Newspaper Page Text
THE Great British Quarterlies AND BXtAOXWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Important redaction in the rales of Postage! LEONARD SCOTT & CO, No. 54 Gold street, New York, Continue to publish the following British Periodicals, viz: The LONDON CiUAR REVIEW, (Cone ) The EDINBURG REVIEW, (Whig ) The N. BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church. The WES I MINSTER REVIEW. (Liberal. And BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE, (Tory. These reprints have now been in successful operation in t’ii* country foi twen'y years, and iheir circulation is constantly on (he increase, not withstanding the competition they encounter from American periodicals of a similar class, and from numerous Eclectic* and Megazmes made up of aelecinna from foreign periodicals This fact shows clearly ihe high estimation in which they are held by ihe intelligent reading public, and affords a guarantee that they are es tahlished on a firm basis, and will he continued without interruption. Although theae works are distinguished by the political shades above indicated, yet but a small ooriion of iheir conien ■ is devoted to po litical subjects. It is their literary aharacier which gives them their chiet v «lue, and in iha' they stand confessedly far above all other jour nals of their class. Blackwood, still und- r the masterly guidance of Christopher North, main tains its ancient celebrity; and i*, at this time, unusually attractire, from the serial works of Bulwer and other iiteralv notables, written for that magazine, and first appear n; in i e columns both in Great Britain »nd ihe Uni’ed States. Such works,ae “The C-*xtons”and “My New Novel,” (both by Bul^eO/<* My Pem.isular Medal,” “ The Green Hand,'1 and oiher ser#lt; of which numerous rival editions are istfi&d by the leading publishers in this ciuntry,have to be reprinted by those publishers from the pages of Black wood, after it has been issse by Messrs Scott & Co., so that subscribers to the Reprint of that Mngazine may always rely on having the earliest reading of these fascinating tales. TERMS. For any one of ihe four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 Fur all four ol the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood & the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cues in advance. Money current in the State w here issued will be received at par. CLUBBING A [discount of tweniy five per cent, from the above prices will be allowed lo clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one address for $9 ; four copies of ihe four Reviews and Black wood lor tfoU, and so on. REDUCED POSTAGE. The Postage on these Perisdicals has, by the kite law, been reduced, on an average about forty percent. The following are the present fates, viz : FOR BLACKWOOD S MAGAZINE. Any distance not over 500 miles, 9 cts. per <jr Over 500 and not ex. 1500 18 “ Over 1500 and not exceed. 2510 24 *' FOR A REVIEW. Any distance not exceed. 500 mi les 4 c'.s p qr. Over 510 and nut exceed 1500 8 11 Over 1500 and not exceed. 2500 16 “ At these rates no objection should he made, as heretofore, to receiving the works by mail, and thus ensuring their speedy and safe delivery Remitlances and communications should be always addressed, post-paid, to the publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 79 Fulton st.N. York, entra.xe 54 Hold si. N. B- L- S. & Co. have recently published, and have now for sale, the “ FARMER’S GUIDE,” by He ary St. phens of Udinhurg, a d Professor Norton of Yale College, New Haven, complate ir i vols. royal octavo, containing 1/jqo, 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. Prictfm musitn £^'“8 : in paper-covers . ,u‘ the mail Y -**?- _r,p_ aanv'TS ladys book I? F°r 1852. y-y,. uise of readir^ matter. __ Ini’. L IDY ’S BOOK f*r ihe ensuing year * w I pm u inanv not, features suited t . j) the advancing demand of the public tatle. tl has be. n the obj ct of the publisher TO TAKE THE LEAD among the popuk.r magazines of this countrt; and the bust of c. n 3’antly iollovving — “ toiling afier him in vain” — are sufficient to attest bis in idian. success The p omptness with which every new idea (hit hi suggests .s adopted by Olliers is a aiiffrient rea son for his not b -ing verv expl cil and exact in hu pr-im ses of what is yet to corne. He do h not wish to lay out plans for others io follow. It is sufficien', however, to say, that all the ex isting popular features of the Lady’s Book will be retained, and many new cues, paiticularly at tractive in a Lady's B >ok snd family Magazine will b« introduced. The useful and the elegant will always be kept in view. To the Magazines alone we must look for the effusion of tn.- master mini's o Literature. It is useless to publish a bsi of names—sffiui a it to gay, that we have i ublished articles, and have o'ners to publish from All till, till-* 1 \ vv. .in ii I* v*»v IKIIIVJIVIUI MiUVlilj male and female. I The pub'uhcrs will give 12 Nos. for 1852 hut the Loudon Art Union would he proud of, mid tln ir price is $10 a year It must be observed ilint the Lady’s Book caters to ihe taste of the Amcricam Ladies, li furnishes them with every thing that cau interest a Lady—and among others is the following : GODEY’S RELIABLE FASHION PLATES with full descriptions—besides chit chat upon ths fashions every month; giving full explana tions of every thing tew in the Fashionable World. OUR MODEL COTTAGES. This is a department peculiarly our own, and the beauty and utility of our models has every where been acknowledged. FOH THE LADIES 1 Wu|have undoubted Receipts, Model Cot tages, Model Cottage Furniture, Pa'tern* for Window Onrtains, Crochet Work, Komine, Netting, Pa'ehwork, Crochet Flower W >rk, Hair Braid ing, Ribbon Wo>k, Chenille Work, I ace Collar Work. Children’s and infants clothes, capes, caps, chemisette—in fine everything that can interest a ladv, will find its appropriate place in her own book Tebms—Cash in advance.—1 copy one year •3. 2 copies one year $5. 1 copy two years $5- 6 copies one year 110. 10 copies one year $20, and an extra copy to the person sending the club of ton! Address. L. A. GODEY, 113 Cbesnut at., Philadelphia. Arrival and Departure of the Mailt Northern.—Arr. Monday and Thurs day, 2 p: m. Departs Sunday and Thurs day, 8 a. m. Southern.— Arr. Sunday and Thurs day 8 a. m; departs Monday and Thurs day 2 p. m. Eastern — Arrives Tuesday and Fri day 8 a. m.; departs Tuesday and Fri day 4 p m. Western. — Arrives Tuesday and Fri day 4 p in.; departs Tuesday and Fri day 8 a. rn. Prairie Point.—Arrives and departs Tuesday and Friday 2p. rn. Brooklyn.—Arr. and departs Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Apothecaries Scales and Weights and various other articles, making a complete stock in my line. E. FERRIS. .. Job Printing. The Advocate Office is supplied with a LARGE QUANTITY OF FEW JOB TYPE; For Printing PAMPHLET, HAN >, AND POST BILLS, Business, Professional, and W8ITIN6 CAROS. BALL TICKETS. ETC. _macon, miss. ! WM. WARD Jeweller. At Ferris’ Drug Store. Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. A welhselected nssort ment of Jewelry on hand, consist ing of Earnings, Finger-rings. Breasnpins, vest-chains, & guards. Musicboxes, &c., to be sold low, for cash. No work delivered until paid for. July 25, 1850. . ' Macon, March, 1851. ly ' The Weekly MHspatch, Published, at Richmond, Va'. At the^lo'w price of $1 per annum, IS the cheapest weekly mwapaprr south of (he Potomac, and as cheap .g any in Union. Thig paper is chi. fly made up from the Did\ J Dispatch, consisting of the enierta ntna *n l i ; newg matter of that sh e', and carefully nelecisu light literature and poetry HUGH R PLEASANTS, Piincipal Editor It ig designed to make it <rjunl 'o any VVe.kly 9heet in the Union for its general interest In tone and sentiment it is st uihern — its conduc - orsare Virginians, and they hope to merit and receive the encouragement of their fel! >w citizens. They enter upon no mere specula'ion in their enterprise; nor are their views and opinions shnpetl merely to catch the popular hre-zn From education, from position, from associa tion, from interest, from ch ice, they aie south ern men. Their defence of southern rights is a defence of ihemselres and nil they hohl ill ar;— that it has hem warm, unri mini g and, as lat us their capacii v allowed, vtgorou-. no man who has read their sheet will deny. Todoubi that it will continue to be go is to pre.ume ha' 'he principles «na meas wnicn nave necn nigiiiien into them from ihi ir birth, can be eradicated a' a petiod of life when men rn-oly change llieir views. They, at least, know rt to be iiupo.-s, ble. QCJ-Tlie low price at which the paper is pub lished require tint the subscription be paid in advance. TO CLUBS. We offer the following inducements. For five dollars - six copies. For ten dollars • thirteen eopies For fifteen dollars twenty copies, For twenty dollars twenty seven, Jas. A. Cowardin. BOTANIC MEDICINES. Powdered lobelia, nerve pow der golden seal, powd’ed hem loeot, powdered black, rok.pul monry, nurn’r six, lobelia seetl, composition, Cayaue pepper, gum myrr. Together with alrnp«t every i article used by th^practice. I E Ferris. SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW. This sterling Southern Peri odical, recently pul lulled b Mr. Jas. S. Burges, will hence forth he issued by the subscri bers, who respectfully solicit the continued favors of the southern people, and of the cit izens of Charleston in particu lar. The first number of the present year, forming the be ginning of a new series, is now rapidly passing through the press, and will be delivered to subscribers by the fifteenth of April. Hereafter the work will be issued at regular periods, without delay or failure, and in a superior style, with anew, elear, and beautiful type, ami on the best of paper. It will continue under the editorial conduet of W. Gilmore Simms, Esq., to whose hands it has been confided during the past twelve months. This gentle man, we are pleased to inform our readers, has succeeded in calling to his assistance such a number of contributors as will effectually place the work on such a permanent footing, and in its Literary, Scientific, or po litical material. The writers for the REVIEW include the greater number of the best and ablest names of the United States. They represent the highest literary talent of the South, and reflect with a native earnestness, force, and fidelity, the real policy and the peculiar institutions of our section. The publishers assured by the coun tenance which they have re ceived from every q uarter of the South, and especialiy sustained and patronized by the most in fluential names in Carolina, beg leave to solicit the continued and increasing patronage of our citizens. Subscriptions will be received et their office, cor ner of East Ba<> and Broad sts., second story, or at lol East Bay. Contributors will be pleased to address the editor to their care in Charleston. WALKER & RICHARDS. I * I I II USE THE Graefenb^rg Company's Family MEDICINES! --—’—1' Their vegetable^ pills peculiarly adapted to the Southern climate and its incident diseases. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT. This SALVE has b"«n in pi,'.i<ei»-.e fourieen years We ask a com par s >n of nr virtues with (he vaunted apecifics that ft' ihe rarkei. THE SARSAPARILLA COJfOUND, Not a pleasant drink, hut a n*4icine. MARSHALL’S UTERINE CATTOLICON. The attention of Planter* *nd .>versfers i earnestly <nvi*ed *0 thl* prenarotirij it i* de <t * ite'v f"r 'h0 elns-•'fl‘«MAtE Oise ases, e hnc no f:i|!>n of i h' Womb <Mii >r a|h»s, nd atl Uter »• r Ur n ry tfl'-nie Weelaim f,,r ii that it nt-eer ta s wt™ hum.', mean* cm • i V THE DY*ENTARY .<\${:p. Fur the cure of Dysentery D orp. vi . til bowel coinplainn. I THE HEALTH BITTEic. A most invigorating tom, 1 THE EYE LOTION A simple and < ffieacious wash. The children’s panaea; The consumptive’s •aim Libby’s pile ointmeit; i,’..i *. U t UIIU U^UV O’AU agents fur the sale of the it ive M am. e-INI's will have CERTIFICATES O' Ct'RRS * THEIR POSSESSION, and w liictl l hey ell be h ippy In exhibit lo a y "tie. Assured otirdtes of th value and reliability of these pieiijtonp, we . shall continue ih'-m he|or>- the p bli. i-k ne foi them only the success tInymer it: WEI.I) & CO. hereby a it noun.; that they have re.'i quished ibeir aaermy f .r i'e Ghafen rero Cimpanv. Agents in Mioasitpi .and | Louisiana will please settle their acxums with, and address orders to, ! Joseph Ilifty. 59 Poydrus street. NewOrleans. AGEN I S—F-. Ferris, Mwnn. Hampton & McLahan. D»5a)b. Sam. J. Wilson, Philadelphia ' Warren & Halford, Carthago July 16,’51. ly Mesopotamia Female SEMINARY, Eulaic, Green Cc,AlIIh. TH E citizens of Noxuber ind ad joining counties, who *>•/I"•&&>•" ' of finding a perina.icnt a..a w if,.sustain ed School for the thorough edu:ation of young Ladies, are respectfully i. vited to inquire the merits of the above 3em inary before conferring thiir pitronag' upon schools more remote. Every dr t partment of instruction, from the Awes , to the highest is now ably sma/bed bv experienced teachers, and ever facility belonging to schools of the highest { nrmUo la herr nfTiided. An’informa- 1 lion can be obtained on apportion to , the principal and proprietor, Jr3=Board $10 per month. i N B .The next session begisThurs I day, September 25. ’ \ < A. WINCHILL ; Aug. 20. 1851. 3m I * - -J- j DOUBLE NUMBERS ECU 152! , GRAHA2VTS MAGAZNE \ For 1852. Magazine of the i iton! ] Its contributors are all f ac- { kruml edged talent! ' A galaxy of Literary names of Anerica. 1 GRAHAM S UNRIVALLED WRfERS 1 Arrangements are peitried for a series of most splenid ar- ^ tides, from such writers s * ‘ ^■ Cimf I 'W H Cj M iorlin *' Gi III S|„,8, H r, B H Ml It- Li" I , B yai TavK E. P. W pel. GeoigeH Bi|», J M Le-are, K , G D. Prentice, Rub. ri I C. ad ' Alfre D Sireet, R . , ri M -rr.-e ' p wil|i«, Kp-«S ire, in, Wm Cube,, Bryant, H T.Tu.kentn N <i Hawthorne, C. J Pet, r»>.» Henry Wnt. Herbert, R. H S oddarl J as. Fen. Cooper, T. S. Ajthur. J Richard Penn Stni'h, Theodore S. Ff, H. Hastings Weld, Thomas B, R. &, F. J Gruud, Dr. Win Filer Mrs. Lvtl.o Sigourney, Mrs. Ann S. skhens, | Mrs. E.C Kmney, Mrs E Emiky, Mrss E J Earn* s, Mia* L, Vii^n ljSmiih Mrs. E, Cak ssmith, MissEnn. Dov, Mrs Joe. t . Neal, Miss Gr icoGrenwooti Amelia B.Welby, Mrs. S. H W Ihan, | Mrs. J H Campbell, Miss Mary L Livson, With many more, well known to the reiers »l ' the work; malting this Magazine, THE ORGAN OF AMERICAN T4.ENT In every deportment of min I 1 D3=*The reading maftpr fof<£ tom's Magazine for the n* x' v* >< il be about double tbai o( 1 . ^ri,.s making n book an: in. by that has uppeareti m Am* 1 ir-i n Ru n. G.P H JAMES. The original novel written by iSsnc complished writer for “Graham* will . be commenced in the January number Splendid and costly fingrawigs. In this department Grahams |aga. zine has always been celebrated. Terms.—Single copies $3 Prlec for Clubs for 1 All orlcsfor Gjaham’s Magazine, o,iu_*tuc int for 1861. win b ->upplp t at the t' uwj .. I rale*: Sing u'., ri cr-, $3; two <• pi* |5; five cttpi< ,410; n t' i conies f .1 $d0 « I m. I extra cop t . ib person s u I n h Ci.b AH orders addres*-- - to GEO R GhAHAM, j 131 Chesnut atreat, PhilaJelpb.a. i Di •ugs, Medicine, &c. The undersigned would re lectfully inform the citizens >f Noxubee, that he now has on land one of the largest and >est stock of Dina's, M< (Heines, Paints of every kind,ever offer 'd in this county , all of which le warrants, and will sell upon •easonable term. The follow-! ng articles compose, in part, his itock, viz : Madder Indigo, Copperas, Sala*ratus, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, and all other spices. Paints,—of every kind, dry, uid in oil. I arnishcs-Vurn ittire, coach, Japan, Harness &c. Botanic Medicines, Soaps—Shaving and Toi let of various kinds, Common Bar do. Perfumery, assorted and best quality, Patent Medicines. Li'/uors, a small supply of brandy, wines and other li pairs if the best kind, and purchased 'specially for me’dicinal pur ioses Candies—which will be told dieap for cash. Snaff— assorted brands. Tamarinds.—Raspberry and Lemon Syrup. Tea and Chocolate. ftpring lancets and lilacles, Evans’ genuine, and imitation I'liuiiib Lancets. Honey—Clarified. Cider Vinegar. Looking-Glass Plates, of va rious sizes. Window Glass and Putty. Shoe Blacking. With the above may be bund all otiier articles usually cept in a'Drug store. rescriplions carefully com lounded. All orders promply attended ;o. Persons desiring medicine it night will please send to the stand formerly known as the lew Drug Store. E FERRIS. "paten I ME JDI LINES. r- — •- T^-.r , U.. --V Alterative, Ess. Cinamon Vermifuge. “ lemon, 1 Hair Tonic, 11 pepper A istar’s Balsam Wildcherry Furlington’s Balsam, Brit. Oil. Godfrey's cordial, Oil spike. Wood’s sarsap. Lee’s Pills Currie’s “ Spencer’s u Wild ch. bit’s., Hull’s “ spencer’s Bitt’s Sapp tons’s ‘ doffatt’s bitters Champion’s “ Carpenter’s extract of Buchu. mdlit.z and soda powders. Dwayne’s syrup of wild cherry Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, midairs Ind. Vermifuge. Champion’s “ Moffatt’s pills >wayne’s Puna. Wister’s pills. Bragg’s sugar-coated pills. Cook’s Pills, Murphy’s pills. Vshwood’s magnesia pills. wood’s magnesia plaster. Feter’s pill’s Jew David’s plas. j 111_ i . l inuiipjMMi > DJC Tf rtiur. Verve and Bone Linament. Opodeldoc Liquid, and Steer’s Opodeldoc Also, pills for the cure of chills and fever, and fevers of all description, ^orsale at the drug store of E. Ferris. ON 11 AM*. _ | A FUfiL SUPPLY, for Wholesale or Retail— Pure white lead, Prussian blue Jarome Creen, Sp. terpentine Do. fellow, Span. Brown amp Black, Do. Whiting 3opal Varnish, Venitian Red Fapan do. Red Lead Leather do. Yellow -dire lack Lead, Traii^Oil lcohol, Litharge, Sperm Oil, ind best refined Castor Oil, for sale at the drug store of E. Ferris. PLANTATION MEDICINES. PBlhe subscriber is at all times prepared to fill orders for Medicines for Plantation use, with articles of superior quality which he will warrant pure. and put up in such a manner as j to be safely kept, and conveni-i ent for use. Planters are soli cited to call and examine the stock, or send their orders, which will receive prompt attention E FEKRJS. I Jflacon BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JONATHAN BUCK, Physician and surgeon. Office, rear of Lyles Bracy <$• Co. Professional. DENT & SHELTON, Physicians and surgeons, W D LYLES. Physician and surgeon. 07 BEAUCHAM, \ttornev at law and magistrate AW. DABNEY, Attorney at law. FOOTE & HUFF, Attorneys at Law. H L. JARNAGLN, Attorney at law. E DlsMUKES, > i Attorney at law. HARMONY HALL INSTITUTE, Eugene Ferris, Principal. Winston Co., Miss. Mercantile. H. W. FOOTE & Co., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, boots and shoes, hardware, hats, caps, crockery, &c. Rrirk Rtoro onnosii^ T* ne-.v-c :; *!i IU) IS Y, C A V ETT A. BUCK. Dealers in Dry 1 nods, made up clothing, saddles, Ac. Corner c Mourn? him J ff i - <'■ LYLES BRACY & Co.. Drv (foods, Boots and shoes, hardware, crockery, osc., Corner Public square ni<d J Horn* il street. JOHN 0 HE N 1'ER Dealer in foreign and domestic : goods, and all that is kept i country stores. Jeff rs r strut, opp sit? Publ c -qua-e. E. FERRIS, "'rugs Medicines, Paints Oils, Dye stuffs, &c., &c., Jefferson 5irre*, opposite Pul>lic* stj »are, MESSO & MONAROHO, Family Groceries, wines, fruits| liquors, confectionaries, Ac. | Brick aiorr, Publi -quare. CHRISTOPHER GROSSMAN ! Barker. Grocer, tobacco. Ac. Public squ.ire ; Jeffrson sireri. A. J. WORSHAM, Groceries. Liquors. Toba''0*' Ten Pin Ally. &c. J ffersnn *iree't opposite Ameiu an H tel JOHN. L. PURDY. Groceries, wines, .iquors, Ci gars, tobacco, tic. M mrm sr'«•*•!, ippnsiii Public qu ire WILLIAM WAR , Silversmith and Jeweller. J ff- -o siri’f, in N* vv Dni« so*re. Mechanical. B. J. WARNER Tin Plate and slieet iron work ers, tin ware, stoves, &c.° (J rner Mu » > nid .1 ff*rs 'n s,reet$*. DAVID HINES. House Wright t5*c. M on roe i*trt*e?. .IAS. M. HAG I NS, House Wriih-t Sec. _ Moipup rreet. G W. HARDIN Hm,se urjtentex See Ilea oj masonic 11a,It JOHN YV. M ASS EXGALE, oach a> (, Wagon Making and _ Repairing, <§*e. G. YY\ & T. S. FREEMAN oach Trimmers and Wajon Ma kers fy'c J( ‘HN IIROSS—’Tailor. R* .m n ihe PosiOtljce. JOHN ANDERSON, Tailor, Shop formerly occupied r>y William Merk. I WILLIAM BOWEN, Boot and Shoe Maker. Monroe street, opposite ihe P inn p ar. JAS. a WILLIAMS, Gentlemen and ladies Boots and shoes made to order. Shop ad| inin. th- P..< Offie . G YV. EDYVARDS. Painter, Glazier, auctioneer, commission merchant, &c. HLACKSMITH1NG At Roby's Blacksmith shop Jeff rson street, adjoining ihe Livery Stable. L. <fe J. YV. MASSE NGVLE~ Li vcrv stable, horses, buggies, Jjarouchies, &c., to hire. J. G DAVIS, Sadler, Jefferson street, opposite ihe conn house. Hotels American Hotel, J M REED Corner Public sqaare and Jefferson strnet. MACON IIOUSeT~ A M DOWLING. ®osncr Jkffsrson and Greene t(reels. RATES OF GOLD. Untied State* Eagle, old emission <10 66 United StstcsEagle, new emission 10 00 England, Guinea. 5 07 " sovere gn. 4 84 '* seven shilling piece.... 1 69 France, Double Loui», bctorc 1786 9 60 " Louis, do 4 58 *' Double Louis, since 1786 9 15 " Louis do 4 5ft “ Double Napoleon, or 40 francs 7 70 " Napoleon, or 20 franc* 3 85 " same a* new Louts Guinea 4 65 Krankfort-on thc-Main, Ducat 2 27 Hamburg.Ducat * 2 27' Malta, Double Louis. 9 27 " Louis. 4 85 Demi Louis. 2 33 Meccan Doubloons. 15 53 Holland Double Rtx Dollar. 12 20 “ Rtx Dollar. 12 20 “ Ducat.. .. .. 2 27 “ Ten Gilder piece .... 4 00 Portugal. Dobraon . 32 70 “ Dobra. 17 30 “ Johannes . 17 06 Spain, Doubloon, 1772 . .. 16 02 ** “ aince 1772 . 15 35 “ “ Pistole .. . 3 88 Columbia, Doubloon .. .. 15 35 Sp< cie Dollar of Norway and Sweden 1 06 Specie Dnllnr of Denmark .... 105 I haler of Prussia and Northern States of Germany - 96 Morin of southern states of Germany 40 M"rin of Austrian Empire and of Augsburg 4# Lira of Lombaidy—Venttian Kingdom, and Tuscany .. .... 16 r ranc «f France and of Belgium, and Livre of Sardinia .. . ig Ducat of Naples . 8(7 Ounce of 8ic;lv . .. 2 30 P uind of the Brush Provinces ,»f Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Canada _ 4 00 Supreme Court Unit id States. ’ Rojer B Taney, MH.,.chief ju nee, 1836 #500(7 J 'tin McLea ■. Ohio, A*s. Jup ice, 1329 4500 Jam s *1. Wayne, Geo , As-', lu 1835 4500 John Catron. Term , Ass. Jjitre, 1637 4500 J 'bn McK nley, Ken., Asso.Jutt. 1837 45)0 Samuel N.Uon, N.Y Asso. Jut ., 1835 450o Lew Woodbury, N. H , Ass Ji t . 1845 450o It bnrt C Grier, Penn. Ass u . 1846 450o l. J Crittenden.Ken. Alt. Gc 1850 601'rv B C Howard, Md, Seporler 1843 130o LIVERY STAELE STATE St , JACKSON, Mi BY TUCKER HOLl 4ND. I ^ I I ! S> IQ Ilnur nnunn m,1 J.. r .. Ki'hcr liy the single feed, week, dav or uiun'h Cur the ncrominiidatmn an I convenience of friends, and the travelling |>nbl c genetallv, I *"PP :,'i! with fine Horses, easy and comfona conveyances, and good and a entive hogilers. am always sttppl eti with the best corn and tor d'r in he hail in this ni irke'. Tin-Depot Livery stable, besides being !o cit’d within a doar or two of Town’s Tempo ranee H'.tel, from ns fuvorahleand convenient locality, offers additional inducements to traf lers, a d visitors from the Bust especially; lal those who may la*or me with a call will attend- d to in the most liberals mi satisfactory in inner. The attention of the public is respec fully invited to the following Low Kates: #0 25 1 0 5 3 00 10 01) buggies always on hand, to r Dec!), 1848.— 24 lv The New fork U TER All Y A MERIC AN. Commenced a 5th Volu me on the 7th July, 1850. The unanimous v*iee of dis tinguished men. and jhe press Liiioughout the Union ha*s pro nounced the Literary American one of the most entertaining or iginal, instructive, and valuable papers ever published,and that it is in everq respect what it cl aims to he—a Model Familq Paper. The variety the literary char acter, and the moral tone of its contents, will, it is hoped make it a useful visitor. Its columns are weeklq devoted to poetrq \ popular tales,sketches of travel, extracts from new books, re views, religious an l scientific matter, articles of biographq & and natural historq, ladies de partment juvenile department, the spirit of the English maga zines, edatorials on the leading1 i »pics of the daq, original corre spondence, and general intelli gence. Some ol the best American, writers contribute weeklq. The articles are brief and pointed, new and readable, while the large size of the paper admits of the most pleasing varietq. Persons out of the citq desiring complete miror of occurrences in the metropolis, will fiind this in The Literary American. It records all events of importance ^-contains a complete weeklq chronicle of all the marriages and deaths in the citq, and fui nishes all reliable intelligence* of authors and their works. The form is most Convenient for binding, and those who pre serve the paper in thswaq will have,at the end of theqear. two fine volumes of more than one thousand pages—a quantitq of reading matter that theq would find it difficult to obtain in anq; other wa for the same price. Tei ms— Three dollars a qear. two copies for five dollars clubs of ten. twentq dollars, and a free copq to the person get ting up the club. Mail qour moneq at once, at our risk. Advance paqment always re quired. Citq subscribers, if they prefer, may pay the carrier six cents; each week. Address all communictions to> fx P. QUACKENBOS,