CLEMENCEAU HERE TO EPLMCE "TIGER" WILL TELL AMERICA WHY HIS COUNTRY MUST HAVE THE REPARATION MONEY. SAILED ON ARMISTICE DAY Work of Reconstruction In th* War Devastated Region Goes on Slowly and Funds Must Be Obtained for Material and Labor. By EDWARD B. CLARK Washington.—On Armistice (lay, No vember 11, Clemenceau, "The Tiger” of France sailed from Uavre for the United States to present here the cause of the French tieople and, us It has been announced, to make clear the ex act position in « Inch the French And themselves today. This aged hut still stalwart Freneh inau will come to Washington and here will meet the President, the secretary of stute, and others. It Is expected that in private conversation ho will say some things to the American offi cials which he will n»t say upon the public platform. It may be that the visitor will bring his heaviest guns; to bear in what may be called this private action. All of France Is not In sympathy with Clemenceau's Intention to luy the cause , before the American people, but Wash ington hears that In a general way France hopes that some good may come of 1L Tho u’Hfer rtf this annnt turn monthH In France during the summer that has JuSft passed. There seems to be some ignorance today concerning the exact condition of the countryside of France. Americans generally do not seein to know Just how much reconstruction work hus been done nor do they seem to know just why It is that, as some people have put it, the French are act ing "contrariwise” on the subject of disarmament and on some other mat ters which have produced a little fric tion with the countries wh|£b were the allies of France in war. France Is Acting Humanly. Some American officials have visited France recently, and unquestionably they have told their chiefs in Wash ington Just what they have found in the land of the sister republic. Every body who makes the least study of con ditions in France must find the same thing, and that is that whatever France has done or is doing is prompted by 'the dictates of human nuture. Some of the things which the republic has done and for which it has been criti cised probably would be done by any other country’ under like conditions. The human nature equation is strong a^ p factor in the whole problem. Reconstruction and reclamation, as they apply to France, may be said to be different things. Reclamation has to do with the reclaiming of the fields, their retilling and their replanting with crops. Reconstruction has to do with the rebuilding of the farmhouses and the thousands of hamlets, villages, towns and cities which were de stroyed during the war. It can be said that about nine-tenths of the agricultural acreage of France, which it was impossible to till during the war because of military operations and of the destruction inflicted, have been reclaimed. During the season which has Just passed, France raised enough cereals to feed Itself, and France eats an enormous amount of ureuuoiuiiB. Reconstruction Is Slow. Stories have been printed to the ef fect that reconstruction work In France was going on rapidly. It Is going on, but not rapidly. Village after village through which one pusses if he visits the once embattled front are still level with the plain. It would take a long time to rebuild tbe de stroyed structures In France even if the man power of the country was at the pre-war mark. Moreover, building construction In France Is solid con struction. The French build for all time. The work necessarily would be Blow under any conditions. Today neither the man power nor the money to rebuild Is forthcoming, and there fore, except for temporary shelters, a considerable part of the population of northern France still is homeless and still has no place In which to transact the mercantile businesses of the coun try. It Is believed that Monsieur Clemen ceau will set forth these conditions when he comes to the United States and will make them the basis of a statement that the reason France Is so Insistent on Immediate reparation money Is that unless It Is paid quickly France cannot go on with Its building operations. France has Imported Into the coun try a good many Italian, Spanish and Sortuguese laborers. They are taking te place of the French youths who were killed In the war. These men, of course, must be paid, and building ma terial must be paid for The French government Is undertaking the pay ments, but the money Is baaed on tbe promise of the reparations money, end If this Is not forthcoming there probably will be something like finan cial cbaos in the European republic. The whole thing; so far as the French viewpoint la concerned, la simple. Somebody has taken away what tbe ft people bad end they Insist that tbe somebody shall put It back and put !t back quickly. United States and League of Nation* jfow that It baa become definitely haewo that tbe United States Is to have a voice In the nomination anti se lection of Judge* of the International Court of Justice set up by the League of Nations, there is renewed Interest In Washington In what ie said to he the possibility thnt eventually this country will Join the league. The most militant element In the Democratic party clings to the belief that ultimately the United States will enter the League of Nations and some of the Democrats seem to believe that the present administration Is not as antagonistic to the thought of league membership as once It was. This feeling of (he Democrats Is not shared at all by the Republicans ex cept those In the party ranks with whom the wish may be father to the thought and who. although maintain ing their party standing, always have been more or less In favor of the pol icy of league membership. It seems to the present writer, from a somewhat careful study of the situ ation, and from what can be leurned from administration leaders, that there will be no closer approach to membership In the league soon than there Is at present, except as such an approach may be seen In the de termination to enter the International Court of Justice and to take part In the great economic parley which may straighten out the financial affairs of the world. Guessing at Harding's Intention. There are Republicans here who say President Harding Is more ad vanced In his “international thinking’’ than are other powerful leaders in his party. Again It may be said, how ever, that no one ever gets an expres-1 slon from the administration which smacks at all of a desire for league membership, but It Is true that such words as come from the administra tion leave the Impression that the X I r.'IU"Ul WUUIU line IW a wuosu arable-(flsrttnce Into the field of help for the other peoples of the world, and that he probably Intends to make this Journey afield If he can do It consistently with the majority thought of his party. It Is bootless, apparently, however, for men and women who believe the j United States should enter the League | of Nations to think that during the present administration of American affairs there will be any absolute join ing up with the European nations In the organization of the league as It exists today. It Is held by the Republicans and antl-membership-in-the-league men gen erally that It still Is the intention of the United States to do what it can unofficially to help matters in the world, but that nothing will be done which from the point of view of the anti-leaguers would violate the Amer ican traditions of aloofness from what frequently are called foreign entan glements. Concerning Foreign Debts. It has become known definitely within the last few days that so long ns the present administration Is In power at least there will be no can cellation of tlie debts of the foreign ers to the United States, but It also Is known thut. In spite of the cries here and there about forcing payment, the administration will attempt to do nothing with a strong hand to secure for the United States the war debts due it from abroad. At the White House the other day an authorized spokesman for the Pres ident said he had noticed here, there and everywhere that jnen were rising to say: “If these foreigners do not pay us the money due, the United States should get after them with a club.’’ Then the spokesman went on to say that the President would give a re ward to any man who would point out definitely the means of getting the foreigners to pay their debts, a means w hi oil vyould not Involve the sending of armies and navies to Europe, there to collect the money by force. It also was intimated that some of the speak ers were long on threats but short on nnjo uuu uit;uuo. Of course there Is general agree ment that the United States cannot collect Its debts by force. It now Is known definitely that there will be representatives of the United States In a financial conference of the great powers of the world. Out of this con ference there may come some means of adjusting finances so that the pres ent conditions of threatened bank ruptcy here and there may change and a slow return to financial sound ness In European countries may be assured. When this condition Is reached Washington folk say that means will, be found to secure from the foreigners the money which Is due to the United States. Publicity for British Cows. Co-operative advertising Is being tried In England for milk. The plan calls for each dairyman and each dis tributer to contribute one-sixth of a cent a gallon .toward a fund which Is to be used to advertise the value of milk as a food. One of the arguments will be that the dally consumption of milk per cap ita In England, about a third of a pint. Is only a third of the consumption In the United States.—The Nation’s Busi ness. Striving to Bs Tactful. "When you type that letter,” re marked Senator Sorghum, “be careful to misspell two or three of the longer words." "Misspell tbemT" * "Yes. I have to be careful with this particular constituent It’s necessary to use some long words to convey my meaning. If we misspell them It will counteract any Impression that w« are trying to put on literary, airs/* »- a 4 ' * High Colors to Be the Fashion Eccentricity In detail rather than change In form, together with an adop tion of extreme novelties In fabrics, a revival of metal and the return to use of high colors, characterizes the fash ions for autumn and winter 1922-23, writes a fashion correspondent in the New York Tribune. Fashions seem to be moving toward a more stately type of dress, as many of the designers have goue back to the Renaissance period for the detalla Hardly a dressmaker In Paris but shows some leaning toward the ex travagances of the period of Francis I, Henry VIII, Henry II and on down to the period of Louis XIII. Here and there the Idea Is caught In the sleeve; again one sees It in the collar and In the arrangement of the girdle. Very frequently It Is the de sign In the fabric; again It 1s the regal coloring, mixtures of gold, silver, steel and copper In fabrics which look as if they had been hammered or wrought In and not woven on looms. In crustations of Jewels, precious and seml-preclous, recall the flourishing arts of this sumptuous period. Exploits Seventeenth Century Stylet. As a variation from the Renaissance there Is the note of the pure Venetian styles of the Seventeenth century. Jeanne Lanvin uses this motif, there by ho’dlng persistently to her wide skirt effects. She has little support, hosvever, In this from other dressmak nro A nnAilnnilnnnnA n# tVi A olnnrlar silhouette confirms the Insignificance of other eccentric period styles. Running through all of the fashions Is the Oriental note, the Persian, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Japanese, sometimes In Its pure form, and again Ih the cleverly modernized Interpre tation. • Magnificent embroideries, hand quilt ings, headings. Incrustations, ham mered, pressed and printed fabrics all have significant showing. France, from the standpoint of novelty mate rials and trimmings, Is coming bnck Into her own. Not since the several propitious seasons Immediately pre ceding the war has France produced so many wonderful novelties. This elaboration of tissues, whether It be In weave or applied after the work of the looms, will add greatly to the cost of fashionable clothes. Sleeve Details Vary Silhouette. Details of sleeves have changed con siderably, and It Is In this point that the silhouette of 1922-28 will express Itself largely. New sleeves are often full length and may be large at the wrist, elbow or throughout their full length. Long mitten-shaped sleeves are also much used. Many new forms In puffed effects are seen. Sometimes this puff breaks at the elbow; again It Is at the wrist. Sometimes a succes sion of flnre ruffles are placed at the elbow or on the wrist of a tight-fitting sleeve. Many fancy sleeves are seen on eve ning dresses. Frequently they start from the elbow downward, and they are even attached at the wrist, cover ing the hands with deep circular frills. ' $ ^ I The Charming 8treet Dresa Developed in Imitation Broadtail and Black Broadcloth. All these new sleeve effects are prac tically taken from the Renaissance period, court dress style. The sleeve less Idea still exists, bn* lg not so new as these other more fanciful forms. The waistline Is a variable point, bnt a big percentage of models continues to be In low waistline style, many of which blouse In the back. There Is still every degree of low waistline, from that which starts below the nor mal waistline to well down to below the turn of the hips, In distinct Egyp tian and Oriental, form. One-Side Drapery. The length of skirts Is still variable, bnt the consensus of opinion Is that the street skirt will be nine to ten Inches from the ground. More dressy afternoon toilettes will be four to five inches from the ground. Eccentric period styles, both In crinoline and Renaissance effect, often touch and trail. So many of the best makers show such a predominance of the shorter lengths—that is, from nine to ten Inches above the floor—that one might expect this to be the smartest length. Other variations will be more or iess a personal and Individual thing. Surprising ns It mny seem, the skirt remains narrow, often extremely nar row. Fullness, when Introduced, Is un I - Three-Piece Suit; Dress of Gray Cloth; Jacket of Dark-Red Cloth, Brocaded in Gray.. sbtruslve, and Is usually achieved by means of the circular cut. There Is ess unevenness about the hem, many >f the skirts being straight around. The one-sided drapery Is a strong feature even In the plainest tailored Iresses and coats; also the one-side fastening nnd wide, overlapping front, l’hls overlapping one-side effect Is also much noted In skirts. The Three-Piece Suit. Tailored suits are very pronounced in the showing of both two and three alece effects. A great majority of the lackets are waist length and In straight, unbelted or slightly blousing ind belted styles. The exceptions are incidental novelties In very short box Solero rtyles, Chinese mandarin full swinging coats and three-quarter length circular-cut effects, the latter usually trimmed with fur. The three-piece idea is prominent. It expresses itself In two forms—the smart one-piece wool dress with match ing Jacket or the crepe de chine or satin dress with a wool coat entirely covering It, the lining of which Is made of the same material as the dress. Afternoon dresses are much more elaborate than they were last season. They are often made of beautiful nov elty materials; or If they are In plain materials they are richly embroidered, appllqued nnd beaded. They are In decided contrast to the very simple hand-made crepes which have been so greatly In vogue. Evening dresses are much less decollete than In former yenrs. Many of them are made with a slightly rounding or bateau neck. Some of the evening dresses have full-length sleeves, and it Is only the very cere monious type that Is extremely decol lete and sleeveless. Draped Evening Dresses. Considerable moire Is used, notably In evening dresses, the moire often having a high luster satin back, mak ing It possible to use In drapery where both sides of the material Is allowed to show. In crepe weaves marocain continues strong, replacing to no small degree crepe de chine. There is, however, a new quality of silk crepe called crepe mongol which Is being used quite ex-, teuslv^y. Crepe georgette and crepe romalff are used for beaded dresses, of which there are still a great many. Georgette and sheer crepe romaln are also used In combination. Many pile fabrics in wools are being shown, notably in thick cord weaves and walflellke checks, sheared to give a velvet pile surface. These are lu solid colors and also In mlxturea of two and three tones. ▲ very beauti ful line of this character, brought out by Rodler, has a mixture of wool and artificial silk which gives a sort of frosty look. Rodler often uses a metallic color In the artificial silk which he uses to Illuminate the duller woolen threada In shades of brown and beige he uses flecks of gold and copper-colored silk; In blues and gray he uses sliver and steel-tone silk. Thus even these wool ens have a metallic glitter. udania and Isinidj# Chanak, on tho* Dardanallaa. (Prvpved by the National Geographic So ciety, Washington, D. C.) Three towns of Asia Minor, seldom heard of In ordlnury times, have stood out In the world news of recent weeks —Chanak, Mudaula and Israld. Mere villages normally, each has had sud denly poured Into it soldiers or celebri ties, and has taken on, briefly at least, Importance greater than that of many a metropolis. Chanak, the strategic point on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles, which figured for weeks as a sort of threat ened British Thermopylae, Illustrates how translation may spoil romance. The name means “pots”—scullery ware. But though It has a hum-drum name, Chanak—or Tehanak-Kulessl— and Its neighborhood have more than once been the stnge for acts which have radically modeled the world’s his tory and even the world's literature. Barely twenty miles to the south rose Troy, to furnish inspiration alike t® Homer and his myriad of readers. Within a stone’s throw of Chanak, Xerxes In 480 B. C. led his thousands of Persians across the Dardanelles on £ bridge of boats In the first formidable expedition of Asiatics Into Europe which history records. At the same spot a century and a half later Alex ander led his smaller but more highly trained army Into Asia on his trium phal conquest of the world. It was from Chanab In 1353 that the Turks crossed to their first foothold In Europe—a crossing that gave Europe a problem that has bred wars and massacres and broken treaties for more than five hundred years. The Sea of Mnrmora Into which the Dardanelles and the Bosporous widen forms a barrier between Asia and Eu rope. The roads between the two con tinents lie ncross the two straits at Its ends. Constantinople at the nar rowest point of the Bosporous, Is the front door; Chanak, where the Darda nelles Is most constricted. Is the back door. It Is natural enough, perhaps, that almost all of the historic Inva sions of Kurone from the East should have been by the back way, and that there again today Great Britain should have made an Important stand. Castle after castle, each fortified, comes Into view on both the Asiatic and the European sides of the Darda nelles as one steams from the Aegean toward Constantinople. But the narrows opposite Chanak are re served for the castles of castles; the castle of Asia on the right, the castle of Europe on the left. The Chanak fortifications were first constructed In 1470, not long after Constantinople fell to the Turks. Ever since Chanak has been a place of Importance. In recent decades It has been the point of admin istration for all the Dardanelles de fenses—the solar plexus of the outer straits. German artillery experts re sided there during the World war and i modernized the fortifications. Mudania Something of a Seaport. While Chanak Is a channel port, Mudania, scene of the Near East mil itary parley, Is a full-fledged seaport— on paper at least. It is, however, on what Is now the quiet little Sea of Marmora, though It was once the cen tral body of water of the civilized world. Inconspicuous as It Is, Mu dania, scene of the Near East peace parley, was far from being unfrequent ed before the World war began. In those days its visitors went through Mudania on the boat-and-rall trip from Constantinople to Brusa. The Turks prohably chose Brusa’s port for their conference with allied representatives because Mudania Is the nearest town, In the neutral zone of the Straits ter ritory, to this their chief Asia Minor city, which lies Just across the line where the Turk rule Is absolute. When the Marmora was yet an In land Turkish sea the boat from Con stantinople to Mudania was apt to be late and crowded, and many travelers complained of petty exactions from porters and customs officials. Petty annoyances, though, cannot wholly mar a trip across the Marmora, and the western traveler who views the Asiatic coast line of'this placid lake for the first time has a sight of rare beauty and probably a surprise. Oapes and Islands, hays and forested shores, make the approach to almost any point between Chanak and Ismld a scene of beanty. And the mld-dty of the South Marmora shora, Mudania. la no ex MptlMk Upon landing, the Illusion of a quaint and pretty town, nestling among hillside panels of olive groves, mulberry trees and vineyards. Is die pelled. After one look at the ditches that do for streets, the passenger usu ally was willing to take the earliest conveyance for Brusa, some fifteen miles to the southeast. This railway, built In the early nine ties, used to be cited ns an exnmple of the Turk's Inaptitude for engineering projects. After the line was built at extravagant cost the Turkish govern ment bought locomotives not adapted to the tracks and grades, and locked them up for some yenrs while the new laid rails rusted, and the wagon road to Brusa was In almost lmpassabls condition. If the railway ran beyond Brusa, Mudanla might enjoy greater prosper ity, as the port of one of the richest agricultural regions of Asia Minor. In stead Panderma, to the west, as the terminus of the railroad to Smyrna, completely eclipses Mudanla, with only Its short line to Brusa. Counting some four thousand Greeks, Mudanla's nor mal population was only six thousand. The Greeks, of course, have departed, but many Turks have clustered there In recent months. » Ismid Rich in History. Ismid, at the northeastern corner ol the Sea of Marmora and at the base ol the peninsula that extends to the Bos porus, Is the point at which the Turk ish nationalists made one of theli heaviest troop concentrations In the latter .days of the Mudanla purley. Ismld's once Important harbor li now silted and Its population Is barely twenty thousund. But before Constan tinople was enlarged by Constantine the Great, Ismid, then Nlcomedla, was for a time the capital of the Itomar, empire and the metropolis of the Near East. Situated at the head of the Gulf ol Ismid, which forms the sharp Asiatic end of the Sea of Marmora, and with high ground behind it, the town lay in the route of the natural highway from Syria, Persia, Mesopotamia and the cuiuo ut j.juoi. ivr tuv iyvujn/1 uo »»“ Europe. Iu the old days camel cara vans Innumerable carrying the riches of the East plodded around the end of the gulf, paused to pay commercial tribute to the strategically situated city, and continued west along the low coast of the gulf for the fifty miles that separated Nlcomedia from Byzan tium and now separate Ismld from Constantinople. And when the steel highway and Iron horde that were to connect Berlin and Bagdad came to re place the more picturesque but less efficient camel and his dusfty road, the same natural path was utilized and Ismld became a railway station. Darius and his hosts swarmed through the site of the present Ismld, five hundred years before Christ, to bridge the Bosporus and conquer Thrace and Macedonia. Xenophon and bis ten thousand Greeks passed through the place In their memorable retreat from Persia to their homes. Near there the defeated Hannibal, a refugee from the Romans, committed suicide; and in a villa close by Con stantine the Great died. Force after force of Crusaders held the town dur ing the Middle ages. From Nlcomedia Diocletian direct ed his implacable campaign of perse cution against the Christians and later the lint Christian emperor, Constan tine, governed from Its palaces. Bare ly twenty miles to the south at Ntcea the church council framed the Nlcene creed; and only a short distance to the west on the Ismld peninsula In 451 A. D. was held the ecclesiastical as sembly from which the Armenians bolted to form the. separate Armenian church, which, with the Roman Cath olic and the Protestant churches helps make up the four major divisions of Christianity. The Ismld of today has little to re mind the observer of Its glorious his tory. An old Greek acropolis flanked by Roman and Byzantine towers is about the only remaining link with its opulent past The iron-and-wood can avans of the Bagdad railway do not need to pause In Ismld as did the camel trains, and Its toll from commerce has dwindled away. To It the world no longer looks either for creeds or ths treasures of Arsby—only for a modest supply of silk cocoons, tobacco, and forest products. 1 1 — | GOOD I HIGHWAYS VARIOUS TY PES OF HIGHWAYS 8eriea of Motion Picture Film* Illus trate Practice in Construction of Road*. - • I (Prepared by the United state* Department of Agriculture.) A series of one-reel motion-picture films illustrating modern practice In the construction of the various types of highways has been prepared under the direction of the bureau of public roads and are now available for free distri bution by the motion picture section of the United States Department of Agriculture. The films, consisting of one reel each, are as follows: "Modern Con crete Road Construction"; "Building Bituminous Roads”; “Mixed Asphalt Pavements”; "Brick From Clay t® Pavement”; “Granite Block Paving"; “High Roads and Sky Roods." i , In addition there will be completed In a short time “Building Forest Roads” and "Around the West by For An improved Forest Road In Colorado. est Roads.” A film on gravel-road con struction Is In course of preparation. These films are Intended for use In engineering colleges, road meetings, and other public gatherings. They may be obtained upon application to the department for use on specific dates without cost other than that of paying for transportation both ways. On account of the limited number of copies of eaqh film It Is best to make reservations some time In advance. NOVEL ROAD BUILDING PLAN Stretch of Quarter of Mile Long Built to Endure Is to Be De stroyed Rapidly. A roqd about u quarter of a mile long, built as endurlngly as possible, to be destroyed as quickly as possible, Is the odd but practical basis of an experiment now being conducted at Pittsburg, Cal., says the Christian Science Monitor. The road Is laid down In the shai>e of a race track and Is cojuitructed of 13 sections, each one of a different type of concrete pave ment. The problem Is to find out which will last longest. A procession of some 40 motor trucks, loaned by the United States government, travels con tinuously over Its surface. There are tunnels underneath and ditches along tile sides from which observations of the effect of traffic on the different sections are being made. Sections that weur out first are to be restored and kept in repair until the stoutest sec tion, whichever It may prove to be, has been destroyed. The cost of building and wearing out the road, which Is be ing defrayed In part by contributions of men, machinery and material by the road building Interests, probably will run into hundreds of thousands of dol lars. It Is hoped, however, that the practical Information thus obtained will more than offset Its cost. TRANSPORT PRIMER PRAISED Book Prepared by Educational Com mittee to Be Translated for Use of High Schools. Prompted by the success of the edu cational outline on highway transport prepared for university use under their direction by Prof. Lewis McIn tyre, the officials of the highway and highway transport education commit tee h»ve now turned to Professor Buckner of the school of education of the University of Pittsburgh to trans late the book Into language designed for use by high school students throughout the country. The new pamphlet will be prepared In co-operation with official* of the . United States bureau of public roads, the United States bureau of education and other organizations represented on the committee, and will be the first comprehensive effort to place the sub ject of highway transport before the high school students of the country. Texas Leads In Road Making. Texas Is leading all other states In the construction of federal-aid high ways. This state now has 1,382 miles of such highways under construction, and has in addition completed 1,119 miles. Odd Jobs About Farm. During fall and winter months 1* the best time of i >ar to fir up terraces, open ditches aid build fences. Work out a field and'crop system and nufke plans for a better arrangement of your fSimatoad.