ed an*».'«' A* a SATURDAY, Nov. 13, 1*41. There are a few persons who have sub scribed for this paper, ana do not take them out of the office. Bv oar terms, no paper can be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid.— The paptr has, for some time past, beeu filled principally with the Tax Collector's advertise ment, and as we have had no time to get out an extra, we intend to make a deduction of f>0 cents to those who continue to the end ot the volume. Unless those who do nut wish the pa per, pay for the time they have taken it,' they will b.* charged for it until settled for. DYING RICH. The following lines from the United States Gazette, have the' eloquence of truth to recommend them ; An active businessman is a rational man and a blessing to the community.—He keeps in gratifying exercise the ta. crus which God has given him. He gives em ployment to the hand of industry, which is far better than giving alms to the unem ployed. These are the legitimate and tional ends of active business pursuits and wealth getting ; the gratification of the ac tive powers and promotion of industry.— But the desire ot growing licit merely to die rich is one of the most foolish intentions that ever entered the heart of foolish man. Experience has fully and emphatically, taught the lesson, that much wealth lett to heirs, is, eight times out of ten, not a bles sing but a curse. Its expectation beguiles and spoils all the manly powers—its pos session leads to misjudgement, excess, and finally exhaustion and ruin. The time will yet come, when men of wealth will be wise enough to make a gradual disposi tion of their property while living—not prospective, but operative—thereby have an eye to the use which is made of it, and participate in the greatest enjoyment that wealth is capable of giving, that of seeing it do good to others. They will dismiss the foolish aspiration of'dying rich,' with the almost certain reflection that their heirs, sooner or later, will die rich." ra The Commissioner of Patents, by direc tion of Congress, has prepared a work, called the "Digest of Patents," giving, we suppose, a brief description and engraving of all the models in that extensive collec tion. A joint resolution has authorized the distribution of this valuable work a mong the States. Mississippi is entitled to fifteen copies, which we presume the Le gislature will parcel out to our College and Mechanic Societies. A Horrid Murder. —A young wo man, named Stevenson, was murdered on Sunday last, at Cambridge Alms-house. Cambridgeport, (Mass.) by a man named William H, Britton, about fifty-seven years old, who possesses some literary acquire ments, and was employed as a teacher in the establishment, He had conceived a vi olent attachment for the girl while in the course of instruction under him, and pro posed to marry her, but she declined his of fer. While she was reading the Testa ment to her companions on Sunday, Brit ton entered the room, seized her, and draw ing a large carving-knife from his bosom, plunged it between her right shoulder and breast, quite through her heart and lungs; and out under her left shoulder-blade. She advanced towards the door, and fell dead on the threshold. The deceased was na tive of Iieland, about twenty years age, quite handsome, and very intelligent, and exceedingly desirous of mental improve ment. She was very much respected, on account of her excellent conduct, notwith standing her poverty, Britton milted to jail. . The Boston Transcript publishes a list of riosities, any one of which, we think 1 would af ford capital enough to "set up" a museum up on. The following is the inventory. It is a curiosity to find a stump orator who will not praise himself, and will abuse his ponent. It is a curiosity to find a politician who will hold an argument with an opponent for half hour without getting angry. Ink is a caustic which sometimes bums the fingers of tnose who make use of it. was cotn cu op an La Poiiwrd—Several ladies of fashion who aro said to be regarded as the beau mode of Paris, have recently appeared at the Opera with a dagger par'.ially conceal ed in the corsage of their dress. Of this dagger only the gold handle is visible, and that is adorned with rich carving or prcci A Paris journalist, noticing Are these otis stones. this singular custom, says — poinards intended to menace infidelity or presumption?—to ptînish inconstancy or defend virtue? Probably we shall soon hear of some romantic drama the denoue ment of which will be'erowned by the pro tecting bijou." Bat society—society ! How hard it ren ders the heart, how frivolous the mind ! How it makes us live for what others may say of us. lreed from that influence which each is sub ject to from the Test, what a pure a:r would bo breathed over the soul ! What new ideas, what new sentiments would refresh it! If man could but meet another Cotton Storage at jWacon, T HE Subscriber will Store Cotton at 25 cents per bale. D. BUCK. Nov. it;, urn.— 18—tf. Macon, Kanter's Notice. TITAS Taken up by T. P. Spann, on ' * the 14th of September, 1841, a small Soriel Mare, G years old, 14 hands high, branded J. W. on each shoulder, a scar the hinder foot of the left thigh, small slar in the forehead ; left hind foot white. Appraised to $40. Was Taken Up, by Richard Jones, on the 16th of September, 1841, one Mare Mule: two years old last spring: about lour feet high: roach mane. The owners of the above property are requested to come forward, and prove the property, pay charges, and take them away, or they will he sold as tho law directs. G. R. HOLLAND, Ranger. Nov. 8, 1841.-18. on TRUSTEE'S SALE. DY virtue of a Deed of i rust executed to mf- by John J. Drake, on the ISth day of June, A. D. 1840, for certain pur poses therein specified, I will, on Monday, the 18th day of May, A. D 1S42, sell a* the door of the Court-House of Noxubee County, in the Town of Macon, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash, lhc following described tract or piece of land, to wit : The North-East quarter of Section se venteen, in Township Fifteen, Range Eighteen, lying and being in the County of Noxubee, in the State of Mississippi, and in the District of L^nds sold at Co lumbus, Mississippi. JAS. POINDEXTER, Trustee. October 11th, 1841.—18—0m. Prs. fee, $27. a to on af up the NOTICE T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY the last Will and Testament of Hen ry C. Dade, dec'd., having been granted to the undersigned, Notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them duly authentica ted within the time prescribed by the law, or they will be forever ba^ed. All per sons indebted to said deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment—ineul gence will not be given. C. D. DADE. Ext'x. LEE M. DADE, ) H. W. FOOTE, $ Oct. 4, 1841,—17-tf. of Ex'rs. Letters of Administration. TTAVINGleen granted to the under signed on the estate of LOTTS M. BALLARD, late of the County of Nox ubee, deceased, at the May Term, A. D., 1841, of the Probate Court of said Coun ty, by said Court : Therefore, all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment; and those hold ing claims »gainst said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, otherwise they will be forever barred. cu op THODERICK SWIFT, JA# POINDEXTER. Administrators of Lott M. Ballard, dec'd., Nov. 6,1841,—17-6w. an nmB«r"«'W row goods .Tust received a Road assortment of FML& liri.VjTJÏ itaOO&S Which will be sold on reasonable ter>'S. D. BLJCa. Macon, Oct. -, 1-^ 11.—T ■? - * f. cl DUNLAP, SIlEPl'AliO ©cnn mission J-tl eyeftenus, OFFICE. No. til, C O M MERCE-ÖT BEET, , * Tp i-f w 0 1 Ar.Aimu. WM. SHEPPARD, D. M. DUNLAP. Mobile, Sept. 18, 1841.—10—(»at. i-dïfCiîTïtï. A MEETING of " j he Company for the Improvement of the Navigation of Ncxnbee river," will bo held sit the Court-House in the Town of Macon, on Monday, the 18th day of October next, for the. purpose of electing Commissioners to superintend the improvement of the na vigation of said river. All poisons who have subscribed ten dollars, or more, are requested to attend said meeting. DAVID BUCK, Acting President. August2lst, 1841.-8-4 w, 53*The above election is postponed to the od Monday in November. Cotton Pickers Wtinted. H^HE undersigned wish to hire twenty - s - five or thir.y negioes to pick out cot ton, for which they will give tite follow ing high prices, Twenty dollars per month for superior follows; eighteen dollars per month lor su perior women ; and prices in proportion for inferior hands. STEPHEN COCKE, J. M. GRAY BILL. Lowndes county, Sept. 2-3, 1841.—15-4 ÆarshaVs Sale, No. 152. David Rosser On Fi. Fa. To Decem ber Term, 1841. vs. Louis B. Taliaferro et al. No. 188., Martin, Pleasants & Co. ►Same. vs. Louis B. Taliaferro. BY virtue of the above specified writ to me directed from the Honorable District Court of the United States for the North ern District of Mississippi, I will sell on Monday, the 22d day of November, 1841, at the Court-House of Noxubee County! the following described property, to wit: The East half and North-west quarter of section eight, and west half of north-west quarter section nine, township number six teen, range seventeen east, containing 5G2 44-100 acres. Levied on the property of said defendants, to satisfy the above Execu tion and cost. A. K. McCLUNG, Marshal Northern District Miss. By J. W. CARROLL, Deputy'. Macon, Oct. 18th, 1841.—15. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Kemper County. Probate Court, July Term, 1841. JAMES M. COLE, Adm'r. of the Es tate of Jesse W. Mosby, dec'd., appeared in open Court, and on oath reported said Es tate insolvent, and by order of the Court, the undersigned wereappointed Commissioners on said Estate, and we hereby give notice that we will attend at the Probate Clerk's office in said County, on the first and third Monday in each month, until the first Mon day in January, 1842, for the purpose of examining, receiving and auditing claims which may be presented against said Es tate, which time the said commission ceases, and the Commissioners at that time will re port to the Probates Court, the claims which have been presented and allowed LEWIS STOVALL, } „ HENRY B. FELTS V 9 0rnmis - A. H. HARRIS. ' S sl0ners * DeKalb, July, 1841. ALLEN & BEAUCHAMP, attomgs at &ato. OFFICE, MACON, MISSISSIPPI. CHARLES W. ALLEN JOHN J. BEAUCHAMP. Macon, July 23, 1841. îllarbhmt ft Sttïç, No. 03 1 On Vrndi Augustus A. Ford, use, &c. j Exponas to }» December I,Term, 1841. vs* O L, Nash and W'. Walthall J BV vimtr of the above specified writs to me directed front the Honomjdu the l>is liict Court of the Unit'd Suites for li Not them.District of .Mississippi. I will sell on Monday, the 22>l day ol November. 1841, at, the Court-House of Noxul Comity; the following described property, to wit; the north-west quint, r serf ion 4, East half north-east quaiter see non S, South-West quarter St ciion seven, west half south-east quarter section thirty-two, half north-east quarter and south-east quar ter section thirty-six township thirteen range fifteen east; tiorth-wrst quarter sei nen fourteen, no'th-enst quarter section fif teen, southeast quarter section thirteen, east half south-easi quarter section four teen township thirteen range seventeen, north-east 'quaiter and east half north-west quarter, north half and south-east quarter section eight, north half north-west quarter section nine township sixteen range seven ; north half south-west quarter and north-west quarter section nineteen, whole of section thirty, north half section tweenty-nino north-east quarter thirty one township sixteen range eighteen east. •eo east teen east section Levied on ns the property of said de fendants, to satisfy the above named Exe cution and all cost. A. Iv. Me CLUNG, Marshal Northern District of Miss. By J. W. CARROLL, Deputv. Macon, Oct. 18th, 1841.- " D. Administra tor's Sale. TN pursuance ofan Order of the Hon. Pro x bate Court of Ndxukee county, M' ' sippi, we will offer for sale, \m«h credit of' six rnjnths, to the highest bidder; at the former r side nee of William Calloway, deceased, on Saturday, the 3bth cay of October next, the e.st h.tl o{ the north west qutrier of section seven, township tli neon, range seventeen cast, as the pro perty of the said William Calloway, ceased. ISSIS L. C. CALLOWAY, F. W. CALLOWAY, September 17, 1841.—10-7 w. \ Adm'ss Notice, * \\ ILL LEASE, for the term of ninety-nine years to the highest bid der, at the court-house door in the Town of Macon, on Saturday, the 20th day of No vember next, the sixteenth section of Town ship number fifteen, North of Range her eighteen, East. num EDMOND HATCH, q W. 13 WILBOURNEj. t? ROB'T. HOWARD, l 5 WILLIAM BREWER, % HENRY SIMMS. " Macon, Oct. 16, 1841. 15.—6 iv. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, ) Noxubee Countv. s Probate Court, regular Term, September 7, 1841. 1Yf OTICE is hereby Given, to all per ±yi sons interested in the Lands, Tene- k ments and Hereditaments of William Cockerell, deceased, to be and personally appear before the Judge of our Probate Court, at a regular Term thereof, to be holden on the first Monday of December next ; and show cause, if any they have, why the Court should not grant an order for the Administrator of said deceased, to sell the following Lands, to wk : The East half of the Northeast quarter of Section Thirty-six, Township Sixteen, Ran<*e Six teen East. ° Witness, the Hon. JOHN J. BEAU CHAMP, Judge of Probates of said county. Issued the 24th day of September, A D. 1841. Attest JNO. B. ROBERTS, Cl'k, Sept. 25, 1841.—11—9t. w D. LYLES; M. D. MACON, (Miss.) pjONTINUES to give undivided attention ^ [° the practice of his profession. Per "' g f nt , circumstance 5 attended gratis. Macon, July 17, 184L—2-3U