(ytC iW f- t If AHVARf . Louisville, ftliss. Sultinluy, November 10,1842. No. 22. 1'HH K f J I ",J , ' - - ' Vol. 3. jlV JOHN II. HAW), Trfini, rVI DOlXAUH n yenf. AdvcrliMii'iiti will to ih.rlvJ ul !lhij usual i.il'' Nw Om.r an MoMKr Mamkkt. OMMM IICAttMB. Iin.ted SmtnTfMMHjf .Nolr, hovreigos, tpamsli Doutdnens, I'etrlol American Gold, S() franc, pieces, files Iran ImliarS, tnlf Hollars. Si 1'iuiFH, J4 not 4 fni lb I I IU M. Ili..' IS f!2. i H 1 prrni , $.) ru :i do. )Hf. Pf. Ntvr Ohhami Citv Bakm. 1 IISPK Ul L,inilmn., 1 fiiu Hunk. 'Mrc! enlrs and Trader's Bank I) a pas specie, psys specie, pays specie. 21 per ct- due1! li n VI Ho do 7 a 11 do 5 8d(i 10 a 12 do 5 a 8 rio 3D ii 3i do 33 a 30 do do do do do do do do do do do a 15. Union Bank. City Hank, i Louisiana Stnto Bank, Carrol I ton flunk, Canal Dunk, Commercial Bank, j Consolidated Hank, fl?ilisin.f Hunk. '.Exchange Hank, New Orlrans, 55 a f.2 do Improvement B;mk, do GO a 65 do f Atclmfayula Bank, do UOattfido iBank of Cleans, do b'O a 65 do irnminercittl flank. Natchez, checks"! 12 Ion Merchants' flank, New Orleans, J discount. NOTES OT THE MUNICIPALITIES. Municiimlitv No. One 9 1 1 per ct. disc'l Municipality N". Two, 9a H do do Municipality No. 1 line, miiw no ao UNCURRKNT MONEV. United Statei flunk Notes, 55 a 60 disc'i. Alabama State Bauk, and Brandies, 13 a 15 Planters' Bank Post Notes, Natchez, 55 a 60 Agricultural Port Notf, ' 50 a 65 Grand Gull, 65 a 70 Mississippi Unoni Bank, 00 u 85 Commercial and railroad Darin, v icasog t i rt yu Port omson, Arkansas, Georgia flanks, ' Virginia and South Carolina, WESTERN BANKS Cincinnati, Ohio Country Banks, Kentucky, Indiana, Suite flank of Illinois, Bank of lllenois, Shawneetown, Tennasseo Banks, 60 a 70 50 a 60 uncertain. .1 a 7 dis 3disc't. 5 a 10 par a 1 2 n 5 65 a 70 5560 3 a 5 TABLE Showiso "when, and where, the Circuit Court of each County in this State is held counties. I What Mon- I County day held. Seats. Adams Amite Attalla 3olivar Carroll Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Copiah Coahoma Covington 1 DeSoto Franklin Green Hancock Hinds Holmes Itawamba Jackcson Jasper Jefferson Jones Kemper 'Lauderdale Lawrence Leake Lafayette Lowndes Madison ilanon Monroe " Narshall Neshoba Newton Ooxubee Oktibbeha Perry : Pontotoc Pike Ponola Rankin -Scott 'Simpson Smith ' Tallahatchie Tunica Tippah Tishamingo .Warren Washington ' Wayne Wilkinson Winston , Yalabusha ; Ymoo 4iuMy&N jNaiclicz 2 . do do Liberty I in Apl' & O Kosius'o do do Bolivar 1 do doCurolt'n I2af 4in Apl' N Houston 4 ia Mar & O G'nsboro 4iuMay &N P Gibson 3 do do Quitman 1 do do Gallatin 2 in Apl' & O coaho'ch do "do Wm'sbir 4 Mar& Sep Hcrnan. 4 iUayfc ISOiUe'dv'lI 1 Apl' & Oct Le'kv'll i do doSh'lds'bo 3 Max & Sep Ravmo'd 3 Apl'& OctLex'gton 3 do do Fulton 4 ilar & Sept Jack' c h 2 3ay & No Paulding 1 do do layette 4 Ap'l & Oct Ellisville 4 do do uelvaib 4 May & Nov 3arion Apl' & Oct jl'ticello 1 do do Carth'ee 3 May & Nov Oxford I Apr & uct columb's 1 ilay & Nov canton 2 Jlpl' 5' Oct Columbia 4 do doathens laf 4 ilay5N H. spings 4 ilay 6f No Philadel 3af 4 lay-N Decatur 3 in Ap'1 S O 3acon 4af 4 Apl b O Sarkville 3 m Jlx 1 v O aueusta 3af 4 pl $ O Pontotoc 1 in Aay N Holmsvll 1 do do Ponola 1 J'ine &' Dec Brandon 2af 4 AayN Hillsboro 4 in Aay -IN VVestvui laf 4 AayS'N Fairfield 4 mAay Ch'lston O commer do Ripley do Jacinto do Vicksb'g do Princet'n do Win'chs' do Woodv'l 3nf 4au'lfr 0 Louisvill I may & Nov cofleevill do dottftmon 1 in pi S-I- do Z do 3 do 2 do 2 do I do A OK 12 AT I J N T II It 1' H 1 H I J I VMTKtt St ATM HA'tVlWAY rest 4 Nil CIIHONIC1.K. A VAMU.Y A: IV MM '; OF TlW. MAMMOTH CU". NEW VOLUME.OCTOBER, Th proprietors of tin Hatiiltlay F.fiiln( l'nl have just purclmncd ('in enliru establialimrnt of tlm atnrilny CUijiiKje," ami tilso tf llm "liniled BiHti-i," werkly nowpSr, the lite msni. tubwriptinn lints nl winch concerns tlmy imve united will, ilieln avy list f the Mattinlay Post, a linmly pnpt r of '11 j snrs Handing, and notv issue tlio thrre in onr, undef the title of III "I'tiittd Stutei Saturday J'otl and t'hroni 'l'he present number will commence THE Uth VOLUME, And with the superior fHoilitiet now pogsesw.d by the proprietors, they cun afford to publish larner, handsomer, and better paptt for the uw ney than can he had elwwhere. "I'll editorial department will bo under tho control of several gentlemen of high lilera r (landing and ability, and will be conducted villi tt degree of vior and spirit thiit must render the paper one of too very best ever issued in the country. The great iie of the sheet will enable the proprietors to give a greater variety of original and selected matter than enn be found in cotemporary sheets. The matter will in uinny respects be of a differ ent quality. The design of tin proprietor being to make a First Rate Family Newspaper j In everv particular . calculated to meet the i wishes of the people from one of the Union to the other, tlio following are the points to which :bey invite attention, as embracing the charac ter of die sheet. TUB GREAT SIZE. It is a sheet of the largest class printed on fair, cleur tjpe, with fine white paper, and con tains more reading matter than any weekly pit per published. POPULAR TALES. It is devoted to the highest graJe of light l iterature, each number containing three or four chaste original and selected TALKa; which, while they shall interest tho young, shall at the tame time pmlit u mori'.l, itaiso columns inucu good, and never anv bad POK TRY. A coe ouscoinpend of well-told Anecdote. Rich Hu mor, Pointed Wit, JuU Satire, unH Sentiment the most touching. It contains aIo the greatest variety of Original Tales Sea sketches tsajf, Poetrv. Sonirs. Chaiadts, besides the latest and best selections from the American and English Magazines, and all the other fountains of choice Original litetature. In fiue the Post, upon whuli the concern is founded, has been conceded everywhere to be the first newspaper in the country in the quality and quantity of its Original Tales, Essays, Poe try, and other matter. The following wiuers, whose articles appear regularly in its columns, aie a warrant of its uicuts. I'. 3. Arthur, author orjThomas J. Beach, 'Temperance Pledee.'V. JUdon Sanders, an- ntf. i ewitmns foil and t'i i fount nl f mH f In lh hmi of printing, I ,u is a (fni desid tmitm l fhi.x h lake r,nly sit-in kl l, ntid whirl) titMrn If.s itriiivr Ihnd lh ewnlM t 4 with the mstiii.hirrni f snoot rttih, The loimhef if j frtnns rirpl(iv',an4 Ihe Win p" r li(n(. hi llm ii!dlloM ft till pepr-i, nllojMhrf siirpan il't nf an j ntli'r of I iiiiiilur t lnMS'ief. In tho,!, th Mlniled HiafM Jtalnfdst fots is (mini tried In all reverts .rjtml, if not inprrl or, lo any if in i lm, while In prints tt Is Ur t heai.sr. Inird t.f T hro iloll.irs a Mr, wh'n h ia the prirs of the two mamuiolh lirwspaprra nf New Y mk, .ml the two of onion, the .utxrrip. thin nf the ' l'nlie.1 Htalrs HnlUfcUj" Post" is ONLY TWO lOl,U fts, pet singlo ropy. INI) UCE Mil NTS W POST "MASTERS AND TO CLVHS. A a means nf compensation lo Pntmafer for their trouble at ngents, or as an inducement for neighbors to combine, and tlius save lo the Publishers the cost of individual parking, deree liuon, &c., 'lie following adpitlonal advantages aee held out : For every 5 dollar current money, freo of postpge, will be sent 3 copies for one year. For every, 10 dollars current money, free "f postage, will be sent 7 copies f ir one year. F or every 20 dollars current money, free of pO'ge, will be kept 16 copies for one year. Foi every 60 dollars current money, free of postage, will he s"nt 40 copies for one vear. 07-In no case, however, will an or ler recive attention, unless it is in strict accordance with the above terms, to wit: in current money in adviuce, free of postage. Jt will be a great ad vantage, if Postmaster, instead or sending nn individual name, will send for the number of conies in their own 11 (true. 'No. 98 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. "The Brtken Met chant,'' nnd other Tcin-j perance stories. ProlessorJ. 11. ingra- ham, author of 'Lafme,' 'Kyd'&c. Ac. Jesse E. Dow, author of the 'Log of old ron- sides &c. sc. Louis Fitxgerald Tasistro R. M. Walsh. Miss E. Leslie, N. P. Willis, Mrs, EinmaC. Eruburj, Airs. a. Annan, Mrs. Lambert, James II. Duua. Lewis J. Cist, Lydia J. Pierson, Theo. S. Fay, Geo. P. Mortis, Frauds S. Osgood, Alfred B. Street, William Wallace. thor of "The Mia ma Valiey," 3. D. Anderson. Lydia H. Sigouruey, F. W. Thomas, author of "Clinto Btadshawe," "Howard Pinckney," C. Theiesa Clarke, -Hiss J. Estelie, John G. Wt.ittier. MuC. ii. W. Esling, Mrs. R. F. JVichols, Mrs. Amelia B. Welby, J . Tumlin , Pvoss flrowne. Lucy Seyinore, Mrs. Mary 11. Parsons, Mis. Caroline F. Orne, Mrs ,m. St. Leon Loud, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, J. T. S Sullivan. Mrs. F.. C. Stedman. Mrs. C. L. Menu. And others. Original Stories appear in 'every number of the paper, with Origin al articles on all subjects ! PUBLIC LECTURES. A portion of its columns will be devoted du ring the Lecture Season, to Scientific Lectures. crrectly reported at length a feature posesed by no other weekly paper. la its columns an the valuable Lectures of Professor Lyell on Ge ology , in this city, and the still more interesting ones of the justly celebrate I Dr. Lardner, on various Scientific subjects have appeared. The new series ol "lectures on the frekch Revolution, bv Dr. LARDNER," just com menced in this city, will be roported in full, by one of the best Tieporters in the United States, Hence, subscribers remote can nave alt tne ad vantage of these highly popular discourses with but little cost. The great siieofthe paper al to enables us to give all important Congressional Proceedings nt length, and all reports and other public documents in full, together with occaMon al Congressional Speeches in full. THE FARMERS rlt Is intended to make the paper one of treat interest to the Farmer, by giving the repbrts of the different agricultural assosiations; the new inventions; late experiments in tilling, and nble papers from every sourse entitled to confidenoej so that the agricultural portion nf the community will find in its column", without ' entrenching upon otner matter, all that is desirable to know, without the expense or a separaie journm , AS A NFJrSPAPJW. As a weaklv newspaper it'is believed that the ut'MTKD STATES SATURDAY TOST" is not t nailed bj arj weekly liternrj paper row 9 9 5 5 5 PROSPECTUS FOR THE AGRICULTURIST. AND JOURNAL OF THE STATE, AND COUNTY SOCIETIES. VOL. IV, FOR 1843. PRICE 1. In the midst of the "hard timis," we send our proposals forth once more for patronage to a Journal 10 which we con fidently hope to be able to make it the in terest of everyone capable of reading to subscribe' It will be our constant aim to report every useful invention and discov ry in the wide field of science, and the subject of Education thar heretofore. The analysis, combining, Bnd manuring the different soils, will be presented in the mo6f familiar and practicl manner. The most suitable crops for the different cl i- mates nnd soils, with the best modes of cultivation, will be extensively diacussed. and the Garden and Orchard will occupy a large space in our columns, Household matters will not be forgotten, and the re' quisite Economy for the times will be ur' ged with our best powegs. The breeding' rearing, feeding, diseases, and use of alj domestic animals, will receive strict alien. tion, and In a word, every thing benehcia to the physical, intellectuul and moral condition of mankind, will be inveetiga ted Our thanks are tendered for the very liberal support to the "Agriculturist," du. ring the three years of its publication, and we ask one effort more from our pa irons, and we believe from the exceeding cheapness and utility of the work, the subscription list can be easily increased fourfold, JOHN SHELUY GERARD TROOST, TO L BERT FANNING. TERMS. The work will be published Monthly I ai . m on good paper eecn xo. 10 contain id pages well stitched at $1 per annum, To any per9on who will procure1 five sub' scribe rs and remit the money free'of pos. tage, one copy will be sent gratis; and a commission of 20 per cent, allowed on all subscribers over five, As the price is put (0 low, we shall be compelled (0 re quire the money in advance in every in stance. Any one disposed, is authorized by this Prospectas to become an agent for the work. Person subscribing alter re ceibing this Prospectaa, can have Ihe Vol nmes for 1840, '41, '42, and '43 for $5. All subscriptions to commence and end with a volume. .Those of our friends that do not feel disposed lo act as agent for ns we hope they will be kind enough to hand the Prospectus over to some one that that will take an Active part in procuring Subscribers and forwarding them on as soon at possible, CAMERON & FALL, Publishers. NahTille,T:n., Oct. 1S42. cv- 1 I q if 1 i .,o HtospKirrux tr THE VEJIPERUS. () V.tperu! thou firing's ni ill gtti tilings." Iliaoisi THE VKHI'BKUS, A MORAL, IWMKHOVS, ASH ESTER. TAtNtSd JOURSAL OF MISCEL LASE01JS LITE RATI' tiF., THE WiQM.1, SI'OIITS, PASTIMES MANNERS, C1SWMS, VE REMO VES U EVENTS lcsCWLX l TO EVERT DAY ME, Will conlain the most abusing Tales of he Dntish periodicals, so noted for (heir lively and sparkling Intent, remarkable and important Anecdotes, the Wit and Humor of the great European World, Theatrical Reports & Criticisms, valuable Original Cammunications, Sketches of Character, &c. &c. fSandiomeij Sffutlmtcd, By Engravers of the first Eminence. The Vesperus will 'interfere with no Sectarian or Political matter, nor will any thing of an Immoral tendency ever find "a place in its columns. It will be connected with no other American Publication; will contain no advertisements, but on the con trary be filled with the choicest original tt selected matter. The National taste has become so re fined that nothing of an inferior can en sure patronage ; and in order, therefore, to compass so desirable an object as the publication of a book chiefly devoted to light and humorous reading, at the eame time a high moral tone throughout, the proprietor has embatked on hazardous undertaking, solely relying on the super! or character of the work for an extensive sale which alone can renumerate him fcr the pecuniary risk. Its estimated that upwards of $1500 will be expended on the work in one year for Engravings alone. TERMS. The Vesperus will be printed on fine white paper, with beantiful new type, in the quarto form expressly for binding. Will he issued from the office of publi cation, No. 9 Kilby street, every Satur day, at $2 per annum in advance. Thus making it the cheapest as well as the handsomest paper of its kind in America. At the' end of each volume a handsome Tittle Page and an Index will be given to each subscriber. Agents are wanted in every city, town and village In the U. S. and British Prov inces, to whom a net liberal per cent age' will be allowed. Country Editors giving this advertise" ment three or four insertions will oblige the publisher and entitle, themselves to a copy of the Vesperus without an exchange by serding papers with the advertisement marked. All post paid communications will meet with strict attention none others will be attended to. J7"The first number will be issued early in November. GEORGE S. P. BRADFORD, Publisher. Boston, Sept. 1842. NATIONAL , lyiAQASlNH Or t.lHERATURE, AH I' AND I'AHlUOlf, -J- (JKAIIAM'H LAWK'H AND OKNTLKMKN'S ., rJAOAzmnt ' v WAS COMMITTED To the jail of Winston County Mississippi, on the 30th of May 1842 A NEGRO MAN, -who calls himself Bill. The said boy is about 20 or 22 years of age, dark complexion, about 5 feet 8 inches high; had on a cap made of cloth, home spun shirt and pantaloons; he had also a blue cloth coat and an old camlet frock coat He says he belongs to Harrison Burke, near Selma, Dallas County, Alabama. Tho owner is re quested to come foward prove pro perty,pay chareesand take him away or he will be dealt with as the law directs. KDWAtyD FOSTER, Jailor, Louisville, Mi. July 2, 1642 8 tf run prospectus foil mo. OKOUflM H. (iUAIIAM AND UUFUS W. (1UISWOLD. . , itsntLAk coNTiUBtrroMi . Finetnore Cooper, Richard . Dana, William Cullcn llry ant, Henry W. Longfel low, T, C. G rat tan, Charles F. Hoffman. Graham's Is thr oldest k most popular of the American Literary Magazines. The number for January, 1843, will be the first of the 3ith vol ume. Its long and uniformity successful career, from its commencement with a few hundred sub scribers, until the present time, when it has a cir culation of 50,000 copies per month, is perhaps us good an evidence of its great and constantly increasing merit as the publisher has it in his pow er to offer. To its old subscribers, he trusts, ns assurances are necessary of his determination to maintain its present ascendency overall the ri val periodicals of the country. The engagement during the past year of such men ns BRYaNT, COOPER. DANA, LONGFELLOW, HOFF MAN, MANUURand others, of high reputation in the literary world, as regular contribu tors, in addition to a previous list embracing many of the first name in the nation, is a suffi cient guarantee thatthe work will conlinua to be the principal medium of communication between the best authors and the public. Among tne at tractions of the 35th volume, will be several TALES by Mr. Cooper, Mr. Gratun, M r. lloff- mau. Mr. Mancur, Mr. Herbert,, Miss Leslie, "Mary Ciavers," Mis, mbury, Mrs. llet and Jfrs. Stephens , POEMS by Mr. Bryant, Mr. Dana. Mr. IfOnffellow, Mr, Sircet, J7rs. beba Smith, Mrs. Osgod and Jtfis.Sigou'riiey ; ES SAYS by'JVr.f ay, Mr. Jones, Mr. 1 ucKerman, Mr. Poe, etc. etc. Tee follow tug more complete list of aontributorswill convince the readers that It is well nigh imposeiole to btve a superior coips in the present age ; James Fsnimore Cooper, Author of "The Spy," "The Pilot," "i"he Pioneerss" '.Naval History "Home as Founrt,' kl The American Democrat' etc. . . j R. II. Dana. Aothor of "The Enc'caneer,'' The ' Idle Man," "discourses on Shaltsyeare," " etc. . i W. C'Rryant, Author of "The Af;es,"Tht Fountain, and other Poems," etc, T. C. Gratan, Author of 'Highways & Byway, 'Jaqueline of Holland,' 'iistory ol the Neth erlands,1 "The Heiress of Brugest" etc. ' ' H . W. Longfellow, Author ol "Voices of tlit Night," "JJyperior," "Outre Mer," "Bal lads & other Poems," etc N. P. Willis, Author of "Two Ways of Dy. for a Hutband," ''Inklings of Adventure," Letters from under a Bridge,' etc, j C. F. Hoffman, Author of 'Wild Scenes in the Eorest and Prairie,' 'A Winter in the West,' etc W Falconer Author of "Translations fron Coe temporary French & German Poets,' Residenc in the isle of France,' Henry William ieibert, Author of 'Oiomwell,' etc H. TjTfckerman, Author of"RambfeB& Rtr eries,' etc. T. S. Fay. John S . Mancur. ' iiufus W. Griswold. Epos Sargent, uthot of Velasco. The Genoese, etc. Park Benjamin, Author of Sonnets & Lyrical Poems, etc. William Gilmore Simms, Author of Guy J21vv ers. etc. James Auisel Lowell, Author of A Tear's Life Si other Poems, etc. - - Frederick VV, Thomas, Author of 'Clinton Brad shawe. etc. ' Cornelius Mathews, Author of The Politiciaas, etc. Rtr. Walter Col ton Author of Constantinople & .Athens, etc. F. Tasistro, Author of Random Shots, A gat he etc. ' Alfred B. Street, Author of Nature, The Burn ing; of Schenectady, eic. George Jiill, Author of The J?uinsof Athena, etc. . , Albert Pike, Author of Hymns to the fods, etc. Edgar A. Poe. H.H. Weld; . James Aldrich. Hon. .Robert T. ComaJ William E. fluiton. George Lunt. Ktv. Louis Lh rsohie; i J. K. Mitchell. C. R. Peterson. J. H. ngraham. H. Greeley. George H, Colton. Reynold Coates, M. D. Walter banoor. James T. Fields, Robert Morris, IV. A. Jones. J. nmnn . Graham's Ladie's & Gentleman' Msgaxma has been from its estnDlishineut more, than any other the favorite perh dical of the gentle sei. Though its plan doos not entirely exclude arti cles of the most important character such a have raised fllackwootl's, and some other for sign Journals to their hih infiutnea k reputa tionits pages will be principally oevoted to what is usually teimtd light literature. Mwilt aisiinguished fresa tsei Mrvativ( ef risais