Newspaper Page Text
aw i , Iff ) CM) 1 Bm(Bm& 1 Vol. 1. Louisville, Miss. Saturday, July 9, 1842. No. 3. clL LS L O ' I'ullUhtdtvtty tiuturduy Morning, JiY JOHN II. HARDY, tDITOR AND fBtlfftlKtO. Terms. TWO DOLLARS avekr. t AdTcrtinmitnts will to inserted at . - TAKEN UP By James Tear, on his premises - A LOT OF'HOGS, To-vvlts 3 blue, 3 black and 1 white k i t .si. ' -.. I ..I, ! I In Neshoba County, Mississippi, for Taxes due thereon for 1S41. tVs MONDAY THE TENTH DAY OP OCTOBER A. D. 1842, 1 will expos to public sale, to the highest bicidcr, tor cash, at the Court House .' door in the Town of Philadelphia; Neshoba County, Mississippi, the following parcel1! or tracts of land, to satisfy State and County Taxes" duo there h0 &11 K J:ilhi J?s ""f t i on' for the ycar 1 According to the law mada and pro vf ded for tho recovery of Stato and County Taxc, Viz s V .iJsoJone black sow,.ttarked vith a ; , , T'-" T' i : . : ;:T ; f , ?T;; S ; l. v . ' h. rrfr t'lprt nnr. and slit and mi- . Parts of Sections ft., si S .' a . K . iTft WTiftm ftrrmtaA ' r wvf w iv i ------ -j -rjq , i . . , . . ' w f'f v.; i. tti. riwlii !! nrtnr.iisfd ftt i 2 P - ,: w tt t . croD i der bit, ui tlie right ear$ appraised at 23,75, , , . f June 6th, 13,42. r RANGER'S NOTICE. Token up, by William Tutton A SMALL SORREL MARE, i I v about eight years' old, 14 hands high, I has a' jiick in each ear, some small L ' saddle marks: ; t A raised by James i Long and Tobias Furr, at g50,00. . ir IkT O DPI T v. ",.:,.', Hanger, C. June Cth,l842. . r Blanks for sale.' ! We have on hand and for lale at I this fffice. ' ' .. ) Blank writs of Venditioni Exponas; t u u , Cnpias ad resp j tf M , Ex. on valuation honds ! Subpoenas for Circuit and Josti : V ' ces ccurt: "( ; V- - j Tnx Collector's receipts , Grand Jury certificates. ctit do do v.-V WHness - do i f a ! ;1 x WAS COMMITTED To the iail of Winston County l Mississippi, on the 30th of May 1842, P.. r, AJNEliHUMAIN, .who calls himself Bill. . The said boy is about 26 or 22 vears of age. dark complexion, about 5 feet 8 incheshigh; had on a cap made of cloth, home spun shirt and pantaloons; he had also a blue cloth coat and on old camlet frock coat. He says he belongs to Harrison Burke, near Selma, Dallas Count v, Alabama. The owner is re quested to come foward prove pro perty,pay chargesand take him away, or'hewill be dealt with as the law directs. ... EDWARD FOSTER, Jailor. Louisville, ML July 2, 1842 2 tf NOTICE. , Letters of administration having been granted to the undesigned on the estate of Jacob Jackson Null, by the Honorable the Probate Court of Winston County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims aeamst said estate to present them i -duly authenticated, within the time if prescribed bv law. and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. MARY NULL Administratrix. jJune 10th, 1842. I. ( i FiA TA V COLLECTOR'S SALES. i j - i : : r - q I will expose to public sale on the 1 I 25th of July next. 1842 to the high- ' i . i t j - f est bidder lor casn, Deiore um coor oi i i 1 1 It' 'I i r f f I f tne COUIX nouse ui viiutia w vumuy iVllSS., ill VTICCliauujuugii, uio iwuuw ing property to wit: the w 4 of n w$ sec twenty-three township twenty, north, of range eleven east, containing 80 acres more or less; state and coun ty tax $ 1 05. .Given in, assessed and distrained as the property of John ?L M6re. and will be sold or so much V thereof as will satisfy the state and fil county tax for 1841. and all lecralcosta , l V that may accrue thereon. I ' TT T xi. x)uc, Apl 23rd p f $Q T A & c c c. t !V '. NOTICE, . t The undersigned widow of James .;' White deceased, will aoDlv to the !Hon.the Probate Court of Neshoba County, Mississippi, on the third 1 - A - t. I- H Monaay m juiv nexi, io nave er dower in- the estate of said James ! ' ' MARY M. WHITE ' - Inn a let' 10 O i Am Eit htlf t nortli trt qusrter South w qartt of w qutter N half of K half of S w quarter Nw quarter of a writ qaurtvr, Veit half of iouth wast quarter Khu half of north writ quarter North half of E half of n a qr Sooth E quarter of quarter i; Weit hall of south west quarter Eaat half of north east quarter ; South ast quarter of s w quarter ' Eaet half of nofth west quarter West half of north west quarter N orth cast qr f South west qr &utli west qr ol south west qr Bait half of north east quarter , West half of north oast quarter Hast half of nonh eaat quarter h est htlf of tior'h exst quarter Rust hlf of north west qvarter West half of nurih west quarter East half of north weal quarter West half of north west quarter ff est half oi south west quartet , Kast ralf of norlh east quarter West half of south eaat quarter East half of south west quarter Eaat half of north east quarter Eaat half of north west quarter West half south weat quarter Eaat half of north eaat -quarter Weat half of nor:h eaat quarter East half of north West quar'er East half of south east quarter Weat ralf 0. south eat quarter Rdtl half of south weft quarter West half of south weat quarter East half of north west quarter Weat half of nonh west quarter East half of south east quarter Weat half of south east quarter Eaat half of south west quarter West half of south west quarter West half of north east qunrter East half of north west quarter East half of north eaat quarter East half of north east quarter Wes' hslf ot north east quarter West half of south west quarter North west quarter of S E qr Morth west qr of north west qr South west qr of north east qr East half of north east quarter South eaat qr of aouth weat qr West half of north east quarter North east qr of north west qr North esst qr of South east qr East half of south eaat quarter East half of aouth east quarter IVeH half of south east quarter South east qr of south west qr North west qr of south eaat qr South weat qr of South east qr North east qr of south west qr Esst half of aouth east quarter Weat half of south eaat quarter East half of south west quarter West half of south west qusrter East half of south eaat quarter West half of south east qusrter : East half of north west qoarter JFesl half of north west quarter West half of aouth west qusrter West half of north west quarter East half of aouth east quarter West half of aouth east quarter ast half of north eaat quarter West halfofdorth eat quarter aat half of sonth isst quarter West half of aouth east quarter aat half of aouth west quarter West half of south cast quarter 'aat half of aooth east quarter . asn half of south east quarter ?ast half of north east quarter North west qr of north esst qr North west qr of south esst qr West hslf of north ssl qusrter West half of sooth west qusrter West half of sooth eaat quarter aet half of aouth weat quarter aet half of aooth west, qusrter ; West half of south esst quarter ast half of north esst quarter West half of north east qusrter TJftat half of north west quarter West hslf of north west quarter aet half of aooth cast quarter West half of tooth eaat quansr -' f (Coo tin4 third psf .J , " 1 2 da do b ; do do . VIS 83 do 3 do do 85 do 2fi 4 do 28 1 do do Ida do S do 6 do do 9 , do do do do do do 10 do 11 do do do do do It 31 do do 4 do do , 7 do do 9 81 S3 o 34 do do do 35 do do do 36 do 3 do 4 f6 U do 13 do do do do 18 do 19 do do do, do 23 do do 84 25 7 do do do do da Assessed aa the Property of Taxc f da do do do do do do do do do do do dd do do do do 10 do do,, do 4 do do . do do do ; do do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 do do 12 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do " 9 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do f do do do do 4I0 do do do do do do do do do 10 do do do do do do t CO do do do . do do do do io do 10 do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do do do 10 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do U do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do, do do do do dt do do 88 98 43 32 , do do' do dd 86 (T4 doo 4333 iQ 33 66 io do 40 84 ' 80 47 do do ' ; 40 CO ' do do 80 7 do do do 0 73 12 do do do do t 67 do. do do do 80 83 84 65 do do eo oo - do do ' do do do 86 do do do do. do, do -do do do do do do do 7 do do 79 36 do do do do do do do do do do 78 97 80 3 do do do do 43 83 do do do do e6 17 40 2 80 4 40 3 do t)9 80 13 81 85 do do 40 37 do do do do ' do do . 60 44 da do do do da da ,' do do do do 88 7J do do 89 35 do 77 79 71 do do -do do. do do do do do do do do. eo oa ' do do do do do do 40 do do do 80 52 79 6a do do do do do 79 do 91 80 7 , do do , do do do do do da do 4t James Barnes Frsnoia Oufbia ' ' H Satna , Shsdraek Jonas t Sama ; Sama (, William K. Barnes . John Doola , , Jaoiea Barnes.'' 1 John Doole k tenjaiuln Parker Jt-;x , t . j , Joha Doola Sana ; Franoia McKinnsy ' - ' ' Sama v ' v 1 -Shad rack Jones , . , Same , Jamea Barnes , ' Francis Furguson ' ; j : Sama . same . . ,. Lswia Furguaon & Elijah Lswia ' . .- aama . '. . ; sama . Francis Fergeaon ( Thatcher W. Winter sama ' WllUam M. Lewis . 1 . . v i aama ,' - ssma ; . sama . Madisoo Walthall : , ' t i aama - samo - f - 1 same aame same William M.'tewis same Lewis Furguson k Elijah Lewis Same Seme Lewis Furguson , same Lewis Furguson tt Elijah Lewt J Tsppan, Sam'l Hubbard it R. G. Lewis) same samo George W. Sandera William Sandera Lewis J. Markham . Ishsm Sanders ' MUton'Powell Sylvester Pearl sama Lewis Markham Matthew Hopkins ' Georga W. Sanders it Jamas Sandera, aama George W. Sandera Riley Gibbs J Hardin, L. J. FontiHe h W. Pjpar, (, . . aatne , , John D, Bibb St Milton Sayr j sama ; aama aama " aama ; aamo lamsa Baroeo , y tamo James L. Smith Jamsa Barnes Sylvester Pearl I -samo . samo aama John B. Masshaw L Wo. H. Towosend same, aama ' Elijah H. Lswio . too ! " ; same r ',.' ." aamo " samo ' ''-! "' 1 ' aamo - Ir Vinson Mallory '-" - Robert E. Harrl , ! O.L. Naah . r. aama I . V : . ,m" -l -.-. v Robert Pollard . David B. Graal 0.:L.t Naah : r:.:. UBI .V ' " ':' i aamo tfratieto Frio, ; , v-' V 1 James Barnes . Francis Bufkin aama Sbadrack Joosi aama aame William R TJarasa " ' John Ooola .Jamea Barnes John Doola . ' Benjamin Parker It John Doole ; - aame .. ' 1 x Franei$ McKlnasy ".".' aama Sbadrack Jooes - v ' ' aamo 1 " k Jamea Barest ' Frarcis Furguson aame - sama - L. Fargeson L Elijah Lewis aamo ;.r aama. -, i Francis Furgusoo .Thatcher If. Winter V aame : . William M. Lewi aame-,-' , same aama Uadlsoa Walthall Sama . v ama aama sama aame William M. Lewis aame L. Furguson k E. Lewis aame aama aame Lewia Furguson same ' Furguson k Lewia Tsppan, Hubbard k Lewi Sama Sama George W. Sanders William Sandera Lewia J. Markham laham Sandera , Milton Powell Sylvester Pearl aame Lewia Maikham Matthew Hopkina r; G. W. Sanders k J. Sandera same OW Sandera Riley Gibba Bardin, Fonville k Piper . same Bibb&Sayre lama aama - aamo samo ' - - aama . Jamea Barnes " Samo , Jamea L. Smith Jamea Barnea -Sylvester Pearl aama aama , aama Masshaw & Townsend, ' y aame .'. ' aame '' Elijah H. lewia; aama aama sama ,, aama aamo lrvinaoo Mallory Robert 6 Harris Oraamaa L. Naah, tamo , Robert Pollard Y David B, Grant Orasmus L. Nasi ' tamo ,! time '.' Cu 41 80 80 to ' 40 , 40 80 19 17 37 19 3T 87 19 19 37 , 37 87 35 33 35 38 38 33 37 89 39 37 37 37 37. 37 37 37 37 37 37 3! 8' 3"; 35 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 19 19 40 18 37 18 18 37 37 37 18 18. 18 18 37 37 37 M7 37 37 41 41 41 II 37 31 37 37 37 31 37 37 37 87 37 19 19 37 37 37 37 87 37 37 37 37 37 ..IT V.. !