr. Chas. Richards, who is attend ing lectures at the Peabody Medi cal Institute at Nashville. While in the dissecting room a few days ago he accidentally cut his hand in some way. The gash seemed of trivial consequence at first, but blood poi son soon ensued and when last heard from it was feared he would lose that member as a result of the injury. Successful Physicians. To our readers we wish to regnra mend Dr. Hathaway & Co., of 337 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La., as being perfectly reliable and re markably successful in the treat ment of chronic diseases. They guarantee to cure where others fail. They never employ travel ing doctors. If in need of medical help you should certainly write them for their expert opinion which you will receive by return mail, free of charge. The curtain will not go up until 8:45 on Saturday night at the thea tre in order to let all the clerks and business men attend the great per formance of the "Texas Steer." Notice. In order to give our employees an opportunity to properly observe Thanksgiving Day this mill will close down on Thursday, the 24th inst. No seed will be received and business transacted on that day. Mississippi Cottok Oil Co. it. Fire Works. A full and complete assortment of fresh and new goods. Give me a call. I can save you money. n2o-im O. P. Brown. Drink Kalo-Ffaate at C.B.Drake's. To any cash purchaser ot Jewelry, Watches, Dia monds, Silverware, Fan cy Goods, Clocks, Med alions and Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas to the amount of Two Dol lars, or over, to commence To-morrow Morning and continue till Thursday, 12 o'clock m., we will pre sent a meal ticket that will entitle the holder to the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Gilmer Hotel. I lianltsgiiiin Fish and Oysters H. Silberberg's, BUDER BROS. The Lurlines celebrate their an nual oyster supper to-night at Ca dy's hall and it promises to be a most elegant affair. A number o invitations have been issued to the company's friends and a pleasant gathering and a fine supper are as sured. There will be speeches to keep the table in a roar and merri ment and fellowship will reign su preme. This occasion is one that the boys merit by their devotion to duty and faithful service and we trust their evening will be a joy- 1 ous one. At the Present Price of Cotton W4. You can't afford to pay per cents and high prices, so come to us, as hundreds have done, to buy your Mil ani Headstones Build up a Home Enterprise and Save Money. The Best of Material, The Best of Work, The Lowest Prices and Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbus Marble Works STINSON & WATSON, Proprietors, JZ COLUMBUS, MISS. WT-CORRRSPONDENCK SOLICITED. 0Ct?Otf JUST RECEIVED: SO HEAD OF HORSES & MULES ALL GRADES. & From the finest Kentucky stock to the plain, substantial horse to suit the poor man's pocket. With Fourteen Years Experience in the stock business in Columbus Miss., we are prepared to give you More in lleturn For Your Money than any dealer in the State. We are amply prepared to carry a large stock of Mules and Horses on hand at all times, and will continue to do so during the season. oct30-4m 1 1