OCR Interpretation

The Pearl River banner. (Monticello, Miss.) 1837-18??, February 24, 1838, Image 2

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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o- .1. izxc, wiEixtsirrx.
24. 11138.
We have iceived Item aliin
on.r! tb final action f the House of
Jtfju!)!!!- opi the subject of the
MifH-x ppi Election, fiyavoteef 119
rty -d-eiile.tli"al Messrs (Mai
tome mid 'th Won are nt member of
.the 25th CWgre. The most reasons
ble conclusion, lben,tliai oould be drawn
is, thai Pientiss and Word are the mem
lerv But no,' that would not suit one half
f Ibe members, and ihey decide, that,
rather than let Mississippi be re presented
. ly ihe men . f tie r choice, she shall he
will,, u' any rep.esi ntatives at all. for the
apace of two months, at least, (for it will
tbe rtial long lfnr. inenbera new
ly elecled can take heir kejls; and, that
fton, at a time when the inMrtulmns of the
.6"oo l e abrupt daily assailed in that
LrU'li ( Crigw.! W.id it not hr
fvvell iril-e " p'e of Missi'Sippi to pe
liiiou C.i(;rna to imke a pro. tern, ap
nun tot of members for the remainder
Oi the 'rs-ent Congress'. It would save
i'a a-t lal i f trouble snd expense to the
r o..wU a to ihe individuals wl.o
iipif-lil aspire to that ' diunifit d nation
"We presume th re will be no man found
',. ,1. ..I,t il, . wer of C nffteSS to nke
euch HI p "ilitmelil. Will our Demo
rr-.'.r fnt-nds tke the mat er in band.
and circulate ihe pennon foi signers.-
We wn'd 'I" bt for the uct. as an
cIJ il; iocra took occasion o remind us
-jli-n ,:,)! (, "we an-in. a bopfcles
"stale f Jorit!ism.,' j
We r tnin our thai ks to uY,- Hon. J.
, V, ( i i kei, ("or several interesting docii
tpm's ol a public 'nature from Washing'
tun. i
Vvu- d E8 -it meak The fallowing
curi us a Ivritiseiient appeared in the
JJaiiiw Fie Trader of the 12 h insl
' FnvD s N" groe ben.J as picked
'.Up i li Kail li' il jes'erday . wh cb (be
onVrcni) l a'e I'.V apl ing al this office.
Af d pitying for this ader isemenl.
I KFoi llie hu ks of the ihipg, we would
advi.' the owner to . a 1 1 and get it. as it
Joe i "f In k ve'y Wff;. V -ee a negro a
' w ..(IV h -ui'a lieail although be mjghl
ork but little trirt ii.
, -F " Owl Gulf Qher'tier, Fc6.1T.
J . ur puj er as g"ii Id press, we
f . ivt-.I a lip tii'i' the Rltiin.re Amer.
' i mi,' oi lie 5Mi of Feb., which pi; ces us
i nt-s. -sion oj (he resu'l of llie Jli-iss
i . EiTin n the paniiulars of which,
i 'fly stale:
' if. li in -cock presented a paper from
, CMtl oriie, Hliicn was read by ttie
Ci"k Mr Maitin, ol. 3ls.. then look
Im i! " r. ! He was tolluwd by Mr 1311,
I T . mi. Ui.t Mr Purker, of New'Toik
f!' . ; qni-liiin, when iheyeas and ny
wi.1 i. -k n on motion for a rail oi the
JJ in. tit w.. agreed to 193 to 6
A'' ft- ineinh' rs in lh-City, except I wo.
aeveiflv indiposed, appeared in their
'gesis ' Mr (Mowiiev, of S C made a In
n-.i 'l. it d Sid be slfould be bound by
lii- r.ath t vote for th new c'aimaots.
Mr Pio'i, of Misp.V nsked leave to
mke n Vw remarks m .inwr lo the Ul
ti t 1 ticirbad been ent to the house by
Blr Clailiome. Somen! th members es-pres-ed
an unwiliinnets to hear M P.,
ai;d h did not press his Mtjiicsr. , lie
hut for five minutes, -but the major
jty would not hear bins. The cries ol
' question quesiloa deafened the house.
Mr Garland, of- Louisiana, introduced an
rnendmenl to Mr Howard's resolution,
; stating that Messrs. Claiborne and Ghol
' son re not member of lie 25th Con
The amendment was bit a copy
of Vhe certificate of tm presented by
f the Gofernor of tbi Stale.. The ques
tion ihen recurred on Mr. Howard' reso-
" lution which" reads: ;
fteoUed, That S. S. Prentiss and T,
j, Wrd are NOT entitled to seat in tb
25 h Coigres. The oie was then la-
ken on Una resolution, which resuliing in
a lie, the speaker of the House, James K.
Polk, gve the casting vote in Fivon o
lheemlotion. -
'i hu&tbe affair is ended; and the curi
oys spectacle U presented of .a sovereign
" atat bring riraytrttjeitfei in the Congress
i Si the Uuiott.' '. '. (f1 ' ?
'Tom Benton'a term of service r Sena
tor from Misouri, will espire on the, 4tb
: of March 1830. The only little Monster
, in Ihia Stale, lrfy work on the i-
tain el the great -Buffalo JJuli.'J.jseU
r ing obt to Nick BiddteP What ought to
be d. '' lreaeheoii ?VrV
irh'tli th' legi.dattiW of Miso.uri bat
i......u.i h. liie " "eel o ileiculesf
Cul, IT its head! thou' lelemoii! 'ivaunl!j
l,if rlirlf in Ihe National
ivin - - -
(Pbih.) (Jaietle, reference .te If
Patten's resolution nd the proceedvngs
of Ihe house ot HepreeiilaHv ' ,
l-tion petitions, we make the eubjomed
extract: ,
"TImi mamlati' has gone lorth Ibatne
voice of the northern constituency shall
he beard no more. The people, on a
r.rl.i- antJt .rfcHr.rfty .eteted. 'mint
bt dumb. Tbe instant the cUtk in read
in if it nelitior. see tl word "slavery,
or the bu ing or sellirg or iransletiing of
slaves in any district, slate or ternary ol
Ihi- Union," b's voice mu-it be sibnced.
for :he petition must be m ither "lead nor
debated, nor printid nor telened to.
And w hen h-reatler the authority of the
contlave of a' secMling n '.oonly hull be
cemented. -the 7nVc Erpurgatoriut will
be enlarged, and new i reOrnli.ll o pro
hibition will he sent for Ihe regisicy to the
laithful Common. This is n imagina
live .kelih; but ihe sober, nulaarbily
truth iruih. the sad eff. cis of which are
not yet dreamed of. Our only hope i.
il.i,l.il. (lit. i,nivn ol ihe Wl'i.Ui
sa nfiies bretolore n-ade to tbe S oib
the t.-nff: the rational bank, inl rnal im-
prrteioeiits. (allot winch lh oU h miglit
baeved and nc! ol ilnct) stie ue
strodV have failed In aw.iken I
sluiiibeitug spirit of l!i" nor h. H al Ihis
lat dentalol her hrherto uniliputeii, In r
constitutional Ptbt of pi lilnn. o any
ami eiery sutjecl n a aiouse her to ihe
calm Mit rsoluie determinant n in Uo Ihi
dut which he owes to herself and her
tree inliluMoi'S
Rlr Clav never ".aid a truer Word tU
when he attributed Ihe progiessol' aboil'
tioiiisto ftt the norlh .lo the inlt-ci ier't
zeal and language of he Soulb. Moduli-
lesa we are lale pit phel tndefd. it wili
he loun.t from Ibis time fornjud. un' i!
ibrf ies lulii n ot' prohibition be ttcindeu,
theie wi I be in the northern Su'es
soleirn league and covenant, that sliail
bind men of all parlies and all i p'oii tii
in one indissoluble array against that .t r
esy, which deni ot re-trn Is Hi. r'ghl ol,
the people lo petition iheir tenipoiary - ru
The Ricbm nd (Va ) V hi, it) Cop)
ing tbe yi.ve, remarks; ;
It affords us any ibmg but pleasure u
translt r to our , column-ucb inanitsia'
lions' of settled, deep r oleil In fti'ity ;''"'
our domestic institutions by tlo ciiz -lie
ol the nortli We woulil not iucteasf t
excitement, r xacerberale lhe'(e,ng
which a knowledge that such senlunei:i
are enteiliued at the north by i ttu-r 'l.s.i
fanalic won. en, tscalculatid lo i rodu.'
upon (he minds of the Southern (eoj.V
But-weowe a duty to the swuth, wlnci
must be performed, Mo wi ver un'pleesn.
The Sou hern p oj le shou'd he appii. -of
Ihe "O'lleirin league and Covenant;" !
the north "rinding men of all par.ns a.mt
all npmii us" in war upon u. undn' tli
flimsy pretext of vindicating the right oi
: "NAMES. ',
Coruption is alw?y stealing toihe? sMe
of power. A long continued dominant
parly is ever in danger of losing lis pron
itive purity: The mercenary nd th
selfish jmn them for pelf The ambition
and designing lor plaitbeiwer n ,tbem
he soon uurp controlling power, aiii!
the original intentions ot lhf prly ate
disregared and lorgoiten, in Dew St lienif
for amplil) ing and etilaigiog the 'power
of the leader. Such was llie cse w i;ti
Ihe present dominant .party in this lt(
public. Many oi its prominent ladr,s
now, of Ihe old' Federali-t fcf '98 and hive
joined it for powers 'ake such m$ Tain .
Bachannaij, VV'oodbu'y and olhe.rs , .&
g. in look al lhat sordid tribe, who have
joined ii lor money Whitney peijured
in the courts of his country,' mid a ren -gade
from that country in the late wur.l
ingersotj ino saia mat Jiad lie been a
man in the revolution, 'be " womd have
been a Tory Kendall, Blair and oth
ers! These men are no pinks of -modern
'Democracy.' Depend upon it 'there -u
something wrong with the democracy;
aud it i every day growing worse. He
wafe! when yt-u bear a man now-a days,
loudly pKiclaimmg that he is a Democrit.
thai he is not 'a wolf in sheeps clotln
Buonaparte became Emperor under in.'
ton was once nming Democrat ie
member 'every thing is not gold lhat
gliiters'names are nothing orru'itoii
is ale ays stealing to the side of pwer."
, e lcl- Tenn. Observer i
The "Spy jn TVnsKington"
says, lhat ah ex-Brigadier Gen
eral, a distinguish'!!- leader of
the Van Buren party, made
these reinars a few days ago to
a gentleman on Peunsylvahia
Avenue: 'How is it possible
that the Van Buren party can
be sustained How can they
sticcel? I have conversed
this morning with three of the
lea'iTs all Of. wfti tin expressly
declared that Air Van Buren
wa ruined; that there was no
l''"s,r aiij ci diice 01 lS Leing
f . A DtmTioVr-Principtes fri-
iLnfohnnt.'VUn iew Orleans
.v... - - A... -.
1 (,ur(f.r( ve IHieve lite 1 fSt
I.U IIMF 111 fvill ih-ef. ann tnr
t.-onun'CiHl Herald oi liie hihc
rily. Itavf both ciunc'out in tV
V of n JSaiional B- nk- ;Wc
welcoirtc inem lo cmr rnks,i'f1
niitf tilbiet tliey may not choosr
iochII lltemrlvftj VViiigs, f
Mill 'will regard them hs co-workers
with tMirselvps in til great
oitis of national ' freflom.-7-.
iNameR rire nothing uJin om
pHred with principles which are
imiiiiitable. The-Herald says:
j 'Believing, as, wf'.do, lhat
bank properly r gulnted-ae
of intmmse imporinnrp to the
ronniry--and th;it their ptos-
iriition nrnst inevitably ensue,
iiiil' ss. a satiniial Hank isr,hnr
lereil we shall join with our
friend. oi the Courier to ise all
i.i nn -'rablc 'effurts that may be,
irtnde (r tbe establishment of a
()itional Bank upon snrli prin
ijplesas will gise s und rur-
rfiK'y, regit te t xrhang s, and
in ihepP'ir-ciion of the gre;it
Wriciiltiir;il and c nunerctal in
terests of "the .botith '
riw Autchtz Com.
r'jniiE War Begun. Censure
sas -Lonl Baron, is the tax
which men pay; (r being rlevn
teilabiive Iheir peers. ''The
Vnn Buren organs havr just dis-
rnvt red that Mr. Clay is the
pronn.nrt" Whig 'caddidate lor
ih Presidency, anrt, they have
rabout assailing him in good
i terms, 'i hey have. liowev-
et;,itat!e an tinlortunoie 'begin
ning, in attempting to bran' htm
!oV"u abi liiionist. What ! Hen
iy Clay, Vhi stvMd . ifp so mau-
lully lor the rights -f slave-hd-
! rs on tlif Mis-nuri question?
ih an abulitiouist ! PM)h!ponb!
enl'ieirieu try again. Von must
bej.iard run, in'. red, when "you
'r oinpe.lied to resori to Ritrh
inKpvjtcus tevices. Even the
Ciailct it "'.Mercury tins .'the
liAfilness"to"m Mr. (.'lay with
wUtit of jIValty in lite Smith, the
Motor ul which, as Irtte as July
last only, thus sp-ike of him in
reference to his being a can iM
ate t'or.the Presidency, viz :'Give.
us nun tif some nttble traits, h
bitld, brave, gallant hiirnmiiKhd
knVari f genius, who, though we
Pjliis errors, we ran yet as
sure ourselves will do nothing
int-An.fialeigh Roister.
j i'Jsceot This celebrated' Indian
chii t; tiiV iiisiigator and master spirit i.t
protracted and desperate war in Flori
- who by his bold and decisive ncinn,
tomi),i.nded the ad't oatioii oi the brave
and ihe sympathies of the magnanimous,
-'-and who was regarded bv the supersti
lious .of Ins savage race, as a -spirit of su
perhuman alii'ibuies. we regret to learn,
died at. Sullivan a Islaml. uear Charletin
S C on the 30th ot January. Trough
this etiiej was the unreleiiling enemy of
toe wniies, ne possessed ilvv t i inose
hob)e virtues and heroic c arctristic
which have secured for. their osessor of
our own rare, the glorious appellation ol
the "good, llie lirave and the cluvalroos,
and which shone conspicuous and affotd
edf hrillianl contrast with tbe mock he
rowm of rainy of those who aided in ma-
ing captive the. proud and daring pint
01 oil Uieat Chiei. but his conquests
are ended "-and he is gone to tbe happy
hoitte of bis Fathers C, AdvUsrX.
''A terrrble story is now goint the
rounds of the English and American pa
pe, about the seizure of 600 voung wo.
rnerin lbs' -Ukraine; and. ' lieiMoir-J
marnage fcr Worse! ly it--'isTaii ol
dier. by . uri f"Uie Emperor. C The
Journal de Cebals contains a Utter from
a place called Kieff, in the Ukraine which
district was 'said to have furnished its
cjuVAa (..ward the six hundred. The wri
ter pi this letter denies that any such oc
currence took place within the district of
Aieti, and states thai as he4s ihe loni a
eeVlt. of the Dultc'Jam of Wirtemborg,
wh'o owns faVge prafwrty ihere, he must
huVe know of it il such a violence had
jbe'en Committed. (ibile Air. , ....
I jJ rum'or has been afloat that C. C,
'.May son, late State Treasurer, was de
faulter to a considerable amount. W
are'- glad to learn,' from the report of t,
Committee appointed hy Ihe Legislature
to eiamine bt books, lhat this rumor has
no loondatioa in Irutb. MhtUtijian,
f Our neigbV'iiog viHage f . Wailting-
too bas bad its ordinary qu'f! noiuroeu
h) I tragedy ot which, we hae heard
the followni account. Some gambler
on Friday night Iks' quarrelled ah. sjt
their (James-a.rencnntre ensiled nd one
of ihe partita had his tbrortso cut lhat
be eipired The perpretrator has evca
pcd. Such an event need no comment.
It speaks in lai.guage that requirtf n
Since we wrote the above a gvntle
n an in W amgton has sent us the an
nexed note. Ii seems he was inebriated
t tlte tune the all'my occurred
Mr. Black.l have pM been to see tbe
body ol Jllel. Campbell, who was killed
last I'igM m an affray which he provoked
in intoncation. He is the last ot four
brother, of a respectable family, in
WeMiinieland county, P. Three of
,hem died last summer with congestive
liver, and he. ihe b-t - wa rescued by
medical aid, !rom the very verge of H.e
gravo, io await a mote awiul death by
Ihe band of a fellow man. Never have
wintered a scene winch gave , a better
commentary upon llie use ot aiden' spir
it 'I here' lies he liame ol -matchUs
".ymrnetrv and power," which hu' lew
lioiim since, at knowle tged.no equal! '
Touch not. laste not. hamfh no'l"
Wasb'iigton. Fib 10'b 1 !38. F.
Naichi z four.
' his inipri ui tl ( hicf tiin
who so lung hi' filed nil lite pow
ers of Ids ei emii s, and only fell
a victim lo th'dr tn achery, has
at last died in his prison house.
His untamed -tnH tlntamable
spirit that had mat'e u'i" home
tlie wil'le .wilderness could n' t
brook lo be c.tged and barred
fr-imlhe light .f heaven. . il?
dief in his jail at Sullivan's s
land. near . harl-rstoo, on tbe
30tb uli. 'f a fevev induced bv
his mental disquietude.' Were
he iiof "a poor Imli ?C1t migln
lie said that he. died of a broken
hi ari. .Kejoice General lessnp.
Hie foewho fniled the in the
field at fl duped inre in J he fight,
h tsial'en victim .o thy trench
erv. aid whenever .the histori
an shall record the name of the
wild bavage. he will also tell ol
thy peifiii'y. Th--u .h si ihv
name, bu: iris sullied he has
his lame; and haibanan as he
was and otir country's foe, it
"will always east a hade over
thine and thy emplover, who
sanctioned the de d.
; JVuichcz Co nr.
The Charleston Mercury thus
speaks of him: --'We shall no'
write his epitaph or his Itinera I,
oration, yet is there something
in the character of i his man not
iinworihv il he rt'i-pect of the
world. I torn a v -gaboml child,
he became tit master spirit of
a long and desperate, war. He
made, himself no man,.. owed
less to accident. Bold and de
cisive in action, deadly but con
sistent in Ivitred, dark in re
venge, cool t subtle, sagacious in
council, he established gradual
ly and surely a resistless ascen
dancy over his adoptive 'tribe,
by the daring of his deeds, the
constancy of is hostility: to the
whites, and the profound crafi
of his policy. In lr tinril he
spoke liifle rte nia 'e the other
chiefs his instruments, and what
ihy delivered in public,' w:.s
thfe secret suggestion of - the in
visible master. .Such was Osce
ola, who will be long--renTemliejf
ed as the man that witli I
li , itit! most
blest means produ
'lr7K"VAsniKtiTor Mokcmest. VVe
meet with (be l..lt..wiiijf Terence to this
underiakim; in ihe correspondence ol Uie
Baltimore Transcript It will be gratify
ing lo those wh contributed to this no
ble enterprise In know that it has not hi en
abandoned.-and that the Father his
Cnuniry is likely to have a suitable mon
ument erected lo IiU irt'nry. There
cm be no belter lime I.t that purpose
ban the present, when Ihe pure and no
ble sentiments and principles lhat anima
ted .fl.nenra's greatest and best, seem lo
he (ailing into dtiie among Ihe o called
great ones of the Nation Aul Cour
"The bill authorising the Washington
Monu nenl Society to erect a Moumnenl
to VVasntiigtnii on (he public wall in this
city was engrossed aud or If red in a ilni .
reading to morrow. 1 understand lhat
the Society in question bare only been
wsillBft till tie toll should piss before it -
set o work n the nnu'e einerprme lor.
which it was ioi.iitu.ecl. I is to b rev
Bietttd that f s i pa'rmlica vork,nnljr
ilmti .hi.usand dollars bav been rollec-.
led throughout Ihe republic, although th .
Hum (hk dollar) state as the utmost to be
expected from every imUvidual suhseri.
bing. was considered so lw av lo place s
il withm tbe powr of every one ta cnn
Iribu'e ! o national a uudeilaking ,
Noiwitbatanding the small atneunt nov?
collected, the society will proceed to em
ploy what they have, believing that tho
wmk once commenced will stimula e tbd,
hberali'y and patriotism nfihnfe wh
wish t see a palpable evidence of whal'a
to bf done, belore tliey ubscrihe. Il jsj
ihe plan ef the mchty to have ihe motiu
ment construcied on a grand scale, if ihere
is lo be one at all. I think, then, lhat
ihe editors throughout the country should
fncouiage this eu'eiprise, and endeavor
to srouee the attention of ihe public tv
jtn importance. Yoii -in Baltimore, Ihe
city that seems, in lhat respect t least,
lo he more o& ci?ted with Washngioni
lamed honor 'iU in the monuni ntal city,
ought especially to encourage .ihu effort
to rairy out, on a grand scale; the noble B
iiha wliiih you have the high honor of
firil en. bodying in the noble produil of
patrioligm and art, lhat hs"given . our
own 'own such a distinguished lid. I
have set-ri several plans for ihe work,
yui.mii led by the'most eminent atcliiterfs
in Ihe country . and Ihey are splendid if,
li ed Their work is not to make a simV
pie column, tut "fa mote complicated
es ripl ion, one that will combine utility,
i 1 1 ornament.
'I be taking of Constantfnr, in
Africa, on ihe I2ih of October'
I ist,c.ost the French nation the
life ol the. Commander-in-Chief,
(Jen Damuemost. He-was kill-'
ed by a,rannoivball" whin' re
pairing to the breach e(T'(tetl
by ihe Fretch 'troops in ibn
u all of ihe eity. The Arabs"
f .night like Yii rs, but were, o
verc m by th-1 cool courage and
discipl ne of ihe French. 'J ho
Arabs have thus lost' their se
cond stioug-hold of theft and pi .
racy on the.eivilized world. It
is tobe hoped that the arts and
sciences will now be planted'
de p and bullish in th luxuri
ant suil ol Africa, and the light
of civilization penetrate herdur
kest regions. The atfonpt to
expl'.re that Continent, ha9Cost
ilo lives of Koine of (be noblest
sous ' of Christendom: the a
chievements of the Frene.h'iirms,
has Vet done but little to effect
the object desired by the Phi
la thropisisol e.ich hemisphere,"
viz: to fidigheii, civilize und
christianize Africa : ti eir main
object having heen fetnlititory
veiiceiiOce on ilu robbenofthe
Mediteranian coast. Vet they
nave opene l ilje, way, and ma
ny years will .dot elapse before
ihe Soiiti-uf l1a in ,'wili. feel the
regenerajing influences of the
maxims and precepts of that
Code first promulgated in the
contiguous land ol Talesiine.
Gen D imremont had been
tliir'y-three years in the milita
ry service of hh country ; "was a
subaltern infill the campaigns
of Napoleon; became aid-de-camp
to Marshal Mrmontiri
114 : at the time of the resiojv
ati.tn' he was a colonel ; jjjprfn. '
18 lf),ftmmanded a hsftxpc
der Gen BoiirmfUTTrV. subse
,,i,i",, J,r;iorTiinander of
,e,'lJ,ir.tarv dtvisitnlMf
pointed governor of Algiersn
which caparityhe couimyttx
ded at the taki g of Constnn-
tine: his death is deeply deplor-
a . a ,..
en ny me country ,ano statue is
to be. placed in the museum nt
Versailles ift honor to his muni
ory '. Southerner.-
The little article whh h follows, i ta
Sen from the Richmond VVhig.
Mr. Prentiss, one of the contesting
members from Mississippi, is mid to bavo
d li vered a speech m support of his claims
to his sent, of trjiicend.int ability. . tl ia
rpresnted as I riHiant In ct"rjm(nf.er afnl
unanswerable in argument. Tboitf:h meirt
berehie expressed their opinion, anj
in tact prejudged to question. Vet such
was ih- irresistible furcebf'Mr. P's arpu
oi. that many have beeis made to wa
ver and time bare, cpoed lueir -sertti
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