H o w S s ; Y o u r Eye sigh t? This Is a Question of Vital Importance, and One That Should Command Vour Immediate Attention DELAY MEANS DANGER IF GLASSES ARE NEEDED 4 Many go through life handicapped with imperfect eyesight or constant sufferers of headaches when they could enjoy ease and comfort by having correctly fitted glasses and the world would be brighter and life would be 'more worth living. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION AT ONCE " (nJIS) Irp lol ill if if ad. IF YOU FROWN OR SQUINT TO SEE; IF YOU CANNOT w- RECOGNIZE YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE STREET; IF YOU Suffer with Headache; if the letters blur or run together when C l reading: if youY eves become tired if things appear hazy at a distance, though you may be able to read rXg the finest Print- 0,d people that can read fine print without glasses cannot see well at a distance. We can fit glasses that will give them good vision. Do not let your child suffer with eye-strain headache. I am especially prepared for testing school children's eyes. It won't cost e1 you anything to consult us and have your eyes examined by our scientific and exacting methods. We are careful. "You should be." Thousands of satisfied patients will testify as to the merits of our skill. We have testimonials from prominent people all over Mississippi. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. XV GLASSES II. THE QJM INVISIBLE BIFOCAL BYRON MITCHELL, Optometrist IN MISSISSIPPI SINCE 1900 Whittle & Young's Drug Store Vardaman. Monday, June 26th; E92ESI3&35SS22 OKOLOM MESSFNfiCH ESTABLISHED 1872. Mjits'.'KirnnN vwv.v, 11.00 pkr vkai1 QUiNN. editor and Pulitislic OSitai of Ch'ckasaw Co Office- ) i !S. Res! Irncc, M I2fi: IniK orient 22; Cumberland 0 Entered at 'Uf V'iss.. as S?ii Post Oficf in OkoIoiv. ,.! Cis Mail Mallei Adv ertisina rates q'ler-'. Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, etc., (except from regularly organizer' bodies, sitfned by ofbeers . or commit ee) wi'1 !ic (barbed for nl one rent i. word frr fili over 100 words. ra:;b tr accompany copy. OKOLONA MISS., JIN 22. 1916 ANNOUNCECENTS For Congress C. li FRANKLIN WILLIAM C. WARD T. U. SISSON Senator John S. Williams is said to have won a great per sonal victory at the Democratic convention at St. Louis in secur ing the adoption of a plank in the platform favoring a clothure rule in the Senate. Mr. Williams is usually right when he makes up his mind and arises to speak on any subject, yet we still believe he is human and liable to err; and this is one time we believe the liability has over taken him. Since the Senate was first or ganized, it has been the right of each and every senator to speak on any measure before that body and to talk just as long as he pleased, provided he could find something to say and physical endurance lasted with his voice. This riht, as privilege if you wish to call it such, has at times been abused and that very badly ; it has also served to defeat bad measures, and that perhaps a. often as to prevent good legisla tion. The Senate is supposed to be a body of gentlemen, chosen by the- people, a free sovereign people, to represent them and to see that their interests and rights respected by the whole natior; and it-is wrong to close the mouth of one of these so long as 1 e thinks the interest of his peop e is at stake. Such a rule has lorg been in force in the House and many times has gagged tie minority, and even forced a con siderable portion of the majority party to remain quietly in the r seats, while the 'bosses" put over a job not rue!- to their liking. . A clothure bill is wrong . in principle and bad in practice ai d will rise up" :to haunt its makers -no matter 'who they may be. The lpublicans are gettii. theirs in the House now, and if the Democratic Senate passes such a rule the time will come when the party will regret it. Having What Others Have Do not let your child be servilely ! WflMA M 0101119 imitative of others, but do not! If Ulflflll nVUIUO We all know that the desire to have what others have causes more than almost any other soc ial instinct, We must go where others go. we must do what others do, ,ve must dress like others, we must eat like others, we must travel like others. How often we do things quite indill'erent to our own "tastes and wishes simply because others do them. This tyranny of the notion of others is especially marked in a democratic society, . where evereyone is striving to get up in the world, and to have his wife get up in the world,- and to have her show it by dressing and entertaining as others do, or a little better. Most of all are we anxious not to have our children in any way outdone by the children of others. If Maude next door takes violin lessons at five dollars a lesson, our Gladys must pay five, or six. If Maud's brother, Jim, has a motor cycle, our Tom also must have one. This pro cess too often lands Gladys and Tom in the poorhouse, where, to be sure, they will find a good many others only they are not the others we wish to imitate. Therefore, prudent and thrifty parents never tire ot counseling' wwvniaiciwiicu their children.'Do not consider , many sections of the cotton belt what others have. Govern your I in such numbers as to', be a nutiau lw vmir inMmo nA hzva present menace to tne crop. L.asc only those things that you can let him and still more her be odd, be different, be out of touch with his little world in those minor things that count more for success in life than many persons realize. Watch chil dren's fashions and follow them. When you buy a new toy or a new implement of sport, buy one that will be right, not one that perhaps costs a few cents less and that will be mocked at with the bitter mockery, that children practice and feel. You were young once yourself. Go right back there and try to save your children some of tjie unnec essary misery that you felt. There will be enough necessary misery that you cannot save them. As the main rule of life, hav ing what others have is pitiful. As a correction- for individual oddities and little tactless awk wardnesses, it is -a most useful guide and not to be neglected. Youths Companion. OPERATION How's This? We offer One Hundred dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Ve, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out unv obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL, BANK OK COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is talten internally, acting directly upon' the blood and mu cous Bui-faces of Die system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Taka Hall a Family rills for constipation decently afford. By far the most precious and least-imitable thing that others a few others have, is complete indep endence." Parents of that type often deny their children what they could easily afford simply to root out the everlasting dispo sition to copy the tastes and the expenditure of others. The principie may be carried too far and cause huge unhappi ness, that unhappiness of a child which is huge in its desolation however trivial it may appear I those who are older and wiser. fall was ideal for the weevil to go into winter quarters.' The winter was mild as a whole, with no zero weather. This means the infestation reported. So far the weather has been almost ideal for the first generation of the pest, and, if the weather re mains seasonable for the next few weeks and the farmers do not get busy, the crop will be a practical failure. Keep your eyes open and fight if vdu want to make a crop.. t Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVB 8 TASTELESS chill TSNIC, diivti out Malaria.enrlchestheblood.andbuildsnpthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c vis imri St. Louis and Return FROM Okolona, Hiss. Tickets on sale for special train leaving Meridian, Miss., 2:30, July 3rd, returning on all regular trains, up to and in cluding Train No, 3, departing at 8:40 P. M.f July 5th, 1916. - For particulars apply to your local agent. ' C. RUDOLPH, -General Passenger Agent aSr -"J si x r. 'A Medicine Which Made Sur geon's Work Unnecessary. Astoria, N. Y. " For two yearn I was feeling ill and took all kinds of tonics. I was get ing worse everyday, 1 had chills, my head would ache. I was always tired. I could not walk straight because of the pain in myhack and I had pains in my stom ach. I went to a doctor nd he said I must go under an operation, but J. did not po.- I read in the naner about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and told my husband t.bout it. I ea'd 'I Know nothing v;i!i he'n r.ie but I will try this.' 1 found r.r, 3 jIi improv ing from tne very first bottie, and in two weeks time I was able to sit down and eat a hearty breakfast with my hus band, which I ha J not done for two years. I am now in the best of health and did not ha"e the operation. " Mrs. John A. Konvic, 502 Flushing Avenue, Astoria, N. Y. Every one dreads the surgeon's knife andtho operating table. Sometimes notfiing else will do ; but many times doctors say they are necessary when they are not. Letter after letter comes to tne Pinkham Laboratory, telling how operations were advised and were .not performed -or.if performed.did no good, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was used and good health followed. If you want advice write to Lydia I. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), .Lynn, Mass. Was it a proper incite into the fitness of thinsrs that Hon.' O. E. Franklin adopted as his slogan the' very words taken by the National Democratic party? At anv rate, Franklin was on the grousd first with the slogan, "America First" and "Peace, Prosperity and Preparedness.'' The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble,-and younger people who are wek, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. 50c. . . Worth Thinklno About. But if a man turned over a new leaf every time his wife wanted him to he would have but little time left in which to earn the price ot her bonneta. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear . the Signature 1 ears ' of Fault Sure to Be Punished. He who is false to present dujy breaks a thread in the loom and will find the flaw when he may have for gotten Its cause. Henry Vard Beecher. , . Whenever You Need General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well k nown tonic propert ies of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents. GrCHEQTER S PILLS M-f br.tr IMamsn S TlrnoiV IMII. in Ur4 mj .oid twallicWy MJlrrt with Tin RiUon. Prtiirpl.l. A. frfl! 1.1 -TFR'S IMAj1! Kli VM I'll.L , li.i yrws k frown as TW. Safest. Alvs keliiMn SOLD BY Dftl'GGlSTS niRYV.i;FRE ajw mm., mi j .11 j jjmu .JwnnjRKfi I When I You j Buy 1 Drugs ; AJ l,,,UI" ""'"""WaWUllWWM 3 Do You Think About Qualfty or do you merely call far n certain amount of any given ihina? There are ninny graifed of drugs procurable, and il you Hre not a judge, you should se lect a family druggist'iipon whom you crm rely. If you buy at our slnre you can be sure o( right quality. We han dle only (lie. purest goods. We don't judge quality ly price when we buy, but wc lest all drugs and make sure of purity and right potency. Profit &' the -l expense of a customer's hr all h we do not consider legitimate. . , ' ' We. should like to furnish all of your drugs and drug Ktoi e goods, on the basis of quality goods at fair priceH. BELL & BUCHANAN OKOLONA, :: :-: MISSISSIPPI REES 2SS5EBEE2 YES! We Still Handle Infalcible Flour, Blanke's World's Fair Coffee, Heinz Pickles, In fact every Leader in the GROCERY LINE. Both Thones H. L. Shackelford. ONEY-v'T&'LOAR 5 ON I Eft PROVED FARFJ3S 5 tO YEAR CONTRACTS I am authorized to take applications for loans by the J Investment Co OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Call And See Me If You fleed Honey G.BER Demming OKOLONA, MISSISSIPPI MX - Convenient. Estate Agent (exhibiting property to prospective tenants! And then this -house !s so conveniently located. Not the slightest need of equipping It with etpensiye clocks' to tell the tlme a trala passes every five minutes on th railroad not 30 feet away. Where the Leak la. If I had a wife who would do som sewing for me I wouldn't lose bo mucH money out of the holes In my pockets," growled Mr. Gabb.. "The only hole la a man'a pocket that he loses monef out of la the hole at the top," replied Mrs. Gabb. Cincinnati Enquirer. f