VT Iisve fctc n 1 aril Jj:eft!tiH alters fiou of't.i'ucdolUrni't" of thif Commer clal'Bank of Ridney lo a nut piirnri jng Li tVi flUt imSDRfcb bott'2il" BlLt f the mi institution.. As t'ir i rea 8n io ffar that some counterfeits are abroad, we lubioiii disiription el the bills . ' ' , ,. . . On the genuine- ona dollar till there i. ) lunette representing' a covereu wagon receiving a load, a aieainorfai, aim "jm lilies in the distance. This it placed at the Ion, and on each marginal ide of the note f'tnale figure, and an r gle railing on a shield. These fVmaf figures ;8re no on the lid- of the Irue one hun cJred dollar bill. On thai hill the style of the Bank. The Commercial Bn!t of fiodney" in one hue, and "will pey,"&r. in a iC'.nd, a; at the lop of the not-; beneath, and in 'here-nre ol the bill i a vignette bearing a female, figure wiih a ateambnat in the back ground Between the figure 100, placed leng'bwi' at the lop and bottom l' the en 3 ruin, is placed the letter C Three distinctions will it is Aoped, enble an nbsettrr to de ett the forged Irom the true r U Standard ? Jlr. Cdtlin. in a letter to the editor of I'jV S't-ir; speakg of the ravage -of the final! pi x among the Indians, says: 'On ly one y and a ball ago I was at Prai tie tlu C'hien, on the upper Mississippi, where 'I 'Witnessed its frightful effects a mong the Winnebago"! 61 Sioux every oilier man amongst them was Main by il; hd G wa-pe shaw.the greates man of the Sioux, with half of his band, died un der the corners of fences, 111 little (hor TiJ) groups, to which kindred lie 'held tbem in ghastly Jaii., with their bodies swollen and rornl wi'fi rstul their yes blin.led hid. ouidy howling their de.ith song in ot er despair affectiona ' ly clinging to each other's neks with one hand, auifgr4(iing buttles and tin pang of whi.'key in the other! - t . (Mobile .fldv, ';'' . Time to speak I have often heard Gr-t ra'e anecdote ot M.me filudeot of Campbell Mill University What bis name Wiis I know not, but I do think bis reply is worthy of preservatmn. 'The college comn ons were at the lime very :oor. particularly the article of butler One day a plate of it wns placed upon the table, which from low; keeping, bd be cone mne'd. One of the a udti K upon tasting it, was so exasperated a to fCZe tbe dish and Ihri'Mr it, buter and all, a gainst 1 he wall. The dish.of ro iiie, was shivered to p.ecer, but the buHer Slut k lo tbe room. One of the tutois in-latiily to and demanded who was the peipe trator of the mischiif ... Theie was no answer The demand was repeat, d. when after a tew moment's silence, a 8ri"rp"ire-rolitd. 'jlk . he butter il is od tnough tospiak far itself." StraRge Ihcidcht young lady, in Miss. uH, a -leepmg one morning in her tied, when a bee more . iucluilrinus than she, came buzzing into her room in ut of honey. Spying her ruby lips, it alighted, no doubt ini-.kn)g them f r a aose. l he buzzing of bis little wing a w ke the lair one, who, in an instant, elruck the honey srarchtr insect with her tiat'd, and teceived in return a sting on tier lip. She went vfith a wnllen lip to a young n an, who happened to be near, and begged tiim to extract the tting. He set bis head to work t devise a plan, to effect her purpose; and finally concluded that tbe only way was to suck it ut He proposed the plan she jgreed- the ting was extracted, but it seems it . went to the young man's heart, for he kept trying to extract bee stings from her lips, till they were summoned by Old C upid lo appear a' Hymen's holy alter. . The remedy is no doubt a good one. At all events there would be no harm in frying. It aint bad to lake. Fred. Herald. , 1 J""-' - W DIED, iied at bis residence in MonticclIVt t everhiJ rst 'evn o'clockn tni 1 uridoe, V&3J jnst., Dr. A. S. Et "ntembor pi societyf r,i "d respectable ; Ins age.'; ' .; ; 8th y'ear of COMMERCIAL.: iffoTTOJ.-Sal.. Y..,..T".r "1 ,0J8- ,W UdlCI lUtllSSippi, f)0 do Louisiana, 105 do dq . . . - 499 do d0 - . , . 6 do ; flo ' , ., 46 do do . ' .' 9(cenu ?i a 9 - 10 9? 10 inc.. na riB.itir.riA. m ttraio oemanc. tlavanna hifa. 15 no. 8 a 9. cents dull. JVutatm.-On LeT.e, 30 a 33 cent, per gallon, : tales. On plantation. 23 a 25 cent. Park. Clear 18 a 19dolliat,r hhi x . ' "SOt MOlSa -d,,, , Prire,'ll asVli; ; t U 10 a II, small sales -very dull ' I.Von.-Hami.j-- a 10 a ll cents per'fut canvassed 14 a 15 do, Middlings, 8 s Bt do itmulders, 61 a 7 do, limited Sales. rrf.-Per lb. 5i a 7 cents, according to quality ' ""--f7 85,7 50 -sales very dull. Cojf.-.favanna Green, 12 a 13 eta; Bio 12 124 1 .lavs, 15 a 16, tales.' " rtf.Rectlod, 43 a 43 cent, per caHon c-pmmon,4j do, amaH supply. . . . . '-Sa't. Liverpool, coarse, $1 ja -1 fine 2 SO per sack sales. , v ir''iKentucky, W a 2 2 cfs. Rope. 9 a Putted by tfie Jioard of Selectmen of Uie louix f jifoitlirelfo al ihiii trttioninFtbruaiy'iS'. " BK IT OBDA1NKO,' by the Prtsi.lent anH Selectmen of the ton 11 (,f Montirello, that the 6U1 Section of un ordinance providing lunrlry regulation for tlie penceable, o'lerly, and Whole omt) Government of the towuof Mouticello be re pealed. . , .4nd. Be il furllier otilai,uiL, Be the Pieiident and Selertinen of the town of Montirello, that bo ipirttuoL" Iwi'io'i uliall Ij retailed on 'he Snbbath dnyafierthe hour of nineo'clocV A. by any person ex.-ept a regulnr'y lirenwd tavein keeer who .hull be fully provided to 8C ommoda'e trav eller and lioanle.-s, under a penalty of five doJIuii for evey wicli oflente. 3rd. Be it farllier o,ihiiel. Tbatene oergoti who shall be convicted of telling spirituous liquors, to an sliiveor slaves without a written permission ! from their master of overseer, tfill pay a fine of five dollars for every such offence recoverable by warrant. . - v A. HAHGIS, Prcs't. J. C. Chance, Rec'y. Feb. 17,1838. ORDINANCES Patted by the Board of Selectmen of lhe town of Monticello alUieir tetu m in Di cembcr 1837. BE IT OHDAlNlSD,iiy the President and Selectmen of thH towii of ;Monticello, i.i gen eml ineetini convened : that It .hull be the di'ty of the President and helectmen of Monticello to sp piiut patroll 10 kerve in Monticllo for the sp.ic.i of uoi less th inone nor more than three months f.otn tha time of ap;tpirt'nient, and such patroll si a, pointed, who shiill refuse to serve shall be subject to a fine of live dollar for each night he so refuses to act. The first peron named on the list shall act asCapinin, and it shall his duty to cali his company out at least uce a week. The Captain of a patroll so appointed who shall refuse to act as above specified shall he subject to a fine of not less lhau five lollars. In their acts they shall be gov erned by the laws regulating patroll of the Statu. 2nd, Be it furllier ordained. That it shall be the duty of the Captain of the Patroll to report all de faulters lo the President or a Justice of the Peace, under the above specified penalty. The ahov- fines shall be recovered by warrant f oin the President or a Justice the Peace for tbe countv. ; A. HARGIS, President. '! - vV'' J. C. Chance, Sec'y. Monticelloj Feb. 17, ?83& Administrator's Sale. UltSU ANT to an order from the ProU e Cou'l ol Marbo County, will be s dd, to the highest bidder, on redit of Pen Mouths, l Ibe lute riiiilenf eof Jo m Ad an, la.e of Ma deceased, oa the first dav rf Vlarch oextall th p -ronl estate of said de. ceased-, nmi. in of NEGKOES, ItOKbcN WAGGONS. OXK.V. SIIKEr1, HOUS, STOCK, CATTLE, CORN, FODDEB, Hi min; u e.isil, and houxe bo d and kitchen fir niture, rtje-puicnaser gm approve security, " February, 17, 1838-18 It. SPATE OP Ml 5 MAUI I p, l,i L wreni ecir- Lrwrenee County. J end Court. Wa. WeHlheist-y, i I o Mar h Ttrm 1833. ... . s ... . M. It. eves. Attachment for l 10 II' appealing to the satisfaction of the CoU't, thiil the il4feodnt has abuconded or iiiri):r iih'iwelf tht the ordinsr prot-es of the Itw r aunol be erved opun h'in: whereupon it ii. or ler-d lh,t u.dess lhe Jfcadani appear, put in Special b it and plead in plaio!.i(Ps c iion . n or he ore the first Jay ol ibe "ext Ma t h emol this Coiirt, jud'ement 0 al will be ten dered against Mm, xnd the estate attached will I e sold lo H(.sly plaintiff's clmm and all cosl II is further ordereJ that the Clerk of thi Com t cause a mpy of thi- order lo be publish ed for sis week" successively, in the newjaper called the Pearl River Banner, priuted a.id published m the town of Monti, etlo. I certify the tbove to be a true extract from ; the minutes of said Court. IN l ETlviOSY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h nd ' and offirrrl Seal at (he . town ol Moniicelbi, this the seventh day of Oc ober, 1837. EDWARD L BOVVT.N, Clerk M inticetl " Feb. 13 lB-6t. How to save Cost. "X LL' 1 hose iullij$f I lo Co P hea & CameTon for adver lisng an l job work, are request ed to settle the same by the 1st day of March, or they will be sued without respect to persons. Feb. 10 1838. TAKRN UP, TTDY Wm. Mixon a ill) small gray Horse five years old next hprtiig. . tiitf Dtisn ol nts lan out off . Appraised to fQO bv Wm. Stringer &M. T.'Mikell A. HAKGIS, Kmigeru U, V Bow UN J. P. Feb.' A DMINSTR ATOttS TTO 1 ICE is hereby given to aiPper snis inde'iletl to the estate of Sam uel Walton, deceased, to make immediate payment to the undersigned Administra tor and to those to whom the said estate is indebted to present their accounts for payment duly all .wed to NATIMN JONES, Administrator. mJOTICE is given lo all persons inter A' ested, tbatatthi next term of the Honorable Orphans Court for the county of Lawrence Stale of Mississippi. , to be beld af Monticello on the fourth Monday of January next, application will be trade for final settlement of the estate of Samuel Walton deceased ; NATHAN JONES. . jJminisfrator. -Feb. 3, 1838-17-47. 7N A- AMD S .SV1IIH, CT associated ; j)lIri.J'roBte. of tnisiusiitut'on, feel gratified 1 ti o il ) f n-t h 0 . 1 rv.r 1 1 C .f tie bei,,8 enabled to inform its friends and the l it., M,',li .! 1 V public generally, thaf the-uitd-i for th accon law. tUy w.ll alUndlo iii.fs.innal Vu 1 w,i.uonof TeVchexs au I'upUs, U nearly eon, siness Hi Hie buiertir Com l IteHr In 1 ideted, and will be 0end fur the reception of stu Jacksin, ant in tbe counties of Lew 'ent on the first pf January net. It is a large renre Mnn, Covineti.il, Simpson Co --nd handsome eUime of two storic!., cominandiog niak 1M,i P.b- ., iT..-. . r v.'" beautiful proi-uect of tnetown and neighborhood, p.ah and P,kt sny .bueines confided ? .The upper room will be appropriated ?o the fe IDeit care Will receive their prompt and male rteDartmet. the luwer to tha L. If u undivided attention. lo.'- - Office it Montitef.' Feb. 1, 1838 17-lf. DOCTOR J. DALV. It' ESPECTFULLV informs the citizens of .w i..ui.uiriiu nun 11, uriimjf, insine nat per manently located himself in Monticello wUb rhrf tiuention of practicing in the variotuj departments of his profession, and hopes o receive tbe patron age of the community.- '. ' The Doctor wil he in readiness to enter upon the duiia of hi, piofesiion in a feW dsys. Moadcello Jan. 90, 1838 154w". j .. - i ; , J. S. COLLINS , , Attoroeand Counsellor nt Law LKXIiOTOV I Mint 1 County, Musisstpp. Sept. 30 1S37, ly , , Notice. W ET'I'ERS. Admniisiration baring been granld to the undersigned ,ot the estate of John Adams, late ol .Marios county; deceased, by tbe Honoroble Pro bale court of stid county ol Alarion at he January term J838 of said Court. A :l persons indebted to said estate are here; by tioiified lo make payment innnietrute ly lo the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate are ,n quested to pr"srnt th-sn properly aulheti ticated within the liwe prescri' ed bv law. orJhey w ill be fnreter birred . . 1 ANDERSON AD VMS d'lDr. Jan. 6, IR38 -I6-4w I'M I". IVoticc. " ETTERS of administration having beta SLJt granted to thJ undersigned by the Probate Court of Lawrence county, at the January Ter,in( 1838. on theentate of 'Jushih Stringer deceas ed Notice is herel.y iven to all persons having cldimskiigainsf sai I est if, to present them guly au thenlicatiKl, witlnn the tbuu prescribed by law,'rr tliev will be forever barred : an l those indebted so saiil estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. NOAH NTIVGF.R, I LEVI STRINGER, . WILLIAM STRINGER, ' Adra'rs." 27. I317-!6-Gw. . . ,, . Jan, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE .lEJ( I ILL i' her.-f.y iven lo a'! per- " sons id bled to theeslale oi leiian- dr Morgan, deceased, to make paym'nt to the undersigned Admtnisirator ami to c (hose to whom the said estate is indebted to present their aciounia for paytnenl du' ty allowed to CHAKLtS M tun ILL. Administrator, NOTICE is given to all persons int r ested, that at lhe next term Ot tbe Hon orable Orphans Court for the county rf Hancock, Sute of Mississippi, to he held at Sbieliisbort'Ugh on the fourth Afmday of January neat. Application will be nade for an order of sale of the real es tate of Alexander Mo-g.-m dee'd, situated in the aloresaid county, by ' ...... bll1HliIi.-lv.Enll4j,,;j . en i di .irnnu i dnriitiiiM'or. Habolochitto, Hancock county. Dec. '25 18.J7- 1 15-3w; T NOTICE, ''X LETTERS of .Administration having been granted to tbe ' undersigned at the Debember term, 1837, of the Probate court of Lawrence county, on lhe estate of William S. Csrter.'deceased.- Noiee is hereby given to all persons indebted" to a ... a a".. ' ' said estate to inane immediate payment and those bavins claims against the same to present them duly authenticated with in the time prescribed by law, of they Will De rorever irarreg. S JOSEPH SIMMONS, ' Mr." Monticello, Dec. 30 1837 " 13-61,' SECOVD division, GENE1AL OKDKRS. ii " - DecsstsEB 22, 183f, 11 itriTn .1 ---.r,-S. ilrtvirvi reieivKu . sausis;; I'.fv evident that -the- office of Brigadier General in the second Brigade of this Djvi 1-011, is vacant I do bereTiy' iiler and require tha Corn manding Officers of the Ctl V llth, 15th. 23d, 30th, 3.1.U .'"'ments, tfoinp'i in the iviiht, ortii... of Lawr.'iite, VVayne. Covinelon Jones Lauderdale, Clatke end Jasper, or in q tauu 01 sucn oincers, the dheniu ol said cotinliee, to cause an election to be ieii in their several counties on the 22nd, day of February next, for a Brigadier Genera f said seiid Brigade, and to make con solidated return"ib4( election seli'erf beld, to the Adjutant Qenef ST i.fthe:Stale according to the provisions of thi"lct to regulate tbe Mil ilia of this Stat.' ' V JOHN A QUITMAN .Major General, 2nd Div..!M. MX The Eastern Clarioo will, pleaseJ puWish this order m three weeks, or unv til me insertion therein, of the election' notice, by the proper officer. . spacious and air y, and will be furuMied with every i vrnmmoda ion to promote the education of youth. 1 ne lucffiKfa 01 t'na iiinujiiuit, is in inoniireiio on Pearl ltlverin the county of Lawrence. A tuwn celebrated for its salubrity and health. It a bounds with never f tiling spring of the purest wa ter. Parent . hrefore regarding the health of their children, can no where promise themselves ipore flattering hopes of its continuance than at this Academy. v 1 ' . Tbe institution will be under the supennien-. oenceof tbe Hev, A. K, Giuvt s, a gentleman o Client and experience. Tbefollowing Honorable and Kev gentlemen are referred to, as having recommended Mr. Caves to the Trustees, as a mm of unblemished character, a ripe scholar and a skilful teacher. The Rev. Jeremiah CbanlUerliahD. IX Presi dent of Onkliirid College. Rev, Ieiijiiinin Chose A. M. of Adams county, ' ftev. Benjamin Shaw A. M. of Woodville'Wi! kinsoh county. . Rev. A. U. Lawre.n e A. M. Editor of the New Orleaut Observer. Hon. John Henderson of Hancock county. ' Hon. C, P. Smith of Woodville Wilkinson county. " The female department will oe under the care Sc. management of Miss Sophu ftovcn, a ladywhn enjoystbe well earned reputatidn of a qualified and successful instructress, Mie nas for the last four years been the principal teacher ot the Fe male Seminary at Port Oibson. ZIATS3 or TUITIOW. ' Spelling n.id lieali.g per immih $2,00 Writing, Modern Geography, common . Arithmetic and Engl'i8h Orainmar per month. 3,00 Ancient Geography, Aneient and Modern History, Political Economy, Constitution of the United Mutes, Na tural, Moral and Intellertual Philoso phy, L031C and llhetoac per month JI,UU Lai n and UrecK languages, riiJtine- t nutic , Astronomy, t hemibtry Oeology, Miner alogy and Botany per moiuh $5,00 Freni-h, Music and Drawing at the Usual rates, extra. ' - Weekly exercises in composition for all of sul- ficient ase. and also in dectuuntion it the male pupils. An extensive setof Apparatus U procured, iufli ciant for illustrating the more difficult parts of Geo- eraphy, Mathemancs and t -onomy, and tor the performance of all the mo;e instructive and iuteres- nsODtlV, Board, including losing, wasinng, Jigni ana fuel can be had in nr'.vate fimihes lor ten or twelve dollars per moniii. ... Mr. Graves will himself board those pupils whose parents or guardians wish to place them under his Particular cars, not only during Academical hours but those of in'CMiissioo; for Hie duty of a Precep tor is not discharged by merely importing mtellect 1 at in-tnirtion,i.utexiends to the cultivation and improvement of the manners and morals of those entrusted 10 his rhora:e; The amount for bnardln? and tuition, except tor books and that which is called "extra" in the rates will he $ 200,00 per year. There will be but one vacation in tne year, in addition to the usual holidays and festivals. This vacation will be of hue month, ending on the third Wednesday of September. The regular com mencement of the Academic year, will therefore be the Thursday following that third Wednesday nf lrfntmri!'eT. . It is very I esimo'e,tnat as many aa po-uic m the children whose parents or gunroians are disposed to send to the Academy fot the comirig season, should be present ai ine cuminem-cmum, that the best classification of the pupils may beat once effected. By order of the Hoard : A. FOX, President. Josikph NtvtANe, Sec'y. onbcello Dec. 6th, 1837 nil otibcry. g 1 DOLLARS REWARD. Stolen Of f f f fron, the stage ort the Spring Hill Road, last evening, (21st of Nov.) about three o'clock, the Mobile and Columbus mail. . ine a bove reward will be given for the apprehension of the thief and mail, or a liberal reward for either. At about the snme time the Greensboro atage wan taken from the Post Office, and the thief not finding thjs mail therein, left it about three block distant from th Post Office, with the horsea hitch d. - . . .. Those having neqt money tn tne maii,wouio 00 well describe it, and have it advertise, as 11 may lead to the detection of the villain or villain. The counfry papers throughout the State of Al abama aud, Mississippi, are requested to publish the above two or three times in their respective pa pers. ' - UeC 5J7, IBJ7. List ot Letters. r r. AIM.VG in ihe P-nt Olfi. e at Mon ti ll, ello. Mi., on 3Ut Decce-nber t33T, whi h ifnofoldfT within the three months ensuing Will forwardei lo the Oeoeral Post Office, Washin?ton City as Dead Letters. r . AAakew Wm. a., Armsiooj Jesse, Atford :tf-Boara Jesse, Baofcley Edward or James f t :.'- ' cCooper iwenr crren. ouir courr-o,-CannoA Capt. E. J-, Cola John, D DougUs James. . . . . , Q ranberrr George 3, Green V . M., Green John, Grin.teaJ 1 '. . H -Harlaog Anurew j J JeU Hamilton. f . . l3SM Mre Ntary, McUmher lAaron Ma,(ie Eti!. M3-e Rob. Mallard Joseph Massle Nathaniel. Martin John, Wassie Wm.. Mikalt G. M., Martiu Uobert, Mcey Wm. N-i Nohla' JtTc. O (VNeel Joseph. . . P Pattan Me; Atg-nf, Ponaie'oo Z. E. t R .Rothbri ije J. A.. Roberts Samuel. SSlaittr Charles, Slaiter Thou. B . ?ttno Cot. S., Stringer Josiah T., Sultoa Col. Wm Sanders Benj 3, Sandfor eirjamin. Sheriff or Iwr.nCeCofntf f, M9carboroifrh St McGah ac rhTOORh Noth. Sullen Rauben, Smith JirtfclVi.-4.-e0 Jtfitei C TTynes Ocea m '-Jfijs Efflilf. j , W White Clark, Whitetoeal Carn ? V EDWARD ENGELHARD P. M wvticellc,, January ft, 1&31 M- 5 ; SMALL. CiUN0E AlUtlV A L U J K P A in v in of ifliiilft. ftrrim BftotuniAVKfi tltt Fnn (Ih), Wcdnesdajfc hikI Friday? at 3 p 51. For Bro ikhaVe closes Monday!!. Trtttrsdays nil J Saturdfivs, niB a.m. rrom MokrOb -diin Sort dove and Wednesdays, at 7 p. m. - For M()MROEclises Mon dfiys ml 'l liursdnvs, 7 a. m. S500KEWARO. TCIbC'APED irotu the jail of J-Li Lauderdale c nnfy ;iss., on the night ol lhe l.Otfr" insr ROBERT B. MERBETT,said. Mrrreit is Upwards oY six feet high, long faced, Mack lia'ir awl ey s. uiiltH heavy he,ird, anii lark complexion: is a stout Imih portly looking man, about, thirty yer ll, movrs quick speaks ninthly, but when exci ted, verv profane. Snid Aierreit was imprisoned for the wilful murder of Wm. D. Pellam of this couuiy. The above reWatd will lo givf n to any person who will de liver said Merreit lo me in Ma rion, or confine him in any tiafe- jail, so that I may get him. ISHAM PACE. Sh'flf of Lauderdale county, Martin, Nov. 24, 1837 INFORMATION WANTEIX TkAMElL SCOTT, and DOhC.S, Uts' wile, nnigraled to tbe western court lr. rr .y years ago from the county of Cairell North Carolina. They are sup posed to reside, if living, in bb ot the States of Tennessee, fabama or Missis " sippi. J'he ol.ject of this is to notify iliem, if lliey aiC alive, or if tbe are dead, the c hi 1,1 ren of the dody of pr.rcis Scott (who Wi Dorcas Cannon.) tha' if tbey will address a line to Attn Scoil,(sit ter to Danifl Sco'.t,) directed to DanVilta, Va., they will hear, in reply, tf sotne thin ioat-rially tolheir advantage, 07-The undersigned, who is an elder ly and infiim female, '.'irnbly enlreats ferj ilnrs of papers in the Western and SoUtb western Stale, as an act of bene.VolenrPr and in furtherance of th ends ol jostit, to jcive (he above a fe w insertions in their respective journals! ANN SCOTT, Danville, Va. Oct. 15, 1837 , ' Factorage : Commission Basinest IV MOBILE. THEsuhsciiber renews the tender ofliis services as a Fac tor and Commission Merchant in Mobile Circumstances be yond bis control Will fcaose bitn to re main in Mobile so late that he will be un able to gee many of bis Georgia and S. Carolina friends personally. llv is hosf ever, enabled to say that he has correct ed hirWIf wi.h Col. C. L AMTUEiVS, of Dalla county, in the Steam Press and Ware House business, by which he Mts to all who may be-pleated to patronize him, superor fire poof storage, lor all cotton consigned to him for sale. , From his longefperience in Augusta Georgia, in this business, be does not douM he will be able to give general Satisfaction. FRANKLIN ' C. HEARD. Mobile, Not. 8, 1837Mm. Take Notice. rllAT, on the 33rd day of December next, i puruance of an. order from the ProbstS Court of Carroli County, I shall-proceed sell to th highest biddert a quarter sectiou of land, knowa as the Good 9 mi Mill tract,1' situatcd'on the east fork of White S'ah.l, in the i tihty of Lawr nee. Purchaser to give bond with approved security. Sale to Uke place on the premises time of credit made knw on the day of sale. Said land will e sold by the nndersignedi as guardian for Marth Dormer Goodson, a minor beirof Willian Cootf ..... j-.w. 1 NATHAN HOOKER, Nov. Hi lfi3T6, 6w Guardian.. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Lawrence County.. ( ," Probahate Cntrl, Ootuber Term. 1837. WHEREAS, it having been represented V rthis Court brtheEexeciitor of Sarah Mc Alpine deceased, that it would be for the benefit of those iutcrested, that the real estate of said dee'd should be itold, it is therefore ordered by the Court that all persons interested in said estate be and ap pear at the next December Term of said Court to shew cause .if any can why said estate should not be sold. It is further ordered that a copy of the above order be published n the Monticello Peart River Banner for six Weeks successively and he advert!" l(n three of the rast public places tn lie rO"'!f;-V'. ' f.l;..; . Witvfw, the Honorable. M. B. . i,TiLr,,T T...in m.r to..-.i.. : Lind tor Iwrenr rnon. ' tttutd 23d. October 837, 'THontleeUoOct. 831? -4t'w. Joti,Printiofir OV EVERY KIW1 V SEfMTEp AT THIS OtTCiU